There she is... chapter 5

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#5 of There she is...

Yifftastic, and the plot thickens!

Part 5 of Alex's adventure. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff! Alex and Alessa have been yiffing hard and heavy but Alex likes to be dominated by his girlfriend's father too. Alessa suggested sharing his cock with his own mother and the two decided to skip school for the day and head to the mall. That's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff!

Alex licked his lips, the taste of his girlfriend still sweet on his tongue as they caught a bus, heading to the mall. After getting cleaned up, Ali had donned a pair of skintight, worn and holed jeans, adding a lacy camisole that left a few inches of her tight stomach bare. Her heavy, full breasts got plenty of attention...and every time she noticed, Ali just leaned against her fox, nuzzling his shoulder.

Alex had traded his usual T-shirt and actually borrowed a long sleeved top from his tigress, his lean build letting him wear the stretchy shirt well, his own black jeans completing the outfit. Ali loved it when he wore her of her favorite parts about having a boyfriend with a slight build.

Alex reached into his pocket when they were stepping off the bus and he frowned a bit, pulling out the business card.

"What's that?" Ali asked, slipping an arm around his waist. She took the card when Alex offered it.

"Nothing important, I got it from...someone, he said I should meet him to talk about...getting some lessons." Alex hadn't told his tigress about getting beat up by the wolves, and it seemed like not being specific about the bear was a prudent idea as well.

Ali frowned a bit. "It's just gibberish..." she answered, handing the card back. "Comeon, today's ours." She broke into a grin and pulled him through the mall entrance and into the crowds.

The card went back into Alex's pocket, but it stayed in his head, the cypher making him curious, the card's owner even more so. They slipped among the shopping furs, hitting the food court for a late breakfast. Ali was more than excited by the idea of shopping for something sexy, her first stop made Alex blush. When she pulled him into Victoria's Secret, he smiled nervously.

"Ali, what are we doing?" Alex glanced to his left, seeing a young husky with a thong in her hand he immediately glanced right and saw a kitten showing her mother how well a bra fit...he was blushing so hard he felt light headed! Alex focused on his tigress, glad she couldn't see his nervousness through his fur, though she'd feel the flush of heat if she stepped close enough.

"Shopping for something sexy." She answered, grinning as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. Ali tugged him through the sale stuff, taking him to a deeper section of the store, the classier, sexier stuff. Alex found himself holding an armful of lacy silk, blushing for different reasons. He could only imagine Alessa wearing some of this stuff. He fingered a black thong that looked like it was little more than a lace belt with a string of pearls...

"Alex, help me find this in the right size." The tigress held up a half-cup bra of black and gold lace.

The fox cleared his throat. "What size?" he asked.

"You mean you don't already know?" Ali teased, sliding her hands over her delicious, full breasts, making Alex clear his throat. She laughed at him gently, nuzzling his shoulder. "Thirty-two D."

The size was a tough one to find, Alex had known his girl was special, but very few girls could boast such perfection. A clerk opened the dressing room for Ali and she looked at her boyfriend. "Stay."

Alex laughed, handing over her selections. "My pleasure." He leaned against the wall as the clerk disappeared and his lover slipped into the dressing room. After a minute or two, Alex pulled the card out of his pocket, looking it over again slowly. The gibberish printed was in heavy, clear block text and at first glance, it made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

The Fox had just started to see a pattern in the text, when the door of the small dressing room opened. He looked up just in time to see a paw reach out and snag his wrist, yanking Alex into the dressing room before anyone noticed what happened...Alex found himself face to face with a vision of lust.

Ali stretched slowly, her hands sliding up over her head, feeling the weight of her boyfriend's gaze roving her body. The black and gold lifted her breasts, giving her perfect cleavage, contrasting the white and black stripes of her fur beautifully. Alex's gaze slid down her taut stomach to the thick silky garter belt holding up a pair of silken thigh highs that had no purpose other than making Alex's mouth water. She'd chosen a micro-thong of pure black, the tiny triangle of silk stretching tightly over her pussy lips, the straps arching up high over her hips so they'd be visible if she wore a pair of jeans. "what do you think?"

