There she is... chapter 6

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#6 of There she is...

Part 6 of Alex's adventure. (for quick yiff, ctrl+F skimpy)

_ Here's what you missed last time on Gle(ahem)Yiff! Alex and Alessa skipped school and went to buy a dress. Alex ended up in panties and Ali wore his cum out of the store and into the mall. Alex deciphered the business card that Aidan gave him and met the bear who revealed he was a firestarter. Aidan wants to recruit Alex for some kind of para-military organization and Alex is thinking it over. Ali is coming over for dinner and hopefully to seduce Alex's mom. That's what you missed last time on Gle(ahem)Yiff!_

Alex leaned back in his chair a bit, thoroughly stuffed. Violette had gone all out in honor of her son's girlfriend coming over for dinner, making stuffed pork chops and steamed artichoke hearts. Alessa hadn't disappointed either, the young gymnast had devoured her plate even before her usually ravenous son! Alex glanced over at his girlfriend and rolled his lip between his teeth as he looked over what he could see. She'd worn a simple black dress trimmed with gold flowers, the halter top style showing off her gorgeous back, a strapless bra giving her luscious cleavage while leaving her shoulders and back completely bare. The dress was tight and short, stopping before midthigh, just barely giving anyone looking a glimpse of the lacy top of her thigh highs.

By contrast Violette had dressed conservatively, a simple sundress of blue slashed with cream, contrasting her red fur nicely instead of clashing with it. The voluptuous mature fox made her simple dress look damn good though. Violette's impressive bosom, more than a match for Ali's, was barely tamed by the sky blue cotton and her petite form seemed to choose the perfect moments while she was serving food or pouring drinks to reveal itself, a luscious hip pressed tight against her dress as she refilled a glass or her tight, full ass barely hidden by the thin dress as she picked up a dropped fork. Alex shook his head and took a bracing drink of iced tea. This was his mother! How could he be thinking such thoughts about her? Of course, Ali's words earlier didn't help, nor did the tigress' smoky glances across the table all through dinner.

"My, you've got quite the appetite, Alessa!" Violette said, smiling at the tigress warmly. "I'm so glad you're not one of those girls who thinks starvation is the path to beauty."

Alessa laughed warmly at the vixen's compliment. "Mrs. Morgan, I assure you there's absolutely no chance of me passing up your devine cooking!" the white tigress flashed a sharp toothed grin. "And it's such a pleasure to come over and meet you. Alex has spent so much time at my house, I was beginning to think he was embarrassed by me and didn't want you to know about us."

Alex opened his mouth in protest, but was of course cut off before even a syllable could escape. "Oh, Alex could never be embarrassed by such a beautiful girl, you must call me Violette dear, Mrs. Morgan is much too formal." She beamed, glancing at her son. "I'm sure he was more embarrassed of his old mom..." Violette looked down demurely.

Alex gave a whine of protest, but again he was cut off by the ladies, this time Alessa. "Nonsense, Violette, you're far too beautiful and kind to be any sort of embarrassment." She took a sip from her tea, enjoying the warm satisfaction of a full stomach. "I'm sorry I couldn't meet Mr. Morgan, he must be quite a fur to have caught such a lovely fox."

Violette blushed a bit and she glanced at Alex. "You never said she was so polite and well spoken, I simply love her, Alex!" of course, he couldn't answer as she'd already turned back to Ali. "Mr. Morgan is a very busy man, unfortunately. He's been a master carpenter for nearly a decade now and his work carries him far and wide." Violette began to clear the table as she spoke. "This week he's in the south, building a home for a nice skunk family of six." She gave a slightly frustrated and wistful sigh. "He'll be in and out of the state for at least another three months, though he's supposed to come home this weekend." Violette gave the tigress a blush. "I'm sure Alex will be spending quite a lot of time at your house then...Mr. Morgan might work hard, but when he comes home we play just as hard."

