Wild Lust - Dragoness and Werewolf TFs

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A commission for of his werewolf and dragoness characters finding my cobragon, Tiamat, and having some fun with them ;)

All characters (C) Their owners

"Rrrghh...." Shelly growled impatiently, her body fidgeting slightly as she followed behind Raine, the werewolf in human guise glaring over at the disguised dragoness. "How much longer are you going to lead me into nowhere? It's bad enough that I'm in need of some sensual company, but you're leading me on a wild goose chase and it's REALLY starting to piss me off!" She snapped.

"Have a little patience, my friend." Raine responded, swaying her hips slightly. The hermaphroditic beast, currently in a human form, couldn't help but chuckle at Shelly's impatience. It was a good sign that she was eager indeed, but it wouldn't be any fun at all if she was to let loose now. "Have I ever led you wrong before?"

"Do you really want me to answer that question?" Was Shelly's response. "You claimed that you're some kind of expert guide, but the last time you led me somewhere I ended up hanging out among the treetops!"

"Hey, it's not my fault you decided to pull out your crossbow and decided to take aim at those travelling salesmen that you claimed had sold you some dodgy wares in the past. If you want my opinion, if you take your eyes off the road when going on a trigger happy rampage, you deserve to end up dangling in vines!"

"Can you just tell me where we're going before I lose it?!" Shelly barked.

"Sheesh... I'm taking you to visit a friend of mine. One who'll help us with our needs..."

"Our needs... what, are you taking us to this Wyraach you're always talking about?"

"Wyraach?" Raine couldn't help but blush, thinking of the giant beast of a dragon, alongside his mate, Raiya. It was thanks to the two of them, after all, that she, or rather, shi, had been saved from a boring life as a human male blacksmith tossed into the middle of a one-sided war between human and dragons, and given new meaning as a winged creature, powerful and beautiful. She had the ability to shift between human and dragoness forms, as well as the ability to change her human forms gender - she'd normally go with the male guise he was born with as a human, but sometimes she'd choose to be female to throw people off guard. And since she really wanted to surprise Shelly on multiple levels, it seemed like a good idea to use a female form. Also mainly because she looked like the type that'd shoot any male who'd try to make an advance on her. "Oh no, we're nowhere near Wyraach. I could have taken you to him if we had chosen to travel on horseback, but you claim to have a problem with horses."

"It's not that I have a problem with horses, THEY have a problem with me!" She snapped. In all fairness, it was a bit of both - aside from being a top hunter, her lycanthrope side did give off certain signals at times that spooked any nearby critters. What was the fun of the hunt if she could just put an arrow through their head at point-blank range? "So if not Wyraach, then who are you taking me to?"

"Another friend of mine." Was all Raine said. It was obvious that neither of them knew the truth about each other, which was kind of ironic given they were both inhuman beings. "Just trust me, he knows how to give girls like us a good time!"

"I'm gonna take your word for it, but if this takes much longer than I swear to GOD THAT I'M GOING TO SCREAM!" She literally roared the last part of that statement.

"Don't worry, it won't be much longer now!" Raine tried to calm her down. 'Man... remind me to get you a muzzle...' She added internally. It took her a little longer than expected to get to their location, mainly because she was so used to the luxury of flying from point A to point B,but now wasn't the time to reveal her true nature to Shelly, but eventually she led her right where they needed to be.

"Ta-da! What do you think?" Raine said with a wide smile.

"This is a cave..." Shelly responded blankly, tilting her head as she looked at it. "A cave in the middle of seemingly nowhere."

"Well yeah, this is where my friend lives. Trust me, it doesn't look like much, but -"

"Are you FUCKING kidding me?!" Shelly snapped. "THIS craphole is meant to be where we're gonna find some release?!"

"Never judge a book by it's cover. Trust me..." She chuckled "Now are you going to come in with me or am I going to have to drag you in kicking and screaming?"

"Guh... I honestly swear if this is some kind of stupid trick, I'm bolting your hands to the walls!" She sneered once more.

"Duly noted. Oh, and you're gonna want to leave your weapon close by the entrance... chances are it might not leave in one piece if you bring it with you." Raine advised.

