The Flow of Battle 2 of 2

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Nib-Roc

Writing - Runa216

Asura - JeremySunchild

Ithilwen - lunarmagic

Tritus - laestir

Mobius - MobiusTrap

Ezio - eziotheWolamute

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

In this story, four adventurers are sent on a mission to an erupting volcanic island to find out why the dragon there - the one meant to protect the island - is allowing it to erupt!

It was time to take action. The four adventurers had spent the better part of a week planning, prepping, and educating themselves on what might happen on the island once they arrived and they were about as well-equipped to deal with the menace in the volcano as anyone by this point.

Tritus drew his sword with one hand while erecting a shield around his teammates with the other, simultaneously driving back the heat of the nearby magma while bracing himself for the impact of the dragon that was lunging at them. As the party's biggest and strongest member, it was on him to tank the hit and protect the others, but it seemed that each of his companions were just as eager to work together as he, with none of them cowering behind the others.

Ithilwen hurriedly grabbed a few gems from her satchel to give to Ezio, sharing her power with her fellow canine as she amplified her own geomancy skills. Much like Tritus, she used one hand to wield a sword while the other brandished a shield made from summoned ebon-stone that she'd been hiding in one of her gems. Ebon-stone was known to be one of the strongest naturally occurring substances - stronger even than rockwood - nigh unbreakable and effective as a shield but prone to shattering if put under enough pressure or impact. She used her geomancy to create and maintain it, amplifying its effectiveness while slowly draining her energy.

At the same time, Ezio bashed two of the gems together to create a fitted aura of protection close around his body. With blades in each of his hands he was able to jump and flip to dodge attacks while being able to attack with ease. However, unlike the others, he wasn't convinced that the four of them had what it took to take down Asura, for the magma dragon was easily twice as big as all four of them combined! He appeared immune to intense heat and even their magically enhanced weapons would have a hard time piercing his scales. Still, he dove forth, prepared to battle.

The one member who held back a bit was Mobius. He was considerably more optimistic than Ezio and was using two staves to alternately defend himself and blast Asura with an unrelenting wave of cold energy, holding the dragon off in a cloud of emerging mist and fog as the heat and cold mixed. He was gently stepping back, sensing that his attacks weren't slowing Asura enough to be effective, thus making it useless. Still, he didn't stop, for even a bit of attrition would give his allies all the edge they needed to make their moves and strategize attacks.

Yet despite all their planning and their tactical approach once they entered the volcano's cavern, it proved fruitless in their quest to take down the seemingly aggressive dragon guarding the island.

Asura easily dove past Mobius's steady stream of ice magic, landing right in front of the other three members of the party to take them out one by one. He backhanded Ezio out of the air, causing the canine to fly across the cavern and bounce off the rocky wall to land near the entrance. After that, he swept his tail around Ithilwen's shield to sweep her off her feet and punt her across the cavern as well to have her roughly land on the ground next to Ezio. He then leaned down and used his snout to launch Tritus off the ground and into the ceiling above the two of them, swiping at him with his tail to knock him out of the air and have him land right on top of a recovering pile of Ezio and Ithilwen.

Finally, Asura loomed tall over Mobius with his orange eyes glowing and hair billowing in the swirl of hot and cold that formed a cloud of steam between and around them both. He picked the raptor up and went to toss him to the pile of his companions only to have Mobius use his ice staff to form a thick coat around the dragon's talon, freezing it solid.

This was quite painful for Asura, at least for a moment. He roared and flicked his wrist, shattering the ice that had formed around him to have it instantly melt and turn to vapor before hitting the ground as Mobius landed on his feet and tried to repeat his ice wave onto Asura's chest.

Angered, Asura concentrated his energies and boosted his internal temperature in order to counterbalance the spell that was pelting him with ice, turning the frozen magic to liquid then vapor as fast as it could be conjured. This resulted in the entire cavern being full of a thick and warm fog that emanated from him and swirled between them. "I said leave! I won't say so again!" He bellowed, bursting through the stream of ice magic to twist his head to the side and wrap his hot-fleshed maw around Mobius, face first. He tossed the raptor around a bit before spitting him out on top of his other three companions, bowling them over and leaving them all in a pile.

His saliva evaporated instantly, leaving them all dry and confused, ready for another attack.

"Now leave!" Asura commanded as he stood over the adventurers. "I cannot save you from the wrath of the planet if you do not leave!"

This new information made all four of them pause to glance at one another, not sure if they should take Asura at his word or prod for more information. However, before they could speak or inquire further, a sudden bubbling in the magma beneath them started to splash bits of molten rock onto the walls of the cavern as a pillar of steam and smoke began to erupt. This caused a stir in all of them, including Asura.

In that instance, Asura had to quickly make a decision without much time to think about all the options available to him. While his goal was to explain the situation and coax the four adventurers out of the volcano's cavern, he could no longer take the time needed to adequately inform the four who had interrupted him. He growled to himself - an act that made him look aggressive and ready to attack again - before leaning in and chomping down on Tritus, his large maw wrapping around the blue dragon's torso while his hot-fleshed tongue cradled the warrior's belly.

