A Monster Find - Behemonster TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A little story adapted from an RP with myself and a friend. Decided to turn myself into a Behemonster (Anthro Behemoth from World of Final Fantasy) for this one :PBehemoth (C) Square-EnixPosted using PostyBirb

?"Whew... it feels like I've been digging for hours...!" Peter thought to himself as he struck the ground with his shovel for what had to be the umpteenth time by now. The youth had been exploring the remains of a long-forgotten temple, one which was rumored to hold a treasure that could bestow great power upon whoever found it, and judging by the amount of holes that he had found before he started, he knew that he wasn't the only one that had come looking for it. However, whilst those people were quick to give up, he was determined to see if he could find it, even if it meant having to dig through to the other side of the world to do so.

Everything easy to get to or at had been picked clean long ago, leaving him little to find of any real worth, but he wasn't going to leave without finding it. Coming here was his life's dream and going back empty-handed was unimaginable. The hole he'd dug was getting deeper with every passing minute.

"Come on..." He muttered, continuing to dig lower. He'd move onto another spot sooner or later, but he had a feeling deep in his gut that this spot would lead to something good.

He could see the darker, richer soil by the time his shovel hit something with a dull "tink" of impact. He couldn't see anything, but that was a definite sign he'd hit something that could potentially be worth his time to haul out.

"Oh?" His eyes lit up at the thought of finding something valuable, now digging around the area, desperate to unearth whatever was hidden beneath. He was already tired out from digging down deep, but he wasn't gonna give up now he had found a potential treasure.

Digging deeper, he saw the first hints of a large, dark purple crystal. A hunk of amethyst, he thought as more dirt was thrown out of the hole. How the others had missed it escaped him, but he wasn't going to complain. It looked valuable, and if he was lucky, it'd be exactly what he wanted.

"Damn, what a find!" He said with a great big grin, looking over the jewel, uncovering as much of it as he could - it'd be easier to prize it out of the ground the less dirt was holding it back.

He'd need something mechanical to pry it out of the hole for good, as it was easily as large as his torso, but he didn't care. He'd found it. It was his, but the question was what he would do with it. Sell it? Donate it? Keep it in the house? It shimmered with power and magic as he watched it.

"So many options... this is gonna take a bit of time to think about..." He said to himself, placing the shovel aside for now. Of course, first things first, he'd need to find a way of getting it out of the pit.

Of course, he couldn't shake the rumors from his mind. There were quite a few that anyone who actually found treasure there never came back. At least, not the same way they'd gone in. There had been some shaky footage of something not quite human, but a lot were convinced it wasn't real. Perhaps if he touched it...

"There's no way that those rumors are true... are they?" He found himself asking, reaching out towards the giant amethyst, placing the palm of his hand flat against it.

As his palm had reached out, he'd felt some electricity like a static shock building up, but as soon as he'd touched it, a massive jolt lanced through his body, the magic contained in the gem seeking a vessel to fill... and finding one.

"GAH!" He yelped, jumping backwards from the shock, nearly leaping out of the pit as he fell over. "Damn... must have some kind of generator or something inside of it to cause a shock that bad!" He winced, feeling a little sore from the zap.

As he continued to recover from the zap, he found his pants growing tighter as visions of lust and dominance began to echo in his mind. Faint at first, but he couldn't shake the thoughts of power, of lust, of taking someone and fucking them into a beast. Of stripping their humanity behind and leaving them a beast like himself.

"Ghh...mmrrghh..." A low growl left his throat as he looked downwards at his tenting shorts. "Urrf... what... what's going on?" He asked, the thoughts running rampant in his mind, only causing him more arousal.

He'd never been this hard before, and as he tried to shut the thoughts out, the louder they seemed to get, his body beginning to grow broader and taller, his chest barreling outwards as powerfully defined muscles you could chisel a rock on formed, along with a dense coating of purple fur, covering black, iron-hard skin. Peter may have been an unworthy vessel in his human state, but the magic was twisting him into one that was more than adequate.