"Something about this just seems odd... I guess I'm gonna have to give her the benefit of the doubt." She took a few steps in and placed her weapon down in the shadows, out of view of anyone who might pass by the entrance. She still had her hunting knife concealed on her person - it'd be a cold day in hell before she went in anywhere unprepared.

"Good girl." Raine nodded. Those words sounded so condescending to Shelly, just barely managing to suppress a snarl.

"Watch your mouth..." Was all she got as a response. "So tell me.... Just what am I to expect of this friend of yours? You haven't even told me his name!"

"Well seeing we're in his lair, I suppose it won't hurt to fill you in on him." Raine looked back at Shelly as they moved forwards. "His name is Tiamat."

"Tiamat? As in the hydra Tiamat?"

"Sadly no. That doesn't mean he's not cool, though!"

"Shame, I was thinking that if he was a hydra, they'd be quite the conversation talker." Shelly cracked a joke, showing that she did have a sense of humor.

"How do you like that? I was starting to think you were totally without a sense of humor." Rain cracked back at her.

"I'd watch what you say - just because I've had to leave my crossbow behind doesn't mean I can't slap a bitch upside the head!"

"Pleasant." Raine rolled her eyes, a rumbling being heard quite a way ahead of them. "Ah, it sounds like our friend's awake at least!"

"You still haven't told me what Tiamat is, exactly!" Shelly stopped in her tracks as the path beneath her started to shake and rumble.

"Well I could tell you, but considering that he's going to be greeting us in a few moments, you might as well see for yourself!" Raine spoke in a teasing tone.

"Again, this better be worth it..." She looked into the distance.

"Rggghh... who dares disturb me?" A voice growled to them. "Who dares to set foot in the lair of Tiamat?"

"Relax, big guy! It's me, Raine!" She said. "And I've got a friend with me!"

"Ohhhh, why didn't you say so beforehand?" The voice responded in a softer tone. "Is the friend you've brought the one with a temper?"

"Raine, just what were you telling him?" Shelly said through gritted teeth.

"Nothing much." She whistled, watching Tiamat draw ever closer. "I know you're going to love him as much as I do!"

"I'll believe that when I see it" The huntress thought when she saw a pair of yellow and crimson eyes looking at them both through the darkness. From that first impression alone, she could tell that this Tiamat must be some kind of inhuman creature.

"I wonder if I'll be able to make both of you roar in pleasure today... I know Raine has some experience with me, but I know nothing about you." Tiamat moved closer, his shadowy form coming into view. When it did, Shelly's eyes nearly popped out of her head in an uncharacteristic fashion. Tiamat was properly exposed to the two of them now, revealing himself as a tall, imposing hybrid of dragon and snake, naga-like in appearance, with a body length spanning fifty feet.

"Wh... what in God's name is that thing?" Shelly looked at the beast in disbelief.

"That, my snappy friend, is Tiamat. He's a Cobragon." Raine giggled, beaming proudly as she took notice of Shelly's shock.

"No fucking way..." She looked at Tiamat in disbelief. "You... you're some kind of dragon hybrid? How is that even possible?"

"It's a long story, but I wouldn't be worrying about that." Tiamat looked down at the two of them. "What I would be worrying about, however, is that your friend of yours is breaking the 'no weapons' rule."

"What do you mean? I left my bow at the entrance, like you said!"

"I can see where you're hiding the dagger." He tutted.

"Tsk..." She growled, reaching for the blade she had hidden in her boot. "Excuse me for keeping my wits about me."

"Pardon my friend, she's a bit hot headed." Raine told Tiamat. "Anyway, now that we're here, I thought you'd be willing to help us with our little problem."

"What kind of problem is it that you need seeing to?" Tiamat asked in a teasing tone. "A lot of people come to me asking for help with problems, so it'd help if you were to clarify."

"Well it's been awhile since Shelly has had company of a sexual nature." Raine started. "It's been awhile for me too, but it seems that she's more desperate than I am."

"So you're asking me if I can satisfy her sexually?" Tiamat grinned. "That's completely doable, my friend. But before you do, there's one thing you've got to do for me, Raine."

"And what would that be?" She spoke slyly.

"Drop the human act." Tiamat's grin stretched from cheek to cheek. "Let loose and show the human what you REALLY are and what you're capable of!"