Tritus tried to defend himself, to stab at Asura's neck and gullet but lost grip of his sword when the larger dragon's saliva covered it from tip to pommel, making it nearly impossible to handle without losing his dexterity. That, mixed with the permeating glow and enveloping heat of Asura's gullet smothering his face, left him nearly incapacitated despite his defensive spells. He wasn't anticipating he'd be in a position like this so his equipped spells were more about deflecting blows and healing his allies, not staving off the gulps of a larger dragon's throat pummelling him as he was swallowed.

Each of the others got back to their feet and attacked Asura in unison, bludgeoning him and casting spells from each direction while they watched the dragon jerking his head back and twisting his neck strategically to slowly gulp more of Tritus down. Before long - only a few seconds of intense but distracted battle - passed until only his tail was poking out the crook of Asura's maw, a drop of orange-glowing saliva trickling off the end. Tritus was lost, and the only way to get him back was to slice the beast open!

Ithilwen tried a spell where she conjured blades of rock out of the volcanic walls around them, but the shiny and sharp stone shattered upon impact of Asura's blades, which only drew his attention and made her the focus of his next attack. He spun and swiped at her with his tail, wrapping its tip around her and squeezing her tight enough that she had her arms pinned to her sides, unable to manipulate the gems that helped her use her geomancy.

At the same time, Mobius dove at him, stabbing him with the pointy end of one of his staves in a vain attempt to inject some freezing magic to the base of his tail. This did not work, however, as the heat of Asura's flesh shattered the crystal and made a massive explosion that rocked the walls of the volcanic cave and even formed waves in the rising lake of lava below them.

Sensing this was an opportunity, Asura grabbed Ezio in one of his front talons while grabbing Mobius in his opposite hind talon. "Sorry!" He quickly said as before rolling onto his back and stuffing Ezio in his maw alongside Tritus's tail. At the same time, both of his hind legs worked together to grab Mobius's head and rub it against his tail vent, forcing the raptor to sink easily into the orange, glowing flesh at the same time Ezio was being swallowed next to Tritus.

All at once, Asura had each of the four adventurers in him or constricted by his tail; Tritus was halfway down his gullet with only his tail sticking out while Ezio struggled in his maw against the soft yet hot walls of his throat flesh. At the same time, he'd literally stuck Mobius up his rump, with each of his hind talons alternating in an attempt to force him deeper and deeper. He watched over his sleek belly as the raptor's body disappeared a bit at a time, the red flesh blending in with the intense black and orange of his own scales as his rump's glow emanated from between them.

With one final gulp and clench, Asura consumed both Ezio and Mobius from either end, his maw and tail vent sealing up behind them with only the tips of their tails poking out of them. This left only Ithilwen outside of him but still constricted by his tail with the black ridges digging into her sides.

"You won't take me alive!" She managed to grunt, baring her teeth and focusing her magic to best resist him. However, with her body squeezed like that she had a hard time conjuring rock or root.

Asura hissed at her through a throat stuffed with dragon and canine. "I'm trying to save you, foolish whelp!" He managed to hack out while struggling to resist the writhing of Tritus and Ezio in his throat. This declaration made Ithilwen pause for only a moment before another rumbling burst of magma popped and splattered all over the platform where they were all fighting.

In a reactionary split-second decision, Asura curled up in a ball with Ithilwen protected by his body, completely snug against his belly and neck only long enough to have her feel her companions squirming about inside his throat before the lava burst died down and the glowing red rock sizzled and turned black. When Asura uncurled, he gulped one last time and opened his maw again as if he was about to speak to her again when the ground shook beneath them. They could see the sudden lurch in the lava as the magma pool bubbled upwards en route to the platform. They had only seconds to move.

Once again, Asura growled and did the first thing that came to mind be using all four of his talons and his tail to quickly shove Ithilwen headfirst into his tail vent alongside Mobius, his glowing orange flesh parting and illuminating her passage as she was rapidly submerged in his back end.

She wriggled and writhed, of course, for she hadn't fully deciphered what Asura was trying to do and her instincts were taking over. Her first gut reaction was to spread out and make room for herself to breath amidst the suffocating walls that clenched around her, but she was quickly resisted as Asura clenched and sealed off the entrance just beyond her tail, forcing her to hug Mobius's tail inside.

This proved to be the right decision for Asura, as mere seconds later before he was able to get comfortable - struggling prey in one's rump did tend to distract - a wave-like swell of molten rock crested the side of the cliff and washed over him, coating him from head to toe in the sizzling-hot lava. Luckily for him - and especially for those he'd consumed - his scales were virtually immune to heat and he felt little more than the sear of hot water splashing over him.

The magma slowed its motion and grew firm as its surface blackened and belched steam, leaving him covered in a mass of lava that was just barely soft enough to move around beneath.

Knowing he had completely run out of time, he burst from the river of red to leap into the air and kick off the cavern's wall, bounding toward the cave's opening so he could dive out onto the now-vertical cliffs lining the volcano's foothills. The dragon kicked off the horizontally facing trees to slow his descent and maintain his control over his trajectory as balls of lava and ash rained down around him. He barely had time to glance back at the calamity that followed before the ground swept up at him and he found himself rolling in a heap of leaves and broken branches and sand.

