Gryphon Air; Another Use For a Harness

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art/Milkyway - Truegrave9

Background - Foxra

Storm - StormGryphon

Writing - Runa

In this story, a delinquent cadet by the name of Milkyway is assigned to Storm Gryphon, a notoriously grumpy and unforgiving gryphon drake.

Naturally, what started as a punishment quickly turns to pleasure as Milkyway reveals her plan to Storm as the reason they are now together in more ways than one.


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Gryphon Air; Another Use for a Harness

Storm huffed to himself as he overlooked the military hearing for Milkyway, one of the new gryphon riders who had recently joined the team that was tasked with protecting the village. She, just like so many others, didn't take her job seriously and had allowed unregistered outsiders past the gates which resulted in her being punished. Luckily for the village, the two ambassadors that had been let through by her were tests sent out by the elders and weren't actually spies, but she didn't know that.

That was why, as the largest and strongest of the gryphons, Storm was filled with disdain at the news that she would be paired up with him for the coming months.

At one point in his past he'd have been honoured to be chosen to shape up the new recruits by giving them the tough love they needed to learn the dangers of complacency but he had grown tired of it. Not only was this no longer a matter of him being the best or his riders needing the most work, but being paired up with him had turned into a punishment not only for the riders but for Storm as well. He wanted glory, he wanted to prove his worth, he wanted to protect his people and show that he was the strongest, the fastest, and the most vicious of the gryphon mounts but he was being punished.

Again and again, Storm was passed from one immature brat to another. Once one cadet was broken by him, he was given only a few days before another was tossed at his feet, making him increasingly miserable as the seasons came and went. Any opportunity to shine was lost and Milklyway was doing nothing to alleviate his concerns that she wouldn't be just another failure for him to break.

She was a canine of average size and build, black and white with a thick bushy tail and tall, triangular ears. She regularly wore little more than a tank top and a short skirt that was modified from her official uniform even when on patrol and cared more about spending time with her friends than protecting them. She was still relatively young - barely an adult at this point - but that just meant that she didn't have the proper perspective to understand the value of the gryphon riders of Joraken. The only reason she had the freedom to be care free is because people like Storm had been protecting the village for her whole life.

Storm knew that if she and the rest of her generation grew complacent or continued to be so, their village would be vulnerable to outside attack. He had been insisting to the elders that foolish young riders should be cast aside for more serious and skilled riders who would take their job seriously, but he had been ignored for years.

All of these factors built up to turn Storm into an old spirit far earlier than his time. With each subsequent cadet he grew increasingly weary and lost his patience much faster. He didn't expect Milkyway to be any different. In fact, as he stood there next to the council of elders looking down on her as they passed on her punishment - the change of post that would have her working the eastern cliffs with Storm - he was already preparing ways to break her quickly. The young pup was barely paying attention as the elders scolded her, laughing and smiling in response to their every word.

It was almost as if she wanted to be paired up with Storm. For that, Storm took it as a challenge.

In spite of being used as a punishment, Storm did find some joy in proving to all the young ones just how much more intense he was than the other gryphons. He knew, deep down inside, that he was being punished as well but he was strong-willed enough that he didn't let it bother him.

That's why, when the assignment ceremony was over, he didn't bother speaking to his new rider until they were alone and already en route to their post. She, however, wouldn't shut up.

Within seconds of the two of them leaving the elder's abode she was already hopping around and yipping at him, excited for her new position next to the stern gryphon. "So what exactly does it mean to be patrolling the cliffs? I bet you get a great view of the village from up there, don't you? Oh, do you get to swoop down and claw out their eyes or just tackle them to the ground! I bet you take each situation as it comes and judge based on who it is. How good are your eyes? How far can you see with them? Does the weather have a significant impact on your ability to-"

Storm turned and hissed at her, eyes narrowed as his vocalization deepened into something more sinister, a growl usually reserved for prey. He didn't speak to her but still managed to successfully tell her to shut her maw as the two of them continued down the path.

