Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 30

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#30 of Cuckolded by her Mother

Kao and Scott have their fun but the dragon is still unaware that the stoat has a secret and the deal with his girlfriend may be viciously broken...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Cuckolded by Her Mother

Chapter Thirty

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

What drake wouldn't have taken advantage of a hot little stoat to fuck at any given moment? Kao made no secret of him fucking Scott, even though he did, quietly, take care to not do it while Fyr was about. Whether Sasha and Ropes knew was none of his concern, however, and he did not care whether Ropes winked at him or not when he was wandering, a little too casually, back through the ranch house after stuffing Scott's needy tail hole full, the stoat full of dragon-cum. Actually, Kao doubted that there were many times left that the stoat was not drooling or leaking some of his cum from one session or another, the smaller fur giving even his desire and sex drive a run for its money. But Fyr... No, Kao was too good of a brother to want to rub such a thing in her face, knowing what she was going through, at least in part. The dragoness was busy anyway and it was a surprisingly easy feat to sneak off to some secluded location on the ranch, often in her beaten up pickup truck, for some fun.


Kao hissed and rocked his hips, tail thumping over the edge of the truck's front seat as he sat overlooking a green meadow where, later, she'd be putting cattle, his cock encased in the warm mouth of a so very willing partner. Just what more could he have possibly have asked for? Stress relief was the name of the game, just a short while of spending time with Scott seeming to melt all of that and so much more from his shoulders, soul freer than ever before and lusts pleasantly raised.

Chemical too appreciated the fact that he was hornier than ever and yet still sated on their nightly phone calls, even though he had not yet revealed to her that, very often, he had Scott sucking his cock or grinding his tail hole onto his hard shaft while they were talking dirty to one another. Under the terms of their hall pass, of course, taking a partner like that was no different to pleasuring oneself on a lonely night, but he was quite sure that she'd love to hear all about it, as she always did, when the kinky time came just right to reveal his extracurricular activities on the ranch to her.

"You need this," he snarled, tail swinging as he stood and powered over Scott, his hips tipping at a sharper angle to put the weight of his body behind his thrusts. "Fucking...take it!"

Ah, if one could hear how they sounded during sex, they perhaps would not ever have enjoyed the pleasures of the body ever again - but it was not as if anyone was out there to record Kao, as lacking as he was in eloquence on the very point of orgasm. A light breeze caressed his scales as he groaned and hooked a thumb into the corner of Scott's mouth, forcing him to hold his mouth open even as the stoat, very willingly, submitted to every last jot of dominance Kao possibly had to offer him. After all, where else would a needy submissive on a mission to please be if not waiting for yet another load of hot dragon-seed?

Jet after jet of hot cum plastered his face right out there in the open as Kao roared, uncaring as to who may or may not have heard him, as long as Fyr was far enough away to not wonder at the sound and come running. But he pushed the thought of his sister from his mind as he jerked off his cock onto Scott's eager tongue, the stoat boldly looking up at him even as string after string of pearly cum shot across his face, the final spurts falling into his mouth where he let them sit. Proudly showing off the dragon's load, Scott made a big show of swallowing, having learned just what the drake liked. And what he liked was a performance, a needy slut on their knees and presenting to him, just to make him feel like a big, bad dragon, one who could take what he needed and not care one bit for all he left behind.

Of course, Kao was not like that in essence, although no one who would have slept with him would have claimed that his raw power and aggression, fucking as if he was a feral creature at heart, was not part of his dark allure. He was a mystery in himself, even as he squeezed Scott's cheeks lightly, forcing the stoat to open his mouth and show, very clearly, that he had gulped down every last drop of cum that Kao had been kind enough to deliver into his waiting mouth.

It was a taste unlike any other he had had (although, again, he had only 'had' Ropes before and that cougar was something else entirely, he could not have denied it). Not salty as so many had said that a male's cum tasted - he'd never tried his own! - but with a hint of that musk that made a male masculine, desire coursing through the aroma of it. Slick and stringy, it clung to the inside of his mouth and tongue as he gulped it down, intent only on the pleasure that could be derived from enjoying Kao in the best way that pleased the dragon too.


