Apex Predators of the Savannah

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Danero

Writing - Runa

Ithilwen - lunarmagic

Jayri - jayri-veradian-avieock

Rokanoss - Rokanoss

Sachiko - JeremySunchild

Storm - StormGryphon

Urai - Cyrillus

In this story, the gryphon and dragon tribes residing on the outskirts of the Untherian Savannah fight over the rightful ownership of King's Crag in the dead of summer. However, battle is exhausting and not nearly as fun as an orgy!


For $5 a month you can get this and every other story I write post edit and made as an E-book as well as a variety of other rewards! I will never paywall my stuff, which is why I often post to FA/SF/IB first, but that's often the unedited, unrefined, first draft versions - as it's always been.

So if you want a cleaned up version in E-book format, consider pledging! Can't afford it? That's cool, too! I'll always be posting my stuff free of charge on my art galleries as I always have, just not in their refined forms!


Apex Predators of the Savannah

Life on the Untherian savannah was about as rugged and taxing as one would imagine, with beastly creatures roaming the plains at night and an oppressive, permeating heat that made anything from hunting to breeding more of a hassle than it was worth during the day. The only way anyone or anything could hope to prosper south of the mountains was if they gained access to an oasis, one of the hundreds of pools dotting the landscape often surrounded by small tufts of floral bush and basking rocks that doubled as a source of shade and a lookout.

The dragon tribes to the south and the gryphon tribes to the north would often battle for territory at any of these strategic locations, bickering over which of the races held dominion over these key points. At any given time on any given day, at least one skirmish was happening somewhere across the great Untherian plains over the resources - namely water and shade - at those key points.

One watering hole in particular played host to at least one major scuffle every few days, with groups of dragons and gryphons fighting over its ownership as if it was all they had to prove their worth. Both tribes were relentless in launching attacks and mounting defenses against the opposing forces, never leaving its shores for long. This oasis and its surrounding terrain was known as King's Crag, for it boasted a monolithic, throne-like rock formation that jutted out of the relatively flat plains, creating ample shade and shelter while also overlooking the largest pond across Untheria.

While this location was almost always occupied by one of the two competing tribes of mythical beasts, there came a day where neither gryphon nor dragon could be found drinking at King's Crag. No riders were passing by, no warriors flew overhead, and no magic could be felt or heard protecting it in the form of a trap. It was vacant, free for the first ones who made it to the pond's shores.

The only reason that neither of the tribes had made an effort to take it back was that both were sure the other had it and a heat wave had washed over the Untherian savannah, ensuring that it would be more effort than it was worth to take it back. The sweltering miasma of humidity and sunlight ensured that any attempt to retake the land would surely favor whomever was already incumbent in the shade around the oasis.

Both tribes were certain the other had already taken the land so no attempt at reclaiming it was made, at least not until two scouts independently came across it and saw that it was vacant, free of feathers or scales as far as the eyes could see.

First came Ithilwen, a canine geomancer from the gryphon tribe that had been sent to check the many oases without alerting the dragon tribes long after nightfall to ensure stealth. Though, since she was not a gryphon herself - or avian or feline, for that matter - she could scout freely without risk of capture of apprehension. When she came across King's Crag and saw that there were no dragons occupying it, she quickly turned and headed back to her village to inform the tribe elders.

Soon thereafter, the black dragon Urai came across the same locale to notice the exact same thing. He was a bit more thorough in his investigation, as he took the time to check under every rock and test the waters for hidden traps before returning to his dragon village to tell the elders at Dragon Fang mountain - the central hub of all dragon tribes in the Untherian Savannah, which was why both he and Ithilwen reached their respective homes at around the same time despite Urai having wings.

King's Crag would soon be the location of a territorial battle that would find out who the apex predators of the savannah truly were, be they gryphons or dragons. Untheria was about to find out.

"Jayri, Storm! I come with great news!" Ithilwen declared as she stepped into their hut. "King's Crag is vacant! No dragons as far as the eye can see! We should act fast, as fast as we can before one of their scouts sees the same thing and makes a move!" She had a broad grin on her face and her fist was clenched tight around one of her augmentative staves.

Storm - the revered battle gryph and leader of the tribe's war parties - remained in his nest with Jayri's nest next to his. The two of them, though not mated, were the chief operations officers of the gryphon tribe with Storm focusing on battle and Jayri focusing on strategy. Curious, Storm leaned down over the side of his nest with his eyes narrowed. "Are you sure about that?" He accused.

"What do you mean?" Ithilwen countered. "Yes, I am sure. I was just there and I saw no dragons. None at the rock, none drinking at the oasis, none hiding in the shade of the trees."

Jayri got to all fours and stepped down from her nest, hovering tall over Ithilwen. "I think Chief Storm means, are you sure it's not a trap. Wouldn't it make sense for an opposing faction to feign absence, set up a trap, and capture us? The dragons don't possess the magic we do, so it would make sense to find a way to nullify our advantages that way, wouldn't you agree?"

Ithilwen shrugged. "I didn't see any traps; if there were any anomalies in the area my staff would have picked up on it. If they did set a trap of any sort, it will have been a remarkably well hidden one. Tell me, though, do you want to completely avoid the region in the off chance that they have set up traps, or do you want to take the land back, utilize this likely free territory before they catch up?" There was a hint of truth to what Ithilwen was saying. She hadn't scoured the land for traps, but her staff may have detected anomalies in the region had they been altered. Her lie was to claim she put even the slightest bit of effort forth to investigate further; in reality, she had saw the vacancy and briskly glanced around to see nothing before rushing back to the village.

This seemed to be enough for Storm, who quickly raised his head and clicked his beak as he ruffled his feathers. "We will never concede territory to the dragons of the south! We will ride first thing in the morning to King's Crag, where we will take the oasis whether the dragons are there or not!"

Jayri wasn't as confident. "Are you sure it's wise to wait? What if the dragons find out that it's empty and occupy it before morning? For all we know their own scouts are discovering the truth this very moment and they'll have reclaimed the land before the rising of the sun. I feel-"

"Then we will defeat them in battle and gain even more honor in their defeat!" Storm declared with a powerful growl. "We will take it either way, and if we attack as the sun rises we will surprise them. If King's Crag was vacant when you were there mere hours ago then I have no doubt that the dragons would struggle to take it in good time and even if they do they will be tired. For that reason, I insist we celebrate our imminent victory!" He then reached across to Jayri's nest and pulled her close to him, pinning the female gryphon to the ground with his beak as his member unsheathed itself.

Ithilwen's eyes widened as she came to realize that this was already one of Storm's frequent yet impromptu orgies. Rather than resist and argue with the chief, she happily glanced around to see the rest of the gryphon tribe members all tentatively getting intimate with whoever was closest.

Aurys the peach and cream colored gryphon pounced on his partner, Katsumi, and pinned her to the ground, happily purring and chirping as she lifted her tail and presented to him. At the same time, Palusa the biped pegasus zebra mare pulled Wrasir the pygmy hippogryph up close to her, eager to indulge his many desires as best she could. Only, Wrasir's sister Kentanni was just as eager to join in on the fun as anyone else. She and her brother were never far from each other, even when intimate.

All the sex happening around her lowered Ithilwen's natural instincts to focus more on the issue at hand. She, just like anyone else, loved having any excuse to fool around with others and a premature celebration was about as good an excuse as she could imagine. Plus, she knew that there was no way Storm and Jayri would have condoned a midnight march to King's Crag without releasing tension first.

