There she is...chapter 4

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#4 of There she is...

Part 4 of Alex's adventures. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff: Alex's mom found out he has a girlfriend and wants her over for dinner, Alex and Alessa had hot shower sex and Alex got caught by the wolves. A mysterious bear showed up with a riddle, now Alex is more than a little curious. That's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff!

Alex got to the end of the Frasier driveway, panting a bit, pulling deep breaths. The dawn light kissed his red fur, setting him on fire wherever it touched. Shirtless, in a pair of athletic shorts, he tapped the pause button on his Ipod before pulling the buds out of his ears, the dark tips of the fox's ears twitching repeatedly as they tried to settle themselves...he was halfway up the short drive when Eric came out of the house, the great white tiger dressed professionally, a dark button-down shirt straining over his powerful chest, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pure white tie down to his belt.

"Good morning, Alex." He said, flashing a little fang as he grinned, watching the young fox freeze midstep, his ears laying back. The fox was prey and Eric was definitely a very large predator, Alex's instinctual response was half submission and half fear even if he knew he had nothing to fear from the large tiger.

"Sir," Alex answered, watching the tiger set his mug down on the roof of his car. His heart had been just calming, but it was racing again. The tiger was beautiful. Incredibly masculine and predatory, but...there was no other way to describe the controlled grace, the sheer power of strong muscles and powerful paws...his thoughts went to his love, Alessa...they were like a god and goddess. Alex still couldn't figure out how he'd gotten so lucky...

Eric chuckled softly. "No need for the formality, fox." He said, coming down the driveway and sliding fingers around the boy's neck and up into his headfur, scratching slow and firm, getting a murr out of Alex as the fox closed his eyes, enjoying the touch. "You've worshipped my cock more than enough to call me Eric."

Alex flushed under his fur, the tiger's words brought memories hot and fast, on his knees before this god, he and his lover both, Alessa teaching him how to please her father, taking turns with his beautiful tigress, worshipping. The fox offered a shy grin. "I like it." He answered, still a little timid around Eric's strong, powerful presence. "It feels good to call you sir..."

"My daughter says you're not nearly so submissive with her." Eric said, still grinning. "Do I scare you?"

"No, sir...I just..." Alex thought for a moment, choosing his words as he turned his muzzle up into the tiger's paw, licking Eric's fur and pads slowly. "I love her and I know she likes me to be a little more in control...with you I like it the other way."

Eric's purr rumbled deep in his chest, the boy's submission making him feel powerful. Alex saw him as a god...the realization aroused Eric. He let the boy slowly lick and nip his paw, watching Alex close his eyes and breathe deep. "Good fox." He said, reaching low with his other paw and squeezing Alex's bulging shorts, making the fox gasp. "I'll have to reward you later." He winked and let Alex go.

Alex grinned shyly at that, feeling the heat of a flush under the snow white fur of his face and chest. "Thank you, sir." He said, grin widening a bit more as he followed Eric up toward the house. He paused. "Oh, mother wanted to know if Alessa could have dinner with my family tonight. Would that be ok?"

Eric took a sip of coffee, licking cream from his whiskers. "Bringing my daughter home already?" he teased. He nodded after a moment. "We didn't have any plans tonight and you two have been together about a week, I'm sure Alessa would love to meet your family." He slid into the driver's seat of the car. "If she wants to stay over, have her give me a call, alright?" Waiting for Alex's nod, he closed the door with a casual wave, pulling out and driving away.

Alex swayed a bit on his paws, feeling the throbbing hardness threatening to spill from his sheathe under his shorts...his thoughts turned away from the dominant older tiger and he slipped into the house and upstairs to pounce on Eric's delicious daughter...

Alessa collapsed, panting on her bed, feeling the thick shaft buried deep inside her body. Her boyfriend panted beneath her, the fox murring as she slowly traced claws through his pure white chest fur. She nuzzled his warmth, feeling slight definition under her lips, she kissed and licked softly. "I don't think I'll ever get used to how big you are..." she purred.

Alex laughed a little self-conciously. "Big? I'm scrawny!" his paws slid down the perfect curve of her waist and he palmed Alessa's luscious ass, squeezing and moving his hips a little, electrical shocks of pleasure slipping between them through his thick shaft still filling her, hot fox cum held deep inside, unable to spill past the tight seal of her pussy wrapped around his shaft.

Alessa growled softly, both at the feeling and his answer. "Not what I're bigger than daddy and you know it." She said, tensing her hips a little, milking his fat cock with inner muscles. The fox beneath her caught his breath and let out a deep murr.

"Oh, that..." Alex said when he could think straight again. "I never realized and your dad." He blushed a bit, making Alessa laugh musically, kissing him.

"Alex, you're so cute when you get flustered." She teased him. Her lashing tail tapped his thigh as she slowly started to roll her hips a little. He was still hard and it felt so good to be so full... "I love it. Are all the guys in your family so big?" she asked her nipples stiffening as Alex's soft fur teased them.

"I...don't..." His goddess was making it hard to think as she moved slowly but insistently, starting to fuck him again, though they'd just finished. Alex wasn't complaining! "Dad is...a wolfhound." He gasped. "Mom said, oh god Ali," the fox had to start again. "Mom said she liked that he was a predator." He pressed his hips upward, digging deep, feeling the warm slickness of his last climax inside her, her wetness and his cum making their lovemaking so smooth, Ali keeping it slow despite their growing need for more, teasing them both.

