Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 29

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#29 of Cuckolded by her Mother

The plot thickens as Scott is guided to take an interest in the blue drake himself...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Cuckolded by Her Mother

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

"You will do this, Scott, honey," Sasha purred, strutting back and forth before him in the bedroom as Ropes sat on the bed, leaning back on his paws with a smirk on his lips. "And you will do it well too. He thinks you're just a male still. Well - what other reason would my son have to believe otherwise?"

It could have been a normal day if not for the set of her jaw and the sway of her hips, the dragoness well and truly on the prowl, although, for once, her true target was not in the room with her. Scott may have been there on his knees, his muzzle sweetly wet with her juices and his tail hole stretched by Ropes' demonic cock, but he was not the target she was after by a long shot. The dragoness, after all, now had him right where she needed him to be, a pawn to be used, so kindly too, for anything she pleased. And the little stoat, so keen for the realm of experimentation, was as willing as she could have ever dreamed him to be when she'd stolen him right out from under Fyr's nose.

Truly, he was the perfect little one to her.

"And, as long as he thinks you're a guy, he'll go right along with it, needing his little release," Sasha said, brushing Scott's cheek with the backs of her fingers almost tenderly. "His hall pass... I'm sure you were too busy between my legs, darling, to hear that bit, but it means that he's 'allowed' to be with other males. Other males like he thinks _you_are, Scott."

The stoat swallowed hard, although looked up at her plaintively, adoration thrumming through his gaze.

"Are you sure though that he'll like it, ma'am?" Scott said, hesitance notable in the waver in his voice, although he was respectful to the last. "If he doesn't come after me of his own accord... If he doesn't know that I have, well..."

Scott blushed, not quite able to say out loud that he had a pussy, but that wasn't something that mattered too much when they all knew the truth of the matter anyway. He had what he had and it was Ropes, of course, who had put it there, all to make him better to fuck, swinging both ways but preferring, of course, the warmth of a tight cunt wrapped around his cock. It was funny how demons would indiscriminately change those around them to fit their needs and how infrequently they asked others for their consent but it was something that, strangely enough, often worked out for the better in the end. Scott, by far, was not at all upset by his condition, lifting his tail for the studly cougar every chance he got.

"Oh, sugar," Sasha purred, cupping his muzzle almost tenderly and lifting his chin up, a smile warming her muzzle, if only faintly. "Don't you worry. A momma like me sure knows what her boy likes and I'm gonna make sure that he gets what he needs. Poor Kao should never have to go without just because his lady is back home!"

And no one could disagree with that as Scott smiled in turn and nodded, his mission set before him in the form of a sexy blue dragon with muscles seemingly everywhere. He could not have been set a better task or a more lustful male - well, bar Ropes, of course - to seduce and he squirmed deliciously in place, his pussy slickening sweetly with his own arousal as his breath caught, need rising perceptibly. The two sat before him, however, were not there to sate his needs but to rile him up and tease him before going for the one that really needed his attention the most.

It was just a shame that he couldn't let Kao fuck his pussy - at least not yet. But, if what they said was true, that would come in time and Scott groaned wantonly around Ropes' cock as the demon cougar laughed at his need and sweetly fed it into his mouth, putting the achingly hard shaft right back where it belonged.

"Isn't he needy?" Sasha cooed, squeezing Scott's cheeks to make his lips purse and pucker cutely, even around Ropes' length. "I knew he was the right one for the job... You'll do so well, honey, you really will!"

"What's that?"

Fyr stuck her head around the bedroom door, not even jumping at the sight before her: Ropes pounding his cock into Scott's maw as Sasha crouched beside, fingering his pussy and even teasing her fingertip over the bud of his tail hole as if to say that that was just where Ropes' cock was next going to go.

"Ah... Nothing for you, honey," Sasha purred, her attention taken up by something entirely better. "Scott's He's got everything taken care of. Isn't that right?"

