Something in the Water

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Foxra

Writing/Ceylon/Leera - Runa

Lethias - Lethias

Minnigan - Minnigan

In this story, a macro loving dragon is given a potion for his hatchday that will give him exactly what he wants on multiple levels, while Ceylon - the creator of the potion and good friend of his - uses her magics to grow alongside him!

This was originally meant as last year's christmas present but ended up waiting due to commissions and the like, so here it is! I'm also going to be posting a sort of followup sometime later today without a story featuring Lethias meeting up with the artist, Foxra!


This will be posted as an E-book by the end of the day on my patreon, so if you prefer that, head on over and pledge!


Something in the Water

Summertime was always a great time to get out, try new things, and expand one's horizons. Summer is when young folks travel abroad, when old folks go on vacation, when kids get some time away from summer, and when folks of all ages head to the lake to spend their lazy evenings on the beach. Of course, for Lethias, summer also meant it was time for his hatchday! And on his hatchday, he got to be treated right by all of his friends.

That was why he was up north at his cottage, hanging out by the lake with his mate, Minnigan, and two of his best friends Ceylon and Leera! Not only were the four of them far away from much of the rest of the world, but they were also making progress on a gift for Lethias.

"So, is it safe, do you think?" Lethias asked while sitting at the end of the dock. The dragon held up a beaker with teal liquid inside it, sloshing it around and sniffing it. "Has a bit of a, uh, an odd scent to it. Like it's been sitting out for a few days and it looks congealed."

Ceylon remained on the porch of the cabin, one leg crossed over the other as she preened at her chest feathers with her talons. "It's fine, I can assure you. Potions always have a bit of a funk about them and look a little slimy. They are made out of bodily fluids and infused with magic, after all."

He winced a bit, face scrunching up as he thought about the potion making process. Yeah, he knew what the concoction was made of, but he hated being reminded of it since most potions had a bit of a mucous-like texture when not treated properly. "And you haven't found a way to make it taste more like wine or something? Everyone likes a bit of wine from time to time; except you, of course."

"And that's why I didn't make it taste like wine! If I don't like the flavor, why would I assume others would?" She said as she crossed her legs again. "Just drink the potion, my drake. The flavor should be good, even if it might still be a little goopy. If you want its effects, you're just going to have to learn how to deal with it." as she spoke, she uncrossed her legs and parted her thighs, giving Lethias a look at her plump, black vulva. All afternoon throughout dinner and their group swim she had been subtly teasing him with looks and occasional touches of her loins, insinuating he would have her later.

Knowing that, he shrugged and went to toss the beaker back to gulp down the potion, but then got a glimpse of how the concoction rocked from one side to the other like a jelly or particularly thick lubricant and he immediately hesitated and backed away without tasting a drop.

That was when Ceylon crossed her legs again and picked up a book, certain that Lethias would not muster up the intestinal fortitude to deal with the potion's texture before she lost her mood.

But Lethias was ever eager to try out new potions and he had been promised that this one was 'right up his alley', even though she'd not explicitly explained the enchantment or how it would affect him. He was a naturally cautious dragon, but was often over-eager when growth was on the line. With that in mind, he shook his head and drank the entirety of the potion in one mouthful like a shot, gagging a bit as he gulped down the thick, viscous material.

Ceylon grinned and tossed her book to the side, finally ready to get some action. Like Lethias and his penchant for growth, she was often overeager when the potential for being stuffed by oversized cock presented itself. She had brewed and enchanted the potion herself so she knew it would work quite quickly and didn't want to waste a moment; knowing her timing, she immediately leapt down onto the dock and started barreling down towards her dragon friend, beak agape in a grin.

He gingerly placed the beaker down and started rubbing his claw tips together, focusing intently on them as he gulped to keep the potion down. "Wow, this stuff is powerful, I can already f-" He went to turn to Ceylon only to be over-enthusiastically tackle-hugged and carried off the end of the dock and into the water with a splash.

Together, the two of them sank through the water with the surface rising away from him and the rocky bed of the lake quickly cradling him. As he opened his eyes, he saw that Ceylon was floating just above his body and just out of reach, smiling as she rose towards the glistening surface through a curtain of bubbles. When he rolled and kicked off the bottom of the lake to swim to the top, he was shocked to see that he couldn't kick off the ground any higher than he would have had he jumped in air without the aid of wings. He was suddenly so heavy that even his powerful legs and well-trained body couldn't buoy him to the surface, like he was weight down by a lead jacket.

