Hacked Musics - Garudamon TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A small story I did with a friend :P

Garudamon (C) Akiyoshi Hongo/Toei Animation

Eagle Eyes (C) Myself

"Damn it..." Peter grumbled as he closed out the browser window. One of his favorite art sites had been taken offline by a bunch of hackers, and it had certainly killed his mood. He wouldn't be able to see anything new for a while, and it would be harder to do business, which didn't help any either.

His friends were similarly upset, as he soon found out. Still, he did have some videos on Youtube that could help relax him. Some music and songs from the old Digimon anime would help.

"These should do just fine." He told himself as he got his headset and plugged it into his PC, resting back against his chair as he placed them atop his head, hitting play on the playlist.

He smiled as he saw some music pop up that he hadn't seen on the playlist before. The title was a little unusual, something along the lines of 'Powerful Garudamon', but he didn't really care that much about what it was called.

As the song started, it had a strong, almost feral beat to it. It was perfect to forget his problems to.

"Hrm, not bad..." He smiled to himself, tapping his foot and nodding his head to the beat of the music.

The beat grew more intense, more powerful as a zap ran through the headset and into Peter himself. He didn't quite realize it, but it was having an effect on him, his mindset shifting into nothing less than outright contempt for humanity and feral lust, his eyes pulling into feral slits as his sclera turned a piercing yellow.

"Mrrgghhh...." A growl left his throat as he continued listening to the music, his vision sharpening. Everything around him looked so bright, so vibrant.

The music continued to bombard his mind with that same feral mindset as he began to grow and stretch, his body already fifty feet tall and growing larger by the second. His clothing felt tighter and tighter as his abs and pecs bulked up, giving him a powerful six-pack, covered by golden brown feathers. Yes...he was better than any human. They didn't deserve power like he did.

"Grrrrhheeeee, yeah...." He chuckled, not realizing how big he had gotten, or that his body was slowly filling the room. He hadn't even realized that the chair had collapsed underneath his swelling size and weight.

The entire species was beneath him, both figuratively, and soon, literally as he kept growing, breaking out both sides of his house as he passed two-hundred and fifty feet tall, his arms bulking up considerably as yellow scales formed from his wrist down, powerful talons replacing his old human fingernails as his pinky fingers stretched and enlarged, clicking backwards as they became akin to a second thumb, his eyes drawn to his tenting pants.

"Rwwwrrrrkkk?" He couldn't help but look at his monstrous erection. The tent seemed much larger than he had remembered, and it was still getting bigger. He shook off some of the debris that clung to him, chuckling as he stroked himself through his pants with his great talons.

His pants soon gave up the ghost as they split apart, the changing human now well over seven hundred feet tall and still growing, getting a excellent view of his balls plumping up as he felt his rump become firm and full, his cock twitching as it expelled the last of its human seed, growing long, thick and girthy as it gained barbs and ridges, coming to a point as it darkened to a crimson coloring.

"GhrrraAAAARRRRRRRRWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He screeched, hissing as he clamped his hand around his swollen, changing cock, the second thumb providing a much better grip on it as he pumped himself.

His self-pleasuring seemed to speed the changes along even more, as his height doubled, the still-growing titan now over fifteen hundred feet tall, a fan of tail feathers growing in above his ass as his legs bulked up, the feathers covering them as from just below the knee down, the skin scaled over as his feet changed, one toe clicking backwards as he gained talons there as well. And while he knew humans were beneath him, he knew there were others he could...personally bless with forms like his own. They deserved to be higher beings.

"Rggghhhh, FUUUUCKKK YESSSSSSSSSS!!!" He screeched again, his pumping growing faster as he thrusted into his hand, moaning ferally all the while. His new taloned feet sank into the ground, leaving deep craters.

Pre was leaking everywhere as he soon surpassed three thousand feet, the Garudamon feeling his muscles bulking up even more, giving him power unrivaled by anyone or anything else in the world as he felt a pair of massive, magnificent wings form on his back, spreading feathers and his pre everywhere as he kept pumping, eager to fuel his continued changes.

