Touch of a Barn Cat - Page 1

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art/Rex - TigerXtreme

Writing/Ocerre/Ilorek/Valencia/Ceylon - Runa

Cameos: (not in chronological order)

Ald're - shade1

Cocamo - Caboose09

Ithilwen - lunarmagic

Jay - jaikonran

Katsumi - kumikofox

Rokanoss - Rokanoss

Saethwr - Saethwr

Sini - xsini

Syrus - Dryftwood62

Tarenad - Cheetahs

Therris - Foxra

Tritus - laestir

Var'Rex - approachingdark305

Vel'Gahrus - Parapanora

In a world where feral and anthro intimacy is legal but still socially questionable, a wealthy advocate for free love creates a porn studio and beast brothel known as 'The Ranch' for people to safely indulge their fantasies while enjoying feral pleasure in a guilt-free, socially acceptable way.

We follow the first month of a new employee at The Ranch as he learns the ins and outs of the business, tends to the animals before and after and in between filming sessions, and gradually finds himself falling for one of the star equines - a gender shifter by the name of Ocerre.


(Author's Note)

This is a month-long project concocted with the purpose of not only telling a story worth telling, but also a place to give my patrons their cameo roles. The Ranch is a setting that lends itself well to having characters constantly coming and going without any need for a tight adherence to continuity.

This post - as seen on FurAffinity, InkBunny, and SoFurry - is just the first page teaser. The story in its current form is too long to post on a single submission, and since I'm working beyond the constraints of my art sites (in terms of word count), I have to give you all a dropbox link to a folder with ALL of the chapters as I write and post them.

As it stands, I have 3 chapters written, only 2 are getting posted today along with page 1 of the comic (which serves mostly as a climax to this first month.) The third chapter is where the sexy stuff starts. Keep an eye out for it to appear in the dropbox link (Seen above)!

I don't plan on paywalling anyone, you don't have to be a patron to enjoy this story, but you do have to go to an external link to get the whole thing. Short of commissioning more comic pages (which is not in the budget), I can't find a better way to give you all the whole story!

If you're curious and wish to pledge, however, here is my patreon:

For $5 a month you'll get every story I write with proper edits and refinement as well as an e-book version of this story once it's done. If you wanted to pledge, it'd make my day (Plus, I'm SO close to my $500 goal!)


To read the whole story one chapter at a time:

Without further Adieu, Enjoy the first two chapters of 'Touch of a Barn Cat'

Chapter 1 - The Interview

The first day of any new job is always stressful, especially if that job is as a farmhand on The Ranch. Rex the tiger was en route to his orientation at what was both a porn studio and a brothel for folks who had an affinity for non-sentient feral creatures, a job he was eager to start but a little to reserved to openly admit given much of society's taboos concerning relations with ferals.

Rex never would have applied for the job if he wasn't so enthusiastically encouraged by his canine friend, Darryl, to take the position. Not only did Darryl insist that Rex consider applying but he also consulted with The Ranch's owner, Ilorek, to give an endorsement, thus ensuring that all Rex needed to do was apply and he would be given the job. This was truly the greatest of news, as Rex was in dire need of a job and was told The Ranch paid remarkably well with inclusive benefits.

Still, the job was for a position at a known beast sex brothel and porn studio. No amount of coin or benefits could completely erase that fact or in any way alleviate the stigma that came with such a fun job. Of course, Rex was more than happy to do the job, not just for the coin but for the experience. He never liked admitting it or outwardly discussing it due to his relatively reserved nature, but he found all sorts of ferals from horses to dragons to gryphons to be quite attractive compared to fellow anthro folk. To him, there was nothing quite as alluring as the feral nature of a stallion or the sheer sexual power of a mare pushing back and that deeper connection one could feel with a dragon or gryphon was divine.

Of course, this dichotomy of wants and needs vs perception did give him a familiar flutter in his belly that had nearly convinced him multiple times to turn back around and head home, rejecting the job offer and going back to find something else with less risk or potential to harm his reputation. Luckily for him, Darryl had made quite the case to stick with the job, to give it a chance and see if he could handle the more lewd elements before giving up or letting society get the better of him.

In the words of Darryl himself, "It's easier and more dignified to quit a job after you've started. If it turns out to not be what you wanted or expected, you can politely decline after already succeeding. Plus, if people get on you about what you do, you can feign ignorance and say you quit because you weren't comfortable being shoulder deep in a gryphon pussy."

Such a claim wouldn't be true - the thought of being shoulder deep in a gryphon was one of the main reasons Rex took the job in the first place - it sounded good to those who couldn't accept the idea of someone pleasuring animals for money. Of course, in a world where people pay to do that same thing, Rex was in his own personal heaven. Or at least he would if he could get past the apprehension that came with stepping onto the property for the first time with an expectation of being overwhelmed.

