Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 31

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#31 of Cuckolded by her Mother

Sasha's plan unfolds as she 'ropes' her son into her demonic claws...

It was always too late.

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Cuckolded by Her Mother

Chapter Thirty-One

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

He knew he should have stopped...and yet he did not. Whether or not he could stop was another question entirely and one that Kao was not all that keen to answer while he was busy fucking the stoat, going further and further into the public eye of the family. What did it matter anyway? He knew what was going on and if they all knew too it was hardly going to stop him from doing what he was doing, which seemed to well enough be wrecking his relationship with Chemical.

Hunkering down over the stoat with a near enough demonic glint in his eye, the dragon tried to fuck away his guilt, pounding Scott over the back of the sofa, both holes already dripping with cum. Of course, he had chosen the stoat's pussy for that round and he squealed like a virgin as his hips slammed into the furniture over and over again, needing what Kao had to offer. He'd been reassured by the studly dragon that he wanted him and, of course, his body too but that didn't do anything to detract from the worry and conflict twisting its coils around the dragon's heart.

He hadn't called Chemical despite Fyr's pestering. Oh, she knew, she very much knew that he'd gone and chickened out and it was hardly a secret from her that has still 'doing the dirty' with Scott - even more so when she walked in on an early morning to find Scott on his back on the kitchen table and Kao with his cock stuffed up under the stoat's tail as if he was taking his fill of breakfast in a very intimate way.

She hadn't said anything though. It hadn't even hurt to see the stoat who had tugged so sweetly at her heartstrings screaming for her brother, which was strange but a thought she filed away for later perusal. It was something that, oddly enough, she would have expected to come from her mother, finding Sasha, once again, fucking a friend or a potential love interest (or at least a bedroom interest) just to see her squirm, pinning her own daughter back under her paw. But that was likely why it was Scott and not Kao who had fallen prey to baser urges. She could not have possibly imagined that the stoat would be strong-willed enough, especially if he had already fallen to her mother and Ropes, to say no to Kao, who had, obviously, pursued him... On that count, there could be no other explanation in her mind, although the dragoness had no possible way to know just how wrong she was. Fyr pressed her lips together and shook her head, judging her brother more than Scott himself. He knew better. Just how could he be guilty when they were still going at it like rabbits on a mission?

Kao saw her as she walked away and his jaw fell slack, though he did not pause in his thrusts at all, hammering in and only driving on all the more ferociously for a climax that would, maybe, sweep his vulnerability back deep within his being. But she could not pause to talk to him, even though she could not truly say that the dragon looked like he wanted to talk at that moment, the sound of their lust filling the kitchen. It did mean, however, that she'd had to go without breakfast that day but it was hardly as if she had the stomach for it anymore.

She told him that he was making a mistake but everything she said and tried fell on passive ears and the dragoness slunk around the borders of the scene, distrust brewing in her heart. Why the sudden change of heart and mind from the brother she knew? What was going on there? And if he was not with Scott, Sasha always seemed to be clinging to him, although that in itself was not all that unusual. She'd been very clingy even when they'd been younger and even now Fyr knew well enough that Sasha very much preferred Kao over her - the golden drake of sorts. He was the one always in the spotlight for the right reasons, any mistakes and misdemeanours flitting away as if they had never happened even though he was usually the one who got himself caught up in sticky situations over Fyr.

So, no, it was not that strange that Sasha was always hanging over him and doting on him - probably just trying to make Fyr feel even more inadequate than she usually did, cast out into the background of the scene that was supposed to be a dominant part of her own life as if she didn't even matter. The dragoness scowled and turned her back on the pair of them yet again after walking in on them in the little office that she was trying to put together for the boring side of running the ranch: paperwork and the like. Who knew that her lovely, repurposed desk would be the perfect height for them to fuck on, Kao snarling and rocking it dangerously as he drove into the stoat, bent over like a slut on show.

Yes... Fyr growled mentally, clamping her jaws shut lest she unleash her vehemence on her small corner of the world. He is a slut!

It pained her to say it, even in the privacy of her own mind (although even that seemed to be dragged out into the open and molested those days) but it made her feel just a little bit better as she slammed the door on her office, what was supposed to be one sanctuary for her, somewhere where no one else, at least, would bother to go. And just look what it had turned into yet again - another room besmirched and ruined by sex! Sex was supposed to be fun! But it wasn't fun with all the strings attached that family and broken relationships seemed to apply, not anymore... It would have maybe, just maybe, have been more fun, however, if she'd been involved more often than not, for it seemed like life and, indeed, sex too was moving on without her.