Knowing all that, Ithilwen stripped out of her recon gear and tossed it to the side to happily join Storm and Jayri up on the twin nests they shared at the top of the pedestal. From there, she was able to get a good look at all the orgiastic fun around her. Though there were more pairings and more of her tribe happily celebrating the morning's campaign, it was mostly the set of Storm and Jayri at the top, Aurys and Katsumi to one side, and Palusa and the two twin pygmy gryphons to the other side.

She had options, but opted to focus mostly on Storm and Jayri, because she knew how rough Storm could get and she had always been entranced with the light glow that came from Jayri's insides.

Having made her choice, she hopped up over the edge of their nest and ducked under Jayri's belly to poke her head up right between the hen's rump and Storm's meaty sheath as the drake bucked and spewed strands of his seed all over Jayri's hindquarters. Hungry for what the chief had to offer, she opened her maw and wrapped both hands around his shaft to guide him toward her muzzle, stealing his member from an eager, trilling Jayri.

Under most circumstances Storm would be a bit less carnal and a bit more intellectual, but she had noticed that when the breeding season is in full effect, Storm's inhibitions get tossed out in lieu of more primal, feral attitudes and nature. More sex, more fighting, more dominance, and less strategy. That was one of the primary reasons she didn't question his decision to focus on fucking rather than take a tactical leap into battle to claim King's Crag before the dragons did the same. Ithilwen knew it was only a matter of time, yet wasn't worried about a potential fight that could happen if both tribes arrived at the destination sometime in the next day.

Despite the gryphons and dragons both being vicious, territorial, and boastful concerning their own pride, their many scuffles were without casualty. Sure, feathers were plucked and scales were sliced, blood would flow and stain the yellow grasses of the savannah, but neither tribe had any interest in killing the other. They were civilized - if primal - people on both sides of the fight and knew that war-justified murder was just murder with a fancy modifier. As such, it was more like friendly yet fierce competition when the two tribes met to dispute the territory of the Untherian plains.

So rather than get fussed over Storm's less-than-ideal plan to take King's Crag, everyone just sort of went along with what he said and indulged themselves. If sex was going to happen, it might as well be enjoyable since there was no changing the chief's mind once he made a decision.

Having contemplated her position and what to do next, Ithilwen wrapped her lips around Storm's cock and gently suckled, hoping to coax some gooey mess from his depths before he made his way into Jayri since she knew that once he tied with his hen the two would not be parting ways until morning, likely within minutes of leaving to launch the assault on King's Crag.

Of course, Storm was not the type to be gentle in the least. He bucked and arched his back while flaring his wings out, front talons wrapped tightly around Jayri's sides as he bit down on her neck to hold her in place, spiny cock tip stabbing at Ithilwen's maw with every thrust. That was exactly why she was so keen on keeping both hands wrapped around his shaft; without that control he'd have shoved his cock so far down her throat that even she wouldn't be able to suppress her gag reflex.

This didn't last too long, though. As much as Ithilwen loved the thick, musky flavor of Storm's pre-seed and lubricant coating her tongue and gullet, she knew that she couldn't control him for too long before he just rammed it into whatever hole he could find. For a brisk moment she considered just letting him go and helping to aim him at Jayri, but then she felt that familiar twitch of desire tickling her loins that demanded she be stuffed full before she let go. The only thing stopping her was a cold stare from Jayri, the often reserved gryphon tactician who was comfortably remaining silent.

"Sorry." She said to Jayri as she turned and hiked up her tail, using one hand to guide Storm's cock tip to her plump pussy lips. The second she felt his spiny cock end pressing between her lips she braced herself by wrapping her free arm around one of Jayri's hind legs with her head nestled between the blue and orange gryphon's thighs as Storm bucked with all his might, plunging all of his cock's length aside from his knot into Ithilwen in one go.

She grunted and clenched her teeth as she resisted the urge to pump her tail down in self defense in response to his deep thrust, but then melted and shuddered in delight as she felt the spines that lined the rim of his cock tip splaying out and tickling her from deep inside. Her vulva twitched and her loins throbbed against his every motion, flesh tugging on flesh as he reared back to buck into her repeatedly.

Given the girth of his shaft - which must have been the thickness of her forearm or more - and the dexterous caress of his many spines it didn't take long at all before Ithilwen felt her pleasure build up and explode outwards from between her legs, warming her throughout like a burst of adrenaline that forced every muscle in her lower body to tense up. Most cocks would have been forced out of her, but Storm kept the pressure on by pinning her to Jayri's back legs with his throbbing shaft pummeling her without any reprieve.

Above her, Jayri's lips puckered and drooled arousal onto Ithilwen's back and neck, indicating that the hen was just as eager as she was to get some of Storm's cock in her.

In between each of the drake's thrusts, Ithilwen timed her motions to push back and raise her head just high enough to sample a taste of Jayri's folds. Her soft canine tongue slipping into Jayri and collected fluids before pecking her on the rump hole just as Storm bucked once more, forcing Ithilwen to squish her face up tight against Jayri's vulva, snout slipping into the gryphon's depths as her muzzle got filled with avian arousal and her fur soaked with natural lubricants. Storm continued to thrust, his massive knot slapping against Ithilwen's inner thighs and taut pussy lips, smashing her face into Jayri repeatedly to the point that Ithilwen wondered how close she was to having her whole head pop inside.

Had Jayri been only one class larger, Ithilwen assumed her head would have been of proper size to just slip between those lips and get swallowed up if Storm got the proper rhythm. However, as much as Ithilwen would have loved being mated so deep and hard that she got used as a dildo on a larger gryphon leader, she knew that she couldn't steal Storm's seed from Jayri. His intense, carnal lust had already brought her to either one long lasting orgasm or a dozen in quick succession - they were so close together she couldn't tell between them - so she was satisfied once again pushing away from Jayri's haunches to duck down and pull away from the gryphon drake's vigorous thrusting.

All at once his cock was pulled out of her with an audibly deep, guttural squelch as each of those tendril-like spines splayed out and tried their best to keep him buried deep inside her. In truth, she knew she needed a reprieve, for as satisfying as his member was pounding at her depths and teasing her cervix, that knot was just not going to fit in her and if he kept trying she'd likely tear.

Ithilwen's mindset was simple: having been satisfied it was now time for her to ensure that Jayri was granted the same and Storm was able to deposit his seed. Since she was, up to this point, little more than an intermediary between the two quadrupeds she had no problem happily aiding them in their desires before calling it a night and happily moving on.

She quickly spun in place, turning to grab Storm's cock as he bucked once more, tip seeking any flesh it could find to bury itself in. When her palms and fingers wrapped around his glans, she felt his spines flaring out between her fingers and soaking her to the wrist as his cock sprayed precum all over. She tried her best to focus less on that and more on helping him find his goal, so she aimed him directly under Jayri's tail, forcing the tip between her lips with ease, his resulting buck burying himself to the knot in much the same way he'd filled Ithilwen. His shaft was large enough and her pussy tight enough that, as he slipped into her, their combined fluids formed a ring of lubricant where their flesh met.

In a moment of untapped lust, Ithilwen leaned in and nuzzled up between them, using her tongue to collect as much of the juices as she could, swallowing down the sweetness of Jayri with the muskiness of Storm without hesitation. At the same time, she cradled Storm's balls and knot with one hand each, careful to not get too much in the way as he kept at her with all his might, haunches tensing and hips bucking with the vigor of a stallion and the strength of a dragon. Ithilwen was granted an up-close look as his many-lobed knot pressed at Jayri's lips, distending them and stretching them a bit more with every one of the drake's thrusts until the last of his shaft squeezed through in one lurch.