Ali laughed delightedly, even blushing a bit at the veiled comment. She glanced at Alex who's white facefur was almost as red as his shoulders! Violette was laughing warmly along with Ali as she finished gathering dishes, heading for the kitchen. Alex rose to help and was immediately pushed down again by his mother. "Stay, dear."

Alessa was out of her reach however and the tigress had an armload of dishes before Violette could get a word out. "I'd be a terrible guest if I didn't show my appreciation somehow." Ali said sweetly. She followed Violette into the kitchen, shooting a lusty glance back at her boyfriend. Alex wasn't sure what that look meant...but he got the feeling Ali was up to something!

In the kitchen, Ali divested herself of the dishes gracefully while Violette turned on the sink, opening their dishwasher. "You know, Mr. Morgan built this house for us, just a little before Alex was born. He's very talented." Her voice was more wistful than last time and Ali pursed her lips.

"He certainly is. You must be...pent up because he's away so often." Violette rinsed a dish and put it in the washer, bending at the hip to do so. Her full, bushy tail swayed softly over the back of her dress, the delicately fastened tail-hole making the dress lie flat over that full ass.

"Hmm? Pent up?" Violette asked almost distractedly, as if she wasn't sure what the tigress meant. When she straightened, a pair of small but strong paws slid over the older vixen's shoulders, Ali's fingers kneading Violette's shoulders and neck in skillfull, tiny circles that sent waves of relaxed pleasure down the vixen's back. It was completely unexpected and for a second Violette froze up in shock, then succumbed to the relaxation, enjoying the tigress' delicate but firm touch.

Violette gave a soft groan. "Oh my, you're very good at that, dear." The vixen murred, letting her head roll forward a bit so Ali could get at more of her neck, sweeping Violette's soft crimson hair forward over one shoulder as she worked her thumbs into the small muscles above Violette's shoulder blades. The tigress took a step closer, casually pressing up against Violette's back, her breasts warm against the older woman's shoulders.

"You're so tense...Alex taught me how to do this, you should feel how good he is. Your son's touch is heavenly." Ali grinned toothily, her soft words and compliments working hard to make Violette relax even more.

"Is that so?" Violette asked with a soft chuckle. "He must have gotten it from his father..." she was quiet as Ali worked, the dishes momentarily forgotten. "I'm happy he treats you so good."

Ali laughed warmly. "He treats me like a should try him, he's incredibly talented." Ali's tone dropped a register into something smoky and lustful on that last sentence, making Violette blush.

The vixen turned, making Ali's paws stop as they lost their subject. "My dear, I'm not sure that's entirely..." Ali caught her with a second surprise in the space of a few moments, leaning forward and lifting the vixen's delicate maw with a few fingers, pressing the vixen with a soft kiss.

Violette's eyes flew wide and she tried to back up a step in shock, but Ali had caught her close to the counter and there was nowhere to run. Ali deepened the kiss, insistent and hungry, her predatory body language speaking directly to the prey in Violette. The vixen submitted almost at once, half from habit, half from instinct, closing her eyes and letting her son's girlfriend kiss her. Ali slipped a step forward, one knee sliding between Violette's thighs, their breasts pressing together deliciously as the tigress' tail lashed and she took control of the older woman.

When Ali stopped, Violette tried to catch her breath, tried to gather her thoughts through the pleasure and desire welling up from just that single kiss. "This isn't right, you're Alex''re female...I'm husband..." each excuse was half formed, half thought out, half breathed.

"Mr. Morgan isn't here, Vi." Alessa answered in a hungry purr. "And you're not betraying him. He would want you to be happy. He can't be here because he's providing for you and your son. He wouldn't want you to suffer because of that." Alessa pushed fingers into the vixen's hair, massaging again. "It's wrong to try and find a stranger to fill your husband's role. But you don't want someone to take his place, you just need some relief. And you do need it. Don't you."