Kao pulled back, jaws parted for a gasp that didn't draw any breath back to his lungs, the sun beating down weakly on his scales in the lateness of the year. It was just as well, however, that it was no longer the height of summer, for that would have rendered him a hot, sweaty mess for all the wrong reasons, in all honesty. He was about to order the stoat to move for him, to present himself, but the stoat was already on all fours and presenting his tail hole to Kao before the dragon even had a moment to grab him himself, need coming above all else out there in the sunshine.

"Such a little slut..."

And he was, or, at least, that was just what Scott wanted to be for the sexy stud of a dragon, rippling with power and muscle that Scott could only dream of. And, of course, controlling at least a little of the sexual acts that they undertook kept him in a position of power, holding a secret over Kao that the drake was not even aware of. How could he be when Scott was, for a time at least, so good at hiding it? He did question why he didn't want to take his underwear off or pull his work jeans all the way down but that was something that could easily be swept under the rug with a lustful kiss, lips coming together once more in raw passion as they tumbled into bed together.

Scott groaned and leaned into the car, thrusting his backside up for Kao as the dragon slammed in. It was a shame that he couldn't get into many other positions for the drake, for there were few that would hide his true sex from the dragon's keen eye, although he had, just the once, managed to get completely naked with him under the cover of darkness, out around the back of the barn. The others had been having a cookout outside, organised by Fyr, of course, when Kao had grabbed him by his T-shirt and hauled him off for some fun, getting the stoat down on his knees with his back to the hard wood of the painted barn to suck him off first, although the main event was, of course, taking a load of dragon-cum up his tail hole. With the lights off and the chill nipping at their hides, Scott had taken the chance to slip his jeans down, revelling in the thrill of holding a secret close that only he (well, and the demons, that was) knew. Kao had not found out that his cock had been so close to an openly hot and wet pussy and that was just the way that Scott wanted to keep it - at least, of course, until he was told otherwise. And, when that happened (if it even happened at all), he was sure that everything he knew so far would change completely and utterly.

That had been fun though, back behind the barn... Kao was quick and keen to sneak around and Scott rolled his hips wantonly back into his thrusts out by the truck as the dragon neared completion, not knowing what he was doing, in all fairness. There was little the dragon would have done to hold back from spilling a load into Scott, his lust and sexual prowess nearly coming up to Ropes' level of demonic passion, although he knew well enough too that the dragon was not a demon. Still, that did not mean that Scott could not smile even as he stuffed his cock hastily back into his pants and jeans, hustling to cover himself up and control how much of his body was exposed as Kao wondered at how good he'd gotten at sucking cock. That one, however, was no secret and yet another one that he kept from the dragon, until the time was right, as they bumped and jostled their way in the truck all the way back to the ranch house, Kao's lust sated, at least for a little while.

Sasha had been, of course, instrumental in her coaching of him, even taking his cock into her mouth while Ropes lustfully watched, using his own tentacles to stroke his own shaft, sucking it off with one of those rather creepy 'mouths' they could form. She knew, somehow, just what would make a male tick but Scott could not possibly imagine that she had been with her son in any way, shape or form - she wasn't that sort of dragoness! Sure, she'd slept with countless males but he could not possibly judge that in the name of simply having fun, although maybe sleeping with her daughter's husband was a little too far. That was hardly something he could spare the time to linger on, however, as his head was forced down yet again for another 'coaching' session that he was beginning to think she was enjoying just a little too much.

"It's a hall pass, darling," she said, drawling as she guided Scott's head down on Ropes' shaft, controlling and toying with him as she instructed him on just what a male wanted to take from such pleasure. "That means, he doesn't want to know you have a pussy too. You got that, honey? He must not know that, at least...not yet. Are you hearing what I'm saying?"

