Chapter 3 - Charizard's First Time

Story by darkerchocolate on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokemon Yaoi World

Well, it seemed he's time in the forest was over. Charizard had to move on. He wasn't a little Charmander anymore, as the other pokemon had learned before him. He remembered that both Nidoking and Feraligatr hadn't feared him. Why was that for?

As nobody answered and Charizard had nothing better to do, he decided to take a little flight over the mountains and check hem out. As he did so, the dragon though they would make a fine place to live. Maybe he would meet more pokemon like Nidoking and Feraligatr, pokemon who didn't fear he would eat them or any of those awful things.

Then, an unexpected rain arrived. At first, they were just a few drops, but then a violent storm broke the atmosphere of calmness around the mountains, and Charizard went right into them.

In search for a place to escape the heavy thunderstorm, Charizard flew over the place, trying to escape the rain which he hated so much. But he found nowhere to hide, there seemed to be no escape

Then he saw it.

In the end of the pathway, he saw a big, dark entrance. The entrance to a cave. the entrance to salvation. And the entrance to, although Charizard didn't know it yet, and unforgettable experience...

Without second thought, Charizard flew right into the cave, and when he did it was so suddenly that he almost smashed his head with a wall

"Whoa nelly, hold it there or you will kill yourself, buddy" A voice said to Charizard. It was a rough voice, it carried strenght with it, like every word carried with it a violent punch.

Charizard turned to see the owner of that not very sweet voice, it was another pokemon, a fighting pokemon, a Machoke. Charizard had heard of them when he lived back in the forest, they were said to live in mountain caves, training their muscles all day long so their muscles became bigger. They were said to be one of the most intense pokemon at sex, and the most tough of fighting pokemon. Charizard had always wondered how they looked like, and seeing this one, the dragon thought they were really hot, it's muscles were really tonified, it seemed he had been lifting weights until recently, little drops of sweat sliced all over his sweaty, sexy, hot body. Charizard's eyes couldn't miss his clothes. He had a small kind of swimsuit covering his dick and ass, it was weird, most pokemon loved being naked and lay around all day. Charizard wondered if he was kind of the shy pokemons.

"i'm sorry" Charizard apologized inmediatly "I didn't mean to startle you, or enter your cave. Look I will leave now"

"No, please" Said Machoke. "I mean, have you seen how it's raining out there? It's not safe for the fire on your tail, i wouldn't be so cold-hearted to let you go away and kill yourself"

Charizard, who had already started walking outside, stopped on his tracks, finding it hard to believe how kind pokemon were starting to be with him.

"Can I stay here tonight" Charizard asked, timidly

"Of course, buddy. A little company is always welcomed"

Charizard then noticed something deeper in the cave, and Machoke saw Charizard observing it.

"Were you training?" asked Charizard

"Yeah, I love training. I think that good muscles can get you whatever and whoever you want." With these words, Machoke leaded the way to the end of the cave. There was a little fire on the cave, which provided them with light. Next to it, was a heavy weight, which, it seemed, Machoke was lifting.

Machoke threw himself to the floor, then slipped under it and started lifting it, up and down as fast as he could. It was more than obvious that he was a hard-worker, but he seemed a good fellow.

"Where do you come from? I have never seen you around here"

Charizard answered: "I've just arrived. I come from the forest down these mountains"

Machoke stopped lifting the weight all of a sudden: "From the forest?" By any chance, were you a little Charmander who once gave me this?

Machoke then took out from next to the fire (Charizard hadn't noticed it before) a drawing. How it hadn't burned, Charizard didn't know it, but he didn't care.

The drawing had been made by Charizard many years ago. It was simple, a red Charmander and a grey Machop were byy the hand near a forest and mountains, and a sign on top read: "Best Friends Forever"

Charizard blinked: "Machop?? It's been so long!!"

"Charmander, it really is you!!! Old pal, I can't believe it!!!"

The two pokemon hug emotoinally. Little Machop had really got big since they were children, they were best friends back in the forest, but when Machop evolved, he was obliged to go to the mountains to become a big, Machamp someday. Even through they were together again, Charizard felt something that was different. He felt something was pushing his skin from the front, like trying to enter him. Could it be....Machoke's penis?

After they released each other, Charizard checked his old, hot friend to discover the tent made by his dick and his black, little clothing.thingy. Had the hug excited Machoke?

After stories of all kind, night ended the storm, and Charizard wondered where he would go now. Machoke saw the look in his eyes, and told him: "Buddy, don't go away, stay here with me, at least this night. Y'know, like in those days"

Charizard remembered how they used to play in those woods, so innocent and happily, without worries. Charizard couldn't say no.

That night, Machoke started telling a very long story of the mountains, about a Munchlax that was was said that if his cock was sucked, it would evolve into a Snorlax and give the other pokemon the gratest pleasure of the world. Charizard was too tired to hear it all, so he fell asleep at the middle of it.

