there she is...chapter 2

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#2 of There she is...

(Contains sexual contact between an adult and minors, incest, male/male action, oral, anal, good god it's a whole lotta sex, and maybe a little love! If you don't like it, stop fapping or you'll get furry palms! If you already have furry palms and you're ok with it, enjoy the second half of Alex's adventure!)

Part 2 of Alex's adventure. Here comes the real yiff. If you skipped here, you should know that Alex likes Ali and he saved her from being raped. Ali services her dad often but she's wishing she had something more from someone. That's what you missed last time on Yiff!

Alex shut his locker and sat down tying ankle weights just above his paws. He wore an old T-shirt and long shorts, perfect for a run after a long school day. His paws hit the pavement minutes later, the buds stuck in his pricked forward ears and plugged into his phone playing hard and fast rhythms by The Crystal Method.

Ali leapt up onto the football field bleachers, walking one seat with casual feline grace. After a balance beam, the bleachers were kittens-play, but still fun. Her long, striped tail lashed behind her, maintaining balance perfectly. She was wearing a pair of tight shorts that hugged her tight ass beautifully, a sports bra struggling to hold her breasts tight. She enjoyed the sunshine on her bare fur and did a cartwheel-to-handspring off the end of the bleachers, landing as light as any good cat.

"Impressive." A male's voice spoke from behind the bleachers, the wolf clapping softly as he and two friends moved forward to surround Ali. She frowned, looking between the three jocks one at a time.

"Uh, thanks?" She raised an eyebrow, folding her arms over her chest. The tigress' tail wrapped around her waist, echoing her nervousness. "What do you want?"

The wolf grinned toothily at her, glancing at his friends. "How about you giving us a more private demonstration of your flexibility?" the wolf stepped forward and lifted a hand, putting it right on her breast. The tigress leapt back as if she'd been burned.

"How about you piss off, asshole." She answered, covering her chest with her arms protectively, the fur on the back of her neck standing up.

"Aww, comeon baby. Don't be like that." One of the other jocks, a doberman came forward and this time when Ali backed up she found herself backed right up against the metalwork of the bleachers. The doberman grinned and reached out, casually pulling the strap of her sports bra. Ali twisted and batted his hand away, the wolf laughed.

"You're gonna give us what we want, bitch. Why not enjoy it?" his hand shot out and grabbed her tail, yanking hard. Ali cried out as pain flared and she was forced to spin or else have her tail broken. The Doberman snagged her sports bra straps and shredded them, releasing Ali's sweat breasts, the chill air making her nipples come to attention amid her pure white fur.

"Stop it! No I don't want to!" Ali cried, shaking her head, trying to pull away. The wolf grabbed her tail in two hands and twisted, making her scream.

"shut your fucking maw, bitch. Or better yet, just stop talking. Paul? Why don't you gag the slut." The third jock slid his hand down to his pants and came forward, cupping his package. "with pleasure." He said, grinning lustily at the tigress' sexy little body.

Alex spun as he came around the curve of the highschool, jogging toward the football field, enjoying the rhythms in his ears...he came to one of the huge metal dumpsters behind the bleachers and a sudden scream brought him up short. Had it been in his headphones?

The fox pulled out his earbuds and instantly heard the sounds of a struggle. He pressed against the dumpster, keeping his breathing quiet as he peered around the corner. He instantly leapt back.

Three jocks, all looking violent and horny, and between them was the girl of his dreams. Alex's heart thudded like he was running a marathon suddenly. What to do? He was no match for three huge jocks, but the cops would never come fast enough. He looked at his phone for a few moments, then got a crazy idea.

He tore out the headphone cord, hearing another scream and Ali crying, his fingers shook as he searched his library of ringtones for what he needed. Alex turned the volume up as high as he could and set his phone down next to the dumpster. With a soft prayer, he came around the side.

"Hey!" he yelled, getting all three jocks attention instantly. "I called the cops, you better run!" his hidden paw touched his phone and he stepped away from the dumpster into the open. Less than a second or two later, the soft sound of sirens echoed and the three jocks tensed, all looking toward the wolf.

"Fucking fox...I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna beat the shit out of you." The leader snarled, snapping his fingers, he shoved Ali to the ground and took off across the football field, his friends in hot pursuit.

Alex let out a breath, watching them for only a second before he dashed over to Ali. "Are you ok?" he asked softly. He saw her bare breasts, barely covered by her arms and he blushed, instantly pulling his shirt off. "here."