Scott, however, could not reply to her with his mouth stuffed full of cougar-cock and didn't want to either. He thought he knew what Kao needed and, well, he may have been tooting his own horn to say that the drake seemed happy enough with what he was doing too. The dragon, after all, came to grab him for fun every chance he got and wasn't that enough, at least for the moment?

Not according to Sasha who had him parade about like her little fuck-toy - oh, wait, that was exactly what he was to her! - and had him instructed in each and every last way that he could provide her son with pleasure. His tongue was sore by the end of it even though Ropes, of course, was nowhere near the realm of sexual exhaustion at all and could still have gone for more, ploughing his cock into a waggling stoat-rump over and over again. But that was, strangely, a good memory rather than a bad one and, well, he would have faked being just a little bit clueless simply to have all that attention all over again if he had the chance.

But one thing above all else had been made clear by her instruction and that was the fact that he had to keep his gender a secret at all costs. Sasha, oddly, didn't seem to know how long it would take for him to get Kao relieved enough that he wouldn't mind but even Scott couldn't see all that much of a problem with Kao fucking someone like him. It wasn't as if he identified as female, after all, and he would never have dreamed of taking him away from his girlfriend, as hot as he was. Why, he'd even happily please the both of them if they came to visit again, although that was probably something that his considerable talents and growing skills would not be put to, as much as he would have liked it.

Little did the stoat know that Sasha was embarking on something new that even she did not fully understand, the murmured words between her and Ropes in quiet corners, stealing touches that did not, for once, seem sexual perking his curiosity. It was not for him to know, however, only for him to play his part and play it admirably too, taking the dragon's cock and pleasing him as his lust grew and grew - grew, even, into something that a demoness could turn to her advantage, under the proper instruction, of course, of one who had actually been born a demon.

Things, however, could not remain a secret forever, just as the powers in true control had predicted all along, Kao unwittingly playing right into her master plan. Scott's control slipped and slipped as the dragon grew ever increasingly feral and dominant, the stoat playing into it hook, line and sinker. It was not as if, of course, he didn't want to be on all fours or his knees for the dominant drake - in fact, in Ropes' temporary absence, taken up with Sasha and his quick flings, Kao was the most sex that Scott had for several days, strung out one after the other.

But it was that which was his undoing, pushing him to an edge that could not be returned from in the little guest bedroom that, for a time, had been Scott's. He didn't have a permanent room, although Fyr had grumbled and made talk of building a cabin out down the drive for him, so at least he would have a little privacy. It wasn't privacy that the stoat needed, however, even if he respected her need for it when no one else in the household seemed to even let that thought cross their minds in the slightest. He had to think of her though, even though she was not his girlfriend or anything and her brother was pretty hot too...

Oh, how his thoughts drifted and that was just where his control slipped as he laid back on the bed in a dream-like state, allowing the studly dragon to lift his legs up and, in a moment of haste, remove his underwear. Or, at least, Kao managed to get the stoat's boxers down his thighs enough to get his cock in, Scott rolling his hips up at precisely the wrong moment. It could have been either wrong or right without anyone there to tell them otherwise but Kao's cock did not sink into the stoat's tail hole as he arched his back, seeking more, but the male-herm's pussy instead, teasing deep as Scott, finally, let out a full, throaty moan.


It was hardly like him to swear and Kao laughed coarsely and perhaps would have slapped his thigh too if he was not in the process of forcing himself balls-deep inside the smaller fur. But even he knew something was wrong, eyes glazing over as he looked down but only saw the stoat's balls trying to sag down and cover just what his cock was ploughing into.


It was too late to backtrack and Scott went with it, moaning and throwing his arms back lustfully over his head as if he wanted to be pinned down, dominated so fully and completely that there would be no coming back from it. Bound too? Ah, a fantasy was a fantasy and he finally had that glorious length of dragon-meat plunged right where it belonged, driving into him hard fast as the drake worked his hips, glutes tensing, even through his confusion. In all honesty, it was a credit to him that he would keep going even when he was unsure of something, although he could not have been confused as to whether or not Scott was enjoying himself. No... The stoat made that _quite_clear!

