A Surprise Gift - Weredragon TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A birthday gift for my friend Whip over on FA of himself into a beefy weredragon ;P

Wyraach (C) Myself

"I hope I'm not running too late!" Wyraach thought to himself as he glided through the skies above Milan, trying to track down one of his human friends. He had learned at the last moment that it was his birthday today, and he was in a hurry to try to find him to give him a personal birthday present. He looked around at the houses, trying to pinpoint where his friend lived whilst also taking in some of the scenery.

He knew what the human looked like, but finding his house could pose a problem, since Milan was a fairly large city. But given how close they were as friends, Wyraach couldn't miss this birthday. Alex was a nice guy, after all. However, it didn't take him too much longer to narrow down where he was. They'd recently spoken about his house, and the powerful weredragon soon found it.

"There you are..." He grinned, darting towards it.

"I wonder what Wyraach is up to?" Alex thought as he sat about in his bedroom, idly taking a few glances at his phone. He had received a text from him this morning saying that he had a surprise in store for him, so he was half expecting him to text him back with a link to a story or a picture or something. He gave no detail into what to expect, only aside from that he wanted Alex to be fully surprised by this. "I hope whatever it is he's not pushing himself, I know the time difference makes things a little awkward to keep in contact..."

The brown-haired human's musings were interrupted by a knock at the door. He wasn't expecting any visitors, but for all he knew it was a package from his friend. His glasses nearly fell off of his face as he answered it and beheld the tall, muscular dragon that had landed there, grinning widely, arms outstretched.

"Happy hatchday, Alex!"

"Wy...Wyraach? You're real?" He blinked, looking at him with a look of shock and total confusion. "But how?"

"It's a long story, my friend." Wyraach chuckled, coming into give his friend a great big hug. Whip couldn't help but blush a little from this - he knew he was a hugger, and he and Wyraach had always mused about giving each other a hug, but he was expecting to be hugging another human, not a big, beefy dragon!

"So, is this the surprise you said you were talking about? Showing up and...revealing that you're a real weredragon?" Alex leaned into the hug as they embraced, loving the feel of the dragon's scales against his body. It was different and he liked it. And this alone was one hell of a gift for a hatchday. Anything else was just gravy -- he was happy beyond belief to have his friend visit.

"Well that was just one surprise. I've still got one very big gift to give you, and it was important that I gave it to you in person..." He purred gently, nuzzling against the human.

"Ya know, I'm kinda worried to ask about what that other surprise would be." Alex said jokingly.

"Well...I was planning on fucking you into a weredragon like myself! Give you a body to die for, power, long life..." Wyraach grinned as he gestured to his body, not wasting time mincing words. They never had when they spoke online, and he appreciated a human who was direct -- and Alex certainly was. And a gift like the one he was offering would be hard to refuse, though he fully expected that his friend would jump at the chance.

"Woah... well, that is quite direct!" He chuckled, blushing slightly.

"You're not against the idea, are you friend?" Wyraach nuzzled him again, stroking Alex's sides. "I know you love to play these ideas out with me via text, so why don't we make it a reality?"

"Heh... It would be fun to experience. Besides, you do know it's one of my little kinks." He smirked. "How do you want to do this? Down here or upstairs in the bedroom?"

"Let's do it here...god, this is going to feel awesome, isn't it?" Alex blushed even more as he began to disrobe - he didn't want to destroy his clothing if he could avoid it. But they could both tell how excited he was to join his friend in becoming what they both knew to be a superior species. And thanks to some magic, nobody would be able to tell unless he wanted them to.

"And how shall we do this? I could give you a little love bite..." Wyraach hovered his fanged maw over Alex's shoulder, fangs glistening. "Or I could give you one big injection to get the changes flowing..." He growled, the slit on his front parting, revealing two large, beastly knotted cocks, a large pair of balls emerging as well. "Though these things may be a bit too big for you to take them both, but I'm sure the one needle will do the trick..." He purred.

"Mmm... I have the feeling that you're probably going to end up giving me a few love bites during the ordeal, so let's go with the injection idea..." He reached behind him, stroking Wyraach's thigh, making him growl louder, his cocks throbbing.

"Well, then...mrrrghh...let's get started, shall we?" Wyraach growled as he lined up one of his mighty spears with his friend's rump then slowly began to push it in, Alex gasping for a moment, but soon sighing as the weredragon began to thrust in and out, the contact already having an obvious effect as he started to grow taller, golden scales starting to spread outwards from his toning rump.

"That's it, just relax..." Wyraach whispered into Alex's ears as he thrusted at a steady rhythm, his second cock thrusting and rubbing against Alex's own, slowly smearing each other's dick in pre. Alex groaned as his muscles slowly expanded in size and width, the scales growing across his arms, getting darker from the wrists downwards.

