Chapter 4 - A Stranger in the mountains

Story by darkerchocolate on SoFurry

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#4 of Pokemon Yaoi World

It was morning. The sun rose as Charizard opened his eyes. He found himself in a cave. He then remembered it, he had meeted with his old childhod friend Machoke at that cave the last night. He remembered that they had kissed and they ended up having sex, something new for Charizard and he had loved it. His cock was still inside Machoke's sweet, hot ass.

There wasn't a trace of yesterday's thunderstorm. It was a fine, shiny and cloudless day. However, something was different from yesterday besides the weather. Charizard felt he had to go elsewhere, to find more about the region he was now inhabiting.

The mountains were still a mystery to him, he had only visited two areas, the cave he was in now, and the lake where he had met up with Feraligatr. Feraligatr....

He remembered the water pokemon's words, and thought that he couldn't stay in that cave. Delicately, Charizard removed his cock from Machoke's ass vey slowly, so as to not wake him up.

Charizard sttod up and walked to the cave's entrance. He thought he must had traveled a lot during the thunderstorm. Charizard speard his wings, getting ready for departure, when suddenly....

-"You're leaving?"

It was Machoke. Charizard had minimized all noise so as to not wake him up and see the muscular pokemon's face fulled with sadness.

However, what he saw wasn't sadness, it was a smile.

"I know you." said Machoke "You want to explore more this place. It's OK, I will be training here, so drop around here if you need me for something."

Machoke sttod up and looked at him directly in the dragon's eyes. Machoke's eyes were beautiful, and Charizard couldn't help but saying.

"I will visit you soon, I promise"

After saying this, both friends joined in a beautiful, departure kiss. It wasn't any kiss, this one was full oflove and passion. Both mouthes were perfectly sinchorinzed, and Charizard allowed Machoke's tounge in. Machoke's tounge first started licking all Charizard's mouth, then it played around with the dragon's tounge before the same was done inside Machoke's mouth.

After kissing for a long time which felt like ages, their lips finally separated. Charizard stretched his wings and took flight. Machoke looked at his friend flying away, until it passed a mountain and was put of sight.

Machoke re-entered the cave and went to the back of it. He sat at a corner and grabbed his dick, which was fully-erected due to the hot kiss, and started wanking. It felt really good, pulling it at full speed, he was really horny, but unluckily Charizard wasn't there to fuck him. Still, it felt good when a big load of cum came out, some flew up to his face. Machoke licked it, and in this position, he said:

"I'll wait for you, my dear dragon....."

The departure with Machoke wasn't as sad as Charizard had thought. His friend had understood him well, it was good to know he still acted like a friend rather than like a lover. Wait, lover? Machoke was his friend, he couldn't possibly be his lover. But the sex had felt so good, it was really good. But, it probably was because it was his first time. Yeah, that must have been the reason.

"Hey Charizard!!!!"

the dragon looked donwwards, from where that voice had came from. He saw a blue pokemon down. No, it wasn't any blue pokemon, it was.....

"Feraligatr!!" Charizard said happily as he descended to meet the water pokemon. "I thought I wouldn't see you again"

"Me too. How's it going? You told me you were new here, and with the terrible storm that was produced yesterday, I was afraid that something bad might had happened to you."

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm OK, I found a cave last night" Charizard couln't believe he was talking with Feraligatr so easily, as if he had known him for years. Surely, being in these mountains was changing him a lot more than what he thought.

"Hey, have you ever heard of the legend?" Feraligatr asked

"I don't think so, which legend?"

"Oh, how silly, you don't know it because you're new here. There is a legend that deep inside these mountains, lives a little pokemon called Munchlax, who lives alone somewhere. According to the legend, if you treat Munchlax well, it will allow you to do him a blowjob. And when you do so, it is said he evolves into...."

"Into what?" Charizard was really interested

"Into a Snorlax"

"And what is a Snorlax?"

"Snorlax is a huge pokemon. It is said to have the biggest and fattest cock of all pokemon n the world."

"Whoa. Sounds pretrty impressive."

"Yeah, but no one could ever find this Munchlax"

"Oh, I see"

"Anyway, I'm very happy you will live here now. I can show you the place where I live. C'mon, gimme a hug!"

With these words, Feraligatr opened his amrs and hugged the big dragon. Surprised, Charizard noticd it felt warm and good, so he hugged him back. Then, one of Feraligatr's slippery hands fell down to Charzard's tail, then lifted it up a bit and started touching his asshole. Feraligatr put a single finger in, to Charizard's pleasure. The dragon started moaning with pleasure, as Feraligatr whispered dirty things into his ears:

"I know you love this, my beautiful fire beast. I wanna fuck you ever since I met you in that little pond. I wanna ride your cock. I'm going to fuck you so hard, you will beg me to stop...."

All of a sudden, they heard an explotion up ahead, as if two powerful attacks had collided. Charizard and Feraligatr separated. The water pokemon was a bit scared, so Charizard said:

"Wait for me here, I'll go to check out that everything is alright"

"Please be careful" said Feraligatr

Charizard flew over the mountains and was soon out of sight. Charizard landed behind some rocks. He saw two pokemons, one was a Meganium and the other one was an Azumarill. Both pokemon were accompanied by human pokemon trainers, two adult boys who were in a pokemon fight. Charizard didn't know that they were training, so he walked into the scene to stop them.