But Kao could not fail to notice as he spat a curse, eyes wide and staring, lifting his balls roughly as if he needed the extra space and room to see what he already could and could not deny. He was not fucking a male, as he had believed, but a...a...somehow an amalgamation of the two genders that he, at least, knew of! The drake snarled, trying to reel back but coming up short as Scott's cunt clenched around him, rendering him trembling in place, heart pounding and yet his glamour unwilling to pull away. What red-blooded dragon, after all, would turn down a good hole to fuck, regardless of what it was?

But the hall pass... Chemical!

"What the fuck is this?"

But it was hardly an expression of disgust at the fact that Scott was not wholly male but something else entirely - neither one nor the other coming to light in the heat of the moment. With his cock sunk into the stoat's pussy, all Kao could do was gape helplessly, wings flapping, although such a small movement and buffet of air, of course, would not do anything to steady him, as much as his pounding heart needed it.


That was when the dragon hesitated, turning his gaze away with the very faintest flicker of shame, eyes half-closed but not from any sense of pleasure or lust in the heat of the moment. He groaned and rolled his head back, clearly torn between the delight of continuing and his little rule with Chemical, their hall pass of fucking the same sex to enjoy their sex lives outside one another, broken, shattered, gone. He could no longer say or claim that he had not fucked another female while he'd been with her, even though it was not entirely true that he had not taken

"Please..." Scott moaned, rolling his head back as the pillows seemed to press up into him, legs hitched up over Kao's shoulders and toes curling. "Please... Don't stop!"

What was a dragon to do? He didn't have a female before him but he sure as hell (ironically) didn't have a male either, caught between two opposing actions, both of which seemed right in the heat of the moment. There was something to consider and yet that something seemed to slip right through his fingers as he leaned over Scott, moaning and pushing his legs up to expose his pussy all the more, lengthening his passage all for his greater pleasure.

"You... You..."

But even Kao could not get out the words - not that he even knew what words he needed to say. He just wanted to keep going, keep fucking, working his hips over and over again to plough his cock into that delectably sweet pussy that (to his mind) had been there the whole time. Head spinning, the drake's tongue hung out over the edge of his lips and he groaned open-mouthed, eyes half-closed with sheer lust.

"Fuck..." He hissed, breath rushing out of him on the exhale. "This... This is..."

Ah, it was so unlike him to be lost for words but Scott did not yet know and understand that nuance of his personality, how the drake always liked to know what to say and when to say it, words springing to his tongue with confidence and finesse at all times. No, it was the dragoness lurking and lingering behind the door that knew all, the door cracked only enough, with a tentacle to keep it there, so that she could peer through.

Sasha's eyes gleamed, not wearing the contacts that kept the green orbs from appearing as if without a pupil, although she soon warranted that one other would need those contacts too - and, for once, it would not be Ropes trying to keep everything under wraps on going out to a less demon-friendly town. No... She didn't like those and she doubted he would like wearing them either.

After all, he was just like her. Wasn't he?


Sasha purred, pushing her buttocks back against her demonic partner as he grunted and fucked her, tentacles stiff and curled into unnatural shapes as he fought to keep himself quiet. His lips moved in silence, forming a chant and incantation that would start the beginnings of what was to come, although they had said, of course, that Kao's will would have been too strong to break if they had started him off as one of a weaker spirit could have been. Ropes thought he could do it, of course, and would have relished the challenge, but it was Sasha who had pursed her lips and talked him down from the point of change. After all, the game was afoot and she had such a high stake in it, right there along with her mischief-making demonic sweetheart.

