A little extra on the side...

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(this story contains sexual contact between an adult and minors. Two of them. Yeah, he's a stud. I know, right? I should be so lucky. If it's not your thing, stop fapping or you'll get furry palms. For those who already have paws and are ok with it, I hope it brings you much pleasure.)

"I'm heading out for a cigarette." Blake reached to the coat hook behind the bar and snagged his leather jacket, his lean body stretching and his black T-shirt riding up his toned, snow white stomach. The fox combed his fingers back through a thick reddish mane of headfur, black tipped ears twitching to resettle themselves. His bushy ginger tail swept behind a pair of fitted black jeans. Sure, working at a pickup bar had its hazards, especially for a handsome, twenty something fox, but behind the bar Blake could be comfortable and flirt with all the customers in safety. He pulled on the black leather while Carl came out from the back room.

"Don't take too long, we're gonna open in twenty." The bear wore a traditional apron over his bare, heavily furred chest, an ample stomach not taking away from the sheer power of him.

Blake nodded distractedly.

"Yeah, yeah, just a smoke bruin." He said, giving the bear a wink from handsome eyes, the clear green of fresh cut grass or worn dollar bills. He slipped out past the bear. Padding across the empty bar, Blake stepped out front into the early dusk, taking a deep breath of fresh air. He never really needed a smoke break, he'd only picked up smoking casually so he could have an excuse to take breaks. Still, an excuse needed justifying, so Blake pulled a pack of dark cloves out of his pocket and slapped them on his palm a few times, his eyes scanning the sidewalk. The bar was in the middle district, the surroundings not rundown like some of the worse parts of town, in fact, it was just a block away from the residential neighborhood on the edge of town. Made for a good evening crowd of business-furs, canids and felines fresh out of the office, grabbing drinks before heading home to their quaint little families. Still, middle district or not, the bar attracted it's fair share of working-furs...the kind who's business was done behind bedroom doors or in the back seats of cars. Sexy young cats with dark long hair falling in front of bedroom eyes, wearing loose cut tops and short, tight skirts, standing on the corner like they were waiting for a ride...and maybe they were. Blake watched a few cuties, one beautiful wolf in a pair of dark jeans and a high riding thong, her top was a lacy bra with a thin, short jacket, showing off a lot of beautiful, slim stomach, soft brushed fur and painted lips, her small muzzle and dainty little fangs...Blake shivered a bit, catching himself fantasizing. He popped open his pack of cloves, the sweet vanilla smell hitting his nose far more kindly than some crappy menthols. He pulled a cigarette with his lips and lit it with a flick of his lighter, taking a drag...he leaned against the bar's wall and kept watching people...the wolf actually approached him with the kind of smile Blake liked to see wrapped around his cock.

"Got a light?" she asked. She had a great voice, not too girly, dark and full but lilting...like the glass of a winebottle.

"Yeah, sure." He said, returning the smile and lighting her cigarette...he didn't catch what she said next, something new caught his attention. A familiar flash of ginger fur tipped in snow white...only small. A young fox stepped onto their sidewalk, looking nervous and out of place, wearing simple jeans and a T-shirt that read "keep staring, I might do a trick!" he was slim...Blake frowned, not slim, downright slender. The tight fitting clothes gave him slightly feminine curves...a little better clothes and a lot more confidence, he'd be a ladykiller for sure. Blake snapped his lighter closed, watching the kid nervously scan the working girls, the slutty furs pretty much ignoring him, though one or two gave him a wink and a lewd gesture, making the boy blush...what was he doing here?

Blake watched the kid wander up the sidewalk a bit...and saw the young fox glance in his direction. A second glance was a lot longer and Blake raised an eyebrow, curious as to what the boy was thinking. The young fox put his head down and walked toward him and the wolf.

the wolf frowned. "Friend of yours?" she asked. Blake shook his head, but the wolf shook her head, wandering away before the young fox got close... the boy seemed to hesitate and Blake chuckled to himself...the boy hadn't been looking at him, he'd been checking out the beautiful wolf! Kid had good taste...