Almost immediately he felt the heat of a rain of fire descending upon him, a catastrophic burn surrounding him on all sides as vegetation melted and turned to ash. He had to get out of there as fast as he could but was slowed down by the weight of all four of the adventurers each in his belly from one end or another. They had lost their weapons in the cave, but their lives had been saved.

Now, nearly at sea level, Asura rushed and darted through the trees, kicking up debris and sand in his wake as he tried his best to outrun the wave of molten rock that was crashing down behind him. Faster and faster he ran, careful to not slam headfirst into a tree while still glancing back occasionally to check and see if he was making any headway. Fortunately, the cloud of ash and ember seemed to stop chasing him about half way away from the volcano's foothills, giving him enough time to pause and look up once he hit a clearing that gave him line of sight to the volcano's peak.

Half of one side of the mountain had burst, the rock sinking into the lava pool and melting soon after he'd escaped. The cloud of smoke was thick and dark, but it looked like the worst of it was over, at least for now. The ember and tiny orbs of molten rock were still falling all around him, but they were growing less frequent and it seemed like the damage was mostly contained to a concentric circle around the base of the volcano.

Knowing this, Asura sighed and turned back to the southern coast, keeping a fast pace to ensure he was as far away from the volcano as possible before releasing his prey.

Once he arrived on the beach - nearly an hour later - he gave one final look to the horizon to see that the volcano had mostly died down leaving only a few trails of glowing magma trickling down its slopes into the jungle around them. The sky had darkened with a tinge of orange and red fading into the blue, giving the land the look of evening despite it being closer to noon. Only then, when he was sure he was far enough from it to be safe, did he go ankle deep in the surf and induce regurgitation.

He tensed up every muscle in his upper body to squeeze his gut and force Ezio to slide backwards out his maw, the canine's form covered in a thick glowing saliva that matted his fur down. There was a gurgling and sputtering coming from deep within Asura as he struggled to force Ezio out of his belly, but the ordeal lasted only a moment before his prey lurched out and landed in the shallow water on his rump, shallow waves flowing over his legs and rinsing him of the juices that had soaked him through. Though he was confused and baffled by this, he didn't think to ask questions.

Within seconds of spitting up his first meal, Asura had trotted over a few paces to do the same with Tritus, only this time his prey didn't come up easily. The smaller dragon had slipped all the way into his belly and wasn't held in Asura's crop, unlike Ezio. Given that bit of extra room, he had spun around inside so that his head was closest to the larger dragon's esophagus, which meant that most of his body would have easily slid through if not for his wings. However, despite this the stomach's walls clenched tight and constricted him in place, streamlining him before having his body shoved through Asura's trembling gullet to be deposited in a pile next to Ezio.

Tritus was a bit more alert upon his regurgitation and was back up on his feet within seconds, demanding an explanation. "What did you do-" He started, prepared to get angry until he saw that Asura had already stepped away and was focusing on the other two.

The dragon had his tail up high and his lower back dipped as he grunted and squatted down, tail vent and rump exposed and gaping to show the many bumps and ripples of glowing orange insides. It didn't take long at all for Ithilwen's feet to emerge, covered in the same goopy mess that both Ezio and Tritus had been coated with upon regurgitation. She kicked and squirmed, but just like the other two she slid out with ease after a moment of resistance, leaving her in a heap with her legs crossed buried up to her hips in water. She huffed and spat out some of the fluid while rinsing herself off. Unlike the other two, she not only didn't appear to be upset but seemed to be prepared to dive back into action.

After clearing herself of the mess, she plunged both of her arms back up Asura's rump to grab the very tip of Mobius's tail, tugging on him in an attempt to have him emerge with the rest of them on the beach. Mobius didn't wish to come out, and had actually widened his stance against the soft walls of Asura's bowels to anchor himself. Though his attempt was valiant, Asura was much stronger than him and was able to squeeze enough to clamp all limbs tight up against Mobius's torso inside before squatting and squeezing him out with a symphony of squelches and spatters accented by the distant sizzle coming from the magma burning through the underbrush of the island's jungle.

Once Mobius was out - having landed with a splat right on top of Ithilwen - he rolled onto his belly and started splashing in the water. He had finally noticed how cold it was outside of Asura and was trying to compensate by at least smothering himself in liquid of some sort. At the same time, Ithilwen had already washed some sea water over her face to clean herself off and was asserting herself in front of Asura, ears down and fur still clinging to her body.

"Excuse me, Asura, would you mind telling me exactly what just happened?" She knew that the dragon wasn't a threat, because it took mere seconds of her being smothered by throbbing dragon flesh to realize that she was in no danger inside him and that he wasn't trying to harm them. Despite this, she still felt that she deserved an explanation and couldn't be bothered to pause to realize that she was already at the far reaches of the island, opposite the volcano.

The dragon took in a deep breath as the scales on his body spread out to show more of the glowing orange flesh underneath, his eyes dimming and mane flattening in the process. Once all four of the adventurers were attentive, he explained.

