Slime Study: Jelly Cube

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#9 of Tik Tik in the Big City

Tik Tik is lying low for awhile, hiding out from the law in the City of Anteronia. In the meanwhile, she has decided to write up a study on slimes and other amorphous creatures.

First up, Tik Tik tells a story about an encounter a friend of hers has with a Gelatinous Cube

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



Cover art by Crimson Rave Party:

The following excerpts are from my recent study of slimes and related creatures. These come from field notes, journal entries, and other such writings

Three days have passed since I had entered the city of Anteronia, fabled for its understanding and celebration of all things erotic. Little did I know, however, how dangerous a city can be when one is used to live in the wilderness of the Wildlands. A trip to the Temple District saw me and my friends separated, yet I had the distinct pleasure of exchanging techniques with one of the locals, a very vocal harpy.

Too bad the local authorities, the Judicators, had no intention of allowing my new acquaintance and me to know each other more than carnally, and they gave chase. If it wasn't for the surprise feeding of a local slime named Eshere, I would have been caught, and then, I wouldn't have any means to find myself the demonologist I need to free myself of the pest that is the possessing demonic spirit, Zelb.

Oh, with the melodrama already. Can't you give it a rest, Tik? This town is great, and you've found yourself quite good friends indeed. This house wants to fuck you all day long, and your host wants nothing to do with sex. Now, that's what I call a challenge worth accepting

I am not going to force someone to enjoy something they don't care for. I cannot derive pleasure from someone that is unwilling to give it. What is even the point of that?

I could tell you, but it looks like your chair is getting a little frisky right now...

More research awaits, it seems. I'll compile my thoughts on this wondrous creature postha- [Note, the rest of this page is far too splotched to transcribe. I don't recall, for the life of me, what I was going to say. Instead, enjoy this reminiscence from my time at home.]

There have been many slimes that lived in the caves back home in the caverns of the Dragon's Lair kobold tribe. They are mindless, consuming things, devoid of color and of a purpose beyond their own survival. I recall, once, an encounter with one that proved one part dangerous and other parts intriguing. If only I knew then what I know now.

Quiquan and I worked for Tikkit, master trapmaker. Our job, then, was to develop new traps to use on outsiders. On this particular journey, we were assigned the task to find nonlethal means of incapacitating adventurers and ridding them of their valuable gold.

I had never seen eye-to-eye with Quiquan, the light blue kobold always had her head in the moss and never listened to anyone else, but it was Tikkit's orders that I follow her, and follow her I did.

"I'm telling you, Tik Tik," Quiquan began, hopping onto platforms of rock over a pit, "the ancient ruins beneath the caverns are ripe with designs, both natural and artificial. If we can find something there and become 'inspired' by it, Master Tikkit will love it for sure.

"Just be careful, Quiquan," I had told her. "It's dangerous down this deep. Burrowers are sure to make their way to this place. They could really be-"

"Oh, you're just paranoid," Quiqan said. And with that, she hopped to the far end of the ravine. I had kept my eyes on the jumps I would have to make, so it was a few moments before I realized that she had gone silent.

When I glanced up, there was Quiquan, suspended in the middle of the tunnel. She was frozen, her limbs stuck in the middle of her jump. The only movement that came from her was the slight rotation of her body. I watched this display for a few moments, wracking my mind on what it could possibly be. But then, I noticed it--that sickeningly sweet smell that came from only one source--a slime.

As if to confirm my suspicion, the leathers of Quiquan's belt and pouch shrank and warped, dissolving before my eyes. When she finally faced me, her eyes were wide in terror, her mouth agape.

There are many slimes in the darkness, and one cannot see them before it is too late. The tell-tale signs of all-too-clean tunnels were not something we had the comfort of knowing here. The only path across between tunnels must have been eroded by this creature, and at that point, I had to think fast before my clumsy companion was eroded away down to the bone.

When Quiquan's pouch dissolved, various tools and items spilled out for me to see. That's when I thought of my own equipment. Unlike my companion, I had dabbled a bit in the arts of chemicals. I pulled out one that was quite intriguing, but one I had not found a use for yet.

For years, kobolds with stomach issues ate a certain white stone found in the caverns. It was said to have a healing effect against the fire burning inside. But the most interesting part about these rocks is that I had never ever seen a slime traverse those tunnels. My inquisitive mind mixed with the communal protection of kobold kind at that moment, and I took that stone and chucked it across the ravine with all of my strength.

The stone stopped in mid-air, only to slowly sink through the first few inches of the creature's outer membrane. What happened next was a sight to behold, indeed. The stone fizzed and foamed, calcifying the slime until it turned into a giant wall of stony material, completely covering the edge and the tunnel beyond.

I had not thought of such a potential, and I scrambled across the ravine as quick as I could, hoping that my mistake hadn't cost the life of a fellow trapmaker. After all, if Quiquan got herself killed, then Master Tikkit would reprimand me for sure.

As I approached the final jump, the material shifted and crumbled, and Quiquan's head poked out. She gasped, breathing roughly for a moment before she locked her eyes upon me. "Are you trying to kill me!?" She snapped.

Hands on my hips, I responded to her in kind. "You're doing a good enough job of that, yourself. Can you get free?"

Quiquan struggled and shivered, and finally, she shook her head. "N... no. It's tougher deeper in. We need tools."

"Alright, then, I'll go get some help. It might take a while." I spun around and skipped back across. Now, the one getting in trouble would be Quiquan

Dark Digiverse 4

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Tunnels 1

"It's alright. I've read up on it. It should be very simple. Besides, you aren't doing anything with this. I am!" Tik Tik chirps happily, sitting at the foot of the dig boss, her scaled pink body on full display as she sat upon her knees, hands resting...

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Prakibak Chapter 2

Her eyes widened, her very core shook at the sight. She pressed her finger against the illustration and swallowed the saliva that had formed in her mouth. There, written in the plainest of draconic, was a guide entitled "Seducing the Dragons."...

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