Ali looked up at the fox, sniffing, her tears drying in her fur slowly. She didn't understand the shirt for a second, then she took it shyly, pulling it on over her head. It was tight in the chest, but big enough to cover her and she was grateful.

"Thank saved me." She offered him a hesitant smile and Alex returned it when he looked up to her face.

" was nothing. Comeon, we should go." He took her hand gently and pulled her up.

"Shouldn't we wait for the police?" she asked. Alex shook his head at that, giving a small shrug.

"I never called them." The bare chested fox led her around to the other side of the dumpster and he picked up his phone, playing the siren ringtone again.

Ali's jaw dropped in shock. "" she couldn't help laughing, even if she was still getting over her tears. "Clever fox..." she looked the boy over, surprised that he was so toned, lean but...with definition. She blushed a bit. "And my hero."

Alex's turn to blush, he gave a shrug and offered her a smile. "Comeon, I'll walk you home." He was surprised when she reached out and took his hand, lacing fingers with him, giving a nod.

Alex looked up at the victorian that he'd only really studied at night, licking his lips a bit. Ali let them in and she smiled a bit. "Can I get you something to drink, Alex?" she asked. He shook his head. "No, its fine...uh, if you wouldn't mind, I could jump through your shower really quick...I was running when I found you." He lifted his backpack where he had extra clothes.

Ali blinked a bit, but she nodded. "Sure thing, here, let me show you the bathroom." She took him upstairs, Alex following and he licked his lips. God, that ass was so perfect!

He followed her to the second floor bathroom and nodded. "Thanks, I'll just be a minute, I've got my clothes right here, no worries." Alex stepped into the bathroom and Ali closed the door behind him. She pursed her lips. He was pretty. Not just handsome, but he had a nice body and that whole thing with the cellphone...he was smart!

Ali looked at the door, hearing the shower start up and her ears pricked forward a bit, her tail lashing as she rolled her lips. The tigress waited a few minutes just to be sure, then she turned the knob silently and slipped in, looking at the steamy smoked glass of the shower. She carefully pulled off the borrowed shirt and shimmied out of her tight shorts, then tapped softly on the glass.

Alex almost slipped and fell from sheer panic. "What!?" he asked, fighting to make sure his voice didn't crack.

Ali grinned and pulled the sliding glass open, stepping into the hot, steamy shower with him. "I never really thanked you properly for what you did...I want to show my gratitude."

The fox almost pinched himself. There she was, his goddess, her smooth, beautiful body within arms-reach. Before Alex could really think of something smooth to say or even any response at all, she stepped close, the hot waterfall soaking her fur as she leaned into the fox and kissed him, her claws sliding into his chest fur gently, combing through the soft, snow white fur, making him murr into her lips.

He was nervous, that much was for sure, but even nervous he was smart enough to let the kiss happen without overthinking it, sliding his hands around the small of the tigress' back, pulling her close.

Ali happily responded, enjoying the feel of his paws sliding down to her tight little ass and squeezing hard...she gasped a bit. "Alex!" she started, making him hesitate. She grinned, having tricked the smart fox and murring. "That feels good."

The fox thought he'd done something wrong for a second, then laughed when he realized the tigress was teasing him. Her tail wrapped around his arm and he squeezed again, pulling her tight against his lean form. He couldn't believe this was Alessa Frasier in his arms, warm and willing.

She slid a paw down his chest and stomach then gasped in surprise. Ali pulled back a bit, wanting to see what was filling her paw...Alex was huge! The fox's sheathe was as big around as her wrist and with how much was already sliding forth, he was going to be easily as long as her father.

"Sorry..." Alex started, seeing her shock and mistaking it for displeasure. "if you'd rather not..." he shut up when she squeezed nice and hard.

"It's beautiful." She answered, sliding gracefully to her knees. The fox leaned back as he felt her muzzle slide around his shaft, hot and soft, slightly rough tongue slick with saliva stroking over his sensitive cock.

"oh god..." he groaned, fingers sliding up to stroke her headfur, rubbing her ears nice and slow as she sucked his fat cock into her throat, sinking down as far as she could on his length. He felt his balls tensing up and he gently pulled the sweet tigress off his cock, pulling her up to her feet with a soft kiss. "let's clean up first..."

About ten minutes later and Ali tossed down a couple of towels on her bed, pushing Alex down onto his back. She crawled between his thighs again and felt his eyes watching as she slowly sucked his fat cock, tonguing every hard, throbbing inch. She loved his little moans and murrs, his hips rising just a little now and then, to which she sank down hard, letting him fuck her throat gently. Alex had a surprising amount of stamina, helped by her slow, soft techniques. Ali was enjoying sucking the fox's beautiful cock, not wanting it to end too soon...neither heard the front door shut.