Milkyway never stopped bouncing and acting excited no matter how disinterested Storm acted. She kept skipping ahead, wagging her tail, bending over to show under her skirt, then would slow down so that she was behind and staring at his haunches. This was somewhat appealing to Storm since he hadn't mated with anyone yet that day and he could have used the stress relief. However, he was also committed to his cause and actually understood the value of taking things seriously.

It wasn't until they made their way to the base of the cliff region past the bridge over the river that she made her intentions more direct. As they finally entered the canyon they were tasked with watching over but before they slipped into the crevasse that led to the peaks that would serve as their station, she fell behind his pace and slid her hand up the base of his tail, tickling his haunches.

Confused, Storm stopped dead in his tracks and whipped his head around to stare back at her.

She didn't seem thrown off at all. In fact, she barely noticed until she leaned in close to his haunches and slid her hand up between his balls and inner thighs, poking her head around his legs. "You know, I'm a little disappointed you haven't pounced me yet." She declared while gently caressing his scrotum, fingers trailing down the throbbing veins near its base.

"Excuse me?" He said with a gruff but waning tone. It was the first thing he had said to her since their trip started and he genuinely didn't know how to respond to her touch and accusation.

Milkyway took a moment to bring her other hand up to the opposite side of the gryphon's ball sack, tugging gently while tickling his flesh and fur before finally responding and elaborating. "Well, I heard you were pretty sexually aggressive with your riders. At least that's what Melodi told me. I was kind of hoping that once I got assigned to you I'd feel that cock of yours." She reached past to cradle his sheath from behind him and between his legs. "You don't think I'm actually a ditz, do you?"

Once again, Storm found himself unsure of how to respond or what to do; half of him felt the need to explain to her the inappropriate nature of her actions but the other half was screaming to take advantage of them. Rather than speak and make himself look like a fool, he simply rolled his eyes and growled a bit, tensing up his loins to tug his balls upward and into his torso.

She had no problems interpreting this as she wished. "Ah. Yeah I guess it makes sense to think that of me. No problem, though! I have you now and I'm sure I know exactly how to prove to you that I'm worth your time. If I extend my reach beyond your comfort zone, don't be afraid to let me know; kick me or whatever, I'll learn." She then leaned in close and nuzzled up against his balls, licking and nipping at the flesh there as both of her hands reached through to either side of his sheath to caress him and slowly peel the layers back and expose his glistening mauve tip.

By this point, Storm had accepted that he was going to go with the flow and not let a bit of discipline get in the way of a much needed and much deserved bit of fun. What he'd say or do to her after was yet to be decided but he had no problems allowing her to have her way with him if it meant he got to enjoy a sweet release. He widened his stance and subtly arched his back, the angle forcing his cock to slip out a bit farther and his tip to drool a bit more of his musky cum.

Though the scent of Storm was quite intense and Milkyway had a particularly strong sense of smell, she found herself excitedly leaning in to lick and peck at the gryphon's balls and taint while her hands slid past them and kept cradling his sheath, eager to peel it back and expose more of his shaft. Most notably, she could feel how heavy his cock and balls were, both of which were laying heavily on her forearms and palms even as they remained hidden within his body.

Somewhat reluctantly, Storm growled and hissed as he thought back to her declaration that he should kick her if she crossed a line. "I'm not some feral beast, girl. I don't kick like a horse or hippogryph. If you want something from me, just ask." In an odd way, he found himself loosening up a bit despite giving the impression that he remained grumpy and unhappy with her advances. "I'm not as much of a bastard as my reputation may indicate. I've just dealt with far too many fools in my time."

"Aha! So you can speak more than a couple words at a time!" Milkyway joked as she leaned in even closer, hand wrapped around his exposed cock tip and muzzle pressed in tight against the soft flesh and fur of his ball sack; for this reason, her voice was muddled a bit. "So may I have an opportunity to prove myself to you? Show I'm not just some ditzy bitch?"

Storm felt at odds with himself; on one wing he felt violated, like he was being manipulated and he didn't like it at all. On the other wing, her hands were quite deft and she seemed to have no shame when it came to using every part of her body to give him pleasure. He wasn't exactly sure how this was going to prove her worth to him as a protector of the land but he also wasn't in the right mindset to deny her the right to try. He'd be sure to question her fully when she was done. "Carry on." Was all he had to say to encourage her to continue without giving away his thought process.

