A New Breed(ing) - Feral Chocobo TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A commission for :renluicon: of himself into a Chocobo

Amatsu (C) Myself

Chocobos (C) Square-Enix

"Huff....huff... the next time I take this route... I'm hiring a Chocobo...!" Kevin huffed, short of breath as he made his way up the steep incline along the forest path. The 27 year old warrior was taking a break from slaying various monsters and taking on jobs for others so he could do a little bit of peaceful exploration - even then, he always kept his sword and shield with him, just in case something went wrong. He was regretting that decision as he had no idea that the path that he was taking took such a sharp turn uphill - it was like trying to walk up a set of stairs. He thought about using some of his magical abilities to increase his stamina to make getting up the hill easier, but then what would happen if he ran into some monsters and he needed to either heal up or use one of the few offensive spells he had? Then he'd be in trouble.

By the time he was around three quarters of the way up the slope, he was almost on his hands and knees, crawling up it, putting all of what he had into getting up there. "Hahh...hahhh... this is... unheard of!" He groaned, even using his sword to try to get himself further up the path. He knew that when he did reach the top of the hill, he was going to take a quick break, and he wasn't going to stop until he got up there. Given how steep this hill was, he was worried that one slip up and he'd probably roll all the way back down, back to where he started. The motivation and drive not to slip up was enough to get him to the very top, into a clearing with a field in the distance. Once he was away from the edge, he flopped forwards and collapsed on the grass. "Whew... Thank god that's over with!" He caught his breath, reaching for a drink in his backpack as he took a few gulps of it. "Next time... next time I'm definitely getting a Chocobo or something to help me up here." He told himself. He felt like he had just finished a race, he was that exhausted.

"Hey, are you ok?" A voice called to him. "You look like you're in trouble."

"No... no I'm not in trouble... I'm just very worn out." Kevin responded.

"Let me guess, you took the long walk up the slope, right? There's a tram that runs through here every once in awhile, I'm surprised you didn't come up on that!"

"A...tram?" He groaned. "I wish I knew that ahead of time! Still probably not as fast as if I were to hire a Chocobo..."

"Funny you should mention that, I'm doing a little bit of work at the Chocobo farm near here. Would you like me to give you a lift there so you can recover?"

"I'd... I'd like that. I might need you to help me to my feet, though." Kevin panted.

"No probs." The voice chuckled, reaching down to Kevin, picking him up with a scaly hand - wait, scaly? Kevin's gaze looked up towards his saviour as he turned to try to get back on his feet. The first thing he saw was a pair of truly massive talons, attached to a body covered in golden feathers, the majority of them tipped with purple highlights. Wings adorned its sides, so he knew that it was a Chocobo. THEN he noticed the human-like torso, slender yet muscular, equipped with a pair of taloned hands, a beaked head topping off its body. "GAH!" He yelped loudly, falling back on his ass. "Wh-wh-what are you?!"

"I'm a Chocobo! Well a Chocobo-taur, if it makes things easier." He smirked, towering over Kevin - he must have been at least ten feet tall, dwarfing the 5'11" male. "The name's Amatsukaze, or Amatsu if you wanna keep it short.

"I'm Kevin... but a Chocobo-taur... and you can talk English, too..." He looked at Amatsu, utterly confused. "How is any of that even possible to begin with?"

"It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you it on the way to the farm." He chirped. "Anyway, I was offering you a lift back there - did you wanna take it, or did you wanna work on your tan?"

Kevin, whilst weirded out by the large beast, knew he wanted to get the hell away from that hill. "I guess I'll take you up on the lift, if that's ok with you."

"I thought you would!" He kweh'd, lifting Kevin up with a single hand as he tossed him gently onto his back. "You might want to hold on tight, I can go pretty fast!"

"How fast are we talking abouuuuuUUUUUU!!" He regretted asking as Amatsu suddenly went into top gear, his giant feet digging into the ground with each step he took. "Holy hell!" He placed his arms around Amatsu's torso, keeping a vice-like grip on it. "This is like trying to ride a roller coaster!"

"I'd say about THAT fast!" The avian grinned as his footsteps thudded gently against the earth. The scenery was almost a blur, the many trees and plants going by them. The building in the distance grew closer to them, as did several figures.

"Can.. can you fly?" Kevin asked, taking note of the Chocobo-taurs elegant wings. "I've heard that some gold Chocobo are capable of it."

"I am flight capable, yes." Amatsu looked back and nodded. "It helps when I need to get away from enemies who can't follow me in the sky."