The Ranch itself was well concealed in the most conspicuous way possible. The property itself was lined on three sides by ten meter tall cliffs, with the fourth side being the southern border of the Vast Emerald Wood. The purpose of this was to ensure that people couldn't trespass without significant effort, and if they did it would be incredibly dangerous and uncomfortable to carry film equipment. As it turned out, there were watchdog groups who occasionally protested the establishment, claiming all sorts of nonsense about how using ferals for pleasure was unethical and that it should be illegal.

That wasn't any of Rex's concern, at least not yet. All he wanted was an opportunity to prove himself, make some coin, and maybe make some friends.

Halfway down the road between the edge of the property and the border of the Vast Emerald Wood, the cliff face had a slice in it that housed the driveway and walking path hidden behind a tall steel gate with spikes at the top. The pathway itself snaked back and forth to ensure it was impossible to see what was going on at The Ranch itself from the road. There was an intercom with a screen built into the stone of the cliff's edge, so Rex pressed the button to see who answered.

A moment later, the screen turned on to show the hippogryph owner, Ilorek himself, staring back at Rex. "Well hello there! You're a little early!" He declared with a gaped grin.

"Is that bad?" Rex countered, not sure if that was meant as a criticism or not.

"Skies above, no. I love your enthusiasm already. We're just doing some filming and weren't expecting you for another half hour to an hour. As long as you're comfortable watching some smut being made, come on in! I'll meet you outside the big red and black barn." The screen blipped off and the gates rattled and clunked as the opened up, allowing Rex inside.

He took in a deep breath and glanced up and down the road to make sure there were no cars or people walking. "Well, this is your last chance to ditch." He said to himself.

The monitor turned itself back on with Ilorek leaning in real close. "What was that?"

"N-nothing!" Rex chirped as his eyes went wide, heart racing as if he'd been caught stealing.

Ilorek laughed. "It's fine, my friend. Everyone's worried about their first day. I've seen and heard it all. Just come in and meet us and make your decision later. You have all day to decide if you wanna stick around or not." The screen shut off again as the gate finished opening.

Once again, Rex took in a deep breath to calm himself as he stepped through the gate to head up the pathway. He noted that the driveway from the road to the rest of the ranch was on a slight but steady incline, and the walkways lining either side of the driveway even had stairs, so he took them.

The winding path from the road to The Ranch took a bit longer to traverse than he expected, but once he made it past the valley between the cliffs he emerged into a glorious looking property that had all the perks of a zoo, a farm, and a ranch rolled up into one. On his right was a rather large, rectangular field with what looked like at least a dozen horses of various patterns and sizes all grazing in a herd. To his left, an even larger pasture with taller fences made of what looked like rockwood and metal topped with inverted bits of wire housing a half dozen wingless dragons. It was clear the inward-facing tips of the fence were to keep them from climbing and escaping, though the fence itself was just like a normal fence with slats every few feet connected to the posts. Very homely and rustic while still functional.

Both of these pastures stretched out far with the driveway running between them and just beyond them was what appeared to be the central hub of the whole operation. The big red and black barn was nestled right up between the horse pasture and the edge of the Wood, while a grain silo and a split level ranch home were on the opposite side. From there, three more pathways went out in all different directions, two headed south towards that edge of the property, and one headed west. All in all, the entire property must have been a dozen square kilometers or more. Maybe as many as twenty.

Off to the south of the central hub - which was in itself just an open yard with well trimmed grass between the house, the silo, the barn, and the parking lot that had three vehicles in it - were two aviaries, each with high reaching steel nets hoisted up by metal pillars that must have housed the winged dragons and gryphons. Those ones could fly could very well have escaped the other pastures.

Finally, he saw Ilorek leaning against the fence next to the barn that surrounded the horse pasture. He was looking down at his phone while he waited for Rex to arrive.

"Hey there!" Rex called out as he waved, hurriedly speed-walking down the driveway to make up the distance between them. Ilorek did look up and wave back, smiling as he put down his phone, so Rex jogged the last bit and extended his paw to shake. Up close again, Rex was once again reminded about just how big Ilorek actually was compared to him. Rex himself - an athletic tiger - was head and shoulders above most bipeds and yet Ilorek was a head and shoulders taller than him; so tall, in fact, that Rex had to crane his neck to look his prospective boss in the eyes. "Pleasure to meet you again!"

The two had met once before, in a cafe in Central Klyneth for the initial job interview with Darryl standing by to moderate. Luckily, Ilorek was a rather casual and kind fellow, so there was no need to act pompous or formal around him.

Ilorek gape grinned and chirped as he grabbed Rex's paw and firmly shook it. "Pleasure's all mind. I'm sure you understand just how hard it is to get and find good workers in this business."

"Yeah, I was considering bailing, myself. That said, I'm actually kind of shocked you don't have more people begging for this sort of position. Watching ferals mate all day sounds like the sort of job that would attract a lot of applicants." Rex suggested, trying his best to joke and be casual.