She cast him a look back over her shoulder, eyes half-lidded and smoky, although she did her best to not let any smoke actually curl up from her nostrils. That wouldn't do... That would reveal her plan and, oh, it felt so good as he slid his sluggish tentacles into the slits in her sides, pumping her and driving her full as her toes curled in sheer pleasure. The need to be quiet, unfortunately, was nothing new considering all the others Fyr seemed to be bringing over - first Scott hanging about the ranch and then Kao after that too - but something in Sasha relished it in the moment of putting her plans, at long, long last into action.

For Kao and his body had been something that she'd thought about, dreamed about, even, since she had first felt the tickle of demonic influence rising up within her. She had not revealed it, choosing to nurture and explore the lustful nuance as it grew and grew, burning desire flaring up within her heart. She'd even taken a blue dragon at the club they'd gone to, making him fuck her over and over again even though it didn't count towards their silly little game and tallying up of points just because, well...

Clenching her jaws to stop her moan from rolling forth, Sasha locked eyes on the stoat's legs, trailing down and down them to where their bodies joined, that delectable shaft driving into a hot, tight pussy. She should know just how hot and tight that pussy was, after all, for she'd spent enough time fingering it, teasing Scott while she taught him just how he was to seduce and please Kao. The poor little thing had been so clueless but it was all worth it to see her son beautifully hurling away the terms of his hall pass, all for the sake of higher lust and, above all else, pleasure.

He would be perfect. But only time would bring him into her arms. And a little assistance from Ropes, of course...

In the room, Kao and Scott were oblivious to what was going on outside, too caught up in one another to stop or consider that anything else could possibly be going on at the same time. No, passionate to the last, Kao moaned and leaned over the stoat, using the power and drive of the muscle in his body to pin the smaller fur down, a paw curled around his shoulder as he thrust with the full weight of his body. Somehow, the drake's lips caught the stoat's and they kissed desperately, finding solace and lust in one another as the moment curled sensually on, two male bodies with one not truly being male and offering such untold pleasure...

But now that he had started, Kao could not stop, deepening the kiss as he forced Scott's tongue down, relishing the feel of a male muzzle against his, the light muscle in the stoat's chest. It was what he needed, even though he could not have possibly denied the presence of a pussy wrapped around his cock, driving him to completion as it tensed and rippled around him so wonderfully, pulsing as if the stoat himself was trying to give him all the more pleasure.

Of course, that was all Scott's intention too but the dragon's ridges popped over his small nub of a clit with each and every stroke, sending him into peals of pleasure that were only muffled by Kao's mouth covering his as he spiralled through climax. Wave after wave of pleasure swept him up and away to a point where he was sure he would pleasurably drown in the ecstasy, the feel of Kao covering him, protecting him with the bulk of his body, more than one lustful mind could simply bear.

And the dragon's orgasm, when it came too, only sent him off into a second climax, one blurring into the next with no discernible line between them, just a rolling on of ecstasy that pounded his body as if he was a whore at a brothel. He wouldn't have minded all that much being a whore at a brothel, as long as he could be fucked over and over again by studs like Kao... Big dicked, muscle studs...

Scott's eyes glazed over as he tried to roll his hips up to meet Kao's thrusts, although there was little movement left to him as he was so completely overwhelmed and dominated, submitting sweetly to the dragon who brought such a fresh realm of pleasure to him. Hot spurts of dragon-seed pumped into his pussy, filling him so much that his fluids could not help but squirt out down the drake's thick length, oozing from Scott's cunny and soaking both the fur of his tail and the bed sheets beneath him, crumpled up in evidence of their tryst.

An orgasm, however, could not prevent Kao from addressing to the truth, as much as a part of him may have wanted to keep fucking Scott, pounding him over and over again and not even allowing his cock to soften for any kind of break. He broke the kiss, panting heavily, and pulled back slowly. So slowly, in fact, that one would have been correct in saying that he was trying to put off something, as inevitable as it would turn out to be in the end.

