There she is... chapter 3

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#3 of There she is...

Part 3 of Alex's adventures. Alex rescued his fantasy girl from rape at the hands of the jocks. Alessa rewarded him good and proper, except daddy came home. Alex got the girl and her father got him. That's what you missed last time on Gle...I mean Yiff!

Alex's mother frowned softly when the young fox came downstairs wearing just a pair of athletic shorts, sticking his muzzle in the fridge to find a pre-made protein shake. She put her paws on her hips.

"Honestly, young man, how did I ever raise such a delinquent? You've been staying out till all hours and now you're not eating properly..."she came over and snatched the shake away from a surprised Alex. "Sit down, I'm making you real food."

The young fox looked at his mother like she'd gone insane. It was five in the morning, a full three hours before the school day started. Violette, his mother, was always up to see her husband off, but Alex had only started getting up early for the past week...since his first evening with Alessa he'd found out that she showered in the morning usually...and she loved company. Changing his runs to the mornings meant he had extra time in the afternoons as well.

"Mom, it's five AM. I'm not going to eat a heavy breakfast, besides, I'm going for a run." He complained, reaching for his shake.

Violette kept the bottle out of his reach with a frown. "Your father and I have barely seen you over the past week, Alex! I'm starting to get worried. You're always running and now you're hanging out at your friend's house all the time..." she put her paws on her hips again. "Is something going on? Are you doing drugs?"

Alex's jaw dropped open and he stared at her for a full thirty seconds, wondering if she was serious. "What!? Mom, no. that couldn't be the furthest thing from the..."

"Then what?" she demanded sharply, cutting him off. "You're never home, you're always..."

It was Alex's turn to cut his mother off, though he wasn't demanding. "At Ali's," he agreed. "She's my girlfriend. I like spending time with her." He admitted, fighting to keep the slight blush off his face. He hadn't told his parents yet...

"Girlfriend!?" Violette almost squeaked. Even for petite fox, that had been a surprising sound to come out of his mother. She suddenly hugged him, giving Alex a slightly awkward face full of her soft, deep cleavage. "My baby has a girlfriend! Oh I can't believe it, look at me I'm gonna cry!" she gushed.

"Mooooom..."Alex whined softly, pushing away from her breasts unable to fight the flush under his fur. "Look, it's no big..."

"Of course it is, sweetie!" she answered with a laugh. "When is she coming over for dinner?" Violette asked, forgetting to keep Alex's shake away from him as she flounced to the fridge. "oh I want to make something perfect, what kind of fur is she?"

Alex blushed harder. "She's a white tiger." He closed his eyes and suddenly saw her, the curve of a soft furred, perfect hip, the toned, slim stomach, crystalline white fur slashed with ebony stripes. Ali was his definition of beauty, so warm, soft, full breasts that pressed against his chest, the firm swell of her sweet ass filling his hand, tail wrapping around his wrist as he pushed into her slowly....he had to stop thinking like this or he'd be in real trouble on his run!

"Oh my, such a predator..." Violette cooed, smiling secretively. "I guess I can't blame you, it was the same when I met your father, so big and strong..."she shivered and Alex had an uncomfortable moment in his mind, substituting his own mother for Ali and his father for himself. Alex's father was canine rather than vulpine like his wife and son. While interspecies breeding was rare and often difficult, it was possible for furs, so long as the species weren't too completely different. Progeny of such a mix usually just took either the mother or father's species, rather than mixing the two, which was much more rare. Alex's father was a german shepherd, heavily muscled from years of working with wood, a master carpenter after twenty years of apprenticeship.

"Mom...ew." He said, making her roll her eyes. He flashed on Eric's strong paws sliding over his own body, pushing Alex to his knees and taking control of his muzzle...but he put those thoughts away immediately. He enjoyed every second....but such things would get him in sooooo much trouble, not to mention Eric and Ali. The young fox cleared his throat and killed half of his protein shake in a go. "I uh, I'll ask her if she wants to have dinner here sometime. No promises."

Violette frowned. "You'd better. None of this ‘I forgot' stuff." She told him with an admonishing finger. Alex backed away, sensing an opportunity to escape before she really got going.

"Right, no problem...I gotta run, ok? Bye, have a nice day!!" Alex started his morning run by fleeing his mother.

Alessa heard the front door downstairs shut softly and the soft conversation of two males...a smile creased her maw as she rolled over, her thick fuzzy tail curling and tapping the silk sheets. She looked at the copy of New Moon on her nightstand and remembered the fantasies the series had inspired, but much happier with the reality.

