[QC-081] Hungry Like A Snake

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Commissioner/Aolanna Blackmist - blackmist333

Tritus - LAestir

Artist - Foxra

Writing - Runa

In this story, an intrepid adventurer by the name of Tritus is on a quest to get a love potion of sorts from the only dragoness in the region who has the skills to make what he needs!

Problem is, she demands a price and he will have to offer himself to her in more ways than one!

Caution: Story has implied nonconsensual cock vore. (I still don't do fatal, but the ending is ambiguous on purpose)


This is a quickie combo commission, a joint effort between Foxra and myself. The idea is that, for one price, you get both a flat coloured commission plus a short story to go with it.

If you'd like to get this in HD or an e-book rendition, consider pledging over on patreon!https://www.patreon.com/DalonianGodshttps://www.patreon.com/FoxraFluff


Hungry Like A Snake

Tritus took yet another step up the rocky path that led to his destination in the highlands. His every move was taxing on both his body and spirit but he knew it would all be worth it when he arrived at the remote cottage of Aolanna Blackmist, a dragon alchemist who was said to possess the skills needed to help him with his desires. Though little was known about her, she was said to be one of the best when it came to sexual enhancement themed potions and extreme experimentation.

Though he knew it was a risk to go so far out of his way without even the slightest assurance that he'd be rewarded for his effort - and in fact he couldn't even be guaranteed to find her cottage and furthermore had no idea if she would even be home - he was happy to take the risk. In his mind, the reward was worth it and he had brought enough food and supplies to last him a week if it turned out he needed to stick around to wait for her or earn her trust.

As an adventurer, Tritus was used to being away from the relative safety and comfort of civilization for weeks or months at a time while on a quest or searching for some long lost relic. There was much to be gained with persistence and tenacity while out adventuring, two traits that Tritus had in ample supply. He could use these benefits to his advantage by offering his services, proving himself willing to go out of his way to pay for her services, or endear himself to her in any way possible.

Most alchemists - even the reclusive ones who never leave their homes or invite outsiders to their abodes - Had a price and Tritus was willing to pay that price. His time exploring the region and doing various tasks for the nobles in town had paid him handsomely and he could easily drop a jade tab or two on the services he sought from the dragoness. Sexual enhancements did not come cheap and he had a particular gryphon in mind whom he wished to offer himself to but couldn't without a potion.

While Aolanna was not well known or very public with her persona, what little info Tritus was able to get on her painted a very interesting picture. Based on what he heard, could tell she was a rather large woman, twice as tall as the average person or more. She was mostly black and gray with vibrant orange stripes and horns, was well-muscled like an athlete, and remarkably well endowed. Based on what he was able to learn about her, it was quite clear she was one of her most frequent test subjects; few got to be that size or that well equipped without chemical or magical enhancement.

She would be a perfect pairing for him; if nothing else, she would fit into Tritus's plans quite well assuming she was willing to help. The only thing that could keep her from doing so was the fact that she was notoriously tight-lipped when it came to helping out others. Few told tales of her being willing to open her coffers or lab to others, with most citing her unwillingness to even do so much as open her front door to a stranger unless the stranger appealed to her curious and knowledge-hungry nature. One tale even told of a group of blokes so aggressive with their demands they launched a night-time attack on her cottage only to be cut down by the magic traps she had set up to protect herself.

Only one of the seven drakes who attempted to accost her returned with tales of brutality.

Luckily, Tritus was neither aggressive nor demanding. He was a compassionate dragon who was not only willing to do what it took to get what he wanted but genuinely wished to make friends and allies wherever he went. Hopefully his chipper personality and generosity would endear Aolanna to the point she was willing to consider him a friend. Not just in the interest of getting what he wanted out of her, of course, but a genuine friend to whom he could return and visit any time he returned to the region on an adventure or a quest. A true friend, not a fair weather friend.

Of course, that was entirely dependent on her demeanor. Tritus could be chipper and optimistic all he wanted, but it would be very hard to foster a positive relationship if it turned out she was some sort of curmudgeon or was otherwise nasty. In his investigation leading up to his decision to seek her out, he heard tales of her kindness and generosity in equal measure with tales of her bitterness and disdain for any and all who dared to approach her. With stories of her disposition ranging from positive to negative across the board, he was naturally eager to meet her and see for himself.

If nothing else he preferred to formulate his own opinion on people rather than let gossip speak on behalf of a person's demeanour. For all he knew, the ones citing Aolanna as a bitch with an attitude were the same ones who tried to demand her help or were unwilling to offer anything in exchange for her services. In Tritus's many experiences taking place throughout his years of adventuring, he had learned that most people were inherently good until proven otherwise. Most want to be nice to others but only turn sour when turned away from kindness by forces beyond their control.

His optimism may have been misplaced in some situations, but it had served him well most often and he had encountered far more success than failure thanks to this outlook. He had made friends all across the world and gained many allies along the way; he had no interest in altering his world view.

So when he finally took those steps over the rocky hill to see Aolanna's cottage nestled in between two vertical cliff sides, he got a swell of pride having finally made it. She wasn't just settled into a remote location away from the towns and villages, but she had deliberately erected her stone cottage in a location that was difficult to reach. In order to make it this far Tritus had climbed steep cliffs, scaled a tree, jumped over a chasm, and even had to cross a turbulent lake en route to a dangerously tall waterfall that would have killed him had he been taken over its current.

Tritus would not be able to fly, either. Had he tried that, he never would have been able to find his destination or land due to how thick the trees were in the region; any attempt to puncture the canopy or land in the treetops would have resulted in anything between a torn wing membrane or a broken bone. The cottage was remarkably well hidden by the elements, and as a result, her home was lush and covered in flora. The stone walls of the cottage were practically green with mosses and hidden behind thick vines that climbed up and even covered much of the roof, further hiding its existence. The cottage was also quite large, a single story of the building as tall as two in town for most folks.

Aolanna truly had no desire to be found by outsiders.