Swallowing hard, Kao's gaze flicked from the stoat to the door as Scott sat up and stretched his arms out luxuriously over his head, his face the very picture of contentment. Kao was glad that, at least, one of them was content, although the stoat could not have been said to be innocent in the scenario. Yet he had nothing to do with the hall pass and knew nothing about it either... Kao ground his teeth together, forcing away suspicion. No, Scott was far too sweet for that, although he had, of course, lied to him.

And, still, the truth waited to come out, lingering and lurking in the shadows like a monster waiting to pounce on those it sought to devour, swallowing them up whole and spitting out the bones. It was not always a pleasant thing.

"So..." He said slowly, rolling the words around his mouth before finally releasing them. "All this've had a pussy."

He rushed the last few words as if he needed to push them out quickly and Scott took a deep breath, steadying himself as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Well, the cat was well and truly out of the bag so all he could do was be himself, no?

"Yes," he said. "But...I'm sorry, Kao, I didn't think..."

Yet what could he say - that Sasha had instructed him to seduce him, her very own son? That was hardly something that would go down well even if Scott was so very sure too that her intentions, of course, were completely fair and honourable! She was looking out for him, she knew him. He was her son and, just like she took care of Fyr in her own strange way, she was taking care of him too, making sure he was happy. It wasn't really her fault that her sense of reality and everything else that went on for mere mortals was tilted askew after becoming a demoness.

So...he could only tell Kao the little bit of the truth that was the very reason he agreed in the first place.

"I..." He hung his head, toes curling and throat tight. "It's... I didn't think you'd like me, if I said. I know it's very weird..."

Well, weird wasn't the half of it but what Scott really meant to say that he wasn't sure Kao would have liked him full-stop, regardless of what he had between his legs or not. Just what did he have to offer a drake like that? He sucked in a breath, lungs expanding and chest aching with a sense of tightness as if he suddenly was no longer capable of taking a full, much-needed breath. Maybe Sasha was right and he did need coaching and training, although he had thought, at least in part, that that was all down to good fun and their usual demonic lust too, the well of desire never truly running dry.

"I didn't think you'd like me and...I'm sorry I hid it."

Scott blurted out the words, squirming in place but, for once, for all the wrong reasons. Oh - he shouldn't have done it! It was all wrong, he was sure Kao may have still, maybe, perhaps, wanted to fuck him if he'd just been honest with him - but how was he supposed to know that? Furs weren't exactly lining up to make out with him before either! What possible reason did he have to think that he may, just about, be successful with Kao, find another male to show him the true ways of pleasure in a male's body, just so he could learn a little bit more?

But, to his surprise, Kao put his paw on his shoulder and squeezed gently, managing a small smile of comfort even as his eyes darkened with inner turmoil, wings tightly tucked down to his back as if he was afraid to let them spread. Every muscle in the dragon's body pulled taut with tension and he shook his head slowly, even that movement stiff and clunky as if he had been static for too long.

So much had happened, all so swiftly... And one dragon was going to have to face the repercussions and the music of it sooner or later, even if he did not yet realise that he was helplessly and hopelessly dancing to the tune of another.

"No... No, it's not your fault. Only...this is going to change things, ruin them, even. It's complicated, more complicated than you know."

Kao pressed his knuckles into the sockets of his eyeballs, kneading and pushing and grinding, the pain distracting even as Scott hunkered away, not understanding the enormity of everything. How could he, of course, when Kao had never told him? But Kao groaned into his paws, pinning them around his muzzle as if to seal away his terror, shuddering into himself as words, once again, evaded him, guilt snaking up from the pit of his stomach. A serpent in his belly would have been better than the sickening sensation of guilt, as much as he tried to push it away, knowing all the while that he well and truly deserved it.

What was he supposed to do? His phone buzzed in the pocket of his jeans, discarded on the floor, and he wondered if that was Chemical checking in with him, saying how much she missed him and looking forward to him coming home. Maybe she'd sent him a naughty selfie too... She was good to him like that. Really good to him. And just what had he gone and done to her when they'd been so sweetly lenient and erotically inclined to fulfil one another's desires - with limitations, of course?