It was a surprise when the boy stopped in front of Blake instead of following the wolf. He was silent, looking at his bare paws on the sidewalk, so Blake made the first move.

"You lost, kit?" he asked, using the affectionate term to try and put the boy at ease. "Something I can do for ya?"

The boy's snow white accents were perfectly clean, well-tended, his ginger fur brushed till it shone. The boy looked up at Blake, risking a glance into the older fox's eyes. "Uh, yeah..." the boy said, giving a couple of false starts. "Thought it would be easier to ask a fox...like me..." he said. His quiet voice was as feminine as he was. The boy cleared his throat and looked up at Blake with a little more backbone. "How much?"

Blake stared at him for a second, searching those eyes. How much? How much what? It took the bartender almost a full minute before it hit him like a sledgehammer between the eyes. He actually chuckled. "Are you serious, Kit?" he actually laughed outright. "you think I..."

The boy met his eyes and Blake caught himself admiring the deeper emerald green of the younger fox's eyes. This kit thought Blake was a whore, turning tricks. And he wanted to buy! Blake felt like he should have been flattered. He was no busty, bedroom eyed cat, but the kid was trying to pick him up. Blake shook his head. "How much for what, Kit?" he asked. "You're what, fifteen?" the boy stiffened and Blake knew he was on the nose. "What could you possibly want?"

The boy frowned at that, it was cute, almost a pout. "I want you to..."he started, giving a false start again, but he rethought it. "I want you. How much?" he repeated, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a wad of bills...the first one was a hundred. Blake's eyes blinked once, slowly. The kid had cash like that!? Blake shook his head with a laugh. "Yeah, ok. Tell you what, a grand." He snapped, without even thinking about it, just throwing out a ridiculously high number.

"WHAT!?" the kid hissed. "that's outrageous!" he obviously didn't have that much and Blake felt a lot more secure setting a bar the boy couldn't meet.

"And you're FIFTEEN." He shot back. "Any idea how much trouble I could get into? Come see me when you've got a grand and I'll think about it. I'm getting a drink." He told the boy, nodding to the bar. He grinned a little cruelly. "I'll be here at midnight if you change your mind." He snickered, leaving the boy standing there. There was no way he'd come up with the cash, making Blake safe. And maybe the stupid kid would take his hundreds and go buy a playstation or something, stay away from the whores till he was older.

The evening was long, Blake slinging drinks for everyone from the usual business furs to punks so morbid they even dyed their fur black. At one point, he served up a whisky sour to the sexy wolf herself, she winked at him as a suit wearing panther paid for the drink and took her to a corner table. When Midnight rolled around, Blake was all too happy to slip out from behind the bar, letting Carl take over for the rest of the shift, pulling on his leather jacket and heading out into the cool night air. Blake took a deep breath, pulling a clove out of his pocket and lighting it, just taking a few minutes to let the tension leave his shoulders.

"Hey." The voice came out of the shadows next to the corner of the bar and it took the bartender a second to spot it's owner...his jaw almost dropped. "Remember me?" the boy asked, grinning triumphantly as he stepped into the glow of the streetlight. There was someone standing behind him, still in shadow, watching...but Blake was still shell shocked.

"what are you doing here?" he told the kid. "I thought I told you, you can't afford it." He pushed away from the bar itself, heading toward the street to cross. The boy's voice stopped him.

"Yes I can...we can." He protested quickly, almost reaching out to stop Blake from leaving. The boy reached into his pocket and held up a roll of bills twice the size of the earlier one.

Blake turned and looked at the boy. "We?"

The young fox looked over his shoulder and the second shadow shuffled forward a bit...another boy, shorter than his fox friend. A rabbit with long soft ears laid down the back of his neck, obviously scared, but just as cute as the kit. Blake blinked slowly. "Are you serious?" he asked, the second time.

He held out a hand. "Lemme see that, kit." The innocent boy didn't think twice, he handed over the roll of bills, obviously not even considering the idea that Blake could rob him...Blake's fingers counted out eleven hundred in twenties, fifties and hundreds. A full hundred over Blake's "impossible" sum.