Though cautious, Tritus did make his way closer to the cabin, tapping his toe talons ahead of him to make sure he didn't get ensnared in some magic trap. As he got near enough, he saw that her windows were tinted to obscure anyone's attempt to see through; however, much like an eagle's eyes could see below the surface of the water, Tritus's dragon eyes could pierce the shade to see inside.

He saw only a glimpse of a wall covered in potion making equipment and stores of ademane before the super sized door swung open before him, revealing the tall dragoness that towered over him, her muscles and breasts filling her shirt thoroughly. What he wasn't expecting was the bulge in her pants that re-conceptualized his concept of female endowment. He thought the tales spoke only of her bust, but it was quickly evident that she was packing more than a plump set of lips between her legs.

"Can I help you?" She asked, voice stern and gruff without being dismissive or rude.

"I certainly hope so!" Tritus chirped as he took the last step needed to close the distance between them, hand outstretched to shake while his other held the strap of his pack over his shoulder. "My name is Tritus, and I am here to-"

"I don't care what your name is, what are you here for." She interjected, not interested in his pleasant small talk. She seemed agitated but distant, as if she was dealing with something and that Tritus wasn't the source of her ills but that he wasn't helping either.

He pulled his hand back when he saw that she wasn't taking it. "Ah, I see. If that's the case, I'm here to seek out a potential partnership with you in regards to a service I'd like to employ you for. I know - or at least hear - you're not the type to offer your services lightly but I'd appreciate it if you hear me out before declining my request." He was trying his best to be polite while also being a bit nervous about how this meeting would go. She had already started off by acting dismissive so he wasn't convinced he would be able to get through to her with her mental shields up so quickly.

To his surprise, she didn't immediately slam the door in his face. Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and glanced back into her home before turning to stare down at him. She was, as he expected, a solid meter taller than him or more and that made her intimidating even when she was simply paused and contemplating her response. Eventually, she leaned against the door frame and crossed one leg over the other. "And why should I help you out? I didn't invite you here and I certainly didn't leave bright glowing gems marking the path to my front door and yet here you are, plucky attitude and all. To me, you seem more like a solicitor or a pest than a partner."

Tritus raised a hand to protest her accusatory response with his maw open, but then stopped and clamped his gob shut as he thought about what she said. "You know, I suppose you're right, and for that I apologize. When the people in town were recommending you to me for what it was I needed I took their warnings of your unwillingness to help more as a response to their inconsideration for your needs and less about your active desire to remain alone. In my experience, people only hide from civilization when the people of that culture do wrong by them, nobody secludes themselves without a purpose."

Aolanna's eyebrow raised as Tritus went on with his plea, a grin slowly forming on her teeth to show her teeth. Once she was sure he was done, she shrugged and nodded in casual approval. "Alright, I can see you've put some thought into this and didn't come here lightly. You are right, by the way; most of my intolerance for the people of that feckless village come not from my own desire for solitude but their insufferable nature. They just don't understand or appreciate the value I put in my work and the serenity I need to do my best. That said, I'm curious what makes you think you're different."

He started ruffling about in his bag looking for the pouch he brought with him. "Well, I don't know for certain if you care about coin, but if you do I'm very willing to pay quite well for your services, likely well above and beyond what most would ask. If you're even half as good as your reputation would indicate I know that you would demand a hefty fee for what it is I wish to ask." Upon finding the pouch, he pulled it out and loosened the strings to show a series of coins, gems, and crystals all glowing and glimmering against the bits of light that managed to pierce the canopy.

The contents of the pouch reflected in her eyes as she leaned down, coaxing a subtle grin by plucking at the sides of her maw. However, after a moment of indulging, she pulled back and shook her head. "Sorry, money's not what I need. It helps, sure, but I make plenty of coin doing what I do."

"Well, take it anyway. Consider it a down payment or a show of good faith to get me in the front door; we can talk about the details inside over tea or something. If that works for you, I mean. I'm not going to be a nuisance I hope, I just really want to have a conversation and let you decide from there." He offered a bow of respect as she took the coins, smiling and flicking his tail out behind him.

Aolanna narrowed her eyes, somewhat suspicious of his behaviour due to how eager he seemed to please; most who visited were aggressive and unpleasant when they came to proposition her. After a moment of reflection and contemplation, she pocketed the bag of coin and turned to guide him inside. "Alright, we'll have some tea, then. Please don't waste my time, though. I'm not interested in boring requests or mundane tasks that anyone can do."

"I accept your terms." He chirped as he hopped in after her. He used his tail to close the door behind them, delaying his wonder by mere seconds. Tritus had seen a brief glimpse of what was inside the cabin before he had stepped in but that didn't prepare him for what the remote location was hiding.

Aolanna's cottage was far larger on the inside than it appeared from the outside. While the rock walls and roof were the shape one might expect from a house for someone Aolanna's size and denoted a single room home's shape, the interior had been carved deep into the cliff side. The floor space was as vast as at least five typical cottages, with regions of the interior all decorated with different bits of equipment and storage. One wall was almost entirely covered with vials for potions, cooking materials, jars of ademane, beakers of bubbling concoctions, and all the tools needed to extract and mix.

Another wall was covered in what appeared to be voodoo materials such as skulls, pelts, bones, and what appeared to be blood, while the back wall looked like it was mostly for personal activities like cooking, cleaning, or recreation. In one corner was a well-carved sink with constantly running water in the form of an underground stream that passed by her interior. This would probably be great for spilling potions or disposing of any byproducts that didn't get used. In the middle of the room was a series of tables and maps and notes all set up for ease of access when near the equipment.

"Wow! This is even nice than I expected!" Tritus marveled. "So this is where the magic happens? I'd very much like to witness that, if possible."

She continued walking away until she reached the sink, where she collected some water in a clear vase and placed it on a glowing orange crystal to heat it up. This was clearly how she made tea. "I don't wish to mince words or focus too much on idle chatter. Sir drake, what brings you to my ever so humble abode? What is it you desire so much that you're willing to risk life and limb to see me?" The water was boiling already so she made them each a cup of steaming hot tea and passed his mug to him.