The tigress' door swung inward and Ali squeezed her eyes shut, wishing her tail would be still as she pretended to be asleep...her nose picked up the heady, musky scent of Alex fresh from a run, the clean, warm scent always made her stomach tingle... her lips curled into a cat-grin as she felt the first kiss on the small of her back, Ali purred and giggled softly with each tiny nip as he licked and kissed his way up her spine. The tigress turned over on one shoulder just as Alex reached her neck. The deep rumbling purr emanating from her chest got louder when she was on her back and Alex echoed her smile, the fox sliding a hand over her hip, fingers tightening possessively.

Ali kissed her foxy boyfriend, pulling him down so she could feel the slender but defined length of his torso pressing against her. She combed fingers through his fur, feeling the heat from his run, her well-tended claws leaving lines in the white fur of his chest, making the fox murr.

"Mmmmorning." Ali purred.

Alex nuzzled her softly in response, returning the kiss with one of his own. "You smell like Eric's cum." He told her, nuzzling the spot on her neck. There was more, he licked softly down her collarbone to her warm, delicious breast.

"I like it better when you call him daddy." She said, purring contentedly as he licked her nipple long and slow, making her back arch. "He was pent up from watching us last night...when you went home I helped him."

Alex nodded at still shocked him sometimes, not only was he ok with the idea of Ali pleasuring her father, it made his own shaft swell a little, the mere thought of the taboo act turning him on. The fox pressed his hips forward and up and Ali gave a low, throaty moan, feeling the thickness of him pressing against her through his running shorts.

"feels good..."she murred, reaching up to rub her boyfriend's black pointed ears as he slowly licked the dried cum out of her fur, moving down to her stomach. Ali wore a pair of black lace panties on her hips, she knew it turned her boyfriend on, especially when he got to play with them, his tongue slowly licking her puffy, sensitive pussy lips through the lacy silk. Ali's head fell back and she yowled softly...he knew just how to do it, making her whole body tingle.

Alex's tongue slid around her panties his lips and teeth pulling them to the side as he slowly dug his tongue deep and hard into the tigress' sweet pussy. Maybe this was why her servicing her father didn't bother him...this was all his. He'd once asked Eric why he never touched his daughter's pussy, not once, and the older Tiger had snorted softly.

"What? You want me taking away your pleasures?" Eric had laughed a bit and ruffled the fox's hair between his ears, the thick, heavy hand feeling good on Alex's head. "My daughter is a good girl...but she's upstairs waiting for you to mate her, not me."

Alex had grinned toothily before dropping to his knees for Eric...Alex definitely didn't mind paying the toll to the staircase, he was starting to enjoy the older tiger's body though not even close to the way he worshipped the goddess beneath his muzzle.

The fox's thick tongue slid upward, circling his goddess' sweet little button. He sucked softly, making Ali cry out softly again, her knees rising on either side of his ears. One of the tigress' paws dug into Alex's shoulder, claws catching a little as her pads flexed and dug, Ali lost in pleasure on the tip of her fox's tongue.

Alex gave a soft growl and bit her thigh, pressing on Ali's clit with his thumb, the hypersensitive button sending shockwaves of pleasure through her, the tigress' body bucked and bowed as a small orgasm overcame her...she opened her eyes and looked down at Alex, his talented tongue only whetting her appetite. "Shower?"

The fox grinned at that, "Sounds good." He agreed, standing and letting Ali up...she came up to her paws, leaning against Alex and stretching deliciously, the round fullness of her breasts pressing against him, her paws sliding down his stomach to push his shorts off. The tigress darted away from her fox, slipping out into the hall and heading to their morning shower.

Alex caught up to his lover just as she stepped under the spray and she giggled softly a he gave a hungry growl, stepping in behind her. "God you're so sexy..." he murred, watching the water slick her fur down, emphasizing every perfect curve.

"Oh really?" she asked innocently, stretching her hands over her head, stretching her whole body for his viewing pleasure, years of gymnastics giving her the smooth, toned athletic body blended perfectly with a fully developed tigress. Ali turned and had no trouble at all bending low to grab her ankles, long, perfect legs spread just enough... "Do you like my ass, foxy boy?" she asked, her playful green eyepeeking over one shoulder.

Alex was a lot less shy about touching his goddess than he used to be, stepping forward to slide fingers into the tigress' fur, nails dimpling the skin under her fur, making her whimper teasingly. "Put your hands on the wall, pet, and I'll show you just how much I like this ass." He answered. The pet name made her growl, but Alex had lined his fat cock up to her tight little entrance and her growl became a moan as he forced his massive head between her sweet lips, pre gushing into her, making Ali even slicker.

