Sex on the Beach - anthro shark TFs

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A commission for :icewolf91icon: on FA of himself into an anthro shark

It was a quiet, sunny afternoon. The rain had finally let up after a few days of nothing but wet, wet weather, and people were finally getting out of the house to go out and about with their friends and families. One such person was out and about on their own today, taking a trip to the beach to relax and maybe work on getting a suntan. There had been news going around that a shark was seen swimming not too far off from the coast, so it had scared off a few potential beachgoers, but that wasn't enough to stop him from trying to enjoy himself on a hot, summer's day.

"Man, it's REALLY hot today!" Colin said, wiping some of the sweat from his brow as he walked barefoot on the beach. He had already come down prepared, wearing his favourite hawaiian swim trunks and wearing enough sun tan lotion to prevent himself from getting a nasty case of sunburn - the last time he had forgotten to do so, he was in pain for a good few days afterwards. It wasn't any fun spending the good part of a Saturday removing the dead skin from his person. He looked around to see what was going on - there were few people going around minding their own business, and the sea itself looked peaceful, a small handful of people swimming around. Rumors of shark sightings or not, they didn't seem to be worrying about it.

"Least I won't have to try to find myself a good place to set down!" He pulled his towel from his sports bag, placing it neatly on the sand as he laid atop it. "Now then, let's get to work on getting myself a nice little tan!" He smirked, looking up at the clear sky, seeing the occasional bird and plane go overhead. As he did, he didn't notice a figure approaching him from the sea, swimming back towards the land as it got out onto the surface. Its body gleamed as the sunlight reflected from its water-soaked skin.

"Mmmm, that was a good swim..." It chuckled to itself in a sultry, feminine tone. "But all that's done for me is work up my appetite... I wonder if anyone's around?" She set foot on the sand, feeling it beneath her claws as she scanned the area. It seemed that there were slim pickings, no-one in the immediate area. Well, except for one human who was resting on a towel. "Aahh... he'll do perfectly!" She grinned, moving closer to him.

"This is just perfect." Colin said to himself, almost ready to doze off. Just before he could, he saw a shadow being cast over him, blocking the sun out. "Mrrf... where'd the sun go?" He sat up.

"The sun hasn't gone anywhere, but you've now got some company." The female creature growled, looking down at him. Colin looked up towards her, and went wide eyed in shock. Standing before him was a roughly seven foot tall anthromorphic shark, her tail swaying behind her with each shake of her hips.

"Wh..wh...wh..." He gulped and stammered. "What even ARE you?!"

"I'm a shark, genius." She grinned, revealing rows upon rows of knife-like fangs. "What, have you never seen one before?"

"Not one that walks about on two legs and looks human, no!"

"Well I guess you can call me a new species" She giggled. "So what brings you down here today?"

"I came here to relax.. And to not get eaten."

"You think I came here to eat you? I'm insulted." She looked at him, kneeling down. "What I've come here today is something a little bit different."

"Different in what way?" Colin watched as she sat beside him.

"It might help if you were to lose those trunks..." She growled, tugging at them. "May I ask what your name is? Mine's Ceto."

"Mine's Colin... and you're kidding, right?"

"I'm kidding, wrong!" She hissed, pulling his trunks clean off with her clawed hands, exposing him. He turned bright red at his exposure, looking like he had gained a sudden case of sunburn. "What kind of person refuses an advance from a woman, anyway?"

"Someone who doesn't really want to get it on in the middle of a public beach, for one!" He said defensivly.

"Aw come on, do you think any of these people are going to notice?" Ceto spoke, gesturing to the area around them. There wasn't many people around, and most of them were in the water. "Come on... besides, if anyone tries to break us up, I can always teach them a lesson." She winked, showing off her fangs again.

"Well... that's kinda true." He said - she did have a point in that no-one would dare complain or get close to them with Ceto being there.

"Besides which, something good may happen if you choose to have fun with me." She ran a claw slowly over his chest. "So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

He still couldn't believe that he was thinking about this - sealing the deal with a female shark on the beach in plain view of anyone who might stumble upon them. At the same time, he didn't want to know what could possibly happen if he said no to a shark, humanoid or not. "Well... I guess I could play with you for a little while."