"Ah yes... that was the other thing that I was going to tell you about when we got here, Shelly." Raine growled "If I had shown you this earlier on today, it would have made travelling a WHOLE lot easier, but good things come to those who wait, after all!" Her eyes fixated on Shelly, the other human watching as Raine's eyes turned a vibrant shade of ruby red, the pupils pulling into thin slits.

"What the hell?" Shelly gasped, looking at Raine as she slowly grew taller. Her skin flaked away into dust, revealing emerald green scales growing around her arms and hands, the palms of her hands puffing out slightly as sharp, curving claws grew from her fingertips. She tugged at her clothing, wanting to cast it aside as she turned her gaze back to the Cobragon. "Just what are you?" She followed up, a pair of bumps appearing against her shoulder blades.

"That'll become clear very soon." Raine growled, pulling her top off as she let it slip through her fingers, running her hands teasingly against her exposed breasts. Tan colored scutes began growing up and down her front, hugging tight around her breasts as the nipples turned a vibrant shade of green to match her scales. "I do apologise for not telling you sooner and keeping you in sexual agony all this time..." She smirked, swaying her hips as her form grew lithe and slender, her breasts and hips growing larger and wider respectively, causing her to moan louder as she explored herself. "Besides, if you think that's the only surprise you think I've got in store for you, then you're wrong."

"I have no fucking clue what you think is going to top this... besides, I might have something I'm hiding from you, for all you know..." Shelly growled, watching Raine start to rub up against TIamat's coils, stroking them as her clawed hands slowly moved towards his muscled torso.

"You know, you look hotter than the last time I saw you. Have you been working out, by any chance?" She murred, trailing a finger along his abs. The scales spread further, her shorts straining against her massive thighs, even more so as a bump formed at the base of her spine.

"I have been doing a lot of slithering from here to there..." Tiamat teased, his tongue flickering through his fangs as he looked over her. "You always seem to improve each time you transform, but that's only natural with you!" He flirted with her.

"Oh hush!" She grinned. Her shorts were getting tighter, the bump on her spine soon breaking free, taking the back of her shorts with it as it grew into a long, thick, powerful tail, thwacking against Tiamat's own. As her shorts fell away, the scales covered her nether regions, smooth scales growing around her eager lips. Above that, she could feel her groin swelling, the transforming dragoness chuckling as she turned to face Shelly. "Oh, by the way, Shelly... here's the other surprise!" She presented herself to Shelly, a sheath forming along her front as a pair of large, swollen balls grew out underneath, a long, fleshy, thirteen inch cock emerging, black and purple in coloration with a girthy knot, barbs running along the top upto the spaded head.

"Holy fuck..." Shelly went wide eyed at Raine's hermaphroditic reveal, watching her run a clawed hand along hir dick, pre dribbling from the head. She knew she still had to reveal her werewolf side to them, but there was no way she'd be able to top that, even if she tried. Normally if there was something she was jealous of, she'd usually hunt them down and kill them for sport, or turn them into werewolves like herself, but that curse could only be passed onto other humans or plain wolves.

"Grrghhh.... Oh Tiamat, I can barely wait..." Shi moved hir free hand to Tiamat's groin, slowly stroking along it. It didn't take too long for the monstrous hybrid to become excited, the slit along his front parting to reveal a pair of large, towering cocks, pitch-black in coloration, lined with sharp barbs and thick knots. "I've been thinking about this the whole time I was travelling with her..."

"Hehe... I'm eager to get down to business with you too, my dear. But..." He looked to Shelly. "It'd be cruel to leave your friend out of the fun, considering you brought her all this way to become entangled with me." He purred.

"Oh she can join in once I'm done with my changes." Shi placed one of her hands around Tiamat's spires, stroking them one at a time. "Besides which, it's not like she's hiding something, unlike me. Shi kicked hir shoes aside just as hir feet stretched taller, pressure shifting to the balls of hir feet, toes thickening as the middle digits merged, the big toe shrinking back towards hir heels as sharp, curving talons broke free through hir human nails, clicking against the ground as the soles of hir feet puffed out into scaly pads.

"Rgghh... you're doing this to me on purpose, aren't you?" Shelly asked the nearly completed dragoness, watching hir move hir hands from Tiamat's towers as shi positioned hirself over one of them, slowly lowering hirself onto it. As shi did, a pair of powerful, elegant wings burst through hir back, spreading wide as they created a miniature gust throughout the cave. "And how do you know I'm not holding back something?"

