Touch of a Barn Cat Chapter 5

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art/Rex - gardeaalgedo

Writing/Ocerre/Ilorek/Valencia/Ceylon - Runa

Cameos: (not in chronological order)

Ald're - shade1

Cocamo - Caboose09

Ithilwen - lunarmagic

Jay - jaikonran

Katsumi - Katsumi

Rokanoss - Rokanoss

Saethwr - Saethwr

Sini - Sini

Syrus - Dryftwood62

Tarenad - Cheetahs

Therris - Foxra

Tritus - laestir

Var'Rex - approachingdark305

Vel'Gahrus - Parapanora

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

(The images will be staggered between comic pages and side content since I estimate 7 pages worth of material for this story. Either way, enjoy)

In a world where feral and anthro intimacy is legal but still socially questionable, a wealthy advocate for free love creates a porn studio and beast brothel known as 'The Ranch' for people to safely indulge their fantasies while enjoying feral pleasure in a guilt-free, socially acceptable way.

We follow the first month of a new employee at The Ranch as he learns the ins and outs of the business, tends to the animals before and after and in between filming sessions, and gradually finds himself falling for one of the star equines - a gender shifter by the name of Ocerre.


To read the whole story one chapter at a time:

Without further Adieu, Enjoy the fifth chapter of 'Touch of a Barn Cat'


Chapter 5 - A Dragon's First Time

Life at The Ranch turned out to be everything that Rex dreamed it would be and more. Sure, the benefits of living among those who not only accepted his passion for their feral brethren but actively encouraged it was nice, but that was only the most surface level of contentment. In reality, almost every single aspect of life there was better than it had been living in town.

Soon after being offered the loft above Ocerre's stall, Rex went to his landlord and gave his notice, saying that he would be moving out at the end of the month. Saethwr, Ald're, and Ilorek all came to help him move his stuff that weekend and it took him mere hours to unpack and get comfortable in his new flat. His excitement was almost unbearable, but he managed it well. Of course, a lot of his contentedness came from the pleasant smells wafting up from the equine stall below. Sure, horses could stink, but the homely, earthy scent was welcoming in all the right ways regardless of the fact that he was tasked with cleaning up their droppings.

Valencia stayed at home while everyone was helping Rex move, for it turned out she really was nocturnal and needed the daytime sleep. This was fine since he knew that she would be spending much of her evening working, and this gave Rex plenty of opportunity to get to know her better.

In truth, Rex had originally thought the whole thing was a test or a joke, something Ilorek did to see if he really wanted the position while not actually giving him the job. Yes, despite the boss's insistence that he was sincere, Rex still thought that maybe it was all just a prank of some sort. While Rex may not have been the self-depreciating type who automatically assumed nothing good could happen to him, he was the type to believe that if something is too good to be true, it likely is.

The day he finished moving his stuff in and was immediately put to work cleaning stalls and maintaining the pastures was the day he accepted that everything was real and that he had landed a dream job. From that point forward, he dedicated his all to The Ranch, quickly getting close to Ilorek and the other employees while also making an effort to ask about the filming and editing parts of the job despite that not being his responsibility. That's where he got to know Valencia better.

Rex may not have been the kind to want to be in front of a camera, but it would be nice to know that, if he so chose, he could break out a camera and film his friends with Ceylon or Ocerre if such an opportunity would arise. Or, more likely, he just wanted to discretely record Ocerre for his viewing pleasure. If nothing else, he could catch their transformation between genders and use it for fun.

Just like most farm jobs, there was nary a dull moment at The Ranch. Between prepping the animals, cleaning the stalls, general maintenance, and his never-ending desire to learn more and give himself added value by acquiring relevant skills, he barely even left the property. In the week since his hiring and official moving-in, almost every day was the same. First thing in the morning he would wake up and take care of Ocerre by cleaning their stall, feeding them, and ensuring their water tub was full and clean. After that, he'd brush their mane and tail to ensure they were presentable before ever leaving the stable he called his home.

Working at The Ranch may have been a rather persistent job, but it really only picked up when a client showed up and needed help in one way or another. Sometimes folks would come for the sex tourism - gryphons were quite rare and the chance to mount one was always worth the coin - but others would show up and explicitly demand they make porn movies with the feral creatures. This required the most work since coats and plumage needed to be refined to a sheen.

The most memorable event of Rex's first week was when Ithilwen visited. She was a blue and white wolf that came from the nearby Vore House and was looking for a new kind of adventure.