With a nod, Ilorek agreed. "You're right. We actually do get a lot of applicants but I have to be very picky, very choosy. You don't want someone coming to a place like this with too much enthusiasm for the job itself. Here at The Ranch we indulge a lot of fantasies, but I don't want someone who's just here for the, uhm, physical benefits of working with horses and feral dragons. If you get my aura."

Rex nodded. "I think I do. So you're saying you don't want employees who just want to indulge in what you have to offer?"

"More or less. I mean, there's nothing wrong with having fun - hell, we have a job because of it - but the job has to come first. Are you a tiger who cares more about the welfare and happiness of our feral companions than your own physical desires?" Ilorek was casually interrogating him.

It took a moment for Rex to figure this out, but once he did he put on his professional sounding voice. "Indeed, sir! The welfare, happiness, and comfort is always the most important thing for our feral companions. Especially in this sort of industry."

"Glad to hear it. Walk with me." Ilorek motioned as he pushed off the fence and headed over towards the pasture with the taller fences housing the wingless dragons. Inside the pasture was a combination of a rather large, circulating pond with a waterfall surrounded by large hollowed out rocks and palm trees. Very subtropical, very roomy, lots of places to go. "Tell me, Rex: how much do you know about The Ranch?"

Still in interview mode. Rex was prepared for this. "Well, I know it's both a brothel and a studio. Clients can pay to indulge their fantasies with a feral companion of their choosing. I also know that for a significant discount, you ask to film many of the encounters and sell them on the website."

Ilorek nodded as he leaned against the wingless dragon's fence. "Correct! That's all information you can get on the website main page, though. Have you read any of the fine print concerning terms and conditions? Our charitable contributions? Our lobbying? Are you familiar with our procedures?"

This stumped Rex. "N-no? I mean, I thought I saw some stuff about terms and conditions but not when I checked this morning; I also don't recall anything about any of that other stuff. Sorry, I-"

"Don't be sorry, I was testing you. That information isn't on the website and we're currently updating our terms of conditions and privacy policy so I took them down from the site a few days ago. If you claimed to see them I would know you were lying."

"But why would I claim to see something I didn't see when the next question would invariably be to identify the base tenets of the thing that I didn't see?" Rex asked, confused and unconvinced of the effectiveness of this test.

Ilorek quickly conceded. "You're right. I didn't think this through. Either way, we do a lot for our community in many ways. We give to a lot of charitable causes - mostly revolving around feral animals and other quadrupeds - as well as invest heavily in conservation and ecology. You wouldn't know it by looking around, but the property owned by The Ranch is easily hundreds of acres, perhaps even thousands stretching from here to great Sapphire Lake. Everything from The Ranch to the mountains to the lakeshore is owned by myself and my mate, Valencia. All of it is protected by law."

"That's quite nice, actually. I wouldn't have expected that. Do you invest so much and give so charitably in order to appease those who protest what you do here? Or do you do it because you want to regardless of what others think?" Rex inquired, his question intended as pure curiosity and not malice.

"Who's being interviewed now?" Ilorek joked. "Anyway, I was giving charitably and protecting the land long before I started The Ranch. Back when I was still teaching at the Klyneth Academy of Science and Magic, I saw the negative impact people had on their pets, how we treated lab animals, and the terrible living conditions of those who were livestock meant to be slaughtered for food. I wanted to do something to make the world a better place and to prove that we can have better relationships with our feral companions, whether it be for work or for pleasure."

Rex nodded, holding back a smile. Ilorek's tale sounded less about wanting money and more heartfelt than he expected. "So that's why you donate, but why make The Ranch coming off a career as a professor at such a large university?"

Ilorek turned and walked across the pathway to look into the aviary with the winged dragons, an enclosure which was almost identical to the wingless dragon exhibit but with a wire mesh net hoisted up by steel poles. There were dozens of smaller ferals in the trees and basking on the hollow rocks. "Well, a lot of people think that intimate relations - and especially pornographic representations of such relations - are exploitative and abusive. After seeing the conditions we put our animals in for science, for food, and for our entertainment, knew I had to help change that perception. We kill animals for food, which is essential for some of our survival so it's a necessary evil. However, we force animals to work for us on farms and in rodeos and for television and movies, which doesn't benefit them at all."

"I think I see where this is going." Rex interjected silently.

Yet Ilorek went on. "We as a people do so many things that are cruel to ferals for far worse reasons. I don't think that giving a horse an orgasm even if it is to make porn should be seen as cruel, because it's not. I don't see how helping an estrus dragon out in her time of need is inherently exploitative just because we also make some money by recording it. People love to try new things and in some cases can't risk such things without breaking laws concerning trespassing or theft or, in some cases, actual abuse. The Ranch gives people those opportunities while also making some money."