Trtitus happily took it and gave it a sip as he leaned back against a nearby table which hosted a map with markers for where certain types of herbs and mosses naturally grew. "Forgive my bashfulness but I'm looking for something that will help to greatly increase my virility. There's this gryphon I know and she's the size of a full grown draft mare; I want to pleasure her properly and give her the affection she deserves but I'm very much so smaller than she is. I'm not what I'd call poorly endowed, but I'm not anything like you, either." He tipped his mug towards her as he angled his eyes down to the bulge in her pants, indicating he was referring to her cock. "I don't plan on being hyper, but I do think she deserves at least something the size of a stallion or drake."

"Have you considered using your arm or fist? A tail is dexterous and can go pretty deep if you know how to use it. Why come to me when you have the tools to satisfy her equipped to your form already?" Though she was dressing him down and challenging his motives, she had a subtle glint of interest in her eyes that spoke to the dragon. "What's your name, again?"

"I'm Tritus." He answered simply. "And you're Aolanna, correct? I should probably have double checked that before making any assumptions."

She nodded. "Indeed that is my name, but I generally prefer to be called Lanna. Fewer syllables means less wasted time. I'm sure you understand."

He nodded back. "I do! So Lanna it is. As far as your concerns go, there's more to pleasuring a gryphon hen than just how big of an object I could stuff into her. I could, in theory, dive into her head first and wiggle about to sate her desires, but none of that compares to the carnal satisfaction that can come from being filled with a drake's seed. I'm to understand, based on my research of what you do here, that you can help me fill out a bit and give me the sort of volume akin to a stallion."

In spite of her trying her best to remain stoic in the eyes of this random stranger, her eyes deceived her by darting around the room as her lips peeled back into a subtle yet devious grin. She was very interested in what Tritus had to say and was finding his specific requests and needs to be exactly up her alley. After composing herself and shaking off the expression of excitement, she took another sip of her tea. "I'm listening. You have my attention."

"That's basically it, though." Tritus confirmed. "I want to be able to be a bit bigger for her and have enough volume to make her feel like she's been mounted by a stallion. Ideally I would have multiple vials of potion or whatever you concoct for more than one session, I guess?" He was unsure how to clarify without getting into the exact details of how such an encounter would go in his head.

"So you want me, a talented potion maker who specializes in virility to give you a virility potion in exchange for what, exactly? I mean, coin is nice, but as I said before I invited you in coin is not something I have much need for. I fund my research quite well through a courier that sells my simpler stuff in town under an alias, that way people aren't aware of the soure. Maintains an air of mystery and keeps me more or less anonymous so I can continue to do my work away from others. I'm sure you understand, don't ya?"

Tritus nodded excitedly, then paused as he realized the shaking of his head was spilling his tea. "Yeah, I definitely do! So you're saying you're willing to help me? What do you want from me other than coin? I have gems, relics, and a well-tempered will to-"

"I just want you." She interjected. "Your body."

"In what capacity?" He inquired, eyes narrowed as her question made him uneasy.

Lanna could see that her word use might have put him on edge, so she clarified. "I need test subjects. I've been working on a potion for basically that exact same thing for the past few months and have been desperate for someone to try it on other than myself. I know it works on someone my size and a person's potion is always most effective on themselves, but I want to see if it works on others and I don't trust the people in town to give me a proper sampling." She tapped her chin and took a big gulp of her tea to finish it off. "So I'd like permission to use the potion on you and document its effects."

"Yeah! I was prepared to offer to help with tasks concerning my request before I even showed up, so I'd be happy to offer myself as a test subject if that's what it takes!" He was perhaps a little too enthusiastic but the prospect of getting what he wanted in exchange for a bit of his time seemed more than fair to him. Not only would he hopefully be granted the potions he craved, but the joys that came alongside the process of creation and progression were unparalleled in the realm of the adventurer.

However, despite Tritus's enthusiasm he was met with a narrowed gaze of devious intent as Lanna snarled and licked her lips. "I'm so very glad to hear that. I just need to make sure you know what you're getting into before signing, so to speak." She stepped past the dragon and picked up one of the nearest vials of potion and stirred it with her claw tip. "So if you're sure you're willing to aid me in my experimentation with the knowledge that it is experimentation and results are not guaranteed, then we can go onto the next step. Furthermore, I cannot protect you from potential side effects, and I don't think I can promise I won't pounce you, either."

"Pounce me?" Tritus probed. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"If you end up having a positive effect, well, I'm insatiable. One of the best ways to douse the effects of this potion in particular is to finish. To climax. To blow your load, as the commoners like to say." She swirled the teal concoction in the vial again, staring at him through the glass. "I'm not entirely sure if this is exactly what it is you're looking for in a potion, but based on what you've told me it's remarkably close to what you are asking for and could require only a few alterations to get it right. As you can see I have a few dozen more samples to play with, so let's get started!"

Tritus was taken aback, shaking his head in disbelief. "Right now? Already? Not even going to have a meal before diving in?" Though his words were of caution, his tail flicked eagerly.

She shook her head and shrugged, muscular body and plump breasts pressing out against her shirt as she did so. "Why? Progress and time wait for no man, myth, or mortal. I imagine you're hungry, but potions work better on an empty stomach and give the best results that way. Not to mention you'll end up needing to refuel when we're done here either way." She gently placed the vial in a holder and peeled her shirt off, exposing her breasts in the process. Though she wasn't deliberately calling attention to herself, her pierced nipples were bright orange and drew the dragon's gaze.

"Why are you-" He started, only to be drawn in by her impressive form. "I mean, is there a reason you chose to do this nude? I thought I was the one getting the potion treatment."

"You are. You should probably strip down as well. If the potion has effects beyond what is initially intended you might tear your trousers and I don't think it would be in your best interest to risk your only garments so far away from home." As she spoke she bent down and slid her own pants down over her thick thighs, revealing a plump sheath and two massive balls that were each the size of Tritus's fists. Reasonably sized, but still impressive.

The dragon couldn't help but stare with maw agape, eyes wide and trained on her gray sheath with the vibrant orange tip poking out. Though he had a dozen thoughts and fantasies running through his mind, he couldn't help but question her process. "H-how is that going to help me out here?"

