There she is....chapter 7

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#7 of There she is...

Part 7 of Alex's adventure

_ Here's what you missed last time on Gle...(Ok, I think this joke is getting a little old.) Yiff! Alex brought Ali home for dinner last night and Ali made good on her suggestion to seduce her boyfriend's mom. Alex never shared something so good with his girlfriend, and things are only getting better. Aidan gave Alex a job offer of a very strange nature and Alex isn't sure if he's more curious or skeptical. Could he really be able to magic? That's what you missed last time in Alex's adventure!_

Alex's paws hit pavement a bit slower than usual. Before leaving his house he'd stuffed a cloth backpack with a pair of jeans and a fresh T-shirt and put buds in his black tipped ears, letting the rhythms of Massive Attack send him into a pensive mood while he ran. Was he really going to believe the bear? This was dangerous. The guy could be some kind of violent deviant who wanted to kidnap a fox for some...Alex's thoughts flashed back to the bear's massive paw on fire, lighting that cigarette as casually and slowly as if he'd been holding a Zippo. How did the guy do it? As hard as he tried, Alex couldn't remember seeing any kind of gel or powder, no device for causing a spark...nothing. Just the bear, snapping his fingers and setting his own fingers aflame.

Alex suppressed a shiver, glancing at the street next to him. The early morning half-light showed him no cars. He lightly hopped the guardrail and bounded across, slapping a palm on the metal rail on the opposite side, his hindpaws clearing the rail in a smooth motion. He continued bounding down a mini hill that would let him into the southern edge of the park. He almost hadn't realized he was getting close...his paws carrying him toward the destination written on the ciphered business card without consulting his brain. Curiosity was a powerful force...Alex just hoped it didn't kill foxes as easily as it killed cats.

"I told you he'd be here." Aidan growled, the bear's basso rumble seeming to come directly from his chest. He took a pull on his cigarette, glancing at the female leopard next to him, her spots seeming to shift in the early morning dappled shadows under the tree where they stood. Both predators watched the boy's smooth, easy jog as Alex crossed the street, leaping a barrier and taking the sharp downhill grade in stride.

"He's light on his paws, inn'e?" The leopard's soft voice sounded appraising, a touch of cockney creeping into her words. She shifted on her own paws, feeling the urge to chase the nimble fox warm her stomach, making her predatory eyes sharpen. "Cute too."

"Now Bell, I didn't bring you along to test the boy. You're here strictly to back me up." Aidan warned. They both watched as Alex flowed over a fallen tree and through a small thicket, making little sound even to their sharp ears, so he could gain the path without losing any of his jogging speed.

"Inn'e a bit young Cap'n?" She asked, dropping to a crouch so she could keep Alex's full form in view, the boy's thick bushy tail hypnotizing in its careless sway behind him.

"We've already gone through colleges and institutes world-wide with a fine toothed comb. No one fits our purposes, but he's got the stuff. Young or not, we need a fifth fur for field work...and he's it." Aidan answered, letting smoke curl out of his nostrils lazily. The bear turned and started down off their hillock, the leopard falling into step a few moments after. They slipped down to the path, cutting across a brush thicket to the rendezvous and arriving a few steps early.

Bell gave a soft grunt in answer as they moved through the trees, fallen and standing alike, with casual predatory silence. In the dappled shade her spots seemed to shift again, then grow, covering her tawny fur in black. The spots deepened, adding bulk to her shoulders and broadening her chest, flattening out her modest breasts and creating pectorals. Her hips slimmed down and her waist thickened to create a smoother outline. The BDUs she wore grew a little tighter as Bell gained a masculine bulge, the form fitting T-shirt riding up to show the smooth V of a muscular, slim stomach. Bell's spots retreated and he shook his head, his hair changing from light ash to flat black. The spots retreated again, becoming a leopard's natural camouflage but leaving the changes to his body in place, a muscular, whipcord slender male instead of the androgynous female. The entire change took a matter of seconds and they emerged from the thicket just in time to watch Alex round the bend, slowing as he saw Aidan and his companion leopard.

