[QC-053] The Other Talon

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Commissioner/Ald're - shade1

Artist - Foxra

Writing/Ceylon - Runa

Cameos - lunarmagic jaikonran

In this story, a petsitter gets more than he bargained for when he's tasked with caring for a particularly hormonal and needy gryphon mare in heat!

It gets pretty extreme with the sorts of things that they end up doing. Enjoy!

(Yes, this ends on a cliffhangar; you can read the rest of the story on Patreon as part of the rewards there. The added scene featuring Jay and Ithilwen is a patreon bonus for them, and is tacked on so not necessary to enjoy the story in its current form!)


This is a quickie combo commission, a joint effort between Foxra and myself. The idea is that, for one price, you get both a flat coloured commission plus a short story to go with it.

There are two tiers of quickie combo at this time. 75 dollars gets you 1-2 hours of her time and 2000-3000 words from me; 125 dollars gets you 2-3 hours of her time and 4000-6000 words from me. If you are a patron, you get an extra hour and 1000 words! This is the $125 option!

Patreon Bonuses involve an extra hour of Foxra's time if you pledge to her page, and 1000 extra words if you pledge to mine! Plus, if you pledge to both of us, you get a discount on all quickie combos! For more details, check our pages out:https://www.patreon.com/DalonianGodshttps://www.patreon.com/FoxraFluff


The Other Talon

Life had always been kind to Ithilwen, proving to all of her detractors that there was still quite a lucrative opportunity in the world for treasure hunters. All her life, people had said she was a fool for aiming towards a career seeking lost relics, but even as a teen she made quite a living off such an endeavour. At only sixteen years old she found her first enchanted gem lost deep in the ruins of the Glittering Cave, netting her millions and making her rich overnight; since then, she had done nothing but get better, hone her skills, and deepen her knowledge of the old world.

After many years of this potentially dangerous lifestyle, Ithilwen found herself in a position to retire before the age of thirty. She had made enough money and had fostered so many healthy relationships that she could fill an entire cave with the coin she'd acquired while also making friends powerful enough to ensure that her riches were never in danger.

Throughout most of her journeys she was joined by her good luck pet, a gryphon named Ceylon that helped her get through the toughest of times.

While her early journeys were rough, with her only succeeding in a quarter of her quests, she found her stride soon after gaining the trust and love of this gryphon that resembled the goddess of transformation. Soon after meeting the creature, she experienced a string of luck that lasted the better part of a decade! While in Ceylon's presence, it seemed nothing ever went wrong for Ithilwen, resulting in her succeeding in every quest and escaping even the most dire situations without penalty.

Nearly a decade of this proved to her that Ceylon was the source of her luck, and thus treated the gryphon like a queen. When Ithilwen built a home of her own in the trees for the two of them, she ensured that there was a gryphon aerie add-on tacked to the side and linking her house to the tree fort built on the trees in the yard that surrounded the building.

That was the caveat, in a way. Ceylon would bless her with all the luck in the world, bestowing her with the best of luck in all her endeavours, but in return expected to be treated with the utmost care.

Whatever Ceylon wanted, she got. If her demands weren't met she could get ornery and Ithilwen would see her luck running out. This rarely happened, for Ithilwen learned early in their relationship the importance of satisfying her pet. This was why it was so important for her to find the best and most generous of carers to take care of Ceylon in her latest trip.

It was time for a vacation on her own away from the gryphon, and she was going on an airship casino where she didn't wish to test her luck too much. She knew that taking Ceylon with her would result in her winning every hand of cards or getting a jackpot at every spin, which would get her kicked out right quick - likely by making a scene and getting people hurt.

She was going with her friends Jaikonran and Foxifly; she didn't want to be a nuisance, so she opted to rely only on her own fortunes rather than take more from Ceylon, abusing their positive relationship for the sake of more riches. For once in her adult life, she wished to earn her winnings, and she had plenty to lose if it so happened to go that way. Nearly a decade of impeccable luck had almost made her life boring and predictable, so she needed to find a way to take risks without putting her life on the line and gambling was really the only way she could think of doing so.

In the interest of finding the best of caretakers for her gryphon pet, Ithilwen asked her friends about mutual acquaintances that would treat her well. This would be the first time in years the two would be separated for a period lasting more than a week, and she wanted to make sure she had found a pet sitter that was willing to do what was necessary to keep her happy, for that was her top priority.