Alex couldn't help teasing her softly, his paw on the center of her back. "God you're so tight, pet." He said, using the nickname again. She flashed him an angry glare that melted into pure bliss as he drove himself hard and slow into her. "You tighten up even more when you're mad." Hilting himself in his tigress, Alex murred. "I like fucking angry pussy."

"God you're such a dick..." Ali moaned, pressing her breasts against the tiled wall, hot water falling on her ass and her boyfriend's stomach. "I'll make daddy beat you up..."

Alex laughed softly, withdrawing a little. "But I'm still going to fuck your angry pussy, kitten." She dug her fingers into the tiles, trying to give him a furious growl when all that came was a luxurious purr. Her boyfriend's thrust drove her up to her tiptoes and made Ali give a soft yowl.

"Harder." Ali begged, pushing her hips back even as he fucked her up onto her tiptoes again and again, every thrust sending waves of passionate heat through her. "Oh Fuck...Fuck!"

Alex groaned and bit his lip, answering his goddess' desire with a thrust so deep he found the end of her, pressing for entrance into her womb. Ali whimpered with every thrust demanding entrance...she looked over her shoulder at the fox with one eye, her slick hair making soft round leopard ears twitch and fight for freedom. "I want to feel every inch of you in me." Ali demanded softly.

The fox licked his lips, meeting that gaze. "Bite your lip." When she did he sank fingers into that tight ass and drove himself into the girl so hard she screamed, feeling him force his way into her deepest places, feeling him fill her completely...completing her.

"I'm going to cum!" she panted, licking water off the tiles, licking with a need that she couldn't explain, just sheer desire. "Make me cum! Fill me up Alex!"

Alex closed his eyes, his palms, filled with the tight roundness of her ass, squeezed so hard his nails left deep dimples. He gave quick, short thrusts, heavy package slapping against her sweet lips. "Here I come, Ali..."

"Yessss!" Ali hissed in answer, feeling him swell inside her, actually lifting her off her toes with his hardest thrust yet. She came, vision exploding in stars as her spine bowed, her tail suddenly straightening out as waves of pleasure crashed over her. The fox filled her, shot after shot of burning hot cum filling her. It felt like a gallon! Ali loved it when he came inside her, loved the warmth and strength of him dominating her body, a side of her fox that only she was privileged to.

Alex reached down and pulled her away from the wall, tight against his chest and she murred, smiling deeply as she felt his length withdraw a bit, though still filling her tight pussy. This was something else she loved...Alex. The fox bit her neck softly, hugging her close lovingly. This was the perfect way to start a day...

Alex adjusted the backpack on his shoulder, standing to wait in line as furs filed out of their last class. Even if they would have liked to run for the hills, there were just too many young furs filling the halls to do more than shuffle. Alex was feeling antsy, he always did after a long day of sitting on his ass, listening to teachers lecture. Even his most interesting classes, English and history, just weren't enough...the fox needed to move. He needed to run.

Hitting his locker on the way out he grabbed what he needed for homework and left the rest, shuffling toward the outer doors. Ali had gymnastics this afternoon, so he wouldn't see her until after, he'd pick her up and they could walk home together. In the meantime he could maybe get a bit of a run in...

The fox's considerations kept him oblivious enough that he only heard someone coming behind him at the last second, way too late to stop him from getting grabbed, two hands on either arm, lifting Alex up off his paws. The fox's ears laid flat and he yipped in surprise. "what the hell!?"

"Well, Well, Well. If it ain't the cockblocker himself." The wolf's voice made Alex's blood run cold. "Me and the boys been lookin' for a chance to have some words with you." Alex's captors carried him around the corner of the highschool, bringing them back to the edge of the football field, well out of the view of the crowd and any teachers.

The wolf stepped into view as Alex got pinned against the wall by the other two canines. He started things off by burying his fists in Alex's ribs, twice in succession. Alex would have coughed if he'd still had his wind, instead he wheezed. The wolf licked a paw and slicked his headfur back vainly.

The fox caught his breath with effort, gasping and looking up at his tormentor. "You got a nice jab there, ever thought about boxing?" The idea that antagonizing his oppressor was probably not a smart idea only crossed Alex's mind dimly. It earned him a right hook that had him seeing stars.

"Think you're funny, smartass? Me and my boys, we noticed that no cops showed up the other day. You really think you could make fools of us and get away with it?" the wolf punched him again. "What's that? Not so smart now, huh?"

Alex groaned softly, his head rolling a bit. "Give me a break, it's been a long day, how about we reschedule this for tomorrow and I'll have a few more one liners memorized." Alex found himself baring his teeth at the wolf.

