Tamati Chapter 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#6 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Tik Tik has many adventures and writes about a lot of them. This is one commissioned by Tamati. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tamatitheninetailedfox/

Tik Tik needs to find some treasures, but only a hoard guarded by an impressive dragon has what she seeks. How can the little kobold get what she wants? Perhaps a trade is in order...?

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My journeys take me to many exotic locations, from the bustling metropolises to the dark holds of evil powers, but there is nothing quite like climbing through the unexplored and wild places, discovering new creatures and documenting their magic and mating rituals.

But as my knowledge of magic grows, so, too, does my need for more and more powerful reagents. One particularly exciting spell requires a hazardous, yet very intriguing ingredient: the spilled semen of a dragon.

As a member of the Dragon's Heir tribe, I know the power and majesty of dragons, yet I also know that they are quite elusive creatures, hiding mostly in lairs far from the world. I had heard rumblings of a dragon living in a cave up in the mountains, and he is a terrible beast, indeed, guarding some deep and dark secret. My thought was that perhaps I could learn what secret he had been guarding while also obtaining the semen necessary for my spell to work. So, I made preparations and made my way up the mountain, but I took the kobold's route, running through the dark tunnels, heading up higher and higher into the twisting caverns, until I eventually found myself smelling the telltale signs of life... of a distinctly masculine scent.

I poked my head out from the small cavern I had found, only to gaze upon the shining example of the quintessential dragon's horde, but just beyond that, there sat the dragon, humanoid in form, but with the rippling, scaled muscles of a great wyrm indeed. He looked up from his seat, his eyes narrowing as smoke billows from his nostrils.

"Look at this. It's a kobold. Come to my lair. Why is that? Do you wish to serve me, like the rest of your kind? Or are you here to steal from these treasures?" I narrow my own eyes and wriggle my way out of the tunnel, popping out into the chamber beyond. I wiped off the dirt from my pants and shook my head. "No, sorry, oh, great dragon. I am not here for that, but instead, I am here to collect knowledge and ingredients for a spell."

"Oh, a wizard, are you?" he asked, using a massive sword as a cane as he pushed himself up. He lifted the weapon, resting it over his shoulders as he stared down at me. "Well, I do not give away services nor goods for free. Tell me, what are you willing to trade?" I tilt my head up, looking him in the eyes as I held my book up to him. "I am a storyteller and a wizard, Tik Tik! I come here to-" "Tik Tik?" The dragon growled. He stepped over his pile of treasure and kneeled down before me, leaning his head close and giving me quick sniffs. "I have heard of a Tik Tik... are you the famous Eromancer? The one who overthrew the Dark Sorceress?" I must admit, I was quite surprised to have been so well known, especially from a dragon. News travels fast when one makes their splash in Anteronia, it seems. "My name and my deeds travel before me, it seems." "A rare treat for a kobold, indeed," He said. "So, what brings you here, little wizard? What exactly are you looking to take from me? Knowledge, I can understand, but I do not sell ingredients. Let me guess... my blood? My scales?"

I shook my head, "No, sir. I humbly request to extract from you your manly semen, so that I may perform a powerful sexual spell." "Well, now, isn't that interesting. Sure, I'll play along with you, but you got to do something for me..." The dragon chuckled as he sat back upon his gold, crossing one leg over the other and resting his head upon his hands. "You'll have to use your body to get it out of me."

Oh, of course, it wouldn't be so easy. "Well, I would have been happy just watching you think about me and my works," I said, unhooking my cloak. "But if you really think a little kobold like me could please a mighty dragon like you, I shall certainly try." He chuckled and moved his one leg down. Now, his massive dragon cock stands up high, slick and oozing with desire. "It's been far too long since I've had a female. Let's see if you will work well to satisfy this desire of mine." I folded all my clothes neatly and placed them to the side before I sauntered my way up towards the dragon. I climb the pile of gold and get between his legs. By the time I am face-to-face with his cock, I notice just how huge it is compared to me. I had to turn my head up just to see the tip, and I could climb on top of him, wrap my arms around him, and rub my body up against the length to stimulate him. That is how I start, sitting upon his pelvis, facing away from him, as I stroke my underbelly over his massive shaft.

The dragon sighed, shifting and groaning as he adjusted to the rhythm of my rocking. I look over my should towards him, and I fluttered my eyes. "I hope this is sufficient for you, Master Dragon. I have learned to please larger men in my travels. Yours is one of the most impressive I've seen, in size and in girth." "There are not many who can rival a dragon," He replied. I nod and turn my head back, rolling out my tongue and pressing the muscle against his flesh. It quivers under my touch. The taste made me shudder as well, with the mix of musk and metal, a dragon's length is nothing like anything else I have tasted. The dragon reached down, gripping his impressive head around my skull. He shoved me up against the shaft, forcing me to make out with it, not that I minded, mainly, but I am no mere kobold. I am Tik Tik, and I have more up my sleeve.

Tamati Chapter 2

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Soon enough, Takato and Renamon stumble out of the darkness. Both of the waiting campers sit up, looking over towards the returning couple. "Mmm... it took you long enough," Rika says, sighing as she spreads her legs apart, her fingers going between...

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