"Morning, Alex." Aidan said, raising a paw in greeting. The fox dropped out of his jog and walked closer, his athletic shorts and crappy old T-shirt making him feel a little awkward as he took in the bear's heavy dark jeans, black boots and tight black T-shirt, the slight impression of dog-tags resting at the center of his chest. The leopard's outfit sort of matched, though the BDUs dark green gave him a little color. The lighter male lifted a paw of his own and gave a nod of greeting with a casual smile.

"Uh, hi." Alex answered, immediately feeling like it was a lame thing to say. These two predators shared the same subtle air, an attitude to their body, both casual and dangerous. Aidan had always held himself that way on their previous meetings, but it was a lot easier to notice when there were two of them. Both bear and leopard's ears twitched at the slightest sound, both standing like a coiled spring, at rest but with the potential of explosive motion without warning. "Who's your friend?"

Aidan turned his shoulders a bit, gesturing to the leopard. "Alex, meet corporal Stevens, our CQC specialist. He's part of T.R.I.C.K.S. just like me, and hopefully you too."

"Corporal?" Alex asked, frowning. "I thought you said this wasn't a military thing."

Aidan nodded. "I said semi-military. The army's ranking system serves well enough in our organization...we're all equals in skill and talent, but those of us with more experience generally take the lead or provide guidance and support to those less experienced." He smiled casually, lips pulling back from his large, ivory teeth. "My rank is captain."

Alex pursed his lips, though the last admission had him failing to fight a smile flash on his muzzle. "Sorry, it's nothing personal, I just have trouble not imagining you in a big blue hat and double breasted coat, holding a bowl of crunchy cereal."

Bell couldn't help the tiny snicker that burst from his mouth, the leopard covering his whiskers with a palm, literally trying to wipe the grin off his face. Aidan raised an eyebrow, but he didn't reprimand either of them, just flicked his cigarette butt into the nearby woods. The leopard spoke up, coming forward with a paw extended. "My friends call me Bell." He said with a friendly grin.

"Uh, I'm Alex." The fox answered, his paw moving on autopilot to clasp with Bell's. The leopard's eyes flashed and a warm shiver passed between them through the pads of their paws. "What the hell?"

"Sorry, it's not really in my control...part of my gift. Don't worry, I didn't do anything to you, scouts honor." Bell answered, lifting his hand with three fingers up in a casual scout sign.

"Your gift?" Alex asked, glancing at the bear, but Aidan shook his head.

"In time, Alex, and a more private location. Shall we?" he gestured toward the nearby end of the path and an innocuous car parked illegally along the side of the road. Alex frowned a bit, but he followed the others as they headed for the car, Bell pulling a set of keys out of one knee pocket, unlocking the doors with the fob.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?" Alex murmured, opening the rear door as Aidan did the same, both furs sliding into the back seat. They'd barely closed the doors before the car purred to life and hit the pavement, heading toward the industrial park on the edge of town.

The industrial park was exactly what Alex and probably the rest of the furs in the world imagined it would be, a bunch of glass fronted office buildings and long warehouses, generic peony landscaping posted with three foot high, bland signs proclaiming the name of whatever corporate branch was paying the rent this year. They pulled around a small cul-de-sac and took a hard left down a drive, Alex catching a glimpse of the sign reading Romero Securities. Bell hit a small button on the car's visor and they pulled into the warehouse behind the office building, joining four or five other vehicles haphazardly parked opposite a few motorcycles. Aidan led the way after they got out and Alex fell into step with Bell.

"So...CQC huh?" The fox asked casually, tilting his head at Bell, noticing he was just a touch shorter than the leopard. Bell's wrist thick articulate tail curled around his waist, joining the spots visible on either side of his stomach.