So caught up was she in her own grumbling and the innermost sort of turmoil that no one else seemed to care about that she almost walked into Sasha, the demoness stood back down the hallway staring into a mirror on the wall as if she had just become a fairytale villain. Of course, she had no long hair to comb out as she stared longingly into its depths, although just what she saw Fyr could not fathom and managed to pass by without notice or, blessedly, attention.

That was another warning sign that she should have noticed. If she had realised that something was afoot back then, things may well have turned out differently. But it was not to be.

She pressed her lips tightly together as she went about her chores for the day, working even while something else worked right along with her in the background, a lingering, dark presence that rose up in the pit of her stomach. There was something there but she simply couldn't put her finger on it, kept carefully away from the action as Scott and Kao even went out in the late afternoon, Kao taking the keys of her truck without even asking. From the kitchen window, Fyr frowned at them but made no move to stop either, knowing that it was most likely pointless if they were heading off to some other secluded place to fuck. Better that it was not in her house, at least, she tried to tell herself, although that was a difficult one to even convince herself to believe.

Yet again, however, there was Sasha, perched on the deck as if she was a feature of the location, paws clasped together and lips ever so slightly parted as if she was trapped in the breathy prelude to a kiss. Ropes was not there either but Fyr was almost glad of that, which was disturbing to think, considering the fact that he was, of course, still her husband. She wondered how long that arrangement would hold up in the eyes of the law, as they certainly were no longer living together as husband and wife by any stretched definition of the term.

Sasha caught her attention, muttering something that she had to strain to hear, stepping out behind her as the dragoness didn't even move a single muscle, too focused on what she was watching to worry about who or what was behind her. What fool, anyway, would dare to think to sneak up on a dragoness when she was lurking, after all?

Perhaps Fyr was well enough that fool. Perhaps she was the saviour of another. Only time would tell and fate would play out irrevocably regardless of what she did, but a passive player in the landscape of her own life.

"Now..." Sasha murmured, eyes on the truck as Kao and Scott hopped into it, a giggle on the stoat's lips. "Now... Things are finally coming together."

Fyr frowned and rolled her eyes.

"Plotting evil deeds, mom? I would have thought you knew better than to monologue."

Sasha didn't even jump but her gaze slid smoothly over to her daughter, the green orbs seeming to flicker around the edges as if they were suddenly able to extend beyond the bounds of her eyes. Her daughter blinked and shook her head but the illusion, for it had to be some kind of an optical illusion was gone almost as soon as it appeared, her mother's eyes the same demonic ovals that they had been for so many months already. She could hardly remember a time when her mother had not looked like a predator from the otherworld, her wings even more ragged than they'd been. Maybe Sasha liked them that way? Fyr did not have the courage to ask.

"Oh, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about, sugar," Sasha scoffed, flipping her paw. "Are you lurking again? Haven't you something better to do?"

Sipping her coffee, Fyr wrapped her paws around the mug, letting the heat of the liquid spill down into her stomach.

"Maybe so but so do you."

What she meant by that Fyr could not have said, not even in hindsight, but it took Sasha aback just enough to shift her weight onto her heels. Something shifted in the demoness as she looked her daughter up and down, tail twisting back and forth in an undulating curl that rang reminiscent of Ropes' tentacles. Fyr shivered. That was disconcerting...but she was a demoness, after all, and so much of what she did those days seemed to be put down to that fact. Was her odd behaviour down to it too?

"Don't press me."

Sasha's eyes narrowed and she pulled herself back, shoulder blades back and wings spread as if she was actively trying to make herself seem more intimidating than usual. It was not as if the demoness tried to hide her powers from others but there was something all the more dominating about her when she turned on the seductive charm, advancing step by step with a glint in her eye that seemed derived from a deeper sense of wickedness than she usually let up to the surface. She was capable of so much more than what she let on but time too would show the full extent of her demonic lust.

Fyr grunted as she was hip-checked out of the way, more of a cute bump than a shove, but every move the demoness made was calculated down to the very last muscular twitch. Her tail slunk sensually down the length of Fyr's tail as she moved away, casting her daughter one look back over her shoulder, lips ever so slightly parted, although, this time, it was for the more lurid of smirks.