Scott moaned and tried to bob his head in agreement, Ropes driving up into the back of his throat with a grunt, leaving the red dragoness to shake her head. No... No, that wasn't right. But she didn't need to know, at least not yet. It would be a little surprise for her later, wouldn't it?

Grinning Sasha exchanged a look with Ropes, the cougar winking. And Fyr locked onto it like a hound after a fox, tail stiff and rigid even as she strove and strove not to look at Scott and all the stoat could hold in promise.

Her thoughts drifted, the heady aroma of sex and lust on the air bringing a sway to both her mind and her body. It would be easy to not think about anything, to just slip away. She licked her lips, breathing increasing imperceptibly. Scott was cute... He was really cute... No, no! She couldn't think like that, couldn't think of anything but the fact that there had been a look and she simply could not, would not, allow herself to be distracted by anything, regardless of what else was going on.

It was all she could do.

"What? What was that?" Fyr's eyes crinkled in suspiciously, although did not quite narrow. "What are you getting him to do? You should leave him alone. I'm sure there are things to do around here. In fact, I can find you plenty to do, Scott."

"Leave, Fyr," Ropes hissed, rasping out the words as he neared his beak, a tentacle woven around to the back of Scott's head as if he needed to keep the cute little one in place.


Twisting his fingers together, Scott hesitated before actually getting into the rented car that Kao had brought around. It wasn't his sort of ride, sleek and sporty and one that would have been in all the magazines when it had first come out - not that he would have been able to afford the magazines back them. When he was living further away, not hustling with building work and contracting, he had read them at the little book shops at train stations before getting on, biding his time in moments of transition. He'd never been all that into cars personally but there was something about going fast or bouncing over rugged terrain in a vehicle that was aptly designed for such a thing that brought a rise of pleasure to the forefront of his mind regardless of anything else. And what guy wouldn't have wanted the chance to slip into such a sweet ride?

Only, it was a ride with a caveat and an end goal that made his heart tremble in both a delicious and terrifying way. He'd only ever been with one other male - Ropes, of course, who had changed him from just a male into so much more - and now he was expected to seduce Kao and get his cock up under his tail too? Just how was he supposed to do that without messing up? Of course, his mother - now that was a whole other problem in itself - had seemed confident in him, confident that the little stoat could soothe her son's soul enough to get his cock hard, which was a nice thought. It was good that someone had faith in him still, even though he seemed to have well and truly fucked things up for Fyr. It was hard for him to think too, with complete honesty, that he'd fucked up her life at all though when she was simply carrying on as she had been before. And, truly, it was hardly as if she was being forced into anything!

That didn't mean that it was not all that nice for her and, even though a part of him wanted to see just how it would be to tease and sweeten up a sexy drake like Kao, Scott tried to keep his thoughts on how it would make everything easier for Fyr. Sure, he was her brother but anyone in the know could see well enough just how the drake was trying to stick his nose into things, trying to find out what was going on and getting into trouble himself too along the way. It would be much easier if he went along with Sasha's plan to have him be a little quieter and compliant and, well, pleasantly distracted while he was there. And it was a nice thing to do too, he thought, for a guest, something that he really wouldn't have had the balls to do before.

The red hide of the beast of a vehicle before him tempted fate and Scott tentatively brushed the hood with his fingertips, wary of leaving smears behind. Of course, it could be washed, but it was hardly a car that one would have wanted to sully - especially as Kao approached with the keys dangling from a finger.

Scott didn't want to admit quite how his heart somersaulted at the mere sight of him alone.

"All set," the small stoat said, trying to put as much natural chirpiness into his tone. "Do you want me to drive?"

Of course, that was a silly thing to say and Kao laughed, sending Scott quailing back a little - the car wasn't for the ranch hand to drive! Not to say anything negative against Scott, that was, but a rental car that was that nice and sporty was for him to drive and him alone, at least until he got bored of it.

"Sorry, kid," he said, although there couldn't have been all that much difference in age between them. "This one's for me but you can ride-along."