This brought a smile to Rex's face as he twitched his whiskers. It was like Ilorek was giving a speech to him, an impassioned mantra to live by, so he silently nodded and let him continue.

"That is why we don't hire what you would call professional porn stars. We do hire a few who are experienced, but only ones who have shown they're not in it for the money. Professional horse blowers are boring, fake, generic. You can tell the horse isn't into it and neither are the actors. And, if you pay close attention, you can see where the abuse comes in with too-tight holsters, ropes tied to hooves, binders for dragon and gryphon wings, and collars for wolves. None of that is okay." He fluffed out his chest feathers before continuing.

But Rex had to interject with a question. "But how can you be sure? How can you ensure that none of your clients are abusive if you're not recording everything?"

Ilorek paused to grin. "That's where you come in. Actually, hold up; follow me again, please." He headed down the pathway towards the yard to loop around the dragon aviary before reaching the gryphon aviary. "Like I said, that is where you come in. One of your many tasks will be to casually, silently observe clients who have opted to not allow us to record them."

"Wait, isn't that a breach of privacy?"

"Nope, it's in our terms and conditions. Like I said, we're updating them and revamping our privacy policy. All signed agreements will state clearly that you will be observed one way or another, through recording technology or through someone like you."

Rex huffed a bit, not entirely sure he was on the same page. "That doesn't make much sense to me. I was under the impression that people would come to a place like this for privacy, to not be judged or observed. How do you convince folks to be involved without that sense of security?"

"Good question!" Ilorek boasted as he leaned up against the metal door of the gryphon aviary. He then pressed a few buttons to unlock it before urging Rex to come in after him. "As far as I'm concerned, money is not an issue. I am wealthy enough that I could not make another coin in my life and still die rich. To me, the comfort, happiness, and safety of our ferals is paramount. Absolutely nothing is as important to me as making sure the quadrupeds that reside here are treated well and I'd gladly lose customers if it meant that my girl here remains loyal and bubbly." He then chirped loudly, calling out the gryphon from the nearest hollowed out rock.

She was rather large, taller even than Rex but not as tall as Ilorek. The gryphon hen was almost entirely black and white, with stripes on her feline side and speckling on her avian side, a golden brown highlight on her neck and upper shoulders. She excitedly hopped over and started to happily preen at Ilorek's chest feathers while hooting, chirping, and cooing at him.

Ilorek cradled her cheek and stroked her neck. "Her name is Ceylon, and I've built up trust with her over the years; through compassion and love, she knows I will never hurt her. I will never take advantage of her. And I know that if she says no, that means no. Ever been kicked by a gryphon? It's not good." He then slipped away from her front end to slide his hand down her wing and lightly tap at her haunches near the base of her tail, coaxing her to lift it and expose her vulva. "The problem with creatures that can't speak, however, is the concept of obedience and training."

"I'm not sure I follow." Rex admitted as he subtly leaned to the side to get a better look.

"Well, a huge issue with consent is that oftentimes a pet or livestock can't say one way or another what happened to them. An owner - or a ranch hand or employee - can simply say that their gryphon showed signs of consent, but said gryphon can't confirm or deny this. It's easy to tie them down, force them into position, and, well, rape them all under the guise that the feral beast didn't explicitly say no. Just because she didn't peck or kick, some could interpret that as acceptance. The issue is that many animals are taught to accept things that are abuse. It's not hard to force an animal into something they don't want to do if you convince them that they will get a treat or be rewarded."

Rex lifted a paw and opened his maw to speak, but then closed it and hesitated. "I confess, I hadn't thought of it that way, either."

While still going on with his speech, Ilorek slid his hand under Ceylon's tail and lightly rubbed at the inside of her cheeks, teasing her. "Most people don't. Like take right now, for instance. You don't know if she's in heat and wants this attention or if she's just doing it because she's been trained to." He then lightly slid a single finger down her plump, equine-like slit before pressing her clit and pulling away, a single strand of her arousal bridging from fingertip to her lips. "I don't even know at this point, if I'm being honest. She's been so receptive for so long that I don't know, and I really can't."

He paused for a moment to sniff the air, glancing back to Ceylon to look at the gryphon's glowing blue eyes. "At least we wouldn't know if not for some advancements in magic technology. Valencia and I have been lucky to put our skills to the limits, developing a series of spells and potions that allow us to empathize more with our feral friends. I know it's a little esoteric, but it really goes a long way towards putting my soul at ease, knowing when my partners want my attention and when they don't. Deciphering emotions will always be hard, but we're making strides in the right direction. The problem lies in the fact that such magic is not available to most. That's why I understand why many of the laws are in place and in many ways agree with them."

