Chapter 6 - Last adventure on the mountains

Story by darkerchocolate on SoFurry

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#6 of Pokemon Yaoi World

NOTE: Sorry i was gone for so long, i had no inspiration :( But now it somehow came back. I'm also looking for a good artist to draw a scene of this chapter, so please tell me if you would take this request. I hope you enjoy. Oh and btw, I'm not on sofurry much nowadays, but you can find me whenever u want in Skype, anyone can add me :) just check my profile and get the address from there.

Charizard woke up on the cave's cold floor. He could still see some few traces of cum from last night. Now he remembered. Next to him, laid Feraligatr, his cock inside Charizard's ass. What a great lover he was, what a wild sex they had had yesterday.

Deep inside him, through, the water pokemon's last words still made some noise: "I love you", he had said. Did he love Feraligatr? Well, he couldn't answer that qestion now, he was unsure about his feelings.

To clear up his mind, he went for a walk outside, to take some fresh air. The day was clear and the summer breeze was very comforting. He spread his wings and flew upwards, the air felt better at higth. Charizard eventually found a clear spot after flying a bit, and decided to take a break.

Charizard landed on the solid, stony ground, and sat on the floor, looking into the sky. There wasn't a single cloud today in the sky, it was spotless, blue as water. Marvelous in Charizard's eyes.

--Hey, who are you? -- claimed a violent voice from behind.

The dragon was startled to discover he was not alone. He quickly stood up and turned round to find three very different pokemon. An Ursaring, a huge bear pokemon, an Electabuzz, an electric pokemon, and a Lucario, a quite cute aura pokemon. Lucario standed in the middle of the three, with his arms crossed. He seemed to be the boss. The Electabuzz, who had spoken before, repeated his question:

--Are you deaf? Who are you and why are you in our territory? -- demanded the electric pokemon.

--Emm..your te-territory? -- asked nervously Charizard. He had thought all pokemon in these mountains were friendly, like Feraligatr and Machoke. He was about to be proven wrong.

--You think you can come into our land just like that? -- roared the Ursaring. -- Who are you?

--My name's Ch-Charizard and i'm new here -- said the dragon -- I'm sorry, i didn't know it was your territory, I'll leave right now.

--Wait, leave? -- suddenly said Lucario. --No, I think you're wrong there.

--What? -- asked the surprised Charizard

--You can't leave until you recieve your punishment -- sentenced the Lucario. The other two grinned evily.

Realizing what was going on, Charizard quickly spread his wings to fly away. He had very little experience in battling, and his opponents not only outnumbered him but they seemed pretty tough. But his stratrgy failed. Ursaring jumped and used Mega Punch as soon as he took his feet off the ground. The fire pokemon was blown several metres back, and the bear laughed.

--What a weakling -- Ursaring commented -- Guys, your turn.

--No need to say it twice -- said Electabuzz, preparing himself -- ¡Thunderbolt!

--¡Force Palm! -- yelled Lucario and started running at the same speed as the bolts sent by Electabuzz.

Both attacks hitted Charizard with all their might, and the dragon pokemon ended up against a mountain wall, still conscious somehow. However, he couldn't move. Charizard desesperately tried to move, completely astonished when his body didn't respond his commands.

--It's useless -- explained Lucario -- That's our Paralyzing Combo

--That's right -- said Electabuzz proudly -- Both attacks cause you to become paralyzed, and now you can't escape us.

--What do you want from me? -- asked Charizard, fearful for his life. For some reason, he could still speak.

--Aww relax, we won't hurt you anymore -- said Lucario, touching the dragon's cheek with his hand -- You better be ready Charizard. Have you ever tried a gangbang?

--No -- confessed Charizard, a bit ashamed -- What is that?

--Oh don't you know? -- wondered Electabuzz, getting nearer -- Gangbangs are when many pokemons have sex at the same time. Never tried one?

--No -- repeated the dragon

--You're about to -- grinned Lucario and kissed Charizard's lips

The dragon couldn't stop them, he couldn't move anything but his mouth. So he couldn't do anything but letting Lucario's hot breath enter, and with it came the aura pokemon's tounge. Charizard gave the other tounge a proper massage, and Lucario broke the kiss.

--That was a hell of a kiss -- said Lucario -- This one's a good one.

--Let's see this -- said Electabuzz.

During the kiss, the electric pokemon had been busy massaging the dragon's balls. Electabuzz's cock was already out, almost at it's full erection. Charizard couldn't tell its size but it was quite chubby. Ursaring was busy too, touching with his paws all of Electabuzzs body, and the other pokemon enjoyed it. Ursaring's cock was out too (chubby and a bit bigger than Charizard's) and so was Lucario's ( it was the shortest of the three of them, but still a good size).