"Hehe... well I know you're not a dragoness like me." Shi teased her further, hir neck stretching by a few inches, the scales working their way up hir head. Hir hair fell away in clumps, a set of sharp white spikes growing up and down along hir spine, travelling down towards the tip of hir tail. Hir ears grew into points, shifting into draconic fins. "So I know I'm already superior to you, mortal." Shi added as hir jaws thrusted forwards, shifting into a powerful muzzle, nostrils flaring as steam rose from them, hir nose sinking into hir upper jaw. Shi threw hir head back, a pair of ivory, swept back horns emerging from hir head. To end hir transformation, hir eyes moved towards the sides of hir head. "Grraghh... oh yeah, Tiamat... you feel so good!"

"Mrrghh..." Shelly groaned, fidgeting as she looked at the freshly transformed dragoness getting it on with the Cobragon, the latter's tail brushing against hir thighs. "Damn it... they're driving me wild..." She growled again, finding it harder to keep her inner beast in check. She tugged at her clothes, pulling them aside as she looked at them needily. "Gahh... I need..."

"Yesssss?" They both hissed in unison, Tiamat thrusting into Raine as he held hir closer.

"I need to...grghh..rhhr....hhhhhHHHHOOOOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLL!!!!" She threw her head back, letting loose a totally inhuman howl as the grip she had on her inner beast slipped. The heat was too much to contain - she needed to fuck, and she needed it NOW!

"Oh?" Raine raised a scaly eyebrow. "This sounds like an interesting development!"

"Grrghh... do you think I'm going to let you have all the fun yourself?" She stepped forwards, looking at the two dragons. Normally she'd be much more dominant towards them, but seeing the two beasts before her, and knowing they could make mincemeat of her before she could recover her trusty bow, she knew that this time around, she was their prey. It wasn't a role she liked to assume most of the time, but here she had no choice.

"Good.. now how about you drop your disguise as well so we can have fun without restriction?" Tiamat hissed, his other cock still free.

"I might just take you up on that..." Shelly nodded, starting to undress herself. She could feel her inner beast clawing inside, needing to be free, her anticipation growing stronger by the second as her body pulsed with power and need. She threw her clothes aside just as her nails shattered, sharpened claws growing from her fingertips as the palms of her hands gained soft canine pads. Tan colored fur grew across her hands, upto her wrists where it darkened to a light brown. "I'll try not to bite, either."

"It'd be pointless if you did - lycanthropy only afflicts those who are human and nothing more." Tiamat invited Shelly closer, his tail wagging in anticipation as the sniper stepped forwards, looking up at the two dragons. If they were in her territory, she'd more than likely be calling the shots, but even someone like her knew when it was best to hold her tongue. Her biceps gained some slight definition as the tan fur continued to grow in down her front, across her breasts and chest.

"Tch, figures your kind WOULD be immune to that." She sighed as she got within touching distance of Tiamat's other spear. As she did, she was immediately raised closer to it by the Cobragon's powerful tail, starting to coil around the two of them. "Ghh, what are you doing now?"

"Heh... well I do love getting close to my partners, and what better way to get close to you two than to do this?" He asked, his coils slowly constricting the two of them, not enough to wring the air out of them, but enough to restrict their movement. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you in any way or form."

"You better not..." Shelly growled, her muscles toning up nicely as her front was entirely covered by the fur, her breasts swelling larger, going up a couple of sizes as she pressed against Raine. "Anyway, I've just had a neat idea on what to do with you..." She smirked to the herm dragoness.

"And what....mmmrrhhh... would that be...." Raine huffed as shi rode hirself harder against Tiamat's dick. Shi watched as Shelly locked lips with hir suddenly, holding hir close to the best of her abilities as she felt hir up. "Oooohhh.. I think I see, you naughty wolf..."

"What can I say, this is a good way to disarm people if they have any hidden weapons... though it's not so good if they ARE the weapon." Shelly moaned as she bucked against Tiamat's other spear, groaning as a bump formed at the base of her spine, soon working its way out into a long, thick, fluffy tail, light brown on the top and tan on the bottom.