"Everything's about to change, darling. I do hope you're ready."

Fyr trembled, backing up even though her mother was already down the deck steps, a sway in her hips that made her weak at the knees. How did she have that effect on her? Was it the voice? That particular kind of over the top voice that would not have been appropriate in her younger years but seemed to come out with just that little bit of a drawl she could draw on too? Gulping, Fyr's chest rose and fell sharply, needing breath but not wanting to inhale so deeply that she would draw attention to herself, wanting nothing more than to slink off into the background, back where things, at least, seemed simpler and easier.

And yet her mother was gone as if she had never been, acting the part of a happy housewife or something or the other as she pottered off around the corner to what part of the large garden (most of that was still in the works) that she had claimed for her own. She sashayed about in a skirt that fell down... Actually, it no longer fell all that far down her legs, becoming shorter and shorter as the days went by. That was strange. She was even showing a bit of thigh. Fyr tried not to think about just how much she wanted to be between those thighs again, drawing a sharp breath in through her nostrils, sealing away her need in lieu of something more prominent and driving.

There was something wrong. Very wrong.

She had to find out what her mother was planning.


Of course, Sasha knew just how to keep what she was doing under wraps: with a little help from Ropes, that was. Fyr could scurry about and fret and worry and try to uncover what was going on as much as she liked but it would be too late by the time all came to light. A little touch on her son's arm built into so much more as he cried on her shoulder, spilling the beans about Chemical so sweetly that it was as if she had actually made him do it.

Oh no... No. A demoness like her would never do that, much less hurt her son. She was just going to show him a better way, a happier way - a way that would make every last aspect of his life so very much better for the thrill and delight she could bring him.

"I know, honey," she breathed, rubbing his back, down from his shoulder, as he tried to regain control of himself, although it was more of a grunt and sniffle than any sort of real crying. "It's okay, I know how you feel... Well, no, sweetheart, I know that doesn't make it okay but you didn't know. How could you have known what was different with Scott?'s not a bad thing about him, of course not, but it's not obvious now, is it?"

Oh, how good a liar she was becoming, turning lies to truths and back again, weaving a tangled web of passion and lust that could not be contained. One day, she would eventually have to release it, if only to see just what chaos a 'made' demoness had to fuel. Then again, there was still the egg to consider and what the hatchling may entail, although the lower incubation period of a hatchling waiting to break free of its egg would draw that out a little later than she personally would have liked. And that was just why she'd had to find other ways of amusing herself in the meantime, for there was only her imagination and Ropes' word to go on with regards to what havoc a young demon could wreak... She couldn't wait!

Ah, yes: her son. He was there and she was comforting him. Maybe she was not all that different to her daughter in the regard that she often became lost in her own thoughts, imagining lustful things that made each and every day all the more seductive for their, and her, presence. Grunting, Kao shook his head minutely, tail curling down against his ankle in a tight twist of tension.

"It's not fair to her... And Fyr said the same thing as you, that I couldn't have known, that Chem will understand..."

Ah, an opening. Her eyes gleamed.

"Then you should listen to her, Kao, and listen to me too," she said, tipping his chin up, eyes earnest behind the lenses of the contacts that, temporarily at least, hid her demon-ness from him. "Look... It's something that happened and you have an agreement... Let things be, sugar, you can't keep pushing and pushing, not when you're like this."

But his moment of vulnerability was gone and Kao shrugged her off, standing and trying to shake away his guilt, although such a simple act of thumbing his nose at it would not do. He could pull away as much as he wanted, fighting her will, but Sasha knew right there and then that she had him.

Well...not quite. But she was close. Slinking her tail out as he rounded his shoulders, trying to turn his back on her, she smiled as she hooked her tail into the crook of the tip of his, drawing the sensitive appendage into something of a draconian embrace.

"You know you're a strong, young drake, don't you, Kao?" She breathed, contacts itching as her demonic eyes flared, gleaming behind them. "You can do anything you want... Don't let something like this drag you down. You are so much better than all this."

He swayed, weight shifting from one hip to the other as he tried to pull away and yet did not have the strength in his body, ironically, to do so.

"Yes..." He breathed, nose tipping down as if he couldn't even hold his head up either. "Yes... I know, mom..."

"And you'll keep trying too, sweetheart, won't you? This isn't something on you, sugar. It's all gonna come right in the end. Mom will make it right again."