"Perfect. Glad to hear it." Milkyway wasted no time nuzzling into Storm's taint, sniffing at his musk and rubbing against the base of his ball sack with her muzzle before slipping underneath his massive twin orbs by darting between his hind legs to assume a more traditional position underneath him. There, she had to compete with some of the straps of the harness that was looped around his belly and chest meant to hold a saddle for her to ride him, but she had no problem working around it.

Curious and somewhat cautious, Storm kept a focused eye on her ass he worked the flesh of his sheath and balls. He never fully trusted someone who so willingly submitted to him without some reason for doing so. For all he knew, she was using this as a ruse to gut him or initiate an ambush; she could have been faking her foolish persona to throw him off his guard. Problem was, it was working.

The more she cradled and rubbed at the folded flesh of his sheath the more he found himself willing to be complacent with her. He knew that he couldn't truly lower his guard or expose himself in a way that would make him appear weak, but if he remained too tense he wouldn't be able to enjoy the pleasure that was given to him. Before long he was able to relax just enough to let the cadet do her thing without him expressing too much concern over it.

Before long at all he was convinced that this was the right move.

As it turned out, Milkyway was quite skilled when it came to her deft handling of drake cock. The many examples of her being caught unaware or otherwise distracted from her posts while on guard duty ensured that she had been practicing well enough to satisfy any one male. Her hands cradled Storm's sheath and tugged at his balls from beneath him, caressing his length from knot to tip with every motion while also being careful to not fully expose him to her touch. She knew and understood that the best pleasure came after a bit of teasing and withholding from her male partners.

Generally speaking, Storm didn't much care for being forced to wait but he was still in a state where he was cautiously feeling out the situation so he wasn't as quick to force her to the ground and fill her maw with his essence like he may have been in any other situation.

Milkyway had no idea that he may have been cautious around her because his every action spoke to her as that of a horny, needy gryphon. She stroked the underside of his shaft with her finger tips, peeled his sheath rolls back to expose more of his length then pulled it back so that only his tip was exposed, squeezed his knot and tugged on it through the plump wrinkles of his sheath, then tickled his balls in between each stroke. Eventually, she leaned in and wrapped her lips around his cock tip, suckling at the end to coax some of his precum out and onto her tongue.

Though she gagged - Storm knew his musk was intense and far beyond what even the most dominant drakes often produced - she quickly recovered and kept at him by widening her jaws and extending her tongue for the base of his member to rest upon as she slowly eased his tapered tip down her throat, gulping motions accentuating every shift in the weight of his member into her.

Once again showing an expertise in cock management, Milkyway leaned into him by pressing her snout against his belly while at the same time kneading at his sheath to pull it back, taking more and more of his member down her gullet as she went; this ensured that the glistening flesh of his engorged shaft went from the warm confines of his depths to the warm confines of hers. She did have to work hard to ensure his girth didn't force a gag reflex - something that was a true challenge given the spiny shapes lining the rim of his cock head - but she had prepared for this by giving proper fellatio to the feral hippogryphs at camp in the weeks leading up to her inevitable 'punishment'.

Naturally, Storm was not aware of that element of her history so he was quite impressed when he bucked into her to force the rest of his shaft down her throat and she didn't retch against the sheer size of his equipment. In fact, he was so impressed by it that, at least for a few seconds, he let his guard down and reared his head back and curled his toes into the gravel beneath them, lost in pleasure.

The distraction didn't last too long, however. Within moments of him catching himself buying into her ruse, Storm stomped his foot and bucked his hips once more to assume dominance. The motion forced every bit of his member sans the knot down her throat, creating a visible bulge in her neck that the plucky canine struggled hard to manage without biting down or spitting him out. There was a single tear welling up in the side of her eye but she pushed forward and even twisted her head so that she could take more of him down her throat!