He grinned as if he had made the world's best joke and so infectious was his smile that Scott simply could not help grinning back, tail flicking from one side to the other in a sort of playful wag that could not be contained. His mouth was too dry and he shifted his weight constantly from one hind paw to the other as if he could not stay still, shuffling awkwardly into the low car seat with his heart well and truly in his mouth.

It was now or never, the moment of truth: was he good enough for another male to lust after?

And he knew there was only one way to find out, even if he could not yet quite make himself do it, try when he didn't know just how Kao would respond. Ropes had become easier over time, the stoat learning so very much about the demon and just what made him tick while he was there without Fyr. Her absence, in a way, had been a blessing that had allowed him to grow and come far more into himself than he had before been, learning about his new body and all the delights it could bring. He would not have said so, right back at the beginning when Sasha was first seducing him, but he'd finally got the mental break that he'd so very desperately needed and all the money he needed to help his parents too. It was, well and truly, a win-win situation, as they said.

Kao, however... He was a very different kind of male and a dragon nonetheless. Sasha had described to him, in rather explicit detail, just what dragons liked but every fur, at the end of the day, had to be an individual too and it was that sense of individuality that worried him the most. What if he got it wrong? What if he fucked it all up and made everything worse? Kao had his deal and it was all okay on that side of things: he wasn't worried about that. More so, Scott didn't want to, vainly, be thought to be unappealing, not even as the scenery flashed by, the two of them dipping into a wooded area of forestry. Of course, he didn't know that it was forestry until Kao told him, making conversation and carrying it too with an easy smile and shades balanced on his snout.

"Yeah, Fyr told me about this, she wants to put in some forestry on the ranch too but there's surely not enough space for it there," Kao laughed, shaking his head, just the one paw on the steering wheel as their pace picked up. "It's a nice idea to have something sustainable but, really, I think she's reaching too far. They can't have the space for something like that, I mean, she's trying to do too much too. Why she ever left that nice job in the city, I'll never know..."

"It didn't seem to be doing anything much good for her," Scott ventured quietly, his mind wandering back to old conversations stolen in the barn and around the back of the house, places where they really shouldn't have been skulking off to back then. "She was exhausted and the furs there... I heard it was bad but that's all, sir."

It was merely a term of respect to him but Kao started, casting the stoat a strange look out of the corner of his eye. But Scott could not miss just how the dragon sat up a little taller, the scales pulling just a little more tightly across the backs of his knuckles as he gripped it. There was something in that that the drake liked, something that made him feel strong and powerful and more than what he was. Scott smiled, hiding it in the tilt of his head. Maybe that was the way...

"Sir? I like that you're all so formal out here. Do you say 'y'all' and that too?"

Scott winced.

"I can... Not really part of the way I speak anymore but coming back more now that I'm talking to Fyr and everyone out here again."

Now that had Kao's interest, the drake pushing the shades down his muzzle just a bit so that he could study the stoat over them, the forestry stretching on and on, a massive line that would surely earn the landowner a fair bit of money when it came time to log that section.

"You moved away?"

And that was just the lead in that Scott needed, a little slip and dash of conversation to lubricate the softness between them. What little space remained was taken up as he shyly went over with Kao too just why he'd moved back and what he'd found when he'd gone away. It was all the lighter stuff, of course, just barely brushing the surface of what really made him tick, but Kao seemed to get far more from him than anyone else would have expected. Maybe it was something that ran in the family but the newly unleashed lust in him, passion driving him on, step by tentative step, just wanted to see more about Kao still, to learn what it was and, of course, to please him as a good submissive was apt to please. It was all, of course, that he could do for one he perceived as 'better' than him.

And the drake he found in opening up that track of conversation was just as sweet and as kind as Fyr had been, the sort of fur that wanted to take another up into their arms and make everything right again. Kao commiserated with him, seeming far more sincere than anyone else that he had imparted such information to had been, leaning in and even putting a firm, tight paw on his shoulder, seeming to hold him up and settle his spirits.

