Tamati Chapter 2

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#7 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Tik Tik has many adventures and writes about a lot of them. This is one commissioned by Tamati. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tamatitheninetailedfox/

Tik Tik needs to find some treasures, but only a hoard guarded by an impressive dragon has what she seeks. How can the little kobold get what she wants? Perhaps a trade is in order...?

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I gave the dragon my own brand of full-body cock loving, but he soon sighed and leaned back, reaching forward and pinching at my tail. With little trouble, he lifted me up, leaving me dangling and powerless. "Ah, you are a little fire spirit, aren't you?" He sighed. "Perhaps, I could find some ways to have with you, after all." At that statement, he licked his lips and opened his mouth.

"E..., eat me!? No, you don't want to do that!" I pleaded, dangling haphazardly.

He blinked, then chuckled. "Oh, no, I don't want to eat you." He then brought me closer, opening his mouth and rolling out his tongue. The warmth of his breath fills my entire lower body as his sharp teeth scratched up against my scales. I wrap my legs around his head, panting as the tongue rested upon my underbelly where his cock had been only a few moments ago. He laughed, but couldn't talk with me there so placed in his mouth, but he closed his eyes and slid his tongue down along my body. I shuddered, my own eyes growing heavy as he slicked saliva down along my scales, making me shimmer in the glimmer of the gold. Soon, though, that thick, wet, muscly tongue pressed itself right up against my slit. "Aaa... Aah... not EAT me, but Eat me OUT!" I gasped, hands holding onto his snout. "V..., very fun-funny!"

He leaned back, holding me in his mouth as his tongue lashed over my slit over and over again, tasting me as if I were some snack, but showing that he could please me with hardly any effort on his part. I started to wonder just how formidable his loving could be If he tried and if I could survive the full brunt of his lust.

Biting my lip, I could not help myself but release, spilling my love over him. He groaned, tasting my sex as I squirmed in him. With a spit, he knocked me down onto his chest, making me a heaving, glistening lump of satisfaction. Licking his maw again and smacking his lips, he made a show of enjoying himself. "Ah, that was wonderful," he sighed. "Nothing like the taste of satisfaction upon a beautiful woman." "B... beautiful...?" I gasped, the words barely escaping my mouth before I felt the warmth in my cheeks. "It isn't often I see such an oddity. Pink, bright-eyed, so full of wisdom, yet so very erotic. Usually, the ones who fall to their base desires are simple stupid things, thinking they could deep throat me." He sighed at that as he reached downward, wrapping his hands around my small frame. Thumbs press up against my spit-covered underbelly, the strong digits rubbing my chest in a massage. "Some kobolds show off more mammalian traits. I take it your breed does not."

"T..., that is what you want?" I asked him, still finding the feeling of his fingers upon me to be pleasing.

He nodded. "If you want, of course." Remembering a simple illusion spell, I instructed him to relax and listen to the sound of my voice. AS I recited it, both of us felt ourselves drifting off into a hypnotic haze until, eventually, reality warped for us the way we sought it. I lay there on top of him, curvier, more dragon-like with a more extensive set of horns, and with breasts pressed against his chest.

Immediately, he pushed me down onto the bed of gold and took full handfuls of my chest. In reality, though, we were still sleeping, dreaming of the encounter as I lay curled up on his chest.

He pinched the dream me's nipples and fondled my breasts. Meanwhile, I tilted my head back, gasping as he was able to work on me without actually doing any damage. He pressed his face in between my chest, groaning happily as he licked over the scales of my chest. I moved my hands down, gripping at his horns and pushing him up against me. I growled with a draconic delight, the back of my mind, knowing that this was only a temporary situation.

Soon, he pulled his mouth free and smiled up at me, resting his chin upon my chest. "Tik Tik, such a wonderful name. I am Tamati Dragneel, and I have been guarding this treasure for a long, long time. But to find a wizard of your calibur... it is quite impressive and most wonderful. This almost feels real."

I blink as I run my hand over his horn, scratching behind it. "Ah, so you figured it out..." He nodded. "ARr you enjoying this, or do you wish I please the real you?"

I tilt my head. "Why... why are you so nice to me? I should be serving

He nuzzled his head against my cheek and whispered back to me. "Please, call me 'Tam." I awoke, yawning, and rolling onto my stomach. I kicked my legs up and smiled down at the dragon laying under me. He opened his eyes as well, and he pushed himself up to a sitting position, letting me tumble down until I hit his hardened member. "Well, the next part would certainly be more easy with someone closer to my size." I turned around, facing away from him as I hugged his cock again. Giving it a lick, I giggle. "I'll be happy to serve." "To be served?" I tilt my head. "What are you saying, Tam?" He pats me on the head, scratching with one finger between my horns. "A wizard of your level should have an arcane hideaway, a tower of some sort."

I gasped. "Y... you want to be the guardian to my laboratory!?" He nodded at that. "Certainly. It seems like it would be much more interesting than staying here all day." I quickly agreed to Tamati's proposal. After all, what self-respecting wizard wouldn't want to have a dragon guarding all of their research, but as we left his home in the mountains, I couldn't help but feel there was something that I was missing. Looking through my notes, I lamented that I had forgotten to obtain the secret spell components I had come up here to get in the first place! But we had already made it to the quaint little hut that called my own, and I hopped down off of him, looking down compared to his great excitement.

Tamati Chapter 3

Frowning, Tamati leaned down beside me, laying on his side as he asked, "Something the matter, oh great wizard?" "Oh, Tamati, I came to your cave for rare materials. I may have gotten you, but I really needed something that was said to be in your...

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Tamati Chapter 1

My journeys take me to many exotic locations, from the bustling metropolises to the dark holds of evil powers, but there is nothing quite like climbing through the unexplored and wild places, discovering new creatures and documenting their magic and...

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Slime Study: An Alchemist's Undoing

Surely, any mortal would be stunned to be so milked at the hands of a powerful demon like me. But, we were not done here. He had requested an heir, and I had given it to him, though obviously not how he intended. I pulled my fingers from my lips,...

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