Chapter 5 - Intense tour

Story by darkerchocolate on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokemon Yaoi World

NOTE: This chapter will take place in two places at the same time.

He was still lying on the rocks, a bit shocked about the situation he lived minutes ago. He had hardly ever made contact with humans. Charizard wouldn't have expected to meet one there, and even less have such an adventure with one. It was still kinda unbelievable, but yet, he had no regrets. He remembered L.T. Surge as a passionate man, and Charizard respected him.

All of a sudden, he remembered Feraligatr was still waiting for him. Charizard and Feraligatr were getting intimate by the time they were interrupted, and Charizard was really getting hard at that moment. Feraligatr definitively knew how to turn someone on.

-Hey Charizard-shouted a voice over him.

Charizard turned up to see Feraligatr jumping and landing in front of him.

-I was really worried about you pal-Feraligatr explained-Oh, I see, you were tired and overslept

-WEll...-said Charizard

-No need to explain pal, it happens to me all the time.laughted the water pokemon-So, what was that noise?

-Humans fighting-said the dragon with a yawn. He was really tired.

-Oh my, you seem exhausted-said worrily Feraligatr-I'll take you to my place, there you can rest. It's not far away from here

-Thanks-said Charizard, standing up

-No problem pal. Here, lean on me

Both big pokemon started walking, woth Charizard leaning on Feraligatr. The fire pokemon wasn't really sleepy at all, but he didn't want to let Feraligatr down, and also, he wanted to see his home.

-Afterwards, I can give you a tour of the mountains. I know them very well -said Feraligatr happily


Machoke was alone in his cave. When Charizard departed taht morning, he had felt a bit hurt, he had never felt something so sweet as the dragon's cock in his ass. He stopped exercising and thought about Charizard. He had never told him, that until yesterday, Machoke was a virgin. Machoke started feeling strange. Maybe it was what he had ate earlier, but no, something else was happening to him.

-He he, it's your time, Machoke-said a voice

The voice came from the entrance of his cave. Machoke turned to look and he saw a big figure looking directly at him. It was a pokemon, a Nidoking to be exact.

-What do you mean my time? -asked Machoke confused

-I'll explain if you tell me where did Charizard went-said Nidoking

-OK, just tell me

-You're about to evolve into a different pokemon, just like you did before

-Oh, you mean now?-said Machoke nerviously

-Yes, and don't be ashamed -said Nidoking

Machoke blushed a bit, when a pokemon had just evolved, it's cock came out fully erect and then enlarged a pair of inches with each evolution.

And so it happened. Machoke's body started glowing, it wasn't an ordinary light. His body started changing too, and his penis came out. When the glow had dissappered, he had completely changed, he had four arms and his dick was around fourteen inches now.

-This is your new form Machamo-said Ndoking

-Whoa, it's awesome-said Machamp, checking out his muscles

-Okey, will you give me the information?

-You mean where did Charizard went?

-That's right mister short-term-memory-loss-laughted Nidoking

-Um, I'm sorry, but I don't know-admitted Machamp-He flew away just saying good-bye early in the morning

-Oh, I see. I believe in you. Well, I suppose I must be going now

Nidoking turned to go away, and had already got one of his feet outside when Machamo shouted:



-Here we are-said Feraligatr

They had finally arrived in a cave, which was Feraligatr's house, which didn't really surprise Charizard since he thought every house in this mountains were a cave. "Pretty original" thought the dragon

-Here, this is my bed -Charizard laid on the bed made of leaves and the pillow was a pillow-shaped stone

-Have sweet dreams, I'll go to look for some water -said Ferlaigatr and walked away of the cave

When Feraligatr walked out, Charizard closed his eyes, but he wasn't asleep. He just pretended so, so that he could know what would Feraligatr did.

As a matter of fact, he never went away. He automatically assumed the dragon was asleep, and sat next to Charizard.

-I can't believe this-whispered Feraligatr - I can't believe he's here, this awesome and sxy dragon. Maybe, if I touch him when he's asleep, he won't notice it.

Feraligatr slipped his hand over Charizard's wing, and then started to caress it. Cahrizard liked it, and he didn't move. Feraligatr was now convinced, so he started to get his paw lower and lower until he was caressing his butt-hole.

Charizard then opened his eyes. It was time for action

-Feraligatr- said Charizard in a soft voice-Please, could you do me a favor and clean my ass?

-Your wish is my command-said Feraligatr softly


-What is it?-asked Nidoking

-Well, I know I barely know you, and we just met, but, can i ask you a favour?

-OK-agreed Nidoking

-Could you please try my cock?