All the while, Scott squirmed in place, wanting the drake - wanting a dragon who didn't even know that he lusted after him so badly! Just how was he supposed to push to close the gap between them when something so stringent was going on, something that burned with a flame that ground up from the pit of his belly. It should have been the stud drake sending out that flame, the faintest hint of smoke curling from his nostrils, and yet, conversely, it was the poor little stoat who simply didn't know where to start, twisting his fingers together in his lap as his cock pulsed and throbbed, half-hard already from desire alone.

How could he start? A touch on the arm, a casual laugh... Scott smiled and so very easily leaned into Kao's words, drinking up stories of his younger days (not that he was a very old drake anyway by far) and tales of Fyr, all of which only seemed to endear him all the more to Scott's heart. He was not in love with Kao, nor would he be, but he wanted to know more, feel more, explore that hot stud of a body that he'd only, so far, managed to catch a glimpse of as Kao walked back to his room with a towel around his waist after showering. Water had still gleamed on his scales and Scott had not been able to help himself from stepping back and hiding around the corner for just a moment, feeling inadequate in the presence of such raw and fervent masculinity. That was, of course, if he wasn't on his knees before it.

Sasha had said that Kao liked furs who were forward, who were bold, that he wasn't much of a one for small talk. That was just why he hadn't bothered starting off talking about such trivial bits like the weather and the, very apparent, lack of traffic and that had gone well enough so why not try just a little bit more, push just a little bit more?

Could he? Would he? He had to. He'd promised Sasha, promised himself, above all else, that he'd do it for Fyr...and that had to be good enough for him. Just enough motivation to move his paw, heart in his mouth and blood roaring in his ears. She'd been through so much and just a little distraction for her family - and fun for them, of course - would make things so much easier for her, so much nicer. Maybe she could even take herself off to the spa or something for some real R&R, which had to be much needed. Not that her family was bad or anything, just that with so much going on...

And yet he could not hold the thought, his vision narrowing in solely to what the car contained, seeing no more than that, and the drake sitting oh so very close to him. The sports car didn't allow one very much space in which to move away and he was already so close, the lingering warmth of Kao's last touch seeming to have burned deeply into his shoulder, but pleasantly so. Every breath seemed louder than the last, although neither of them was panting, the stoat needing something that he could not explain, pussy clenching down on nothing and simply craving the hot rod of a cock plunged up into him.

He took a breath, eyes half-lidded. He wasn't doing it for Fyr.

He could not have said just how he moved to close what little space there was between them but, in a single moment, he had his paw on Kao's forearm, squeezing lightly. That in itself wasn't all that strange - it could have been mistaken, of course, for a gesture that was merely friendly - but dropping his paw the moment the dragon clocked onto him was more incriminating by far. Not because he moved his paw away by far, of course, but for the fact that the stoat's hand, instead of landing on Kao's thigh, went directly for his crotch, brushing a shaft that must have surely been already half-hard for the sheer size and thickness he found there.

Scott gasped and, for several long, excruciating seconds, no one said anything, the wheels drawing them further and further down the road as the trees flashed by, a forest of wood that could not compare to the hefty meat between Kao's thighs. The dragon cast Scott a look, eyebrows raised and lips quirking up into a one-sided smirk, although he didn't make a move to shift the stoat away. Why, it would have been strange for the dragon to do such a thing, always being one to lust after and enjoy whatever it was that came his way, even if he was not the one actively instigating it...

Scott gulped and trembled, imagining that cock throbbing under his paw. Was this not what Sasha had meant? She'd said to be bold - oh no! Cold sweat trickled down his spine. Had he gone too far? Had he done too much? Oh no, oh no, oh no, he'd only meant to grab the darn dragon's leg!

Fortunately, however, as his fingers twitched and his mind ground to a halt, the stoat had a more experienced dragon there to lead him right along the correct path.

"Uh... Hey there," Kao chuckled, although there was no hint of awkwardness in his tone as a single wisp of smoke curled from each nostril, weaving and curling back and forth. "What are you doing?"