"What the hell is going on here!?"

The voice made Alex's eyes snap open instantly. He looked up to see the biggest Tiger he'd ever imagined. "Mr. Frasier!" Alex was instantly ashamed of the squeak, but there was no taking it back.

Ali turned, looking at her father with a pout, obviously not as afraid as the fox. She moved to the side to let Alex stand, his tool wilting fast. "Daddy, this is Alex." Ali said, leaning gently against the fox's leg...she liked how lean he was. Less imposing than her father...more comfortable.

"Alex?" Eric looked up from his daughter, pinning the fox with a glare that had Alex's throat drying out instantly. The poor fox was pretty sure he was about to be smashed into a furry reddish smear. "Get the fuck over here, boy."

The fox gulped and glanced down at Ali, but she just curled up, looking beautiful and waiting...had she set him up or something or was she just waiting for him to prove that he wasn't afraid? Alex stepped forward, standing in front of the much bigger fur. Compared to Mr. Frasier's muscled body, he was almost diminutive.

Eric looked the boy over, glancing at his daughter again, Ali smiling beautifully in response. With the boy terrified out of his mind, it was all too easy for the tiger to take advantage. "You think you're good enough to be with my daughter?" he snarled, making Alex quaver a bit. "Get on your knees and prove it."

Alex's head came up at that, blinking. On his knees? He hadn't figured it out fast enough because the tiger's paw landed heavily on his head, pushing him down to his knees hard. Alex barely fought down a yip, but finding himself level with the tiger's zipper he gaped.

"You can't be serious." He looked up past the tiger's giant paw, looking for some kind of joke. Seeing nothing but seriousness, he tried to look over his shoulder at Ali.

Eric fixed the fox's head with his paw, forcing Alex to look at his bulge. "Deadly serious, boy." His choice of words was deliberate and Alex's shock gave way to that fear again. He had no choice.

Alex's paws rose up to the tiger's bulge and he traced the shape of it through Eric's trousers...the tiger was definitely impressive. Alex licked his maw, finding himself strangely turned on, knowing the man's daughter was watching as he slowly unzipped the tiger's pants. He found the tiger's bare fur beneath them, no underwear, and Alex pulled the trousers off, revealing a thick sheathe.

"Let's see if that little tongue is good enough to pleasure my princess." The tiger's demand sent shivers through Alex...he couldn't believe he was hearing this! What was with this family!?

Ali watched carefully as her father forced the boy to lean forward and slowly lick the soft fur of her father's sheathe...her eyes slid to Alex's crotch and she broke into a grin, seeing that the boy's arousal was coming back! Ali's fingers slid down her stomach as she watched, Alex's lips sliding around her father's cock, coaxing it from his sheathe.

Alex's paws lifted to rest on the tiger's rock hard thighs, his tongue slipping and sliding around the burning hot shaft in his mouth. Like any fur his age, he'd imagined what being with another male would be like...but he'd never realized it could be so arousing. The sheer power of the older male had him transfixed, a predator fucking the fox's mouth nice and slow.

The tigress behind Alex pounced happily, her paws sliding around Alex to paw his shaft slowly, squeezing pre onto the plush carpet. Alex groaned and murred, diving onto the fat cock between his lips, trying for a deepthroat and coughing when he failed.

Eric chuckled softly. "Practice makes perfect, boy. Keep sucking." He purred, grinning at his daughter as she bit Alex's shoulder, watching hungrily while the boy's mouth worked her father. Ali pulled at the boy's shoulders from behind, making his lips pop off the tiger's head.

"Mine!" she said, making Eric laugh and Alex blink, both males thinking for a moment that she was referring to themselves. At first it seemed like Alex won, she pulled the fox up onto the bed and slid over him, leaning down to kiss her fox boy deeply...but when Eric came to the bed and stood over their heads, she broke the kiss and lifted her muzzle, diving lustily onto her father's cock.

Alex's brain went flatline. He watched in pure shock as the sweet, sexy tigress blew her own father like a pro, he watched her throat bulge with the girth of his length in it. He thought he'd be pissed...instead, Alex found his own cock so hard it throbbed painfully. His hands slid up to her tight ass and he squeezed nice and hard, making the tigress moan.

