Virtual Transformation - Herm Renamon TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A commission for over on FA

Renamon (C) Akiyoshi Hongo/Toei Animation

"This thing's really taking its time to install..." Auro thought to himself as he looked at the installation progress bar on his PC, waiting for his latest gadget to finish installing. He had recently received a special beta version of a VR headset that had gone into testing, and they were offering it free to random people offered through a raffle. He was one of the lucky few who got chosen to receive a free headset whilst others had to pay a small fee to get theirs. He was currently in the process of setting it up, waiting for it to finish installing before he could test out the software that came with it.

The progress bar crept slowly along as Auro looked at it -- looking at it seemed to make it go that much slower. He just hoped that this would all be worth it in the end, otherwise he'd be pretty upset over his time being wasted. At the very least he had the VR helmet as a prize either way. Would probably go for a lot on eBay if it didn't wind up being worth his time.

Eventually the computer played an alert sound when the installation completed, asking him if he wanted to try out the headset now. "Alright, I've got some time to kill before dinner!" He smiled, placing the device around the top of his head as he started the program. It took a few seconds, but lights on the headset started to blink, the screen inside it turning on as he was presented with a menu of all the different types of software that was preinstalled, as well as an option to download more programs to use on it.

As he finished booting it up, he saw that one of the programs had been specially made for him. By who, he didn't know, but the filename indicated that it had been placed there specifically for him. Auro shrugged -- they probably used a lot of the user data that had been collected for the contest to formulate something for him specially as a way of further enticing him to buy more software from the company once the headset came out of beta.

"Guess it's worth a try." He chose the program from the menu, letting it load. For a few moments, all he saw laid out before him was an empty area with a wireframe floor, kinda like something from an 80s computer game, but within a few seconds the area was full of lush plants, perfect greenery and trees that were blotting out the virtual rays of sunlight that shone through some of the leaves. It looked like this simulation had placed him right in the middle of a vibrant forest of some kind, the sounds of birds chirping catching his ears, as well as the sound of running water. Looking up past the trees he saw the peak of a cliff, water cascading down it - perhaps a waterfall was nearby. Pressing the keys on his keyboard, he walked towards the source of the water, wanting to see if his guess was correct, and if it was, to see just how lifelike it looked.

The only thing that kept him from thinking that it was real life was the lack of any real smells that one would associate with a forest. But it looked and sounded like the real deal to him, which was rather impressive. He kept on walking through the clearing he'd found himself in, admiring the details. If it looked this good in beta, he would need to get the full version whenever it came out. Of course, he was also getting a little bored -- a walk in the woods was fine, but VR could do ever so much more.

As he walked, he noticed something that seemed a little out of place - in the middle of this large, sprawling forest, was a phone booth. He walked over to it and picked up the receiver, and to his surprise, there was a dial tone. "Huh, well that's odd..." He thought to himself before putting the receiver back down, once again going back to tracking the source of what he was looking for. A few steps later and he walked out of the forest, finding himself in the middle of a clearing overlooked by a two hundred foot waterfall, the sound of water running and crashing against the lake at the bottom running through his head. It all sounded so lifelike that for a moment he felt as if he was actually standing beside one.

He caught sight of some movement at the base of the falls. A pair of yellow shapes were down below and hadn't noticed him yet. At least, as far as he could tell. And if the sights in general had been outstanding so far, Auro wanted to see how any NPCs would react to a player and began to make his way down, using the clearly marked paths. As he did so, he was already thinking of the feedback he'd need to give the developers. This was simply amazing, to the point it felt real.

He moved closer to the waterfall, wondering if he could see just what NPCs he was dealing with, and if they were human to begin with. To his surprise, the characters he encountered weren't human, but humanoid. They were a pair of tall, bipedal fox creatures, covered in gold and white fur, each wearing a pair of purple gloves that stretched to their elbows. On top of that, these creatures had some unique traits to help differentiate their genders, the most obvious ones being the large set of firm breasts the female had, and the toned muscles and sheath the male had.

"Wait a minute... are those... Renamon?" Auro asked himself. He was familiar with the concept of Digimon, but it was strange to see them before his very eyes, even if they were computer generated. And stranger still to see them sexualised.

"Indeed we are." The female chuckled as she looked up from her bathing. The human hadn't been stealthy in the slightest, so his approach hadn't gone unnoticed. The two Digimon didn't seem at all bothered by the intrusion. If anything, they seemed to welcome his presence in the basin. They both smiled and began moving towards him. "Welcome to our little home."