His day started out like any other up to this point, with him waking up and immediately heading downstairs to tend to Ocerre's needs. After having a shower and brushing his teeth, he lowered the retractable stairs and was greeted by Oceras - Ocerre's female form - Standing at the foot of them while waiting for him. He could tell by casually glancing to the side to check and see if a sheath was present; it wasn't. "Hey there." He said as he took his final steps to the ground level. "Someone's eager to see me, aren't they?" He leaned into her and started stroking her cheek and neck as she nuzzled back.

Both shared a brief moment of affection as Oceras wrapped her chin around her shoulder before he slipped out from under her and made his way to the tack trunk next to the sliding barn door. There, Rex snatched up a fine-toothed brush and some oils to distribute through the bristles in order to make her the prettiest mare on the farm. As he applied the oil, she started lipping at his wrist and snorting on his chest fur, begging him for more attention; he wasn't wearing anything beyond shoes and shorts, so she had no problem pecking at his fur all over his upper body.

When he finally got out from under her oppressive lips, he slid down her flank to first focus on her tail by brushing its length from base to tip with one hand cradling underneath its many strands. There, he chose to casually get a peek at her sex and saw that her vulva was plump and moist, eager for some attention in much the same way the rest of her was begging for him. She even hoisted her tail up high when he lifted it up while winking, a surefire sign she was willing and eager.

"Not today." Rex assured her with a light pat on her haunches. Sure, he wanted to dive in again like he had that day with Saethwr, but in the days since then he found it increasingly difficult to build up the confidence to make a move on her. The environment in which he lived made it clear he would not be hated or in any way chastised for such affections, but that didn't change the fact that the last thing he wanted was to have someone randomly walk in and see him muzzle-deep in mare muff.

He was right to be worried, for mere minutes later as he was still brushing her mane and flank, Ilorek swung the front door open with news for the day's plan, a sudden shock to Rex that had him recoiling in shame despite having not made a single inappropriate move towards her loins.

"Good morning!" Ilorek announced. "We have a VIP on the way and it's time you got-" He then paused when he realized that Rex was already awake and working in the stable without prior demands.

"Good morning to you as well." Rex said with a soft smile. He gave Oceras another light brush on her mane before stepping away and tossing the brush in the tack box. He didn't show it, but his heart was racing and his adrenaline was pumping through his chest thanks to the timing and his lingering shame, or how he would have felt had he been caught in Oceras.

Ilorek then closed the door behind him and leaned against the nearby stall wall, his massive talons digging in the dirt and hay of the stable. "I see you're already up, so forgive my brash entrance. I'll be more careful in the future in case you're busy with her; the last thing you need is to be walked in on." He gave a sly wink and a beaky smirk of encouragement. "Aside from that, you might wanna get to work early today. Got a few VIPs coming in today and we need The Ranch at its finest."

"Aren't all of our customers and talent VIPs?" Rex asked, referring back to the part of the pitch Ilorek had given him on his second day.

"Yes, but these are VVIPs, as in very, very important patrons. A good friend of mine is coming by with the intention of helping us out with Tarenad. Said she'd be happy to help, but she isn't cheap." He paused and glanced off into the distance, deep in thought. "Scratch that, she's free, but I pay her well. As in, I don't charge her for our services since she's actually doing us a solid."

Rex slid under Oceras's chin while patting her chest and powerful neck. "So who is this VVIP and what in particular do I have to do?"

"Her name's Ithilwen. She is an old friend of mine from my university days and a current employee over at the Vore House. She has been in a few videos before you joined up and will be here just past noon. Or earlier. Who knows?"

Earlier that week, Ilorek had already explained to Rex that Ithilwen might be showing up for this exact reason, but it was theoretical at the time and not a set plan. At the time of discussion, it was implied that they might call on her to help out with Tarenad if the issue persisted but they hadn't settled on a time, date, or if they were going to resort to using her. At The Ranch, the ferals would never be forced into action for any reason, but Tarenad was a rather young yet mature dragon of black and gold fur, a beautiful natural coloration that would sell tonnes of videos online.

The issue was that Tarenad was not doing his duties as a dragon stud and they wanted to encourage him to be a bit more active. He was still a virgin and had never mated with another due to being too bashful or shy in the presence of females. As such, Ilorek needed to find a way to gently encourage him that being with females was not only pleasurable but also a nice way to get treats or attention. Ithilwen was one of the most sultry, seductive, and demanding females this side of Klyneth.

"So she'll be here around noon, then?" Rex asked while giving Oceras one last pat on her neck. She lipped at his shoulder as if to demand he not leave her, but he had work to do. "What's the plan?"