"Where the hell did you get this, kit?" he demanded, folding the bills up again, but not doing anything with them, just holding them. Truthfully, he didn't want to give them back.

"Does it matter?" the rabbit said, speaking up with a surprisingly smooth voice for a kid his age. Blake was betting he snuck cigarettes out back of his school. "we got it...and you said..."

Blake looked at the two boys, glancing at the bar...he couldn't believe what he was considering. He looked at the bills in his hand, weighing it...it was awful heavy for just a bunch of paper.

"Fine." It was like someone else was saying the words. He nodded to the boys. "you got a place?"

Both of the teens were visibly shocked, they obviously couldn't believe that Blake had said yes...that made three of them. Blake snapped his fingers softly and the kit came back. "uh, yeah. My basement." He said.

Blake pulled on his clove and flicked it away from him into the gutter. "lead the way, kit." He told the boy. Walking down the street through suburbia, Blake felt even more surreal, they actually had to sneak into the boy's basement. It was late after all and the boy's parents were probably sleeping upstairs. The older fox couldn't believe this...he'd never had guts like these kids had! Nor had he had the kind of money that was weighing down his jacket pocket. The basement wasn't just clean, it was furnished, tiled floors layed down with a thick, expensive rug, a large cream white couch, a huge TV on one wall. the kit closed both doors, one at the top of the stairs and the other at the bottom, locking the second one and breathing a sigh.

Blake chuckled softly at that. He glanced at the rabbit and pulled his jacket off, the teen watching him strip out of the leather like it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. Blake doubted either boy had ever seen a live naked fur...

"Surprised you boys are into males." Blake spoke, breaking the silence that he didn't like.

"wouldn't you rather have some...buxom vixen here?" he asked.

"No..." the kit answered softly, looking down. "I...this is fine." He said, heat rising under the snow white fur.

Blake raised an eyebrow. "Bunny, put some music on." The rabbit blinked at the nickname, but he didn't say anything, he didn't want to tell Blake his name! The kit seemed to disagree though.

"I'm Tyler. This is Jake." He said, gesturing at the bunny boy. Jake went over to the sound system and looked through things, pressing some buttons...Blake was glad to hear Incubus come softly out of the speakers. Good music was a vast improvement. "wh...what's your name?" Tyler asked softly.

"Blake." The older fox answered. He raised an eyebrow as he tossed his jacket onto the floor next to the stairway door. "You sure about this, kit?" he asked, sliding a hand slowly up his stomach, forcing the black T-shirt to rise, exposing snow white fur over his softly rippling stomach. Blake worked out, he had a weight bench in his apartment and used it often. He watched Tyler lick his lips, eyes locked on his lightly muscled abs and grinned. He liked the attention, suddenly glad he worked out as often as he did.

"Y...yes." Tyler answered softly. The bunny watched from behind Blake as the fox lifted his shirt, pulling it off and tossing it, the lean muscles in his back working under deep ginger fur. Blake casually popped the button on his own jeans.

"Come here, Kit." He told the boy, deliberately using what had become a pet name. Tyler came forward hesitantly, until Blake reached out and caught the back of the boy's neck, gently pulling Tyler's muzzle into his fur. The boy breathed deep and the tremor suddenly left him, the boy closing his eyes in pleasure. Tyler's fingers slid up into the soft white fur of Blake's stomach, kneading lean muscles, exploring up to the fox's chest...Tyler murred softly and Blake grinned, showing off white teeth. He looked over his shoulder, but letting the bunny watch from the shadows as much as he wanted.

Tyler's hands were diving downward now and they hesitated at the line of Blake's jeans. The older fox slid his own hand down to unzip his jeans. The other hand found the top of Tyler's head, pushing the boy down to his knees and the fox kit obeyed, hands dragging Blake's pants down with him. Blake's dark briefs were tight, his sheathe bulge heavy right in the boy's face, making Tyler gasp.