"I think you look so fuckable it hurts." Alex answered, his tongue licking his lips nervously.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you prove it?" she asked, stalking forward and pressing Alex against the door with one paw on his chest.

"Ali, you're insatiable..." his paws slid around her waist and pulled her body tight against him. His fingers slid down to her ass and squeezed hard, making his girlfriend murr. "we can't here..." he whispered, blushing nervously.

"We can, and if you don't, I'm going to be very upset with you." She answered, her teeth sliding around his throat, reminding him that she was the predator made Alex's cock throb for release. "Get your pants off..." she demanded, purring deep in her throat.

Alex couldn't get out of the jeans fast enough, dropping to his knees. He leaned forward and nuzzled her sweet pussy through that tiny thong, his fingers pulling it to the side so he could bury his tongue in her. Ali murred, letting her head roll back, her hair brushing over her shoulders as she pushed fingers into his hair, rubbing Alex's ears. "wait..." she moaned. She reached over to the pile of silk and pulled out a cute, deep blue pair of panties and held them up.

"What...?" Alex asked, laying his muzzle on her stomach and looking up at her. "They're nice...whatever you want, you can have."

Ali smiled toothily at that. "Really?" she asked, her eyes glittering mischeviously. "Put them on."

That brought her boyfriend up short...the fox gaped at her. "WHAT!?" he hissed, shocked and barely keeping his voice low enough.

"You said whatever I want, and I want to see your fat cock stretching these out." Ali answered, mischievous laughter in her whisper. "Do it." She watched her fox try to wrap his mind around it.

He bit her hip hard enough to make her take a sharp breath. "Alright...but if I wear something you want, you have to wear something I want." he challenged. Ali grinned and stepped back, leaning against the mirror sexily and tossing the panties on his muzzle. Alex pushed to his feet and stepped into the panties. They were tight, stretching as he pulled them up his thighs, silk on his fur making Alex shiver. His long, fat cock would never fit and when he struggled to try and pack it in, Ali came forward, dropping to her knees.

The Tigress' tail switched back and forth with pleasure as she pushed his hands away, lifting his fat tool and sliding her tongue over his tip slowly, bathing it lovingly. She pushed him up against his stomach, pulling the panties up so they stretched tightly over his heavy, fuzzy balls, trapping his fat cock against his waist, pointed straight up. Ali grinned and slowly licked the silken panties, teasing his package and making Alex groan, relaxing against the door.

"Watch in the mirror..." Ali whispered, licking up to the head of his cock, pulling it into her maw and sucking slowly. Alex opened his eyes and looked at himself, wearing a girl's tight top and now the panties. It was embarrassing...but they fit. The whole look was sexy on a level he would never have imagined. His sweet predatory girlfriend servicing him slowly, so wet she was almost dripping on the floor as she teased and pleased the fox's massive tool.

Alex rubbed her ears and pulled her mouth down a bit, her lips fighting the waistband out of her way as she swallowed more of his throbbing meat. The fox growled softly and pushed his hips forward, forcing his way into her throat, making Ali purr deeper in her chest as he got into it...Ali's hands slid down to her hot pussy, starting to tease herself, fingers twisting and rolling her clit while her boyfriend fucked her throat in time.

They brought themselves to the edge of climax, staying as silent as possible until Alex growled, pulling her mouth off him. Ali gasped in surprise as she felt his cum splash her fur...she looked up at Alex in lusty surprise as he painted her face with shot after shot of his hot, sweet release. Ali closed her eyes and let herself climax, biting her lip and riding out her orgasm, Fox cum all over her face fur, soaking her. Alex leaned down and licked over her closed eyes and she opened them, getting a kiss.

"So hot..."she purred, licking his cock clean and tucking it gently back into its new silken prison. She lifted a hand to wipe cum off her face and blinked when Alex caught her wrist.

"No, you're going to wear it." He whispered, sliding his fingers around her throat and pulling her up to her feet. "Get dressed and let's go pay."