What the hell am I doing!? He's going to fucking kill me! Alex found himself agreeing with the little voice in his head, but for some reason, giving these thugs the satisfaction...well, maybe Ali and her dad had given him a little more spine than he'd used to have. Or maybe not, he was scared shitless. That didn't stop Alex from looking at the Doberman. "Bet you're really sorry I interrupted though, god she really is a tiger in bed..."

The Doberman snarled at him lifting a paw to get in a punch of his own. One hand off was all Alex needed. The second the Doberman let Alex's paws touch the ground he sprang, sacrificing his backpack to twist free of the other thug. The wolf's fist swept over Alex's head, the fox ducking low and sidestepping around the wolf. Just like that Alex was free, darting away quick, right to the bleachers.

Alex turned on impulse, standing on the balls of his feet and panting, his ribs aching fiercely. "What's the matter boys? Don't feel like going for a run?" he actually clapped his hands, whistling at them. "Come on, time for walkies!" Alex laughed fiercely as he took off, hearing the wolf howl in rage behind him. The three thugs pounded after their quarry, but Alex wasn't waiting around...and he was damn fast.

The thugs gave up after less than ten minutes, halfway through the residential district surrounding school...Alex figured his backpack was long lost, but considering how much the books cost, he decided to circle back. He was right about the bag, shredded and its contents spilled all over the ground, anything of value stolen...but he was surprised to find someone waiting for him.

A stocky fur, obviously about middle aged. It took him a second to identify the fur's species...the only bears he'd ever seen had been pretty close to rotund. The fur waiting for him was large, not obscenely tall, but it was easy to see that he wasn't overweight, he was just heavily muscled.

His jacket and the shirt beneath were rolled back from forearms as thick as Alex's thighs, massive paws that could have covered Alex's entire head easily. Despite that, he couldn't have been bigger than a thirty-six in the waist. It was the fuzzy round ears that labeled the chocolate colored fur a bruin.

He put a cigarette that looked far too small for him between his lips, taking a pull before flicking it away, looking at Alex. "Nice moves. I was wondering if you were going to taunt them into killing you."

Alex frowned. "And you were just gonna watch? Gee, thanks Mr. Good Samaritan." The fox gathered up his notebooks, as much as he could, trying to salvage the torn text books.

The bear chuckled at that. "I'm not interested in you if you can't handle yourself." He returned. He dug into his pocket and tossed Alex his Ipod. "One of them dropped this on his way home. Thought you might want it back."

Alex caught the player, but frowned at the bruin instead of thanking him. "Interested in me? What do you mean?" for a moment he flashed on Eric and the thought of this bear wanting sent a shiver through Alex.

"You'll find out soon enough." The bear answered, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small card. "It's a location, date and time." He raised an eyebrow. "Coded...think you can handle it?"

Alex frowned, looking down at the card and finding it covered in a sequence of numbers that made absolutely no sense at first glance. He looked up at the bear. "What are you, a secret agent? Don't you know I'm not supposed to take candy from strangers?"

The bruin laughed at that, pulling another cigarette out of his pocket, he fished a lighter from the jacket. "You figure it out and show up, I'll answer some questions for you..."he glanced around as a way of indicating the earlier scuffle. "And you might learn something you'll want to know next time they find you...or go after your tigress."

Alex's eyes sharpened and his ears pricked forward. "Who the hell are you? How do you know about Ali?"

The bear spread his paws. "You don't figure out the code, you'll never know. You'll never see me again and you don't have anything to fear from me. Figure it out, and you'll get some answers...that's when the interesting stuff starts." He gave Alex a wink, taking a step or two before he turned. "See you there, Alex Reyes."

The second piece of information the bruin knew and shouldn't...Alex's brow furrowed, standing up...he looked down at the card in his paw with a frown. When he looked up, the bear was gone.

To be continued!

There she is...chapter 4

_Part 4 of Alex's adventures. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff: Alex's mom found out he has a girlfriend and wants her over for dinner, Alex and Alessa had hot shower sex and Alex got caught by the wolves. A mysterious bear showed up with...

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there she is...chapter 2

_(Contains sexual contact between an adult and minors, incest, male/male action, oral, anal, good god it's a whole lotta sex, and maybe a little love! If you don't like it, stop fapping or you'll get furry palms! If you already have furry palms and...

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There she is...

_(I've been getting a lot of positive comments from everyone, wanted to say thank you and I appreciate the support and the critical reading too! This story contains sexual contact between an adult and a minor, incest and oral. If you don't like it,...

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