"Yup, I like getting up close." Bell answered, giving the fox a wink. "Familiar with the concept?"

Alex shrugged a bit. "I've played Metal Gear Solid 3, so I know what it means..." he said, smiling a little incredulously. "But I'm having a hard time imagining you playing the part of Snake." He joked, still not taking this whole thing seriously. Aidan pressed a paw to a small black screen next to the door leading farther into the warehouse, opening the door when the screen flashed a friendly green.

Bell grinned, not taking offense to the joking tone. "I loved those games." He answered with a chuckle. "Kojima is a freaking genius. I didn't know you liked games, maybe we should get together sometime and have a...coke." He teased Alex for being underage.

Alex raised an eyebrow, but he found himself smiling. They entered a short hallway with half a dozen other doors, heading for the end. Aidan spoke up from just ahead of them. "Alex, these are the employee dormitories. Most of us don't bother with them as more than a place to store gear or crash if we're working a long project, but the company tries to make things as comfortable as possible." He gestured casually to the nameplates beside each door, listing names that Alex didn't know, though he did spot one that read STEVENS.

The three furs reached the end of the hall and Aidan opened a final door, letting them into the warehouse proper. Alex's eyebrows climbed at first, but the more he saw, the more awed his expression got. The ceiling was heavy plate glass, letting sunlight stream down onto sectioned areas.

A running track circled the interior, lit by powerful fluorescent bulbs high on the walls for when sunlight just wasn't cutting it. Inside the track on the far wall was a full sized turf football field unmarked by lines, netting draped around it from ten feet up and climbing to the ceiling. Next to the track was an equally full sized gymnastics floor, springy and forgiving to falls, scattered with balance beams and vertically suspended bars. More bars and platforms were strung with industrial cables above, climbing all the way to the glass ceiling in random patterns. Next to the impressive gymnasium was a long cage with heavy tables at one end, pointing at a concrete wall a hundred yards away hung with targets. A smaller, less cage bound range butted up against that one with more targets at the far end backed by heavy wood. Closer to the three furs was flooring laid with wood textured laminate, surrounded with racks of all sorts of melee weapons.

Alex's jaw was virtually on the floor as his eyes tracked to the final area, butting up against the football field and just as large, laid with the same springy rubber as the track and covered with the most elaborate obstacle course Alex had ever seen. It reminded him of those stupid military training courses you saw on army commercials. Neither of the other furs spoke while Alex just took everything in, just trying to comprehend what he was seeing. The young fox worked his maw to try and get saliva back into his mouth, making what felt like the most stupid observation but was nagging at the back of his mind.

"It's big...the warehouse isn't this big. How...?"

Aidan smiled. "Good instincts, Alex. One of our people is spatially gifted. He is perhaps the most valuable member of the's a shame he's led such a hard life." He said, giving a regretful smile. "You'll be spending a lot of time with him over the next few weeks...provided you choose to join the team, so he can map out your physical parameters."

Alex shook his head, rubbing his eyes. "Alright, this is just...unreal. I'm dreaming. That has to be it, I've gone 'round the bend and this is a figment of my crazy imag..." he yelped jumped a foot away from Bell, rubbing his pinched arm.

"Nope, not dreaming." Bell answered with a mischievous grin. "It's the real deal." He frowned a touch. "Though it is unusually quiet...?" he asked, looking to Aidan. The bear gave a grunt at that and tilted his head to one side.

"Link?" he asked no one in particular. Alex watched the bear with a perplexed frown, which only grew worse when the bear started to speak to no one again. "Where is the rest of the team?" a few moments of silence. "Ah, of course. Summon them to the briefing room, please. The new recruit is here."

Alex looked at Bell and hooked a thumb toward the bear. "Okay, what the hell was that?"

