Chapter 1 - The Lonely Charizard

Story by darkerchocolate on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon Yaoi World

He wasn't like all other Charizard. Common Charizards are sociable and almost all of them live at Charizard Valley, or travel with human trainers. He, however, was always lonely. He didn't have any friends, and always walked around the forest in sad loneliness.

All other pokemons feared him. Chariard remembered taht when he was a little Charmander, he used to have many friends in the forest to play with. Nothing changed much when he evolved into Charmeleon, but when he became a Charizard, he ended alone as all pokemons thought he was a savage beast. But he was no beast, he had feelings and didn't like to be alone.

But all that suffering was about to change, althoug Charizard didn't know it yet.

That day, he was walking through the forest he knew so much, his feet shuffling with his usual boredom, when all of a sudden, he heard a loud cry from not far away from where he was. It was a male, he said, almost yeling: "Yeah, yeah, faster, deeper..."

Charizard was a virgin, he had never ever had sex, not even see it with his own eyes. He masturbated very rarely, maybe once every two months approximately. However, when he heard this moans of pleasure, something inside him told Charizard he had to follow the sound. And so he did.

Quietly, he sneaked to where the moans cam from. From behind the tree, he saw two Nidorinos which where one over the other, fucking doggystyle. Charizard saw the Nidorino on the ground was moaning with pleasure, and the one on top was putting his big fat cock in his mate ass. They were wild, awesome, so beautiful. Even through he had never seen sex, and even less, sex between males, Charizard felt really excited. The Nidorino didn't see Charizard, so he stayed where he was, watching, as his excitement grew.

The Nidorino then changed positions. The one of the ground leaned against a nearby rock, while the one who was on top started sucking his partner's dick. The Nidorino who was having his cock sucked moaned in great pleasure, and Charizard didn't notice it, but he was almost at orgasm. The other one was about to reach it too.

The Nidorino which was sucking started then fucking again his mate's sweet ass. Then, the Nidorino who seemed to enjoy a lot being penetrated released an amount of cum which covered his chest and spilled a bit on the ground. Three seconds later, the other one released his load on the other Nidorino's ass and chest.

After that, they took a half-minute pause without moving, and then Nidorino started licking his mate's chest, cleaning him of the cum and giving him even more pleasure.

Charizard was so excited, he wanted to approach a little, even, maybe, help cleaning the Nidorino...

But things went wrong. He advanced one step, and stepped on a brnch, which made a sound the Nidorinos heard. When they saw the huge Charizard, fear invaded them, and they ran away at full speed.

Even through the two of them were now gone, Charizard still had the memory of what he saw and that was enough. He hadn't noticed it, but when he looked down, he saw that his cock had emerged, hard like a rock and twelve inches long. He advanced to the rock where the Nidorinos had been and saw there was still a bit of cum on the floor. Charizard had never tasted it, not even his own, but it seemed like a good moment to try it.

He took a bit of the cum from the grass in his mouth and what he felt was hard to put on words. It was orgasmic, he felt like in heaven. Charizard kneeled to drink every last drop on the floor. Then, he saw his dick was still hard.

Charizard leaned against the rock like the Nidorino had previously done and grabbed his dick with his hand. He started masturbating, at a high, uncontrolable speed. He hadn't been masturbating for a long time when a voice behind him said: "Hey, slow down or you will explode, pal"

It was a grave yet gentle voice. He turned to see another pokemon behind the rock, it was a Nidoking.

"Let me guess, you're a virgin right?" Nidoking said. There was something about him that told Charizard he could trust the Nidoking, probably because he had stayed and talked to him, instead of running away.

"Ho-how did you know that?" said Charizard nervously while nodding.

"I guessed, because even through you have a big dick, you don't know how to use it properly." Nidoking explained with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" asked Charizard, a bit confused yet amazed. Nidoking was extremely muscular and was beautiful. Charizard felt kind of ashamed as the gorgeous pokemon was seeing his dick, but Nidoking seemd to pay more attention to his face than to his parts.

"Well, I could teach you how to use it. If that's what you want, of course"

Charizard thought for a little moment, wandering what Nidoking meant. He thought that he could teach him a better way to masturbate, Nidoking seemed to have quite an experience, so Charozard thought there would be no problem and nooded silently

"Good." Smiled Nidoking "Now, relax and leave everything to me."

Charizard chose to trust him, so he leaned against the rock again and Nidoking got on his knees. His powerful arm started tocuhing Charizard's balls, massaging them. Then, Nidoking, without stopping, started licking the dragon's balls with his tongue, and Charizard finally understood what he was going to do. Nidoking was going to make love with him, to make him a man, once and for all.

Nidoking's sweet tongue was now on Charizard's cock, sucking it like the professional he was. A load of pre cum came out, and Charizard gazed upon Nidoking's dick. It was huge, it must have been around twelve or thirteen inches long, and a little bit of pre cum was at it's top.

Charizard's body was flaming, he started moaning, then said: "Ohh, ohh yeah, please, don't stop"

"Feels good, doesn't it" laughted Nidoking "Now I will make it even better"

He stood up and walked right into Charizard's open mouth. His cock's taste was awesome, Charizard sucked it like crazy, he couldn't stop. Nidoking turned his body without taking his cock out so he could at the same time suck Charizard.

Both pokemon were enjoying much. But Charizard was in paradise. It was a new world to him, a marvellous one. Then, from below, he felt something was coming out, at firsthe wanted to stopitbut he couldn't held it any longer. A load of cum shot out of his cock onto Nidoking's face, while almost at them same time, quite a lot of cum jumped to Charizard's face.

"Whoa, you're good at it, pal" Nidoking said, standing up. He sat next to Charizard and kissed him on the cheek. Then, he cleaned the dragon's face with his tongue. He then told Charizard to do the same thing with him, which the pokemon did and loved.

"Did you like it?" Nidoking asked a while later, lying on the grass next to Charizard

"It was awesome" Said Charizard. He hadn't got words to describe it, and he was extremely tired.

"Good to see you liked it" After saying this, Nidoking stood up and walked away, but said before: "You're good at sex, practise as much as you can and when we see again, you will have to lead me. See ya!"

Charizard was left alone, in the grass, lying and thinking of the twist his life had suffered. As from that day, nothing was going to be the same...

Chapter 2 - Sexual Lessons

With the last scenes still floating in his mind, Charizard decided to get up and finally continue his walk. Although, everytime he remembered that Nidoking, he couldn't help but become more excited. Charizard wondered where could have Nidoking went...

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