Eric grinned when he saw the boy responding...he took his daughter's hair in one fist, pulling his shaft out of her mouth and lowering it to Alex. The fox obediently slurped his cock head, pulling like he wanted more in his mouth, pre coating his tongue. Ali's hands splayed on the boy's chest and she pushed her hips up, sliding back just a bit.

She looked up at her father as she felt Alex slide into her pussy, a look of pure lust making her deep green eyes turn dull for a moment. She sank nice and slow on the fox's massive tool, making Alex moan around her father's cock.

The boy blinked when he felt pressure, not just the pressure of her tight little pussy...real resistance. He only had a moment to realize that this was the first time for her, she'd never had a man inside that amazing pussy, before she suddenly bucked her hips down, tearing herself open with his burning hot shaft. Ali yowled softly at the pain of losing her virginity.

Eric smiled softly and leaned down, kissing his daughter slowly, his thumb rubbing her tears into her fur. Ali nuzzled against that hand, the pain fading quickly, replaced by pleasure...she felt so full. God, Alex was so big. The tigress offered Eric a smile and he looked at her with the loving eyes of a father, getting to share his daughter's first moment of true pleasure, thanks to the fox beneath them both.

Poor Alex had almost been forgotten for a moment, though his mind was barely keeping up with the fantasy he was living. He had a moment of victory, feeling the tiger's cock slide into his throat, past his gag reflex and Eric growled softly, showing his appreciation by slowly pressing deeper till his balls rested on the boy's nose. Alex nuzzled them.

Ali's hips began to rise and fall in slow, tiny thrusts, the tigress still needed to get used to the monster splitting her tiny pussy open. The three moved in slow unison, grinding and thrusting, slowly gaining speed and force... Eric's cock popped out of the boy's mouth and Alex groaned a deep breath.

"Mr. Fr..." he started, but couldn't finish, his paws gripping Ali's sweet ass, pulling her down tight and hard. Ali yowled again, sheer pleasure making her body quiver and shake, an orgasm striking her like lightning.

"Call me, Daddy." The tiger said, reaching out and twisting his daughter's nipple, making the tigress moan lustily. "good girl, ride that big prick..." honestly, Eric was impressed with the boy's stamina!

Ali panted softly, falling forward and grinding softly on the boy's fat cock...she murred deeply. "Daddy, I want to feel you inside me too..." she begged, looking up at her father and lifting her muzzle to kiss his throbbing hard cock.

Eric grinned toothily. This was something else he'd taught his daughter to enjoy...she'd saved her flower for a special boy, but that didn't mean she hadn't learned to take her father's cock. Eric slid his fingers through her hair, walking around the bed, to crawl behind his daughter. He pawed slowly, getting his fingers slick with pre, slowly pressing a slick finger into her tight, sexy ass.

Ali looked down at the fox beneath her and moaned, her eyes rolling back, leaning down to kiss the boy's muzzle. He answered the kiss warmly. His goddess was so amazing, he wanted nothing more than to see her cumming again. He murred and slid paws over her ass, sitting up and forcing her up as well, he started fucking her nice and slow, lifting her gymnast body and letting gravity slam her all the way back down. The new angle let him find the end of her, making little Ali purr lustily.

Eric took advantage of the new position, sliding his own hips forward and pressing his cocktip against her tight tail hole. He pressed and she yowled softlyas he popped past her tight ring, forcing inch after inch slowly into her ass. The boys could feel each other inside her and Alex looked at the tiger, licking his lips.

Eric didn't understand the look at first...until he felt the boy's hips roll and heard his daughter moan...Alex challenged the tiger and the tigress' father laughed. They would compete to make Ali cum again, both fucking her hard and slow.

Ali was going insane, she'd never felt so full, so amazing...the lusty competition had her climbing to another orgasm and she cried out, leaning back against her father. Alex growled at his loss and he leaned in, nuzzling and sucking Ali's breasts, teasing her nipples softly. He fucked harder and faster and Ali whimpered, yowling with her most intense climax yet, falling into Alex this time. Her body clenched tight on the fox's beautiful cock and Alex's own eyes squeezed shut as he finally lost control, pumping the tigress' body full of white hot cum, the tigress kissed him passionately.

Eric watched the boy claim a victory like that, amused. Ali's body went limp between them, so well fucked and pleasured, she'd literally passed out. Alex stopped his thrusting as well, wrapping his arms tenderly around the girl as Eric dismounted. Alex let her fall back onto the bed gently, one of her paws landing on her taut tummy, warm with fox seed. Alex slid out of the sexy little goddess and he looked up at Eric, his expression one of exhaustion and pleasure.