"We can tell you've never gotten this close to a dragon before." Both Raine and Tiamat spoke at the same time, giggling as the fur continued to consume the changing human's form, covering her legs as the thighs gained some impressive definition, giving her hourglass figure some extra muscle, the tail brushing against Tiamat's own.

"Mmrrrhhh...hrarhhh..." Shelly puffed and moaned, her breaths coming faster as she rode the hybrid beast faster, her lips still locked with Raine's. Her toes curled as the tan fur covered them, the digits thickening up whilst the big toe shrank back to form a tiny dewclaw, sharp claws breaking through each nail. Her feet stretched and popped, the soles of her feet puffing outwards into black pads. Her claws gripped around Raine's wings as she held hir closer still, her tongue darting into hir fanged maw.

"Mmmrrooowlll... quite the horny bitch, aren't we?" Raine teased, hir long, forked tongue darting into her mouth as the human's jaws started to stretch forwards. Her ears relocated to the top of her head, growing to long points as they furred over, tan fur lining the insides of them, the same tan fur sprouting along her lower jaw.

"Grrahhh, you better fucking believe it!" She snapped, her jaws continuing their growth as her teeth shifted into piercing fangs. Her nose became dark and bulbous, sinking into her upper jaw as her nostrils flared, a small cleft appearing in her upper lift, lining it to her nose. To end the changes her eyes moved towards the sides of her head, turning a feral golden color.

"Hrheheheh... A werewolf and a dragoness... an unusual pairing, to say the least..." Tiamat spoke, still drilling the two werebeasts as he towered over the two of them. "But at least now you're getting along with each other!"

"Mmrhh...hrhrhh... only because you're fucking us so brilliantly!" Shelly growled, the two creatures bucking against the giant serpent, the three of them edging ever closer to their eventual orgasm, even more so as Tiamat tightened his grip on the two of them.

"You could....rhhh.... Still learn something from this..." Raine said between gasps, hir breasts heaving up and down, bouncing against the wolf's own ample frame. Their bodies trembled, they knew they were close to orgasm. Any second now...

"Grhh....hrrhhh...GRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Tiamat bellowed at the top of his lungs, spewing forth black and red flames from his venomous maw as he came hard, filling the dragon and werewolf with his potent seed. He knew it'd have little to no effect on Shelly, but with Raine it should help in increasing their numbers and maybe providing more Cobragon offspring. The two werecreatures roared with him as they too climaxed in unison, lost in pure bliss as it happened.

"Ahhhhh.....hrhrhh....rrrhhhhh...." Shelly and Raine purred in bliss as Tiamat eventually released his grip on the two of them, letting them slink down to the floor as he withdrew his softening cocks. "There... how do you feel now, Shelly..." Raine purred contently, rubbing hir belly.

"Not... not gonna lie... that was fucking intense..." The wolf huffed, catching her breath as she looked over to Raine and then Tiamat. "Your friend did good, I'm not ashamed to admit that."

"I'd be disappointed if I heard otherwise..." Tiamat purred. "So what are you two gonna do now you've been properly satisfied?"

"First... first I think I need to rest this off." Shelly said, feeling spent from the whole ordeal. "Then I should get back to hunting. Well, that's if I'm past my heat."

"And if you're not past it?" Tiamat felt compelled to ask with a knowing smirk.

"If I'm still horny, I'm gonna be wanting more of you. Maybe one on one this time so I can REALLY make you blow!"

"Oh, you think you can cause him to orgasm better than what a dragon can do?" Raine grinned. "Cause I'd LOVE to see you try, Shelly!"

"You will, no worries there!" Shelly shot back. "For now though, I need to recover from getting fucked by a giant snake dragon!"

"Cobragon." Tiamat chimed in.

"Whatever. You better be ready for me if I need you again soon!" Shelly grinned as she rested up against her clothes.

"Is she always like this?" Tiamat whispered to Raine.

"Trust me - you have NO idea!" Raine chuckled, the herm dragoness sitting close to Tiamat as the werewolf quickly drifted off to sleep. "Whilst she gets her stamina back, why don't we go for round two?"

"Think she'll get mad if we wake her up?"

"Eh, let her!" Raine grinned maniacally, pouncing Tiamat as the two dragons went at it again. The intention was for the two of them to just spend a few hours at Tiamat's lair to help Shelly with her lusty needs, but that soon turned into a few days.

You know what they say - time flies when you're having fun.

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