The leopard chuckled. "Looks kinda weird when you're not linked up, no pun intended. Link is a telepath. He's sorta our version of short wave radios or cellphones, but there's no wires and no signals, it's all him. He lets us speak directly to each other no matter where we are in the world. It takes a while to get the hang of it, but once you do, it's pretty handy." Bell gave a nod off to his left, where another small door led out of the warehouse proper. "Comeon, briefing room is this way. You can meet everybody in person...."

He trailed off when a small form streaked out of said doorway, making a beeline for the three furs. Alex took some rapid steps back, but the small blur wasn't aimed at him. Instead it leapt into the air and slammed into Aidan with eager energy, making him take a step back to keep his balance. "Aidan!" came a happy squeak. The quick little blur turned out to be a young male mouse, his ropy tail curling around Aidan's forearm as Aidan settled the boy on his hip.

" Fix." He said, for the first time the bear looked a little awkward...maybe a bit worried. He actually looked like a father, worried about his child being judged. The little mouse couldn't have been older than eight or nine, a slender little thing with big bright eyes and pure white fur, his large round ears focusing on Alex like satellite dishes, long whiskers twitching a bit...he was adorable. Alex looked down from those big, bright eyes and took in the rest of the boy, his eyes widening and a blush crawling over his features...the boy was wearing a collection of leather straps that barely passed for clothing, circling his wrists, his biceps, his thighs and his waist, crisscrossing all over his pure white fur and forming a sort of web mini-skirt that barely kept the boy decent. A thick collar circled Fix's throat, a tiny silver bell chiming against his fur. The little mouse struggled out of Aidan's arms and came over to Alex, his body moving with sinuous grace the fox had only seen out of his girlfriend. It emphasized the boy's slender but curvy hips, his lean, soft body...Alex cleared his throat and very carefully focused on those bright eyes.

"Um, is this what I think it is? Is he...he looks like..."Alex blushed even more furiously, looking at the others for help.

"He's my son." Aidan said, making Alex's jaw drop again. Aidan kept explaining though, before Alex's mind clammed up completely. "He's Bell's son too, and Link's...he's the combination of the DNA of the entire team. When you join, your DNA will be added to Fix as well and he'll be your son too. Fix is a special fur...he was born of all of us so he can match any of our blood types, bone marrows, skin grafts, even organs. He heals incredibly fast...he'll completely recovery from major surgery in a few hours, even regrowing entire limbs. Fix is our medic.

The cute little mouse had taken the opportunity of Alex's distraction to come close enough to duck under the fox's paw, gently nuzzling up against his palm and loving on the fox's fingers...Alex unconsciously rubbed one of the mouse's big round ears, making the tiny boy shiver and give an appreciative little moan.

Alex's hand shot away from the mouse as if he'd been burned and he took some steps back. "Okay, too much. This is...this is way too much for me. I need some time." He said, still backing up as if he didn't realize he was moving, till his back hit the wall and he pressed against it as if he wanted to press through it and run away from the warehouse at top speed.

Bell watched the fox, concerned, seeing Alex's chest rising and falling too fast, eyes dilated...he noticed something else as well. The shadows all along the wall and the floor under his feet seemed to lean toward Alex, trying to gather around him. The fox had no idea he was doing it either.

Aidan spread his hands, carefully staying right where he was. "That's fine Alex. I understand you're feeling out of your depth. It's alright, calm down. Just relax, alright? No one is going to hurt you and you can leave anytime. Just take a few deep breaths." He kept his voice even and soothing. Alex was young...maybe too young. He kept talking, soothing words, keeping the boy's attention on him until Alex's breaths started to slow a bit. The boy was nodding repeatedly, inching toward the door without realizing it. "Alex, there's an empty dorm in the hallway we came through. I'll get you a glass of water, you can take as long as you need. You know we're just on the edge of town, you can go whenever you want, just relax alright?"