"Ahhrrhh.... Oooh that feels sooo goood!" He trembled, his hands twitching as they thickened up, strength filling them as he gripped the weredragon's thigh, stroking it tenderly. The nails on his hands split apart, sharpened claws growing outwards as his biceps ballooned in size.

"Just you wait, my friend...it only gets better from here!" Wyraach grinned as his thrusting began to pick up pace, watching his friend's torso grow increasingly muscular as his abs and pecs gave him the look of a Greek god, sheathed in thick golden scales. Above his rump, a long scaled tail extended out of his spine, the nerves wiring themselves into his brain causing Alex's cock to twitch, expelling the last of his human seed, his balls already churning, sending waves of bliss through his mind.

"Ohh....mrrrryyesss...." He hissed in pleasure. "Morrrree..."

"All in due time..." Wyraach gently nibbled at Alex's neck, the scales not having quite reached there yet. He was still growing, his size getting closer to Wyraach's own. Their tails coiled around each other's as Alex's cock seized and trembled more, still bobbing up and down from the thrusting of Wyraach's below. Its color started to darken from a fleshy pink to a deep black, ridges forming along the upper half of it as the base swelled into a thick knot. The last few drips of his human seed drained from the head as the shape pushed itself into a barb-ridden point. Before he could even say anything else, it suddenly split straight down the middle into two girthy spears.

"Ffffucckkk...this is soooo good!" Alex, or perhaps Whip, as he was starting to think of himself, hissed as his spear became two, his hands going to them and beginning to pump them both, each motion causing more pre to spurt out. From behind his shoulders, Wyraach got a good view of two bulges growing, then breaking out into a pair of magnificent wings, easily capable of carrying the weredragon-to-be aloft for hours at a time. His neck also began to stretch slightly as his hair grew longer, wilder, going past the base of his neck.

"Ghhehehe...who wants to be human?"

"Rrrhhh, that's the spirit!" Wyraach's own hands joined in, gripping his and one of Whip's cocks together, jerking them off in unison. Whip started drooling from the sensations, his jaws slowly pushing forwards as his nose sank into his upper jaw, the nostrils flaring as steam rose from them. His tongue lashed out across his teeth as they grew bigger, stretching into great fangs, several more filling his gaping maw. His tongue split into a fork at the tip, flickering between his new fangs as his changes reached their climax, just as they were getting closer to their own.

"Ghhh...going to...explode sooon..." Whip hissed as he could feel his whole body practically lighting up as it prepared for his first, though certainly not last, draconic orgasm as Wyraach continued to thrust into him and stroke him off. He closed his eyes for a moment, adrift in utter bliss before a intensely pleasurable sensation overwhelmed him, his eyes snapping open, now fully draconic and his pupils slit, as he threw his head back in a powerful roar. As he did, he could feel his ears growing longer, horns sprouting from his skull.


As he roared, he came like a volcano, his twin spears spraying his potent new seed all over the floors, walls and ceiling of his house as he became a full-blown weredragon for good, Wyraach seeding him from behind, a content grin on his face.

"Rgghh...hurhroahghh....!" Wyraach grunted through his orgasm, filling him up to the brim. They collapsed backwards on the sofa, Whip landing on Wyraach's lap as the black weredragon held the golden beast close, nuzzling against him. "So, my friend... how did that feel?"

"Absolutely amazing..." He panted, purring as he looked back towards Wyraach. "Does it feel this good every time you shift?"

"It gets better every time." Wyraach smiled, stroking Whip's muscled front. "I wanted you to experience it first hand and close to me."

"Thank you, Wyraach..." Whip nuzzled his friend as he admired his new body in a mirror. It looked exactly like how he'd imagined it. Every little detail that had been in his mind was now a reality. And he had only one person to thank for this. "...this is truly the best gift I could have ever gotten!"

He thought for a few moments as they continued to cuddle, the two weredragons enjoying one another's company as only close friends possibly could. It would be a crime to keep a sensation that good from their other friends, hatchday or not.

"Say..." Whip began, a smirk forming on his muzzle. "...why don't we go spread the fun to our other human friends? Maybe get a little...group activity going for my party?"

"That should be just fine. In fact, I don't think it's that far to get to Switzerland from here, am I right?" Wyraach enquired.

"Ooooh why do you ask? Are you thinking of getting him involved in the action too?"

"It's worth a shot, I mean he's commissioned enough of the stuff to show an interest in it!" The black dragon giggled. "Let's start with some of your local friends before we find him though, save the best for last!"

"I'm with you on that idea!" Whip grinned wildly.

"This will be the best hatchday you've ever had, I'll promise you that much!" Wyraach grinned as he hugged Whip tightly, though before long, the duo were going at it again, enjoying the bodies they had, the friendship they possessed and would have for many, many more years to come. It had been a gift a long time coming, but neither of them would say that the wait wasn't worth it.

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