"Ever seen a cock before, kit?" Blake asked, fingers rubbing the boy's ear slowly. Tyler murred a little louder.

"Yes..."the kit glanced just a little to the left, at the bunny who was padding silently around to sit on the couch. Blake chuckled softly. So the boys had been experimenting with each other, how cute! The idea of the sweet little kit's lips wrapped around his bunny friend's cock, pushing the bunny's white sheathe down with his lips...Blake's own sheathe swelled at the thought. The fox grinned toothily.

"Bunny, why don't you show kit how much you're enjoying the show?" Jake didn't seem to understand for a moment, but meeting Blake's eyes...the boy's hands shyly drifted toward his own bulge. Blake looked down at the kit nuzzling his bulge softly.

"Take it out, Kit." He commanded Tyler softly. "show me how much you want to taste my cock."

The kit swallowed hard, his fingers sliding up to the waistband and he hooked them. Tyler pulled, baring the rest of Blake's snow white fur, his thick sheath and heavy balls falling free, large and ready for some attention. Tyler gasped softly, a look of sheer lust sliding over his features. Blake's trim, toned body was finally naked...for two underage boys. The bartender found himself seriously turned on by the idea, and he slid his fingers up the boy's muzzle, gently pushing a thumb into Tyer's maw. The boy hesitated, but didn't resist, licking and sucking on Blake's thumb, his thick lips making a perfect seal on Blake's thumb.

On the couch, Jake was rubbing his bulge slowly, panting as his heart rate jumped. The two foxes were so hot, his best friend sucking this god's thumb, Tyler's hands slid upward cupping the older fox's package, rubbing those heavy balls slowly.

Blake murred. "Good boy...take your shirt off." Tyler couldn't get the cloth off his back fast enough, back arched, chest thrust out...he was just begging for a fuck. Blake took the boy's ear in his fingers, rubbing softly, his other hand slid his sheathe downward a bit, exposing the ultra-sensitive tip of his cock. Tyler watched, salivating, until Blake pulled softly on that ear, giving the boy permission. The kit wrapped his lips around that tip, his tongue flicking over the musky, sweet flesh, pre splashing his tongue.

Blake murred loudly, his head falling back...the boy had a talented tongue. Blake thrust forward just a bit, pushing another inch into the young fox's mouth, making the boy whimper around his fat cock tip. Tyler's eyes opened and he looked up at Blake, hunger making his eyes flash lustily. The boy turned his head a bit, sliding his tongue forward and pushing it down into the older fox's sheath, digging softly with that talented tongue.

Blake bit his lip and moaned out loud. "God, kit...where did you learn that!" he could almost see the boy's confidence swell, Tyler taking more of the older fox's cock into his mouth as he got more and more into it. Blake slid a hand into the boy's headfur, pulling him down on the fat cock, feeling himself growing toward the back of the boy's throat. Fully hard, Blake was a proud ten inches long and he was going to challenge the young teen with every bit of it!

Jake murred softly, watching the beautiful fox slowly face-fuck his best friend. He pushed fingertips down under his pants, closing his eyes as he slid his fingertips around between his underwear and jeans. Blake saw the boy starting to pleasure himself and grinned.

"take your clothes off, Bunny." He told the boy, watching Jake stiffen and open his shy eyes. Jake stood timidly and pulled his shirt over his head, his ears standing up on their own for just a moment...Blake pursed his lips at seeing that. The boy was so shy, but he really was beautiful...with those ears standing up, he could be downright sexy. The ears fell again as Jake unbuttoned his pants, fingers faltering to a stop...Tyler had turned to look over his shoulder, tongue slowly sliding up and down over Blake's fat, hard cock...the kit grinned at his best friend.

"Show him, Jake." The kit said softly. Jake blushed and it actually turned his fur a shade pinker, but he didn't move. Tyler looked up at Blake for a second before he crawled away from the older fox, coming to his best friend. Jake looked down at the kit kneeling in front of him and something silent passed between them. Tyler reached up and tugged the rabbit's pants down.