She kicked her pants to the side to have them dangle loosely over the side of a chair while she grabbed the vial once more and extended her hand to him. "Well, take a sip and find out." She insisted, deliberately wafting the concoction beneath his nose to ensure he got a good whiff of its scent.

As it turned out, the potion had a fruity aroma, one that reminded him of berries and citrus. Its scent alone wasn't enough to get him excited, but he was in the presence of a rather large and powerful dragoness who happened to be far better equipped than he ever would have expected. The combination of factors worked together to make Tritus weak at the knees, since he was both eager to finally have an interested party when it came to helping him with his potion desires as well as a powerful partner to try it out on. Things were looking up for him, so he grabbed the vial and downed it all in one gulp.

"Someone's enthusiastic." Lanna mused as she snatched the vial again and gently placed it back in its holder. "But you probably should have only had half the total volume. I brewed the potion with someone my size in mind; with you being the size of my leg, I do feel that it might be a bit too potent for you. Whatever the case, now we wait! Why don't you pass the time by stripping down for me?"

"For you?" He interjected, the words cutting his thought process that was immediately preceded by worries of the potion making him bulge and grow in all the wrong ways. "I thought this was for me, or at least my quest to make my partner happy." He did regret the words as soon as they escaped his maw, for he felt he may have touched on a nerve or driven her away.

Luckily, she was both reasonable and aroused enough to let it slip. "Dear Tritus, this is for both of us. I only agreed to offer you my aid in exchange for your submission to me as a test subject, and a large part of that role is that you must get naked for me so that I might closely observe any changes in your body. I'd like to be very thorough with my notes, you must understand." She then pulled up a chair, sat down on it with one leg crossed over the other, grabbed a notepad, and leaned forward to tug on his waistband to encourage him to disrobe.

Tritus pulled away from her and lightly batted at her hand while giving her a playful smirk. "I can do it myself, miss. If you want to watch, then let me show at my own pace!" He wasn't trying to show dominance or power over her, but he was hoping his chipper attitude and sensual teasing would come across in the jovial manner he intended. When Lanna backed off and rested her notepad on her thick thigh, Tritus knew that she approved of his actions and thus had the confidence to make an erotic face as he pulled the string from his pants and let his trousers fall past his knees.

"Fascinating. It looks like the potion is already working." She commented as she started to write in her notepad. "You've got quite the member bulging out there, don't you?"

Eager to see if there was a chance, Tritus hurriedly glanced down to see how much bigger he'd grown. Though he certainly didn't feel different, her reaction was encouraging. Problem was, he hadn't changed in the slightest. "N-no, that's just me." He said, disappointed.

Her eyebrows raised and she swept her hair back. "Really? Well then I'm impressed. I assumed you were endowed with an average dragon cock, not an oversized member! Carry on, carry on." She urged him as she leaned back again, quill dancing between her fingers and her own member expanding a bit more with every few beats of her heart. She was as excited as he was, maybe even more! She showed this by idly rubbing herself to coax her orange-fleshed member from its sheath, its glistening tip drooling a silken concoction of precum down her thigh.

Under most circumstances, this sort of power play from a male would have been intimidating to Tritus, but her deep yet sultry voice mixed with her feminine wiles made it clear she was more into him than she was letting on. Aolanna may have been reserved and shut off from the world in her daily habit, but she was relaxing more and more the longer she and Tritus enjoyed the company of each other. She also seemed to be eager to see what sort of things changed within him that could better help her in her research; such intent was clear by the way she stared at him, eyes scanning him every few seconds.

"I'm not sure I'm feeling anything yet." Tritus admitted, hands out as he glanced at his scaled form. "How long does it usually take to start making changes in me? Is this going to be an all-day endeavour, or can we expect something to-" He stopped mid-sentence and doubled over as he felt a deep sensation churning in his loins; in an odd way it felt as though someone had grabbed his balls and gave a squeeze and tug, but it felt the opposite of that at the same time. Like someone was squeezing and like something inside was expanding in unison. Though it was mildly uncomfortable, the tingling sensation the pressure left in its wake also massaged him in a way he'd never felt before.

She nodded and smirked at him, teeth exposed and tongue sticking out. "Yeah, it's fast." She confirmed. "Even faster when you consider how much you took and how small you are compared to me. Now we keep a close eye and, if you don't mind, I can perhaps give you a proper fondle to better take in the data." Lanna pushed in closer to him and cradled his groin in her large palm, a single finger up between his thighs to tickle his tail hole as her thumb rubbed between his leg and belly. She was careful to not directly touch his cock and was instead observing as its growing length slid down her forearm to drool precum onto her.

Tritus immediately felt a wince building up inside him, one that made him curl his toe claws tight against the wood of her floor. When he realized he had raked up a coil of wood grain, he relaxed and stepped in such a way that he pulled his claw tips from the floor. "S-sorry about that, I didn't mean to-" She stopped him mid-sentence by wrapping her fingers around his member and giving a squeeze, milking him of his precum.

Once he'd squirted a visible pool of his essence onto her forearm, she licked it up and smiled. "I can taste the magic working its way through you already." As she spoke, her own member started to grow and throb, bigger now than Tritu's arm was with plenty of room to grow. Her balls remained the size of footballs, so Tritus got the impression she could grow to the size of his leg.

Then something strange happened. As Tritus squirmed in place, his balls and cock still swelling and growing in place thanks to the potion, he got this unrelenting urge to mate. Like a rutting instinct, he found himself in a state of mind that made him feel that if he didn't mount and penetrate and cum quickly, his balls would go blue and swollen in pain. Well, more blue than they already were. Since his scales were blue, all of him was blue. Misnomers aside, he reached out for the first thing he could find that had a hole: her cock.

Aolanna went to push him away at first as a reflexive defensive move, only to realize a split second later what was going on. She immediately reached out for her notepad and started scribbling some data onto the paper as she flexed her groin to make her member swell up to full size. At this point, full size was down to her knee and thicker than Tritus's thigh, plenty big enough for her to take his length inside her own. At least, that's what she thought at first. As she watched, she saw his cock grow in size to the exact same ratio to his body size as hers was to her body size: down to his knee.

