A Raven's Desire - Kasa the Raven Origin

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A commission for my friend :kasadragonicon: that serves as an origin story for his raven character, Dusk.

Shade (C) Myself

Dusk (C) Kasadragon

Raven concept (C) Ivanks

"Damned fool... who does he think he is?" Chris thought to himself as he ran up the mountainous forest path, fuming at the events of the past few days. It was nothing new to him, this was all stuff that he was more or less used to for the most part, but even though he was used to it, it always struck him to his core. All he could do about it was travel into the forest to escape from his troubles for a few hours, which he did on a near-daily basis.

Growing up had been an ordeal for the twenty-six year old. He lost his mother at the age of six, and had spent the good portion of twenty years growing up under his father's rules and tutelage, and therein lied the problem. You see, his father was a witch hunter. It was a tough job, and he was held in high regard for being one of the best witch hunters around, if not THE best. He had suffered many close calls during his career, and he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. Chris, however, wanted nothing to do with his father's work in any way or form. He had been vocal about it on several occasions, but his father would have none of it, and insisted that he train himself in the event that something should happen. This had even led to days where he lost out on sleep and warm meals thanks to his father's training, and it due to all this that his confidence was shot to hell and back. Every time he wanted to do something for himself, he'd always hear his father in his head, and it'd just drive him to depression.

"One of these days..." He muttered as he looked towards the forest - it was one of the few places where he could relax and not have to worry about his overbearing dad. He looked over his shoulder at the bag full of books, a mix of books about magic, nature and avians. His dad had been pushing him to be against magic, being a witch hunter and all, but all he had done was push him more towards studying it, and even if there was no way for him to ever pull off a successful spell, knowing about it would be a good start. Just a little more and he'd be able to forget about his worries, even if just for a few hours.

He soon found his way to his normal resting place, breathing a sigh of relief as he sat down atop the tree stump in the middle of the clearing, placing his bag of books down as he pulled the first book out. It was about magic spells and familiars - companions used by magical beings. Many witches and wizards had their own companion, and for the most part, they always seemed to be a bird of some kind. A small few of them tended to have toads and rabbits and rats as their pets, but the vast majority favored birds, almost always ravens. He could understand why - they were dark, mysterious, mischievous, and rumoured to be magical in their own way. He would love a raven companion of his own, but if he had one, he knew his dad would probably train it to go against magical beings, against its own nature, and he wouldn't be able to stand that. If he had his own raven, he'd probably train it up to go against his father, but part of him felt like it'd be about as successful as his attempts at telling him he didn't want to be a witch hunter. Oh well, he could always dream...

Unbeknownst to him or even his dad, a witch was near their hometown at that very moment. A witch whose powers had only been recently awakened on the very brink of death, and she was not in the best of moods. Her friends, whom she had grown up with, were all put to death before they could awaken themselves, and she was currently drunk on her own power and her lust for revenge.

"Rrwrrkk..." Scarlet eyes scanned the area as she touched down in the forest, taking in her surroundings. She used her new-found magic to disguise herself in a more human form. "To think I'd have to take this guise..." She hissed. "Just wait... what I did to that little Podunk will pale in comparison to what I'm gonna do to this place!" She walked through the forest, listening out for any human activity. She had already turned her hometown into a curse-ridden shell, all the humans having been turned into animals of some kind, and she was eager to cause even more damage. It didn't take her too long to pick up upon the presence of a lone human in the heart of the forest. "Perfect... they'll be a great test!" She grinned, dashing towards them.

Chris flicked through the pages on another book of his, all about birds. Given his fascination with magic, he had skipped towards the section on ravens, eager to find out more about them. Just like in his magic books, there was an in-depth description about their magical affinity and how they were popular with magical practitioners. He imagined himself with a whole flock of ravens, commanding them to take care of his overbearing father, freeing himself from his burdens. "If only..." He sighed.

The witch was approaching from behind him, planning just what to do to him. Perhaps he'd turn him into some kind of twisted abominating and set him loose on the town. As she got closer, she took notice of the books that Chris was reading. "What's this?" She asked herself, looking at them. She saw the pictures of the ravens, the description of their magical traits, and saw the stack of books on magic and nature. "This is surprising... is he practicing to be a wizard?" She thought, taking another look at him. Just from the clothes he was wearing, it made him look like a witch hunter more than anything, and though she was feeling hostility towards him for that, there was something that was piquing her interest.

"Ugh, I'm gonna have to start heading back soon, aren't I?" He told himself, noticing the sun was starting to set in the distance. "If I don't he's just gonna rail at me even more." He started to pack the books back into his bag, noticing a shadow being cast over them. "Huh?" He looked behind him, and was greeted by a silver-haired woman, around the same age as him.

"Those books you're reading... are you studying magic?" She asked.