Ilorek then turned back to the door and ushered Rex through it before following. "First step is probably the hardest, I'd say. The goal is to just get him sexually active in a controlled, welcoming environment. Gonna be just Ithilwen and Tarenad with you watching to take notes and see what parts make him the most excited. Normally you'd be watching to ensure the clients aren't abusive in any way, but we trust Ithilwen quite thoroughly and you don't have to worry about her. You just take notes and see what excites Tarenad the most. Once we have that info, we can better understand his desires."

Both of them made their way down the path to the main portion of the ranch, where the many pens and pastures wrapped around the yard, barn, and Ilorek's house on route to the terrestrial dragon paddock. As they walked, Ilorek gave more details to their plan.

"For now, I just need you to clean out his paddock, talk to him a bit, and maybe take him out on a walk through the grounds and the wooded area while avoiding the feline and canine sections. Last thing we need is him preying on Katsumi or any of the wolf pack."

"I thought you said I had to work." Rex joked, playfully elbowing Ilorek in the side.

The boss quickly picked up on the jest. "Well, I guess I shouldn't pay you if you aren't working, eh?" He winked and motioned towards the dragon pen. "Anyway, go ahead and get to work, I'll talk to Ald're and see if he wants to wake up early to help you out before Ithilwen shows up. Anyway, for now, you're on your own while I do some paperwork and consult with Valen about her workload last night." With that, Ilorek patted Rex one final time on the shoulder before heading across the yard to the barn.

This left Rex alone at the dragon paddock, staring at the rocks and ferns and the pond in the middle with the percolating waterfalls and spouts meant to keep the fish alive - well, the dragon food. He knew the password and how to get into the paddock, so he grabbed a shovel and a wheelbarrow before punching in the code and slipping in through the metal gate that held the dragons inside. A few of the inhabitants crawled out of their rock caves to see what was going on, and most of them backed away once they saw it was just Rex. Though he'd only been working on The Ranch for a week, he had already become a mundane part of their lives.

He used this to his advantage to rake over the dusty, rocky areas and clean up the droppings that he could find. Normally, dragons were territorial but these ones had been tamed enough to not growl or snarl at him. Luckily for him, dragons didn't relieve themselves all too often and he found only a single pile wedged in between two of the cave walls and it was already dry and crumbling.

Cleaning up the mess didn't take long at all. Less than ten minutes after he'd been left alone he'd already tidied up the droppings, fixed any of the out-of-place ferns, and made a lovely little pattern in the dusty ground around the pond. Only then did he take out the harness and bridle for Tarenad and make his way towards the dragon's cave, still somewhat nervous since this dragon in particular still seemed to feel he had something to prove. Sort of like a small dog that lacks confidence and has to make up for it with bravado. He was still young and insecure, so he had to be aggressive since it was the only way he could show his dominance. He wasn't marking territory yet, despite being mature.

"Come on, Tarenad." Rex said as he slid through the open maw of the cave. He knew that the best way to ensure that the dragon didn't get startled or attack him was to make his presence known before ever stepping foot in his territory. Inside the cave was a room as big as the barn, with a basic dirt floor and a second level wrapping around three sides of the interior with another little alcove as a third level near the back. That was where Tarenad would be if he was inside at all. Knowing this, Rex shook the bridle so that the metal components clanged together - an indicator that it was time to walk.

As expected, the dragon was slumbering in that alcove on the highest level, curled up in a ball before Rex entered the cave and woke up. Upon being roused, he crawled out and slithered down, using all four feet to control his decent past the raised level to meet up with Rex on the ground floor. The dragon's long, slick form was covered in fur, mostly gold with black spots and stripes with a creamy white belly; he kept his body low to the ground like a salamander, investigating the tiger's presence with a flick of his tongue before rising up to a more natural stance.

The dragon was about the height at the shoulder of a large pony or small horse, so his head was just barely at the same height as Rex's when standing up but was initially squatting down so that his legs were bent and his belly was touching the ground, at least until he got close enough to Rex.

"You want to go for a walk? Stretch your legs a bit?" Rex asked as he raised the harness.

Tarenad stepped by him, his long, noodle-like body wrapping around Rex's silkily before finally stepping back and sitting down, eyes narrowed to limit their reflection in the dark. This was about as submissive as he got, so Rex took this opportunity to quickly wrap the harness around the dragon's upper body and front legs before latching on a lead line and guiding him out into the morning sunlight.