Both trainers looked puzzled at the fire pokemon, and then all of a sudden one of the guys said;

"It must be our lucky day. A wild Charizard!"

"Let's capture it" said the other boy "Azumarill, use Hydro Pump"

The attack hitted Charizard by surprise. A surprising amount of water stroke the dragon directly, sending it a few metres backwards.

"That was easy. Now, it's time to capture it"

"Hold it there laddie" Another voice said. It was a roght voice, full of strenght. And it was human too

A man descended from the sky with the help of a magnetic field created by three Magnetons. It was huge, really huge for a human. It had blonde, shining hair like a punk, and his eager eyes gave a sparkling look. It had big, muscular arms, which were probably bigger than Machoke's. He weared an open jacket which revealed his chest which seemed the result of eternal hours at a gym. He was also wearing green trousers. All in all, he was the most beautiful human Charizard had saw in his entire life.

"It's L.T. Surge!!" said one of the boys scared

"But I thought he lived in Vermillion city, what is he doing in Indigo Plateau?"

"I came here to train, but you, you can't catch that Charizard you're too weak" said Surge

"Who do you call weak?"

"I'll teach you. Magneton, use Thunder"

Magneton released a great electric discharge, making Azumarill faint instantly. The boys grabbed their pokemons and escaped at full speed.

"Ha ha ha. They really thought they could defeat me!! Ha ha. Magnetons, great job, return now"

After putting his pokemons away, Surge turned to look at Charizard. the dragon had no severe injuries. He wondered why had Surge saved him, maybe he wanted to capture him. As if Surge had readed his mind, he laughted and said:

"Don't you worry dude, I won't capture you, I'm only interested in electric type pokemons."

Charizard growled because Surge couldn't understand him, but the human seemed to understand him.

"You mean you want to thank me somehow?"

Charizard nodded

"Hmm. Very well, there is a way, but you must obey me in everything, got it?"

Again Charizard nodded, already getting the idea.

L.T. Surge removed his jacket and his trousers in a couple of seconds. He was wearing a very tight, white underwear, which marked his big, fat cock and his balls. They were pretty impressive for a human, Charizard thought as his cock came out.

Surge noticed this, so he started to touch his growing dick and licked the dragon's balls. The dragon moaned and his huge hand stretched and landed on Surge's butt, starting to feel it. It was sweet and hot, very sexy.

It was then when Charizard's penis reached full erection, and Surge was amazed with the dragon's sixteen inches. Surge stood up and removed his underwear. Surge's package was amazing. His balls were almost as big as Charizard's, and his dick was around fourteen inches, again, incredible.

Dazzled, the dragon looked at the human, then took his tounge out and started licking, licking the balls with all the pleasure of the world, licking the human cock, then he started sucking it rapidly. Surge moaned louder each passing second. The sensation of that rough tounge, very different to what Surge was used was.....unbelievable. Surge's moanings grew and grew until he shouted:


A load of white, hot cum entered Charizard's mouth, and the dragon took it all in. Surge wanted to cum a little more, but in a different position. He ordeted Charizard to lean on the floor face-up, and the dragon obeyed.

"Open wide, big boy"

Charizard poened his ass wide and allowed Surge to enter his cock. The human's cock felt great inside, he felt like the day he had learned to fly, he felt comfortable, it was great to be satisfied like that. Surge was really enjoying it, his cock felt like it was going to explode like a Voltorb, Surge had never felt so good fucking someone. Surge felt he was going to cum, so he quickly took the dick out and releases his load over Charizard's chest and dick, and licked it with passion. Charizard moaned with pleasure

L.T. Surge then got down to the floor in all fours

"Quickly, put it in" begged Surge

Charizard smiled as he stood up and put all his meat inside Surge's human ass. Maybe it was too suddenly, it made Surge scream of pain. But it was also a scream of pleasure, it couldn't feel more awesome than how it already felt, Surge thought. But he was wrong, it really could.

Charizard extended his arms and grabbed Surge's dick, and started wanking it. Both together were really getting to volcanic temperatures. At the same time, Surge and Charizard shot their loads, Surge to the floor, Charizard inside Surge's ass. The hot cum in surge's ass was great, it felt majestic.

They were in the same position for about twenty minutes, and then Surge said:

"You're amazing."

Charizard growled and smiled. Sruge slowly got Charizard's cock out of his ass, gave it a last lick and stood up. He quickly put on his clothes and took out his Magnetons.

"Take care" said the human as he flew away

Charizard was lying for a few seconds, than started drinking Surge's cum from the floor. He had found out that human cum was different from pokemon cum, and thier cocks tasted different, but they still felt fantastic. He thought it wouldn't be bad if he ever fucked a human again, why not?

To be continued....

Chapter 5 - Intense tour

NOTE: This chapter will take place in two places at the same time. He was still lying on the rocks, a bit shocked about the situation he lived minutes ago. He had hardly ever made contact with humans. Charizard wouldn't have expected to meet...

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Chapter 3 - Charizard's First Time

Well, it seemed he's time in the forest was over. Charizard had to move on. He wasn't a little Charmander anymore, as the other pokemon had learned before him. He remembered that both Nidoking and Feraligatr hadn't feared him. Why was that for? ...

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Chapter 2 - Sexual Lessons

With the last scenes still floating in his mind, Charizard decided to get up and finally continue his walk. Although, everytime he remembered that Nidoking, he couldn't help but become more excited. Charizard wondered where could have Nidoking went...

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