There was a brief moment of uncertainty between them as Tritus shook his head clear of his abnormally kinky thoughts, certain he was going too far. Then, as another swell built inside him and his desire skyrocketed a second time, he grabbed his cock tip with one hand and hers with the other, lining his member up to her urethral and bucking into it with all the might he could muster. His first thrust was fruitless, as her member was still growing and only semi-erect; had she been as stiff as he, Tritus would have had no issues plunging himself into her.

"Need some help there, sir drake?" She asked with a posh, polite inflection. Lanna then grabbed her own member and gave it a proper stroke down to the base before squeezing, forcing it to swell and expand to full girth and mast. Before long, she was fully erect and hard as could be with copious volumes of precum drooling out the tip. Her eyes were alight with excitement not for the sexual thrill of what Tritus was doing, but for the scientific implications of how well her potions worked on him.

At least that was how she felt at first. The moment she felt his fingers slip into her cock's hole to collect some of her fluid, she felt her own desires flare up and her own level of excitement build to the same level as his. It was in that moment that she thought perhaps their contact and the presence of her own potion had somehow rubbed off on herself, a curious development indeed.

Tritus, however, wasn't thinking about those implications in the least. His mind had been completely clouded by lust and his desires had long since taken over his thought processes. He had no desires in that moment beyond self-gratification and cared little for the science of the matter in his cum-drenched haze. He grabbed her cock tip and forced his thumb into her urethra to spread her cock lips apart, giving him a good view inside her as his own oversized member pulsated in his palm. He wasted no time pressing his tip into her opening, wiggling about to get the right angle before wrapping both hands around her tip for stability and pushing into her with all his might.

She did what she could to help him, widening her legs and leaning in while wrapping her free hand around his waist to tug him in close. As his member slid into her aided by the precum coating her urethral walls had been soaked with, she tensed her cock as tight as it would go, both making her member firmer and her passage tighter at the same time.

He let out an audible groan as the pleasure skyrocketed to well beyond what he was prepared to deal with. The tightness - especially around the base of his cock as her tip touched his belly - was almost too much to bear and he found it quite difficult to move at all. His attempt to pull out so he could get another full thrust was countered by another squeeze that held him in place, the urethral tunnel constricting in waves from her tip to base, milking him in place as his knot swelled.

In response to his shuddering of delight, she gave another squeeze and leaned back, casually watching his every action while scribbling down notes. Her cock had wrapped itself around him, locking him in place so he wasn't going to be able to escape. "Tell me, Tritus, how does this feel?" She inquired, leading him in a scientific pursuit; even when getting sexual pleasure from penetration, her focus still remained knowledge and understanding of how her potion affected him.

Naturally, he was unable to respond. Instead, he just curled his toe claws again as he bucked into her, member barely shifting inside her as her opening clamped tight around the base of his knot. He could feel her inner walls caressing him as his length rocked from side to side, the silken flow of her precum filling her passage in between her flesh and his. It was heavenly and the natural fluids were making everything even more sensitive, so much so that even the slightest shift inside her made Tritus tense up and clench his loins, an action that made his knot swell even more.

He tried his best to thrust, to tug on her opening or maybe get a few proper bucks into her cock, but it seemed her urethra was tightest right at the tip and therefore he was stuck. At least, that's what it felt like at first. The more he shifted his weight and the more his member rocked inside her, the looser she came to feel to him, eventually allowing his knot to pop out of her with a glorious splash of their combined fluids onto his legs and the floor between them. The second his knot burst from her flesh, they both paused in place, shocked at this revelation.

Lanna's eyes narrowed in surprise, her mood shifting from casual arousal to deep thought. She knew that his cock hadn't shrunk since he hadn't ejaculated into her - that would have filled her with pleasure in more ways than one - so she was quite curious as to why he had escaped her. Then, as she did a mental inventory of all the potions she had recently concocted she came to the realization that her own member must have loosened up, releasing him. Peculiar, but still within her goal. Perfect.

On the other hand, Tritus was still focused almost entirely on his own pleasure and relieving himself into her one way or another. Once again he wrapped his hands around her cock tip - thumbs and fingers barely touching thanks to her insurmountable girth - before plunging himself as deep as he would go a second time. His shaft disappeared into her orange flesh to the knot, stopping only when his bulges pressed at her cock's lips and tried to dilate her further. Again and again he thrust into her, each motion emphasized by a collaborative clench from both cocks that made his own member firm and her urethral passage far tighter and significantly more snug.

Naturally, this sort of aggressive back-and-forth ensured that neither of them could hold back. Tritus found himself far more sensitive than usual - something he knew he would have to work on had he chosen to pleasure that gryphoness for more than a few minutes - and Lanna was happily clenching and twisting her body to ensure he got the most out of her cock.

In one final thrust as Tritus felt his pleasure hit its plateau, the dragon once again plunged his knot back into her cock tip to plug her up as his ridges and others features expanded and pressed out against her walls. Before long he had no choice but to squeeze his thighs together and roll his eyes back, a voluminous eruption of dragon seed exploding deep into Lanna as her walls gulped it down in waves. He ejaculated, her cock swallowed with ease to deposit his seed into her balls.

Much to his surprise, Lanna's own orgasmic delight quickly matched his and her cock's inner walls reversed their motions as her loins tensed and her balls squeezed in place, forcing both his seed and hers back down her shaft to get stuck against the seal that was his knot. She was plugged, and as such her seed had only one place to go: Back into Tritus's member. She squeezed and pushed against him, the pressure building up inside her member before the first of her copious seed found its way back into his urethra to course through his cock and into his balls.

This sudden and intense pressure filling him made him want to force himself deeper into her and return the favour once more, but he was halted when she grabbed her own cock tip, squeezed it tight enough to force his knot out of her, then pulled away to turn and take some notes. This left her cock semi-erect and drooling, gaped almost as wide as his oversized knot as a bridge of cum and other lubricant dangled between them both, urethral opening to urethral opening.