"I saved your lives." He started. When he got no response, he continued. "The lava was coming and I needed to protect you all or you would have been burned alive. Had I not consumed you - albeit temporarily - you'd have been burnt to a crisp and turned to ash in a lake of fire. It was the only way I could save you from the eruption; I am sorry I didn't have longer to explain the situation to you all."

Ezio coughed and spat up some of the juices as he finished rinsing himself. "Yeah, save us from an eruption that you caused!"

Despite having such an accusation levied against him, Asura remained calm. "The volcano has been threatening to erupt for months now and I've been doing everything in my power to hold it back. I couldn't leave the island to inform those on the mainland because if I left the volcano would have certainly erupted before I made it to your shores. When you arrived and I was fervently struggling to keep the heat down at a minimum, I could easily see how you could have misinterpreted that and mistook me as the cause of the land's ire. For that, I apologize, but now we need to find out how to get you all off the island; I fear it won't be long before the second eruption happens and that will be the one that reshapes the land."

Tritus's expression softened as he leaned into Asura. "Are you certain? How do you know?"

"It's my job to know. My duty. My only purpose in this region is to monitor this island and the volcano inside it. I've been studying its patterns, the ebb and flow of its encroaching magma, and its imminent eruption." He stepped back and got comfortable on the shore, leaving the others to notice that the heat from his talons had been creating steam every time he touched water. "Then, two months ago, its build started growing exponentially. The patterns told me that it would be another ten to twelve long years before it would erupt, and then overnight that time line shortened to one year, then a week later it was cut to half a year, then a month. That was a month ago. At best, we have until tomorrow to get off this island before the big eruption comes and this island grows to ten times its size."

Ezio sighed, having come to realize that Asura was being sincere. Upon being swallowed initially, he had assumed Asura had been tricking them, but everything he said seemed to line up with what their research had indicated. The only difference between his tale and what they thought they knew was that he wasn't the cause of the eruption, he was the only one slowing it down. "Well, we need to find our boat. There's a rather large ship just off shore to the southwest, and if they didn't bolt when the eruption started they should still be here."

"Yes, that sounds like the right course of action. I will escort you to that location, since I can feel the rivers of fire snaking their way through the jungle towards the beaches. If you need to get around or over them, I'll allow you to hop on my back, I am greatly resistant to even the greatest of heat." He bowed, one front leg crossed over his chest. "And again, I must apologize for not being appropriately succinct in my words upon our first meeting in the cave. I'm sure you understand that I was quite distracted." Asura chuckled, his voice growing deeper and more comforting now that he was no longer panicked.

Mobius got to his feet and shook himself off, having finally grown alert after being consumed by the dragon's backside. He was the only one of the four who had resisted coming out once their time inside Asura had come to pass. The others had all struggled when swallowed and made it easier for regurgitation once that time came. Mobius, however, wanted to go back inside and wasn't shy about it. "So, I don't suppose you'd be okay with maybe carrying us in you again?" He wasn't blushing, but he was being intentionally reserved just in case the others didn't approve.

They may have gotten close over the days-long trip they had shared en route from the capitol to Port Araliptian and on the Coral Sweep between the mainland and the island, but vore was one topic that never came up. When Asura shot a sidelong glance of amusement at Mobius, the raptor assumed it was a topic to be shelved for the rest of this journey, at least until the dragon spoke.

"Unfortunately not. Much as I'd be comfortable having some squirming morsels dancing about in my belly, it would not have been safe for you much longer. My body is able to hold a single prey inside for a couple hours, but four at once greatly limited my mobility and ability. I truly have no idea when I'll be able to do such a thing again; that said, I am interested in hearing more about these desires before we part ways. Not often I find morsels who are as keen on it as I."

With a reluctant sigh, Ithilwen cut off their conversation with a laugh. "Much as I'd love to watch you being used as a dildo for a dragon, we really can't be wasting time. We must move." She motioned towards the beach, where she saw a two meter wide flow of lava rolling out over the foliage to slowly crawl to the surf.

"Good point." Tritus agreed. "We should be on our way. It is not safe to remain here. Ithilwen, we're following you; you're the one who memorized the map."

She nodded and glanced around, noting key rock formations and the shape of the shore to see if she could pinpoint their location. Though it took her a minute and she did require some aid from Tritus and Asura, she was able to pick a direction. "If my understanding is right, then our boat should be this way." She pointed westbound, then added, "If lava hasn't engulfed it and turned it to ash."

Their journey from that point in the sand to the location of their boat was not a long one, but it was still fraught with danger nearly every step of the way. Tiny globs of searing black rock were occasionally falling from the sky, one every few seconds, and either Mobius or Tritus needed to use magic to deflect them into the sea where they sizzled and cooled or just in the sand where they made little craters. Any that their spells did not catch were blocked by Asura.

Of course, the trip was also quite awkward for all of them. The dragon had made a quick meal of all of them less than an hour prior and nobody seemed to want to talk about it except Mobius. As they walked, he kept back near Asura's haunches to see if he could get a look under his tail again at the glowing, orange flesh within. The ripples of the dragons bowels were comforting to him and he was happy to share that information.