Jaikonran had suggested a dragon friend by the name of Ald're, saying that he had a way with animals of all sorts and preferred the company of ferals. He was a two-toned blue-scaled dragon, biped without wings. Jaikonran was willing to vouch for him, so Ithilwen was willing to trust him as well. Still, she couldn't help but be strict with him as the two met up for the last time before her departure.

"You need to understand what you're getting into here, Ald're." She said with a waggle of her finger. "This isn't some random cat or dog, not a creature you can feed and take out for a shit once a day. No, while you are here you will be expected to cater to her every need. If she wants attention, you give her attention. If she decides she wants to go for a walk, you take her for a walk. If she wants special food, you'd best be prepared to make her a steak of the highest quality. There's no room here for half-assed care. Treat her as if she was the queen and you were her servant. Fear for your head."

That last bit sounded too much like a threat, but Ald're nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you said as much in your email. I am well aware this isn't like a typical dog sitting job, and to be honest I wouldn't have expected so. She's a gryphon, all gryphons have greater demands than dogs." He crouched down and reached over to where the gryphon sat next to Ithilwen. to give Ceylon a ruffle of her head feathers. "It's not my first time dealing with a needy avian."

Ithilwen was warming up to him, but still felt the need to clarify a few things. "I'm sure you are familiar with gryphons, but you need to prepare yourself for Ceylon in particular. She's not like other birds in any sense of the word. Take what you expect in terms of fussiness and quadruple it then expect a bit more. Remember, gryphons are territorial as hell and this is her house. As far as she is concerned, you are a guest in her territory and you are here only to serve her."

"I am aware." Ald're reiterated. "I promise I am prepared for what she has to demand of me. I brought my laptop with me, I have plenty of things to keep me busy while she sleeps, but I fully expect to be busy from dawn to dusk, especially considering how much you're paying me."

"Exactly. You'll be making a lot, so I expect to get what I pay for." Ithilwen demanded. "But I guess in the end it all boils down to one basic mantra: Ceylon gets what she wants, no exceptions. If she wants you attention, she gets it. If she demands food, she-"

Ald're laughed. "Hun, I get it. Honest, I'm prepared to keep her satisfied in any way I possibly can. Whatever she asks of me, I will give her, no exceptions." He patted her on the shoulder and gave Ceylon another rub before walking past Ithilwen and dropping his bags on the kitchen island counter. "I know you're gonna miss your flight if you stick around much longer, so you'd best be on your way. I've got this, and if Jay said he trusts me, then you should trust me, too."

Ithilwen gulped heavily to keep herself from saying another word before she decided to leave. She gave Ceylon one final rub between the ears and tipped her hat to Ald're, stopping in her front door one last time before leaving. "I'm glad to hear you're willing, I just wanted to make sure that you knew what sort of demands Ceylon could expect of you. She is in heat, and she might get a bit pushy with you; don't let this overwhelm you, because she will take care of herself if need be, but just be warned that it might come up. As long as you're okay with that, I'll take my leave."

"Admittedly not what I expected, but I'm not new to dealing with our four-legged companions. I've worked with horses and ulokar and other cattle in the past, so I'm not squeamish. Do you have any tools to help her, just in case? When I worked on The Ranch, the boss had a whole shed of custom made toys for each of his females, crafted to perfectly satisfy them."

"Like I said, Ceylon knows what to do in times of that sort of need, just leave her be and she'll satisfy herself. No need to get messy for her." Ithilwen paused to look at her phone, seeing that she got a text message. "It seems Jay is outside in the car, waiting for me. I really must go." She then blew a kiss at her pet and gave a respectful yet casual salute to Ald're. "Best of luck, see you in a week. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email me, and there's a flip-book of all the things she likes on the fridge. If you use any of the coin I've left you on food or amenities for her, save the receipt and I'll reimburse you when I get back."

The car honked its horn at her, so she quickly darted out the front door, slamming it in her wake.

This left Ald're alone with Ceylon in a rather large, multi-leveled home built around the trunk of a massive tree, each new room of the house it's own level wrapped around the central hub like a spiral staircase. First was the mudroom with all the shoes and hanging racks, which was where the front door opened up. There was a staircase closest to the trunk of the tree leading to the room above it, and another staircase leading to the next room, which was the first of two kitchens, this one a hybrid between that and a dining room. For hosting guests or, presumably, for when she was on her way out.

Either way, Ald're had the whole house laid out before him and an entire week's worth of possibilities. He was in a lovely house, with a lot of cool things to do, and a cute gryphon mare who demanded most every second of his time. His buddy Jaikonran had warned him quite thoroughly that Ceylon was far needier than one might expect, but then justified it by saying that it was worth it.