There was only one person who could help him out.


"Sis... I've done a horrible thing."

Kao stood in the doorway of the kitchen, as lost and helpless as the worried brother he had been, only on very rare occasions, back in their teenage years, chin tilted down as if he could not quite bring his face up to the level of the only one who may possibly be able to get him out of a very sticky situation. The red dragoness was busy with her chores, keeping both the household and the ranch running smoothly, although he knew that, of course, she'd always have time for him...even if he'd been a colossal fool and she was most likely about to tell him that too.

Fyr paused, looking back over her shoulder at him from the kitchen sink, wrist-deep in warm, soapy water.

"What? What's got you there looking like a kicked puppy? You didn't crash my truck, did you?"

At that at least, Kao managed to crack a grin, although the hunch to his shoulders remained, one wing half-lifted as if he was fighting down the urge to try to hide himself away behind it. It was a hatchling thing to do, to want to hide behind one's own wings, but that certainly didn't mean that the desire didn't rear its ugly head too from time to time. And, for Kao, this was one of the very worst times.

"No, sis... I wouldn't have dared come back here if I'd gone and done that."

Sighing, Fyr wiped off her paws, trying to already maintain damage control in her head. What could it be? Oh, she never would have guessed...

"Then what is it? Nothing's on fire, so it can't be that bad."

Kao gulped.


"Well then? Spit it out, Kao, you're not doing yourself any favours hiding it away when you clearly want to talk about it."

Blinking, he stared at her for a moment, rubbing the back of his back against his chest.

"You're blunter than you used to be."

"I've learned."

And it was about time he learned too, although that was for something different entirely. Taking a breath, he filled his lungs with air and pushed his shoulder blades back.


He knew just why it was so difficult to get his words out but it pained him all the same.

"I...had sex with Scott."

Fyr's eyebrows shot up, although, to her credit, she hardly reacted bar a twitch of her fingers. She had to keep calm, talk him down...although from what the dragoness could not quite say at that moment, her mind elsewhere on what she thought, at that moment in time, were more important matters. If she'd been more 'with herself', perhaps she could have put him back onto the right path but, well...a dragoness could not be perfect the whole time, of course.

"Um..." Well, in the grand scheme of things, that surely didn't matter? "I'm not sure I understand what's wrong? I liked him before, he's a nice guy - and you can do that anyway, so what's the problem? Do you _like_him or something?"

But Kao was already shaking his head and holding up his paws to stall her, eyes alight not with passion but the need to make her see, to make her understand so that, somehow, she could help him.

"The hall pass, Fyr," he growled, his desperation and guilt making him rush his words, snapping in the tension of the moment. "I've broken our rules! You were right all along... You said it was a stupid fucking idea and you were right! I should never have done that! It was all just a stupid mistake and I didn't even fucking know until it was too late!"

Of course, Kao did conveniently leave out the fact that he had kept on fucking Scott even after he realised that his cock was shoved up into a pussy and not a tail hole - but that really was beside the point!

Fyr's face contorted and, suddenly, all was clear, the dragoness moving in to wrap an arm and a wing around her brother, drawing him in close.

"I'm sorry, Kao," she breathed, tentatively brushing his forearm with her fingertips. "I... Yes, I do know about that, but I didn't think to tell you, I'm so sorry. I didn't think it would be a problem."

Kao shook his head, shoulders hunched and rounded as if to pull away from her, although he stood rooted in place, eaten up inside by guilt that he could not put words to.

"Chemical," he gulped, speaking so quietly that it was as if it was that he didn't actually want to be heard. "She's... Oh god, Fyr, she's never done anything like this - I love her! What the fuck is she going to think of me?"

Fyr levelled her gaze with his, paws on his shoulder as she faced him head-on.