Rex found it quite surprising when Tarenad trotted out ahead of him without tugging on the lead line, instead acting like a well-trained horse or dog. Normally, the dragon was known to either yank and force his handler to move at his pace or just wouldn't move at all. However, this time he was as perfectly compliant as Rex could have hoped and continued to be well-behaved for the entire duration of their trot around the grounds. Their trip took them from the dragon pen to the forest and around back where Oceras lived to eventually return to the main area with the various pens and pastures. By the time he returned, a sleek looking bike had arrived and was parked right next to the entrance with the other vehicles.

"Hey there! You must be Rex!" A blue and white canine called out from the barn's sliding door with a wave. It was Ithilwen; Rex had seen her before in videos but had never met her in person.

He waved back. "Yeah, that's me! You must be Ithilwen!" After giving Tarenad's leash gently to get the dragon to follow him, he quickly made his way over to the barn to meet her. "Pleasure to meet-"

She cut him off with a smile and an oddly aggressive thumbs up. "Damn right! Always fun when I visit here. I've heard all about you, too! All good, don't worry. Well, except that one thing." She offered a sly wink and a wag of her tail to show she was kidding, but that didn't stop Rex's mind from racing from one potentially bad story to another in an attempt to figure out what she meant by that.

As Rex got close to the barn, Ilorek stepped out from inside to tower over Ithilwen. "Yep, this is her! Get your chit-chatting out of the way quickly. The sooner we get this guy relieved of his internal pressure, the better!" He patted Ithilwen on the shoulder as he stepped by, pace akin to an emergency room doctor with all the same tone and panache. "We need 50 CC of dragon cum ASAP! Milk it from this bloke here, and give him a massage when you're done!"

Just like Ithilwen, Ilorek was clearly joking and being silly while still making it clear that it was important to be quick; he had no idea when a client could show up since most days - weekdays, mostly - were all based on first-come-first-served. Weekend and weekend adjacent days were done by scheduled meeting only since that's when most people got paid and therefore were more likely to need a relaxing time while also having the coin to pay for it.

As he had before, Ilorek patted Rex on the shoulder and headed into the house to do his paperwork, leaving he and Ithilwen alone in the yard by the barn. He gave one final wave over his shoulder before answering a phone call and ignoring them from that point forth. Clearly, he trusted Rex to do his job, because he hadn't really given a whole lot of direction.

Fortunately, Rex had learned within the first few days of working at The Ranch that ninety percent of his responsibility involved improvisation, adaptation, and thinking at a moment's notice. This was one of those times. "Alright, so I guess we'll be heading out together to the location of your choice. Have you been briefed about what's going on? Or, more specifically, would you like to tell me what you intend to do?" At this point, he needed to feel her out and see what direction she was going.

"All I know for certain is that I'm supposed to help Tarenad here come out of his shell. Help him find his sexual center and urge him to have his first proper encounter so that he might be a valuable asset to The Ranch." She leaned over to the side to see if she could catch a glimpse of what he had between his hind legs but was immediately disappointed by the fact that he sported only a well-hidden slit between the light-coloured belly fur. "I've seen this guy around a bit, but was always told he wasn't ready so I never pursued any scenes with him."

It was only then that Rex got this pang of regret and unease deep in the pit of his stomach. For a moment he couldn't help but wonder if maybe it was wrong to 'encourage' Tarenad to participate in sex acts like this; Ilorek had made sure that everything seemed consensual, but in a situation like this it felt like, at least at a casual glance, they were forcing the dragon into mating with strangers. For all they knew, he didn't like cameras being around or was one of those rare dragons that liked mating for life and was remarkably picky about who he mated with. Since it had never come up in the week between his introduction and his time with Ithilwen, Rex never pondered the implications.

That was why he decided to bring it up to Ithilwen as she took the lead line from him to guide Tarenad out past the ranch home and to the vast open field that surrounded Rex's loft and Oceras's personal pasture. "I'm new around here, but has anyone considered that maybe Tarenad just doesn't want to be in porn or mount random blokes?" He wanted it to come up as casual as he could make it for fear of offending Ithilwen. He had no idea what she was like behind the scenes and didn't wish to upset her if it meant making a bad first impression.

Her response took him by surprise. "Yeah, that was the first thing Ilorek mentioned to me when he first announced the guy's arrival. Said not even Valencia could dig deep enough into his mind to decipher why he wasn't showing any active interest in sex. A few experiments later and it became clear that he was interested, but just kinda sucked at aiming and needed some guidance. Hence my aid."

"I got that, I was here for one of those attempts with Oceras last week, but I wasn't actually working with him when it happened. Ilorek likes to reaffirm how important it is that his creatures consent and that everyone enjoys what's happening, but there's always that chance that there's more to the story than he or Valencia is telling us." He paused as his mind was suddenly adrift with a thousand variables and plausible truths all storming around his central idea. "What happens to Tarenad if he doesn't perform? Do they send him to the slaughterhouse?"