Even the others were all keen on what happened, but the gravity of their situation kept Tritus, Ezio, and Ithilwen from wanting to try again. So, since everything felt awkward, their trip rmained silent from that point forward until they ended up in a cove that was blocked off by a flow of lava that was slipping into the ocean and steaming violently. Beyond that flow was a peninsula with a tall cliff that obscured their view from the next bend in the beach.

Ithilwen knew this was the last bend before they got into their boat and were on their way once more, so she pushed forward with aplomb, leading the group once more.

It was Mobius who got everyone to stop for a moment as he leaned up against Asura's haunches and gave a bit of a nuzzle. "Can you come with us?" He asked. "The island is doomed by now I'd say, so it's not like you have much of a reason to stay." In reality he just wanted to be consumed again. It had been so long since he last did such a thing and it was a shame to leave someone who could do that alone. A waste, in a way.

Tritus gave Mobius a bit of a sideways glance. "Why wouldn't he come with us? He can't stay here if the island is going to be covered in magma within the next day or so."

"Actually, I can and I will be staying." Asura declared nonchalantly.

"What do you mean? How?" Mobius asked, a hint of sadness glimmering in his eyes.

"This is my island. It is my job to protect it no matter what happens. When the volcano erupts, the island will not only be here but it will be bigger and there will be a whole new ecosystem growing in the wake of the flows of magma. That's how these islands are formed, you know." He explained. "And the volcano won't go away or anything, it'll still be simmering below the surface ready to erupt again in time. Who knows, it might erupt again in a year. I'll have to do a lot of research to find out."

Mobius lowered his gaze. "O-oh. Well I suppose that makes sense."

Asura may have been isolated, but he still could sense when something was wrong and it didn't take him much to decipher that this news upset the raptor. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Would have been nice to have met you under more ideal circumstances, you know? Go on an adventure together!" Mobius chirped, hopping up as he spoke. "But with all this, the eruption, you eating us to keep us safe, it seems like such a fleeting interaction and it's a shame it'll be over soon."

Tritus, Ithilwen, and Ezio all stood by while the two reptilians shared a moment.

"I understand, my friend, but know that we've only just met, and the island isn't going anywhere if you ever wished to return." He stood tall and looked over at the others. "That goes for all of you. I will always be here, protecting the land and cultivating the ecosystem while guarding the volcano. You're all welcome to come visit any time. Honestly, those on the mainland could probably use some help documenting the changes here." Asura kept his explanation short on purpose.

There was a long pause before Mobius grinned and stood tall. "Well, if we're going to be parting ways before the day's up, then I feel that we should at least indulge one another one more time. Feeling the warmth of your flesh on my scales was quite pleasant, and I admit it's gotten me quite, uh-" He stopped before he could finish his sentence, acutely aware that this seemed somewhat out of character for him and that his adventuring buddies may have been looking at him funny.

Up to that point, Mobius had mostly been reserved compared to the others. Chipper and always positive but he never really made any brash moves or outwardly suggested such things. When he turned back to look at Tritus, Ithilwen, and Ezio he could see that they all had unique yet peculiar looks of curiosity. This was when he blushed and gulped before shaking himself free of his uncertainty and returning to Asura, stroking the dragon on his front leg. "I'm sure you understand."

"I do." Asura confirmed with a smile. "I'd be lying if I said I couldn't use the companionship. However, I'm not certain that would be the best idea given the magnitude of the situation."

Ithilwen lightly tapped Tritus's armour before giving him a sidelong glance of approval. She then stepped forth to close the distance between her companions and Asura. "You may be right, but at the same time it looks like we have time; I figure a half hour or so is enough to relieve some tension, considering what we went through this afternoon. I know I could use some relief." She slid her shoulder strap down over her arm, slipping out of her tunic in the process and exposing her breasts.

Ezio took the hint and did the same, untying his pants and letting them fall to the ground around his ankles. As he kicked them away, he peeled his shirt off as well, tossing it in a pile next to their clothes near the surf. He was happy and willing to play, but he understood that flows of magma could still creep out from the trees to steal his gems and weapons. "I'm in. I mean, what happens on the volcanic island under the cloud of an eruption stays on a volcanic island under a cloud of an eruption!"

Naturally, the mystic warrior who had been protecting his team was the last one to concede that it might be fine to disrobe and have some fun. Tritus shrugged, his armour clanging a bit as he slipped out of it and neatly placed it in a stack on top of Ezio's garb. "Alright, well if we're gonna indulge, then we can't dally for long. Fun as it might be, it exposes us to the elements and does endanger us." He then paused and rubbed his groin. "But that trip in his belly did excite me in ways that I didn't expect."

Ithilwen pounced back and playfully pawed at his chest. "See, this is the Tritus I wanted to come out on the Coral Sweep! Where were you when it was just you and I below deck?"

"We were never below deck alone; You may have mistaken me for the dragon on board."

"Probably, but that's not an issue for right now. Time to get filled!" Ithilwen declared as she took in a breath and imagined what it'd feel like to have his hot-fleshed cock inside of her. Not only was everything about Asura warm to the touch, but the deeper one went the hotter his bowels became. She could only imagine his member would be just as hot and feel just as good to her depths as his bowels had felt caressing her.