Her tongue lolled out and she started drooling a combination of her own saliva and Storm's precum, bubbling bits of mixed fluid emerging from the crook of her maw. She wasn't giving up and was happy to offer all she could to Storm by wrapping both her hands around his knot lobes and rocking back and forth to give him a stroking sensation as her throat slid up and down his length.

Much to Storm's shock and surprise, the feeling of dominance paired with the tightness in her throat and the expert stroking of her flesh on his brought him to a brisk yet satisfying early climax! He wasn't in any mood to sit around for hours slowly mating with her to the point she was sore and ruined for anyone else so he had no shame letting himself finish quickly. At least not this time.

In a matter of seconds his mindset went from intense and focused on the situation to completely lost in the pleasures of the gullet that wrapped around his shaft to squeeze and tug and push on him. Professional or not, Storm knew and respected anyone who could do such things with their maw especially when in the middle of a common pathway that anyone could walk on and witness them.

Finally prepared to let it all go, Storm tossed his head back as a shudder traveled up and down his spine culminating in a tension in his loins that shot a thick, powerful gush of gryphon seed directly into her belly with enough force to actually make her gag this time.

When she pulled away, she actually spewed up a half liter of pre-seed onto the ground beneath them, the slimy trails of it soaking her lips and chest over top of her tank top. There was no cum in there, only precum and lubricant since Storm was not prepared to let every bit of himself go so quickly. His orgasm was intense but not complete. Satisfying but still with enough left in the tank to go a second time. Most knotted creatures had that sort of two-stage orgasm where the first release was that of precum and lubricant and the second was the seed that fertilized eggs; Storm had grown to control them so that they were not one in the same or not enjoyed one right after another without a grace period in between. Furthermore, he wasn't knotted and the lobes of his knot remained swollen beyond her lips.

Given his control over his own climax, Storm quickly stepped back and turned to stare at Milkyway, ears up and a half cocked grin tugging on his beak. He was impressed and even respected her, even though he'd left her on all fours and heaving as more of his precum trickled out her maw and from her belly. "Get up." He said in a gruff tone, trying his best to hide his admiration. "We have a post to attend to and you can't be distracted by a bit of bodily fluids."

"Aye sir." She managed to choke out in between heaves.

Her immediate obedience and willingness to do as commanded even as she struggled to keep her breath formed a bit of a crack in Storm's exterior that manifested in the form of a question. "So what is it you plan on getting out of this partnership?" A rather silly query but poignant considering her little speech before getting to work on him. She had piqued his curiosity enough to sidetrack him; not something that just anyone could do.

After she brushed off her knees and the palms of her hands from the dirt and rubble that had accumulated, she practically jumped up to her feet and started wagging her tail, stifling another gag and swallowing back down the precum that was attempting to escape her belly. "I only have interest in the best when it comes to who I partner with. Those other guys I was paired with were fools; they had no real interest in pride or honour, they were just doing their duty. Cayvil especially. He didn't care about the tribe and I bet he'd have sold us out the moment someone bribed him with a pouch of coins."

"You're probably right." Storm began to walk at a notably brisk pace, urging Milkyway to join him and keep up. "So you thought the best way to get close to me was to upset the elders so much they punished us both by putting us together? Perhaps I'm a bit of a traditionalist but I am not sure that was the best plan. Did you not think about just asking?" He was oddly endeared to the fact that she seemed to actively desire his companionship. Many were satisfied by his presence but few sought it out.

"I did." Milkyway confessed. "Back when I first joined up - or more precisely was drafted to the position - I tried my best to make a good impression so I could get what I wanted but it seemed like everyone they saddled me with was incompetent or careless. Like I said, Cayvil was a traitor waiting to happen; before him I literally watched Effis get lost while trekking through the underbrush. I covered for them so I looked bad in the hopes that I'd be reassigned; I was, but it took me this long to get to you because, reasons I guess?"

Storm narrowed his eyes and kept pace ahead of her, not wanting to get too far ahead of her as the couple made their way up the incline to the cliff tops. He hoped he'd keep her moving without tiring her out since he was enjoying listening to her tales; he also felt Effis and Cayvil were fools but had been ignored when he insisted they be put to pasture and released from the tribe for incopetentce.