The fox licked his lips, feeling his backpack against his back. "Alright, okay, I'm...I'm fine. I just need some time." He felt like he'd been gut punched or was on the worst rollercoaster of his life. Aidan's calm voice helped, the bear not trying to come any closer helped more. He took the bear's directions and fled the huge warehouse room, finding the only door without a name and opening it, flicking on the lights of a small room, shutting the door behind him and sliding to the floor, putting his head in his hands. This was just insane! A little normalcy, a bed and a dresser, a small desk with a closed laptop on it, everything unassuming, everything completely normal, just like any hotel room he'd ever been in, all helped him calm down, let him think......

"That probably could have gone better, Boss." Bell said glibly when the door shut behind Alex. He glanced at the bear and Aidan just gave a pained grunt.

"No kidding...have Link let the others know that the briefing is postponed. The boy needs some time to think...we'll give him a few hours." Aidan reached down as Fix came to him, scratching his son's head gently, making the mouse murr and nuzzle his thigh. "I'm heading to the showers. You'll make sure he has whatever he wants, right? If he tries to leave, let him."

"What if he...?" Bell asked, worried about their security.

"What would he tell someone? That he was taken to a magic warehouse on the edge of town owned by a secret para-military organization and met a clone boy?" Aidan asked wryly. "Don't worry, he's not going to go spilling to anyone. He's smarter and tougher than that. He just needs some time."

Bell nodded at that and he gave a casual salute. "Aye Cap'n." he left the bear and mouse, heading for the second door out of the warehouse proper.

Aidan gave a sigh and he looked down at Fix, the young boy offering up a comforting smile. "Comeon." He said softly. Fix nodded and followed the bear. Together they slipped past the unmarked dorm and entered the locker room connected to the dormitory hallway. Aidan stripped out of his leather jacket, hanging it up in the double wide locker marked with his name, while Fix padded over the tiles and into the showers, turning on the shower heads in one of the cubicles instead of the large open group shower.

"Daddy, is the fox-boy gonna be ok?" the mouse asked, coming back to Aidan as the bear stripped out of his shirt, muscles working powerfully under his deep chestnut fur. Fix climbed up the bench behind Aidan and up onto the bear's back, nuzzling against the thick fur of Aidan's neck.

"I think so, son...he's gone through a lot in the past week or so, even without our attempt to recruit him. Add us into the mix and he's overwhelmed." Aidan didn't mind the little boy's weight, the eight year old mouse snuggling tightly against him as Aidan stripped out of his boots, dark jeans and briefs. He hung everything up and closed his locker before reaching behind his shoulder and snagging Fix's collar, pulling the boy around his body to the front where Fix clung, nuzzling up against the bear's broad chest.

"You're such a good daddy. You care for everybody, even if they're not on the team yet." Fix murred, feeling Aidan's powerful paws scratching the snow white fur of his back nice and slow. Aidan carried the boy back to the shower he'd turned on nice and hot, bringing Fix into the shower with him. Aidan sat on the heavy stainless steel bench, letting hot water pour over his chestnut fur, slicking everything down and revealing the smooth power of his muscles.

Fix's leather outfit wasn't really suited to a shower so the boy writhed out of straps and buckles with nubile grace, his lean body arching attractively in his father's lap. Under the skirt was a frilly pink thong that made Aidan chuckle, kicking the leather straps out of their cubicle he casually caught the boy by his thong, his powerful paw sliding over Fix's tiny bulge, making the mouse arch and moan.

"What's this?" he said, twisting the already soaked pink lace, stretching it and tangling it around the boy's small sheathe, Fix whimpering and spreading his knees on Aidan's thighs, thrusting his slender chest and stomach upward, baring all to his father even as he blushed with a tiny bit of embarrassment.

"Roman gave them to me. He said I should wear lingerie more often." The eight year old mouse gave a soft moan as Aidan's heavy warm paw pulled his son's sheathe away from his small pink shaft.

Aidan smiled, feeling predatory arousal rise in his stomach and his much larger member began to thicken and lengthen, sliding out of its sheathe. "Roman huh? I guess the boys are teaching you to be a little girly slut for them, aren't they."