Like a happy family, they smiled and hugged, everything back to normal, if only for one moment. Kao laughed softly and said what a fool he'd been and she kissed his cheek, the imitate moment lasting longer than usual, not that the dragon noticed, his thoughts and inner worries soothed for a short while. And that was because of his mother, something that made him want to be closer to her, near her, all so she could, as she'd said, make it right again.

Ah, the dragoness still had a little more of her plan to put into place and that would all come to light - soon. Very soon. For he could be swayed at his most vulnerable, as strong as he thought he was, and everything would be better for it, even if he could not yet see it - simply because he did not know of her plan.

Holding her son close and tightly, Sasha smirked as she ran her tail up the length of his, slinking it up so high that he had to tremble away ever so slightly, the sensation too intimate for the current moment. But that was okay, even if she was not quite the patient dragoness that she professed to be at other times, intent on working her magic as she kept her son's attention turned away from the door and the shadow of the cougar who had done so very much for her too in the doorway. His tentacles flickered, wrapped around and sucking off his own cock even as another cradled his balls, lips moving for the murmur of incantation that would, once again, plant the seed of their plan just a little bit deeper than before.

Kao sighed, leaning his head over her shoulder, although his hips pulled back uncomfortably as if he was trying to stop himself from touching her there. Murmuring to him, she soothed and rubbed his back and shoulders - contact that may have been a little too familiar if not for the closeness of their relationship, which allowed her to push further and further before anything had even taken true effect.

"Thanks, mom," he said quietly, grip tightening on her in a more masculine fashion for the briefest of moments before he stepped back, a small smile on his face. "I don't know what to do without you."

And Sasha smiled, resisting the urge to rub at her itching contact lenses, the tip of her tail curling back and forth over and over again, the figurative feline waiting to pounce.

"You're always welcome, darling. I'd do anything for you."

If only he knew just how far she was prepared to go for him.


Personal time with her son - the very son that she had not seen in several months. What could be better? Of course, Kao had his work to do, even if it was work that he could do anywhere at any time, although everyone had to put their snout to the grindstone and work through hard and fast whenever they were able. Visiting family was not, most likely, the most productive scenario for a writer to work in, it had to be said, and she had, in all honesty, understood why he hadn't been around all that much. And, with becoming a demoness and laying an egg, she had been rather busy and preoccupied herself in the time since she'd seen him, so one could have said that things had all worked out just fine too, if they wanted to pass judgement or not on her life.

Sasha, however, was not a dragoness who cared what others thought of her, even though she had to put on a front and a face for Kao, though not for long. Oh, no... She couldn't possibly stand for that, hiding her true self when she could, so very easily, simply be the dragoness she had always been meant to be, right there before and for him. Her eyes glittered across the restaurant table, a little bistro that served the best Italian food she'd ever had! Not that she'd been to Italy, of course, but she was sure too that there'd be some fine studs over there too if she did get across the water at some point. They might even be an incentive for her to do just a little international travel...

Only, there was a little twist that she had in mind before she even looked further afield to feed her demoness self and lust for the better. There were big things to be had even as she laughed and they chatted and reminisced about all of the good old times that they could only build on, from that point forward. For her big, strong son would surely want to know the real her too now, wouldn't he?

The dragoness smirked where he could not see, tilting her head to the side as he studied the menu.

"So, Kao... This girlfriend of yours... What did you say her name was?"

Kao smiled, eyes taking on a misty haze as if he was thinking back to a particular time. But Sasha found herself dead set on digging up that remembered time and replacing it with just another memory that she could make her own - a shared one, even.

"Chemical, but I call her Chem more often. She likes her nickname. She's gorgeous, mom, black with hot pink claws that I wasn't really all that sure about at the start, but she never fails to turn heads. She's got a sharp tongue to match and the sass too but she always gives as good as she gets, you know? Never backs down from anything and never takes no for an answer too. I really like that about her."

It was a simple way to look at it but, sometimes, relationships did not need to be incredibly complicated in order to work and Sasha bobbed her muzzle amenably, smiling as she stirred a cup of coffee with a small, long spoon. Caffeine didn't have as much of an effect on her as it used to, which was a shame, but that only meant that she was able to savour even more of the syrups and flavours without rendering herself a jittery mess, which was nice at least. And it allowed her to focus when she was with her son, smiling as she leaned across the table to him, eyes all aglitter with ill intent that the poor drake would not know or understand until it was far, far too late for him.