A very brisk feeling of panic overcame him until he remembered that he could hold his breath for five minutes and it'd take less than thirty seconds to walk along the lake bed to return to shore. However, when he started to make steps to do precisely that he found he lost his traction and was beginning to float upward. Sensing this, he accepted the shift in mass and kicked at the water to burst out next to Ceylon, splashing like a dolphin before wiping his face of moisture and spreading out.

"Welcome to the surface!" Ceylon chirped at him. "In case you were curious about what just happened, it appears the potion gave you a bunch of mass before it decided to also give you the size to balance it out, making you as dense as metal for a moment there." She continued treading water with a smile before splashing him. "That's why you sank but now you should be growing to balance it out."

He blocked her splash and growled a bit. "That's nice and all, but you could have warned me that might have happened. You know I'm a strong swimmer, but that could have ended badly had I not thought quickly." He paused and raised one hand out of the water, flexing his forearm to see the muscles easily bulging out against the scales and the plates spreading apart before growing to fill in the gaps. He also noticed that the dock seemed smaller to him, as his shoulders were now as wide as its berth and his biceps were almost as big around as the wooden poles that anchored it. "But I guess if the potion's working this quickly, I'll forgive you."

She floated backward while spreading her legs, giving him a distorted view of her loins through the rippling water while motioning for him to follow out into the deeper water. "Glad to hear it." She cooed at him, deliberately swimming in such a way that she occasionally had her vulva crest above the water's surface, exposing its glistening black flesh. "So what are you gonna do about it?"

Lethias pushed off from the dock and did a breast stroke towards her, reaching out to her and grabbing one of her ankles to pull her in close. He noticed that his balled up fist was almost as big as her entire calf, with her body being a fraction the size of his. She might have been as tall as his left leg, comparatively. The thought of stuffing that tiny hen coaxed his member from his slit to slosh about in the water, the thick and viscous slime of his arousal keeping him well lubricated.

"That's what I thought." She encouraged while rolling over onto her belly and raising her rump towards him with her tail up high. "So by now you really should know better than to be reserved with me. We've been doing this long enough that you really should understand my more nuanced tells." She was of course referring to their past experimentation with potions and growth and magic. Having been friends for so long she was comfortable being nude around him without expecting him to just pounce her every chance he got, yet she still insisted he do that from time to time.

Lethias had been interested in growth, muscle mass, expansion, and all sorts of other related activities for as long as they'd known one another, while Ceylon was one of the few transformation mages in this region, making her the perfect companion for his indulgence. In fact, she and Leera were the only two who had the magic required to make a person grow to dozens - nay, hundreds - of times their natural size. Others could make folks bulge out and double in size, but not to this magnitude.

In the past, they had tried out various permutations on a growth spell intended to give Lethias the mass he so deeply craved, but the experiments almost always went awry in one way or another with his arousal fueling his expansion well beyond control. Lethias rarely worried about it since the bigger he grew the hornier he got, but that always left Ceylon having to clean up the mess once he was done. Footprints the size of crop fields were not easy to deal with no matter how much he tried to limit the effects of his body. Mostly, he just wanted to use his strength for good but that was virtually impossible when one is so large they attract their own atmosphere.

However, those hardships only encouraged Ceylon to never give up. Her friend, though occasionally hard to work with, was worth her time and her love enough that she was willing to put her all into making him happy. That was why she had focused so hard on making that gooey, slimy potion for him in the month leading up to his hatch day and why Minnigan and Leera were hard at work in the cottage making advancements in rune magic that would help control his growth or reverse it if need be. She was so eager to have her way with him she couldn't help but tackle him off the pier the moment he drank the concoction without giving him proper warning as to what might happen when he first imbibed it. The other reason she said nothing was that she wasn't sure how it would react.

So as she floated there with her body splayed out for maximum surface area with her tail up, deliberately clenching her pelvic muscles and to make her plump, ebony vulva pulsate against the waves. She could see that he had grown to many times his normal size and that must have meant that his cock had grown in equal measure. Knowing this, she dove beneath the surface and swam over to him while he wasn't watching, which proved to be easy given how distracted he was by his growth.