Fix nodded, his large round ears swiveling back against his head as he enjoyed the attention his father was giving him. "Yes, daddy."

"Show me what they've been teaching you." Aidan commanded the boy, pulling on the pink thong so it strangled Fix's package, making the boy whimper as his father tied a small knot, turning the thong into a lacy cock ring.

Fix pressed forward and nuzzled against his father's throat, then pulled his knees together and slid to the floor at the bear's feet, looking up at his father, face half hidden by Aidan's thick eight inches. The eight year old's mouth opened and he licked the bear's heavy, ebony shaft slowly, worshipping his father's member with a murr of pleasure. The bear wasn't the longest of all his daddies, not by a long shot, but he was one of the thickest, almost as wide as a soda can. It took a special effort for him to stretch his maw around that girth, kneeling a little higher so he could fill his mouth up with that massive thickness.

Aidan growled in pleasure, watching his son slowly slurp and suck, pushing his maw halfway down that thick black shaft. Hot water fell on the mouse's pure white back, slender shoulders and waist rising as he came up as high as he could on his knees, that slender ropy tail wrapping around Aidan's ankle.

"Good boy. Suck daddy's cock real good." Aidan said, indulging himself in the slender little mouse cub. Despite the fact that he hadn't conceived the boy directly, Aidan had watched Fix grow up and mature from a little pinky to the beautiful boy he was today. Aidan, and indeed the entire team, was possessive and loving, worrisome and proud of the boy. They were his fathers, each and every one of them. Aidan smiled as Fix came off the huge shaft, taking deep breaths to recover quickly, his little pink tongue curling under Aidan's crown. "You have been learning. I'm so proud of you, Fix."

His father's praise made Fix's whole body grow warm with pleasure and pride. He immediately dove onto his father's fat cock again, eager to prove how good a boy he was. He closed his eyes as Aidan's strong paws slid over his head, rubbing his ears and taking firm hold of his head. The little mouse knew what was coming and he opened his throat up just in time for his father to push downward firmly, forcing the massive cock in. Fix's air was cut off by Aidan's thick black monster, his neck stretching obscenely to accommodate his daddy's girth. In eight years of playing with each of his daddies, Fix had learned not only how to allow a man to use him, but also enjoy every slow, suffocating second. Fix's gag reflex was almost non-existent after so much practice and his tongue worked relentlessly against the underside of his daddy's cock, slurping silently while Aidan forced himself to the hilt in his son's throat. He fucked the boy's vocal cords, enjoying the tight, slick heat of his son's throat.

"Open your eyes, slutty little boy." Aidan demanded, smiling as Fix looked up at him with big, shiny round eyes, silently thanking his daddy for the abuse. What was an insult to most furs, Fix heard as an affectionate pet name. "That's my good boy." Aidan said, smiling as he pulled back and thrust deep again, slowly fucking the mouse's throat, not allowing him any air.

Fix's heart raced as his vision started to swim, his lungs burning for air that his daddy wouldn't let him have. Aidan could tell that the boy was suffocating by how the young mouse's shining eyes seemed to unfocus and dim slowly. He took his hands off his son's head, only playing gently with Fix's cute ears, giving the little mouse freedom to breathe.

Frankly, Fix would rather have Aidan cum down his unconscious throat than breathe before his daddy was satisfied. As if to prove it, Fix kept his throat around the bear's massive cock, even when he felt Aidan's paws back off. He rose and fell at the hips so he didn't bend his neck too much, continuing to throat fuck his father, even as he weakened. His lungs rebelled and fought for breath, making him suck hard on his daddy's fat monster...but Fix didn't come up for air. He was going to make his daddy proud, forcing himself down to his father's hilt, licking and sucking on the bear cock for all he was worth. Fix blacked out slowly, his father watching the boy go limp and lose consciousness sucking on his daddy's cock.

the little white mouse came back to consciousness again in a different position, held tightly in his father's lap, a hot, stretching pain fading slowly to be replaced by pleasure. He moaned and writhed a bit, opening his big bright eyes to smile up at his daddy...the little mouse lifted a paw and wiped thick cum off his white face-fur, sucking his father's gift off his fingers.