"I do hope I'm not intruding." He looked at them with a blush.

"Don't worry, you didn't interrupt anything - all we were doing was taking a shower." The male spoke. He could hear their voices through the headphones built into the headset. "There's nothing to apologise about."

"A-Alright..." Auro blushed more furiously as they emerged from the water, as shamelessly nude as the day they were made. As with his approach, the duo of Renamon noticed this and smiled as the female approached him, running a furred hand on his. It even felt real to him outside of the simulation. The realism of the simulation was almost perfect, barring the fact that the headset didn't simulate smells.

"Aww... not used to seeing us like this?" She chuckled.

"Not really..." He was almost fully red at this point, not even noticing the male Renamon moving behind him.

"You'll have a lot of time to get used to it if you keep using this simulation. I mean you did kinda make a request for a cybersex application to be added to this, remember?"

Auro couldn't help but facepalm, although when he did so, he hit his head instead of the headset - at least, that was what he believed happened. "Oh boy, did I load that program off the bat?" He chuckled awkwardly, noticing that he was standing between the two Renamon.

"That you did. So shall we get down to business, my human friend?"

"Uh... I guess so! You two have an idea in mind?" Auro had remembered reading some sort of warning in the manual, and soon enough, the female piped up again with a smile on her face as she started to remove his pants with ninja-like grace, tossing them aside into a nearby set of bushes.

"Just so you know, this isn't the most... stable program, and it might have side effects. And we do indeed have one... so, you still want to go on? We won't do anything more until you say yes."

"Wish you had said that BEFORE you had removed my pants!" He had to chuckle at that, before asking, "Any idea what those side effects could be?"

"None at all," the duo replied as they shook their heads. Of course they really DID know what would happen, but then again,where would the fun be in telling him? "It's all up to you in the end."

"Well... I guess I did ask for this to test out the VR capabilities... so eh, screw it." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm ready if you are!"

" could always put them back on later!" The female chuckled as she laid back against the grass, exposing her lower regions to Auro, who quickly became hard due to the simulation. Hesitantly, he entered her and began to thrust in, getting a good rhythm going as the male started to line him up from behind, placing both of his three-fingered hands on the human's shoulders.

"You'll feel this, but trust me... you'll have a lot of fun."

"I hope so..." He braced himself, the male Renamon's excitement showing as his knotted cock emerged from its sheath, already pressing against his rump. With a quick thrust, it was inside of him, and, true to the male's word, he felt it, nearly jumping out of his seat as he contracted instinctively against it, feeling his cock rise in his pants.

As he took the female and was taken by the male, he had to admit that he was starting to enjoy himself a lot. After all, who could say they had a three-way with two Renamon in VR? The female put her breasts in his face, smiling as she saw emerald green fur starting to grow over his chest, which was growing more muscular with every passing second. He hadn't noticed yet, but he would notice the rush of energy and euphoria going through him.

"Mmm... oooh... that feels so lifelike..." He said, nuzzling into the female's breasts, running his tongue over them. She trembled, letting out a lustful moan as she stroked his thighs, wanting him to pick up the pace as he thrusted faster into and against his partners. He was so lost in their attention that he failed to notice the growing fur, turning a bright gold from the elbows downwards as his biceps grew broader. His fingers slowly merged together into three thick digits, a pair of gloves appearing around them. He had no idea that the changes happening to him in the simulation were happening to him as well, his shirt tearing around his frame as it grew more muscular.

"It was... mmmff... programmed well...!" She moaned as she kept him occupied, smiling as she saw a pair of D-cup sized tits grow in on his chest, covered in the same emerald and gold fur as the rest of his changing body. His balls also began to grow a little larger, covered in fur as a sheath and knot formed at the base of his spear, prompting Auro to moan loudly as the changes continued.

"Ohhh... ffffuccckk... this feels so good!"

"I bet these new additions must feel REALLY good..." The female purred, running her hands over them. Auro moaned in pure lust as a response, the nipples stiffening as she ran her thumbs across them. "I wonder how you'd react if I was to do this..." She leant closer, wrapping her mouth around one of the new teats, sucking on it sensually.