"Grrrhhh, fuuuuuckk!" The growl turned into a full-on snarl as he tugged at his t-shirt, feeling it growing tighter around his expanding musculature. It didn't take much effort to tear it clean off, casting it aside and exposing his muscles to the cool night air. "Hrrahhh... oooh my..." He huffed, running a hand along his muscles.

He could feel himself growing taller as the changes continued, a thick ruff of golden fur running down the center of his chest as his arms expanded, thick and heavy with inhumanly strong muscles, easily stronger than dozens of men. His hands twitched as they grew to meet his size, long, thick claws dark as night and sharper than anything he'd known replacing his fingernails as he snarled and growled, a beastal need for dominance and power corrupting him.

"Rruhuhaaarrrrhhhhh!!" A guttural moan left his throat as he examined his blade-like claws, admiring them. He didn't know how on earth this was even possible, but at this point in time, it was feeling too good to question it, choosing to test his new claws against the nearest solid object.

The rock fell in pieces as he clawed at it, his lower body starting to bulk up in order to ensure he didn't fall over. He could feel a massive tail growing out above his impressive ass, but a low moan of arousal escaped his mouth as he felt his balls swell up, a sheath forming around his cock as it turned a dark, rich purple color and came to a barb-lined point, a knot growing in at the base of it. His new cannon hung there, massive and virile.

"Rrrhhrrghhh..." He stared at his mammoth dick, running a paw slowly along the fleshy rod. A shiver of arousal ran through him, making him feel weak in the knees. "Fhhhururucckk...." he couldn't help but grin, wrapping his hand around his cock, beginning to pump it up and down.

He barely noticed that the gem was much smaller now -- if only by virtue of him being much bigger. His legs swelled with well-defined muscles, able to move him far faster than his size would suggest, his heels rising upwards as his feet became digitigrade paws with the same lethal claws at the tips, sinking into the earth below. Foul, corrupt magic began welling up from his blackened soul. He would remake the world in his image, he grinned.

"Yesss.... Fuck yes!" His grin grew more twisted as he stroked himself harder, faster, guiding his leaking spire towards his mouth, rubbing it against his beefy pectorals. He knew several people who would gladly abandon their humanity for power like this, even if it twisted them into a beast.

As his neck furred over, his hair turned an orange color, more like a mane of sorts, drool leaking from his jaw for a moment as his face pushed out into a sinister, beast-like muzzle, teeth sharpening into fangs that could easily crush a skull. His nose broadened, huffing scents from all around. It was almost a shame so many would willingly accept it, taking some of the fun out, but he could twist them anyhow in their own rights.

Pre began to leak from his shaft as his ears sharpened, a massive pair of horns sprouting from his skull to finish the change. He was a hulking behemoth now, pulsing with powerful and foul sorcery, and was more than happy to use it.

He wrapped his lips around his aching spire, gently sucking on slurping on it, bringing him steadily closer to the edge, all while pumping it up and down with his hands, stroking from under the head all the way down to the knot. "Mhrrhraaaaaa....!"

He could feel his orgasm building, his balls churning with his potent new seed. It wouldn't be long now before he could show everyone what he'd found. And they'd either break beneath him or join him as powerful monsters. The very thought was enough to push him over the edge entirely, with a room-shaking bellow.

"Hhrrhrh...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He pulled his head away from his dick, roaring at the top of his lungs as he erupted, his cock firing dark-colored seed skywards, splattering around him as it hit the ground.

"Mmrrrghhh... He purred as he examined his massive body, easily about twenty feet tall, if not more. The gem was smaller than his fist now, but still no less powerful than it was before. It still had far more magic to give, the center of his corrupt powers.

"Rrhh... perfect..." He smirked, picking up the gem in his hand - he'd need to find a safe place to ensure that no human dared try to destroy it or try and claim its power for themselves. Thankfully he knew just the place, and, using the crystal's powers, he absorbed it into his own body.

Plans within plans were forming in his mind as he climbed out of the pit - merely a small hole to him now. He knew where to go first, who to visit. They would be an easy convert. And then they would both go on to convert more. And more. And he could barely wait to be the center of a massive orgy of behemoths.

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