Bondage at the Outpost

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#15 of Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018

Two Pokemorphs have some fun at a lonely, so very boring without a little kink, outpost...

This was written up for Christmas, just reaching its spot in the queue! Enjoy!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018


Bondage at the Outpost

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Seraphon

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The demoted lance corporal could not think of herself as anything else, not even after being humiliatingly sent away to the sickeningly cold, remote outpost. No one wanted to go there, much less the Smeargle Pokemorph with dark rings around her eyes, although she usually had an easy smile on her face. Chastity was the sort of Pokemon who just wanted everyone around her to be happy, but she could not have said that they'd had ill reason to send her out there, even though she was hardly happy with it. Everyone there was in the same boat as her, however, and she could only flit about and do what she could, delegating most tasks and boring herself silly out of her own mind as a result.

Not that there was much to do at the tower of the outpost and the wall guard where nothing ever truly happened. If anything happened out there, after all, it would surely be the very end of the world, the sky falling or something like that, but, until then, Chastity could only try to amuse herself about the place, though there was only so much checking of others' duties that she could do during the course of a single day before well and truly running out of things to do.

However, that didn't mean that there were not others at the outpost who were just as bored as she was, although they, most likely, had not been sent there for as large an offence as she had committed. It was the way of things but it meant that she did have others at a lower station at her disposal, even if her brand and manner of fun was a little darker than what most would have liked...

Hopping from her office, she poked her head out, eyes gleaming in the glow of lanterns that would soon need refilling with oil. And just who would be there but a Furret Pokemorph too, waddling along awkward with her lengthier body and short legs carrying her along, dressed in a soldier's tunic with a chainmail coat that would, at least, somewhat protect her if they did ever come under attack.

Chastity nearly hopped on the spot, clapping her paws from sheer, raw glee. Jasmine... Jasmine would be perfect! And she'd like it too - bonus!

Cutting off her subordinate, she commanded attention with a flick of her tail, not giving her a chance to say no. It was not as if Jasmine would anyway, the kind of Furret who was always seeking to please, what with her soft, brown coat and cream stripes slashed through her fur.

"Come with me."

Jasmine had little choice but to follow her commanding officer, the Furret scurrying along on two legs as she hastened to keep up, wringing her paws together. It went without saying that she would obey, of course, yet it would be her choice entirely whether or not she went along with just what Chastity had in mind for her - yet what else were they to do when it was so very cold and they were all so very, very damn bored?

Chastity spread her arms and tail out for emphasis as she entered the makeshift dungeon, although it was hardly below ground at all and just on the ground floor of the outpost; they'd been too cheap to dig out a dungeon all that time ago and it had all remained above ground level with sturdy, rock foundations. But it was well-equipped enough as the Furret's jaw dropped, spinning about and about as she took in every last detail of the room manacles hanging from the walls and every last implement of torture that one could have possibly have imagined hanging from the dingy, damp and dismal-looking walls.

"I figured you were bored too," Chastity chuckled with a certain sort of gleam in her eye. "So, why not check out what we have here to detain prisoners? Not that we have any prisoners...of course...but they're still fun!"

Jasmine squeaked and shook her head, although she could not hide the curiosity shining through as Chastity guided her first to a pair of stocks where one's ankles and wrists would be locked in one on top of the other with the Pokemon in question on their backside, helpless to force an assailant away as the soles of their hind paws and maybe even their forepaws too were vindictively tortured for the good of the many.

Or, at least, that was what the Furret imagined, squeezing her thighs together as if that little motion alone would be able to fly under the radar and hide her arousal, her curiosity for what could be something very kinky indeed. Sure, she'd dabbled a bit with others in the past but never had access to such a plethora of items, her eyes surely too big for her stomach as she steadied herself to well and truly bite off more than she could chew.

One thing was certain... Jasmine most certainly was not bored anymore!

"What about this one to start?" Chastity suggested, taking a step back as an officer only to allow Jasmine's consent to come through. "The key's right here if needed, don't you worry."

"Um, well..."

It was hard for Jasmine to stand up to her, to say that she wasn't too sure but that the flutter of excitement in her heart also made it difficult to resist too. What else was she supposed to do? And she couldn't very well detain any kind of prisoner too if she didn't know how to use the equipment, could she?

Slowly and shakily, trembling with anticipation, the Furret got into the stocks, her tunic slightly getting in the way as it caught on the chainmail. Chastity's ears twitched, catching the scrape of fabric and rattle of metal, taking everything in as the Furret waited patiently; those clothes would have to come off soon. Just to make her more comfortable for a little wickedness, of course, nothing more than that.

She whined as she was locked in, although it was not from any sort of complaint as she rattled the stocks, testing the limits of her restraints as Chastity took a feather duster from behind the door, running it through her fingers just to clear it of the little dust that had gathered there.

"They normally use this for cleaning... But I can think of a better use for it. Aren't you the cutest, all locked up and cosy in there?"