It wasn't a question and Violette's mouth was dry as she found herself nodding softly. One weekend every couple of weeks, or even every week, just wasn't enough. They'd argued before, she and Mr. had almost brought an end to the marriage. That was why they'd conceived and had a child...someone to keep Violette company while he was away. But it wasn't enough, it was like trying to survive on water alone when she was starving. Violette pressed her quivering lips together, trying not to lose control of her emotions.

The sweet, warm tigress pressed against her seemed to sense everything, she pressed in and kissed the vixen again, sliding hands down her petite, voluptuous body, giving her tail a soft tug and making Violette gasp.

"As long as you love your husband and cherish him and serve him faithfully body and soul, then tending to your own needs when he can't is not wrong." Ali told her. The tigress grinned toothily and she lifted her hands, cupping Violette's breasts and squeezing, getting a moan out of the vixen.

"I knew, the second your son told me about you and Mr. Morgan." Ali continued. She lifted one hand and rubbed Violette's ear with her fingertips. "I know what you need and there's a willing boy in the next room, ready to help you."

That made Violette gasp. "But, he's my son!" she squeaked, then moaned as her mind fell apart again, Ali's hands sliding the straps of her dress down and releasing her massive chest for the tigress to massage, her bra falling away with the light cotton dress.

"That's why it's alright to let him." Ali answered, her paws lifting the vixen's incredible breasts, her mouth descending to lick slowly at one nipple, then the other, the soft tickle of the vixen's fur making it all the sweeter. "You gave him life. Now he'll be happy to make your life better." She said, squeezing to make Violette gasp and let out a slow, low murr.

Under that tongue and those paws, Violette just couldn't think of a way to argue with that, couldn't think at all. Images came unbidden, her son, shirtless as he came home from a run, the light sweat of exercise making his musk powerful as he headed for the shower...she shivered and shook her head, trying to rid her head of the image...except Ali wasn't going to let that happen.

"I'm going to take off your dress and your bra. Then you're going to put on that skimpy little apron over there and bring your son dessert." Ali's words had the vixen shivering in pure lust, the taboo idea just making her body grow hot and her sex become slick with arousal.

"I...I don't have dessert..." Violette gave the half hearted attempt at an excuse not to obey in a thready whisper.

"You are the dessert, Vi." Ali answered with a toothy smile, demolishing all chance her prey had of resisting. It wouldn't have been so easy if Mrs. Morgan wasn't just so damn pent up...the poor vixen was aching for cock so bad she was in denial. Ali slid into a graceful crouch, kissing and licking her way down between the vixen's breasts and over her slim stomach as she worked the dress off Violette's hips, pleased to find the vixen wearing a pair of frilly white lace panties...a thong she found out as she slid her hands up to squeeze Violette's ass nice and hard. God it was glorious. Big and heavy, but still tight, obviously the product of long hours of exercise to maintain her figure.

Violette shivered as her nipples stiffened in the cool if in a dream she picked up her cooking apron and slipped it over her head, letting Ali slip behind her and tie a cute little bow at the small of her back. The apron barely covered her hips, leaving her thong panties and plump, long legs completely bare. Ali slid a paw around each hip, lifting and pulling the thong's strings nice and high on her hips, making it cup her wet lips tightly, dampening instantly.

Ali kissed the back of her neck and bit her there, making Alex's mother arch her back in arousal. "Good girl, Mrs. Morgan." She said, teasing. "oh, I almost forgot...she slipped a hand behind her back and pulled something out of her pocket that she lifted up for Violette to see, a condom. A Magnumcondom. Ali grinned and slid the condom behind one of her thong strings. "Enjoy your godly son, Vi...he's a total stud. I'll join you in a few minutes."