Ithilwen abruptly laughed, snorting and spitting as she struggled to cover her muzzle. "Skies above, no! Hah, what gave you that idea?!"

Rex shrugged. "I don't know, but it was clear that Ilorek really cared whether or not this here dragon actually performed. It's hard to disregard that sort of mentality when in other industries animals that fail to do their duties are usually chopped up for food or 'sent to the farm' as it were. Would Ilorek do that sort of thing? What would-"

"Hush, hush. Stop your yammering, ya big pussy. Nothing is going to happen to Tarenad." She patted the dragon's shoulders and stroked his fur down his flank. "Ilorek just needs to know whether or not this guy is a cute zoo-style attraction or a brothel attraction or none at all. He's planning for the future no matter what happens. Obviously he'll make more money and attract more clients if the dragon ends up being a beast with an insatiable sexual appetite but if Tarenad ends up not being interested then he'll be another well cared for beast on a well-kept ranch. There's no such thing as giving up, here."

"How can you be sure?"

She raised an eyebrow and flicked he ear. "I keep forgetting how new you are. Rex, hun, I've been coming around for years now and I've seen what happens to the creatures that don't immediately take to sex work. You know what happens? Nothing until they're ready to perform. If they're never ready, then they never perform. Simple as that. The goal is to keep trying until they find what works, and so far Ilorek has a one hundred percent accuracy rate in finding what his creatures like. Until then, they are pampered and treated real good. Like, really good. Like, I kinda wished I lived here, some days. You feed them and care for them, I'm sure you know exactly how well they're treated."

This made Rex pause a moment to think and he was almost immediately reminded just how good the food they fed the gryphons and dragons was as well as all the time, effort, and dedication put forth to ensure that they were all given the perfect habitat. In all his life he'd never seen pets, zoo animals, or show creatures treated better and he was a huge part of that. In the time he'd been working at The Ranch, he'd actually found himself jealous of the food the ferals were fed including the cuts of steak and the fresh fruits the carnivores and herbivores enjoyed. Once, he even shared a grilled steak with one of the smaller dragons after the dragon roasted it with fire breath.

Yeah, everything Ithilwen was saying made sense, but he had to clarify. "So if your methods don't work on Tarenad, then what happens? He just goes back into his stable and calls it a day? Try again next week?"

"Almost." She interjected as the two finally made it out to near the edge of the property. There, the grasses were nearly yellow and scruffy and there were many rocky lumps and outcroppings scattered all over the plains with the peaks of the mountains in the distance, which made it good for grazing and filming porn but not much else. She gave the dragon a proper nuzzle and pat before continuing. "If my methods don't work, then we check to see if maybe he's gay!"

"Wait, what?" Rex said with a lump in his throat. "And how exactly do you do that?"

She peeked out from under Tarenad's neck with a sly grin. "What, you think you're here to keep tabs on me? Sweetie, I've been doing this since before the website came up. No, you're here to see if maybe he prefers male tail." She then winced as Tarenad pecked her neck and plucked at her hair in a show of idle dominance. "Up until now he's almost exclusively been offered females."

He gulped again. So you're saying that I'm here to maybe be involved?" After pausing to fantasize, he nodded with a grin of his own. "I approve this plan, but I do wish I'd have been warned in advance. I did just wake up an hour ago and haven't had my morning drink yet."

"Glad to hear it." Ithilwen complimented as she slid out of her green skirt. Once she kicked it to the side, she peeled off her top and laid it in a pile next to her skirt, leaving her completely nude in front of him. She went to speak up again, but then seemed to remember that she'd forgotten something and knelt down to pluck out a pair of vials of liquid that was nestled in the waistband of her skirt.

"What's that for?" Rex asked while casually stepping out of his shorts. He wasn't wearing a shirt so he didn't need to do much. "And what exactly would my involvement include if it did come to me offering myself to Tarenad?"

Ithilwen rolled each of the tiny vials over her knuckles as she looked up at the taller feline. "Well, these are male and female dragon hormones. More specifically, furred, terrestrial hormones. Had them special-delivered from NoThEn Labs a few days back. I'll start by spritzing some on the base of my tail, between my thighs, and wrists to see if maybe it triggers something in him. If not, then you get sprayed with male scent and, well, you got hired for this job. Use your imagination."

"I am using my imagination; I kind of want to get a bit of guidance to know what's too much."