Given his sudden and even stronger desire to release the increased amount of dragon seed that bloated his balls, Tritus tried his best to stroke himself to the sort of orgasm that would release the combined mass of semen from his bloated balls. Problem was, the fluid had been trapped inside him, sealed by the requirement of another climax. The only way to get it back out of him was to ejaculate and hopefully fill her once more. Problem was, she had already turned to the table and was too busy writing down information in her notepad and talking to herself to let her cock be used once more as a receptacle for the combined seed inside his balls.

"Growth, hunger, expanded urethra, okay. Yeah that makes sense. Perfect." Lanna muttered to herself under her breath. She was large and loud enough that Tritus could hear and understand her, but she was so focused on the effects of the potion that she couldn't help but be a bit louder than she'd normally have liked. Still, her hopes were carrying on perfectly, and she had a theory that a potion - when filtered through a fully male host - might actually give her the effects she craved. Tritus had already shown the proper growth and his cock had happily taken her seed, so there was a good chance it would happily accept more if the situation called for it.

He, however, wasn't thinking about science any longer. Sure, he loved the idea of the potion working flawlessly by making him a proper size for his partner, but he hadn't planned on having part of the process revolving around having Aolanna pump him full of her cum just to make it work. "So, Lanna, what do we do next?" He asked, gulping heavily as his erect cock bounced in place, his every motion resulting in more precum oozing out his tip and soaking into the grain of the floor beneath him.

She dismissively waved her hand at him, hardly looking up from her notes. "Nothing for now." She said simply. "I have to cross reference some data before anything else. Here, measure yourself, girth and length."

He caught the roll of tape she tossed to him, fumbling it a bit as he struggled to maintain his dexterity with a cock the size of his upper thigh. "Wait, are you going to just leave me pent up like this? I mean, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask to-"

"Yes, dear. Science waits for no desires and I have to calculate some things before we go on. You can either masturbate to clear the pipes or wait until I'm ready for another round." She shifted her weight and turned the chair around so that her tail was flopped over the side and her orange-fleshed pussy was pressed against the wood, half covered and half exposed.

Tritus could barely see her vulva from that angle but he could tell instantly that she wasn't paying attention to him so he took advantage of that and leaned back to get a better look. She was wet, so wet that she was actually dripping fluid arousal onto the ground next to the puddle of seed that they had leaked together. In fact, he leaned so far back that he lost his balance and stumbled in place, crashing against a nearby table and slipping on the slick part of the floor. When he grabbed a chair and regained his composure, Lanna glanced back at him and gave him a sly look.

"If you're going to, go ahead and do it quick. I'm pretty busy." She insisted, wiggling back so that her vulva was fully exposed to him, plump pussy lips drooling and throbbing in time with every one of her pelvic constrictions. She barely even took notice of him since her plan was coming together perfectly and the potion was working exactly as intended. Nothing could slow down her progress now, and Tritus was the perfect partner to test its full effects out on. He was playing into her needs like a rat to a piper, unaware of her intentions.

Wasting no time, the drake happily got back to his feet and stepped up to her, curling his arm under her tail to hoist it up and better expose her pussy to his member. Given the difference in size - and the fact that her chair's seat was at just below his waist level - he had no problem aiming his tip at her plump lips before easing against her, shuffling forth on both feet while grabbing himself with his free hand. Rather than rub and tease her lips, he pressed his cock head up into her and pulled at the base of her tail to better sink himself deep into her orange-fleshed folds.

In response to his touch, She shuffled in place and arched her back, lifting her tail while pretending to still be focused on her notes. She already had the information she needed but was leading him on so that he might pass the materials back to her, knowing full well that the best way to do so was to make herself as appealing as she could be. The best way to do that was to push back onto his oversized cock while wriggling her hips and tensing her pussy in time with his motions while her own cock drooled in front of her. The scent of musk was overwhelming, but not so much that she lost sight of what it was she was planning.

Opposite of her, Tritus found himself lost in the lust the came from the combined scents and sensations. Her hot flesh squeezing his leg-sized cock brought him to a rather quick climax despite him not being able to erupt, at least not at first. He only managed to sink himself to the knot once before he felt that familiar orgasmic delight teasing his length and forcing his member to pulsate and throb inside her. Yet, despite that encroaching release, he felt a bit of pressure deep within him that kept him from releasing his seed into her.

He happily started bucking into her, aggressively pounding flesh against flesh as her quivering depths sucked and pushed against him, her plump hips gyrating to match his thrusts. Tritus kept a strong grip at the base of her tail for leverage, somewhat struggling to position himself right in order to get the best angle of penetration. Once he found that, however, he got increasingly rough, aggressive to the point where had he been with anyone else he worried he might have hurt them.

In fact, it took only a minute of steady, uninterrupted sexual aggression to make him realize that he wasn't quite acting like himself. He was hungry for more, ravenous in ways he'd never consider being to his partners. Yet, at the same time he internalized his thoughts as necessary in order to best release this building tension. He knew she could handle it, so he convinced himself that once he finished he would be able to caress her and gently massage her depths with his hands or maw.

At least, that was what he planned to have happen. He wasn't thinking about the reality of what happens post ejaculation. Nobody ever does.

Aolanna was, though. She was planning this and was relying on his complacency post orgasm to best utilize him for her final tests on this potion. That's why she was doing all she could to help him out such as pushing her rump back over the side of the chair, squeezing as tight as she could at the apex of every thrust, and relaxing at just the right time to best allow her lips to dilate enough to invite his knot into her. This took a while to time properly, but after a few stretched-out moments of casual thrusting, Tritus found the strength at the same time she offered the invitation and he popped right in!

In that very moment, when his knot squeezed and lurched past her opening, Tritus made the cutest sounds mixing a moan, and growl, a chirp, and a squeak. It sounded like a parrot eating a vocal rat while excited chicks waited for their food. Then, as he tensed up as his knot exploded to its full girth inside her, he pressed his belly to the underside of her tail while grinding his hips against hers. It wasn't until he felt her every fold of supple vaginal flesh squeezing around him at once and holding him snug that he finally felt the flood-gates inside him open up, allowing the persistent climax to release itself.