"Wait, you can use magic to feel? And didn't you just say you were lobbying to-"

"I said I understand them and agree with them. It doesn't mean I don't see the opportunity for change or improvement." He sniffed his fingers - now moist with gryphon arousal - before licking them off. "The laws here don't prohibit intimate encounters with ferals, and that's good. However, they're also not strict enough on those who do abuse the laws and take advantage of their pets. Many states and provinces have laws against gambling and drug use and alcohol sales, limiting such things and prohibiting the free exchange of money and product because it's incredibly easy to abuse. Here, we have a similar outlook on such feral acts. Of course, we don't want to jump into anything, but we think regulation is the key to ensuring that intimacy of this kind remains legal and safe for all participants."

Rex gulped as his eyes glazed over as he contemplated and thought about all of that. Most importantly, he loved that there was a way to put one's mind at ease even if it was through use of potions. One of his primary concerns was whether his partners were actually into it or just being obedient, and this seemed to address that very issue. Thus, he did agree with Ilorek's well-supported argument, even if he had his concerns. "Are you not worried that legislation would go too far?"

Ilorek patted Ceylon on the haunches again, getting her to lower her tail. "Probably, which is why we're doing all we can to make change slowly, a bit at a time. You don't want legislation to happen overnight because change like that is always a knee-jerk reaction. A violent response to a tragedy or a horrifying act. We're still in the preliminary phase of what we have planned." He then leaned in to use his own beak to preen at Ceylon's neck and ears before guiding Rex back out of the aviary.

"So that's what I'll be doing? Watching people mount or be mounted by your ferals?"

"That will be one of your many jobs, and probably the most important one. A lot of what you will be doing involves cleaning, maintenance, being an errand boy if I need you to go get coffee or food, grooming the ferals after the scenes are done being filmed, or just whatever comes up. Basically, I want you not as an employee, but a partner of sorts. I want you to care, I want you to be invested. I don't want you to just come into work, do your job, and leave. That's why I chose you over the dozens of other applicants." He grabbed his phone as the two of them made their way around the gryphon aviary to the back lot with two mostly empty pastures, each one a general field with a lake in the middle and a whole lot of long grass.

Rex nodded and smiled, cheeks flushed and heart aflutter. "Well, I'm glad to hear that."

Ilorek continued tapping at his phone as he spoke. "I hope you don't mind, but I talked to Darryl after our meeting at the cafe and did a bit of digging on you. Social media, mostly. I don't want to get into too many details but after learning what I did about your history, I can say with certainty that I made the right choice, and I do prefer you stick with us. At least for a month. I do feel that you have a lot to offer us, and we have a lot to offer you." He extended his hand for a shake. "You in?"

There was only a moment's hesitation before Rex reached out and offered a firm handshake. "Sure, I'll give at least that much, but it sounds like I'd be happy to give much more."

"Glad to hear it. I'll give you the tour." Ilorek's face lit up, beak agape and eyes wide with the feathers on his upper half all standing on end. "Come with me, I've got a lot to show ya."

Chapter 2 - The Tour

"As you can see, The Ranch is not just some tiny operation. Our walls - in this case, cliffs - encapsulate easily twenty square kilometers. That's before we even get to the large swath of land between here and the lake. Now, I know I've already told you that, but it's all part of my spiel about how great we are." Ilorek winked and smiled, hoping that Rex would be playing along with the joke.

Of course, Rex was mostly just interested in soaking up as much information as he could. He remained silent, smiling and nodding as he followed behind the hippogryph.

Ilorek continued. "So starting at the back, farthest from the road and closest to the mountains, we have the two largest and most versatile of the pastures. Both ones can be used for a variety of animals but are usually for the ulokar herd or the horses. We do occasionally get cows, but we generally avoid bovines in favor of, how shall I put this, cleaner animals. I'm sure there are some folks out there into bovines, but I'm not personally into them and I have no interest in filming videos with them in it unless they've been thoroughly cleaned, inside and out."

Rex shuddered at the thought. He was just as keen as anyone else when it came to the majesty of horse rump or gryphon tail, but that didn't mean he was entirely forgiving of all other animals. "I agree." He concurred, holding back an expression of faux nausea. "Stick away from those types."

"We also don't have pigs. Or chickens. In fact, despite being a rural ranch home we avoid pretty much all livestock. Livestock is for eating or producing milk or eggs, at least in my opinion. However, that's not what we're here to discuss." He then leaned over the normal-height fence to look out over the pasture to see the herd of what looked like somewhere between one and two dozen ulokar. "These guys are probably the most interesting of all our feral companions. They have the most personality and outside of feral gryphons or dragons are probably the smartest feral creatures on the planet."

Ulokar were large, quadruped creatures that looked like a blend between raptor, dragon, and wolf. They walked on all fours like a horse and were used as steeds in wars long past, but had a body shape more like that of a wolf. Their head and upper body were shaped like a raptor or a dragon, with scales on their chin and down past their throat to their belly with slicked-back feathers lining the back of their neck and shoulders. Their tail was long and tapered like a dragon, but furred like a wolf and they had scaled armor plating on the front of their legs, each one of which ended with a thick claw like a wolf. All in all, they had the intelligence of dolphins or greater, the loyalty of wolves, the inquisitive nature of a gryphon, and the sturdiness and endurance of a horse.