Little did Scott know that Kao was a drake who knew just how to lure someone in and, well, it would never truly be obvious just which of them had been pursuing the other, which one of them had been giving off the signals that they were ready for more. Only both of them knew for sure was that the car drifted to the side of the road and Kao allowed it to, grinding to a stop in the grit and dust, clutch burning from clunking at the point when they should have been braking, gently, to a stop.

Kao stared at Scott, the key in the ignition turned off and an unduly stern look on his face, although it was all designed to make the stoat squirm. Of course, the dragon knew what he wanted - but did Scott truly know himself? The stoat's paw twitched on the hard length of dragon-meat, unable to do anything but swell and pulse wantonly into his paw, and, still, he did not move it away, caught up in a moment that was rapidly fleeing from any sense of control he thought he may have had over the situation.


He'd never been in control.

"I... I thought..." He blushed, looking down, his paw still lingering just above the dragon's cock, floating briefly and able to drop to the grand prize at any given moment. "I thought this was something you'd like..."

He didn't know how far he could push - hell, all he knew about Kao was what Fyr had told him before and, of course, what Ropes and Sasha had laid out before him. But that only seemed like the bare bones of what was really going on, there being so much more to the drake than met the eye, in the line of his strong, masculine jaw and just how he held himself, as if he was the most important fur in the room. Scott swallowed hard and licked his lips and then his choice was made, everything coming together in a crash of brilliance that had him unbuckling the dragon's belt with due determination.

And Kao smirked, a growl rising up from his chest as if that one little bold move of determination had been what he'd been waiting for all along. After all, he was a drake who needed something hot and tight wrapped around his cock and who was he to know that Scott has been asked to go out and seduce him? Kao may not have even have cared even if he had known but that was all by the by as the stoat gasped, taking a hard and throbbing length of dragon-meat into his paw, freed from the confines of his jeans in all its ridged and drooling glory.

Heaving a moan, Kao's tongue hung over the edge of his mouth, an arm slung out the window even as they lingered right there at the side of the road where anyone could happen across them, exposed and vulnerable and, regardless, right where they needed to be for the 'magic' to happen. There would never be anything quite like the first fumbling touch of an inexperienced male's paw teasing his cock and it was all the drake could do not to launch himself at Scott right then and there, all snarling, snapping teeth and raw domination, the very essence, in fact, of what made a demon a demon.

The drake exhaled gently, half-closing his eyes as his jaws parted, groaning out his pleasure from deep in the back of his throat. It was the sort of sound of lust that curled up from the very pit of his being as Scott whimpered longingly for something that he already had, Kao's cock pulsing pre-cum over his paw as he stroked and pumped. It was different from Ropes' shaft, very different, in that it was ridged and dark and seemed to tremble with the raw passion of the dragon. Ropes had so many other sensations and actions going on at the same time as whenever Scott was so lucky as to do anything with or to his cock (taking it into his mouth would always be something that made his eyes roll back into his skull with raw lust) that it was hard to focus on one thing along and truly enjoy it. Kao, of course, had no such things as tentacles and his tail was kept well out of the way, pressed up to the door on his side of the car as he leaned back with a paw tucked across the back of his neck.

"Hungry for it, are you?"

Kao drawled, mocking and teasing the stoat lightly even as he murmured, eyes respectfully downcast.


It was not much of an answer but it was one of those times where words simply were not needed, everything heating up so swiftly and furiously between them that it simply seemed impossible to keep track of everything. But that was okay. All he had to think about was pumping his paw along the meaty length and firm ridges of that cock, memorising every nuance of it as he gasped, breath coming in shorter and shorter pants, yet nothing seemed to alleviate even the faintest scrap of the growing tightness in his chest. His balls ached too to spill a load, a pleasure and a thrill that he had denied himself in the time before the demons and their passions, and it was all he could do concentrate solely on pleasuring his dominant, his better, while the drake rumbled his throaty approval.