Though Storm still had his beak clenched tight around Jayri's neck, he still managed an audible growl as he felt her flesh envelop him, lips squeezing tight around the base of his knot to pull him in deeper and hold him in place. Regardless of the grip that was felt, Storm kept bucking so that his knot twirled and twisted inside, never coming out but still shifting its weight against her walls. Once he was fully inside and assured that he would not be breaking the tie, he bucked as hard and as deep as he could all at once, slamming his hips to Jayri's with enough force to knock Ithilwen back.

This left the canine to flop onto the side of the nest, only able to watch from that point forward as a thick slime of Storm's precum and lubricant trickled out of her pussy and the remaining muskiness of his seed coating her tongue. She idly played with herself, spreading her lips and using Storm's essence to caress her clit as the drake bucked wildly, his weight and force being so great that Jayri had no choice but to lean forth and press her chest to the ground with her tail up and wings spread; it was the only way to alleviate the pressure that Storm put on her shoulders, neck, and hips all at once.

Shockingly, this served to pacify the gryphon chief fairly well. It was clear he wasn't done, but it was also clear that Jayri was not going to tolerate his aggressive thrusts after the fact and he was already tied about as tight as the two would go as his own climax came to a peak and he began pumping her full of seed. His balls tensed up and were tugged in towards the body as his cock throbbed and his many spines tickled her just right, coaxing her to tense her loins in waves that started at her lips and ended at the entrance to her womb, a naturally orgasmic pulsation that was meant to coax and keep as much seed as possible within her depths.

After a few minutes of this - and another half hour or calm relaxation, Storm and Jayri both flopped onto their sides together, nearly landing on a still-masturbating Ithilwen as she deftly rolled out of the way at the last second. This resulted in Storm turning away to lay flat on his nest while Jayri did the same, both apex predators attached rump to rump as they drifted off into a much needed sleep and Ithilwen nestled up between them, head resting in the crook between their thighs and so close she could have turned and licked them where they remained knotted.

All around the three of them, the other pairs were all in their own state of post-climax bliss, with Katsumi on her back with her paws folded over her chest and Aurys standing tall over her, knot swollen inside her, and Palusa still taking turns with both Kentanni and Wrasir, using her tongue and fingers on each of the pygmy hippogryph siblings as the night marched on. The village in the foothills of the mountain was finally peaceful and calm, regardless of the planned conflict on the horizon.

None of them would part ways until sunrise the following day, which meant that was when they'd collectively leave their village and claim King's Crag for their people.

That is, if the dragons didn't get there first.

Meanwhile, Urai the black dragon had recently made it back to his own village to confer with the elders about what he had seen and the steps he had taken to ensure that King's Crag was theirs for the taking! Of course, he had an uphill battle to face in convincing Elder Rokanoss in much the same way Ithilwen had struggled to make her point to chief Storm and Jayri.

Upon returning to his village, he landed to the melodious combination of drum beats and the harmonous vocals of Sachiko. At Dragon Fang Mountain, nights were regularly lit up by fires and singing and dancing, for the dragons and their kin were always finding reason to celebrate. They and the gryphons, though constantly in a state of turmoil over the territory between Dragon Fang Mountain and the foothills of the Triquatic Mountains, were regularly winning on some fronts and losing on others. Therefore, there was always something to celebrate and both races were prone to pride.

So when Urai landed at the base of the mountain, which also acted as the entrance to the temple carved from the rock inside, he was inundated from all directions by instruments and singing, so much so that he had a hard time speaking to the elder, Rokanoss. The temple's front gate was dressed with a large throne for the elder and a massive stairwell made of golden-coated stone leading down to ground level, a series of large torches lining either side and flanked by guards.

Rokanoss stood tall and made a motion for Sachiko to lower her voice while singing. "Urai! My friend! You have returned early! Did you already finish your scouting for the night or are you slacking off again? If you are, that's fine, for we dragons have plenty to celebrate regardless!"

"No, no. Elder Rokanoss, I cut off my reconnaissance early due to a fortuitous discovery!"

"Oh?" The elder's expression changed as he clenched his fist, silencing Sachiko and the other instrumentalists at once. "You've got my attention, scout Urai. Regale me with your tale of great news!"

Urai nodded as he folded up his wings and started stepping up the stairs, speaking as he went. "King's Crag. It is entirely unguarded and unoccupied. Other locations are as they usually are, with some dragons or gryphons having made point on the tallest rocks. But King's Crag is abandoned!"

Elder Rokanoss knew and understood the importance of this particular location, so he was naturally hesitant to accept this intelligence as infallible. He certainly put his trust in his scout and had yet to be misled, but such fortuitous news was surely too good to be true, so he prodded for more. "Are you certain this isn't a trap? Those birds can be crafty with their magic runes and gem-spells. One wrong step near the shores of the lake at King's Crag and you could be shocked numb for days."

"No traps. I thoroughly combed through every square meter of the region, there are no hiding gryphons, no buried traps, and no explosive gems laid around the edge of the lake. If there was, I'd not be here right now." Urai finally made it up to the top of the altar where Rokanoss stood tall at the mouth of the cave that led to the temple in the mountain. Sachiko was on one of the pillars nearest the top while dozens of other dragons were all watching Urai with an intensity reserved for the Elder.

"I see, I see." Rokanoss rubbed his chin and growled gently, eyes darting around as he thought to himself what to do next. "I propose we give them until morning to discover the locale and make a move. If we were to embark upon a campaign tonight and arrive before they do, there is no honor in taking the land with no opposition. If I know Chief Storm - and I am certain at this point that I do - he will hold off until morning under the guise of our ignorance. Yes. Yes indeed, best for honor if we wait until morning to take King's Crag. All in favor?"

Nearly every dragon within earshot roared and blew a blast of fire into the sky, lighting up Dragon Fang Mountain and producing a cloud that billowed up into the sky.

Rokanoss bowed to Urai and wrapped his tail around Sachiko, pulling the dragoness in close to him while he addressed Urai. "Then it is settled. Our celebration continues, but we fly at dawn to King's Crag to meet the gryphon tribe and battle for the land! The oasis! Another territory for the scaled tribes of the Untherian Savannah!" He roared louder than any other as he settled down on his throne, smiling and showing teeth while he and Urai met their gazes.

In truth, Rokanoss was not holding off for the sake of fairness or honor, but because he had actually known about the vacancy thanks to a tip from a gryphoness friend of his and was hoping to give the gryphons a chance to take it. For many months up to this point, he and one of the most important members of the Gryphon Flock - Ceylon the shapeshifter - had been actively campaigning between their respective peoples to put an end to the fighting and share the land, but their respective tribes were aggressively against any peace between dragons of the south and gryphons of the north. Most importantly, Storm hungered for conflict between the tribes, citing it as a need to prove his dominance and get all the best gryphon hens.

For this reason, Rokanoss and Ceylon had been conspiring to ensure that both tribes were seen as equals in many ways, with skirmishes on both sides deliberately lost or won based on balance more than pride. So far it had worked, and in only a few months had managed to ensure that the stagnancy of territory trading had doused the fires of passions of both sides. Before long, the people would vote to put an end to the ongoing conflict.

Problem was, the nearest tribe was the village run by Storm, so he was almost certainly the one who would contest King's Crag if there was a brawl.

This was fine. Rokanoss loved coming snout to beak with Storm. Rarely had he found a sparring partner as adept as he and Storm was always the first into a skirmish if he had any control.