The dragon kept his arm above the water's surface, flexing and twisting it in place as he watched his muscles expand and his forearm lengthen. Every time he clenched a fist his arm expanded and tensed up, not shrinking when he released his grip. He had subconsciously noticed that his partner had disappeared beneath the surface, but he was too focused on watching and feeling the stretch of muscle on bone to pay much attention to her.

At least, not until he felt her hands on his member beneath the water's surface. As he tread water and got a grip on the end of the pier and held on while she twisted and turned, adjusting her body so that she was comfortably wrapping her legs around his waist and her tail between his thighs. There, she used both hands to wrap around the head of his member - for his girth was so large that she needed both to control him - while pushing down and wiggling her hips to take him inside her.

This presented Lethias with choices. He could either continue to focus on the gradual but noticeable growth in his body, relishing the subtle bulges and shifts in mass beneath his scales, or he could grab a hold of his normal-sized companion and stuff her full of dragon meat. Though he was entranced with his own body for a few moments, it didn't take him long to feel the familiar tingle of warmth and friction on his member as her body swallowed his tip. Once he felt that, he grabbed her hips with both of his hands and held her in place as he forced himself deeper into her.

Given their difference in size, such an aggressive thrust might have been painful for her and perhaps even fatal, but since it was her magic and enchantment that gave life to the potion she fed him, her body naturally adapted to any and every advance from the dragon's lager form. This went so far as to have her torso bulge out as his curved member angled upward within her, tugging on her abdominal wall from within and forcing her to adapt quickly. Though the effect was intense at first, with her lower belly showing a distinct shape, she was prepared for this and was already focusing her magic to match him in size and girth, thus limiting the effects of his member.

Lethias was not privy to the details of this, not at first. Since his head was bobbing up above the surface of the water and Ceylon was holding her breath while submerged, he saw only the dancing image of her shifting about in his hands. He felt only the warmth of her flesh as her folds swallowed him up and squeezed him tight. Furthermore, as he grew and his bones elongated, Ceylon had begun to do the same so she no longer felt tiny to him. Sure, he wished he'd have felt the shifting of fur on his fingers or the slipping of friction that came with his palm widening against her hips, but he was properly satisfied when he felt his feet touch the bottom of the lake with his head still in the air.

This intense sensation made him growl and grin, hips tensing to bulge out his muscles as he held her down on his lap. He closed his eyes and tried his best to focus only on the sensations that enveloped him, his mind concentrating on the ebb and flow of his scales tensing and loosening against the expansion of the flesh beneath, the subtle but not unpleasant grinding of bone on bone as his many joints adjusted to the weight and angle of his limbs.

Yet, despite him so easily distracted by the empowering sensations of his body constantly growing well beyond its normal size - he must have been more than five meters tall within a matter of minutes, easily thrice his height - the thing that felt the best to him was the rippled flesh of Ceylon's pussy stroking his length. Every time he bulged a muscle, tensed his loins, or bucked into her, he could feel his member well and pulsate growing a bit more to keep up with the rest of him. In response, her body squeezed against his expansion, resisting his growth while also taking on some of his mass in waves. Her body throbbed and swelled in time with his own, matching his every move both physically and passionately.

Before long, he found himself large enough that he could sit with his rump among the rocks of the lake bed with his tail woven around the wood holding the pier up, Ceylon sitting in his lap while looking back at him. In spite of his every movement causing a splash on the shore and his cock remaining slick with his natural lubricants, he was thinking it might be best for him to make for the land before he displaced too much of the water in the lake.

With that in mind, he grabbed the much smaller Ceylon and got to his feet, cock still inside her as he stepped past the beach and over the cabin to the hills behind, never letting go of his avian friend even as he stumbled under his own weight. The water was no longer cradling him so he had to adjust to how large and heavy he had become, a task that proved to be rather simple given the fact that he'd also grown much stronger alongside his bulging form.

As he turned and sat on the hill next to the cabin, he noticed that his body had grown large enough that, even when sitting down, his head was poking up above the trees. He was careful to not lean into their trunks since it was important to him to not wreck the environment, yet that was tested as his partner squatted down on his lap and pushed against his belly, her own body growing large enough to nearly match him in size within less than a minute.

