Night of the Driders - Drider TF sequel

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A follow-up commission for my bro , set the day after the events of the previous part, with the duo eagerly awaiting the moon to rise.Posted using PostyBirb

?Nearly a full day had passed since Eli had decided to pay his friend Peter a visit, to spend what he thought was going to be an uneventful few days with his pal. Things didn't stay normal for too long, as he quickly discovered that Peter was hiding a pretty big secret - when the moon rose that evening, Peter transformed into a monstrous were-drider, and the beast's eyes were set on Eli. However, the transformed human didn't have any interest in him for food, instead his interests were quite sexual, and after a brief game of cat and mouse, Eli was caught and subdued, giving himself to the beast.

Come the morning, Peter had transformed back into his normal human form, but his lusts and drivers were unchanged, knowing that another full moon was to rise that night. And since Eli had been taken, it meant that when the moon rose, he'd transform just like Peter did. Normally something like this would instil fear into a normal human's heart. Eli, however, was quite eager for it to happen.

"Oh man, tonight's gonna be pretty awesome! I can't wait..." Eli grinned to himself as he walked around the house, naked as a jaybird. He didn't seem to much care about his unclothed state, and he was hard as well. Probably just as well, as he was far too horny to not wear them without tearing them off.

He had seen his friend at a few points during the day, mainly when it came time to get food, and at all points, it was easy to see that Peter was proudly displaying his excitement, having an almost-constant erection whenever he made an appearance. Given that he had been bearing this 'curse' for a while, it didn't take much to guess that it had a greater influence on him than it did on Eli. he also swore that his body looked just a little bit different, but he hadn't been able to get close enough to check. At least, not yet anyway.

Eventually, Eli felt the need to check up on Peter in a more concrete fashion and located the room where he'd been spending most of his time, not really bothering to knock as he opened the door, finding Peter naked on the floor, his hand wrapped around his dick. Eli soon found that Peter had indeed looked different, marvelling at the changes to his body.

"Mmrrhh...hhrrarhh..." The semi-human was growling, a tight grip on his shaft as he worked himself over, a bestial glint in his eyes. Eli moved closer, marvelling the radical change in appearance of his friend - his hair was rougher looking, identical to that which he had in his transformed state, and his limbs were ever-so-slightly thinner, the nails on his fingertips darker, almost resembling his claws.

"Enjoying yourself, there?" Eli said with a teasing grin.

Peter chuckled as he stood up, twirling around slowly to give Eli a good look at his altered body. It had freaked him out when he'd first undergone the change, but it barely bothered him at all after so long. It felt nice. "It passes the time. You look like you've had some fun yourself."

"Can't say I've had as much as you, but eh, I've done what I can to pass the time!" Eli smirked, sitting at the foot of his friend's bed. "I'm honestly surprised that you haven't made a mess, you look like you could blow any minute!"

"Heh, sadly that's one of the downsides of this form. After the first night's transformation, it's almost impossible for me to cum as a human again until after the cycle resets." He pointed out.

"That's gotta suck, I mean I'm pretty damn horny right now and I can't seem to not be turned on!" He noted with another chuckle, not finding the situation all that bad when he thought about it. Nobody was really going to bother them.

"It's not worth worrying for too much longer, my friend." Peter edged closer. He could see that Eli's body was slightly different as well, not as drastic as his own, but given it was his first change, there wasn't going to be that many telltale signs outside of the increased libido. "In just a few minutes the sun will be gone for the day, and then all we need to do is wait for the moon~"

"Mmm... I can't wait for that to happen. God, I feel so much better after last night." He grinned as he felt up some of Peter's body, the fur feeling so wonderful to his now-altered mind. He'd never really think like a human again.

"You don't look too bad as you are now..." Peter said, running his hand along Eli's chest, feeling the slightly coarse hair. "Of course, once you've transformed, you'll be much better."

"Oh I can bet~" Eli giggled, not taking his eyes off of Peter for a second, not even noticing the sun had vanished from the night sky.

Their hands began to roam across their bodies, feeling one another up as their libidos began to spike, the fall of night making the pair incredibly horny, even compared to their daytime selves. Eli was moaning deeply, a slight chitter to his tone.

"Rrrhh... I bet you're gonna look amazing once you've transformed..." Peter grinned, nuzzling against Eli as he held him closer, their dicks throbbing in unison, inches away from each other, soon touching.

Eli rubbed his cock against Peter's, grinning as he did so, the sensations making them both tremble in bliss. It felt right, how could they deny such a thing? Modesty was useless to them. "You too..."

"Well you've seen my true form already..." Peter giggled, their cocks eagerly thrusting against each other as he slowly guided Eli down onto the bed, taking a long, lasting look over him, his hands resting on his friend's shoulders.

"Rrrhh... oooh, I can TELL that he's going to make a fine beast..." The voice in Peter's head called out, the drider within already awake and eager to break free.

Eli shuddered as his own beast was cooing words of encouragement in his mind, his cock trembling as it began to change shape as the moon rose. It became quickly inhuman, becoming larger in size and girth as he moaned loudly.


"Grrrgghhh!!" Peter snarled, pulling away from Eli momentarily, staring at him. The lust was growing too hard to ignore, the drider was awake, and even though Eli could hear a few faint words in his head, it'd take a small bit of additional persuasion to fully awaken it. Eli saw his friend's lips pull into a twisted smirk as he was lifted up slightly, Peter guiding his throbbing shaft towards Eli's rear, pressing against it. "Rhhh... I need you NOW!"