With all that in mind, Rokanoss shrugged off his concerns and sensually guided Urai in closer between he and Sachiko, eager to instigate some fun before bed that night. "You know, we've got plenty to celebrate, so we might as well indulge ourselves. Tonight could be your last night under these stars if the gryphons have any say in the matter." He joked with Urai. Beneath them on the plateau beneath the temple there were dozens of other dragons and scaled creatures all in various states of affection, each one uniquely eager to mate for their own reasons.

Rokanoss and Urai both glanced down to one of the twin hot springs at the base of the mountain where they saw a pair of dragons frolicking about, splashing and nipping at one another. The larger, quadruped dragon was Dorevar, a regal red dragon and one of the many guards to the elder. The smaller bipedal dragon was Vel'Gahrus, a cute but sexual creature with an affinity for drakes. The two were circling around one another until Dorevar pounced on Vel, pinning the smaller dragon beneath the water and holding them there as he began to mount.

To the uninformed, such an act would be dangerous! However, to dragons, being held underwater for extended periods of time was commonplace and Vel would certainly be okay for close to half an hour before he'd need to come up for air.

Opposite those two on the other side of the stairwell was a second hot spring, this one with another red dragon by the name of Zheradra. She was another one of the guards to the elder, and she had pulled a gorgeous, earth-colored dragon by the name of Tzerin into the water with her. He was nibbling at her neck and doing all he could to satisfy her by massaging her talons and licking her feet, eager to make her happy.

Even from high atop the staircase, all three of the dragons wer able to see the lewd actions of Tzerin and Zheradra in the hot spring, since Tzerin's cock was fully hard and poking up through the surface of the water as he tended to the dragoness's claws.

Both groups looked to be having a lot of fun, so Urai turned back to Rokanoss and grinned, knowing there was no way to change the elder's mind. "Celebrate, we shall. Tell me, Rok, what part of you needs the best massage?" He deliberately eyed between the Elder's hind legs, where his cock was poking out from his black-scaled slit and dripping. This was not an uncommon act, to have a quickie.

Sachiko also glanced down to see the same thing, having hopped up over Rokanoss to lick at Urai. "You change your tune pretty quickly, didn't you?" She joked, her voice remaining melodious despite her not attempting to sing any longer. "It's almost like you want us to just make a big dragon pile and ignore the world around us!"

"Not at all!" Urai countered as he rubbed her cheek and gave her neck a bit of a caress. "I just know that Rokanoss will always lead us to victory, and if not he'll ensure we're safe! I see no reason to hold back or refuse the compassion of my elder!" He winked and pulled away, crawling over the dragon's legs and towards his groin, reaching out to cradle Rokanoss's member.

The elder dragon's instinct was not to push away or decline this sort of attention, instead rolling onto his back with all fours in the air and his cock throbbing to attention with every beat of his heart. Before long, his shaft was at full mast and weighing heavy on his belly with his natural lubricant and precum forming trails that trickled over his sides. Out of the corner of his eye, he dared Urai and Sachiko both to see who could best handle him.

Urai went first, hopping up and straddling Rokanoss from the chest down, laying the larger dragon's member on his thigh as he stroked it up and down with both hands. It was as thick as his leg and just as long, but far heavier due to how firm it had grown with all that blood inside it, easily one of the most sexual appendages in all the land. With this reverence in mind, Urai cradled the underside of Rokanoss's member and hoisted it up, nuzzling its tip as he stroked up and down its length with both arms, hugging it and manually pleasuring him in that way as his own member throbbed and drooled.

At the same time, Sachiko crawled over Rokanoss so that she was straddling his tail with her slit pressed up against his soft belly scales, muzzle laid against the base of Rokanoss's member as Urai worked on it from the other end. She was as needy as anyone, but her status as a singer ensured she acted a bit more dignified and reserved than most dragons. For a moment, anyway; she knew that once Urai was done, that cock was hers and she would have it the rest of the night!

That's why she waited and watched as Urai sidled up closer and closer so that his chest was pressed flush against the top side of the larger dragon's cock, his own member rubbing against the side near the base and his face at cock head height, maw open to catch any and all he could coax from the drake's depths. Up and down he stroked, pressing his entire body against the elder's shaft while working every ridge and uninflated knot lobe before gripping tight and swirling around so that his rump was over Rokanoss's rump, his cock resting between knot lobes and the slit beneath.

Sachiko was taken aback by this, but had no problem sidling up next to Urai and reaching over him with her muzzle to suckle at Rokanoss's tip, squeezing the smaller dragon between her belly and the larger dragon's cock. There, she started grinding and rubbing against them both, wrapping her arms around in a hug to help stroke the elder with more and more vigour.

While this was happening, Urai found himself eager to enjoy as much pleasure as he could while being squished between dragon belly and dragon cock. His own member, firm and throbbing and pressed between the underside of Rokanoss's knot lobes, quickly found its way in the slit where the elder's member and scales met, burying himself deep in the larger dragon as Sachiko's motions did the thrusting for him. Together, the three dragons remained in that position, their mutual motions contributing to a collective burst in energy and pleasure only to be cut off when Sachiko crawled over both Urai and the cock to straddle Rokanoss's belly.

She wasn't quite the same size as the elder, but she wasn't small by any means. Easily the size of a mount compared to the biped Urai, she had no problems balancing on all fours on the elder's belly with her tail up and slit exposed to his massive cock tip. Even with her larger size, the cock she aimed to sit on was relatively big enough to form a bulge in her belly if she managed to take it.

Luckily for her, she and Rokanoss both had enjoyed many bouts of passion in the past and both knew precisely how much she could handle. Knowing her limits, she pushed back and squatted onto Rok's cock, waggling her hips as she felt his pointed tip wiggle its way into her. All seemed well and it was going swimmingly until Rokanoss grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed down, forcing his cock to pop into her and slide its way so deep that only his not-yet inflated knot pressed against her haunces.

As expected, his cock tip left a visible bulge in her lower belly, its outline widening her abdomen as Urai happily watched and struggled to keep his balance. Since he was still straddling the base of the elder's tail and Sachiko was grinding on that same dragon's cock with her tail and rump right in Urai's face, he had little room to maneuver or adjust himself, leaving him with few choices but to accept it, occasionally steal a lick of her rump, and grind his own member into Rokanoss's slit.

The three of them remained in tandem for longer than one might expect, with Sachiko on top and happily slamming her hips down along his length with aplomb, careful to not knock Urai aside in her quest to take that knot and feel the elder as deep as he could go.

Rokanoss did pick up his pace by grinding his hips up into Sachiko, but knew that if he bucked too hard he might toss Urai from his perch and that would result in fewer partners vying for his cock! In truth, he hadn't even notices Urai's member penetrating him in the fleshy folds between cock and slit.

All in all, their tryst quickly brought Rokanoss to climax the moment Sachiko had been turned tender by the steady assault of his knot and had allowed it to slip into her, swelling and locking them in place as a cocktail of fluids trickled out of her. Urai captured as much of this as he could to help in the Elder's orgasm by wrapping both arms around the base of the knot - a key pressure point in any knotted creature's climax - to help Rokanoss finish quicker and more thoroughly.

This resulted in every muscle of the larger dragon's lower body contracting and squeezing, including the pelvic muscles that clenched around Urai's cock. Only then did Rokanoss realize he had been penetrated and immediately flailed his legs in a way that pushed Urai away, tugging the anthro's cock out of him with a pop.