Ali looked at him in shock. "wear it? Out...there?" Everyone would see! They'd smell it and know it was her boyfriend's cum...the idea sent thrills of lust through her body. She kissed him again and didn't offer a single word of protest. When she was dressed in her original outfit, Ali slipped out first, making sure the coast was clear. They went to the counter and at first the clerk didn't notice...she looked at Ali and frowned, seeing the matted fur, smelling the musk...Ali almost came from the clerk's stunned look.

Alex casually reached into his own waistband and pulled out a tag, tearing it off. "Oh, and these too." He said, blushing furiously. The clerk clicked her little price gun at the tag in a daze...they barely made it outside before Ali moaned, pulling her boyfriend to a corner of the hallway, shielding her from the crowd with his body.

"Oh god, Alex...I can't believe we just did that!" She looked up at him and kissed him furiously...Alex grinned and pressed her against the wall...his tongue slowly started to work through her facefur, cleaning off every drop of his cooling cum, making Ali moan softly with the attention. "I have to wash my face...and I need you to fuck me when we get home." She begged.

Her boyfriend laughed softly and nuzzled her. "Good girl. We'll get a dress and go. Go wash your face, I'll be right here." She nodded and slipped away from him, heading down the hall to the restrooms.

Alex leaned against the wall in a daze...until he felt the card in his pocket again...he pulled it out and looked at it, more curious than ever.....

Alex nuzzled the back of his lover's shoulder where she lay on the bed, making her smile sleepily. They'd gotten home a couple of hours ago and just finished working out the tension, leaving Ali exhausted. "How can you be going for a run?" she asked, turning to consider him, the fox wearing his usual athletic shorts and an old T-shirt.

Alex smiled. "It's just how I am..." he answered, shrugging. As tired as he was from all the sex, he couldn't deny the urge in his paws. "I'll be back later to pick you up for dinner."

Ali nodded. "Have fun." Her tail lashed as she kissed his knuckles. "Love you." She added, closing her eyes to take a nap.

Alex smiled. "Love you too." He answered, slipping out of his goddess' room and heading downstairs...he reached into his pocket and felt the card. He'd deciphered it finally at the gym...he glanced at the clock on his way out, seeing that he had about an hour to go before he was supposed to be at the west side of the park, more than enough time for a good run.

Alex's paws hit the pavement and he immediately felt the world fall away. He felt a little guilty that even when he was with his tigress, he didn't feel this at peace...but then again, Ali wasn't about peace. She was about passion and verve, she was the spice and the tempest...everything that ever came to mind when he thought of what he wanted.

Running was peace though, and the fox reveled in it, paws light as they carried him over pavement and curbs, taking him around the school once, through the skate park...he dodged other furs and crossed streets between vehicles, making his way to the park. When his feet found dirt paths instead of paved walks, he knew he was on the west end...a shame he didn't have a watch on him.

"You're early." The voice was familiar, making Alex turn and he found the bear coming toward him on a path, close enough that Alex was surprised he hadn't noticed the guy earlier. The bear lifted a cigarette to his maw, taking a drag and blowing the smoke away with the wind. "honestly, I wasn't sure you were going to make it at all."

Alex frowned at that, pulling the card out of his pocket and flicking it at the bear. "Cypher wasn't that hard..." he shrugged. "What, didn't you think I had the guts? Who the hell are you anyway?"

The bear chuckled softly. "No, I didn't." he answered. "My name is Aidan." He held out one massive paw and Alex came forward after a few moments of hesitation to shake his paw, the bear's paw easily engulfing Alex's much smaller one. "I'm a member of a special group. We call ourselves T.R.I.C.K.S., Tactical Recon Intelligence Collection and Key Skills." Aidan took another drag of his cigarette. "We're interested in recruiting you."

Alex blinked slowly at the bear. "Ok...uh, what?" he asked, folding his arms. "Aren't you a little old to be playing stupid pranks on teenagers?" he asked, then frowned, coming to the balls of his feet. "Or are you some kind of perv or something?" he looked around, ears twitching, making sure there was no one sneaking up on them.