She leaned in close and poked his snout. "Boop." She chirped at him before spinning around, back facing him and hips angled to ensure he never popped out of her. While there, she leaned back onto his bulky chest and started rubbing her clit while faintly bouncing and trilling, the feathers of her upper chest puffing out as her breasts slowly grew to a proper, appropriate size. Every motion of hers had her passage clenching tight, the supple walls caressing his length in waves while leaking her silken arousal down his shaft and over his scaled ball sack, a juiciness she reached down to gently rub in.

From his vantage point, Lethias was able to see the swell of her chest and couldn't help but get a feel of her. He knew she wasn't the most fond of being busty but must have been keen on doing it for him knowing that he loved the softness of a female's chest. He slid his hand under her arm and wrapped his massive fingers around her right breast, giving a gentle squeeze and caressing the flesh beneath the feathers as he snarled and bit down on her left shoulder, using that as leverage to further pump into her.

Quite pleased and surprised, she pushed back as hard as she could go, her spine undulating in waves and her lips clenching and kissing at his shaft with every thrust. Her arm went up and reached back to grab at his cheek and neck while her other hand alternated between pleasuring herself and pleasuring him by stroking his length between his slit and hers as well as occasionally kneading his balls - gently, of course. Her breaths grew ragged and her flesh quivered in delight the more she gave to him, both of their bodies continuing to grow as a faint cloud of teal mist billowed out from them.

The magics were doing their job, expanding both of them in slightly different ways. Lethias's response from the potion was a bit more erratic, with his limbs and body taking turns in their growth to make him always feel a little bit off balance before the rest of him caught up. At the same time, Ceylon was more directly controlling her growth, with her body maintaining the same proportions throughout with only a few exceptions such as the growth of her breasts and the added plumpness of her vulva.

None of this was lost on Lethias, who continued to focus equally on the shifting bulges under his scales and the persistent warmth and friction of her flesh caressing his. Normally he'd try his best to extend the pleasure and draw it out, but something deep inside said he could go ahead and finish up without much in the way of exhaustion or penalty. That thought in mind, he bit down harder and grabbed her breast a bit tighter as he picked up the pace, his thighs slapping against hers as she widened her stance and braced herself against him.

His member was soaked from tip to base with their combined arousal, the thick sheen of lube forming a perfect barrier between them that ensured he felt next to no resistance, only pleasure. Before long, he growled and bucked his hips as tense as they could go, loins clenched and balls tugged to shoot a massive load deep into her that shot out of his length and splashed about inside before gently sputtering out of her depths around his shaft. That familiar pleasure of climax filled his body, but with one major difference; rather than feel exhausted and ready to relax, he felt only the tension of his muscles bulging out against his scales and his body broadening in every sense of the term.

Beneath him, he could feel the tug of the ground squeezing his rump cheeks as his haunches expanded, scales tugging and digging at bits of dirt and grass and sand even as his balls continued to pulsate and throb, pumping more and more of his essence deep into Ceylon's depths. He dared not pull out, for he knew how much she loved feeling his cock twitch and expand inside her every time, and it seemed after a few pumps of his groin her body adapted to better take it all in rather than force it out.

She clenched and gyrated in waves, grinding down against him as his cum churned inside her, some of it spurting out but most of it filling her depths as she relaxed only the right muscles to do so. After a moment of relishing the subtle bloat in her abdomen, she went to pull off only to be grabbed and held in place by an eager and still horny Lethias. Only a small spurt of his cum escaped her before he pressed her back down into his lap, further making his seed slosh and churn inside.

When he looked up at the sky he noticed that the evening had given way to night, the subtle orange of the sun having long since disappeared over the horizon. This all felt quite odd to him since it felt like they'd only been together less than half an hour, yet night had crept up on them with ease. It was only when he looked down at the cabin - which was about the same size as the palm of his hand - and saw both Minnigan and Leera on the front porch rushing around in fast-forward like ants that he came to realize what had happened.

As he grew, time was passing slower and slower. His motions and the motions of Ceylon next to him seemed normal but were in fact moving slow compared to a properly sized person; as such, what felt like half an hour must have been at least two, maybe three. Furthermore, the larger he grew the slower time would feel for him, which was probably why he was so willing and able to climax and recover so quickly.

This was not a problem, for he never stopped feeling that supple pleasure of the flesh caressing his length. Ceylon never let him go and never pulled away from him, always eager to squeeze and stroke him using her depths as one spurt after another burst out from between her lips and his girth.