She raised an eyebrow again. "If you're concerned, then don't do it. Or do. Tarenad here isn't exactly known for discretion. If he doesn't like what you do, then you're gonna get bloodied up. Bitten. Clawed. Kicked. Whatever happens, you'll know not to do it again." She tossed the male hormone to Rex. "It's your job to determine if he's a top or bottom. Figure the rest out on your own."

There was a fleeting moment of uncertainty where Rex considered popping the top off the vial and sniffing it but then he realized that might throw off the scent of the female pheromones that his partner, Ithilwen, was preparing. Either way, he quickly balled up the vial in his shorts and stepped back to let Ithilwen have her way with Tarenad as he watched by sitting on an appropriately tall rock. "The court is yours, miss." He offered, eager to see what happened next.

In response, she offered a subtle bow of jest, mocking him. "Oh? Do you give me permission, my lord?" She wagged her tail and turned to Tarenad, where she quickly started undoing the clasps on his harness while aiding him in stepping out of the leather straps. From there, she gently caressed his flank, sliding her fingers through his fur while nuzzling at his shoulders in a sensual display.

Rex couldn't help but feel a little unnerved. She had slipped from sardonic and playful one moment to sultry and sexual the next, transitioning between what seemed to him like two completely unique personas. Still, despite his reservations, he couldn't help himself when his member grew and swelled within his sheath. He knew what was coming and was very eager to potentially get involved.

Before him, Ithilwen slid up and down Tarenad's long body, rubbing him and kneading into his flesh with her fingertips to see what he liked. For the most part, the dragon remained calm and well-behaved, but every now and then he'd reach back and snap at her or step away and flick her with his tail to tell her that he didn't appreciate being touched there. Eventually, she slid up under his chin and neck in order to give him a hug, but he reared up and pushed her down onto her rump when he landed, stepping over her and pinning her to the ground with his front paw.

Naturally, Rex got to his feet to protect her since it appeared that Tarenad was getting a bit too aggressive, but she stopped him in his tracks with an outstretched hand.

"Sit down, this is just how terrestrial dragons flirt. It's fine." She assured him as she looked up at Tarenad, their eyes locking. Ithilwen barely paid Rex any attention after that since she was focusing so much on the dragon's playfulness. She wriggled and slipped out from under his front paw only to be pecked and nibbled forcefully enough to knock her back on her butt. This repeated a few times until she managed to get back to her feet and brace herself, only then she had been backed into a boulder that was jutting out from the yellow grasses. It quickly became clear that she could back up no farther, so she stood tall to challenge the dragon by pushing against his chest with her shoulder.

He growled and drooled on her neck, but was quickly tamed when she flicked his snout and stabbed a finger at him, chastising him for his aggression. After being put in his place, he stepped back and cocked his head to the side, a gentle whirring sound bubbling through his throat.

Ithilwen stepped up to him again, shortening the distance between them before diving past his head and neck to slide down his flank a second time, the main difference being that she slid her one hand under his belly to tease near his slit. This made him tense up and raise his ears and tail while his mane stood on end. "Good boy." She said, lightly cooing into his ears as she walked her fingertips ever closer to his hind end, close enough to nearly touch his slick flesh. When she was close enough, she patted his shoulder and peeled at his skin to spread his slit open, revealing the light pink flesh inside.

"Careful." Rex cautioned her, playfully insinuating that she was in danger.

"Of what?" She responded using a goofy, talking-to-animals voice. "This big guy is just a silly git. No reason to be worried about him. Watch." She then leaned in super close with her chest pressed to his flank while she slid two of her fingers into his slit and under his still-concealed cock. Tarenad went stiff at her touch, flexing every muscle at once while she kneaded and caressed his flesh.

Rex was watching and was curious as to why this seemed to be working considering Tarenad's reputation. It was only then that the dragon nipped at Ithilwen with a growl and backed away, lip peeled back and eyes narrowed. "Not sure he liked that."

Ithilwen glanced back and rolled the vial from between her fingers, popping the cork out and dabbing a few drops on her neck, wrists, lower belly, inner thighs, and even against her clit. "Trust me, it's all part of the process. Start him out simple enough, teach him touching is okay, introduce the pheromones, then go from there."

She was right. Within seconds of her rubbing in the liquid from the vial into her fur and flesh around her body, he had paused and had begun sniffing the air, having caught a trace of its scent. For a moment, he looked confused but interested as he leaned in closer and started testing her to see if he could find the source of his scent, his muzzle gravitating towards her groin, which was where she put the most of the pheromone. Curious, he gave her a lick before backing up and shifting his weight away from her. It was cute to see him waffling back and forth between being interested and unable to act.

