Predator: Chapter 8

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#8 of Predator

The party is in full swing but the fate of one stock male is to be decided...

And that's all for this one, for the moment, folks!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners


Chapter Eight

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by preyitem

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A blur. It was all a blur. Everything came together in laughter, sex and song as they gathered outside, one by one, and the liquor flowed freely. There didn't seem to be any limitations on drinking or engaging with the stock boys and so there were some curiously entertaining sexual acts going on as the little goat that didn't seem to portray herself all that well in conversation but was an absolute demon of kink, bouncing and bleating and tackling seven boys all by herself with her whip and strap-on in paw. Ace sat with the gryphoness for some time, enjoying her company away from the sexuality and swapping recipes for cooking; it seemed that the gryphon hen was quite the chef, which came as a pleasant surprise.

A boy rotated on the spit above the giant fire, clearly oversized for their purposes but more than enough to feed a crowd with eager boys lined up even as the first rotated and roasted. The spit was jammed all the way through him, through his open mouth and out his anus, and he whimpered awkwardly around it, his internal organs pierced as he was cooked alive. He would never have considered trying to flee or escape his fate, however, as there were many other boys lined up beside the fire too, fanning themselves with the flames and excitedly discussing just which of them was going to be roasted and eaten next. Their excitement was refreshing and Ace could not help but be glad that it was not only her stock that went willingly to slaughter, knowing that all were so very well cared for that they were eager for the end and went peacefully even with the pain of it.

At some point, however, her new friend disappeared, leaving her to watch the dying squirms of more males on the stick as they were dished out, some predators asking for their meat to be extra rare and others just dining on the living boys as they were laid out on oversized plates for them right then and there. The only other being she was left with was the boy that the gryphoness had gifted to her, who had sat beside her obediently all the time without a single word or command, which was quite impressive in itself for livestock that, while obedient, did sometimes have a little bit of a tendency to wander off with the simpler nature of their minds.

"Hello, boy," she said, lips pulling up at the corner into a smile. "How has your owner used you then? I wonder if you'll fit in with my stock just fine or if I should have you despatched tonight?"

"Many ways!" He chirped, overly bright and happy as he companionably sat at her hooves, watching right along as the party went on before them. "Oh, she's had me in the bedroom, pleasing her and other boys - she liked to watch me work! She had a few feral gryphons in once too and I got to suck all of their cocks and lick the pussies of the females too - that was fun! Look, I've even got a scar here from when one of the drakes ripped a chunk out of me! That was scary but I'm still here! It would have been nice for him to rip me apart though, he was really nice to me."

He displayed his scar with pride, although it was not a battle wound by far. Shaking her head, Ace leaned back and surveyed him as if through fresh eyes. It was not often that she had the chance to sit down and take stock, quite literally, of things, much less with a stock boy at her hooves to entertain her through the course of a conversation that had much promise to be more than difficult for both her head and her heart.

"And..." She hesitated. "You don't find it strange at all that people, anthros and women too, take boys like you into their bedroom? You know there are many that solely consume you as a food source, right, and it would be seen as deviant to do anything else with you?"

The boy smiled, tucking his knees together, although his cock and balls still rested on top of them, on show and his thick shaft half-hard. It was a wonder that saliva didn't splatter from Ace's mouth as she near enough drooled right then and there.

"Oh... She said that was so, my owner. Is that an okay word to use? Everyone prefers to use something different. It's the worst kept secret though, everyone seems to like using us."

He grinned and, if he'd been a male of her species or even another anthro, Ace would have sworn that he'd have winked at her.

"And why wouldn't you want to use us? Why, we've got to do something before being eaten!"

He chuckled lightly and Ace blinked, sitting back and sipping her wine. It took a moment to mull over her thoughts: a stock boy cracking a joke? Of course, it was something that he must have heard from the gryphoness and not something that he'd come up with himself but he must have been around her enough, pleasing her enough, to absorb such information, which was impressive in itself.

"So," she said slowly, rolling the words around her mouth before setting them free. "This isn't exactly something new then, is it? How much do you know about what goes on here?"

"Many things!" He giggled but did not demurely cover his mouth with his hand, rocking back and forth on the ground as he looked up at her, full of innocent glee. "I get to see a lot here and I've not had as much as some, not like that stallion mounting stock boys. Wow, is he rough!"

Ace caught herself nodding, instinctively agreeing with him, and was struck by the memory of Delilah talking to one of her boys back at home, conversing with him easily as he took one step after the other closer to death. Was she just like Delilah in that moment? But she wasn't playing with her food, surely not...

Ah, it did not bear thinking about. Shaking her head, the mare sighed heavily and ran her paw back through her mane, the hair a little greasier than she would have liked, considering her company and the hour. Perhaps her new boy would wash it for her when she returned home with him? Oh, she had so many questions and they could not all be answered in one night, even if she could not help but imagine just how she could cook him up, the soft, pink flesh just begging for the cut of a knife or a lionesses jaws.

Falling into fantasy, she propped her chin up on a paw and smiled gently, staring at him, the boy an object to her and nothing more than that. He would not feel uncomfortable at being looked at so and merely blinked contentedly back at her, happy to look into her eyes or not - after all, she had not told him that he was not permitted to do so. But her mind, oh, how her mind drifted. She had to think of him coming to an end, perhaps riding his cock while Delilah feasted, her hips slamming up and down as that shaft remained full and proud even in death, his well-primed body refusing to release its hold on simple male lust.