Blake chuckled lustily, finding out that the bunny was wearing a red satin thong, it even had a small pink bow, proving that it was a female's thong. Blake licked his lips. "oh, that's hot..."

Jake's ears stood up in surprise, Tyler rubbed his face slowly against the satin and Jake's fur, smiling at Blake. "I love it when he wears them..." the little kit was proving to be a lusty boy! Blake watched as Tyler murred, slowly licking over the satin panties, making Jake moan silently, his ears still standing straight...Blake grinned toothily and stepped the rest of the way out of his briefs, stepping over to the couch...he put a hand on the bunny's hip, stalking slowly around the boy. He pressed up against Jake's back, his throbbing length pressing against the boy's sweet little ass, the tip of his cock lost in the powder puff of Jake's tail. Blake wrapped his strong arms around the bunny's chest and Jake actually leaned his head back, whimpering softly. The fox grinned and nibbled softly on a sensitive ear while Tyler pulled the thong aside, sucking Jake into his mouth. Both foxes slowly worked the bunny higher, murrs and moans slipping from the boy's throat as his legs became weak...Blake held the boy up until the bunny suddenly cried out, cum flooding Tyler's mouth.

"Don't swallow." Blake warned softly, still holding the shivering bunny up. Tyler's eyes snapped open and he looked up at Blake, opening his mouth to show a cum-coated tongue. Blake smiled and told the boy to stand up....he lifted Tyler's chin and kissed the boy, sucking cum out of his maw Tyler had never felt something so erotic...Blake pulled away from the kit only to lean down and give Jake an upside down kiss, sharing the boy's own cum, making Jake swallow it slowly. He ended the kiss with Jake blushing, but nuzzling against the older fox. Tyler was out of his pants in a flash and Blake sat down casually, spreading his thighs.

"On your knees, boys." Blake grinned toothily. Tyler happily sank to his knees and Jake followed suit...they both crawled over his thighs...Tyler slid his fingers slowly over the large, fat cock. Jake was the first one to lick it slowly, sucking it into his mouth. Tyler slid down and slowly bathed Blake's balls with his tongue. Blake had never enjoyed oral so much...these two boys shared his cock, slowly sucking one at a time, licking it together, kissing around his shaft. Blake groaned, thrusting his hips upward and deliberately not warning the boys as he came. Tyler's maw popped off the head, letting ropes of thick, hot foxy cum paint their faces. Blake rubbed the boys' ears slowly. "good boys...i think kit's being neglected." He growled hungrily, still hard and more than ready to go.

Tyler licked cum off his face, his cock throbbing with his eagerness. Blake reached out and caught the boy's throat gently, pulling the boy up onto his chest, Jake crawled up onto the couch next to Blake and he sat on the back of the couch next to Blake's shoulder. The kit attacked his best friend, his muzzle sinking to the hilt on Jake's cock, making the bunny groan. Blake murred, reaching up and gathering two fingers of cum off the kit's face. The older fox slid his fingers down under the kit's tail and Tyler yelped in surprise when Blake gently pushed against his tailhole, cum letting his fingers slide into the boy without much effort.

"God, you're tight, kit." He told the boy, grinning and biting the boy's shoulder firmly. "think you're ready to get fucked?"

The older fox's words had Tyler shaking with lust...he was more than ready! The fox moaned and nodded, licking up Jake's cock slowly. "Fuck me, Blake..."he begged softly. "I want to feel your cock inside me."