All the while, Asura kept his head cocked to the side and Mobius slowly made his way down the dragon's flank. Both were silently observing, but Mobius was being sensual and tactile with the dragon, his fingers tickling Asura's belly while his own tail reached up and caressed the underside of Asura's. He got closer and closer to the twin holes under the dragon's tail, quickly deciphering that he could have fun with both cock and rump without worry about running into anything in a cloaca.

Asura noticed this and eagerly lifted his tail, belly scales parting to show his glowing orange flesh within. There was even a noticeable drip of arousal leaking out of his genital slit that wasn't sizzling and turning to steam like water or ice had done, a show that his natural fluids could handle far hotter temperatures and would likely be far more intense than any of them expected. He glanced back at Mobius with a half-cocked smile, his eyes softening despite their glow. "Go on, if you're gonna make a move you'd best do it now." He urged, light growl of encouragement escaping his muzzle.

That seemed to be all the provocation Mobius needed. The raptor quickly dove under Asura's hind legs and started rubbing at his tail vent, shuddering in delight as his fingers parted the massive lips to reveal a glow that illuminated him from snout to belly. Now that he had time to actually take the situation in and feel around without being shoved inside, he gave the dragon's rump walls a rub and pulled away to smear the hot fluid between his fingers. As he hoped, Asura's self-lubrication was wonderfully hot to the touch yet still silken as it should be, a reality that urged him to dive back in once again, only this time it was only up to the elbow and not his whole body. He respected Asura's decision to not consume the adventurers whole.

"Oh! Dear me! I wasn't expecting you to dive right in!" Asura chirped, his once-deep voice giving way to a softer, almost cute tone. "However, I do not protest!" He then squatted down a bit to push back before rolling onto his back, tail vent squeezing around Mobius's wrist and tugging him along for the ride. There and on his back, he kept all fours up as his thick, ridged member poked out from his genital slit, exposing itself and leaking a glowing precum to go with the aura of his flesh.

Ithilwen was first to show her excitement by leaping forth and hopping up onto his belly, happily straddling his thick chest while her loins rubbed against him. Much to her delight, the dragon's scales were as warm to her flesh as she had hoped. Even through thick protective layer that served as a barrier between the heat inside and whatever it was outside, she felt the throbbing warmth that tickled her just right. While there, she turned to look at Asura's face as she leaned forward and lifted her tail, one hand reaching back to stroke and caress his member, coaxing it out.

"I see you're not the most shy type." He commented, almost nonchalantly.

She shook her head. "Indeed I am not." Without missing a beat, she then slid her fingers into his genital slit and wrapped them around his cock, squeezing it as she tugged to conjure more of it from its depths. While rubbing and sliding her palm up and down his length, digits sliding past each of his ridges between tip and base. All at once she slid back and guided him into her, the sudden girth and heat making her eyes go wide and her entire body to shudder. His cock was as long as her entire forearm and much thicker, so it didn't go in without effort and when paired with the heat-

"Hnnnngph!" She grunted as he bucked into her, throbbing cock sliding through her lips to bury itself as deep as it would go in one thrust. His every bump, ridge, and rib swelled and expanded, growing firm and spreading her while his hot lubricant tickled her and made her swoon.

Both Ezio and Tritus saw what was going on and decided it was time to have a go. They had mostly been standing to the side and observing while getting hard but hadn't quite made the leap to action that Mobius or Ithilwen had shown. Naturally, Ezio was the first to join in the fray and hop up onto Asura next to Ithilwen. There, he turned so that she was facing her and his rump was facing Asura as he gave her pussy lips a gentle rub, testing her and checking to see how hot Asura's flesh was to him.

"Oh come on, don't be shy." Ithilwen teased as she grabbed him and held him in close, snout pressed tight between her breasts as she gave his nose a lick. "You've never been the shy type."

He instantly wagged his tail and grinned as he started panting, cock throbbing to live and poking out of his sheath. "True, true." He was then surprised when he felt the sultry warmth of Asura's muzzle buried between his rump cheeks and the dragon's thick, hot-fleshed tongue probing his tail hole. In shock, he tensed up and lowered his tail, sealing his rump off before looking back to see that the dragon had given him a look of hunger and desire, one that told him that it was best to relax. "I didn't realize you were-"

"Were into what? Rumps? I've been here alone for decades now. Perhaps centuries. I can assure you my sense of adventure is greater than any discomfort I might have for the more esoteric tastes." He winked and curled his hands up under Ezio's belly, cradling him and squeezing his canine cock against his belly as the dragon's long fingers coiled around each of his hips, holding his back end up like a wine glass being held by a connoisseur. He then leaned in and probed as deep as his tongue would go, exploring the canine's depths as his own member swelled and pumped itself full inside Ithilwen.

Still the more reserved one of the group, Tritus had been slowly making his way around the group of the others, watching happily as Mobius nuzzled and licked and fisted Asura's rump and the two canines straddled his torso. His own member was hard and dripping, yet the first thing he saw that drew his attention was the underside of Mobius's tail. The raptor was bent over like he was feeding, hands and muzzle alternating between one another as they took time to part Asura's tail vent and lick the tangy fluid from within.