"Studying, no... I've got no magic talent. It's just something that's taken my fancy."

"I see... those clothes you're wearing... they're the garbs of a witch hunter, are they not?"

"Well, yeah... my father's one of the most celebrated witch hunters, he's trying to train me to follow in his ways..."

"Pathetic... perhaps I should use you as an example of what happens when you mess with me!" She growled, her body glowing as she shed her human form, letting loose an animalistic screech as she took her true form once more, that of an anthromorphic raven.

"Wh-what in the seven hells?!" Chris gasped, falling backwards. "W...what ARE you?!"

"My name is Shade..." She cawed, the markings glowing blood red. "Humans like you sicken me, thinking that you're doing the world a service by killing off my kind! Thanks to them, my friends were slaughtered before they could probably awaken... from that I've seen what humanity perceives as wrong, and I will cleanse these fools from this world one way or another!"

Chris gulped, looking at the beast. It was clear she meant business, and just from looking at her, he could tell that she had been deeply hurt by the actions of humans. "But... but I'm not like them, I swear!"

"LIAR!" She screeched. "You said you're the son of a witch hunter, didn't you?!"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that I want any part of his stupid work!" He barked, taking Shade by surprise.

"Hrm?" She cocked her head. "What do you mean by that, mortal?"

"All my father does is push me to try to follow in his footsteps, to take over from him should something ever happen to him, but I don't want to be involved in anything of his! He's been like this ever since my mom passed away, and it's slowly driving me insane! I don't wish harm on any witches or wizards, I feel sorry for the ones he mercilessly slays... I come here to try to escape his influence, even if it's just for a few hours!"

"I will judge this for myself... if I find you to be lying..." She sneered, staring into his eyes. He saw his soul being reflected in them, and he knew he was being judged. A few seconds later, her gaze softened. "Well well, it appears you're telling the truth... I guess I forgot that there are some humans out there who aren't against my kind... unlike the morons in that village..." Her voice still dripped with venom, but it became softer, her eyes and markings reverting to a vibrant purple. "I apologise, but I've suffered a few losses tonight."

"I understand. I'd advise staying away from my village, however. Aside from my dad, it's full of religious nutjobs. They'd waste no time in trying to burn you at the stake."

"I'd LOVE to see them try..." She hissed. "I don't know what kind of witches they were dealing with before, but I doubt they've dealt with a beast like myself. These wings give me an advantage they'll never have!"

"My dad's not one to give up easily, though. He'd find a way to bring you down, even if it killed him." Chris said with a hint of resentment.

"It's obvious that you don't want any part of your father's work... so what if I was to make you an offer?" The raven chirped. "Of course, there is a heavy price to be paid, but I think you'll find the offer to be fair in every sense of the word. Before I explain, I feel like I should get your name. What should I call you, human?"

Chris was hesitant, to say the least. She didn't look like the kind to take no for an answer, especially given recent events, but part of him was telling him to trust Shade. "My name's Chris. Go on..."

"You said you had an interest in magic, yet you've got no magical skill. I can give you magic to use. Just from looking into your soul, at your troubled past, I can feel that you'd be perfect at commanding ice magic!"

"You think so?" He blushed. "Wouldn't it take me ages to learn how to use it, though?"

"Not at all! You'd be a master at it from the start. Of course, there's always room for improvement and you'll have a lot of time to learn new spells and abilities, it wouldn't be fun if you knew everything at once!"

"OK, it's tempting..." He nodded. He was picturing trapping his father in a giant ice tomb. "But what would the heavy price be that you're talking about?"

"The price in question would be your humanity." She said sternly. "Given what they did to me, I'm not going to give someone THIS kind of magic and leave them as a human."

"Oh... what would you make of me? Knowing my luck, you'd probably turn me into a rabbit or a cat." He frowned.

"Looking at you, I feel you'd be better off as a raven like myself. Free to fly and go wherever your heart wants." She trilled gently. "Though I need to find myself a new place to reside, away from humans... a forest like this would be a nice place to set up home, maybe build a mansion. I mean this place is huge, there'd be endless possibilities for expansion!"

"You'd want to make this forest your home? But what about the town nearby, and my dad?"

"They can be taken care of VERY easily..." She grinned. "But first, are you going to take me up on my deal?" She stroked his face with her talons. "Will you join me as a raven... my mate?" She cooed into his ear.

"M...mate?" He went bright red. He could see where Shade was coming from, she had no-one else like herself, and there was no-one that she could trust. He hadn't expected to be hit on by the avian creature, but part of him couldn't help but be attracted to her.

"Yes... don't you want to be like me, Chris..." She tugged at his clothing, magic-ing them away. He blushed even more, being left in the nude.

"It's...tempting..." He looked at her. It was clear she had no sense of shame, no inhibitions. Maybe it's because of her being recently awakened, lost in the power she was feeling, but he could tell that she was loving this.