"That's good... That's real good, sugar," she breathed, although she had no need to worry or attempt to even draw him in further, working her magic and seduction in a way that could, just about, fly under the radar. "I'm glad you found yourself a good one, you really do deserve it. And you know too that you deserve more than that too, Kao, don't you? You deserve everything and more."

The drake blinked and sat back, rubbing the back of his neck, but his eyes were unfocused, lips ever so slightly parted as the tip of his pink tongue poked out over the edge of his lips, on the very precipice of speech. Yet he did not know what to say - had he even been trying to say anything at all? The words slipped from him as he slumped, shoulders rounding and mouth opening and closing for something that had not the energy, all of a sudden, to enunciate clearly.

"Oh, don't worry, sweetheart," his mother crooned, teasing her fingers over his snout and the underside of his muzzle, a soft, motherly touch to anyone watching. "I know how it is, young love... It's something really special, isn't it? Something that nothing else will ever compare to?"

He nodded, although found himself mute and happy about it, the tip of his tail curling back and forth, muscles holding tension that really had no right whatsoever to be there. But he did not feel worried in himself in the slightest, shifting his weight ever so slightly from one hip to the other, working out the kinks even as he sat there and tried, just vaguely, faintly, to work out what was going on.

And yet...he could not. What was he thinking about again? Ah, Chemical. Yes... Yes, Chemical, his dragoness with her hot body and the mind that always had him thinking, trying to catch up with her. Even there, sitting in the bistro, his lips stretched into a lewdly predatory grin, imagining bending her over the table opposite them and fucking her, hearing her moans resonate throughout the entire restaurant as she cried out for more, simply demanding everything he was more than happy to give her. He no longer saw Sasha sitting there on the other side of the table but the dragoness he lusted after so terribly, wanting her in his arms if only to pin her down with the weight of his bulk and give her everything she had ever craved from intimacy and so very much more too.

Sasha grinned, all-knowing and all-seeing. Who could have known that he would come along with her plan with such sweetness? And so quickly too!

"Kao, you've gotten so strong," Sasha murmured, running her paws down his arms and then taking his paws in her own, closing her fingers over his. "You've grown into such a fine, young drake... And this girlfriend of yours... Does she treat you right, sugar? Is she good to you?"

It would have been a perfectly innocuous question if not for the glitter in her eye that promised more, yet Kao was not in the loop enough to know what that meant. Not yet, at least, although he would soon learn the quirks and nuances of her mind.

"Yes," he breathed, chest rising and falling a little more rapidly than would have been considered natural and relaxed for him. "I love her..."

"That's good, honey... That's real good. I'm so happy for you."

Little did Kao know, however, that his happiness would take on an entirely new life with his family, something that would bring so much more to his life. Whether or not he would be able to pass that thrill and joy onto Chemical, however, was another matter entirely. Yet it was not all of Sasha's doing and the demoness had had to be forceful and persistent indeed to get a certain fur on board with a wicked scheme that could have, very surely, have only been dredged up from the very depths of hell itself.

In the background of the restaurant, on the other side of the windows, Ropes grinned in a flash of white, sunglasses on and tentacles tucked away, at least for the moment. It would not be anywhere near enough for what Sasha had requested of him to work, but it was enough to make a start. He hunched over just a little, hiding his shaft pressing up against the front of his jeans, the bulge only restrained by the snug boxer-briefs that Fyr had cheekily bought him for one birthday or another, not that he would have remembered. After all, he had a horny demoness to please as her desires sank further and further into the realm of depravity, something that he was, as a fully-fledged demon himself, only too keen to drive along.

There was only so much he could do without pleasuring himself - or perhaps Scott would have to be used when that time came, his sweet muzzle wrapped around his shaft to tease that lustful power up from deep inside him - but Ropes did what he could. Allowing Sasha to plant the seed of what their relationship could turn into was something else entirely and she'd said, strangely enough, that she wanted to do that in her own way. And if that involved cooing and fawning over her son even while being out in public, just who would the cougar be to judge her for something like that?

There would be more still to come.