Of course, Ithilwen was paying the dragon a whole lot of money for the week. In fact, the pay he'd receive was greater than he would have been paid for two months of work at his usual job! Money like that made him quite amiable to any fussiness that a gryphon could put up. In his mind, he was only obligated to be at this location for a week, and thus he could just deal with it no matter how bad it got.

Ald're was motivated by more than money, though. One thing that Jaikonran had told him was that Ceylon was quite amorous, and that she might demand a certain type of attention that wasn't part of the package. This gryphon was known for presenting herself and fooling around with folks when in heat, and Ithilwen was okay with that. According to Jay, she had invited him over a few times to fool around with her in the past.

While Ceylon may have been a feral that was willing and eager to offer herself to her biped friends, Jaikonran also made it clear when warning Ald're that it wasn't something that was to be spoken of. No questions about it during the interview, and no talking about how he'd satisfy her when she was in heat. None of that. The whole situation was, as Jay put it, a matter of 'don't ask, don't tell'. Because of this, Ald're kept his muzzle shut during Ithilwen's final words, only to have his heart flutter and jump in his chest when she mentioned that Ceylon was, in fact, in heat.

In that instance, his mind had begun to swirl and dance, wondering what sort of kinky fun he would get himself involved with while Ithilwen was away. One of the first things he saw when he arrived was the glistening folds of Ceylon's pussy peeking out from under her tail, and that got him worked up quickly and easily, forcing him to go into overdrive forcing his member to stay hidden.

The biggest concern he had, however, was that he felt like he really couldn't initiate anything. Ithilwen hadn't discussed the matter with him, but Jaikonran had said that it was imperative that Ald're not cross any lines. If he risked making a move or touching her when she wasn't in the mood, she would retaliate violently resulting in a series of grievous wounds. She wouldn't kill him, but would be very adamant about what she did and didn't like.

As such, he knew he had to play it safe before making any move. Ald're needed to be patient and get a feel for the situation before taking any action; only when she presented herself would he make a move of any sort. Hopefully, she'd be receptive and he could spend the week mounting her repeatedly.

There was, of course, a bit of hesitation deep within him that halted his desire or will to take those first steps. Had he been in this exact situation with any other pets, he would not be bold enough to make the sort of moves he planned. Such actions were usually reserved for pets of your own or animals that you were already familiar with, like a horse you see every day or something.

However, this was different. Everything Ald're knew about Ceylon and Ithilwen he got through Jay, and every story he heard contributed to the allure of this gryphon. All those stories of luck could be cross-referenced with Ceylon's insatiable desire, and it wasn't hard to imagine that pleasuring her would be beneficial for more reasons than just the physical enjoyment he'd get out of it. In a sense, and in a joking manner, he liked to imagine that the luck she gave was sexually transmitted.

Still, even with all of those factors urging him forward, he figured it was in his best interest to not jump the gun. He knew that if Ceylon wanted him, she'd demand him. Until then, he needed to take some time to get himself acquainted with the layout of the house and learn where he'd be sleeping.

Ald're walked past Ceylon with his bag and laptop case over each shoulder, petting her and snapping his fingers to insist she follow. To his delight, she kept pace with a gaped beak and a loosely swaying tail behind her. She appeared to be happy and trustworthy, which was a great first impression. Knowing that, he made his way up one room to the next, past the mudroom, first kitchen, a segment with a bathroom and laundry room, an open living room or rec room, a second kitchen, and finally the last set of three rooms, all various bedrooms.

The first and lowest of the three rooms was the guest room; that was where Ald're would be sleeping. The next one appeared to be Ceylon's room, a whole open place for her to keep her stuff that was actually kept far more clean than he would have imagined. The final room was the entire top level of the house wrapped around the tree before the branches splayed out, and that area was off limits.

He dropped off his laptop and went back down to the kitchen, where he decided it was time to get himself something to drink while acquainting himself with the contents of the fridge.

"Alright, here's hoping she left me some good food." He said to himself as he swung the door open and leaned back against the counter island behind him. Inside he saw everything he hoped for, ranging from single serve frozen panzerotti to fresh vegetables and meat. There were some pops, snacks, cans, and anything else he could think of. When he opened the freezer, he also saw that it was filled to the brim with properly wrapped meats from the butcher.

Perfect. Everything was perfect. If nothing else, he'd be fed well while he was here. Only question he had was whether or not there was a barbecue to grill up those steaks or not. A simple glimpse out the window showed him that, yes, there was a barbecue. Seeing that, he plucked out the thawed steak from the fridge and left it on a plate on the counter. After a brisk search through the cupboards, he found some salt, pepper, and other seasonings for the meat, so he gave it some flavor.