"Great!" She laughed, scrambling to get atop Colin. "Then let's cut the small talk and get down to business, my friend!" She spread herself, running her claws gently along Colin's shaft. She felt it throb against her touch, rising upwards as she lowered herself onto it.

"Ghh..." He winced - the skin around her clit felt rough, as he was to expect, causing some slight irritation around his groin as she was penetrated. Ceto just smirked - that wouldn't be an issue for much longer. "God... I don't know if I can do this..."

"Come on, don't give up now!" She laughed, riding against him harder. As she did, his skin began drying up, becoming rougher, a tan color tinging his front as the rest of his body turned a bright orange, tiger-like stripes becoming apparent against them. The muscles on his torso toned up, abs and pectorals defining themselves, showing up against his now rough skin. He didn't even notice any pain below now, his tool shifting slightly to properly accommodate pleasing another shark.

"Ahh... yeah... that feels a lot better now..." He placed his hands on her sides, stroking them up and down. His arms swelled with muscle, a pair of small spikes jutting past his elbows. The rough skin continued to work its way across his limbs, sharpened claws breaking free from the tips of his fingers, matching the color of his skin as a thin webbing formed between the digits.

"Ghh...good... You might want to consider sitting up..." She sat herself down lower on his cock, pulling him up to her as he arched his back, a large, curving fin growing out from between his shoulder blades. He felt his spine stretching, drawing his attention away from Ceto as he finally noticed the changes happening to his body.

"Wh-woah.. What are you doing to me?" He asked through the thrusting, a long, powerful tail jutting outwards from his lower body, splitting into a fluke at the tip as a trio of smaller fins grew close to the fluke.

"What does it look like? I'm making you into a more suitable partner." She spoke seducingly, stroking his face with her claws. "Cause people won't dare try to interfere with TWO sharks having sex on the beach!" His toes curled, digging into the sand as his feet stretched, the digits merging into three giant curving claws, a fourth growing from his heels. "Though I say a suitable partner, there's still one little detail I've got to take care of down there."

"And how do you mean by - ghhhh!!" He growled, his balls swelling as they became internal, a slit forming around the base of his dick. He felt it pulse inside of her, the color shifting to a light black, becoming darker halfway down. The head reshaped into a bulbous point, a set of ridges growing along the underside. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better below, it suddenly split into two, spreading her further. "GROOAHHHHH!!!" He roared.

"YEEAAHHH, THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" She snarled, riding him harder now as she clenched around his twin spires. His body hair fell away from his body alongside the hair on his head, his ears shrinking away into tiny holes as his skull reshaped itself. He groaned again as another fin grew atop his head, his jaws protruding outwards into a triangular muzzle as his teeth shifted into razor sharp fangs, hundreds of new ones growing in to fill the growing space as his tongue turned black. His nose sank into his upper jaw, nostrils flaring as his eyes moved to the sides of his head, turning from a light blue to an untamed yellow.

"Grraghhh.... I... I don't think I can hold back much longer..." He moaned, huffing as he held Ceto closer.

"Then... then don't...!" She snapped, clenching one last time as they were both brought to orgasm. The two sharks roared in unison as they came, Colin's spires firing off into her cunny, filling her up. "GRRRRAAYYEEAAAHHHHHH!!"

The roaring of the two sharks grabbed some attention, mainly the shouts of others telling them to keep it down. Not that they mattered as they held each other close, the orgasm soon dying down as they collapsed on top of one another.

"Hhh....hahah... that... was good..." Ceto purred, smiling as she looked into Colin's eyes. "You really know how to please a lady."

"Glad... glad I was able to help you." He smirked, leaning towards her for a kiss.

"Can you two keep it down, we're trying to have a romantic date here!" A voice called, approaching them. "I don't know what you two are up to, but your shouting is giving us a - HOLY SHIT!" He fell backwards when he noticed the couple causing the disturbance was a pair of sharks.

"Can we help you?" Ceto said, glaring at him.

"N-N-NEVERMIND!" He got back to his feet, screaming as he ran off.

"How do you like that, you were right!" Colin whistled.

"Told you that they're not brave enough to interrupt the mating affairs of sharks, sweetie!" She winked. "You wouldn't be up for another round, would you?"

"Oh I think I can manage..." He said with a broad grin. "No-one's gonna try and stop us, anyway!"

"Damn straight!" Ceto laughed as they quickly resumed their fun.

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