Luckily for Urai, he had already enjoyed his climax in that brisk moment between Rokanoss cumming and being kicked away, leaving a creamy mess lost in the folds of the elder's slit as he was knocked back and landed on the ground next to Sachiko and Rokanoss. After dusting himself off he was able to climb back onto the perch where Rokanoss laid, where he was able to rub against Sachiko's belly and feel the lump in her lower abdomen that felt a lot like a massive egg but was just Rok's knot.

There, the three of them settled down for the night with the elder and Sachiko both tied together and Urai giving the proper attention to both with his hands and maw.

Beyond them, in the night sky, a shooting star arced from one horizon to the next, blessing both the dragons and the gryphons for the following day's siege.

At the crack of dawn, both parties woke and disembarked to King's Crag. Rather than take an entire squad of warriors - which would have been deemed dishonorable - Rokanoss and Storm chose to each take a team of three to take the oasis. On the gryphon side of the savannah, Storm brought along with him chief strategist Jayri and rider Ithilwen as the best options to take the territory. On the dragon side of the savannah, Rokanoss led the pack with Sachiko and Urai alongside him.

Both left at the crack of dawn, eager to reach their destination first. Rokanoss and Storm both had to wiggle and tug to properly part ways with their female companions and their riders did the best they could to clean up the mess, a distraction that threatened to delay their departure if not for the fact that both leader drakes were keen on the idea of having their own musk taint their scales and feathers.

The gryphon tribe flew with all their might, trying their best to beat the encroaching heat while the dragons did the same, only the scaled ones absorbed the heat through their wings so they weren't in as much of a hurry. That was why, despite Dragon's Fang Mountain being closer to King's Crag, both teams arrived at almost the exact same time with each set lining the north and south shores of the lake while staring at one another. The tension itself was palpable, but neither leader - be it Chief Storm or Elder Rokanoss - wished to meet in the middle in order to discuss terms.

While the morning had only recently dawned, the heat of the savannah was already sweltering with thermals rising from all around them with the thermals distorting their vision in all directions. Both parties were more interested in getting this over with than trying for diplomacy they knew from past experience would be a waste of time. In fact, by this point in their collective history they knew that the 'pre-battle discussion' was just a ritual to be fulfilled rather than a true means of conflict resolution.

Given the combination of the heat and the mundane nature of their battles, neither team wasted a minute rushing headlong into battle. Storm screeched and Rokanoss roared as the two kicked into the sky over the lake, colliding with such force that it sent ripples through the water's surface below them as their companions did the same nearby. Jayri and Sachiko both leapt into the skies next to their leaders to collide in a mid-air tackle that took them to the ground at the shores next to the lake.

Urai considered leaping into the air and flying down to strike Ithilwen, but instead folded his wings up tight to his back to protect them and hide them in slits on his back; he really had no intention of getting them torn by Ithilwen, knowing full well she was a skilled fighter and knew that doing so would be the best way to disrupt his morale and incapacitate him; if he pre-empted her attack by removing the target, he could focus on besting her in one-on-one combat!

The two bipeds ran and clashed near where Jayri and Sachiko were scuffling, coming to bloes and occasionally helping their quadruped partners with blasts of magic and sheer brute strength in an attempt to best the opposing faction.

Storm and Rokanoss continued to tumble in the skies, rolling and growling and hissing at one another without ever losing their air enough to land on the ground. They kicked off one another, dove at the other fighters to distract them, and generally refused to let up on each other as they clawed and ripped at once another constantly.

On the ground, Jayri blasted cold spells at Sachiko to freeze the dragon's thin fur and Ithilwen used her geomancy to attack Urai with summoned vines and earth spells. In response, Sachiko bit the vines to break them and countered the icy mist that enveloped her with sheer strength and will, proving that magic was not enough to subdue a dragon.

Nearly an hour of this unrelenting battle between dragon and gryphon carried on with Storm and Rokanoss both urging their teams forth and never giving up. They fought and clawed and bit each other to no avail, with neither team gaining an edge over the other. Just like most of their battles, neither side was clearly superior with the dragons - magically simple as they were - had the strength and resilience to counter or endure every spell cast their way. Furthermore, the gryphons had their magic to keep them going, with added speed and impressive strength to carry them along.

Neither team was a clear victor and after an hour of trading opponents and failed attempts at subduing one another, it was clear that they'd never stop fighting if not for the heat that drained them. Jayri and Sachiko both found themselves exhausted when midway through a tackle that was supposed to bring them both down to the ground, and both just pushed off one another at the same time.

"This heat, though." Sachiko joked, her usually melodic voice raspy and tired.

Jayri nodded. "Frost is my strength, this heat wave is oppressive." He concurred stepping back and maintaining a defensive stance. In truth, he had no further interest in fighting and felt it was time to accept that neither party was going to come out a victor. He was still ready for a fight in case the dragons insisted upon continuing, but he was ready to go home.

Sachiko backed off and sidestepped until she was in the shade, hiding under the outcropping of King's Crag. "I need some time to regain my composure. Care to join me in the shade?"

"You're not gonna attack me there, are you?" Jayri inquired as he hesitantly stepped forward.

"I don't intend on it, but I can't guarantee Urai or Rokanoss won't."

That seemed fair to Jayri, so she and Sachiko both flopped down on their sides a few meters away from one another under the rock, enjoying the shade and reveling in their mutual decision to escape the oppression of the sun. Luckily for both of them, those fighting in the air and on the shores took a while to realize that the two female quadrupeds had disappeared from the battlefield. Storm and Rokanoss especially were so caught up in their aerial tussle that they didn't even notice when Urai and Ithilwen both stopped what they were doing to seek out their missing companions.

Jayri blew a cloud of frost that immediately melted and turned into fog before dissipating into thin air, guiding the bipeds to their location. When Ithilwen saw this, she pointed to under the rock and cautiously sidestepped away from Urai as the dragon followed.

Once all four of them were happily hidden in the shade, Urai flopped onto his back with is arms and legs out to get the most of the slight gusts that tickled his scales. "Not the best day to fight over this territory." He said with a defeated sigh. "I have no intention of going back out into that sun unless it involves getting a drink from the lake."

Ithilwen agreed, squatting down in a cross-legged position near Jayri. "Even my geomancy spells have given up. Those vines hardly burst through the ground before going limp." She made a hand motion for effect then sniffed the air, having noticed a thick muskiness hanging around them like a cloud. "Alright, which of you are in heat? I can barely tell the difference but one of you is ovulating."

Sachiko shrugged and rustled her wings as Jayri shook her head. Then Sachiko tried to explain. "Not in heat, but I do know that weather like this can trigger, uh, you know, arousal. I'm sure if Rokanoss smells me he'll be sure to 'celebrate' with me after the battle."

"Could be me, too." Jayri said as she sniffed herself under one of her hind legs. "I expect to be going into estrus soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if this heat fast-tracked my cycle a bit."

Urai cocked an eyebrow and grinned. "You know, we're all here already. I'd totally be down to have some fun. If we're gonna wrestle and get all sweaty without any clear victor emerging, might as well have some fun with it." He was trying to be casual but he came across as exhausted.

Jayri raised a talon to object, but then realized that she was just as interested as he was. "I suppose that makes sense. We're already here, and I'm pretty sure I'm already gravid so I highly doubt it'd be any sort of impact on me." She then patted her belly, tensing her abdominal muscles for effect.

Sachiko did the same, patting her own belly and then pressing a paw on Jayri's. "Are you sure that's a good idea? We're supposed to be at war with each other. I sing the songs of our victory every time we take a territory and sing for morale whenever we lose one. Our rivalry is kind of a big deal."