Way back when they were used as steeds for nobles or higher ranking knights, they were even used in combat thanks to their sharp teeth, claws, and natural hardiness. They also lived longer than horses, so they were more likely to bond with their riders. The only problem with the original breeds of ulokar were that they only bred once every three years, and while they could have twins or triplets, that was almost never the case. Of course, that was the old type of ulokar, the warrior breeds. Most ulokar of the modern world were bred as livestock, dumbed down and fatty for consumption.

Ilorek had a whole herd of those warrior ulokar, the slim and lean and mean looking ones.

"How many are there?" Rex asked, genuinely curious and in awe.

"In this herd? Seventeen. Eight females and nine males. Ever been with one before?"

Rex shook his head but kept smiling as he stared across the grassy plain between them and the herd. "No, and I honestly hadn't thought much about it. I am curious about a lot of creatures, but the only ulokar I was familiar with or had thought to be in this region were the domesticated ones. Like cows, they just weren't my fantasy." He paused for a second to think about what he had just said. "You know, it's liberating to talk so openly about this sort of stuff."

Ilorek nodded and gave a sly wink. "Yeah, I know. It's kind of addicting. Don't let it go to your head, though. Keep this sort of talk at The Ranch. Last thing I need is someone harassing you outside of work for the crime of passion that extends beyond those with two legs."

"Deal." Rex happily agreed. "I can see myself wanting to spend a lot of time here. Are there overtime packages?" The more he heard and the more he listened the more eager he grew to work.

"No, we pay via salary, but given our many creatures and their personalities I can assure you that sticking around will benefit you greatly." He turned and leaned back against the fence. "But back to the ulokar, the females have pussies like the most plump, horny bitches. Thick, triangular, big enough to take a cock the size of a fist!" He held his hand up and clenched it into a fist to prove his point. It was a little odd that he went from informative to lewd so briskly, but such a change didn't bother Rex at all given the location. "And the males are kinda like male canines, but there's less of a difference between the girth of the shaft and the knot, and there are four lobes instead of two. Here!"

Ilorek then pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through some pictures until he got to where he wanted to be. He then practically shoved the phone in Rex's face, showing off the images.

Before him lie a whole gallery of close-up pictures of ulokar genitalia. Females at rest, females in heat, females being spread open with a speculum to show the ripple effect of the flesh inside, and even some female teats for their newborns. There were pictures using endoscopes to show the uterus and cervix, pictures showing their lips spread apart, and at least a dozen just showing estrus females at rest dripping or moist with arousal. In addition to all the female pictures, there were ones of the males with full on erections, half-erections, and pictures with just the tip poking out. There were pictures of sheaths and balls and even some of those same endoscope pics showing their cock yet to get erect in their sheaths. Then, at the end of the roll, there were mating pictures of ulokar cocks buried to the hilt and tied rump to rump with the females.

The whole gallery was making Rex a little uncomfortable. He loved the images, but really didn't want to be getting an erection on the first day while being shown around by his boss. Knowing this, he smiled and politely gave the phone back to Ilorek. "Yeah, I have to say that's pretty nice. Maybe one day I can indulge in this place's services? Is that a thing or are there rules against employees..." he trailed off, hoping that Ilorek would pick up on his concerns and take it from there.

"That's up to you. I'm your boss, but I'm not your father. Same rules apply to you as they do to other clients, though. At least until you've gotten past the probation period." He winked and put his phone back in his pocket. "So, back to the tour. As I said, the ulokar are all pretty unique and as such tend to require the most courting if you want to be intimate with them. What gets one wet or another one hard is not going to work for the next male or female of the herd. One might like oral but hate it when you use your fingers. I know Kiara will lift her tail for basically any attention there, though."

This piqued Rex's interest. "Which one is Kiara?"

Ilorek's ears fluttered a bit as he smiled. "Lewd! Getting right into it, eh?" He then lightly patted rex on the shoulder before pointing to the edge of the herd. "She's the one with all the black, red, and orange on her. Just be careful, some of the other males are-" He paused a moment. "We'll discuss the details of that later. Come on, I'll show you a few more things before we get back to the aviaries."

The two of them continued to walk down the path between the open pastures towards the empty field that wasn't wrapped in fence like the other pastures. Out in the middle was a single, simplistic barn with a fifty meter by fifty meter fenced in 'yard' wrapped around it. This seemed out of place, so Rex had to ask. "What's up with that? Why so secluded from the others? Why use all of this empty, open field for nothing? Unless that's for harvesting?"

With a chuckle and a light pat on Rex's shoulder, Ilorek leaned over on the tiger. "That, my friend, is our star attraction. You might know them by the name of Oceras or Oceris, depending on whether you're gay or straight. Or bi. Whatever, I love all sexualities and genders. That horse's real name is Ocerre, and they are unique."