And Sasha wasn't going to wait long to claim him for her own, oh no. Ropes' murmured chant eased before he could reach a hasty climax of his own - not quite something that the cougar felt all that keen to do out there on the street in broad daylight - the drake in the bistro swaying slightly from side to side as if taken drunk. He shivered as the dragoness' tail curled up beneath the table, teasing between his legs under the cover of the tablecloth where a hard shaft was suddenly shoved up against the fabric of his jeans, too tight and restrictive for what he would have craved. Kao didn't see her as his mother, not even then, imagining, in his mind's eye, that it was Chemical there with him, teasing and groping his cock as she riled him up for much more lurid fun.

The dragoness cocked an eyebrow. Was her son really that close to her that he could be so easily swayed? Sometimes she wished others would make it more difficult for her to exert her will over them, turn them to insidious lust that had no meaning except for sordid self-pleasure above all else.

"Kao?" Sasha murmured, taking his paw softly in her own, rubbing her thumb across the back of it. "You seem quiet... Are you quite okay, sugar?"

The dragon shook himself and coughed into his paw, although he did not return to his usual self even if there was something of his smile remaining, uncertain and yet sure that he was where he should have been, okay in himself. He was with his mother, after all, and what could possibly be wrong if he was with her? She'd always looked after him, even since he was an adult drake. Kao pressed his lips together, although his mouth was too dry to be completely comfortable. That would never change, how she saw him as her little dragon. And neither did he want it to either, as long as he could be close to her and, somehow too, make her just a little bit happier in herself.

The conversation slipped back to the norm with her son just a little uneasy and bleary-eyed as if he had just woken from a deep sleep, although he could not have said what had happened. His raging cock beneath the table, however, told a different tale, his body having enjoyed the matter of course even if a mortal mind could not keep up with being warped from raw, demonic intent.

It was easy, too easy, however, to allow Sasha's arm to slide into the crook of his, the dragoness giggling and laughing like a teenager all over again, a little more of her true self coming out. No, she was not just the mother that had raised him and cared for him for so many years but a powerful femfur in her own right, a dragoness who could show him oh so very many things and, maybe just maybe, change a little about her sweet son too.

He would not be innocent for long.

The meal finished without obstruction or ceremony, as normally as it possibly could, and Sasha walked, arm in arm, out to the truck with Kao, so chosen for the space it would allow them in the back seat. No, her little sports car was not quite up to that task, not what she wanted, although it was a much smoother ride and drive. Just the touch of her fingers on his arm was enough for the drake to turn to her, breath catching as he fell blind to her will, shaken and dizzy and oblivious to Ropes taking his place in the driver's seat while Sasha guided both him and herself into the back seat.

"Honey," she murmured, easing into the back seat with Kao. "Ropes is here... He was just doing some shopping, picking up some stuff that Fyr missed earlier. He's going to drive us home."

The drake blinked and shook his head, seeming to feel the weight of it as he swung it slowly from one side to the other.

"Oh... Okay. But why are you in the back with me, mom?"

"You look peaky, darling," Sasha said, clicking her tongue up against the roof of her mouth and acting the part, perfectly so, of a concerned mother, pressing the back of her paw delicately to his forehead. "You're not right today... Just you lie back, relax, let mom take care of you now..."

But her version of taking care of her son was, most certainly, very different to what he could have expected from previous times. Of course, in his younger days, she'd tucked him up with a hot water bottle when he'd been under the weather, helped him stay warm when he was sick with the flu, fed him chicken broth even that one time that he'd been wiped out by a virus that had taken him out of school for a couple of weeks. None of that, however, came into play as the dragoness boldly pressed her lips to her son's, drawing herself up against him as she moaned ever so softly into the warmth of his muzzle.

And he should have pulled away. Oh, like so very many others, he should have yanked himself away, done something to change things, the course of his fate. Yet his eyes had wandered even at the time when he was a hatchling becoming a drake, bold and confident and cocky to a fault, and the demonic coils curling through his mind even without Ropes' lust at play, well, they had already begun to do their work. Softening his inhibitions, it was easy to draw him in close and warm, Sasha's paw inching its way down his chest as Ropes murmured and rolled the truck off onto the road where they would not be disturbed, at least in transit. The cougar skilfully undid his belt and the zip on his jeans so that he could go to work himself, casting the intimacy that Sasha could not, being a changed demoness and not one who was, like him, born naturally.