Or another way still... Oh, there were so many ways in which she could take pleasure in the moment of his death. As divine as it was to watch the lionesses feeding, it was fun still to take her charges, lying on her front as she imagined this strangely special boy massaging her all over, from head to tail. Unlike a paid masseuse, he would not tire or tell her that their time was up, caressing her over and over with mindless devotion. Even then, he contentedly scooted closer to her, running his hand up and down his leg as if to offer that massage right then and there, his closeness warming even with the heat of the fire blistering in the air.

She looked down at him, his little pale-skinned body barely tanned like those who roamed free on her farm, moved from paddock to paddock by her faithful canines and ranch hands, all skilled at the work she did. Just what did he think of being eaten or not? Ah, it was undoubtedly the million dollar question that everyone wanted to know, although most predators weren't all that fussed with the answer. If they were, they were vegetarians or vegans and that was that, no more discussion needed about that. Considering her line of work and her personal pleasures, Ace had little to nothing to do with those so inclined. It made no sense.

Yet a boy was right there and she had the time and company to see just what he thought, even if the answer wouldn't have changed the course of his fate at all. Regardless of whether he hated his life, loved it or even was ambivalent about it, he would still be eaten, as was the food chain and the cycle of being. He would be devoured, even if the method of his end was yet to be determined.

But she still had to ask as the firelight danced and the warm alcohol sliding down her throat and the boldness of the poodle snapping up a boy's cock, leaving his balls for dessert, in one, quick bite right before her gave her boldness that had not before been hers to claim. She could ask him anything... No one would know. All of her secrets would die with him, a last, lustful scream cut off in his throat.

"And what do you think of your fate?" She probed, asking the million dollar question that anyone would have asked of livestock that had the capability of understandable speech. "What do you think will happen to you?"

And his answer shocked her, the boy inhaling breathily as his eyes shone, although that may have just been a glimmer of firelight, her mind applying ideas to him that really did not belong. But no one could deny how his pulse jumped in his throat, Adam's apple bobbing as he tried to steady himself.

"Oh, I'll be eaten," he said dreamily, a far-away expression on his face as if he was imagining it for himself. "I don't have any say in it but I hope I won't be cooked, not like them."

He nodded to the spit roast where more males than ever were rotating, two face to face, forced to watch the despair in one another's eyes as their cock throbbed and dripped pre-cum onto the sizzling, crackling wood below, soon to be consumed by the flame itself.

"Ah," Ace said, sitting up a little straight. "That makes sense that you are scared. It is a painful way to die but many of the herbs that you are fed are aimed at reducing that pain. It comes to a sense of euphoria in the end, our research shows."

"Oh no - not that!"

He shook his head and scooted back, tucking his head down to his chest as if suddenly overcome by shyness. Curious, Ace leaned in further, straining to hear his words.

"I just... I always thought I'd be eaten alive," he murmured, barely raising his voice above the faintest of murmurs. "I know, I can't control it. I don't want to control it, not when there are those like you to control it. It's more exciting not to know what will happen to me - I mean, how it will happen. But that doesn't mean that I don't like imagining it. It's fun..."

He trailed off, not needing to say anymore: his body did the talking for him. His hard cock throbbed, not as hard and plump as those belonging to Ace's personal boys but just as alluring when attached to an item of food all the same. She bit the inside of her lip, shaking her head slowly. Okay with his fate? What an answer... And did he really want to be eaten?

Well, now was the time for questions, if she had them, that was.

"Do you really want to be eaten or are you saying it because it's something you heard? You are raised for your meat. You _are_meat."

She held her breath. Maybe now was the moment of truth, the moment that would determine so much about how she viewed her relationships with the boys going forward, not that the acts themselves would change at all.

"I am meat," he said easily, not even pausing for a moment of hesitation. "I am born to be eaten and used however anyone pleases. I am here to please and I can't wait to be eaten! If not by the gryphoness, by..."

His eyes turned up to her, cautiously alight.

"By you? Will you eat me?"

Ace pressed her lips together and shook her head, although she was not saying no by any means. That was still very much a possibility.

"I may. But it is strange to see a livestock item going so willingly... It's erotic."

She groaned but it was not his words that she mulled over but the meaning behind him. He didn't know what he'd done, what he'd changed for her. Everything was the same and yet it was different too - and she could never, ever take that back again.

Maybe that was all there was to it. If he was so content with his fate and his being, then maybe she could be too. The boys certainly didn't seem to mind their fate or what she asked of them, whether it was clamping a head between her thighs for sweet oral bliss or even riding a hard cock to the undoubted climax. His allowance of her, just as she was, lightened her soul and she exhaled a breath that came more easily, eyes alight and lips ever so slightly parted for a breathiness that would have seemed out of place on her face at any other time.

Now, it suited her, just like so many other things.

Smiling faintly, she stroked his head and spread her legs enough for him to tuck his face between her strongly muscled thighs, the boy willingly scooting in, anticipating the pleasure and servitude to come.

"You've opened my eyes, boy, but I wouldn't like to take you away from the fate and destiny that you so badly desire."

Not that she didn't want to see him roasting on a spit or torn apart by lionesses, cock still spurting as it disappeared down Delilah's throat, after all. Not at all... But there were fantasies left to fill and her own, finally, were in the spotlight, everything coming together as it should have so many years ago.

Everything was in place. Now all she needed was to gather the people she loved the most for the ceremony.

And she had a special boy too. One who had opened her eyes. It was only right that she closed his too in a spray and spurt of blood and semen, lust and life roaring to one blissful climax at the crux of death and the moment. Ace shivered. She couldn't wait to put everything into action, a plan coming together as, finally, she allowed herself to be as she was.

She was an anthro who loved fucking her boys. And that was okay. She should give him the best send-off any meal had ever had. You know, just for showing her the light. It would only be fitting...

"I have something very special in mind for you, boy."

And indeed she did.

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