Eager to get involved now that he had some time to build up to it and get himself aroused, he straddled Asura's tail and grabbed the base of Mobius's, aiming his cock up at his companion's rump and happily burying himself in his scaled friend. There was a distinct difference in temperature between the heat of Asura's scales and the more normal temperature of Mobius. He was about to really get into it when he felt something prodding at him, lifting his own tail and wriggling its way into him!

Shocked, Tritus glanced back to see that Asura's tail tip was snaking its way into him, pushing him forward and pressing down hard on all the right points while also milking him and forcing him to inadvertently thrust into Mobius while Mobius continued to pry and prod at Asura's rump.

It was then that another sizzling burst of lava came sliding through the underbrush of the jungle, rolling over itself en route to the shore and past the beach. The sheer heat of the molten rock turned the sand to glass and boiled the water the moment it touched the surf. Under most circumstances this would be quite distressing for all of them except Asura, but they were all busy with their own distractions.

Ezio was overwhelmed with pleasure as Asura kept probing at his depths, kissing and pecking and lightly nibbling at his haunches every step of the way. He felt the dragon rubbing his member and squeezing at the base of his knot every few seconds to coax a bit of his seed out onto the scales beneath him, but he was mostly impressed at just how pleasant having such hot flesh inside him truly felt. The long, snake-like tongue of the dragon alternated between going deep and dextrous one thrust then rapidly darting in and out, pleasuring him deftly while also keeping that grip on his knot.

Given the fact that Ezio was canine, it would not take him long to pop. His knot was throbbing and pulsating with every penetration, and he got even more sensitive the moment Asura clasped one hand on each rump cheek and parted his haunches to better get access to his depths. He didn't last long. Given the encroaching swell of magma that was heading towards them, he didn't want to hold off!

Of course, Asura was faced with a similar conundrum in that he had been without a partner for long enough that he was having a hard time holding back. The pleasure of feeling someone riding him - in this case Ithilwen with her warm but still cooler-than-him body - was almost overwhelming. He tensed his loins and bucked his hips, plunging his length deep into Ithilwen as far as it would go, which proved to be far deeper than he expected. He couldn't see her past Ezio and his front talons were busy, but he trusted her to not fall off or bend his length while she mounted him.

And succeed she did! Though she was far smaller than Asura, Ithilwen proved to have enough experience and the right attitude to keep at him, grinding down and biting her lip as she struggled to keep his massive member inside her. His shaft was as thick as her leg, almost, and long enough to get as deep as anything possibly could inside her. As she bounced on him, she felt his every ridge tug on her lips to stretch her out and make a juicy squelch once she rammed herself back on top of him.

Asura's cock was so hot that it almost hurt, but in an odd way that only served to turn her on even more! She could feel his girth stretching her taut and the heat making her hypersensitive, yet that only amplified every ridge, every nub, and the silken nature of her walls caressing him kept him on the verge of climax within mere minutes. He did his best to hold back, to show her that she deserved pleasure as much as he did, and was succeeding until he felt her orgasm on him, clenching him so tight and pushing down so hard he couldn't help himself.

The part that got him the most, the finishing touch on his lower belly was the bit of squirt she spewed down the length of his shaft to sizzle and sputter in the flesh between cock and slit. In unison, as he tensed his hips and erupted his own volcanic blast of cum into her to fill her womb, his tail curled and his rump clenched shut, pleasing both Tritus and Mobius in the process. He also clenched his front talons down around Ezio's back end while opening his maw and clamping it down around his hips.

All at once they felt like they were on the verge of climax, since each one was in some way linked to a part of Asura's body. Ezio had the dragon tongue-deep in him, Ithilwen had him buried to the hilt in her sex, Tritus's rump had swallowed a portion of his tail, and Mobius was constantly prodding about in his rump. Furthermore, Tritus was balls-deep in Mobius and was thrusting with enough force to push the raptor's head into the dragon, which only served to further pleasure Asura.

He clawed, he tensed, he clenched, and he curled his every extremity as he kept pumping more and more of his essence into the canine, roaring and biting on one while grasping and clawing at the others. The heat from his seed stole another orgasm from Ithilwen, causing her to collapse on his chest while she and Ezio held hands, each penetrated at the other end by the dragon.

Meanwhile, the two scaled adventurers were going at it, stopping for nothing as they felt Asura's tail and tail hole each working them. Though Mobius remained cautious about being consumed again, the arousal he felt was enough to turn his mind off long enough that he couldn't help but dive in. With Tritus pumping away under his own tail and his angle being such that he was in a perfect diving position, he slipped both fists into the dragon's rump end and leaned in with all his might, tail stiff and up well above Tritus's head as his snout soon followed his hands.

Of course, Asura's clenching kept him from sliding much deeper, and the tail vent sealed itself off while also expelling the air that joined him in a juicy squelch accentuated by a sputtering of orange fluids that coated the raptor's chest and chin. Of course, Mobius was enjoying the sensations as much as anyone else and quickly felt his own member drop and drip arousal, each thrust and squeeze bringing him more pleasure alongside the steady thrusts from Tritus.