Charizard woke up next to the dead fire. It wasn't morning yet, he must have sleeped less than half an hour. Then, Charizard saw Machoke.

His friend was awake, but when Charizard turned to see him, what he saw left him speechless

Machoke's black robe was removed and thrown next to him, and he was fully naked, with two of his left hand fingers in his sweet ass, and his right hand firmly closed in his twelve-inched cock, moving it up and down frenetically. He was so focused wanking, he didn't notice Charizard had discovered him. Machoke kept on masturbating, sweating like a pig and was moaning in a low, yet audible voice:

"Ohhhhhh, yeahhhhhh, like thattt, fo ti Charizard....Do it to meeeee............"

Charizard was stunned, his childhood friend had fantasies over him. But now, he had fantasied with Machoke ever since he met him in that cave, and seeing him like that, all his muscles tgiht, was incredible. He felt somthign strange, which made him cough and Machoke looked at him startled, than blushed a bit

"Ch-charizard. I-I don't know what to say"

Charizard standed and walked to his friend, then sat next to him. He did it as fast as possible, so Machoke couldn't see he was starting to harden. "It's Ok Machoke. I-I had fantasies over you, too"

Now, both pokemon blushed and went red like tomatoes. They looked at each other, without knowing what to say. Machoke risked himself, and kssed the dragon right in the lips.

It was a long, sexy kiss. It was beautiful. Both lips united like one, feeling each other, tasting each other. Charizard tounge licked Machoke's, massaging it, making the muscle pokemon excite himself even more.

Machoke took again the risk and lowered his hand to touch Charizard's cock. Charizard then stopped the kiss, and said: "Wait a second. It first time...."

"I understand" said Machoke comprehensively "Trust in me buddy, I will treat you well. After all, you are my friend"

Machoke started kissing Charizard's neck, exciting him to make his penis fully erected. Machoke's kisses want down to his stomach, which Machoke licked with pleasure. And then, the cock

Charizard had been sucked before, but this time, something was different. Machoke's tounge was a bit softer than Nidooking's, it licked the sensitive part and instead of making it excitingly suffer, it felt good. Really, fucking good.

Machoke's expert hand went into Charizard's ass, while his other hand sliced up to Machoke's own dick, and he continued wanking.

Charizard, couldn't do anything but moan in pleasure. It felt so good, he couldn't control himslelf. Charizard's hands started feeling Machoke's ass and fucking it. It was so wild. Wild and hot.

"Ohh, buddy, i can't hold it anymore" Machoke was reaching it's climax

"Ohh, yeahh, i'm coming!!!" Charizard too

A load of cum landed on the floor, and Charizard's load landed right on Machoke's face. The muscle pokemon told him to land on his fours over the cum pond, which Charizard licked until it was dry.

"Ready? Tell me if I'm going too roughly"

The rumors were true. Machoke's were amazing at sex.

As soon as Charizard felt his friend's cock inside him, he started enjoying like crazy. He had never felt like this before, it was like paradise.

It felt soo good. His head was going to explode out of pleasure. It was his first time, and his no longer virgin ass claimed that it wasn't time to stop.

Machoke put both of his hands on Charizard's cock, wanking it, feeling it. While both moaned, almost yelling with pleasure.

"Ohh Machoke, don't dtop, please"

"I won't stop. I've always wanted to do this"

"And it's good you did it. It feels so good"

"It does right? Your ass is damn HOT !!!!"

"It feels like burning. I can't hold it anymore!!!" The dragon's second orgasm fell on the cave's floor. Charizard's amount was more than ever.

"Yeah, tha's how to do it!"

"Don't stop Machoke. I want you deep!!!"

"Ohhh, buddy, I think i'm coming, prepare yourself. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

A HUGE amount of hot cum entered Charizard's ass like a waterfall of hot water. It was very intense, so hot.

Both were tired, and looked at each other happily. It was Charizard's first time, and it was nice to have it.

Both fell asleep righ away, Machoke on top of Charizard, with his cock still inside him, but Charizard preferred it tht way. It had been the right des

ition staying on those mountains.

Chapter 4 - A Stranger in the mountains

It was morning. The sun rose as Charizard opened his eyes. He found himself in a cave. He then remembered it, he had meeted with his old childhod friend Machoke at that cave the last night. He remembered that they had kissed and they ended up...

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Chapter 2 - Sexual Lessons

With the last scenes still floating in his mind, Charizard decided to get up and finally continue his walk. Although, everytime he remembered that Nidoking, he couldn't help but become more excited. Charizard wondered where could have Nidoking went...

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Chapter 1 - The Lonely Charizard

He wasn't like all other Charizard. Common Charizards are sociable and almost all of them live at Charizard Valley, or travel with human trainers. He, however, was always lonely. He didn't have any friends, and always walked around the forest in sad...

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