And then Kao's paw was on the back of his head, pulling his muzzle down and down and down, and Scott knew just what to do, obediently parting his cock-sucking lips in time to take that cock into the back of his mouth. The dragon wasn't messing about either, knowing or at least demanding that he take it all, guiding the stoat's head as he was pleasantly forced to suck on a shaft that had dominated and powered through his dreams since Kao had made his presence known to him in the strange little ranch house.

"All of it..."

As if he was going to accept anything less! It did not have to be said but the command made Scott even more putty in Kao's paws than he already was, trembling and shivering as need built up inside him. His cock jerked and leaked, leaving an obviously wet patch inside his pants, but there was nothing he could do about that at that moment, core tensing as he hollowed his cheeks and sucked on that fat, pulsing length of dragon-meat for all he was worth.

It was every bit as good as he'd imagined too, the slick globs of pre-cum easily sliding down his throat as he worked to take more and more of the drake's length. It was not thicker or longer than Ropes' - not that he was taking into account things like that - but the shape of it made it more difficult to handle, the cougar's uncut length softly familiar to him after spending so long with it rammed practically down his throat. But Kao was there to guide him, pushing his head up and down as he gripped the slightly looser fur and skin at the back of his neck, mimicking thrusts as even the dragon's hips rocked in open, evident need.

But a dragon like Kao could not hold out forever and something told him that there was a far sweeter treat in store if only he reached out and simply took it for his own. All the stoat knew was that cock suddenly being ripped from his muzzle in a gasp and splutter of saliva and pre-cum, pearly droplets trickling down his chin and lips. The dragon smirked and tapped the side of his muzzle smartly and then was out of the car even with his cock hanging out, single-minded need driving him to exhibitionist-like haste.

And yet Scott was not far behind him, although he would not get very far, scrambling from the vehicle with his cock hard and bulging through the front of his jeans. As he raced for the tree line, unable to seclude himself away before the rampant dragon reached him, his lips pulled into an open-mouthed smile, alight with joy. He'd never felt so alive, blood pumping and need rising, the feel of the breeze caressing his fur, although he knew that there would soon be a lot more fur on show.

But Kao wasn't about to let him get far and he'd not even gotten a couple of trees away from the road, still easily on show to anyone driving past, when the drake wrapped an arm around his waist with a warm, lustful chuckle, the hardness of his cock grinding and pushing up to Scott's backside.

"Not running away from me, are you?"

"No..." Scott panted, eyes rolling back into his skull as he pressed himself back into that warm embrace, paws fumbling to get his own jeans down - but not too much. "Oh, no, no... I wouldn't..."

He could not get out any more than that as Kao nipped at the back of his neck, tongue lashing out across skin and fur that suddenly seemed far too sensitive and to offer any protection at all, teeth just about grazing through in the faintest semblance of a mating bite. Ropes had sunk one or two of those into him during their fervent and lustful time together, liking to claim him in all ways. It was strange too that Kao seemed inclined along the same lines, even though the dragon was, most certainly, not a demon of any kind, although he had some similar tendencies...

Yet he made Scott wait, grabbing his cock and squeezing it hard as the smaller anthro whimpered against him, helpless and blissfully so. Something about the drake seemed to know just what he needed, or perhaps it was solely the twisted depths of his mind that transformed everything the lustful stud dragon did to him into exactly what he wanted. It was too confusing, too much to think about, breath hot against his lips as he panted and arched back into the delectable throb of that cock, so close and yet still so far.

"Will you..." His voice was shakier than he would have liked it to be, panting softly as he gyrated his hips, unable to vocalise just how much he needed it, that meaty cock grinding up into him. "Please..."

It was as if he didn't even have to ask as the dragon groaned his reply, not needing words as he pressed up against Scott, paws on the waistband of his jeans and pulling as if to...

Oh no...

The stoat's heart skipped a beat for all the wrong reasons, cold sweat acutely noticeable all of a sudden against the lines of his coat. Sure, anyone else would have been fine doing that, just fine, his jeans were meant to come off in sex, after all. But that was just where the stoat didn't want him to go as he whipped around, putting space between them even as the frustrated dragon hissed through his teeth and sought to, immediately close it.