Blake pushed a second finger into the boy, making the fox quiver with a mixture of pain and pleasure, lust riding over everything. Blake looked over at the bunny and he grinned softly. "We need lubrication, bunny.::he reached up between Blake's thighs squeezing the rabbit's balls softly...Tyler caught on fast and he groaned, it was so hot! The boy bucked his hips, grinding against the older fox's snow white stomach as Blake stretched his ass slowly, sinking fingers deeper into the kit. The young fox used every trick he could to make his best friend cum, even nibbling softly on the rabbit's shaft...Jake gasped softly, hips bucking upward into Tyler's maw. He came even harder the second time, trying to fill Tyler's mouth. The fox caught every drop and he lifted his muzzle to the bunny. Jake kissed him and took the mouthful of sweet, heavy cum slipping off the couch. Blake looked up at the boy, meeting deep emerald eyes, hazy with lust...the boy was beautiful and Blake couldn't look away, he leaned up to lick the boy's muzzle... Tyler opened his mouth and sucked on the older fox's tongue, creating a deep, passionate kiss. The bunny's soft mouth slid around Blake's cock, bathing it in slick, hot cummy saliva. Blake bucked upward gently, feeling the back of the bunny's throat. Jake's mouth left his length, the bunny gasping for air and Blake broke his kiss with the younger fox. He pushed the boy downward, finding the boy's tailhole on instinct. Tyler moaned softly, closing his eyes. "fuck meeee...." He begged softy. Blake pushed upward, sinking into the tight little kit. They both gasped, Blake in pleasure, Tyler with a little pain.

Blake drove himself deeper in slow, short thrusts, conquering the boy's body one inch at a time...he forced his cock in to the hilt and Tyler cried out, leaning back and finding Jake at his back, the bunny hugged his friend from behind and lifted slowly helping the kit rise and sink, meeting Blake's every thrust. Tyler whimpered and moaned.

"It's so fucking big..."he groaned, loving every inch as it stretched him. "so full..." Blake's hands gripped the young fox's hips. He grinned toothily and sped up, starting to fuck the boy for real. Tyler writhed on his cock, crying out.

"fuck me. Fuck me so good..."his mouth met Jake's and his whole body tensed, the little fox's body went into overload. "I'm going to cum! I'm...AH!" he went rigid as his bright red cock throbbed and sprayed sweet cum all over Blake's chest. The older fox hissed softly, driving himself up into the boy's tight ass. When Tyler collapsed he was barely conscious, Blake caught him and lowered him gently to the sofa, his fat cock sliding from the boy's well used tailhole.

Jake was grinning at his panting, half conscious friend...he didn't see Blake looking at him hungrily. The fox reached out and caught the boy's throat gently, making Jake flinch in surprise...the fox moved fast enough that Jake had no idea what had happened when he was suddenly bent over the back of the couch, his ass high in the air.

Blake grinned toothily and his fingers dug into the boy's sweet little ass, pulling the thong aside, making Jake whimper...he bit the couch like a good little slave, taking Blake's cock like a champ. The fox drove himself into the bunny, one long, slow thrust that had Jake's thighs quivering with pleasure and pain...the kit laying beneath him watched in rapture as Blake fucked his best friend's sweet, incredibly tight ass, speeding up with every thrust, till he was fucking Jake senseless. The boy cried out softly, his third orgasm of the evening spilled onto Tyler's stomach, hot cum bathing the kit as Jake's eyes rolled back...Blake pulled free and let the boy fall to the couch with Tyler. The kit nuzzled his best friend and they kissed softly under Blake. The older fox pawed himself to a thunderous climax, showering the young boys in white hot cum.

Blake looked down, panting, his chest heaving as he barely kept his balance. He shook the last few drops onto the boys and picked up Jake's shirt, wiping cum off his chest. The boys were already breathing slow and even, fucked into exhaustion. Blake found his pants in a post orgasmic haze, barely remembering to grab his t-shirt before pulling on his jacket over his bare fur. He paused as he opened the door...then came back to the boys for a minute before he left as quietly as he could.


Tyler woke, blinking his eyes open, wondering if it had all been a dream...but Jake slept soundly in his arms, the dried cum making Tyler's chest itch...he noticed something on the arm of the couch and reached up, pulling down a wad of bills...only a hundred was missing and at the center of the wad was a small card with the bar's name on it, on the back was Blake's name and a phone number. Tyler's muzzle broke into a huge grin.

Pole Dancing

( keeping in mind by the end, that as anthros they're more anthro than they are animal and interspecies mating is more than possible... ;) ) Jacen climbed off the stage, gathering handfuls of ones as quickly as he could, just barely making...

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