Nidoking looked at Machamp, shocked

-I'm not really such a slut, I swear! But, I want to know if it will stay the same, please, help me!

-OK, but just a couple of licks-said Nidoking with a smile

-Thanks, it's all I need.-amiled Machamp-Let's go inside

Both pokemon went inside the cave. At the end, there was a spot which was really confortable to sit. Machamp sat there, with his still fully-erect dick. Nidoking got on the floor and grabbed the big cock with his two hands. He first gave it a slow, sexy lick from the bottom to the top. Machamp adored it.

-I don't know how it tasted before, but now it is delicious-said Nidoking

Machamp expected that after saying this, Nidoking would stand up and leave.

But he didn't....


Charizard got on his knees, facing the wall. Feraligatr started licking up his butt-hole, with his hands touching every centimeter of Charizard's body they reached, until Charizard's cock came out. It took no time for it to be fully erect. The water pokemon's hands then started to massage the dragon's balls, while his slippery tongue entered the dragon's hole.

-That feels really good - moaned Charizard

-You haven't...seen....much of it....yet-managed to say Feraligatr

Then, Frealigatr's hands started giving him a handjob, while the tongue entered further in.

-Ahh, it's really is good

they were getting more and more intimate every passing second. There was sweat all over Charizard's body, and Feraligatr loved it even more like that.

-Ohh, Feraligatr, I think i'm going to explode

-Good- managed somehow to say Feraligatr.

Feraligatr started wanking the dragon's rod even faster, licking harder, and finally a load of cum came out and spread all over Feraligatr's hands.


-Oh, Nidoking, it's damn good-moaned Machamp

Nidoking's right hand was caressing the fighting pokemon's balls, while his mouth sucked the cock up and down at extreme speed. It was quick and hot and awesome, all at the same time!!

Machamp knew he wouldn't resist much longer, Nidoking was really a professional in sex, and he was a virgin until just yesterday.

His cock exploded and a bunch of white cum came out directly into Nidoking's mouth. However, he didn't swallow it. He came up to Machamo's face, and kissed him.

That kiss was the most sexy kiss ever. Both pokemon's tongue united like Arboks, and Machamp's cum, which was in Nidoking's mouth, travelled from one mouth to another, until Machamp was given the honor of swallowing it.

Then, Nidoking stood up, and told Machamp to show him his ass.

Machamp's ass was extremely tight, and Nidoking loved it. His hands caressed it a bit before the tip of his cock entered the fighting pokemon's ass. Then, he entered it all at once.

It was too big, much bigger than Charizard's dick. But Machamp wasn't suffering, he was enjoying it. The cock was entering roughly in and out of Machamp, giving him such pleasure that he screamed like a little human girl.

-OHHHH -screamed Machamp









-ME EITHER, LET'S D IT!!!!!!!!!



Both pokemon cumed. Nidoking fired up his seed into Machamp's burning ass, and Machamp's cock gave a second cum shot. Both pokemon gasped as Nidoking gave a few licks to Machamp, and kissed his big muscles.


-Put it in, quickly-begged Charizard

-He he, never had one inside right?-deduced Feraligatr, standing up and putting the cum in his hands in Charizard's back, then licked it up.

-Not, please, do it!!

-OK, tell me if it hurts

Feraligatr slowly put his cock inside Charizard's ass until it was completely in. But it didn't hurt. On the contrary, it felt awesome!!


Feraligatr understood he was allowed, and started fucking Charizard with all his might. He was surely excited, because it took him quite a time to cum. Charizard enjoyed it even more, he was happily shouting:




Both screamed until Feraligatr gasped:


More cum that Charizard could have ever imagined could be inside a cock came out straightly into his ass, it was burning and flaming, yet it was spectacular. Both pokemon dropped to the floor and leaned there, with Feraligatr's cock still inside Charizard.

-I....I love you Charizard-moaned Feraligatr with a smile

To be continued........

Chapter 6 - Last adventure on the mountains

NOTE: Sorry i was gone for so long, i had no inspiration :( But now it somehow came back. I'm also looking for a good artist to draw a scene of this chapter, so please tell me if you would take this request. I hope you enjoy. Oh and btw, I'm not on...

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Chapter 4 - A Stranger in the mountains

It was morning. The sun rose as Charizard opened his eyes. He found himself in a cave. He then remembered it, he had meeted with his old childhod friend Machoke at that cave the last night. He remembered that they had kissed and they ended up...

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Chapter 3 - Charizard's First Time

Well, it seemed he's time in the forest was over. Charizard had to move on. He wasn't a little Charmander anymore, as the other pokemon had learned before him. He remembered that both Nidoking and Feraligatr hadn't feared him. Why was that for? ...

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