"No!" Scott gasped, eyes wide as he batted the drake's paws away. "Just... Here... Up..."

He couldn't let Kao yank down his jeans all the way, of course, for that would reveal all and then the gig well and truly would be up, coming to nothing like so very much had before. But all he had to do was squirm his jeans down beneath his tail, showing off the bud of his tail hole, pulsing and twitching, aching for a cock...

Scott's head swam as he panted, eyes rolling back into his head, needing the drake more than he could put into words. He pressed his paws into the roughened up bark of the tree, an old jack pine, and touched it with his forehead, each breath dragging through his lungs as if he was in the middle of something physically demanding. Everything, however, was set to become even more physically demanding as Kao pressed up behind them, wings lifted and spread as if for protection or some manner of shielding.

Dry pine needles crunched and shifted underfoot, pressed into the earth as the dragon ground and humped, eager enough with what he had on offer. It didn't matter to him whether Scott yanked his jeans down further or not, only that he was there and willing to be taken, to sate a need that had rendered Kao nearly mindless with lust. It was too much for a dragon like him, one well enough used to fucking and getting what he wanted over and over again at any point in time, huffing and sending spirally streams of smoke from his nostrils, the slits of his eyes seeming to narrow even further.

Some would have said that he was almost demonic in himself too as a low snarl tore from his muzzle, recklessly sinuous and conniving as pre-cum trickled down over Scott's tail hole, the only sort of lubrication that he would be allowed. Of course, Kao was a drake who thought that the stoat would tell him if he needed more time but little did he know that Scott would have already had every last inch of that aching fuck-meat crammed up under his tail if he'd had any say in the matter and not truly have had to be so careful.

"Thank fuck for this hall pass..."

And that was the last thing the drake said before his cock pressed resolutely up under Scott's tail, driving the stoat forward against the tree. Ironically, it was not all that far from the very spot where Scott had been lustfully taken by Ropes either, not that that was something that Kao had to know. Swimming between one thought of Ropes to the very present and visceral sensation of a dragon's cock spreading him open for the very first time, Scott moaned and bowed his head submissively, wanting noting more but to be treated exactly as he was. He was right where he needed to be, doing the task that was set for him, although Scott was not all that sure himself whether he would not have tried to go after Kao himself if he'd known it would all be okay and allowed.

That was not a question Scott was going to get answered but it ceased to have any meaning whatsoever as Kao's claws bit into his hips, his tail flagged up already as high as it could go. A little part of him was just about aware of the fact that he had to keep his jeans hitched up enough to cover his pussy but it was hard to remain at least somewhat present in the realm of sensibility as the dragon's cock drove into him, only pulling back for another second thrust.

And then another. And another again. Kao snarled and hunkered down over Scott as if he was a prize to be pleasured and devoured in the most erotic and lustful of manners, enjoyed out in the open. He needed it and he wasn't going to think or wonder about the stoat's insistence in getting into a certain position, a position that concealed his pussy and even the scent of him too just enough to get away with it. The stud dragon growled viciously, the sound ripping through Scott in the heat of the moment, moaning and groaning incoherently, although all that truly came out of his lips was a mess of lust and begging for more, always more.

"Oh... Oh, sir," he hissed through his teeth, relishing in the honorific and the respect he could show his dragon and dominant in the heat of the moment. "P-please, harder, fuck me, take me..."

He would never before have imagined himself saying those words to a partner before Ropes and Sasha had taken him but, with them too, it had simply seemed natural to submit, to plead and watch their muzzles split in twin grins of joy at his delight. It was the right thing to do and he knew that in the very pit of his stomach too as he moaned and rocked his hips back into Kao's thrusts, although the dragon drove into him so powerfully and demandingly that he could barely keep up. Like a demon himself in terms of his raw power alone, Kao hissed and snarled, hammering in without seemingly any care for the condition of his partner at all.