"Then take me!" Eli moaned as his friend wasted little time in thrusting into his rear, the hairs over his body growing thicker as he could feel his body changing, becoming more arachnid by the moment.

"Like you even have to tell me!" Peter hissed, pumping into his friend with a steady rhythm. His hands grasped Eli's shoulders, digging into them firmly as the nails broke off, sharp, dangerous claws growing in their place. Eli clawed at the bed, his hands slowly undergoing the same transformation.

His hands were destroying the bedding, but they'd find a way to replace it all at some point, his lower body feeling strange as it began to elongate. Not much at first, but it began to grow as he huffed and growled in lust, his second pair of arms growing in underneath the first pair, moving to grip at his cock.

"Oohh... hrhrarhhh..." Eli moaned, craning his neck around to look at Peter. His extra arms hadn't grown in yet, but it wouldn't take too long for that to happen. He could feel the beast clawing at his mind, slowly awakening. Meanwhile Peter's grasping grew tighter, drawing blood as his body stretched, his eyes turning a vibrant red.

"Yesss... tell me... tell me how much this turns you on!" Peter snarled.

"More... than you fucking know... god, if only this could've happened sooner!" He snarled back as his lower body began to elongate more, his body readjusting itself to walk on a more inhuman lower body, the beast purring inside his mind, spurring him to even further distance himself from humanity.

"What better way to make up for lost time, then?" Peter cooed into Eli's ear, the latter's legs kicking against the bed as they stretched, altering drastically, the toes merging together into two digits, each tipped with a sharp, vicious claw. The new claws scraped against the construct, his abdomen swelling outwards, the next part of his body to be afflicted by the change. As that happened, Peter's second set of arms grew in at a steady pace, the new clawed hands working their way up and down Eli's front.

"Mrrrghhhh... I like the way you think... " His abdomen extended steadily outwards, taking his legs with it as another set grew out to allow him to move around, the new limbs distinctly spider-like in their appearance, gripping the floor with steely strength.

"Grrraarrrhhhh..." The beast within Eli growled - he was growing steadily restless, and he knew that soon enough he'd have no control over his actions. Even then, there was no risk of him harming anyone immediately. His new claws clicked against the ground as his abdomen swelled to its final size, causing Peter to have to reposition himself slightly as he continued to screw his pal.

Peter's own body was warping to meet Eli's, the change in positioning taking little time or thought on his part. He was as used to the idea as he was to breathing, his own legs gripping at the floor as the pair could feel the beast scratching at the walls of their minds.

"Hhrrraaarrhhh... I... I can hardly wait!" A beastly growl filled Peter's ears, the beast within him close to awakening. The human minds were in control for now, but it wasn't going to be too much longer before that control was surrendered, his new clawed toes scratching against the floor as he rammed Eli harder, thrusting into his abdomen with everything he had to give.

Eli could feel his ears elongating, hearing becoming that much sharper as he gritted his teeth, which sharpened into potent fangs in under a minute, gleaming in the low light. Two more pairs of eyes opened up on his face, glowing ominously as his face pushed out into a slight muzzle as the beast took full control.

"HHRRAARRHHHHHH!!!" Eli snarled, his original eyes turning deep red as he turned towards Peter, hissing savagely as he watched his friend's head change as well - his ears grew into points, hair growing longer and darker. His original eyes became bigger, two more sets growing in around them whilst his jaws protruded into a snout, razor fangs replacing human teeth, a set of mandibles growing outwards to finish off his transformation. At that moment, Peter's beast was freed from its human prison, returning a dominant snarl to Eli.

Eli could feel his body tensing up as the transformation reached its peak, and he could hold back no longer, a inhuman, unearthly howl escaping his mouth as he climaxed, the drider whispering in his mind.

"Well done, human..."

"If only... if only I had known about this sooner...!" He responded back, but the words just echoed in his mind.

"Look at how much he's enjoying our gift~" The drider in Peter's mind chuckled. "You couldn't have picked a better recipient!"

"Things sure worked out!" Peter chuckled back as he climaxed as well, filling his friend up with his mutagenic seed. Any human would be lucky to have this gift, but he was glad he'd chosen his friend for this honour.

"Mmrrarrhhh...." The beast that was now Eli purred, coming down from his orgasm, chittering as he pushed himself up, gently pulling away from Peter as he finished up. "This is perfect~" He looked over himself, smirking. "A fine upgrade from that human shell!"

"I couldn't agree more~ You look even better now!" Peter smirked back as he took in his friend's transformed body, admiring every little detail of it. It would only be that way for the night, but he planned to make the most of it. And eventually, perhaps find more of their friends to convert.

"I should give you some warning now, though - don't expect to fully revert to human tomorrow..." Eli's drider spoke. "On the last day of the cycle, we're in control, and your body will be largely spider-like. I hope that's not a problem!"

"Why would THAT be a problem?" Eli responded with a manic giggle.

"Mrrhh... for now, though..." Peter growled, chittering hungrilly. "Why don't we go and get some food? I could go for some fresh meat~"

"Sounds like fun.. My first hunt!" Eli grinned menacingly as the pair opened the window and skittered out of it, their eyes seeing clearly in the night. The fun wasn't over yet, and the night was still young.

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