"No eating my steak!" He commanded to Ceylon while waggling a finger at her. He knew better than to assume she cared what he thought, but it was still cute when she raised an eyebrow and flopped one of her ears in a look of disdain. He could almost hear her huffing and laughing at him, so he reiterated. "I mean it, girl! This is mine. I don't know what you like, but the steak is mine."

When he closed the door, he saw the thick pad of paper with Ceylon's name on it. "This is probably your meal menu." He said as he set it down on the counter and started flipping through the pages. Ceylon sidled up next to him and started rubbing her cheek to his thighs before hopping up to get a better look at what he was reading. Naturally, he assumed she was after the steak so he pushed it away with a nonchalant sideways glance, noticing that she wasn't even looking at it. "Good girl."

The simple declaration of her being a good girl urged her to start sweeping her tail back and forth behind the both of them, feathers puffing up in pride as she did so.

Ald're had to hold in a squeal of delight before he gave her a few gentle pets down her head and neck, preening her plumage with his fingertips as he read through the booklet. "Alright, so it says here that you eat literally anything, but prefer fresh foods of all kinds. Lemme see here, meat can be fed raw but you like it medium rare - chicken included." He paused to pantomime a gag. "No thanks, I'll cook that good and proper for me."

She chirped and pecked at his hand, trying to get his attention while licking his scales with her silken, tendril-like tongue. Her eyes remained wide as she stared at the paper like she was reading.

"Cute." He said as he widened his fingers, urging her to lick him a bit more. He felt a little naughty, but he liked the sensation and the slick sensations of her tongue turned him on. Still, he continued reading. "Fruits like oranges or bananas are to be peeled, but apples can be fed whole. Pears are your favorites, and they apparently go well with pork chops? Never heard that, but I'll go with it."

Ceylon perked her ears up at the sound of both pears and pork chops, hindquarters aggressively waving back and forth. She chirped and gaped her grin, panting heavily as a single drop of drool trickled off the end of her tongue. She was excited, that was for sure.

Ald're gave her a bit of a pet between the ears, continuing to give her plenty of attention even as he kept flipping through the pages of the notepad to see what more he could do keep her happy. "Hm, not gonna lie; I'm surprised that you like pasta. Didn't figure a gryphon would be into that sort of thing. Rice I could understand, but pasta? Potatoes? Not so much." He paused to look closer at the side of the book, where he saw that the pages were color coded. "You've got to be kidding me. Red for food stuffs, Orange for activities, green for attention based stuff and blue for...sexuality? Gonna have to read that."

At the mention of sexuality, Ceylon's eyes narrowed and she smirked with a look of knowledge. She knew what that meant, and while the angle that Ald're saw her was awkward, he was sure she lifted her tail at the mention of sex.

"It says here that gryphons are one of the few creatures who's male has a knot alongside canines and some dragons. That means that you're more into tying than thrusting. Interesting, I'd not have figured that. But then, as I keep reading I see you're also part mare and thus love thrusting. Well, what is it?" He kept rubbing her by wrapping his hand around the girth of her neck, patting and stroking her even as he got a little distracted by the explicit instructions on how to keep her happy while in heat.

In his mind, he was trying to tell himself that these words must not have been meant for him. Yeah, he knew that it was all legitimate and that Jay wouldn't steer him wrong, but it felt awkward reading about how to flirt with a pet. Usually, he preferred to just wing it and see what happened. Worked with the horses he'd shared a pen with on The Ranch. Still, he wanted to know more and was eager to figure out just what was needed to get the best out of her. Or put the best into her.

"Mmmhmphrlbl...winking..mrphbl...squirting and mess? Yess, hmm, lovely." He mumbled to himself as he skimmed over the pages, absorbing what he could while pointing out a few key words. "Drake scent in the fridge?" What a peculiar thing to have, but that didn't stop him from checking the fridge out once more. He had to do some digging before finding anything; the spray bottle was at the back and marked only with a strip of tape with the word 'musk' written on it. He grabbed it and pulled it out, immediately eliciting a reaction from Ceylon as the gryphon hopped and chirped excitedly.

This was far more powerful than he expected, so he quickly returned the spray bottle and closed the door, hurriedly returning to the rec room to get away from it all.

Ald're was quite overwhelmed, as he was not expecting her to be so aggressively into everything as quickly as she was. Still, he felt the need to hold off, to wait until night before doing so much as looking under her tail. He was going to be a good gryph-sitter, no matter what!