"Hehe... that's all I needed to hear, Chris..." She ran her hand over his thigh, her talons grazing the flesh as he sent some of her magic into him.

"Ah...rgghh..." He groaned, feeling the magic flowing through him. He could feel his inhibitions switching off, his doubts starting to fade as he looked at Shade with an icy calmness. "Mmmm..." He ran his hand over her feathery sides, feeling her plump hips. "I wonder how much of this was improved by your ascension?"

"That's nothing you need to worry yourself about..." She smiled, greyish feathers starting to sprout across his legs, hundreds of quills poking free and blossoming. "All you've got to worry about is underperforming, and I know you're not gonna disappoint me, sweetie..." She rested him back against the tree stump, checking him out. His frame was thin, slender. Probably from all the work his father put him through. There was plenty of room to improve upon here. She continued to stroke his legs, the muscles toning up as his groin tingled, his shaft rising upwards.

"I've... I've never gotten close to anyone before, so I don't know how well I'll be able to satisfy you, Shade..." He moaned, watching Shade as she moved closer, standing over him. He had a good view at her feathery clit, the lips neatly outlined by glowing purple feathers. The feathers continued growing over his legs, dark blue markings wrapping around his outer thighs. His feet kicked against the grass, the skin flaking away, revealing dark blue scales as his feet stretched, heels cracking and popping as his toes elongated and merged, five digits reduced to three, a trio of deadly curving talons breaking through his toenails as a smaller digit equipped with a large talon grew from his heels.

"Trust me, even though this is your first time, I know you'll do amazing..." She encouraged him. From reading his mind, Shade knew of Chris's insecurities, these are issues that would be purged by his conversion, but making him feel better during the changes would help him along. "In fact, there's one change I can make that will REALLY help you along..." She began to position herself over his dick.

"And what would that...hh...hhhhrrrrRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE!" He cried out as his member trembled and throbbed, his balls churning as he came, firing off his human seed - he wouldn't be needing it after this. As his balls emptied, they swelled in size, growing to the size of apples as a feathery fuzz covered them. A genital slit grew around the base of his spire as it trembled and grew, his modest size quickly growing to an even foot in length, the color turning sapphire blue as the head reshaped into a point, barbs lightly dotting his transformed cock. "Grhhh...hrargghhh..." He found himself growling, his lust skyrocketing. "Mrehehe... think you'll be able to handle this, Shade?"

"I think I should be able to take it no problem, Dusk..." She grinned, lowering herself onto his cock. A lustful scree left her beak as she pushed herself down, taking it all in. "Oooh yeah... that feels great..." She bit down slightly on her lower jaw, grinding against him.

"Ghh...hrraghhh..." He hissed. Dusk... that name sounded alien to him, but at the same time, it felt right. His hands twitched as they gripped the sides of the trunk, glowing with a blue light as the surface of the stump began to freeze, ice covering it. The skin on his arms from his wrists downwards flaked away, revealing more scales similar to those on his legs, the nails on each digit shattering, curving claws growing in. "Rgghh.... Shade.... You feel soooo tight..!"

"Maybe you need to help break me in, then..." She teased him further, trailing a hand across his stomach. The muscles along his front pulsed, his abs toning, gaining some slight definition as his abs followed suite, neatly covered by elegant feathers. A pattern of swirls appeared across his stomach, the pattern identical to that on Shade's belly, curving markings appearing over his pectorals. "I know you want to go wild, my beast..."

"Hehe... You might be right, there..." He thrusted into her at a steady pace to start, his rear gaining some definition as a set of broad, stylish tailfeathers grew around his rump, fanning proudly behind him. The ice that had formed around the tree stump was starting to spread across the grass, one hand firmly gripping the stump as he brought the other to Shade's breasts, stroking them, teasing one of the glowing nipples with his talons. "I just hope you're not holding back because it's my first time."

"Skkkrreee... why would I ever hold back?" Shade said coyly, clenching down around his dick. He moaned, the feathers creeping slowly up his neck. He was forced to arch his back, a pair of small bumps forming against his shoulders. A few seconds later, two small wings broke free, looking too small to be able to allow him to fly. This was soon rectified as they were soon followed by a series of rune-like blades appearing underneath them, giving him all he needed to take flight.

"Grrhhh... I don't know... it just seems to be in your nature..." He teased, his jaws going numb as the feathers covered his face. His teeth merged together, growing larger as they pushed forwards, darkening to a silvery-grey. His lips were forced apart by the growing masses, his nose sinking into his growing beak as the nostrils flared and parted. His short black hair grew longer, turning silver in color as it grew to his neck, glowing blue markings appearing around his eyes as they were forced apart, his ears shrinking away into tiny holes. His transformation ended with his eyes shifting from green to sapphire, glowing with arcane energy.