Time continued to pass as the two rolled over the hill to end up behind the cabin with Ceylon on her back and Lethias over top of her, his muscled arm acting as a pillar as he propped himself above her with his cock still deep inside her. Only then did he slowly pull out, his firm member sliding through her walls to let a torrent of dragon cum cascade out of her, splashing over the base of her tail and the rest of the hill to join a nearby stream where it returned to the lake.

Somewhat shocked at the voluminous production that came from her, Lethias paused with eyes wide to marvel at his own mess, a deep rumble of pleasure emanating from deep in his chest as he wondered what to do next. He was still as firm as when he climaxed and he still had all the vigour he could want considering how much of himself he'd spent in her. For a brisk moment he considered maybe going down on her, cleaning up his mess with his maw, only to be stopped by her purring and grabbing his member from between them, guiding it to her folds.

Lethias internally assured himself that this was fine and that he'd go with the flow, so he arched his back and lifted his tail as he plunged every meter of himself into her from tip to base, pussy lips passionately kissing dragon scale lips with his member's flesh parting her wide and deep.

The two of them shifted in place, gingerly moving from one place to the next while being careful to not crack any trees or dig divots in the dirt. Lethias was massive, now, and the cabin was so small he could almost hide it under a single fingertip now, and Minnigan and Leera both seemed to be moving at mach speed, the stars in the sky visibly moving with each passing second - or at least what he perceived to be a second but could have been as much as a minute. No matter to him, he quickly ended up on his back nestled in between two tall mountains, cradled in their foothills with Ceylon in his lap and smiling down at him.

She caressed his pectoral muscles and tugged on his shoulder scales as she bounced and ground on his groin, gyrating her hips and squeezing with every shift of her weight. The bigger he got and the more he filled her, the more intensely she concentrated with her blue eyes closed and ears flat to her skull. She wanted to bring him to another climax and was showing him that with every subtle expression and movement, but it seemed to not be enough, at least not at first.

Together, they continued to be rough yet gentle with one another, eager to inflict as much pleasure on the other as possible while also being careful to not destroy the landscape - or especially the cabin with their mates in it - in the process. Lethias held her just above his hips and started to rapidly thrust into her, the gargantuan motions of his body seeming normal to him but slow to the puny micros around him.

Each of his bucks into her created a pressure within her that forced some of their combined fluids out from between them, the thick strands of viscous lubricant slowly splashing out to soak his inner thighs, balls, and the grass below. He even got the lovely sensation of a tree top tickling his tail base as he curled his toes and struggled to hold back.

Though this second session lasted notably longer than the first, it still didn't feel like much time had passed before the tingle in his loins built and spread throughout his lower body, the tension and bulging of his muscles immediately persisting throughout his perception. He was still growing, with his muscles expanding and scales stretching with bones elongating inside, but it was happening so subtly that he barely noticed it anymore. Luckily, his mind had been drawn to Ceylon's lithe form.

She noticed this and started really working him, clenching rump muscles and squeezing before pulling off in order to tug at his flesh and caress his tip in between each and every one of her motions. Her pussy was manipulating him with the dexterity of fingers, each ring of muscle squeezing and relaxing in perfect time with her bounces and gyrations.

This left him unable to hold back any longer. With a deep, rumbling growl that must have been heard territories away, Lethias dug his claws into her haunches and pushed her down onto his lap as he arched his back and forced his member as deep as it would go, the silken nature of the remnants of his seed mixing with her arousal to ensure that even the slightest shift between them caressed both his and her flesh as the rim of his cock tip widened and tickled her depths.

The sudden and intense burst in sensation coaxed a thick, silken strand of his seed to erupt deep inside her, this one flowing far easier than the last thanks to both of them being delightfully loosened up. Not only did he growl as he bucked up into her, but his seed backfired out from her lips to soak him from belly to knees, the torrents of his essence splashing out and oozing out from between them.

Only then - once she relaxed and was sitting flush with his groin - did she speak again. "Come, it's really time to clean you up before this potion gets you too big." She insisted, then stepped up off her with weak knees and descended back in the water, the creamy mess he'd left dribbling down her legs and dissipating into the lake as she crouched down.

