Dark Digiverse 4

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#5 of Digimon

Takato Matsuki and Rika Nonaka were once Digimon Tamers, but that was years ago. Now adults, they find themselves in a strange new Digital World, one that has not only transformed their digimon partners, but made them lose their own inhibitions. Now, they are free to explore their sexuality with the newfound sexuality of their Digital Monsters

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All Characters in this are 18 or over

The young man thrusts up into the Digimon, unable to control himself as they bounce and writhe already. A primal need floods over Takato's mind. "Gu-Guilmon! Get off!" he cries out. The Digimon stops, sniffing a moment, and tilting his head. "Takatomon?" "I want you off of me..." he says "and... on your hands and knees!" Guilmon nods and presses his hands upon the human's chest. He lifts up, leaving a film of sex over the man's cock. The Digimon falls to his knees, facing Renamon and Rika, his chin resting on his hands as he stares off at the two. Takato stumbles up to his feet, kicking off the final garments he had on before he looks up towards Rika and Renamon. Renamon sits with legs spread, cock still hard and oozing her cum. She glances up at Takato, who looks away from her and towards Rika, who lays back, staring dumbly into the sky. It's funny... he sees her, and he doesn't feel any shame. He reaches for his chest, running his fingers over his body. Yes... he's naked, and the thought of being naked around her surges his excitement. His skin bursts into gooseflesh, his cock straining with pain and excitement, but it fades. This... this isn't strange... it isn't taboo. "Guilmon..." Takato says, standing up and staring up into the sky. "Yes, Takatomon?" The Digimon asks, lifting up his tail for him. "This... this feels normal. It feels right and natural, but... I remember it not being."

"Please... Takato..." Guilmon whines.' This snaps Takato out of his stupor. Guilmon bites a finger, wiggling his butt. His pussy on full display as it leaks his desires all over the ground. "I can't take it anymore." 'Yeah... this feels right..." Takato says, stepping over to his friend. He grabs Guilmon by the tail and lowers himself down to his knees. "I hope you're ready," Takato says, as he squeezes the tail, pressing the scaled appendage up against his body. He thrusts forward, sliding his cock inside of the Digimon.

Guilmon tilts his head back, letting out breathy cries as he feels the cock penetrating deeper into him. "Aah... ha... Ta.... Takatomon...!" he pants, his face a naughty smile in the direction of the futanari Digimon. "It feels good. It feels good!"

"It really does!" Takato says, squeezing his eyes shut as he ruts into his partner. "Fuck, you're so tight for a big dinosaur! "Aah, fuck me, fuck me, Takatomon!" Renamon, who recovers from her exploits with Rika, stands up and walks over towards the other two lovers. "You seem to be getting used to your new body, Guilmon, but how well can you stand up to the challenges that await you?"

Takato grunts, but opens one eye, looking with an inquisitive curiosity towards the tall and mature rookie. Renamon moves a hand down over Guilmon's face and head, rubbing underneath his jaw. "You know as well as I do that Digimon here do not remain the same creatures they were when they were in the Digital World. And those who cannot adapt will disappear. Let's see how well you can adapt." Her other hand holds her cock up, dripping still with a mixture of hers and Rika's juices. Guilmon looks to it with smoky eyes, huffing with each thrust of his Tamer. A moment later, he wraps his mouth around the length, sucking on it and bobbing it. His tongue laps it up, tasting both of the others.

Renamon breathes out a sigh of relief and grips Guilmon by his wing horns. Guilmon's eyes roll back as he tastes the beautiful sensation of two cocks, spit roasting him. He reaches up, grabbing Renamon by the thighs and bobbing his head along her.

Both of the thrusters gasp as the Digimon takes control, rocking his body to milk both cocks that fill him up so. Takato is the first to tap out. He gasps, groaning out as he releases, sending his seed into his Digimon partner. He falls back, panting, looking around as if he didn't know where he was. A few moments later, Renamon squeezes Guilmon's ears, shooting her own cum down into his throat. The Digimon basically purrs as he pulls his mouth back, sitting up with his hands on the ground between his legs. He gulps, and the slow roll of the lump in his throat is caught by the other Rookie level. "Very good," Renamon says. The ghost of a smirk appears on her face. "We might be ready to do what we have to do to defend Rika and Takato." Guilmon tilts his head, a confused whimper coming from his mouth. Takato pushes himself up, and he looks past the Digimon. Rika pushes herself up. The curves of her body glisten in the sunlight. SHe looks over to Takato, and he looks over toward her, and as they see each other in a post-coital glow, they realize that the friends that they knew as children are now adults and fully sexual beings.

And the desire rises up within them both, burning brightly. Off on a nearby hilltop, a female humanoid figure stands, hiding behind a tree. She smirks as she sees the four there. "Well, well, well... humans have come to this world. This could be quite interesting, indeed. The necessary data to test the master program..." With that, she turns around, and walks behind the tree, disappearing before any of the four can notice her. "Attention, Digital Monsters of all kinds," proclaims the mysterious figure. "There are humans now among us in this new world. Approach them with caution for now, as they are fragile things, but soon enough, you should be able to test your newfound powers against them. And then, once you are filled and have filled them, you will be blessed with a great gift. Now go, spread out, and enjoy yourself in this paradise of pleasure." A large gathering of Digimon cheer at the proclamation, dispersing among the many paths in the Digital World. The humanoid smirks and turns around, walking off to continue to spread the word of the Tamers' arrival.

Tunnels 1

"It's alright. I've read up on it. It should be very simple. Besides, you aren't doing anything with this. I am!" Tik Tik chirps happily, sitting at the foot of the dig boss, her scaled pink body on full display as she sat upon her knees, hands resting...

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Prakibak Chapter 2

Her eyes widened, her very core shook at the sight. She pressed her finger against the illustration and swallowed the saliva that had formed in her mouth. There, written in the plainest of draconic, was a guide entitled "Seducing the Dragons."...

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Prakibak Chapter 1

Tik Tik scurried from the old abandoned campsite. Prakibak had called for her, and she couldn't leave the injured dig boss alone. After all, it is a kobold's duty to see after the well-being of their tribe, and those above a kobold in rank needed to be...

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