"I might be a tease by nature, but trust me.....mrwrkkk... I know what I want, and I know what my partner wants too..." Shade huffed, grinding against him harder. "And right now... I REALLY want us to cum together..."

"Hehe... so naughty..." He trembled, his cock twitching as he grew closer to release. "Ghhh... I'm gonna...."

"Then...hrrahawrrr.....do it......SSSSSSKKKKKKKRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Shade threw her head back, letting loose a bestial avian screech as she climaxed, spraying her sweet juices against Dusk's spire. Dusk cried out in bliss with her as he came too, his blue cock firing off thick ropes of magic-infused seed.

"Hhh...hrrahhra....hrrraaaahhhhh!" Dusk moaned, the markings on his body glowing as he let loose several bursts of icy blue flames, spreading through the area. Everything the flames touched were instantly frozen.

"Hrrwrkrkkk... well I'll be.....kkkrawrrrww....seems like you've learned how to use icefire!" Shade spoke through her orgasmic moans.

"Ice....kkrrreee....fire...?" He huffed, the feelings soon dying down as he rested his head back, getting his breath back as he looked at Shade.

"Yes... it's just like it sounds..." She trilled. "Though you may need to practice it a little first, get it all under control."

"Sounds... sounds good..." He smiled. "But what now, my dear?" He reached up with a taloned hand, stroking her beak.

Shade trilled gently, looking into Dusk's eyes as she admired the new raven before her, more or less the male counterpart of herself. She had initially chosen this human to use for her own means, to twist him to her own will and use him to teach the humans a lesson they won't soon forget. Looking into his eyes, however, she was feeling more for him - much more than she was expecting. The form he had been transformed into was more than just some creature - it was a reflection of the true self within him, what his love of magic and avians had created, and now it had been brought to the forefront. She leaned in closer, placing a soft kiss on the tip of his beak.

"Well... there's that..." Dusk couldn't help but blush a little bit, noticing the warm look that Shade was giving him. It was becoming clearer for the second that she was showing him true signs of affection, and she wanted to be by his side at all times. And Dusk wanted to return those feelings - she had freed him from his human trappings, and giving him the tools he'd need to get back at his father for all the years of hell he had gone through. Without even thinking, he returned the kiss, chirping happily.

"You know something, Dusk... I think I love you." She said with a grin.

"I'm glad you do. I don't think I'd have been able to find anyone else given what I am now!" He playfully joked, nuzzling against Shade's beak. "But as I was asking you a few moments ago, what are we going to do now, Shade?"

"Mmmm... well I did suggest making a new home for ourselves in this forest..." She pulled away from Dusk, getting back to her feet. "Make a few changes, make it look like a giant warning to humans to stay out, create a mansion for the two of us... we could call it the Ochre Forest!"

"The Ochre Forest... sounds perfect to me." Dusk chirped. "But there is still one problem - there's a town full of people not too far from here, not to mention my father."

"He's not your father anymore. You wanted to put him in his place, and now you've got it." Shade flashed a sinister smile, the markings and her eyes turning bright crimson once again. "It shouldn't take too long to get rid of them, or we could even curse them like I did my home town!"

"Heh... I'm just picturing what I could do to him..." He couldn't help but grin evilly too. "I could entomb him in ice, or give him a taste of my icefire!"

"So many possibilities... there's only one way we're gonna get anything done, though..." She extended her taloned hand to Dusk's own. "Let's take care of the human problem, and then we can make ourselves cosy..."

"I can't wait!" He cackled, the two ravens spreading their wings as they took to the skies, heading towards the city with a monstrous screech.

It didn't take them too long at all to purge the town of its humanity. Shade and Dusk spread their magic all across the town, turning all the residents slowly into animals or twisted monsters. The only person spared the curse, naturally, was the witch hunter who used to be Dusk's father, but he soon met his end at the talons of the two ravens. None of the residents of the cursed village or anyone from other towns knew what happened to him after that encounter - the rumors claimed that he either died bravely trying to fight the beasts off, or that he simply vanished without a trace.

As for the two ravens, they made their home in the middle of what they renamed the Ochre Forest. The place was redesigned to better fit the two spellcasters, a clear indication that if you stepped into the forest, you'd never leave the same way you came in. Over the centuries, their attitude towards humans had mellowed, having witnessed first hand some of their experiences, as well as the good that they were capable of. Their forest home was known to move itself of its own accord, moving from one part of the world to another on its own whim. This meant that humans were bound to find their way into the cursed forest one way or another, though nowadays all stray wanderers were mostly welcome to the mansion in the heart of the forest. Not to mention the number of occupants in the mansion had grown in recent years, too.

Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky enough to stumble upon the raven's realm one day soon.

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