No... There were some things that only the cougar could do and assisting her in her quest was one of them, not that he minded. He curled a tentacle around his shaft as it rose to his touch, watching lustfully in the rear view mirror as the dragoness who had captured so very much of his sensually cruel lust kissed her son as if he was her first lover. And Kao was receptive too, shuddering and moaning against her as his eyes hazed over, although it would have been a lot harder for Ropes to do anything with him - of course, a demon could force it, it wasn't as if they didn't do that on occasion too, when the fancy took them - if he had not been so inclined but the drake must have been at least somewhat horny for his own mother to be so easy to turn.

The cougar clenched his jaw, whiskers quivering as the dragon who had sought to put him in his place, protecting Fyr, sank back in the seat, letting Sasha purr and kiss her way down his body as she freed his hard shaft, taking it into her paw at the very moment that Ropes' tentacle opened up, sucking his own cock into its warm, soft depths. It was all the feline could do not to swerve off the road, although he had to keep going, the time of transit the perfect location too for, at least the very beginning of, a time of change.

"Oh..." The drake groaned, rocking his hips up as her paw closed around his achingly hard shaft. "Oh... Wow..."

It was not much of a cry of pleasure but more than enough to let both demon and demoness know that he was receptive to more, so very much more, and it was no time at all before Sasha's mouth was wrapped around his cock too, suckling and tasting and teasing oh so very sweetly. Her tongue curled around his cock and Ropes tensed in the front seat, lips moving in a quiet incantation that drew on the unleashed passion within the two of them and brought it to something entirely new. Something dirtier, something more befitting a demon. Something that Kao too would come to see in time.

And then the phone rang, an obnoxious time that stalled his chant, cursing under his breath. Sasha broke from her suckling, lips wet with a smack of pre-cum and eyes almost as glazed over with raw lust as Kao's (quite a feat, truly, in itself).

"Answer it," Sasha hissed, prodding her son in the side as he sat there panting, unwilling to move or lift a finger, seemingly, without direction or command. "Go on!"

Kao leapt to the order like a moth to a flame, paws moving with strange haste as he fumbled with his phone. He couldn't stop himself from panting, however, as the dragoness on the other end said her hellos, completely and utterly unaware that something that would further seek to turn her life upside down was on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Kao," Fyr's voice crackled over the phone line, the drake woodenly holding the mobile phone up to his ear. "Did you have a nice lunch? Hope mom wasn't too much of a pain."

Sasha bristled and Ropes chuckled quietly, a tentacle snaking back over his shoulder to touch her gently on the shoulder. It wouldn't do to interrupt and he murmured softly, continuing what he could as they sped towards home and the dragoness who would, very shortly, be in for quite a surprise indeed.

"Hold now..."

It was, most likely, only the presence of a greater demon than Sasha, the dragoness still a child in the scheme of what made a demon a demon, that held her back from lashing out at her own daughter, much less the fact that Fyr was not right there in the car for her. Kao moaned, shifting his hips back and forth as Sasha returned to her administrations, sucking him deep up into the back of her throat.

"Kao? What's wrong?"

Yet what answer could he give her when he neither had the words of his own to speak nor the presence of mind to take a command that didn't seem to be forthcoming? Sasha wasn't about to give up slurping on his cock in a hurry, not with how his thick length pulsed and throbbed oh so very delightfully within the tight, lewd suction of her lips, nearing the edge of a hasty, delectable climax. And yet Fyr pressed, worry creasing her tone even across the dodgy line, knowing, instinctively, that something was up even if she could not quite put her finger on it.

The drake moaned again, digging his claws into the seat and breaking the seal of the old leather, Ropes' chanting quieter as he brought things down, allowing Kao's own lust to simmer him through the grand finale.

"Kao!What is going on?"

But the drake had no answer that he could give his sister as his mother gave him the best blowjob he'd ever had and Ropes laughed in the front seat, eyes glowing white over the rim of his sunglasses and cranking up the tunes. The sun beamed down on the open road ahead, speeding them back to the ranch and times of transition to come. Only time would tell, however, just how far Kao would go, caught up in lust and love as Sasha brought him to climax within her mouth, groaning around his length as she gulped down every last creamy drop of her son's cum.

"Kao? Kao!"

Inwardly, Sasha smirked.

Kao would, very soon, be hers.

Predator: Chapter 8

**Predator** **Chapter Eight** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by preyitem_ _ _ _ _ A blur. It was all a blur. Everything came together in laughter, sex and song as they gathered outside, one by one, and the liquor...

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