Of course, not even a bashful dragon could resist for too long. Within minutes of her exposing herself and blanketing herself in the cloud of dragon scent, Tarenad had seemingly lost all control of his member. He was fully dropped and exposed, its ruby red flesh glistening and dripping with his natural lubricants. Ithilwen saw this and got down onto her knees, extending her paw forth to cradle the underside of it while making a series of cooing noises, calming and assuring him. "Now now, boy, it's fine. You're a good boy."

"Does that sort of thing actually work? Can he understand what you're saying?" Rex asked.

"It's not about what you say, it's about how you say it." Ithilwen confirmed as she leaned back into Tarenad, her tone shifting back to a cutesy, calming pitch. "And this good boy here is going to learn real quick that this is fun, if he gives me a chance."

It seemed like the dragon was gradually loosening up. Between the soft-spoken words of Ithilwen and the permeating scent of a female dragon, he found himself losing himself to his instincts. While it remained clear that he was a touch uncomfortable - as shown by his continued attempts to hide his exposed member and apparent discomfort every time she tried to fondle him. He did, however, grow increasingly amicable to her touch with each subsequent attempt.

"See what I mean? He just needs the right encouragement and a gentle paw." As she finished speaking, she leaned in close, crawling on her knees to be underneath him with her paw still gently cradling the underside of his member to aim it right at her muzzle as she sniffed the air. "Not sure if I should start with oral, though. He's got quite the musk."

Then, in a pleasant twist, he bucked his hips and grunted at her while raising one of his front legs to paw at her back. He was definitely making strides and really just needed that final push in the right direction to break through that barrier that seemed to be holding him back. Tarenad clearly wanted to bury part of himself in her, but his awkward thrusts and poor aim seemed to be his downfall.

Ever the astute partner, Ithilwen decided it was finally time to shift herself into a better position for her dragon partner. She got back to her feet and turned with her tail raised high, plump pussy flesh exposed to his dripping member. Rather than reach between her legs to grab him and aim him towards her slit, she instead just rubbed herself while easing backwards, hoping he took some initiative himself.

Tarenad didn't immediately make a move for her, but he did shift his weight in such a way that his member pressed against the warmth of her flesh. In that instant, that brisk moment of contact between the two of them, the dragon seemed to have a switch flipped inside him. As Tarenad felt the warmth of her pussy flesh rubbing the top of his shaft, he flexed all of his muscles to press his cock up between her thighs, thrusting awkwardly as he tried his best to aim.

She grunted and grabbed at his front leg to brace herself against his motions, one hand on each of his elbows as she peeked out from under her belly at Rex. "Well, it seems getting him to try isn't the hard part; more like his aim. That's okay, though, I'm sure once he finds his mark-" She stopped to grunt as his thighs slapped against hers and his cock slid between her thighs once more. She squeezed her legs together to accentuate the sensations for him while also reaching past her belly to guide his length upward towards her pussy. "-Once he finds his mark, he won't last long. But look on the bright side, it looks like you won't need to use the male pheromones!"

Rex kept a keen eye on her while glancing off to the side where he left the vial of the male hormones. A deep regret welled up within him as he internally wished that it had come to him getting a chance to fool around with the dragon; he may have preferred females, but the thought of being mounted by a powerful beast like that - even an inexperienced one - was quite an alluring fantasy that would not come to fruition, at least not today. "That's alright, you do your thing." He assured her.

From underneath the dragon's noodle-like body, she gave a thumbs up with one hand as her other hand fumbled between her legs to find his member and help guide it. She had been quite experienced with this sort of thing and it didn't take her long to wrap a finger and thumb around his tip in order to force him into the proper angle. Once she had her grip, he bucked a second time to force his tapered tip through her lips and deep inside her depths. In that instance, he was a virgin no longer.

The dragon could have bucked or forced the rest of himself into her all at once, but his eyes went wide as he soaked up the pleasant sensations that were enveloping his member, heart beating rapidly as his cock throbbed and his knot began to swell just outside of her. His tail flicked and his muscles twitched in place as he resisted the urge to buck into her.

But Ithilwen was very interested in ensuring that her dragon partner was properly satisfied. She leaned back into him while wrapping all of her fingers around the base of his knot, two fingers on either side as she tugged and wagged her rump to best take him inside her. Normally, a dragon of his size would be too big for someone of Ithilwen's stature, but she was quite well versed in taking larger beasts and had plenty of experience with gryphons and other knotted creatures, so her body was naturally apt at being tied by drakes. As such, she was able to force that knot of his into her with one pleasant lurch, each of the lobes rolling one by one to swell just beyond her vulva.