Kao, however, knew that Scott could take it, feedback rippling through the stoat's body as he absorbed the driving, near enough punishing blows of his shaft, cock aching for release. The stoat jerked and twitched erratically as his prostate was pounded too, cock drooling a clear string of pre-cum in prelude for something far more lustful to come on his part too. And yet Scott could not help but cling to a twinge of worry in his gut, something that told him that he had to be careful, if only to protect Kao, make sure his dominant was okay even as he took what he, clearly, so desperately needed.

"Too..." Scott regained himself briefly, shooting a worried look back at the road, although it was truly hard to care about something like that with a cock under his tail. "Too...close..."

Barking a short, sharp laugh, Kao slowed his thrusts only enough to shrug and flap his wings, although that wasn't going to do anything to shield them from prying eyes in the slightest.

"Does..." Even he struggled to breathe, lost in his own dominance and thrusts. "Does it matter?"

It did, if only marginally, for Scott was not entirely free of every last inhibition in his soul, eyes casting desperately into the trees where there may be some sense of peace and seclusion. But that was a lost hope even if he still tried, clinging to the thought that he could get even more of Kao's shaft if only he could convince the dragon that he was worth far more than just a quickie.

"What..." Scott panted, still arching his back and rolling his hips back into Kao's thrusts as if he was trying to get more and more of his cock inside him. "What if someone...sees?"

His cheeks burned in expected humiliation, although the 'threat' of embarrassment brought a tingle to his loins too that would, seemingly, have to be examined at a later date, perhaps with a toy shoved up under his tail. But Kao was hardly a drake who was going to be concerned about being caught or seen when he had a hot stoat under him and a burning ache in his gut that his own paw had not, by any means, been able to satisfy without Chemical there with him.

And then the dragon let out a roar that would have surely drawn attention if there was anyone there to hear, slamming in as the first spurts of cum filled the stoat's tail hole. Although Scott could not feel it, so overwhelmed was he by pummelling sensation in the driving moment, he could feel just how the drake shuddered and juddered up against him, his body commanding his actions as, in that moment alone, a dominant was rendered more vulnerable than ever. Of course, it was not something as a true-born submissive that he would ever consider taking advantage of but Scott accepted the gift of Kao's lust with thanks, each grind and pound over his prostate pushing him closer and closer to the edge as his pussy tried to squeeze down on an imaginary cock too.

But it was the drake's kind paw that finally pushed him over the edge as he dragged his shaft from the stoat's pleasantly abused tail hole to send the last spurts out to mark his rear and taint his jeans, the scent of him soaking into his jeans. Kao, however, was hardly the sort of drake to leave a partner wanting and he hissed softly into Scott's neck, his shoulder and throat half caught in a mating bite that would take weeks to heal, the warm trickle of blood soothing his maw.

In a trance of sorts, all Scott could do was moan and vaguely think, in the back of his mind, that he needed to keep Kao from pulling his jeans down, stop him from seeing what he truly and thankfully was - at least for the moment. If the dragon had, at that moment in time, taken it upon himself to see what more the submissive stoat had to offer, however, Scott would have been helpless to resist, although he had done his part to begin with and done it admirably too.

He would report back to Sasha later, tentatively and sweetly, knowing all the while that he was doing the right thing. With his tail hole sore and stretched, needing more, Scott panted softly, lips parted in a breathy smile.

The fun had begun. And now it was up to him to see just how far it went to please Kao.

Always to please.

Lust Controlled by His Magic Gloves

**Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018** **Orgasm Control** ** ** **Lust Controlled by His Magic Gloves** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Daikyi_ _ _ _ _ Dai groaned to himself, hefting the vacuum cleaner out...

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Pissing Contest

**Iron Author 2019** **Omaroshi** ** ** **Pissing Contest** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lightweaver_ _ _ _ _ "Don't be a wuss!" The drunk stallion swayed on the bar stool, the legs tipped dramatically...

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