"It's a handy ability to have!" The human said, watching the scenery go rushing by them. The figures were becoming more distinguishable, several Chocobo roaming the field, a metal fence keeping them within the wide enclosure. Amatsu launched off the ground with his powerful talons, vaulting the fence like it was nothing before landing back down upon the grass. It was at that point that Kevin was truly able to see the size difference between Amatsu and the other Chocobo, the taur standing a good ten feet tall at least from head to toe, the others standing around six feet or just over. "Damn... you're a real giant!"

"Why thank you." He chirped in response, lowering himself so that Kevin could safely dismount. "You can rest here for a little bit if you want."

"Thanks, though if I have to go across any more hills, I think I'm going to need a Chocobo. Are any of these available for rental, do you think?"

"Actually, I think most all our rental ones are out right now." Amatsu turned to face Kevin.

"Wait, our?"

"Yeah, me and my friend who runs this place! I help run a roaming Chocobo farm!"

"A Chocobo running a Chocobo farm... that's a new one on me!" Kevin laughed. The farm house near the gates looked like it had been specially made to help accommodate the taur, built around his dimensions. The main stables was attached to the pen in which the Chocobos were roaming, big enough to house a few dozen of them, if not more.

"Hey, you'd be surprised that it works! What better person to help raise them than someone who IS one?" He smiled, stroking the beak of a red female as she kweh'd cutely. "I dare say that I get on with Chocobos better than any human could!"

"I can bet... but I'm still curious to how you're... well, you."

"I can explain. Some time ago, I was doing some monster hunting, and I ended up leaving some Behemoth-infested mountains a little worse for wear than I had hoped. I stumbled upon a Chocobo farm just like this one, and the person who ran it healed me up and transformed me into what you see now!"

"I didn't think transformative magic was something most people could learn. Well, outside of the frog spell."

"Shade is a woman of many surprises." He grinned widely. "This form has unlocked many new things for me!"

"I'm guessing speed and flight are some of those things. What else?" Kevin asked.


A black Chocobo cried out, approaching Amatsu as she nuzzled against him. He returned the gesture, stroking her back with his taloned hand. She looked up at him, and then turned around, presenting herself to him.

"Mrrwrrkk... someone's quite needy." He said slyly. "I'd love to tend to you, but I've got a human guest. Meet me in the stables in around half an hour, though." He winked. The female kweh'd happily and went off towards the food cache to get herself a mix of greens and nuts. "Does that answer your question, Kevin?"

"You get to breed with all the hens? Wow." He found himself blushing. "You must be quite active!"

"I'm not one to brag, but..." He cast an eye to the incubation chamber in the farm, filled with several eggs.

"Those... those are all eggs you've had a hand in the hens laying? Damn..." He blushed even more.

"Yes. All the greens and nuts are specially enhanced to get them all in a breeding mood." He reached out to one of the caches, grabbing a Gyshal Green from it, casually tossing it into his beak. "The best quality breeding foods, enhanced further by a little bit of magic!"

"Was that one you just ate one of the..."

"Mm-hm." He smirked. Loud squawking filled the air as their attention was shifted to a blue Chocobo mounting a black one, the former's cock slowly thrusting into the latter's clit. "And look, they're putting on a show to help get me in the mood..."

Kevin looked at Amatsu, still blushing, though this was quickly shifting from embarrassment to admiration. There was something oddly charming about Amatsu - perhaps it was because he was part Chocobo, which made him loveable by default, or perhaps it's because of his warm nature. Or maybe it was because he didn't seem to have any regard for modesty, watching the two birds breed before him and Kevin. Whatever it was, he found it strangely attractive.

"Mmm...mmrrwaarrk..." Amatsu groaned, feeling a pleasant tingling below. A feathery slit opened up, revealing a pair of watermelon-sized testicles, a thick, pulsing, yellow-hued shaft emerging as well, as big and thick as one of his legs, the head slightly pointed, a trio of spines close to his balls flaring up. His right foot raised up slightly to gently tease the flared head with a single talon, a burst of pre spurting from it. "Kweeehh... it feels good to let this beast out..."

"Holy hell... you're hung like a Behemoth..." Kevin gulped.

"Why thank you. All the hens love it." The taur snickered, turning his attention towards the human. "I can tell that you seem to be curious about it as well!"

"Me, curious?" He was blushing so much that he'd be able to light up a dark cave. "What makes you think that?"

"I can tell just from looking at you that you like Chocobos. It'd help you to get around easier if you had your own mount as well, right?"

"Obviously. I'd dread to climb another hill like that on foot!"

"Heh..." Amatsu smirked again. "At this point in time, I think all our rental birds are taken. However, there is another way that I can give you a good mount."

"I'm all ears! What do I need to do?"