"Theeeeere we go!" She crooned as she arched her back and squeezed her pelvic muscles to ensure Tarenad remained locked inside her. "That's what I'm talking about. See, Tarenad? You're a good boy, aren't you?" Ithilwen awkwardly patted at his flank from beneath, sacrificing some of her balance and stability to assure him."

Tarenad wasn't all that interested in listening, though. He was so taken by the pleasure that had taken him in that he just leaned forward, forcing her to stumble and land on her chest with him landing on top of her. He was still bucking and thrusting, but it was doing little more than grinding her into the ground beneath him, the yellow grasses smearing and rubbing into her breasts.

"Gah! Okay, that's not what I was hoping fooooooor!" She was cut off mid-sentence as he rolled onto his back, knot tugging at her pussy and forcing her to flip around so that she was straddling him.

The dragon remained on his back with his paws folded upon his chest, cock tied to Ithilwen's sex and knot throbbing inside her as his slit pulsated and one wave after another of his seed pumped into her. He bucked and clenched his inner thighs for better volume and vigour, but he clearly wasn't that experienced in such a situation and only managed to knock her off balance while also writhing in place.

This lasted for a few minutes as he shifted and slithered against the yellow grasses and jutting rocks, his tail coiling around a nearby boulder to anchor himself in place while he continued to grind. His vigour was slowly and gradually dying down as he was quickly reaching the end of his climax, one that had her bloated from lips to cervix with his copious, built up essence. In a comical twist, he flopped back with his head upside down on the grass with his tongue lolling out and a broad grin peeling at the corners of his maw. His disposition had shifted from cautious and defensive to content.

"Looks to me like he's just about done." Rex joked as he crossed his legs and did his best to hide his throbbing member. Once again, he was mostly an observer of others having fun.

Ithilwen plucked some of the dirt and debris off her breasts and flicked it to the side while shifting her weight and trying her best to ensure his knot didn't slip out of her. His length was more tapered than most dragons, so there was always a good chance that, with the right application of pressure or the wrong angle, he could pop out and she could burst all over his belly. "I kinda wish he'd not fallen on me, but at least he, uh-" She paused to grunt as she felt the bloat of his seed sloshing about inside her, "-he had a lot of built-up released. Pretty sure he's been saving that up for months!" With another grunt, she tugged at his knot as a thin stream of his essence spewed out and coated his fur on either side of his slit, soaking her lips as well.

Then, before she had a chance to reach back and catch him, his knot popped out followed by a voluminous gush of thick dragon cum that splashed against her thighs, the underside of her tail, his belly, and all the way up to his chest as she stood up straight over him, straddling his torso.

"What a good boy!" She assured him as she bent over and ruffled his chest fur and cheeks, reverting back to her old goofy animal-talk. Tarenad didn't do much to respond to her, for he seemed to be lost in a post-orgasm bliss, an equally goofy grin on his maw. She gave him a pat and stepped off from above him, squeezing out the last of his mess into the grass nearby while leaving him soaked in his own seed from chest to belly and beyond.

Tarenad remained on his back, writhing in place in a state of bliss while Rex watched and Ithilwen gave him one final pat to his cheek and neck.

"Alright, so now that he's apparently had his cherry broken, I guess it's your job to clean him up, isn't it? I'd help, but I have lunch plans with Ilorek and gotta clean myself out, first." She stood tall and patted Rex on the chest before grabbing her clothes - and his by accident - and making her way back to the compound with the barn and Ilorek's ranch home.

This left Rex and Tarenad alone in the fields beyond Oceras's custom pasture, where the light wind ruffled their fur and carried the distinct scent of drake from the cloud that surrounded them. As it turned out, Rex didn't need to use the vial of pheromone to sample the smells of drake.

"Well, it looks like it's just you and I, Tare." He said as he got to his feet. He contemplated seeing if Tarenad was interested in males as well, but Ithilwen was still padding away so he opted not to go that route. Again, he just wasn't prepared to make that leap if there was a risk of being seen.

Either way, he had a hell of an afternoon to look forward to that would start with the head-to-toe cleaning of this furred dragon.

Seemingly knowing this, Tarenad kept that smile on his face as he rolled in the grasses, picking up the dirt and debris to rub into his fur with his sticky cum. It was almost like he was mocking Rex.

"Alright, let's go." He said with a snap of his fingers. He grabbed the harness and motioned for the dragon to follow him back to the barn, where he would take care of that mess.

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