He, too, found himself persistently busy and overwhelmed with pleasure. The tightness of Mobius's tail hole satisfied him greatly but it was the tentacle-like dexterity of Asura's tail curling and twisting and grinding against him that milked him to his own climax deep within his raptor companion. Not only did he growl and bite down on the tail that was raised in front of him but his magic aura expanded and pushed out against the sand in all directions. This forced waves of the beach to cascade into the magma where it sizzled and sparked, loudly distracting them all from their pleasure.

Luckily, each of them had spent themselves in one way or another in rapid fashion one after another, finishing with Tritus.

The distraction got them all to look over to where the lava was crackling and spitting out bits of ash and glass, where more flows were quickly lurching over the barrier between jungle and beach. What had started as two tiny streams of liquid fire had turned into an encroaching sheet that would overtake them all if they didn't move.

Despite being in danger, Ithilwen wasn't yet ready to dismount and feel the molten seed that had bloated her belly ooze out of her. The only female in the group, she was the only one still feeling an ongoing orgasm that intensified every time Asura's ridges splayed out and grew firm. Even as Ezio hopped off the dragon, Mobius pulled his upper body out of Asura, and Tritus joined him, she insisted that they remain there for another few seconds even as the molten fire shifted closer to them.

"I think it's time to go, Ithilwen." Tritus insisted as he snatched up her tunic and satchel, saving them from being coated in lava with only seconds to spare. He then grabbed his own armor and made for the water.

"One second." She said, grunting and widening her stance while taking in a deep breath and rubbing her own clit. The tiny ministrations that came from her walls clenching in waves coaxed one last spurt from Asura and one last orgasm from her before she was satisfied. "Alright, time to go." She vaulted off Asura's belly, clenching her loins to keep his seed inside her as she flipped off him and caught her tunic after having it tossed to her by Tritus.

Once he was completely free of the adventurers, Asura rolled to his feet and shook off the sand, clenching his loins to tug his cock back up into its slit. He then hopped over to where the four of them were quickly getting their gear back on. "On my back, I'll walk you over the barrier."

Ezio nodded and gulped. "Good to hear it, because we're not gonna be able to go into that boiling water and outside of Tritus none of us can jump that far."

After getting down onto his belly, all four adventurers climbed onto Asura and he happily sauntered over the stream of molten rock, its volcanic black surface fusing to his in the process. He shook off the ash and clenched his toes to clean himself before letting the four of them hop off his back. The danger had been averted - a danger that only existed because they got distracted by physical needs - so they could return to their quest.

"I'll certainly miss you, Asura." Mobius chirped as they headed to the end of the peninsula.

"And I you." Asura responded.

Together, they finally made those last steps around the cliff, where they were able to see everything about the cove they needed including the location of their boat - which hadn't been burned by lava - and the faint dot of the Coral Sweep just beyond the range of the volcano's eruption, floating on the open ocean while waiting for them.

Ithilwen took a step in front of the others, standing as tall as she could while addressing Asura. "It's been a true pleasure meeting you and I hope you get this island under control. We shall return to the queen now, where we shall explain the situation. Are you entirely certain you do not wish to join us back to the mainland?"

"I am certain. I could not leave the island if I wanted to. This body is far too dense, to heavy. If I tried to swim I'd end up in the depths with the ancient titans. I am a powerful dragon and I'll happily take on the might of a volcanic eruption, but I would rather not tangle with the serpents and monsters of the deep. Even the gods would be better off not upsetting those who guard the depths."

None of them had heard such tales of such great beasts but were kept from inquiring further when Asura shooed them away, aggressively escorting them to their boat. Though reluctant, they eagerly readied the boat and pushed off into the ocean, barely escaping a ball-sized hunk of molten rock that landed in the sand where they were keeping it. This urged them to make haste and paddle as quickly as they could.

As they were just deep enough that they dared not step off the boat with their armor on, a big black dragon swooped by from beyond the edge of the island, landing heavily on the top of the cliff of the peninsula that marked the last leg of their journey. This dragon had to be at least a dozen times the size of Asura with the wingspan large enough to cover a city block! Asura turned to this dragon and smiled, nodding in a polite bow to indicate that he knew him.

It was Tritus who called out, curious. "Who's that?"

"It's just my pal Rokanoss!" Asura called back. "He visits from time to time and will be carrying me to the mainland!" He then gave a sly wink before the large black dragon grabbed his body and flapped hard, his broad wings giving them the lift they needed to fly back to shore.

This left all four of them baffled and more than a little confused. Regardless, they laughed it off and kept rowing towards the Coral Sweep, with Mobius casting a few flare spells high into the air to let Captain Avita know they were coming back and safe.

They had so much to think about as their small boat was rocked by the turbulent seas. What was true? What would they report to the crown? Could they trust anything Asura had said to them if he was able to go back to the mainland? Would he be there if they returned? They had no answers to their questions, but they did know that at this point there was nothing they could do about that.

Victorious in many ways and yet defeated in others, they tried their best to put it behind them and hand in their quest. This adventure was over.

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