Giggling to herself as if she had been awarded the greatest prize ever, the Smeargle danced up to her and proffered the feather duster with a flourish, tickling Jasmine's fingers and toes alternately. Of course, the effect on her was electric, the Furret squirming and wriggling and giggling as her reflexes were stimulated, paws twitching beyond her control. How did the Smeargle know she was that ticklish? Could she have known?

"P-please!" She laughed, tears prickling wantonly in the corners of her eyes. "N-n-no, too much! T-too much!"

The Smeargle let off but only a little bit, squeezing the feather duster in closer to tease the feathers sensually between her bare toes, a trembling, tickling situation that Jasmine's body simply did not know how to react to. Arousal or was it merely ticklish? She jerked and twitched, panting heavily even as Chastity reached down over the stocks to her chest, smoothing down the fabric over her chest and the metal too.

"Good girl..."

Jasmine flinched but the Smeargle was only moving to unlock the stocks, her own need rising as she gave the Furret's paws just one last swipe with the feather duster, all to see her dance and jerk so beautifully in ticklish glee. There was nothing quite like it, truly, and that was just why it was one of her favourite implements to get someone nice and relaxed - it was hard to be worried when someone was laughing, after all!

But what Chastity had in mind would give her some pleasure and stimulation too, the Pokemorph actually making the next choice for herself. Who could have known that restraint, that submission of helplessness, could be so alluring, drawing her in like a moth to a flame? And it was the bondage table, set up with iron manacles that called her in, blushing and giggling as both of them helped one another out of their clothes.

It was better to be naked anyway and neither would have to feel the chill of the 'dungeon' on their fur for very long as Chastity locked her flat on her back on the table, the hard wood digging into the Furret's shoulder blades. Jasmine squeaked and wriggled but made little to no attempt to escape, as erotic as it all was, her sex lightly on show and the Smeargle's arousal ever so faintly tainting the air.

Yes... She was most certainly enjoying it as much as the Furret was and there was no sense in stopping or going so slow when both of them were well enough on board and on the same page. And she looked so prettily all stretched out for her attention, arms above her head and legs spread out to show off her fluffy slit, glistening slightly with evidence of her arousal - not that she would have otherwise have tried to hide it.

The Smeargle climbed up on the table, unwilling to wait any time at all as she slung her leg over Jasmine's muzzle, putting her pussy close to Jasmine, teasing even as she flicked her fingers down the length of her body, ever engrossed in teasing and testing just how far she could go. All in the name of alleviating boredom, of course.

Oh yes, it was all about that, of course, it was.

"You think you might like some of this?" Chastity teased, tickling her hind paws with just the very tips of her fingers as she stretched back along the Furret's body to push her pussy lustfully into her face. "Take a taste, if you dare..."

And it was a silly dare that had gotten Jasmine into such a sticky situation up at the outpost in the first place, so it was hardly as if she was going to say no to a dare like that!

Swiping her tongue up against Chastity's sex, Jasmine moaned, drawn in by the sweetness of her as the Furret squirmed. But she would not be simply squirming for long as her commanding officer's muzzle too dipped down between her legs, eagerly and hungrily slurping at her tight slit of a pussy, tongue swiping and curling around her clit, the throbbing bud simply begging her attention.

From then on, neither of them would have said that their concentration was entirely on the other Pokemorph, Jasmine jerking and rattling the chains of her bondage even though she knew there was no chance of escaping - and she didn't want to either. The Smeargle dove in with great relish, her own hips humping and grinding until she could not even help herself from being thrust over the edge into a hasty climax of her own by the Furret's inexperienced tongue.

The Furret was quick to follow, already aroused and tingling from the tickling and the feather duster, needing a release more than she could ever have imagined. And it was with a moan and a whimper into a soft, plush sex wrapped around her muzzle that she reached orgasm herself, twisting and writhing as much as she possibly could even within the confines of her bondage. It was strange too how it added an extra edge of pleasure, locking her down and heightening her need even as she came down from her high, the afterglow curling warmly through every inch of her body.

The Smeargle ducked her head down, peering back upside down at the Furret with a smirk and a grin, her muzzle wet with Jasmine's juices. As the Furret relaxed, she should have known that things were not yet over, as chilled out as she was in the aftermath of a climax that had seared through her so abruptly that she simply did not know what to do with herself.

"Ready for round two?"

Suddenly Jasmine realised that she wouldn't be getting out of her bondage for some time, not with that glint remaining in the Smeargle's eyes.

And she didn't mind that one bit!

Lust Controlled by His Magic Gloves

**Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018** **Orgasm Control** ** ** **Lust Controlled by His Magic Gloves** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Daikyi_ _ _ _ _ Dai groaned to himself, hefting the vacuum cleaner out...

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Pissing Contest

**Iron Author 2019** **Omaroshi** ** ** **Pissing Contest** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lightweaver_ _ _ _ _ "Don't be a wuss!" The drunk stallion swayed on the bar stool, the legs tipped dramatically...

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