He flopped down on the couch and grabbed for the remote control to put on some streaming TV, when Ceylon sauntered into the room after him and hopped up next to him, resting her head on his lap with one talon shockingly close to his groin. "Well hello there, careful girl." He said with a soft voice as he gingerly pulled her claw away from his slit, protecting himself. However, she was having none of that and returned it to where she put it in the first place, overruling his concern. "Alright then, I guess I don't have a choice in this matter, do I?"

She tried to nuzzle up to his crotch, sniffing and nuzzling while he did his best to focus on the TV and the shows he was trying to watch. He did pet and caress her, preening her from beak to shoulders every chance he got, but he couldn't quite shake the feeling like he was doing something wrong, like he just couldn't resist her any longer. This sensation lasted for the better part of half an hour as she kept at him, nuzzling and kneading his thigh while her tail flicked behind her.

At the end of the first episode of the show he was watching - an animated superhero show about hippogryphs - he glanced over to see that there was a moist spot on the couch just beyond her haunches and under her tail. This made his eyes widen and groin swell as he shuddered in delight. Then, as if Ceylon could sense this, she tugged herself even closer and started rubbing against his crotch, beak quivering as if she was preening him there while playfully chirping at him.

This was all too much for Ald're to handle. Part of him wanted to get up and tell her no; he wasn't ready for this yet and wanted to be good and wait until at least that night before trying anything, but she was making it so difficult. Only then did a voice bubble up in the back of his mind, reminding him that he was not to say no to her for any reason. She got what she wanted, and it was his job to tend to those desires regardless of what she demanded of him.

He may have still been nervous about the whole situation, but that didn't stop him from daintily walking his fingers down her spine between her wings, eventually tapping and caressing the base of her tail. The very touch of his claws made her dip her lower spine and press her belly to the couch cushions as her tail flagged upwards, showing her reception to his attention. He even saw the tiniest of slimy gobs of her arousal splashing out into the gooey, wet spot behind her to add to its size.

With a blink and a gulp, he nervously laughed to himself. "Well then, it seems like you're a little bit eager, aren't ya?" He gave the base of her tail another rub and she pushed up into him like a cat, waving back and forth to give him better access to her plump lips. Though he remained worried about the whole situation, he managed to muster the confidence and bravado needed to take the plunge and slip his hand down between her hind legs, sliding his single finger tip down her slit to press her clit.

In response, she winked her folds and pushed into him, a dainty spurt of her arousal flowing out to hit his palm and soak the scales there. The sudden splash made him pull his finger away from her and hold it in front of his face, staring at the single droplet trickling down towards his wrist. Curious, he gave it a sniff and then a lick, finding it to be intense and sweet to both his senses. He tried sniffing it again, but was interrupted when Ceylon reached forth and pulled his wrist away with her talon, then bit down on it with her beak. She was playful but her beak was quite strong and she had teeth so it hurt.

"H-hey, there, lemme go." He said as he pulled at his wrist, hoping to remove it from the clamp of her jaws without offending her. She did let go, and he rubbed his arm where she had bitten him but he couldn't stay mad at her thanks to the blue-eyed look of innocence she gave him. Disarmed, he reached out and gave her a hug, holding her in close to his body as he gave her another series of pets, careful to not get too close to her hindquarters. His heart was racing and he could feel the adrenaline flowing through his chest to make his fingers and toes tingle.

Just when he thought he'd convinced her to hold off on her demands for a bit, she hopped up on his lap and spun in place like a dog looking for a place to rest before crouching down on his knees with her chest to the ground and rump aimed right at his face, tail flagged and hind legs widened to rest on either of his thighs. She was in the perfect place to show off the goods, and Ald're got a close-up look at the glorious, messiness that was her plump pussy lips.

He gulped and leaned in, gently sniffing at her to take in the richness of her scent before shifting in place squirming in such a way that she almost lost her balance and fell off his lap. To counteract this, she curled all of her talons into his legs in order to get a grip, forcing Ald're to whimper and struggle to not make a sound that might startle her. No, he had to remain in place, muscles tense and jaw clenched.

Once she calmed down and released her iron grip on his legs, she remained in place with her tail up and her plump lips exposed to him, waiting for him to do something. It was quite clear that she was demanding his attention, and she wasn't going to stop until she got it.

Despite Ald're's decision to wait to make any moves until he knew for certain that they would be alone and that he wasn't taking advantage of her, he was feeling his willpower breaking down quickly. All he wanted in that moment was to bury his snout under her tail, part her lips, and see how deep he could bury his tongue in her. He wanted to see how she tasted and get messy in the process. He wanted to bury any part of him that he could reasonably stick into her, provided she actually allowed him so.