She continued. "So I ended up being put with so many fools that I sort of got a reputation for being a ditz. That wasn't my intention at all, but it was clear that nobody else cared so I really didn't think I should waste my effort caring either. Besides, the best time to experiment and try new things is when you're alone in the jungles; far from home and only with one male companion." She paused to think, losing a few paces to Storm before jogging to catch up. "But I'm sure you understand, right?"

He only nodded while still trekking forth and turning the bend to double back on their path. This was the final leg of their journey and Milkyway was starting to get winded, so he figured he'd let her say her piece before he got strict with her concerning their duties overlooking the valley.

"I thought so. Anyway, now I've got you and I have to say I think it's about time I smarten up. I won't get a better mount or be mounted by one better so I hope you and I can really show them that we're not outcasts and we're not fools." She finally pulled head so that Storm was following her; she knew exactly where she was going and what she was doing. "I mean, they're sort of punishing you, too. Aren't they? Why else would they put me with you if I'm such a loser in their eyes?"

Storm immediately stopped in his tracks and growled. "Because I am the only one who has what it takes to whip cadets into shape." His message was clear and his intentions were plain.

But Milkyway shrugged and kept going, barely taking note of Storm's demeanour. "But you don't have to whip me into shape. I already know what I'm doing I just didn't want to unless I was with the right mount. Now that I have you, I can prove to you how useful I can be. In fact..." She trailed off as the two of them finally reached the summit, a flat plateau above the valley below overlooking the basin that spread out before them. "How about I show you right now just how valuable I can be."

"And how are you planning on doing that? By staring intensely at a valley that nobody ever goes through unless they're getting exercise in the mountain trails?"

"Of course not. Don't be silly. No, I'm not talking about protecting the village or our value to our people, I'm talking about value to each other." She let Storm take the final steps to join her on the plateau before unclasping a few of the straps of his red leather harness. "Our people aren't in danger and haven't been since before I was born. But you, you're something of a legend and you deserve to be properly thanked for your years of service." As she went to unclasp another strap, Storm stepped back.

The drake narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the side, putting some distance between himself and Milkyway. "I don't know what you're playing at-"

Before he could finish his sentence, she collapsed onto her knees and started to fake pout. "Oh, don't you reject me, too! All I wanted was a flight!"

"Excuse me?" Storm had absolutely no idea why she had such a sudden change of heart and why she was acting so silly. Rather than poke and prod her for specific answers, he waited to see how she went about filling in the blanks to elaborate on what it was she was attempting. Her goals.

She offered a few more fake sobs before washing away fake tears and sniffling. "All I ever wanted was to ride the great Storm Gryphon, protector of the Joraken tribe and maybe even one day an elder! If only I could get a chance to prove myself to you, then maybe I could be your rider and you could ride me every day! I mean, I could ride you every day. Or, we could fly together." She wasn't even trying to hide how fake her attempt at sobbing had been. "Are you picking up on the signals I'm sending? I don't think I'm being subtle and I know you're not dense."

"Just get to it. Stop dancing around what you're trying to say and just say what you mean."

Milkyway sighed and got to her feet. "Fine, but you're no fun. Now stand still while I make a few key adjustments to your harness here." She reached up and grabbed the saddle that was meant to hold her and tossed it to the ground, leaving a series of red leather straps dangling down around his belly. "Now if I have the calculations correct here, I should be able to snap these together below you, creating a sort of cradle for me to rest in and hold me in place."

Storm was finally getting what she was insinuating but wanted to hear it from her. He liked it when his partners initiated and weren't intimidated by him. Of course, he also liked it when they were submissive and perhaps a bit scared but she had already proven herself ravenous enough to handle him.

"I'm thinking, I'd absolutely love to ride you some day after I earn your trust, but the only way I will ever earn your trust is if I submit to you. I was thinking, the best way to do both would be to-" She once again trailed off, deliberately allowing Storm to fill in the blanks.