Rex did indeed know Oceras and Oceris both, but he was confused about 'them' being called Ocerre, since one is a stallion and the other a mare. "I'm not sure I follow." He admitted.

"Ocerre is a gender shifting horse. We got them from the royal family of Arrenthen a decade ago and to this day we don't actually know if they were originally male or female, since they seem to shift freely between the two with little to no warning, rhyme or reason. We also theorize that Ocerre is over one hundred years old, since it seems that every shift in gender resets their apparent age to that of a young adult." He revelled in sharing this information, but didn't wait for a response to continue. "We keep them way out here because every time they shift gender, they emerge at the height of their arousal. As a male, Oceris feels the need to mount and mate with every mare and bitch and hen on the farm. As a mare herself, Oceras is quite willing and aggressive in her demands. It's better they stay out here."

"That's, uh. Interesting! Yeah, we'll go with that."

Ilorek rolled his eyes. "You can say it's sexy. I know it, you know it, our clients know it, and so do our viewers. Ocerre is usually the one we give to first timers looking for some mare fun, but opt to keep him far away from newcomers who want a taste of stallion. Oceras is easy, but Oceris is hard, both in more ways than one."

Rex nodded. "Why the different names, though? Why not just call them Ocerre instead of pretending it's two separate horses? I mean, I've seen plenty of the videos produced here and I had no idea that Oceras and Oceris were the same equine. I thought they were siblings, which was why you never put them both in the same videos."

"A good theory, but no. Same horse. We gave them separate names because they have vastly different personalities depending on gender and might as well be different entities. When Oceras is around, she's aggressive but also somewhat aloof. She mates and then dallies about her day looking for someone else to fill her with seed and will do that until she's out of heat or she morphs back to male. When Oceris is around, he's a bit more stern, aggressive, and dominant. Thinks he's the alpha of the herd. No matter what happens, their presence around other horses causes dominance issues be it fights with other stallions over the mares or making the stallions fight over her." Ilorek explained, then started walking back towards the pathway between the ulokar pasture and the empty one.

"What about, uh, babies? I mean, it sounds like there's a lot of sex happening here. I know agens - er, anthros - can't impregnate ferals, but how do you keep the stallions from impregnating the mares? I can imagine pregnancy may be a fetish for some, but almost certainly a turn off for others."

Ilorek nodded. "Yep, you are correct. We actually give vasectomies to all the males and tie the tubes of all the applicable females. Expensive surgery, but I know a guy who's real good at that and doesn't ask questions about why I want my beasts to be incapable of reproducing but still horny."

"I can imagine that'd be an awkward conversation with a normal vet." Rex laughed.

"Luckily I don't deal with 'normal' vets. Satsierra will do just about anything for me if I ask, and his capabilities with magic are so precise we once joked that he'd create a black hole one day."

This little joke took Rex by surprise, doubly so since he had heard that it was theoretically possible to do that through use of magic but only by those with immense power. He shook off his confusion and instead opted to play along. "Sounds pretty intense."

Ilorek could tell he'd perhaps gotten weird, so he shrugged and guided Rex back to the main hub of the property. "Now, you may have noticed that you haven't seen any canines on the property. This is because the wolf pack we use in our videos is actually out in the Vast Emerald wood. We have, just beyond the treeline, four square kilometers fenced off to give them a huge amount of territory and only bring them in for specific requests. We won't be seeing them today but I'd be happy to take you on a safari later in the week."

"Sounds like a fun time." Rex said as he glanced over to see if he could find any evidence of a fence. When he didn't, he turned and caught up to Ilorek. "So what is the whole list of ferals we have here. I've seen the dragons, gryphons, horses, and wolves, but it seems you have ulokar as well. What other kinky fun is there that I've missed?"

"Admittedly, those four pillars are the big ones. They are the ones that get us the most traffic on the website and seem to be the ones that people are most likely to ask for when hiring us for their personal intimacy. Even the ulokar, which we spend the most time and money catering to, aren't as popular yet. Mostly because many of them are not tame enough to be on camera. We're working on it, though, and anticipate we'll be putting out some sensual videos of them within the next year or so."

The two of them finally made it back to the central hub, emerging from the path between his house and the gryphon aviary to his well-kept yard. Across the field he could see a red and purple dragon making his way from the ranch home to the barn, drinking a bottle of water.

"Who's that?" Rex asked. "Another worker like me?"

"Not like you, no. He comes around once a week and on weekends. His name is Saethwr and he runs a tea shop in North Klyneth. You should check it out sometime." Ilorek explained, then turned to the gryphon aviary. "Right now we only have the one gryphon, Ceylon. She's female, but like Oceris can shift gender. Only two creatures I've ever known that do that, but the difference is that Ceylon is female more often than male so it's a lot easier to handle her. Plus, she's probably the smartest beast I've ever met, which makes her a great first partner for anyone wanting a male or female partner."