Then, as if she was reading his mind, she backed up so that her vulva were nearly touching his snout. There, she paused and waved her haunches back and forth, winking her clit at him like a mare while the tangible moisture of her heat billowed out over his snout. She wasn't just presenting, she was demanding his affections.

Ald're was still trying his best to resist her, but found he could no longer keep himself from making a move. He leaned in and gave her a lick, running his tongue through her slit starting at her plump, winking clit and ending at the rim of her rump, relishing the flavors she offered him as well as the intense scent that permeated his essence. Once he licked his lips off and gulped, he was hooked.

That was it; he made the first move and now he couldn't stop himself.

With his personal reservations slowly melting away, Ald're couldn't help but wrap both of his palms around either of Ceylon's haunches, fingers gripping her rump cheeks while his thumbs slid up and down either of her vulva and parting her lips with every motion. While she was there, he also gave her a series of passionate licks, tongue cradling her clit before slipping into her every time.

Ceylon trilled her beak and pushed back into him, smearing her fluids all around his snout and down over his nose as she continued to wink; this was a way to show him she wanted his attention and that she was not only receptive, but eager. By this point, there weren't any lingering reasons to hesitate.

That's why Ald're took a moment to align himself better as he peeled his shirt off, tossing it over the back of the couch before hungrily leaning back into her to once again bury his snout under her tail and lap eagerly at her lips, gulping down every drop of her arousal in the process. He kept his hands on her rump cheeks even as the desire to touch himself billowed up in his steadily growing member; the self control was distracting, but he still wanted to give her more of himself in one way or another.

Before long, he could no longer help himself. He shifted his weight so that she had to hop off his lap before quickly taking his pants off and throwing them over the back of the couch with his shirt. He could feel the faintest of wet spots on his chest from where she leaked on him, but that wasn't the focus on his mind at that time. Instead, he got down onto his knees next to the couch with Ceylon still standing tall on all fours on one of the cushions, his head at exactly the same height as her rump end.

She lifted her tail once more for him, waiting to see what he did this time. The gryphon mare seemed quite happy to see how eager he was, so she arched her back and partially spread her wings, neck down in another clear invitation for him to have his way with her. She wanted more and did all she could to convey that message. Simply presenting herself seemed not enough.

Ald're picked up on this, and whether it was her intention or if he was just interpreting her lewd behaviour as such was irrelevant, he still acted upon the messages he was sure she was giving out. He did keep at her, parting her lips with his thumbs and nuzzling in between her rump cheeks to coax even more of her juices out and onto his tongue. In truth, he'd have been happy to give her this for hours and not bother with anything more physical, but the subtle ways in which she leaned back and tried to force his muzzle in between her lips made him think that maybe she wanted more than a tongue.

Feral creatures aren't like anthros, they don't get off on the idea of passion or the subtle pleasure of a tongue lightly prodding them. Ceylon wanted a cock thrust deep and hard into her repeatedly. She wanted to be tied to a partner, she wanted to be stuffed and pumped full of cum. As a feral, that was where her desires would lead, and while Ald're loved her taste and scent, he had to make bolder moves.

So, knowing how important it was to take care of her every need and desire, he held her in place as he got to his feet, member throbbing and glistening due to the thick sheen of arousal that had been secreted along its surface. Standing next to her on the couch, he had to crouch down just a bit to be at that perfect height. To his shock, he was pleasantly surprised when Ceylon remained in place, patiently waiting for him to better align himself while shifting in place and tensing up her rump muscles. It was almost like she knew what was coming and was bracing herself for it.

Deep in his mind, Ald're didn't want to make her wait any longer. Whether he was eager for her sake or for his was irrelevant, the point was that he had mentally prepared himself to take that next step and to give himself to her. His member had grown to full size, the bulbs of his knot near the base at half mast and ready to swell at the sensation of having her supple flesh wrapped around them.

He was especially gentle as he laid his hand down on the small of her back with one hand and aimed himself with the other. Part of him wanted to get a grip on her tail for extra leverage, but he remained lucid enough to know that was potentially disastrous even in the midst of passion. The last thing he needed was to in some way hold her down or force himself into her; ideally, she'd enjoy this as much as he did and would beg him for more all week.