Though he was doing his best to not show his approval or enthusiasm for her proposition, he felt that every word out of her mouth was another little piece of heaven. Eventually, after the two shared a moment of silent camaraderie, Storm assumed a position with his flank exposed to her as all of the red leather straps dangled. "Well, what are you waiting for? If you want to earn a flight on my back, you'd best be prepared to suffer through a flight under me."

Her eyes slowly lit up as she stepped up to him, jauntily clapping in approval in the brief moment between his confirmation and her ripping off her skirt and tank top to fully expose herself! To Storm's genuine surprise, she wasn't wearing panties. She noticed him staring and struck a pose. "Sorry to keep you waiting; I honestly figured you would have pounced me and forced yourself on me soon after I bent over in front of you. I admire your restraint, but there's no need for that any more, big boy." She sidled up next to him and patted him on the haunches, her gentle touch coaxing his member from its sheath once again only to have her scold him. "Nope, not yet. Hold off a bit."

"Hold off? Why? Isn't this what you want?" Storm said, his mind slowly fogging to the desires his body was inflicting upon him. The excitement was building in his loins and he could smell the arousal in a sort of aura around Milkyway so he knew what was next but wasn't sure why she demanded he hold off. "If you want to fly with me, you will have to earn it."

"That's what I'm doing, but in order to do that I'm going to have to-" She grunted as she crouched down onto one knee and pulled both of the leather straps around to form a cradle beneath him with one strap near his hindquarters and one closer to his midsection clasping near a metal handle used for riders to guide their mount in the air. "Here. You'll see, I'm sure." She then twisted her body and hopped up, sliding into place in the harness with her belly up and tail sagging between his hind legs and one hand up to grab the handles behind his shoulder. She had to wiggle and adjust herself so that one strap was cradling her hips and the other was wrapped around her upper chest barely below her breasts.

Storm did all he could to remain stiff and in place, knowing full well that if he shuffled or tried to mess around with what she was doing he might throw her off balance and thus could reset the process. Regardless of his restraint, he couldn't help but feel that swell in his loins that made his sheath engorge and his cock tip poke out to drool more of his precum on her lower belly; he was still aroused from before and hadn't fully lost his desire so he was able to return to his old level with ease.

Milkyway took note of this, focusing on the protruding tip of his cock while she raised both of her legs to straddle his lower belly from below. Once she was fully set in place with her hands on the holsters near his shoulders and her legs up, she knew it was time to make her move. Before she started, she tried to explain herself a bit. "I've tried this before with others but they just couldn't get the rhythm down. Couldn't quite enjoy themselves. Buncha fools, if you ask me." She then gave Storm a light pat on his belly near his sheath with her free hand, still careful to not lose her balance.

This attention made his member come to attention, slowly protruding out from his flesh to squeeze in between her belly and his, soaking her with his fluids while barely sliding past her clit. "Well clearly you've never been with someone like me. You do know, once you submit to yourself as my rider, you're mine." He bucked his hips to force more of himself out to glide between them.

Milkyway had to adjust quickly by anchoring her feet on Storm's thighs and pushing away to get the proper leverage over him. She angled her hips and used her free hand to wrap around his cock tip and force it downward, easing his length between her legs and up against her pelvis. Naturally, she was quite tight and not exactly the proper build to take such a large drake but she had been practicing with horses and toys and fists and everything in between to train herself to handle larger cocks quicker.

This was not evident to Storm yet he bucked forth regardless, driving his cock between her lips and parting them with one fluid motion to sink half of his length between tip and knot into her. The initial thrust squeezed tight around him and was accented by an audible yelp coming from below him but he pushed through; once his cock head lurched past her lips, her depths opened up a bit and the rest sunk into her flesh with ease. He could see she was struggling a bit, her toes curling and eyes squinting shut as he filled her with his length, but he assumed she was prepared for this and bucked a second time to plunge the rest of his length into her.

She gasped and whimpered as she reached up and grabbed both of his shoulder handles, using that for leverage and control as she tried her best to properly manage his member. The burn that came from his flesh stretching her wide and distending her lips was pleasant and quickly brought her to a regulated panting in between casual lip bites, her entire lower body clenching and releasing as she eased her way back and forth. Every subtle shift in her weight had his member slide deeper or slide out a bit, resulting in a sensual friction that made her loins tingle and her tail twitch.