The tiger grinned toothily at the hazy look and pounced on his daughter's fox. Alex yipped in surprise as the tiger's strong paws pulled him up off the bed and Eric sat, putting the fox astride his hips.

"Uh, si...Daddy," he corrected himself, blushing furiously at the term. Somehow having the man's rock hard shaft down his throat was less embarrassing than calling the muscled tiger that name. "What are you doi..."

Eric pulled the boy forward so his body arched gracefully, hips up. "You don't think I'm going to let you get away without taking care of Daddy, are you?" he growled, the deep, lusty tone making Alex's eyes drop. The fox's eyes widened, suddenly nervous again. He understood now. Alex could feel the strong paws slide down to his ass and Alex fought to relax.

"Go slow." He asked, voice soft and almost disbelieving. What the hell was he saying!? It was like someone else had taken control of his body...someone more than willing to see to the father's needs after pleasing the daughter.

"Don't worry, fox." The tiger growled, teasing the boy's tailhole slowly, making Alex murr. "You'll like it just as much as she does."

Ali curled up next to them, happy and full of cum, still completely asleep but still managing to be adorable. Alex watched her tail wrap around her waist before he turned to Eric. "Yes, Daddy." He answered, slowly pushing back to tease the tiger's slightly barbed cock. He ground slowly up and down, hot pre making his tailhole slippery. The tiger reached up and slid a thumb into Alex's muzzle, letting the boy suck on it as he gave daddy a slow, amateur lap dance.

Alex knew he wasn't going to be any more ready than he was right now, his own shaft starting to harden on the tiger's rippling abs. the young fox nipped Eric's thumb softly as he pressed himself down, whimpering as the fat cock head forced it's way in.

Eric purred with pleasure. Even tighter than his daughter, he slowly bucked his hips upward into the fox, forcing inch after inch into the boy's entrance. Alex hung on, tears stinging his eyes as the tiger stretched him, until finally their hips met. Alex breathed out long and shaky, looking up at Eric.

"Good boy. Now start slow until you're used to it..." the tiger demanded, making the boy service him, Alex's legs tensed, pulling himself off the cock only to push back down again, feeling pain slowly fade.

Eric's fat cock ground against the fox's prostate and Alex's whole body jerked at the spike of pleasure. Almost instinctively he ground again, making that pleasure hit his body like electricity. In moments Alex was begging for help, whining softly. "Fuck me, Daddy. I need more..."

Eric growled softly, gripping the boy's lean hips, he lifted Alex and slammed him down nice and hard. Alex whimpered and moaned like a slut. "oh god, fuck me, fuck me hard Daddy!"

The tiger wasn't about to disappoint. Eric thrust his hips upward, pulling the boy down with every thrust, fucking the tight little fox so hard that the boy shed tears, begging for more. It wasn't long before both of them reached a point they couldn't come back from and the tiger slammed his hips tight against the boy's ass, spilling a gallon of seed into Alex.

Alex cried out, his tail standing straight as he felt Daddy erupt, his own climax slammed him hard and he painted the tiger's chest with his own white hot cum. His orgasm floored him, his body so used and so flooded with pleasure he felt exhaustion rushing over him. The boy toppled onto the bed next to Ali and felt the tiger's fat cock slide out of his ass, leaving all that hot cum trapped inside, warming him from the inside out.

"That was amazing..." he groaned softly, nuzzling the soft white fur of his goddess.

His god chuckled and stood, stretching. "have a nice nap, fox. You're welcome to stay for dinner." Eric slapped the fox's ass with a warm squeeze, making Alex murr happily before he passed out.

The tiger looked down at the fox and his sweet daughter snuggled into the boy's arms, approving of her daughter's choice. He chucked to himself and headed downstairs to get dinner started. Hopefully the fox would be over often.

There she is... chapter 3

_Part 3 of Alex's adventures. Alex rescued his fantasy girl from rape at the hands of the jocks. Alessa rewarded him good and proper, except daddy came home. Alex got the girl and her father got him. That's what you missed last time on Gle...I mean...

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There she is...

_(I've been getting a lot of positive comments from everyone, wanted to say thank you and I appreciate the support and the critical reading too! This story contains sexual contact between an adult and a minor, incest and oral. If you don't like it,...

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A little extra on the side...

(this story contains sexual contact between an adult and minors. Two of them. Yeah, he's a stud. I know, right? I should be so lucky. If it's not your thing, stop fapping or you'll get furry palms. For those who already have paws and are ok with it, I...

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