In his bout of self doubt, he had hesitated just long enough for her to widen her stance and lean back into him, pressing her thighs to his as his member angled itself upwards and came to rest between her rump cheek and tail base. She glanced back at him and gape-grinned at him as she trilled lightly, clenching her loins to wink her clit again, this time spewing her silken arousal down his thighs and onto the floor below. He paused for the last time, contemplating how to go forward from there. His solution was to capture as much of the fluid as he could from his legs, smear his fingers and palm up between her rump cheeks to capture more of her essence, then wrapped his hand around his cock to lubricate it.

The slick sensations of their combined arousal sent a tingle through his length and down to the base of his tail all at once, for the warmth of her touch and the delicate strokes he gave himself were a wonderful combination but were nothing compared to the fantasy of what he imagined she'd feel like once he was buried knot-deep inside her.

Such self teasing and hesitations were getting to be too much quite quickly, as even with his member pressed between her tail base and rump cheek, he could feel the onset of his climax coming in the form of a series of gooey strands of precum jetting out onto her back fur. She felt this and pushed back, so he got a better grip on himself while gently easing her into place with his other palm, careful to not force her or grab her in a way she didn't like. With a gentle rock back and forth, he guided his cock tip to her slit and leaned into her, releasing his knot to plunge every bit of himself deep into her.

Ceylon lowered her head as her trilling and chirping grew deeper in tone. Her velvety inner flesh relaxed long enough to let him in before clamping down around his knot, locking him in place.

Ald're noticed that she wasn't tight by any means, but she still seemed quite snug, which was a certain type of heaven to him when combined with the slick warmth of her passage. She clenched tight while leaning forward, tugging on him even as her muscles twitched in waves moving inward to suck him in while also squeezing him out.

All at once, he could feel her working in both ways, stroking his member using her muscles and flesh. To him, it was like someone was suckling on his cock right to the base, tugging and squeezing back and forth to constantly make it shift while still remaining in place; he didn't even need to put in much effort in regards to the pleasure that was slowly building, as Ceylon was doing all the work!

This mentality lasted for nearly a full minute as he basked in the overwhelming sensations that she was giving him, long enough that he got that sense of dread that came with potentially climaxing too quickly. The last thing he needed to do was disappoint her, so he regained his composure and tugged himself out of her with an audibly juicy squelch followed by a pop and gush of their combined fluids oozing out over her inner thighs and onto the couch.

In that brief moment, Ald're felt guilty for pulling out and releasing such a mess, so he got down to his knee and started eagerly licking her up again. He nuzzled and prodded until she was almost entirely clean from the outside in before getting back to his feet and trying again. "Sorry about that." He whispered at her as he patted her haunches and lightly gripped at her hips. "Hope you don't mind."

She chirped at him and braced herself again, widening her stance and peeling her tail up high over her back to better expose herself, black flesh glistening with a combination of her fluids and his saliva while her pink, marbled flesh rolled out in a series of winks. She was ready.

Ald're clenched his loins to control the angle of his cock as he squatted just right, pointing the tip between her lips. Before he bucked into her, he slid both hands around so his thumbs would keep his length from penetrating the wrong hole - something he'd enjoy but he had no way of knowing if she would. Once he had the angle and the proper barriers to ensure no mistakes, he clenched his rump and bucked gently, popping just the tip in past her lips to tease at her flesh. He already knew what she felt like and wanted to relish every gradually increased sensation up until he and she were both ready.

Ceylon remained planted in place with all four legs spread out for better balance while she leaned back into him, wagging her backside and arching her back to match his angle. She continued to chirp and flutter her wings in a display of desire right up until the point she bent her hind legs to sit down on him, once more swallowing all of his length in one fluid motion. Once she felt the knot pop into her this second time, she craned her head back and narrowed her gaze, growling at him while she winked her vulva and locked him in.

While Ald're was no gryphon translator he could read that expression as 'don't you dare pull out.'

And he had no interest in disappointing her. He did, however, want to properly mate with her and that involved some thrusting. Her lips were best compared to that of a mare, even if her passage was a bit more like a dragon or canine, with a tightness just past the opening that got tighter with each wink. It was clear the purpose of this particular anatomy was to lock them together in a tie.

Still, he felt the need to get a bit rougher with her. He wouldn't want to hurt her - deep down inside he knew that if she didn't like what he gave her she could end him - but he did want to test her limits a bit. Despite her being such a small gryphon - about the size of a large dog - her sex was quite accommodating, even for a thick and well endowed dragon. His knot was already mostly formed when she sat down on him and yet it slid into her with ease! There was only the faintest hint of resistance as he popped into her, lurching past that tight opening, which made him think she was far more capable than she may have initially seemed.