From there, Storm knew it was only a matter of time before he descended into the heart of carnal desire that would take over for him, so he wasted no time bucking once more and arching his back with his wings spread wide. His thrust slammed his knot against her inner thighs, spewing their combined fluids in all directions as they collectively pressed against one another, eager to feel the warmth of each other.

Much to her delight, Storm was not easy on her. He bucked and thrust and arched his back as he spread his wings and ground his knot against her lips repeatedly, clearly eager to feel her flesh swallow those massive lobes of hers. His girth and the spines around the tip were tickling her depths but she had been so dilated that it all sort of felt the same yet the sensations were intensified at the same time.

"Hope you're more durable than you look." Storm warned as he stepped forth and spread his hips, better adjusting himself to ensure he had the best leverage over her. However, he failed to factor in the reality that she was attached to him and any movement he made just pushed her along with him and he didn't make the slightest hint of advancement within her. For this reason, he curled his head down between his front legs and, ignoring her whimpers, bit down on her neck to better hold her in place as he tried a second time.

Milkyway let out a long, pained cry of delight as she felt his beak clench down on her neck and shoulder as well as the deeper intensity of his knot lobes - still only partially swollen but still notably thicker than the rest of his shaft - squeezed and squished into her. The bulges compressed and slid between her plump but taut vulva and hip bones to slowly force their way in deeper. The cry tapered out into a more drawn out whimper and shudder as her body adapted, flesh stretching to house him.

All things came together at once and Storm could no longer hold back. His knot was on the verge of making that final lurch into her and his wings were already outstretched and ready to fly! With one final buck of his hips aided by the clenched beak he held around her neck, his lobes popped into her and started to swell, locking both gryphon and canine together, an interspecies tie! She was tight, but his growing knot fit perfectly inside her just beyond her opening, ensuring that the tightness near her lips and the shape of her pelvic bone locked him in place. There was no way the two of them would dislodge from each other, not without serious tugging.

Distracted and overwhelmed by the intensity of her pussy squeezing him tight, Storm let go of her neck and growled into her ear. "If you want the privilege of being my rider, you'd best learn to handle this a bit better. No regrets, no restraint." And with that, before she could respond or protest or make any requests, he hopped forth to the edge of the cliff and leapt off, wings spread to catch a thermal as he glided over the basin below, the hot air buoying him so high that their gear on the cliff top was but a speck below them. From there, he and she could see the entire province.

Milkyway held on tight, resting much of her weight down on the straps that cradled her torso while her knuckles tensed up around the shoulder straps. Every flap of Storm's wings jerked his body in a way that tugged on her depths, his knot yanking at her flesh from within. This was not a problem, but it did distract her from keeping her grip on the handles and she had to occasionally divide her attention in order to ensure she didn't fall out of the harness!

Though his rider was struggling to handle him in many ways, Storm was in his own personal heaven. As the two of them flew high above the Arrenthen basin that housed their tribe and the province around it, Storm could feel an orgasmic pleasure building up inside him before finally erupting deep into Milkyway's depths. The pressure around his knot - and more specifically the tightness that tugged at the base of the knot between there and his sheath - coaxed one shot after another into her in a never-ending pleasure that Storm basked in as the warm air billowed under him.

He threw his head back and let out a screech that could be heard to the horizon in all directions, his pleasure announced to the world while subtly approving of his new rider with the sort of joy that the grizzled mount almost thought he'd lost. The build-up from the pre-orgasm fun on the ground had primed him in a way that he was physically and mentally prepared to inflate her womb as his cock tip forced its way through her cervix, the tightness of that second ring of flesh another trigger point.

The pleasure built inside him before erupting once more, that warmth and tingle counterbalancing the cool air that whipped by them when that high in the atmosphere.

As he kept his head reared back and his wings spread wide, he found himself banking upwards into a turn that became a barrel roll aimed directly at the ground. The sudden angle made her panic and clench even tighter, which became the primary reason she didn't fall off his cock! Both of them were facing down towards the ground below them, with Milkyway panicking but trying her best to remain composed even as adrenaline surged through her.