With a growl and a bite on her tail, he pushed into her as hard as he could go, his knot turning rock hard and his member throbbing to pump their combined seed back into her womb. His cock, now longer than his thigh and twice as thick, kept him tied to her as his balls tensed up and rippled in delight at the same time his every pelvic muscle contracted. The pleasure made his eyes flutter and his toes curl while more and more of their seed flooded her pussy, leaving only one place for it to go: her womb.

He pumped more and more into her, inflating her cunt to the point his shaft barely felt her walls, the pressure building and cum spurting out from her lips to dribble down his thighs. This lasted for only a moment until she relaxed, cervix opening and womb inhaling every last drop from him to once again leave him exhausted and oversensitive, each of her heartbeats constricting his member and coaxing the slightest of ejaculations out of him until he was run dry.

Before he could make a comment or thank her, his muscles went weak and his vision went blurry. He lost grip of her tail and fell backwards, stopped only by the tug of his cock still lodged deep inside her, tied to her sex. With all four limbs splayed out, his tongue lolled out the side of his maw and he started drooling, eyes crossed and loins feeling empty. He had to have deposited at least three liters of semen into her, it was natural to feel exhausted beyond belief.

Lanna knew this, too. She kept her loins tight to ensure he didn't fall before tensing up and pulling the chair out from under herself, slowly placing him on the ground while keeping a grip on his knot and riding him cowgirl style. Only then did she relax and push down on him, forcing his member to once more pop out of her and gush fluids onto his belly and loin, fluids trickling down over his form to soak the wood of her floor.

As he slowly came to his senses, Lanna pulled up a chair and sat down on it, her cock visibly growing as it hung over the side and touched the ground. "You feelin' alright?" She asked him as she leaned down on her knee, a glint in her eye and a hunger in her gaze.

Tritus pulled himself up to sit upright, his cock now shrinking both in size and back into his slit. "Yeah, just, wow that was powerful." He mused, mostly to himself. He then looked up at her and covered his groin. His mind was finally getting back on track, the haze of arousal clearing up in lieu of the haze of afterglow. "Did you get the data you need?"

She nodded. "Most of it. Do need to take some more from you, if you don't mind." She confessed, rolling the ball of measuring tape between her fingers. "You didn't get your measurements before you climaxed, which leaves me in a bit of a tight spot. Can you do me a favor?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, no problem. If that...heh, wow...if that orgasm was anything to go by, I think a few tweaks might be all you need to perfect that potion." He grunted as he struggled to get back to his feet. "And I said I'd do anything to help you, so what is it you need of me?"

"Outside, nestled in the corner between the front area of the cabin and the cliffs, you will find a nice little patch of moss and mushrooms. The moss have tiny bits of orange highlights and the mushrooms are a peachy red with violet undertones. If you could fetch some for me - about a fist full of both - that would help me out greatly." She swished her tail out behind her, grinning and showing her teeth as she gave the command.

The dragon was happy to oblige. "Yes of course. Forgive me if I take a bit longer than normal, though. My legs are weak and shaky and I might need a moment to rest." He took a few wary steps, only to have her tail tip curl up under his chin and force him to look her in the eyes.

"It's okay, you've done plenty and aren't done yet. Thanks for your help." Lanna then guided him towards the door with her tail while still sitting, watching as he made his way outside. The moment the door closed behind him she tapped her claws on the table and started rubbing her member, a grin forming on her face as she felt the blood flow to her gargantuan length. With Tritus no longer in the room she could allow herself to take in the magic from the seed he'd deposited in her and internally redirect it into her groin, forcing her cock to grow to many times its normal size.

The more the blood flowed and the more erect she grew the bigger her member became. What started as a gloriously oversized piece swelled and throbbed to nearly twice its length and diameter then continued to grow until it was resting heavily on the ground between her ankles, precum drooling out. Once its full length had been realized, it swelled to three times its normal girth and grew firm to the touch, its tip poking straight out and slightly curved up with every ridge and spine perfectly defined.

Finally ready to go forward with the last leg of the experiment with her unwary prey, she got to her feet and curled both arms around her length to pull it up against her chest, its girth nestled between her breasts. She walked out of her cabin, careful to not disturb any of her other tables or lab equipment.

Once outside, she gently closed the door behind her to ensure she made no sound before ambushing her prey. Furthermore, she remained careful as she tiptoed around the leaves, not wanting to have them crunch underfoot. Tritus was on his knees before her, scooping up the moss and mushrooms from the patch nestled in between the cabin and the cliffs. He was completely unaware of her presence even though she was no longer trying to remain stealthy. With her cock up by her face, she slipped a hand into its urethral opening to loosen herself up, stirring the bubbling precum that sputtered out the end of it before letting the whole member flop down on the ground with a heavy thud.

Tritus didn't even turn to look at her as he responded. "Oh, hi! Coming out to help?" He asked, still picking the best bits of moss from the rock walls.

"Sort of." She admitted. "Just looking to get your help in a different way." she then got down onto her knee behind him so that her cock tip was touching the very end of his tail, urethral drooling on the final scales of his spine. Before he could respond, her cock walls expanded and extended forward, wrapping her urethral lips around his appendage as they began to slurp and suck.

Still completely complacent, Tritus shuffled back so that more of his tail could disappear between her cock lips. "If you wanted more, all you had to do was ask." He then gently placed all of his collected ingredients to the side in neat little piles before rolling over onto his back with his knees up and his cock - now a normal but still impressive size - flopped down on his belly. His eyes lit up as he got a good look at her monster-sized cock for the first time. "Wow, I can understand why you're so hungry!"

She leaned into him as her groin muscles flexed and dilated in place, further sucking his tail up into her like a scaled noodle amidst a series of audible squishes and slurps. Given the simplicity of his tail's form, she had half of it gulped down into her member within seconds even as her loins hungered for more. Lanna knew that the best way to take in more of him was to get his feet and legs next, so she wrapped both hands around the base of her cock and aimed her tip at one foot and then the other, forcing his paw pads to press tight against the underside of his tail before having her lips expand and extend to swallow each of his feet to the ankle.