Charizard's cock finally came out, fully erect. Electabuzz started licking it inmediately while Ursaring got the dragon's ass wet. Lucario patted on Charizard's head and he could see some pre in the aura pokemon's dick. Lucario got on top of Charizard and put his crotch in front of the dragon's mouth.

--If you know what's good for you, start sucking -- threatened the aura pokemon.

Even without the thread, Charizard would have sucked the dick updoubtlessly. He was really enjoying the gangbang. Charizard opened his mouth to let the aura pokemon's cock in, and as he couldn't move his neck the Lucario had to move his dick in and out, but he had no problem with it.

Electabuzz's hand went up to Lucario's ass and fingered it with passion. Lucario couldn't moan louder even if he tried. electabuzz's own ass was being taken by Ursaring's hands, and the bear's tounge was busy with Charizard's ass. The sensation inside him was so warm, that Charizard didn't want it to stop.

Ursaring now stopped everything he was doing to move Electabuzz out and get himself more comfortable. Then, he putted his fat bear meat inside the dragon all at once. The electric pokemon got even more hot after seeing this and started riding Charizard's cock cowboy-style. Charizard's ass and dick were on their glory, and his mouth wasn't too far behind either.

Lucario's cock came in and out faster and faster wwithin each passing second. The aura pokemon kept moaning in pleasure, so did the other two.

--I'm coming people -- yelled Electabuzz before releasing his load over Ursaring's chest (he was facing him when riding Charizard)

Lucario cummed all over Charizard's mouth not nuch later. And Ursaring released his load inside the dragon. Charizard came simoultaneously inside Electabuzz ass.

--God that was hot -- said Ursaring, giving a hard smack to Cahrizard's ass -- All set for the second round?

--OK -- agreed the otehr two and exchanged positions.

Now it was Lucario's time to get fucked. He rode the dragon's dick with much pleasure. Electabuzz and Ursaring got to Charizard's face and fed the dragon with their cocks, both at the same time. Charizard had never tried two at the same time, it was awesomeness. The two pokemon kissed passionately while they were getting sucked. Ursaring (who was over Charizard in the same position as Lucario had been, Electabuzz in front of him) got his ass totally tapped by Lucario's pleasure-giving hands (He was facing the opposite direction that Electabuzz in his turn)

As this splendorous sex scene went on for a long time, a second general orgasm took place. Lucario came first, dropping it all around Charizard's chest. Charizard was second, and Lucario's ass got so full of cum that almost half of it leaked off. Electabuzz and Ursaring cummed at the same time, in perfect synchrony. They both moaned in pleasure as their loads came inside Charizard's mouth. The dragon couldn't swallow it all so the two pokemon kissed the dragon to get some cum to drink. Lucario also took some of what had fallen to Charizard's chest and licked it off. Electabuzz also licked what had fallen previously on Ursaring chest giving the bear a very sexy look as he did so.

--Whoa -- gasped Lucario, getting up

--Yeah, that was good -- said Electabuzz, licking the rest of the cum of Ursaring's body. They both got up, and the three of them started walking.

--H-hey.. -- said Charizard, filled with exhaustion. He was still paralyzed.

--The effect will pass in ten minutes -- said Lucario -- Come around whenever you want, Char...

--But you will have to pay some price -- finished Ursaring, winking.

Son, the three of them walked out of sight. Charizard counted the seconds, the minutes. Five had passed when someone appeared out of nowhere.

--Oh my, what is this Charizard doing here? -- claimed an unknown voice.

Charizard looked ad saw him. It was a human, a quite old one to be exact. He wore common clothes, but what was distinctive of him was the white lab coat he wore. Maybe he was a scientist. This through frightened Charizard.

--I need take him to a Pokemon Center inmediately -- said the old man, frightened after seeing the dragon's injuries of his fight with Lucario and the others. --Go, pokeball!

The old scientist threw a pokeball at him and hitted Charizard on his head. The dragon tried to resist, but he was still paralyzed and he couldn't do much. The ball was sealed.

Charizard was captured, but his adventures don't end here...

To be continued.....

Chapter 5 - Intense tour

NOTE: This chapter will take place in two places at the same time. He was still lying on the rocks, a bit shocked about the situation he lived minutes ago. He had hardly ever made contact with humans. Charizard wouldn't have expected to meet...

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Chapter 4 - A Stranger in the mountains

It was morning. The sun rose as Charizard opened his eyes. He found himself in a cave. He then remembered it, he had meeted with his old childhod friend Machoke at that cave the last night. He remembered that they had kissed and they ended up...

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Chapter 3 - Charizard's First Time

Well, it seemed he's time in the forest was over. Charizard had to move on. He wasn't a little Charmander anymore, as the other pokemon had learned before him. He remembered that both Nidoking and Feraligatr hadn't feared him. Why was that for? ...

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