Rex raised an eyebrow and flicked an ear. "Really? I've never heard of that being possible, and yet you have two ferals that can do it? Seems a little fishy, to me. You sure you're not pumping them full of potions and other spells to facilitate this?"

"One hundred percent sure, yep. In fact, if anything the only time we use potions on either of them is when we want them to stay one gender, thus halting the morphing process." Ilorek explained, then moved on to the dragon aviary. "Your job might include injecting potions into them if the need arises, but it'll usually be Valencia or I who handle that. No sense in expecting untrained professionals to do pseudo-medical procedures."

It was at this precise moment that Rex wondered if maybe he had gotten in over his head. It sounded to him like there was a whole lot more to working on a feral porn studio than cleaning shit and giving the animals a bit of attention. This wasn't a problem to him, but it was eye-opening that this was treated like an actual job and not just some hobby. "I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure one day I'll be comfortable enough doing that, but let's start with the basics."

Ilorek nodded in agreement as he leaned against the dragon aviary. "Indeed. Anyway, we don't actually have that many dragons right now, either. In fact, back to your old question, we have thirteen horses not including Ocerre, one gryphon, eight dragons between the winged and wingless types, a herd of seventeen ulokar, over twenty wolves, and three exotic cat species that are in the Emerald Wood each with their own territory. In time you'll get to know them all, and many of your working hours will be full of cleaning up their mess, grooming them, prepping them for filming or for companionship, and generally spending time with them to get to know them better. The rest will be general maintenance and observing guests to ensure they are kind to our creatures. We only get three to five guests per day on average so that will never be a huge burden on your time."

"Sounds like a cushy job." Rex admitted, a broad grin exposing his teeth. "I mean, it sounds like a lot of work but it sounds like the kind of thing I'd do for fun, to be honest."

"I'm glad to hear that!" Ilorek said as he pushed off the fence and started walking across the yard towards the black and red barn. "Because I have one last thing I want to share with you. See that barn? Well, only half of it is stables and the porn studio. The top half is not a hayloft - again, we don't have cows or anything and the horses eat grains and grass - but is instead a loft apartment. Two of them to be precise. If you wanted, you could actually live here, free of charge. There's also one in the upper half of Ocerre's custom stables."

This took Rex completely by surprise; Darryl had not mentioned that and it had never come up in any of their prior discussions. "W-what? Why? That seems too generous on top of the pay."

Ilorek shrugged. "Probably, but the value of having a worker here on site the moment they get up is immeasurable. This is a ranch, after all, and it comes with all the hard work and scheduling of any farm in the region on top of the strict regulations on performance, ethics, and cleanliness. On any given day I have three workers, the first one helping me in the morning to let the animals out and prep the ranch for the day with their shift ending just past noon to have the rest of the day off."

Rex gulped and blinked, still unsure what to say by this point so he let Ilorek continue.

"The second starts a few hours before the first shift ends and goes through until afternoon right around dinner time, when I finish for the day and Valencia takes over. The final worker starts just before dinner and keeps the place going until midnight when we close up for the night. There's a lot of overlap so you'll never truly be alone no matter what shift you end up working. If you chose the early or late shifts, it just makes more sense to have a place on site to minimize travel expenses. In the end it's up to you and the other workers who gets what room and what shift."

He was being so casual about it that Rex almost forgot how odd it was that his new employer - a porn mogul who runs a beast brothel called The Ranch - was offering him free room and board just to ensure that he got to work on time. "I'll have to think about it since I'm really happy where I am now, but I confess that would be a great idea."

With a chirp and a rumbling growl, Ilorek fluffed his plumage and looked straight at Rex. "Trust me, it would be a heck of a weight off your shoulders. This work is hard, and the less time you spend on the roads the more time you spend at work or out having fun with friends. Plus, I won't lie, I find that having employees live on site give them more incentive to care. Whatever you chose I will respect, but I highly encourage you to accept the offer. The coin you save and the stress it reduces is worth it."

Despite knowing that it was foolish to give an answer without even seeing the loft apartment, Rex felt compelled to agree. "Yeah! Yeah let's do it! I mean, I'm not ready to sign any dotted lines or anything, but I like what you're offering! I'd love to go check the place out!"

"Perfect!" Ilorek said while slapping Rex on the back and turning to the barn. "But first I'd like to show you what we do here. First hand. You got here early so they're still setting up a scene with Oceras if you'd like to do a sit-in, maybe get some experience before you officially start next week."

Hearing that inspired Rex to puff out his chest fur. "I'd be honored! So let's do this!"

Ilorek then grabbed the barn door and slid it open. "Then welcome to my world, Rex!"

[QC-055] Many Firsts

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[QC-054] Diving in the Muff

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[QC-053] The Other Talon

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