Lethias wanted to follow her footsteps and join her in the lake, but he was finding that the two back-to-back climaxes had hit him at the same time, giving him a doubly-potent afterglow that kept him from making a single move. However, as he glanced down over his body to see all the creamy mess that was trickling over him like a delta of cum rivers all pooling past his balls and on his tail, he decided it would be best to go ahead and join her no matter what it took. The last thing he needed was to permanently impact the environment by dumping his essence everywhere.

With the aid of that thought driving him, he crawled over the mountains while being careful to not crush a single tree or the cottage. The last thing he noticed before sliding belly first into the water was that both Minnigan and Leera - tiny little insects that they were compared to him - were scrambling around the shore of the lake, setting up little lanterns to illuminate the night.

After finally slipping into the lake, he sat cross legged and leaned into Ceylon, eager to give her a hug of thanks even as he felt the water washing away his seed. However, just as he leaned in, a green glow emanated from each of the little lanterns that Minnigan placed, forming a circular rune around the entire lake with lines in an ancient symbol crossing through the both of them.

"Sorry mate, it's all part of the experiment." Ceylon apologized with a wink and a nuzzle as the runic lines flashed, the light enveloping the both of them.

In that instant, Lethias found his perception of time almost instantly adjusting itself as everything quickly shot forward, speeding up to dozens of time its normal speed until once again balancing itself out. He was left in a chasm of nothing, the water of the lake forming a bowl around him for only a split second, suspended away from him with Ceylon hovering over him, before having it all lose it's position and crash inward. The sudden and intense lurch of the wave swallowed him up and forcing him as deep as he could go, so deep in fact that he could feel the pressure on his ears as the deep gurgling of the water around him tossed him as if he were caught in a maelstrom!

This didn't last long, for a still-massive Ceylon reached down deep into the lake, cradling him as she lifted him out of the water, her titanic form moving like molasses compared to his once-again normal size. In that instant, the world went dark and he passed out in her fingers, limbs draped over either side of the kaiju gryphon's palm.

The next morning, Lethias found himself in a bed in the cabin, dawn's sunlight cascading in through the window to fill the room with an orange glow as birds and bugs chirped outside. He was too big for the bed, with everything below his calves hanging off the end and his one arm draped onto the ground, for his shoulders were too broad. He was bigger than he was the day before, but a more reasonable width compared to what he was that evening. His wings had returned and he was otherwise back to normal in virtually every way.

Minnigan was sitting on a chair next to the bed, asleep while he waited for the dragon to wake.

"W-what happened?" Lethias asked, reaching out to Minnigan to grab his paw. "Was that-"

With a kiss to the back of the dragon's hand, Minnigan smiled. "Just some runes to help control that growth of yours." He explained, rubbing Lethias's palm and wrist.

Before Lethias could ask another question, Ceylon walked in with Leera coiled around her neck and shoulders and draped over her torso. "We may have cracked the code." She said as she leaned against the foot of the bed Lethias remained on, purposely stepping between the dragon's knees.

Lethias shifted and sat up as best he could, fatigue threatening to defeat him as he struggled to get into position. Minnigan grabbed the pillows and helped to prop him up before he continued. "What code?" He prodded, still unsure of what was going on.

"Controlling your growth spurts. All this time we've been trying to find ways to help you grow, amplifying your own natural growth abilities with my augmented transformation magic. Over the past few months, Minnigan here has been working with me to try to find a way to use his rune magic to counter my transformation magic. We used last night as a testing ground to see if he could shrink you once you were done, bringing you back to normal size." Ceylon explained, then let Minnigan do the rest.

"It's actually pretty cool." He started, rubbing Lethias's hand as he spoke. "With differernt symbols on the rune mixed with the essence of Ceylon's magic, we were basically able to create locks and keys that forced you to stop growing past a certain point or shrink you back to a reasonable size. With her magic and my runes, we can basically give you power levels in the form of potions. She provides the magic for growth and duration, I offer a rune that will limit your size or give you the ability to return to normal size at will! It's fascinating!" His eyes went wide and he broadly grinned, the fur on his chest standing on end.

Lethias shifted and rolled onto his side to take his husband's hand in his own from a more comfortable position. "So I can grow whenever I want? Shrink whenever I want? Regulate my size?"

"We think so." Minnigan assured him. "But we are going to need to do a few more tests before declaring it a success. When do you want to try again? We could go for round two tomorrow, if you want." He never lost his wide eyes and broad grin, two features that had come to define him in his greatest moments.

Lethias wanted to answer but could only nod and smile.

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