Aidan laughed softly. "No, it's not a prank, and I'm not here to accost you." He shrugged and finished his cigarette, flicking it into the woods and looking at Alex. "I'm with a semi-military unit belonging to a private sector company that contracts with governments around the world. We take care of everything from recon to wetworks." He pursed his lips. "Whatever the job, we get it done. We scout new members in educational takes a certain IQ to catch our notice...and you make the cut."

Alex shook his head. "You're insane." He answered. "Certifiable, and this is just some weird fantasy of yours. What the hell makes you think I'd even be interested in something like that? Why the hell did you choose me?"

Aidan grinned. "Part of the acronym is Key Skills. You don't know it yet, but you're special. You're not like other furs your can do stuff." Aidan shrugged. "The geeks call it manifestation of effects using bioetheric energy. The rest of us just call it magic. Either way, you got it and we can teach you how to put it to good use." The bear fished into his jacket pocket for another smoke, studying Alex...the kid looked like he was going to burst out laughing any second.

"Ok, now I know you're off the deep end. Do you even hear yourself speak?" Alex looked around. "You're trying to sell me that can do magic. Like not magic tricks, but magic. You think I'm some kind of moron? I'm outta here." He turned on the ball of his footpads.

"Well, I can't exactly stop you..."Aidan answered. "And I don't blame you for thinking I'm crazy." He waited till the fox turned to look at him again, his ears pricked forward, waiting for some kind of confession. What Aidan gave him wasn't what he was expecting...he gave the boy proof. Aidan lifted the unlit cigarette to his muzzle and lifted his left paw, rubbing his fingertips together a few times, he snapped them hard and his paw caught fire, the flames rising from his fur without even singing him. He lit the cigarette before brushing his hands off, putting the flames out.

Alex gaped. There was no explanation for what he'd seen...with what the bear had been saying, his mind went straight to magic, then rebelled. "Nice trick, but just cuz you're good at sleight of hand, doesn't mean I believe you..."

Aidan chuckled. "You've got good instincts, but I'm not trying to trick you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a second business card. Rather than coming closer, he flicked it toward Alex, the card landing in the dirt at the boy's feet. "Alex, I'm offering you a singular opportunity, the chance to learn something about yourself...and make the kind of cash most furs only dream of."

Alex reached down to pick up the card, recognizing the cypher again, but the words on the card were obviously different. "What's this? I said I'm not buying what you're selling."

"It's another location and another time. You want to know if it's really a trick or not? Be there and you'll get your proof." Aidan grinned. "Trust me, son. You take this chance, and a whole new world opens up for you. Tricks is elite. The real deal, and we want you. Unless you show up, you'll probably never know why." Aidan gave the kid a wink and held up the paw he'd lit on fire. "Most furs your age only dream about this kind of stuff. You can live it. I ain't askin you to leave your life...most of us keep the job a secret. So what have you got to lose?"

Alex looked down at the card in his paw, then back up at the bear, frowning hard. "I still think you're full of shit." He answered slowly, rubbing the embossed lettering. "I'll think about it." He turned, leaving Aidan standing there on the dirt path, taking a shortcut across the park grass past a thicket and back out to the street. Had that been real? Was that even possible? Sure, everyone read fantasy books about firestarters and stuff...but could Aidan be the real thing? There was just no way to know for sure. "Well...there is one way." He muttered, touching the card in his pocket with a frown. He ran again, heading for Ali's house this time. It was almost sundown...almost time for dinner.

Part 6 is underway, thanks for all your patience and I hope you enjoy the story so far!


There she is... chapter 6

_Part 6 of Alex's adventure. (for quick yiff, ctrl+F skimpy)_ _ Here's what you missed last time on Gle(ahem)Yiff! Alex and Alessa skipped school and went to buy a dress. Alex ended up...

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There she is...chapter 4

_Part 4 of Alex's adventures. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff: Alex's mom found out he has a girlfriend and wants her over for dinner, Alex and Alessa had hot shower sex and Alex got caught by the wolves. A mysterious bear showed up with...

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There she is... chapter 3

_Part 3 of Alex's adventures. Alex rescued his fantasy girl from rape at the hands of the jocks. Alessa rewarded him good and proper, except daddy came home. Alex got the girl and her father got him. That's what you missed last time on Gle...I mean...

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