Violette swallowed. No fox was ever that well hung! She licked her lips and shook her head a bit. Mr. Morgan had a big package...maybe...maybe Alex was actually one of those rare crossbreeds who took something from both parents? Violette found herself going to the fridge of her own volition, pouring a cup of iced coffee for her son. She took a deep breath and tried to calm the quaking was Ali's lusty purring that gave her the strength to step out into the dining room again.

Alex was sitting in the same chair, feeling useless because the girls had told him to sit while they cleaned...he almost didn't even register what he was seeing when his mother slipped back into the room. "Mom, I..." His words died completely as he looked at her, the vixen's wide, luscious hips swaying as she crossed the room to his chair, setting the coffee down delicately before him. His eyes slid down her throat, over barely concealed breasts, down her narrow waist to those wide hips, her plump thighs and those sexy white panties...he blinked at the flash of a condom rapper, unable to help himself as he reached out and lifted the corner of her apron, seeing it was one of the condoms that Ali had taken out of Eric's medicine cabinet.

"Would you like some dessert, Alex?" His mother asked, voice husky with lust but just a touch shaky with nerves...this was crazy, it was absolutely insane. Of course he was going to lose it, he was going to refuse and run. He was her son! How could she think he'd...with her! Especially considering his beautiful girlfriend, what would he want with his plump old mom!? Violette's heart was already beating a mile a minute, she felt like she was on the verge of a heart attack.

For his part, the offer was...well, it momentarily stunned Alex. Ali had done it! He couldn't believe...his girlfriend had actually somehow convinced his mother to...Alex worked moisture into his mouth with his tongue, carefully licking his lips as he remembered all the times his mother's heavy breasts had made him blush and feel uncomfortable, all the times he'd caught those looks that his parents shared, the looks that made him flush with embarrassment...Alex leaned back in his chair, turning it so he was sitting facing his mother more than the table.

"You know, I think some dessert would hit the spot." He told her, his voice showing none of his nerves...instead he sounded casually hungry, as if he were talking about a slice of pie, instead of his mother. The preadatory attitude he sometimes felt with Ali came out in full force. Alex casually picked up his cup and took a sip, looking her over again nice and slow over the rim of his cup. He reached up with his free paw, warm fingers sliding under the edge of the apron, forcing her thighs apart as he slowly stroked her sweet pussy, making his mother moan, sheer surprise fading into lusty pleasure...she leaned forward, falling to one knee on the chair as she leaned into her son. Alex smiled and kissed her, pushing his cup aside and gently pushing his mother down on the table.

He slid his hands up to free her lovely breasts from the apron, letting it slide between them as he massaged her body. "you're so beautiful mom...god I can't wait to fuck you." The language made his mother gasp and Violette's back arched as her son pushed the apron up. His tongue slid down between her plump thighs, pressing against the tightly pulled silk of her thong. It almost made her black out.

This was her son's tongue! Her baby kit, licking nice and slow over the silky prison trapping her pussy, making her moan as if she were a teenager in heat. "Mmm, you taste good too." Alex murred, forcing his tongue harder against the silk, pushing it up between the lips of her sex, making her hips quiver in torturous pleasure. Ali slipped out of the kitchen and came around the other side of the table, waiting, poised for Alex and his mother to see when they opened their eyes.

The tigress had stripped out of her sexy little dress, leaving her in the thigh highs and garter belt that drove Alex wild with lust...but instead of the tiny black thong he'd bought her, she wore a string of pearls like a thong, stretched over each hip and sliding down between her pussy lips. Alex's mouth went dry with lust as she grinned, delightedly spreading her long legs as she climbed up onto the table, over Violette's muzzle, crawling forward to kiss her boyfriend.

Violette couldn't resist the overwhelming desire to taste those pearls and she lifted her muzzle to the tigress' tiny little pussy, her tongue sliding out to bathe each pearl down one hip until her tongue pushed between those sweet lips, making Ali arch and moan above her.

