Tamati Chapter 6

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#11 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Tik Tik has many adventures and writes about a lot of them. This is one commissioned by Tamati. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tamatitheninetailedfox/

Tik Tik has hired a dragon to watch her stuff, but what happens when the dragon meets her slutty griffon friend?

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His hands slid down behind her shoulders, up and over her wings, letting fingers brush over and through the plumage before pressing against her back. He lifted her a bit, bringing the mouth to beak, tongues sliding together as he took the first thrust.

She gasped, her voice slightly muffled, but loud enough. To be able to take a dragon without magic... surely this is a great skill, indeed. Even with her more substantial body, his massive member distorted her form, a slight bulging as he thrust his way inside of her, a grunt here, a groan there, but a steady paced attack.

Beasra grabbed onto his horns, her eyes rolling back as he continued into her. Her gasps became more and more desperate, but as the initial shock of the pleasure ebbed from her body, she was able to speak, albeit in hoarse, stilted language. "T... Tam-at... Please... don't... don't hold back... give... give it all!" He snorted at that, his eyes flaring with that desire to fill a female with his seed. He Held her close, pressing their bodies together, practically lifting her from the earth as he shoved into her, hilting her against his sturdy pole.

Beasra screamed, long and loud until her voice was sore, and the dragon's semen spurted out from between her legs. When he let go, she fell back, her arms up over her head, her breathing quick and tired, and her legs shaking and weak

Once out himself, his seed oozed out of her, and he sat there, taking a deep breath himself with his hands upon his knees.

Simply marvelous. Beasra writhed around the ground, completely lost in her joy as the dragon's seed flowed down between her legs and onto the ground, yet there was no end in sight. I took the opportunity to scoop up the materials that left her. THey could surely be useful in upcoming spells I plan on using. However, when I looked up, I saw Tam standing there, chest heaving, cock throbbing, and large, and I asked. "Tam still feel more...?"

Tam blinked and glanced down at me. "More... yes. Sorry, I.. I haven't had so much excitement as what you've shown me, Tik Tik. A devilish plan came to me as I sat beside the semilucid Beasra. With a pushing spell, I rolled her over onto her side and grasped her thick butt, spreading the cheeks to reveal her secondary pleasure. "Would Tam want try this hole?" Beasra groaned, running her hands down along her body and then to her thighs, gripping onto the cheeks, spreading them herself. "Oh, gods, please! I can't take it without you right now!" "Her stamina... it's returned!?" Tam was quite shocked but did not hesitate much more. He scooped her up onto her wobbly legs, spun her around to face away from him, and pushed her down by the head. The whole while, she cried out, "oooh, do me, fuck me again! Take my ass, too!"

The way he slowly pressed the tip of his cock head to her body reminded me of the softness of any lover. While I had expected this second round to be as wild and as raunchy as before, there was a sort of romance that could be felt as her ring swallowed his pole.

The two tilted their necks back, letting the sky ring out with their voices. Soon, his powerful tool disappeared into her, and she could no longer utter a silent breath. Each time, she groaned with a ragged cry, her tongue rolling out, her eyes rolling back. I wish my artistic skills were better, for my words do not adequately paint the picture: both lewd and loving, kind, and depraved. It's touching, but also shocking. Is this the true nature of the eroarcane? That is something I shall ponder on more, as I still am inspired to continue speaking on Tam. And speaking of Tam. The dragon grit his teeth, squeezing the griffon by her arms, her wings pressed up against his scales. He doesn't mind them fluttering in his face as he connects with her al the way, grunting and groaning as he releases once more into her, the two sighing in relief as their climaxes hit, less powerful, but I could argue more satisfying. The two collapse, laying in a bed of grass, sweat, and cum, hands gliding over tired bodies as energy dissipates from them. And with that, I feel it's time for me to go find myself my breakfast. It might be a while before the two of them are ready to do anything but rest.

Tamati Chapter 7

Tamati is a dragon that I had picked up on one of my many journeys. I was quite surprised when he asked to come join me as a guard for my research center. Already, he has ingratiated himself with at least one of my friends, and he has worked hard,...

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Tamati Chapter 5

Tam groans, his hands moving towards Beasra's head, but I coughed and shook my head. "No touching. Not yet." Tam groaned, holding his hands behind his back as he frowned and winced, trying to hold himself back. What a cutie. But no, this was a bit too...

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Tamati 4

The griffon smiled broadly as she swung herself in, one leg, and then the other. "Hey, there, Tik!" the bubbly bird-thing said. "Long time, no see." "Tik Tik has lots of work, lots and lots of work! Learning lots of new things. What brings Beasra?" ...

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