Sex in the Wet Spot

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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The fun from the student bar continues as the stallions engage in a little golden shower play after a drunken night of holding it all in...

Warning for consensual kink! Fun to write up and there is one follow up to this one coming. :)

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author 2019


Sex in the Wet Spot

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Lightweaver

Ethan groaned as he staggered back to the dorm - his dorm, as it was the closest. They didn't share a room and, well, at least he knew that his roommate was out. It would have been embarrassing enough to stagger home with a stinking, wet patch in the front of his jeans but even more so considering that he had a randy stallion right there along with him. There was little question as to what Gargath was after but drunken minds tended to do that to a fur, rising needs even as one expelled what they thought they didn't need.

They staggered in and Gargath dragged off the black stallion's jeans with some difficulty, the material clinging to his strong legs and the bulge of his now aching crotch, although he ached there for an entirely different reason than needing to go to the bathroom. No, holding it in had failed completely and utterly and was right there in evidence of his soaked boxer-briefs, a nice grey pair with a red hem that had drawn the eye before and made him feel, well...pretty good about himself. The tightness of them and his own liking for laughter - damn the giggles! - was what had lost him the contest down in the bar with Gargath, however, or that was just what he was going to keep on telling himself. He did have a bit of stallion pride to maintain, after all.

But Gargath seemed more dextrous in his urgency, snorting and huffing as he left Ethan naked on his roommate's bed, which was probably just as well for what he had in mind. The black stallion lay there, huffing and puffing and entirely stripped naked for the pleasure of the victor, eyes rolling back up into his skull as he moaned for something that even he didn't yet know, Gargath inhaling deeply and then immediately regretting the motion.


It was not orgasm that pressed so urgently on his mind, however, but a far baser need that a stallion with too many beers in his belly had to take action on at all costs. His jeans had barely hit the floor (thankfully, his hooves were bare) when his cock pushed out into his paw, thick fingers closing around it solely so that he could direct the stream as he pleased.

If he'd been more with his senses, perhaps he would have suggested the bathroom but a drunk mind could not (would not?) be held responsible for the most idiotic of mistakes and he most certainly would not be as he hunched over a little and let out a deep nicker as he expelled the urine straining furiously against the walls of his bladder. Just how he'd managed to hold it in during the shuffling, anxious walk over to the dorm, he'd never know - one of those clopping sorts of walks that seemed all too loud and seemed to go on forever.

Just like the stream of piss coming from the flat tip of his cock. Without his boxers, the thickness of it pulsed into his paw in all its glory, although it only needed to push halfway or so from his sheath in order for him to relieve himself just as he pleased. It was something more, a deeper sense of arousal that thrummed through his being that made him push out all the way, his half-hard cock making it more difficult for him to relieve himself even as he allowed every hot droplet to stream out over Ethan.

The other equine shuddered, moaning and stretching out beneath it, something that should have surprised them if it had happened under any other circumstances. It was strange how something taboo and forbidden and oh so very humiliating could be turned into something erotic in the heat of the moment, drunken minds finding illicit pleasures in pushing boundaries wherever they were found. Urine soaked into Ethan's coat, thick enough in winter as some even landed in his mouth, the stallion far too far gone to complain about that as he allowed his friend and dorm-mate to use him just as he pleased. Of course, he was hardly in a position to complain, as drunk as he was, but he could still have well enough voiced some kind of objection in a drunken swagger and a few swings if he really tried.

Gargath moaned, tongue poking out softly over his bottom lip as the stream of piss went on and on, ears folding back and out to the sides as he made his pleasure known. Much better than pissing himself and losing the contest... The thrill of the victor came with a searing flash of pleasure, cock trying to twitch and jerk even as he climaxed, but it was thankfully not so hard as yet that it would interfere with his coating Ethan in an even more voluminous dosing.

"Fuck, dude..." Ethan hissed, head rolling back as his mane clung damply to the arch of his sleek neck, reeking of piss. "You're..."


Gargath's ears flicked to catch the sound but missed it, the pleasure in the release of tension swamping his mind completely and utterly. The stream tapered off as Ethan tried to sit up and Gargath had no doubt in his mind at all that the room was spinning and tilting around him as sickeningly as it had in the bar, his mind soothed if only through the act of releasing what had made his bladder so very sore and pained and tight. It was impressive just how much piss he'd managed to produce but, after all, he was an equine and a stallion, of course, had other needs to be taken care of. Needs that were shown in his rapidly hardening cock, bouncing and twitching with the pulse of lust running through his body.

Gargath smirked, his smile very clearly lopsided.

"Now for you..."

He managed to get those words out well enough but Ethan was hardly in any place of mind to do more than wriggle around on the bed, grunting thickly as he flicked his tail out of the way in open invitation. A bottle of lube was on the bedside table of his roommate's bed but they didn't even spare a moment to joke about that strange cat before Gargath smeared his fat and thick length in a hefty dose, the cool liquid simmering down his lust, if only a fraction. He needed the black stallion and there was no question about whether or not he was going to get what he needed, scooting up behind him with his cock slick and ready.