"Ah.... ahhhHHAHAHAHAH!" Auro cried out, the pleasure overloading him. He instinctively pushed his chair back before he reached down and stroked himself outside of the simulation, still not noticing his now vulpine cock or furry balls, feeling pre leaking down his hand. As he stimulated himself further, a pair of fuzzy wet lips opened underneath his balls, making hir groan as hir innards reworked themselves. It was at that point that the male repositioned himself, moving his cock from hir ass to hir new cunny, guiding it into hir with ease.

"Hrrrff... glad you're having fun..." The male smiled as he continued fucking the changing herm, watching as a tail sprouted from hir spine, waving in his face, whilst in reality, the new tail was knocking items on hir desk around as shi pleasured hirself, heedless of the changes. Hir legs furred over and became more muscular, hir feet becoming digigrade paws with sharp nails on the end of each toe.

"Oooohhhh.... aahhhfffffuckkk..." She huffed as shi gazed at the female below hir.

"Yesss... give in... you're so close, my friend..." The male whispered into hir ear, watching them stretch taller, moving to sit atop hir head as they covered in fur, green with golden tips. Shi panted, hir tongue hanging from the side of hir mouth as hir jaws thrusted forwards, reshaping slowly into a semi-triangular muzzle, teeth shifting into razor fangs as hir tongue flattened out to fill hir new maw, a mane of golden fur growing around hir chest and back. To end the changes, hir eyes were forced apart, moving towards the sides of hir head as they shifted to a bright gold, white markings appearing underneath them.

The same changes played out in the real world, though shi didn't notice them, still more than wrapped up in hir VR session, hir body approaching orgasm rapidly, and soon it reached that point and spilled over, the freshly-changed Renamon letting out a loud yell as shi orgasmed, filling the female up in the simulation and being filled by the male, and making a considerable mess in reality as hir seed sprayed all over and soaked the chair shi was sitting on. The two others joined in, and after a moment of clarity, Auro looked at hir new hands.

"Wh...what the...?"

"Well we DID tell you there were possible side effects" The female giggled. "I do hope that's not a problem, because I was going to ask you if you wanted to have another round later on."

"Another round... how often do you two play?"

"It's a simulation, so it can be as often as you want it to be, hon." The male purred.

"Heh... well I don't know if I should right now. I better disconnect and clean up, I've probably made quite a mess in real life as well." Shi smirked.

"Well don't leave us waiting too long, dear." The female placed a kiss on Auros lips moments before shi disconnected from the simulation.

As Auro disconnected and found hirself coming back to reality, shi quickly noticed that the real world had seen changes of its own. It was, after all, hard not to notice that the hands that removed the headset had fur and claws that hadn't been there before, and shi had boobs and lower lips that shi knew she hadn't had that morning.

Slight shock set into the new Renamon, as shi carefully placed the headset down onto the table. Hi tail had almost trashed everything else on it, but shi remembered that the headset could act as a monitor now that it was installed.

Shi had to smile a little once the shock of the change faded, as shi began admiring hir new changes, but the question remained. What would shi do next? It wouldn't be easy to explain why shi was like this. But it was about then that shi saw two shapes begin to emerge from the headset, soon taking the form of the Renamon that had changed hir, causing hir to lose hir train of thought.

"Hello again, dear Auro. I hope you don't mind us coming to pay you a visit." The female grinned, swaying her hips as she moved closer to Auro.

"Hello to you too - but how did you get out of the simulation?"

"I'm surprised you're not questioning other things, like how you've wound up like this outside of the simulation."

"Well you said there were side effects." Shi grinned, realising that one such effect was that what happened in the simulation has an effect on reality. And thinking about it, shi realised they possibly knew such a thing would happen, but chose to keep it a secret so that it would be a surprise. "Not that I'm complaining, mind, as I like this new form of mine!"

"Hehe. As for why we're here, it's all down to where you got that headset from to begin with. In fact, we told her that we'd bring you to her when we were done with you."

"Wait... are you talking about?"

"Yes. Shade's as real as we are, and she hooked you and several other people up with those headsets of hers." The male spoke.

"Well then, what're we waiting for? Let's go see her!" Auro smiled as the trio vanished into the digital world once more headed for Shade's house via the internet, this time never to return to Auro's former home. However, shi had left the headset behind for anyone else who came in to find. After all, once shi'd gotten settled in at Shade's, shi would be more than happy to return to provide any future users the same level of fun shi'd experienced.

And perhaps, once the program was out of Beta, they would change the world -- both online and off.

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