"You...told your mom about me?" She asked softly, purring. God he was huge, it felt like his tip was in her stomach! She pushed down hard, feeling him press against her womb and it sent bolts of pleasure shocking through her, her tail straightening out for a moment until she continued to ride Alex, nice and slow.

"I love you, why wouldn't I?" The fox answered, smiling and kissing his tigress. "Besides, she's been wondering where I've been spending all my time."

Ali laughed at that, nuzzling his neck and nipping his jaw softly. "Did you tell her about Daddy?" she challenged, knowing the taboo always aroused him more.

"What? No!" Alex laughed. "she'd kill..." Alex couldn't finish, Ali had sat up and lifted her hips up until his tip was pulling at her lips, then she sank down again, slow but hard enough that he drove into her womb, pressing into her deepest spot. She hissed in pleasure and pain, grinding her hips slowly. Alex bit his own lip to stave off his climax longer, wrapping paws around her

hips and fucking her womb with slow upward thrusts.

"I know servicing Daddy makes us strange...but it's so good, you love it, I love it...have you ever thought about your mom?" Ali looked down at her foxy lover. "Or your dad?"

Alex caught his control and took hers away, holding her hips still as he slowly fucked her so deep she felt like she should taste him in her throat. "No..." he answered, though his tone made it clear that he wasn't refusing, just answering. He'd never thought of his parents like that...well, not on purpose. With Alessa upright his stomach muscles tensed and he sat up, leaning up to bite her neck softly...Alessa rolled her hips forward a bit, using a gymnast's flexibility to unfold her legs, wrapping them around his waist and locking her ankles behind her fox.

"I love you, Alex." She told him, gasping softly as he lifted her hips, sliding out of her womb...and pushing right back in, repeating that spike of pleasure and pain, making her whole body throb, on the edge of an orgasm. "You inside me is the most amazing thing I've ever felt...your mother would love it." She added, biting his ear.

That thought made his paws tighten around her back and Alex thrust into her hard, his cock throbbing as he came hard, the rush of heat and pressure inside made Ali throw her head back, yowling softly as an orgasm took her, squeezing his thick shaft tight with her pussy, waves of pleasure making her see stars. She came down gasping for air, every deep breath let out with a long, slow purr. "You're invited to dinner tonight, my love." Alex told her when they'd caught their breath. "My mother wants to meet you...and you can come over to my place for once." He teased.

Ali met her boyfriend's emerald eyes, sliding fingers through his soft headfur. The fact that he'd brought up the invitation wasn't just a coincidence. They were thinking the same thing, there was no need to speak it. It made the tigress' heart beat a little faster. "I'll wear something attractive."

Alex pursed his lips. "Are you..." he had to choose his words carefully for the second time today, "Are you sure you want to share this?" he asked, tightening his paws in her delicious snowy white fur slashed with black. "You and your dad don't make love...he says it's just for us."

Ali tilted her head a bit and gave a smile. "This is only for you, Alex. No one but you will ever be in me like this." The beautiful tigress purred fiercely as Alex pulled her body to him, nuzzling and licking her throat.

"But, what about..." He asked, voice nervous. Ali cut him off gently, reaching up to rub his ears.

"This is almost too much cock for one girl." Ali shivered softly in pleasure, feeling his shaft slowly softening in her, still thick, still keeping all that cum inside. "I definitely don't mind sharing it...especially with your mother." They both thrilled a little at the idea, shivers coursing through their bodies.

Alex laughed warmly. "You're so perfect." He answered. "I love you."

Ali growled softly. "Shut your mouth and prove it." The tigress challenged, feeling him start to swell yet again.

"Fuck..." the fox groaned, his body answering the challenge happily. Over her shoulder he caught sight of the clock and instantly his eyes flew wide. "Ali! It's 8:45, we're late for school!"

The tigress flinched, looking over her shoulder and groaning. She collapsed on her boyfriend completely, whimpering a little...she didn't want to stop! Ali nuzzled his soft shoulder a bit. "Let's skip."

"Ali..." Alex admonished, but he frowned a bit. After a few moments of thought he bit her ear softly. "Alright. But if we're skipping, then I'm taking you to the mall. We'll get you something new for tonight."

The tigress blinked. "Really?" she pulled back a bit and found her fox grinning.

"I've been looking for an excuse to buy my goddess something nice anyway." He teased, making her laugh and scratch his chest.

"Goddess huh?" she asked. She locked her ankles around him tightly. "Then take me to the shower...I'll let you do a little worshipping."

Alex growled lustily in anticipation, sliding off the bed and standing up, still buried deep in his lover. It was going to be a great morning.

I know you want more plot, but finals have been making this Kuma very, very tired. So for now you get yiff! Hope you enjoy it and the plot will be coming along soon! oh, and let's hear some votes...who wants to see Ali get her fox into some lingerie? :) Wish me luck by the way... AK

There she is... chapter 5

_Yifftastic, and the plot thickens!_ _Part 5 of Alex's adventure. Here's what you missed last time on Gl...Yiff! Alex and Alessa have been yiffing hard and heavy but Alex likes to be dominated by his girlfriend's father too. Alessa suggested...

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There she is... chapter 3

_Part 3 of Alex's adventures. Alex rescued his fantasy girl from rape at the hands of the jocks. Alessa rewarded him good and proper, except daddy came home. Alex got the girl and her father got him. That's what you missed last time on Gle...I mean...

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there she is...chapter 2

_(Contains sexual contact between an adult and minors, incest, male/male action, oral, anal, good god it's a whole lotta sex, and maybe a little love! If you don't like it, stop fapping or you'll get furry palms! If you already have furry palms and...

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