"Your mom's tongue is so amazing..."the tigress purred, giving tiny little cries of pleasure as Violette pushed the pearls deeper into her. She looked up at her boyfriend with a grin and leaned down, using her teeth to pull Mrs. Morgan's thong aside. Alex needed no invitation, he slid his tongue into his mother's cunt, lapping insistently and making the woman's body convulse with electrical pleasure. He wanted to show his mother how good he really make her proud!

Ali rubbed her boyfriend's ears, grinning as he lapped the delicious, plump pussy that had birthed him. She leaned down to lick as well, sucking on the woman's clit while Alex shoved his tongue deep as it would go. Together they brought Violette to a screaming climax.

"oh god, honey where did you learn to..."Violette panted, then she laughed softly. "Alessa, you tigress, of course. You taught him well!"

Ali purred in pleasure at the compliment, reaching up with one hand and a grin of mischief, yanking Alex's pants open and pushing them off his hips. "go show mommy what you're gonna use on her."

Alex chuckled, leaving his girlfriend to love on his mother's plump lips, coming around the table to stand over his mother's head. The vixen gasped, her eyes going round.

"You're huge! Where did you get..."Violette whispered in shock, her hands reaching out to grip her son's only semi-hard cock. "It's got to be as thick as my wrist...and a foot long! Not even your father..." she started, but Alex casually shut her up by spreading her maw with his fingers and pushing the tip of his fat cock past his mother's lips.

Mrs. Morgan's voice was muffled as her son stuffed her maw full of cock, but instead of protesting, she moaned. She'd never been a huge fan of giving head as a younger girl, but Mr. Morgan had taught her to enjoy servicing a male. She put those skills to good use for her son, opening her throat by leaning her head back, coaxing him to stretch out her neck with that monster. Alex groaned in pleasure as he slowly started to fuck his mother's throat, enjoying the slick heat. He slowly thrust his length down her gullet, making her give little panicked, muffled sounds as he hilted himself...she came hard from the taboo act, soaking Ali's tongue yet again.

Alex grinned and pulled his fat wet cock out of her mouth, letting her pant for breath and watch while he pulled the pearl thong out of his girlfriend's pussy. He mounted her over his mother's petite body, making the tigress yowl in pleasure as she was stretched by the cock she loved.

"God, how does she take it all?" Violette whispered, gently teasing her son's balls while he fucked the lithe gymnast kneeling over her...her son's stamina was both a pleasure and a surprise...Alex drove himself hard into Ali's tight little pussy, grabbing the base of her tail for leverage.

"Fuck me, oh yes...Fuck!" Ali yowled, her whole body going rigid as a climax gripped her, sending her body into overdrive. All Violette's teasing had built her up nicely to come on her boyfriend's massive pole.

Alex slid out of the tigress and surprised his mother by forcing himself into her throat again...she willingly slurped up the Tigress' juices and let her son rape her maw as hard as he wanted. Alex brought himself to the edge, then stopped. He pulled free of his mother's gasping mouth and traced her lips with the head of his cock.

"Mom, you're a great cocksucker. Dad deserves an award for teaching you so well." Alex gave a toothy grin, making his mother blush furiously, turning her white facefur pink. No son had ever talked to a mother like that, surely!

"Well, he certainly didn't teach you to be a motherfucker...but you're quite good at it." Mrs. Morgan shot back, making Ali burst out laughing and Alex grin widely.

"Not yet I'm not. Let's remedy that." He stroked his heavy tool and headed around the table again...Violette's mouth went dry with sheer lust. She couldn't believe her son was going to use her...and she couldn't believe how bad she wanted it!

Ali grinned and pulled the condom out of Violette's thong, tearing it open while Alex lifted his cock for her. She put the tip against his cock and rolled, covering his prick in a sheathe of deep purple and using her lips to squeeze the air bubble out of the tip. "Motherfucker." She teased.

"Pet." Alex answered, catching her ears and rubbing them slowly, making her growl turn into a purr. "Be a good kitten and put my cock in my mother's cunt, Ali."