"I was hoping you'd ask that." He stepped closer, the giant cock bobbing up and down with each step. "Turn around."

"Oh.... OH! You meant mount as in...!"

"Yes... I can GIVE you a good mount. In return, you'll get a Chocobo to take with you on your journeys."

"But... but the size of that thing'd probably kill me, wouldn't it?"

"Hey, if all the breeding hens have been able to take it, I'm sure a human like you can take it, too!" He placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Trust me, it'll be an unforgettable experience, and you'll gain a feathery friend from it to boot!"

"Well... if it'll get me a Chocobo... then ok." He nodded, turning around as he pulled his trousers down slightly at the back, revealing his rump to Amatsu. He rested against the nearby fence, presenting to the beast. "I'm ready whenever you are, Amatsu."

"I was born ready!" He warked, placing his hands on Kevin's shoulders as he pressed the head of his cock against the human's rump, slicking it up as he slowly pressed the tip of it into his ass.

"Ah...hhahhh!" Kevin winced, clenching around Amatsu's dick at first, slowly getting into it as he carefully thrusted against him. "Ghhh... god... that's bigger than I had anticipated!"

"It can be a bit of a surprise at first, but you'll warm up to it very quickly, my friend." Amatsu said with a knowing smirk. He was going to get a Chocobo, all right. Just not in the way that he was expecting.

"Hhhah...hahhh..." The human moaned, riding against Amatsu a little more smoothly as he got into a steady rhythm. "That feels... really good. This'll be worth it to get my own mount... Being able to get around places fast... it'll help save a lot of... a lot of hard WARK!" Amatsu grinned as Kevin brought a hand to his mouth, shocked at the noise he just made. "Did... Did I just make that noise?"

"Mmryesss... and it's not going to stop..." Amatsu's grin just grew wider, Kevin's body slowly pulsing. He noticed that the human was starting to grow taller, now standing at 6ft even as his body stretched. "I said I'd give you a Chocobo, but I didn't say HOW I'd give you the Chocobo."

"Hhh...hahh... you're... maaaKWEHing me... a Chocobo?" He moaned, the pulsing growing more intense as his body began to broaden. His clothing was feeling tighter, mainly because his torso was swelling, his stomach exposed as his body plumped.

"Yup! Normally I'd make them a bit more humanoid or similar to myself..." Amatsu grunted as he thrusted, feeling Kevin's thighs. "But I think you'll be best starting off as a feral 'Bo. I can start off by having you tend to the hens alongside me!"

"I... I don't know WAAARK to say!" He gasped - this was a pretty big honor, he had to admit.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that, you'll only be able to squawk soon enough." He pointed out, a prickling sensation filling Kevin's body as Amatsu spread him further, the human's rear swelling rounder. Kevin brought his hands to his rump as he felt the first of his feathers start to grow in, massive plumage sprouting around what would soon be his tail. They blossomed between his fingers, a bright, vibrant yellow that shifted to a reddish-brown towards the tips.

"Aahhh hhhaahh... the feathers feel so smooth..." He moaned, running his hands along them whilst still squeezing his expanding ass. Everything back there was shifting, his anus relocating as it moved higher up, sitting a few inches away from his tailfeathers, his rear finishing reshaping into a broad avian behind.

"Normally...uhhghnn... I'd ask for people to remove their clothes before this happened, just in case they were to need them again... but you never will..." Amatsu grunted, Kevin's shirt growing tighter as his body expanded further, his chest barrelling. He wanted to remove it, but it was so tight against his feathery form, tearing in places as it tried to hold his altering frame.

"Ghhh... nope... all I'll need if I'm to WAAAARKK here and offerrrRRRKK rides is a saddle." He spoke, the avian noises starting to become more apparent. His top split down the middle, revealing his feathery underbelly. He brought his hands to rub and feel it, noticing the nipples and navel were long gone. His body felt so bulky, yet so right. He stumbled a little as he felt his legs start to shift and reconfigure, his thighs increasing dramatically in bulk as they grew broader around his sides, feathers swooping over them as the skin along his legs flaked away, revealing dark brown scales over his legs. His toes curled in his shoes as his feet elongated, five digits quickly merging together into two giant ones, a third growing from his heels as large, knife-like talons broke free from the tips of each toe, digging into the ground as they burst free of the leathery confines.

"A saddle is one thing, but if you're going to go around pleasing all the hens on this farm, you're going to need something else as well..." Amatsu whispered slyly into Kevin's ear. He had a feeling he knew what he was getting at, and it made the changing human shudder. A more appropriate reaction was that it made his jeans tent, the sides slightly shredded thanks to his plump, juicy legs. They were still holding enough to keep his modesty preserved outside of his birdy butt, but even they wouldn't hold out much longer. His balls swelled in size before being drawn into his body, the foreskin pulling back to form a slit. "A big breeder needs a big cock, am I right?"