This left Tritus in a weird position with his tail swishing about inside her member and both of his knees still up as her cock hole wrapped itself around his ankles, forcing him into an awkward pose. He tried to squirm and adjust but found that her flesh held him pretty tight and even with all his might he couldn't yank his talons from her member's maw. The only thing he could do was extend his legs, forcing his extremities to go deeper; so that's what he did.

With a look of distracted discomfort on his face, Tritus braced himself against the rock with his elbows and worked his hardest to extend his legs to make them straight, forcing them down her cock's shaft up to his knees. Once he was comfortable, he wiggled his toes and cycled his feet to form a series of moving lumps down her shaft along the underside of it. "Well aren't you ravenous?" He joked.

All Lanna did was nod and lean into him, bracing herself over top of the dragon while bucking her hips and flexing her pelvic muscles again, this time coaxing a light yet guttural whooshing sound out of her depths to accompany her member's ravenous gulps. Her length throbbed in waves, starting at the base to clench down on his tail tip and feet while walking its way up his appendages and eventually lurching forward so that her lips wrapped tight around his waist with his cock tip poking just out of her.

"Come on, gonna stop there?" He ribbed her, slapping at her cock tip while wiggling down a bit farther, helping her member's consumption of his lower half. He could feel the fluid of her depths soaking him from tail tip to hips all at once with bits seeping out between his three limbs, some of which he scooped up and tasted. "Mmmm, delicious!"

Lanna didn't say a word, as she was now more focused on having him inside her. In one strong hoist, she lifted her cock with Tritus in it up high before turning and flopping it back down with her back to the wall and him poking out the tip. Precum and other slimy concoctions sputtered out as her heavy member landed with a thud on the grass, her length still moving in waves to swallow him like a snake would its prey. Once her lips made it past his cock, he groaned and started bucking into her walls, rubbing the underside of his own cock against her urethral flesh.

This didn't stop until he had once again reached a more natural climax, his creamy dragon seed splashing against her inner walls only to get slurped up by the suction formed inside her. He grunted and smiled, content to once again have enjoyed another pleasant release. His body writhed about half inside her, knees kneading against her walls and tail slithering from side to side to slosh about with the aid of her natural lubricant. Only then did he protest. "Alright, we've had our fun; I gotta get back to collecting mushrooms and moss for ya."

Aolanna slowly shook her head and bared her fangs at him. "No, I think you've gotta finish offering yourself to me in exchange for that potion." She then winked at him and leaned back, licking her lips as her ridges pulsated in waves and her urethra throbbed forth, wrapping her tight cock tip around his lower belly while trapping the bottom of his wings tight against his back.

Tritus was beginning to panic a bit, not sure what she meant by that. Still, he went along with it. "Okay, funny stuff Lanna. I get it, your cock is hungry. Go ahead and have your fun, but I'd really like to get those mosses for you. We can pick up on the potion making later."

"The potions are already perfect, I just needed a dragon's form to contribute to it in the form of gooey cum. You helped me one way, now you're going to help me again!" She then took in a deep breath and clenched as hard as she could, pelvic muscles constricting in waves from base to tip once more to suck him in a bit deeper, squeezing tight around his belly and midsection.

In response, the dragon tried his best to push off against her cock lips with his thumbs wedged in between his belly scales and her flesh, hoping to break the seal and let some air into her. Normally, this would have given him a bit of leverage and negated the suction that was coming from her shaft, but instead her flesh sucked in and tugged his hands in next to his body, pinning his forearms between his belly and her cock lips and re-forming a seal in the process. "Come on, Lanna, this isn't what I signed up for." He countered, his voice weak and shaking as he came to realize that he was out of control.

She leaned back so that her cock tip was pointing to the sky while relaxing her pelvic muscles at the same time her member did its constriction and suction to force him deeper. She could feel his feet and tail tip passing beyond the base of her cock and into the lower reaches of her torso, teasing her G-spot from within as she smiled up at her prey. "Are you sure?" She teased. "I thought you said you'd do anything? You even specifically said you would offer yourself to me. This is what that means."

His mind raced back to their first encounter mere hours prior, wondering if he had actually said that or not. His memory wasn't flawless, but he was sure that even if he did say that this was not what he meant by it. Rather than try to argue - it was clear she had already made up her mind - he tried his best to struggle and use all of his strength to escape the ravenous abyss that was her cock. The problem with this plan was that the more he struggled, the better a grip her urethra held over him, every motion and swish of his limbs tenderizing her depths to aid gravity in shoving him down her shaft.

In only a few powerful lurches, her cock lips dilated to swallow his upper arms, leaving only his head, shoulders, and wing elbow poking out. In a desperate attempt to maybe dissuade her, he arched his neck and bit down on her cock flesh, trying his best to draw blood. This plan didn't work, either, as he only got a mouthful of her precum - a sweet and sticky concoction that was aiding in his consumption while also making him oddly complacent. The second he tasted her fluids, his mind went hazy and his panic subsided, at least for a few seconds.

Those few seconds were just barely enough for her cock to extend forward and seal up around his head, a guttural squelching erupting around him as the silken fluids smothered him from all angles while at the same time being churned by the soft urethral walls.

Aolanna sighed heavily as the deep pleasure of penetration filled her, the dragon's form sliding deeper into her and grinding against her G-spot and clit from inside, pussy leaking fluid while at the same time sucking Tritus down. Her cock, now slowly returning to its normal size and girth, was low enough that she could reach both hands in to pry herself open, gaping her urethra from opening to the dragon's complacent expression nuzzling against her orange flesh.

The last thing Tritus saw was the devious smirk on her face before she relaxed her muscles and her walls closed up around him. Everything went dark and all he could hear was the distant gurgling of his tail tip sloshing about in her oversized balls accented by the occasional beat of her heart. And then, as his body made its final lurch into her body and around into her orbs, he lost consciousness and drifted off into a lucid dreamlike state.

Finally, with her test subject curled up in the sack between her legs, Lanna stood up and patted him through her flesh, cock semi-erect and drooling onto the grass. She then struggled to bend over and collect the violet-toned mushrooms and the orange-highlighted moss before heading back into her reclusive cabin. "Well, churn out some dragon essence and I'll have all I need for these potions."

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