"Skkrrreeeeee......yessss.... I'm so clossse!" He huffed, aiming his cock upwards, watching the pre flow like a river, his talons coated in it. He flapped his new wings, sending the feathers and pre further, as well as creating a strong gust that swept through the area.

He was over six thousand feet tall as he felt his lips going numb, his hair turning a bright blonde and cascading down around his shoulders, some of it bound with a crimson red cord as his ears retracted into his body, though his hearing was even better than before. And he could hear the neighbors starting to turn as well.

"Yesshhh...rreegkhghgg.....jjrrrooinn....mmrrreeeeee!" He slurred his words as his jaws numbed, saliva running down his hin as his eyes rolled back towards his head, feeling his orgasm growing closer.

Soon they would, and as he felt his orgasm approaching, his height crept up and up and up while his teeth merged together into two solid masses, his nose flowing together into the fierce, powerful beak that formed in place of his old mouth, Eagle Eyes continuing to pump his spear, eyes shut.

And in one brilliant, orgasmic moment, the dam broke and his eyes snapped open, the Garudamon letting out a powerful screech as he came, hitting a little over eight thousand feet tall as he sprayed cum everywhere, the flood lasting for almost an hour.


He could feel his monstrous cock twitch and ache in his hand the whole while, his balls churning and spasming as he bathed in the feeling, letting some of it spray across and into his beak.

He savored the taste as the orgasm finally died down, standing up for the first time since his change. Already he could see humans in varying states of transformation, all of them becoming massive and horny digimon. Not all were becoming Garudamon, but he knew of at least one person who deserved to get the same experience.

"Mrrwrrrkk... perfect..." He grinned, casting a massive shadow over the city, even more so when he spread his wings. "Now let's see if my friend wants to join me..."

A number of miles away, the sudden outbreak of Digimon, much less the massive ensuing orgy, had not gone unnoticed. Alex knew that Peter lived in the area, and had been trying to contact him.

The phone was ringing, still on the Garudamon's being, yet it was way too small for him to use now. He just chuckled, knowing that he'd put Alex's fears to rest soon.

"I hope he's okay...how on earth did this even happen?" The human fretted as he moved about his house, watching the news reports. It was almost something out of a dream or nightmare. And...he had to admit...on some level, he was jealous. They looked like they were having fun.

Eagle soon drew closer, casting a massive shadow on the town below. Even with his giant size, he was able to pinpoint Alex's home below - he just had to make sure he didn't crush it beneath his giant talons.

He saw the great shadow looming overhead moments before he saw the pair of giant talons land on either side of his house. The other buildings weren't quite as lucky, but as his heart pounded, Alex was just thankful that he'd been spared.

The beast knelt down, removing the roof from Alex's home with a single claw as he looked down at the human. "Hello there, Alex!" He grinned.

"How do...P-Peter? You got changed by whatever happened?" He had to crane his neck up so much, he could barely make the titanic Garudamon's face out, even with the gargantuan avian leaning down.

"No, I was the cause of 'whatever happened'!" He laughed. "You'd be amazed at what a little music can do." He reached a talon towards Alex, his palm facing upwards.

Alex whistled for a moment before he climbed up onto the offered talon. "Must've been some damned good music!"

"It was, trust me!" He smirked, raising the human towards his great beak.

"Gotta say, man...it certainly turned you into a major badass!"

"Why thank you!" He screeched proudly. "And you saw what I did to my home town, so imagine what I'll do to yours..."

"Going to spread the fun, huh? Heh...can't say I wasn't a little jealous of those people on the TV."

"Well I was thinking of spreading some of that fun to you as well."

The human grinned. "Aw, thanks, Peter! Or...do you have another name now?"

"Call me Eagle Eyes, or just Eagle."