"I wouldn't say so." Urai contradicted. "I'm pretty sure you and Rokanoss are the only ones that take this seriously. I've always got the impression this was all just a game. A sport, even. Why else would there never be any casualties. I know I'm not trying to kill anyone."

Ithilwen, ever the shameless one, hurriedly tore her tank-top off and tossed it to the side, exposing her entire upper body - breasts and all. "Yeah, it's sort of a running joke in our village when Storm is gone or not around that he's really the only one who actually wants to keep the fights going. Something about him needing to prove his strength and lead his people to victory. Nobody else ever takes it seriously, but the fights are fun. Keep us alert and engaged." She then plucked a drink bottle from her belt and extended a hand for Jayri to chill it. After downing the cold water, she belched.

"How undignified!" Sachiko joked while stifling a laugh. "But I suppose I can't blame you. So, you're telling me that none of you actually care about who wins or what territory you possess at any given time? Rokanoss has always been insistent on pumping us up to win and telling us how important it is not only to our tribe but to the legacy of dragons! In truth I never much cared for the fighting but went along with it since it was easier and Rokanoss is quite large. Might makes right, and all that."

Urai felt the need to step in. "Yeah, I'm at least sort of convinced that it's all just a ruse. An act. He and I have talked in the past and he didn't seem all that committed to the cause. In fact, he's told me on a few instances to actively lose battles just to give you gryphons some territory."

Jayri's eyes lit up. "Me too! I've tactically lost battles to even things out, too! Of course, that was all under Ceylon's orders, but I-" She paused. "Are we just pawns in our rulers' minds?"

"Probably." Ithilwen said dismissively while she peeled off her leggings, kicking them to the side. "You know how we can get back to them? I propose an orgy. Just all the dicks and pussies everywhere." She looked over to Urai, then Jayri, then Sachiko, then back to Urai. "And since you're the only dick here, it's your lucky day!"

"We're not children." Sachiko protested, fur and hair on end starting at her neck and down past her shoulders. "And I don't think that mating is going to do anything to change their minds."

Ithilwen shrugged. "Then don't do it for them, do it for yourself!" She then crawled over and nuzzled under Sachiko's tail, prodding at the dragon's hindquarters as she wrapped an arm around one of her hind legs, holding her in place as she continued to prod and lick.

This made Sachiko raise her tail and head, curious to see where she went from there. At first she was uncomfortable but quickly melted at the touch of the canine's soft tongue prodding her lips. Much as she hated to admit it, she could always use a bit of attention there, especially after parting ways with Rokanoss that morning and still being a little tender. There was no shame in her heart, but she did feel a little awkward to randomly lift her tail to some folks she barely knew. In order to alleviate this, she simply asked, "So what's your name? I'm Sachiko."

"And I'm Ithilwen." Came the canine's voice, muffled due to coming from under Sachiko's tail.

"My name's Urai." He said as he extended a hand to Jayri.

She took his claw and bowed. "If we're sharing introductions, I'm Jayri!"

"Good, now we know each other, we can have some fun." Ithilwen joked, never pulling far away from Sachiko's hindquarters. She was deliberate in her every action, caressing the dragon's haunches with one hand and tickling the base of her tail with the other, cheekily nipping and nuzzling where rump met with tail and spine to get close to Sachiko's tender region without ever actually touching her slit. A deliberately provocative act to make the dragon shiver.

And shiver she did. Her entire back end flexed as the muscles that controlled the base of her tail clenched as tight as they would go, raising her appendage up to expose her slit fully, revealing that she was moist and dripping. "I must confess, Ithilwen, you've got a far more delicate touch than I'd expect."

While it was unclear if this was sweat or arousal, Ithilwen was clearly happy to see it and react to it. She leaned down and curled her arm under Sachiko's tail to hoist her up, further exposing the dragon's loins before diving in, pressing her snout up against Sachiko's soft belly scales as her soft tongue started lapping eagerly at the slit, tasting her essence. "Well now, That's definitely the sort of passion I was hoping to get out of you. No idea why you were feigning indignation." She joked.

"Oh just shut up and help a fellow lady out." Sachiko hissed playfully, shuffling back against Ithilwen in the shade beneath the rock of King's Crag, a command that did not go unheeded.

While Ithilwen parted the dragoness's lips with her thumbs and pushed her snout in as deep as it would go, Urai and Jayri were standing by, happily observing the two females as they put on a show.

"I confess, I was not expecting that." Jayri cooed as her own tail started to swish back and forth out behind her. "And here you are, a good looking drake doing nothing to please his lady." She was just teasing, but didn't have any hesitation in her desires as she coiled her tail around his waist and pulled him in closer, deliberately positioning herself in such a way that she was revealing her own slit to him.

Urai didn't resist Jayri's advance, but he also didn't actively lean into her either. Everything was happening quickly without any real discussion to prep he or the others for an impromptu orgy. Sure, he was used to that with folks he knew back at Dragon Fang Mountain, but those were his friends and allies as opposed to, well, the exact opposite. In spite of his reservations, he found himself oddly enticed by Jayri's aura the closer he went; it was almost like she had a scent of dragon emanating from under that thick tail of hers. In fact, the more he sniffed the more sure he was that there was something more to Jayri than he initially expected.

Rather than say something and risk upsetting her or triggering a lengthy discussion that would ruin the mood, he opted to just let his instincts take over as he slid up behind her and gently caressed her folds with his hand, one arm wrapped around the base of her tail and the other on his emerging cock. "You know, I'm not usually one to pounce on a stranger." He joked, rubbing his cock tip up and down her slit to tease her just enough to encourage her to reciprocate.

Jayri said not a word, instead just scuttling back and pushing into the dragon in order to envelop his member with one quick motion. Due to how how it was and how sensitive she'd grown in the sun, she could feel every bump, every ridge, and every pulsation of Urai's cock inside her, its girth and length just enough to tickle her properly. Eager for more and unwilling to risk having him change his mind, she kept backing up until she pinned him against a rock, close to the edge of the shade.

That was a mistake. The moment she and Urai leaned out near the edge of King's Crag rock they were both sighted by the twin drakes that had still been tussling back and forth in the air above the lake. Storm was the first to screech and land heavily next to them, wings flared and beak agape as he huffed and puffed, exhausted from his battle with Rokanoss. The dragon drake soon followed, tackling Storm in the process and forcing the two to tumble over one another until Rokanoss also saw what the four were doing in the protection of the shade.

Everybody paused. Urai remained in place with his cock throbbing inside Jayri as he glared back at Rokanoss while Jayri twisted her neck to stare back at Storm, almost as if they were daring their leaders to say something. At the same time, Sachiko had frozen solid and had stopped responding to Ithilwen's licks and forearm penetrations, which was the only reason Ithilwen poked her head out to glance at the two drakes that were now staring at her.

Naturally, it was Ithilwen who broke the silence. "Well, don't just stand there, offer your cocks! There are three females here, and we need to balance the numbers!" She didn't even bother waiting for a response before getting back on her knee and plunging her entire arm up the dragon's slit, pumping it in and out to elicit a response before pulling out and using her tongue to clean up the resulting mess.

Neither Rokanoss nor Storm knew what to do in a situation like this. Both were so entranced with their own desire for territorial dominance that sex - for once in their lives - wasn't even on their minds! Of course, now that they were close and the scent of arousal was in the air, it was quickly overtaking the both of them. Yet, before indulging his carnal side, it was Rokanoss who had to prod.