"Thank you for finishing, daddy..."he said, actually thanking his father for fucking his unconscious throat to a climax. Fix smiled and nuzzled the bear's neck, lifting his hind paws up to Aidan's knees and taking over the work as strength came back to his limbs.

"No problem, little slut." Aidan answered with a toothy grin. He'd cum on the boy's face a few moments after the boy had passed out, then picked Fix up and mounted the eight year old by putting Fix on his lap and spearing up into the boy's sweet, tight ass. Now that he was awake again, Fix started to fuck his father nice and slow, enjoying the massive girth stretching his tail hole. Aidan casually played with the mouse's little erection, throbbing and sensitive from wearing the lace cock ring too long. Aidan squeezed it and Fix cried out for him, the mouse's tight little ass slamming down hard on Aidan's black spire. "You're being such a good boy, son. Tell you what, I'm going to let you wear daddy's cum until bedtime. Would you like that?"

Fix moaned and nodded emphatically, a big grin spreading over his muzzle. "Can I have it all over my face again, daddy? Please?"

Aidan laughed softly and he gave a nod. "Okay, you've been a good slut for daddy, so you can have it on your face." The bear smiled and grabbed the boy's hips, taking control away from the mouse and starting to fuck the boy for real. Poor Fix couldn't take it, his whole body went rigid and he came hard, spurts of mouse cum splashing over his perfectly white chest and stomach. Aidan picked the boy up and stood, forcing the boy's face against the wall as he raped his son's sweet little tailhole, hard and fast. He groaned softly, pulling free of the slender mouse and letting the boy drop to his knees for his father, opening his mouth. The bear aimed carefully and let loose, bathing his son in hot, thick bear cum, rope after gooey rope splashing the eager eight-year-old's face fur.

Fix almost purred with pleasure, his paws sliding over Aidan's thighs and he leaned up to lick cum off the bear's fat black monster lovingly. "Thank you, tastes good."

Aidan grinned and casually rubbed his son's ears, rubbing cum into the boy's fur. "You're welcome, son. Now, go dry off a bit...I don't want you dripping everywhere. And stay out of sight, if the fox comes around and decides to meet the others, I don't want you to make him nervous. He'll get used to you slowly.

Fix gave a nod and rose to his foot paws and up onto his toes so Aidan could lean down and kiss him deeply. He sent the mouse on his way with a hard swat on Fix's soft, tight rump, the little mouse yelping and laughing happily as he dashed out of the locker room, wearing his father's cum proudly.

Aidan stepped fully under the hot shower, washing the sex out of his fur slowly, turning his mind to Alex, wondering if the boy was indeed going to calm down...and going even so far as to wonder if the fox would still join the team. He'd seen the way the shadows bent to Alex's tension...the boy had power...he didn't even realize what he was capable of.........

(To be Continued!) AK

There she is...chapter 8

Part 8 of Alex's Adventure _Here's what you missed last time on Yiff! Alex decided to meet with Aidan and he was blown away by his first contact with the superpowered team of secret agents! Aidan knows that Alex has power and he's thinking hard about...

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There she is... chapter 6

_Part 6 of Alex's adventure. (for quick yiff, ctrl+F skimpy)_ _ Here's what you missed last time on Gle(ahem)Yiff! Alex and Alessa skipped school and went to buy a dress. Alex ended up...

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There she is... chapter 5

_Yifftastic, and the plot thickens!_ _Part 5 of Alex's adventure. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff! Alex and Alessa have been yiffing hard and heavy but Alex likes to be dominated by his girlfriend's father too. Alessa suggested...

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