"Fitting...so, Eagle, how are you going to make me like you?"

"I have an idea, but it's a little on the risky side."

"Risky how?" Alex gave his enormous friend a curious glance.

"I have to hit you with one of my attacks."

"Eeesh...that is pretty risky. You're an ultimate, and huge at that!" He sighed. "But...I'll risk it. If it works, I'm sure I'll have fun..."

"First, I need to place you somewhere...." He saw a nearby skyscraper, placing him carefully upon its top floor.

Alex had barely noticed the trip over to the skyscraper, only noticing it when Eagle had carefully set him down. The trip had taken only a few seconds at most. "Wow...never been up here before!"

"Soon you'll be standing even taller than that building!" Eagle laughed as he prepared his attack, starting to channel it.

"Be as big as you, eh?" He chuckled, watching the massive figure ready himself.

"Yes! But you might want to brace yourself for this!"

Alex just nodded, waiting for Eagle to work his magic.

"SHADOW WING!" He cried, firing off an intense burst of flames in the shape of a phoenix, rushing towards Alex.

Instead of obliterating Alex and a good chunk of the building he was standing on, the flames seemed to home in on the human and dive-bomb right into his chest, the flames surrounding him and filling him up.

"That's it, take it all in...." Eagle grinned, the flames filling him with power, as well as a burning lust.

"Hnnnfff...ooohhhffffuuckk...so...horrrnnnnyyy..." Alex gasped as he became immediately hard, a stain in his pants rather evident as he fell forward onto his knees. He felt so good, and it was getting better.

"Hehe..." Eagle watched as Alex started to grow slowly bigger, his clothing straining as his muscles expanded. Brown feathers sprouted from his arms and torso, tearing through his clothing as his biceps bulged.

"Ghhhhrrreee...did it feel...ooohhffff...this good for you?" Alex moaned and screeched as he felt the burning power within him changing him, rewriting him from DNA to code, and with it, a disdain for humanity. He was becoming something far superior...

"Oh I loved every damn second of it!" He cackled. He knew if he kept growing where he was he'd soon wreck the building from the roof down. His hands twitched, the small finger clicking as it relocated to sit opposite his thumb, swelling to match its size as golden scales crept over his hands up to his wrists, gleaming grey talons growing from his fingertips.

"Heheheheh...I can...rreeecchchhh...see why..." Alex cackled back as his feet started to plunge through the upper floors of the enormous building he was standing on. He quickly tore his pants off as he admired the massive talons he'd gained.

His cock sprang free, leaking pre furiously as it gained in size, the color slowly shifting to a bright red. A trio of feathers sprouted from his shoulders, a pair of bumps bulging from his back.

"Ohhh...man...this is an upgrade..." His tongue hung slightly out of his mouth as his hands locked around his new cock, pumping it savagely as it grew to match his increasing size, the building continuing to crumble around the changing Digimon.

"Oh trust me, your improvements there are far from over!" It twitched as he grabbed it, ejecting the remnants of his human cum as it swelled in his grasp.

"Good...oooohhhh...scrrreeaaaawww..." The Garudamon-to-be continued his self-pleasuring as he smirked.

His grip on it was slightly compromised momentarily by the addition of a giant knot, barbs forming on the underside as the head reshaped into a point. A sheath formed around his groin as his balls expanded to the size of cannonballs, to give it a human measurement, they were FAR bigger than that.

"Eeeeexccccelllleennnntt..." He hissed in pleasure as he re-established a firm grasp on his new weapon, aiming its tip at his mouth for later. He was nothing less than a feral, primal beast and he was loving every second of it.

"Yesss, give in!" Eagle urged him on, his muscles growing larger still as darker feathers grew across his larger thighs, markings appearing around his legs and shoulders.

The waves of pleasure in his brain were battering the part of him that wanted to resist, to retain some humanity, but Alex eagerly gave in, smirking darkly as his humanity was overwhelmed by his new Garudamon instincts.