"What is the meaning of this? Why are you four not fighting?" He was more confused than annoyed, and was trying to save face in front of Chief Storm. "Shouldn't you two be trying to kill one another? Maim each other, give her a hit or two!"

Urai gave Jayri's haunches a playful smack. "Is that good enough? Wait, I know! We are fighting! It's a new style of wrestling, you see. I try to pin her to the ground and she resists." He tapped the gryphon on the small of her back, then whispered at her. "Hey, this is where you 'resist'."

As commanded, Jayri waggled her hips and clawed at the ground, her loins tightening each time she tensed one of her muscles to squeeze Urai's member. Her tail was up high, its underside resting heavily on the dragon's chest as she gave Storm a glance of defiance, her visage daring the chief to act.

It was Rokanoss who gave in first. He used his wing to pat Storm on the shoulder, getting the gryphon's attention. "Well, I'm ready to put a kibosh on today's battle. Fighting you was getting quite exhausting and I'd much rather see what it's like inside a gryphon than keep wasting my energy."

Torn between his two loves - fighting and fucking - Storm hissed and lowered himself to the ground. He hadn't lost the fight with the larger dragon yet he still felt defeated, the wind drained from his wings and his ego bruised. He wanted to fight and win before indulging himself, to earn his keep before taking his prize! It felt wrong to him to just drop all of that and skip right to the after-battle fun when he had yet to emerge victorious. However, despite him feeling an internalized resistance to comply, the allure of taking a dragon in a display of power was almost too much for him to resist.

Only once he had swept away his indecision did Storm roll his eyes in mock defeat. He then stared directly at Sachiko. "You. Come with me." He commanded as he turned and stepped away.

"I'm kind of busy at the moment." Sachiko countered as she lifted her tail once more to Ithilwen to let the canine continue what she was doing before with her fists and muzzle. She then continued, teasing him with a wink. "I'm not your hen, you have to earn me."

This defiance made Storm even more aggressive, so he turned back to her and hopped up onto her, pushing Ithilwen to the side as he bit down on her neck and tugged her out from the shade of the rock, his dominance triggering her instincts enough that she complied.

"You could be a bit gentler." She cautioned him. "If not, I'll just bite your dick off."

The thought of being emasculated made Storm let go of her neck and cringe, hind legs clenched together to protect his sheath as his balls swelled and sagged under his tail. The heat made them hang lower than usual, both massive orbs halfway down to his knees and barely held by his stretched scrotum; a single bead of sweat trickled down over them starting at his taint and absorbing into the fur that lined his sack. That bit of sweat really added to the musky aura that surrounded him thanks to his body exuding masculinity, an aura that made all female gryphons weak at the knees and should do the same to all dragons, something he was willing to test on Sachiko.

The dragoness shook herself off, now free of Storm's bite, before making a few playful leaps followed by a few flaps that buoyed her in the sky above the oasis with the help of the thermals rising off the stone and plains. "If you want me, you gotta catch me!" She called out before pumping her wings and shooting off across the plains away from Storm and the others.

Normally he wouldn't have bothered with the extra effort when he had perfectly good partners down on the ground next to him, but Sachiko had issued a challenge. Storm had a hard time refusing a challenge, especially when a knotting was the prize for victory. Of the options put forth, he chose to leap into the sky after her, eyes trained on her haunches as she led him on a lovely chase in the skies of the Untherian savannah after a dragoness that sang to the heavens with every flap of her wings.

This left the other four all on the ground still in the shade of King's Crag rock, with Urai slit-deep in Jayri's shockingly tight pussy, Ithilwen left on her rump in the absence of Sachiko, and Rokanoss hovering over them all while licking his lips, hungry for some flesh.

Ever the gentleman-drake, Urai gave Jayri's rump end a bit of a rub as he pulled away, knot tugging on Jayri's slit while exposing the gryphoness's hindquarters to his elder. "Well, boss, you want a turn? She seems quite receptive!"

"I'm right here. I can hear you." Jayri muttered, half-cocking a grin.

"I know, but it's fun to be silly." He cooed back at her, patting her on the haunches.

All at once, the scene shifted as Rokanoss leaned into Jayri and tried to mount her under the rock with Urai still swollen inside her pussy. This squished the biped dragon down to the small of the gryphon's back and nearly flattened Jayri all in one move, but that much stacked sex was too much to continue under the rock, for the underside of King's Crag was knocking Rokanoss by the horns every time he tried to thrust or aim.

Sensing this unfortunate snag in their attempted orgy, Jayri happily scuttled forward and down the shores with Rokanoss on her back and Urai sandwiched between them with Ithilwen not far behind. Once they found a nice comfortable spot between bushes and rocks, She relaxed and pressed her chest to the ground with her tail up, a visible invitation to her loins that Rokanoss happily accepted.

Problem was, Urai was still squished between them and buried as deep as he could go into Jayri's pussy, throbbing knot still tugging on her lips as he tried to arrange himself in a way that would allow Rokanoss to have his way with the gryphoness. His intention was to pull out and slip into her tail hole - hoping that she was willing to allow him in there - but the moment his knot popped out of her, he lost his balance and was knocked out from between his elder and Jayri when Rokanoss bucked once more. This left him on his knees and chest with his tail up and rump exposed to an observant Ithilwen.

"Well, if you insist." She joked as she spit into her hand and sidled up next to him.

He rolled over and jumped up to his feet, brushing off the debris that had caked on his knees and chest. "Nope! Not today!" He protested, not in the mood to be on the bottom this time. "Maybe some other time, but today I-" He was then cut off as Ithilwen leaned into him and pressed her paw to his crotch, cradling his member and wrapping her fingers around his knot to tug and tease.

"What was that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you!" She squeezed even tighter, clenching her fist around both lobes of his knot while his tip spurted precum and fluids down her forearm. "I could have sworn you were trying to tell me no?" She then got down onto one knee and started suckling at his cock tip, never letting go of his knot even as she forced his length down her throat and wrapped her lips around the base of his member.

This was a perfect transition for Urai, who needed a bit of a breather after having engaged Jayri so deeply moments before. He couldn't help but wonder how the gryphon tasted on his cock, but he assumed that Ithilwen was no stranger to her avian companion since she kept at him, pawing his thighs and cradling his cock with her tongue. A distraction then made him clench up as Rokanoss growled nearby, having finally mounted Jayri, his cock tip having found its destination between her hind legs.

"Oh! You're a big one!" She trilled at him as she splayed out her legs and pushed back against him. She then waggled her hips to feel his member - which had already sunk deep into her - slosh about, literally stirring her juices of arousal. "Exactly what I needed."

"Every hen needs a drake in their-" He paused and looked to the sky with a grin, his loins pulsating and his cock sinking even deeper into her. "Well, maybe not the lesbians, but I don't want to muddle this with semantics." As he finished his thought, he leaned back down and nuzzled up next to her, growling as he prodded at her cheek from behind, the deep rumblings from his chest vibrating her entire body from tailbase to snout. He didn't bite down, a pleasant surprise for Jayri since she usually dealt with Storm biting down on her. She liked the roughness, but a more tender partner was nice, too.

In fact, Rokanoss was so eager to be gentle with her that he started licking her feathers and using his lips to peck and prod at her in an odd attempt at courtship preening. This affection made Jayri relax in just the right way that her loins loosened and let the rest of him in with a glorious, lurching pop followed by an audible squelch as she pushed against him. Her grinding back against him forced all the air from her depths to escape with a sputtering splash that soaked him and the ground between them as his loins sealed up tight and locked them together in a tie.