She was utterly overwhelmed with feelings as the force of gravity held her, the pressure of his knot tying her made her feel bloated, the fluid heat of his seed filling her made her feel like she was floating, and the stretch of her flesh struggling to accommodate him was almost too much.

Storm then twisted in midair and stabilized himself once more, front talons cradling her and hind legs folded up as he got back into a more horizontal position. His first orgasmic burst had pumped her full of gryphon seed and the chill of the air whipping his facial feathers giving him that sense of freedom, like he had absolutely no constraints on him. Gliding high above the cliffs and valley and basin with a warm body housing his cock; nothing could be better.

For that reason, he stayed in the air with her dangling beneath him and struggling to hold on for the better part of an hour. His knot throbbed and pulsated within her, every heartbeat making it twitch and swell just enough for her to feel it as another jet of his fluids inflated her abdomen; every flap of his wings jerked the both of them in such a way that his massive knot lobes tugged and jabbed deeper into her, never giving her more than a few seconds of respite at a time.

It wasn't until the drake felt his massive cock's knot easing its way out of her that he decided it may have been time to return to solid ground. Though she had put herself into this position by crawling up into the harness and getting herself tied, he would have felt terrible had she slipped - thanks to the copious torrents of seed he'd pumped into her - on the leather and fell to the ground. Though she still had a lot to prove when it came to her loyalty to the tribe and her skills as a protector of the village, she had proven herself as his rider and he wanted to keep someone like that around.

After one final bank and flip, Storm flared out his wings and landed heavily on the ground, the final jerk of his paws and talons landing on rock seemingly being enough to force his knot to pop out of her, the thick creamy drake-seed of his erupting from between her lips and his shaft to soak the both of them where they met. Her lower belly, inner thighs, and underside of her tail were all painted white as his balls and inner legs were also splashed with his essence. The girth of his knot - still swollen and hard since gryphons were known to tie for hours or even overnight - throbbed and glistened in the midday sun as his balls constricted and pumped one last shot of his seed into her.

She growled and clutched onto his shoulder straps one last time before relaxing every one of her limbs and slipping out of the harness onto the ground, limp and exhausted. She looked dead, at least until Storm stepped back and gently prodded at her shoulder. Only then did her eyes flutter open and her tongue lolled out, a thick swell of drake seed escaping her triangular, canine lips to form a puddle between her haunches and the underside of her tail. "Whuthsaula?" She mumbled incoherently.

Storm backed off and forcefully used his beak to part her legs and force her onto her back. There, he cleaned her loins like the gentleman drake he was, tongue prodding at her depths to clear her flesh of seed while leaving her fur coated in it to ensure she smelled of him for the rest of the day. His every lick and nuzzle made her twitch and curl her toes, clearly feeling residual orgasmic pleasure even though her pussy had been so tenderized that she nearly gaped in between each prod of his tongue.

After she felt like she had rekindled her lucidity, she flopped back and sighed heavily. "We have to do that again!" She insisted, tail wagging and sweeping cum-soaked rubble to either side.

"We'll see." Storm concurred as he pulled his beak out from between her legs, licking himself clean as he stepped on her lower abdomen to pin her down and trigger another pleasure response in her. "But only if you're willing to submit yourself wholly to me. I will keep you on as a rider and train you in all I know, but you must swear fealty to me. Only then will I grace you with such flights." He was somewhat bluffing, as he'd happily take her every day regardless of whether she submitted or not.

Luckily for him, she meekly whimpered and nodded, tongue poking out the end of her muzzle. "Anything for you, my drake."

"Glad to hear it. Now get up, we have work to do."

"But what about all the rest of this mess?" She protested, pulling herself out from under his talon to get to her feet and brush herself off.

Storm narrowed his gaze and grinned at her. "Wear it like a badge of honour. If you truly wanted to declare your fealty to me, you'll happily broadcast your submission by remaining marked."

"If you say so, my drake; my master." She blinked and gulped, then sniffed the air and a smile slowly spread across her face.

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