The tigress growled angrily, nipping the tip of his cock...but Alex grinned and just took a handful of the fur at the back of her neck, making her moan with pleasure. She did as she was told, lining up mother and son. Alex pushed and Violette cried out as he began to stretch her, slowly and steadily forcing his mother to stretch around that massive cock.

Alex growled softly, holding onto his girlfriend's neck as he fucked his mother, making Violette moan like a whore, loving every massive inch...until he reached the end of her. He still had inches to go, but he'd reached the end of the petite fox, butting up against her cervix.

"S...stop!" Violette protested, half moan, half panicked cry. She couldn't take any more!

Alex pulled back, slowly fucking the woman who'd raised him, looking up at Ali in shock...she just smiled and winked at her boyfriend, leaning down to tongue bathe his last couple of inches. They worked slow and hard, careful not to push Violette too far...until Alex started to speed up involuntarily.

"Mom, I'm close!" he groaned, tightening his fingers on one of her plump thighs...Ali purred as she watched.

"Good boy, cum for mommy!" Violette cried, her whole body twisting in pleasure. "cum in mommy's pussy!"

Alex pushed against her cervix again, making her body shiver in panic and pleasure...he threw his head back with a yipping bark as he flooded the condom with hot ropes of fox cum, filling one had expected Ali's teeth to puncture the condom, weakening it. Alex's load proved too much for the weakened latex and it burst, flooding Mrs. Morgan's pussy and womb with hot fox cum.

Violette felt the explosion, knew exactly what had happened...and her heart burst with pride and pleasure. Her baby boy was such an animal!! She cried out for him, came for him, gripping the monster inside her and riding out the flood in wave after wave of orgasm.

For minutes neither mother or son could move or speak...but Alex pulled free slowly and showed Ali the burst condom. The tigress laughed softly, licking the cum from both mother and son. "Daddy can proscribe her a morning after pill." She said, giving her boyfriend a wink. She turned around and gave Violette a fierce, happy kiss. "let's go up to your bed."

Violette returned the kiss and cold only nod, shock and post orgasmic bliss making her mind just too foggy. But she did know she wanted more of this. Even if she felt like her son was too big for her...too much cock. The idea made her giggle as she took the two teen lovers upstairs....

Hours later, Alex gently disentangled himself from the two girls, Alessa on one side and his mother on the other, gently pushing them together so they could snuggle up, Ali gently nuzzling and licking fox cum off those amazing breasts...both girls were utterly soaked in the stuff, at least four loads. Alex grinned, both proud and pleased with his performance...and utterly amazed he'd fucked his mother. He grinned and started pulling on gym shorts.

"Where are you going, baby?" Violette asked sleepily. Alex smiled and came over to the bed, kissing her warmly.

"Just heading out for a run, Mom. Go back to sleep."

Violette groaned. "how can you have energy to run..."she started, but Ali's sleepy voice cut her off.

"He always does it. We can fuck all day and he still runs. Go. Run. Stop keeping me awake." She complained. Alex couldn't help a laugh and he kissed them both before slipping out, letting them both fall back to sleep. It was early morning...and today he was supposed to meet Aidan.

(To be continued!)

There she is....chapter 7

_Part 7 of Alex's adventure_ _ Here's what you missed last time on Gle...(Ok, I think this joke is getting a little old.) Yiff! Alex brought Ali home for dinner last night and...

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There she is... chapter 5

_Yifftastic, and the plot thickens!_ _Part 5 of Alex's adventure. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff! Alex and Alessa have been yiffing hard and heavy but Alex likes to be dominated by his girlfriend's father too. Alessa suggested...

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There she is...chapter 4

_Part 4 of Alex's adventures. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff: Alex's mom found out he has a girlfriend and wants her over for dinner, Alex and Alessa had hot shower sex and Alex got caught by the wolves. A mysterious bear showed up with...

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