Ethan moaned and rolled his head back, Gargath's lips at his damp neck as the Clydesdale pushed into him, Ethan doing all he could to relax and allow him in. That was one time where being drunk helped, just a little, holding back his need to spill his seed immediately and quickly even if he could, just about, feel a lingering tightness in his bladder, almost as if he already needed to piss again. If he did, he doubted he would have the willpower, however, to even get up off the bed when he had a hotly muscled stallion with a thick, powerful build driving into him with the lust of a male who felt that he had been denied a little too long.

It didn't matter when Gargath had last gotten off, the stench of urine rising into his puckering, fluttering nostrils, driving him on to thrust and cram every last inch of his cock that he could up into that darkly tight and inviting tail hole. Up past the medial ring, his shaft pushed deeper and deeper, Ethan's leg moving of its own accord up towards his chest as if to allow and invite Gargath in even more, asking him to thrust harder and faster without any words at all.

Gargath grunted, his nose tucked down against the other stallion's shoulder, one paw instinctively going to grip his leg, keeping it up and out of the way as they spooned, on their sides with Ethan's broad back to Gargath's equally wide and strong chest. His chest flexed and bulged with muscle, although his gut was not toned, although it took every last bit of strength in his glutes to hammer in as he pleased. Doggy style, perhaps, would have been better suited to a stallion of his might and power, but there was little time for such luxuries and changes of position when need swamped him, Ethan's cock too rising hard and proud and flexing up against his stomach in a lewd slap of mottled pink and grey flesh.

It was impossible for a horse to hold back and much less a drunken one as Ethan groaned deep in the back of his throat and did his best to grind and slam his hips back into each and every one of the stud's needy thrusts, drunken desperation getting the better of him. Ethan could no longer tell what dampness on his dark coat, inducing it to shine, was urine and what was sweat, matted curls rising down the length of his sides and along the arch of his neck, mane clinging wetly. But nothing to do with bodily fluids was ever going to both the lusty Gargath ever again as he snorted wantonly and hammered in with as much force and drive he could possibly put into his thrusts, considering his position.

Over the back of the sofa. In the car. Round the back of the student club. His mind ran amok with ways that he and Ethan could enjoy one another, teeth grinding as the need to cum rose and rose up from the pit of his stomach, wanting so much more than what he had at that very moment in time. He could barely thrust as he pleased with just how hard Ethan's anal ring squeezed around him, massaging and rippling as if he was trying to tug him deeper, wanting more and more and even more still with every passing second.

Gargath snorted. He couldn't hold out! But it was the weaker soul of Ethan that reached climax first with a breathy, throaty nicker, twisting in his hold as his leg kicked out, the feather around his fetlock whipping about wildly as the stallion lots control. Adding to the already soaked bed - well, no one said that Gargath's aim in hosing Ethan down had been all that accurate to begin with - the black stallion huffed and whickered, hips juddering back to Gargath as if he needed even more of that cock driven up into him to enjoy his orgasm well and truly. Spurt after spurt of virile equine cum shot out over the bed, creamy as it landed and then soaked into the sheets, the stallion moaning like a colt with his first lover, eyes half-lidded and rolled up into his skull.

And what stallion would not want to follow once his bedfellow had reached his high, slamming in with a brutal series of short, sharp thrusts, the edge of his high dragging out for far longer than normal until he tipped over it with a proud squeal, balls swinging and tail flagging. His heavy orbs churned as he divulged a load of stallion-seed even heavier than Ethan's, showing his worth in the sheer volume of cum he pumped into him, squeezing out thickly down the length of his cock and splattering out against the black horse's buttocks and his own crotch. Yet he could not stop and kept on hammering in even as he spent every last drop of cum he had to give, energy failing as he slowed, languidly, barely aware of strength dropping from his body like shedding clothes at the end of a long, humid day.

But it was better to shed one's clothes for more carnal purposes, even if pissing anywhere besides the bathroom had not exactly been something that either of them had ever considered before that time. Ethan sighed heavily, contentedly, and relaxed back against his temporary lover, tail pushed up between his back and Gargath's lower abdomen, trapped there, pleasantly so. Neither could truly find it in themselves to move as the need for slumber tugged at their minds, drawing them down and away from the heaviness of their bodies of the waking world that had so sweetly sought to bring them such taboo, testing pleasure.

Slipping into an awkward kind of sleep together, his cock slowly softening and slipping from Ethan's tight, squeezing hole, Gargath could not help but smile, dozing until the rights and wiles of the waking world called him once more.

Maybe a pissing contest wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Bondage at the Outpost

**Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018** **Bondage** ** ** **Bondage at the Outpost** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Seraphon_ _ _ _ _ The demoted lance corporal could not think of herself as anything else,...

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Lust Controlled by His Magic Gloves

**Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018** **Orgasm Control** ** ** **Lust Controlled by His Magic Gloves** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Daikyi_ _ _ _ _ Dai groaned to himself, hefting the vacuum cleaner out...

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