Eagle moved closer, the human almost half his size now as he admired the changes. Alex's toes curled as the middle digits merged, the small toe relocating to his heel as giant curving talons grew out, clicking against the floor as his feet to his knees covered in hard yellow scales.

"Grhhhh...fucccckkkk...this feels so good..." He huffed in pleasure as he flexed his new talons, wrecking the building he was splitting apart even further.

It was slowly collapsing underneath him, though at the speed he was growing, it didn't take him too long at all to feel the ground. His back bulged grotesquely, soon bursting free into a massive pair of wings, spreading feathers all over the city.

"Sccccrreeeeee....oooh...man, these things are badass! Can't wait to fly..." He smirked as he folded his wings behind his massive back and looked over his shoulder at Eagle.

"Soon, very soon... now how about I help your changes go out with a bang?" Eagle stepped behind him, his talons crushing several buildings as he looked down at Alex.

"Rrrwwwkk...be my guest..." The still-changing Garudamon smirked.

Eagle chirped, lining Alex's rump with his giant spear. With a screech, he thrust it in, white feathers growing across his chest and neck, sprouting across his face.

"Sccrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaa! Yesss...finish me off..." He moaned as he was penetrated, not caring about the destruction they'd caused.

"You should word that more carefully!" Eagle cackled, the knot soon finding its place in Alex. As he thrust in, the humans jaws went numb, saliva dripping down his chin as his teeth slowly merged into two solid, gold-tinged masses.

"Hehehe...yyyyeshhhh...I sshhhouldddd..." His jaw being numb made it hard to speak for a few moments as his beak finally grew in, giving him a significantly deeper, and more feral, sounding voice when it finished.

The two lumps pushed forwards, stretching his mouth apart as his nose merged with his new beak, the edges of it sharpening up. His hair flowed longer as it took on a blonde hue, parts of it becoming braided in the process, his ears shrinking into tiny holes

"Ssscrrr...oh man...you certainly did give me one hell of an upgrade..." The new Garudamon chuckled and moaned as Eagle continued to hammer him from behind, his own talons continuing to work his spear.

"Yesss.... just one last thing...." With another thrust, Alex's eyes were parted, moving towards the sides of his head, turning a vibrant feral gold with slitted pupils.

Tenzan let out a powerful screech, having picked out a new name for himself. After all, Alex was a human name, and he'd moved far beyond simple humanity. For the better, he would always say, and as the pair of titanic avians continued their mating, he could feel his balls churning and his body tensing up.


He opened his beak and let out a loud, primal screech as he came like a volcano, flooding the city beneath him with his potent seed.

"GRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Eagle let out a bestial cry as he came hard inside of his transformed friend, not letting a drop go to waste as he watched Tenzan coat the city in his transformative cum.

"Ssscreeee...ooohhh...damn that felt GOOD..." He sighed happily as their orgasms eventually tapered off, smirking as he heard it starting to have an effect on the soon to be ex-humans below. Nothing he'd ever experienced before felt so damn good.

"And that's only the beginning...." Eagle trilled, helping the new Garudamon back to his feet.

"Indeed...so much fun to have with the others...and thank you for this, Eagle." Tenzan smiled as he wrapped the other Garudamon in a big hug.

"No problem, my friend." He gently nuzzled Tenzan as they embraced. "So what shall we do now?"

"Hm. Could wait around and have fun with them...." He chuckled and pointed at the rapidly-growing and changing digimon rising up to meet their heights, or somewhere close to them. "...or we could go change other cities."

"I'm good with either idea, really." He smirked, looking over a giant Renamon.

"Hmm...let's stay and have some fun with our new friends..." He grinned as he made eyes with a pair of female Weregarurumon. Before long, a gigantic orgy had broken out as the colossal digimon let their lusts run wild, having fun with everyone present. The rise of their kind had just begun, and the world would be a happier, if stickier, place for it.

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