"Yes... She might think badly of you, Kao, but, as you said, how could you have possibly known? And it's not like Scott actually looks like he's female in any way - how could you possibly hold yourself accountable for this? You need to talk to her before you dwell on this any further! I know just what you're like and you're going to be tossing and turning and not even eating right because of this otherwise!"

Shaking his head, Kao made as if to pull away but she blocked his way, a fiery ball of determination that could only be put to good use occasionally, for it was not often that she would have the presence of self to actually block her brother's path.

"No, Kao... This is important. And you know it's not really me that you need to be talking to right now but Chem instead. She deserves to know and, come on..."

Even Fyr had to half-smile, trying to get him to smile along with her as he leaned in, needing the soft comfort of her presence.

"She'll understand. She's not unreasonable. Speak to her and get this off your mind before it gets any worse, okay? Don't dwell, don't let it linger between the two of you. I want to be the darn maid of honour at your wedding so you can't let this come between you!"

It was intended to make Kao laugh but, for once, it didn't have the desired effect, her humour falling short as the drake felt his life crumbling around him. Drawing into himself, he pulled away without even a smile, seeing her sensibility before him even if it was not what his guilt-addled mind wanted to hear. It hardly helped that arousal still raged through him, Scott lingering at the back of his mind for entirely less guilty reasons that only made the rest of him feel even guiltier by default.

Air. He needed air.

"Fine, sis... I'll take a walk first though."

Anything else she said after that point was lost as he shrugged his way from the ranch house, night having fallen cool and crisp, sharp against his scales. And he could not have said how but his feet somehow knew just where his heart or at least the part of him that was not thinking clearly at that moment in time wanted to go, one step following the other to take him out to the barn where a certain stoat was working away, clearing stalls that Fyr had said she needed for the next day. Of course, he'd been meant to sort the work out much earlier in the day but Kao's distraction of him had scuppered those plans, but the stoat seemed happy to work away in jeans and no shirt and the peace of a quiet barn at night.

Kao halted, watching him even as he worked, oblivious to his presence. Yes... Just how was he meant to know that he was not completely male? There was nothing about Scott to suggest that... Chemical would understand. But, in that moment, he needed some sense of comfort and warmth and, well, Chemical simply wasn't there.

He had to answer the call.


The stoat turned, pitchfork still in paw and confusion flashing across his expression. The flickering lighting strip above him buzzed away, unflattering and yet portraying him in exactly the innocent light that Kao desired - exactly as he was.

And no further words were needed as Kao lustfully closed the distance between them, following the passion of his body rather than the guilt claiming his soul, hissing and forcing the stoat down to his knees, cock slipping out, hard and ready. He did not look back as his tail thrashed, slamming into the stall door, Scott taking his cock right up into the back of his throat, just where it belonged.

All along, they'd known he would cave too and it was not Fyr who followed him out to the barn but a certain other dragoness and cougar, who lingered in the hayloft above, watching and lusting after what would soon be theirs to toy with for themselves too. Sasha hissed through her teeth, one of Ropes' tentacles lazily looped around her throat to stay her need and moans, cock driven up into her tail hole just for another added edge of kink and sensation, stretching her out as he filled her pussy too with two tentacles, thick and full.

But his lips moved, eyes glowing faintly and dangerously even in the gloom, need surging through both of them as they fuelled the deadliest kind of charm, Sasha's eyes fixed on her son as he took Scott up into his arms and fucked him against the wall, as rough and as wild and as simply feral as she had always imagined him to be.

He was perfect. But he could be so much more.

"Make him mine."

And that was just what the demon cougar intended to do.

Sex in the Wet Spot

**Iron Author 2019** **Watersports** ** ** **Sex in the Wet Spot** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lightweaver_ Ethan groaned as he staggered back to the dorm - his dorm, as it was the closest. They didn't...

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Bondage at the Outpost

**Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018** **Bondage** ** ** **Bondage at the Outpost** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Seraphon_ _ _ _ _ The demoted lance corporal could not think of herself as anything else,...

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