"Hh....hrrrrrrRRRKKK!" He moaned, feeling his cock pulse and throb as it pressed against the zipper on his jeans, the button pinging off as his dick sprang out. The color had changed to a darker shade of pink, almost purple as it reshaped, becoming thicker around the base and thinner nearer the tip, gaining in size as it shot past the one foot mark. It was monstrous, pre spurting from the pointed tip as it dangled between his scaly legs. "Ooooh my cocK! It's sooo big... I can't wait to screwwwwWWAAARK some hens! Make them all KWWWEEH in pleasurrRRRK!!"

Amatsu grinned more as Kevin's vocals deteriorated further. Every word he knew was slowly being overwritten by just two which applied to all situations. He watched as Kevin reached down to try to feel his monster meat, but he found that he couldn't move his arms properly. With a groan, he watched them shift backwards, the limbs growing broader as the hands merged together into a fleshy mound, broad, elegant feathers sprouting all along his arms, changing them into a pair of useless wings. His thrusting grew faster, wilder as Kevin's neck popped and stretched, elongating as it carried his head away from his shoulders, soft feathers working their way up as his hair fell away in clumps.

"WAAAAARRK, Amatsu... breed me frreeeKKKWAARKKKlently... Let me KKWWEEEEHHH close..." Kevin huffed and moaned, closer to orgasm. His jaws were going numb, and he knew the final changes were setting in. "KKWEEEHHH... so....horrrny.... Need to... KWWWEHHH.... Hen..." He stammered, his teeth fusing together into a pair of solid masses as they were tinged an orangy color, pushing out past his mouth, spreading his lips apart as his nose merged with the new beak. His ears receeded into tiny holes as his head reshaped, a set of elegant feathers sprouting across the top part of his head, shifting to the same reddish-brown as on his wings and tailfeathers. To end his changes, his eyes shifted to the sides of his head, turning a deep blue. "KWWWEHHH, AMATSU.... NEED....HENS....AMATSSSKKKWEHH... AMAWWWARRKKKK....WARRKKKKKTSU...KRRREENNNNNSS...WWARRKKK!! WAARKK! KWEHHHH!"

Amatsu grinned, groaning as his own orgasm loomed close, his balls churning as his cock twitched inside Kevin. He held the new Chocobo against him as he let loose, releasing a bellowing cry as he came hard, erupting into the new mount. The sheer force of it made Kevin's stomach bloat a little as he cried out with a melodic kweh, cumming too as his seed sprayed onto the grass below him.

"KKKWWWEEEHHHHHHHH....kwwweehhh....kweehh!" Kevin slowly came down from his high, panting as Amatsu gently pulled his giant spear from the feral Chocobo's body. His own dick continued to spurt off round after round, still hard as he wished to mount and impregnate some of the females. Amatsu noticed that the new 'Bo was standing at 7ft2in, making him the biggest male there after the taur.

"There we go! Did that feel good?" He asked Kevin, who chirped in response. "I can bet it did. Though it seems that you've really taken a shining to me." He went into the stable, rummaging around for something before stepping back out to him. "If you prove yourself to be a very good Chocobo, then maybe one day I'll give you back your humanity and make you a taur like me!" He presented Kevin with a saddle and harness, attaching the former to his back and the latter to around the neck and beak. "Speaking of human, Kevin doesn't suit you anymore... How about Renlu?"

"Kweh, kweh!" He cried out in agreement, smiling.

"Awesome! Now then, I can bet you're quite hungry after all that sex, so why not have some of these..." He tossed Renlu some of the enhanced feed, catching it in his beak as he chomped on it.

"Kweh, kweeeehh.... WAAAAARRKK!" He bellowed as he quickly felt the hormone-laced food get to work, his cock throbbing harder than before as he picked up the scent of a needy female. A green feathered bird caught sight of Renlu, swaying her rump seducingly as he made his way towards her, Amatsu's cum still dripping from his own tailhole as he was quick to mount her.

"That's it, Renlu. You've got a lot of hens to fuck and breed." Amatsu snickered, murring as he felt something brushing against his spire. Turning to see what it was, he saw the black chocobo again, only this time she had purple markings glowing along her body. He knew who it was, and he knew exactly what she wanted. "Hehe... why don't we go breed close to the newbie..." He chuckled, leading her out to the field so they could mate close to their new addition and review his performance whilst they had their own fun.

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