Meanwhile, Urai had just managed to coax Ithilwen into a pose that bent her over a nearby rock with his hand on the base of her tail and his other hand on his knot, aiming himself at her slit. She was flicking her tail tip at him, tickling his chest scales in anticipation of him filling her tight. However, just as they were about to take the plunge, all four of the folks on the ground were startled by a powerful screeching as Storm and Sachiko flew by overhead, the gryphon eager and hungry for dragon flesh.

The sudden influx of shocks and distractions urged Rokanoss to buck as hard and as deep as he could go, forcing himself so deep in Jayri's depths that he could feel his tip slipping through into her womb to be sealed in place by her cervix clenching around his glans. The added pressure coaxed him into so much pleasure that he reared back and roared to the sky, quickly losing his balance and falling onto his back while dragging Jayri along with him, still tied together with his knot yanking on her.

She trilled and shuddered in delight, claws raking at the ground as she instinctively started huffing a cool mist that formed a light cloud around them. She was struggling to not pull away, but the pressure on her loins was so intense that even the subtlest of movements between them made her flesh tingle as if she'd been mounted by the thickest stallion on the plains. Two of them, in fact, one equine flare per knot lobe.

Rokanoss, in his flop backward and resulting splay out, managed to once again separate Urai and Ithilwen once more, keeping them from consummating their treaty for a third time. This left both parties on their rumps next to Rokanoss as he used his hind talons to claw at Jayri's rump end, holding her close to him as her flesh squeezed and tugged him as thoroughly as he'd ever been pleasured.

All four of them were now conveniently under a tree, partially covered by shade and next to the rock that Urai and Ithilwen had tried to use for their own fun. There, Rokanoss reached out and grabbed Ithilwen around her waist and plopped her down on his muzzle, hungry to taste a female as his groin was taken care of by the blue and orange gryphoness. While holding Ithilwen in place, his tongue probed deep into her, exploring like a tentacle and prodding her deepest reaches with the tip to coax and taste every bit of her.

Ithilwen was not resisting him in the least, and she quickly got her bearings on the rock while spreading her legs and grinding down on him, eager to feel his appendage forcing its way even deeper into her. She was so vigorous, in fact, that she even forced his jaws apart to sit in his maw, ensuring more of his tongue could lap at her folds and part her flesh, the thickest part being the closest to her slit.

Having sensed that perhaps the only fun he could make of this situation, Urai returned to his original plan to offer himself to Jayri's rump while Rokanoss too her pussy. He quickly straddled the dragon elder's belly before slipping his member up and down the gryphon's rump end, prodding at the puckered hole before leaning forth and asking permission. "Say, Jayri, I don't suppose you'd mind if I-"

At that exact moment, a distracted and unwary Rokanoss instinctively bucked his hips, forcing the base of his cock to pull at Jayri's loins while also bucking Urai upwards, the combined motions burying the smaller dragon's cock in Jayri's tail hole in one fluid motion, knot and all.

This made Urai's eyes go wide as he froze in place, worried about a faux-pas.

Luckily for him, Jayri was quite amicable to that and actually leaned back, arching her spine and pushing back against both he and Rokanoss, pinning them all together through the power of her back end, both of them knotted and stretching her taut as their members throbbed seemingly in unison with one another. She happily pressed her chest to the ground and grinned, trilling and puffing clouds of mist in the shade as her loins intermittently pulsed every few seconds in time with the rhythmic pulsations of the two dragons taking up residence inside her.

Once again, as the four on the ground were all comfortably in and on and under one another in various ways, the two in the sky flew by overhead, with Storm twisting in midair in an agile move that caught Sachiko out of the sky before she could pull him off her. With both of them flapping, he pulled himself up her body and bit down on her neck, cock quickly growing to full mast as he grabbed her by the abdomen and aimed himself under her tail.

Luckily for him, she was wet and eager to be stuffed, making finding her slit quite easy even as the two continued to soar by overhead. While gliding together with all four wings catching the thermals, the two began to plummet to the ground. Twice the weight and half the wingspan made catching those thermals quite difficult, forcing them to quickly descend.

Storm, ever the sexual opportunist, used this distraction to grab her and buck his hips as hard as he could to plunge his member - knot and all - deep into her with a pop that even he could hear with the wind whipping by his ears. He bit down harder as he felt her flesh envelop him with little care for the rock and grasses that were quickly rushing up at him.

"S-Storm! I think you might want to rethink-" Sachiko started, only to be cut off by the pressure of his beak wrapped around her neck and the girth of his knot worming its way deeper into her.

Before she or he could do anything to stop the inevitable, Storm actually angled his wings and grabbed hers to fold them against her back as he dove down, twisting in midair to take the brunt of the impact on his side as they bounced off the rock of King's Crag and landed heavy next to it, rolling into a place just beyond the border of shade underneath it.

Both of them huffed and puffed, breathing heavily as Storm slowly unfolded his limbs to roll them together onto their feet. There, he guided her under the rock to the shade and finally let go of her with his beak. "There." He said in a gruff tone, bucking once more to make her grunt and whimper.

In truth, Sachiko was shocked at the way things went down. She knew he was sexually aggressive before she took him on a chase and quickly found out just how rough he could be when he caught up to her, but she wasn't expecting him to tackle her out of the skies and take on much of the impact as he did. Furthermore, she was shocked at how durable he was, as evidenced by the fact he broke no bones despite the landing being quite intense and not on his feet. As it turned out, he knew what he was doing and, despite being aggressive, was a considerate partner.

"How's that for a battle." Jayri called out while resting her haunches on Rokanoss's groin. She also took a moment to clench her muscles and squeeze Urai as well, eager to please him as well.

"I think I won." Rokanoss joked, his words muffled thanks to the canine's muff smothering his snout and the occupation his tongue had taken up inside her. His attempt at speech made her tense up even more, grinding her hips against his muzzle once more.

Unlike the others, Storm mostly remained quiet, observing everyone else as his mind darted from one reality to the next. Unsure of what to say or do in the future now that he wasn't engaged in a territorial matter any longer. Mating was fun, of course, but he came to King's Crag to win it in a battle of claws and beaks, not a playful chase after some dragon flesh. Still, he did nod his approval as he glanced down at Sachiko, who was now laying on her belly with him over top of her.

"What's the matter, Storm? Things not go your way?" She teased, clenching and tugging him.

"Everything goes my way. Today just went in a different direction, is all."

Urai saluted before flopping back onto Rokanoss's belly. "Good way to see it."

And that's when they all sort of relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the morning, each tied and knotted to one another at King's Crag. As noon crept up on the six of them, they all gradually got to know one another better - after all, it wasn't like they could go anywhere for a while - eventually uncovering the secret of Ceylon and Rokanoss's plot to put an end to the fighting by joining the tribes as one, his reason being that they were better unified than divided. That, and that the greatest of all the races - dragons and gryphons - were not the most populous and needed all the help they could get.

However, after Rokanoss confessed this, he and Storm convinced the others that it was best to keep this secret to themselves. Until the unification was official, the tribes needed something to boost morale and keep them busy in between hunts, and if everyone knew the battles were for sport and not for dominance, that might cast a blanket over the whole plan.

Storm, especially, loved the idea in knowing he would always have someone to fight, even if it did hurt his ego a bit to know that not every battle was to the death and that he wasn't a survivor but just a victor. That rang nicely in his ears, but he did wish for more.

He was the chief. He always wished for more.

[QC-057] Daily Routine

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QC-056 - Scaly Noodle Meal

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The Flow of Battle 2 of 2

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