He remained cautious while still eagerly grabbing onto her hips, holding her in place as he pulled out of her, knot sliding out rather than popping out. He glanced down to see his member was smothered in the natural lubricants that it secreted while also having a thin layer of cloudy, milky fluid that came from her. His member was still mostly inside her, with just the knot resting outside of her while she used her dexterous lips to peck and tease him.

Another brief moment passed where Ald're paused to wonder if he was maybe jumping into this too quickly. He had been assured multiple times form Jay that this was normal with Ceylon, and he had been told by Ithilwen to give Ceylon whatever she wanted, but something still felt naughty basically diving right into her less than an hour before her master left. The taboo of it gave him a wash of self-doubt, but also made his cock harder as he loved the sensation of being naughty.

With that renewed kinkiness in the back of his mind, Ald're grabbed at her tail and forced his length back into her once more, timing it so that she was tightest when he did so! It was a calculated risk, for if she hated it he'd get clawed, but if she liked it he'd be graced with the pleasure that only she could offer him as her tight opening bulged and dilated, struggling to take the girth of his knot.

Luckily for him, she was firmly on the side of loving it. Not only did she not resist or call out in discomfort, but she tensed up her muscles even more the moment she felt her pussy swallow his knot and grip his base like a clenched fist! This was fine at first, since knots were best pleasured by pressure instead of friction, but mere seconds later she relaxed her lips and clenched her passage, forcing him out with a spattering of her fluids bursting out over his thighs and lower belly.

Ald're barely had time to react to this before she leaned back and swallowed him, repeating the process back and forth with every motion. She squeezed and clenched, locking him in place before alternating her muscles to force him out while still keeping his shaft inside her. In and out she forced him, moving back and forth in waves until he picked up on her rhythm and started adding to it.

He kept a firm grip at the base of her tail, using that for leverage as he slowly build in vigor and depth, pumping that knot in and out of her opening until she was left sloppy and drooling, flesh tender and battered against the firmness of his member. He didn't stop until he felt that familiar build of pleasure along his length and in the base of his knot, the sort of pleasure that told him he wouldn't last much longer if he didn't pull out completely and immediately. Her flesh was too hot to the touch and too soft to let him hold off any longer.

Just as he slowed his pace and went to yank himself out - something he felt would be easy given how thoroughly he'd loosened her up and left her tender - he was quickly proven wrong as she clenched her lips once more, tying them together by the knot while he tried his best to pull out. The pressure was immense, which meant that his pleasure had skyrocketed past that plateau and into the stratosphere as he released the first burst of his seed deep inside her with the force of a water hose with the nozzle partially covered. He could feel his essence splashing around, filling her and bloating her depths while wrapping around his member and spurting out beyond his knot.

The pressure was so intense and he filled her with so much cum that it forced its way out past his knot, something that his knot was specifically adapted to keep from happening. This showed just how sloppy she had become, proving that his knot pumping in and out of her loosened her to the point where the features of his cock couldn't even do their job. Leaky or not, this was an intense turn-on for him; he loved testing the limits of his partners and now, in his post climax afterglow, he was curious.

With her still up on the couch, he slowly pulled his member out, basking in the glory of every squelch and every released wave of fluid that popped out with his every cock feature from the knot to the crown of his head. Her fluids gushed down his length and further soaked his groin, darkening his already-splotched scales en route to the floor. From here, he felt the most kind and generous thing he could do was to clean her up once more. Sure he had left his essence inside her and he'd be cleaning that up as well but in many ways this was kind of the point! With his creamy, milky seed dribbling out from her lips while she winked and squirmed in place, he closed his eyes and leaned back into her, hands on her rump as if he were kissing a lover while he licked, lapped, and nuzzled her.

To his delight, he felt her lips part and wrap around his muzzle as he pushed into her, flesh dilating and expanding to accommodate the girth of his skull with relative ease as she pushed their combined fluids out past his lips and into his maw between his clenched-shut jaws. While this was shocking in all the best ways to him, it also took him aback at just how easily her body had adapted to fit such a thick part of his body. This was no finger or cock, but the entire front half of his face right up to the crest of his nose, her flesh nearly smothering his eyes!

He smiled as he got one last look at her before slowly pulling out, leaving her gaping and leaking fluids down over her winking clit, fluids that he felt the compulsion to clean up for her. This lasted until there was no more of his seed left inside her, but she remained gaped nonetheless.

"You alright?" He asked as he eased both of his thumbs into her from either side, tugging on her vulva to form a triangular opening between his digits and her clit. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm just gonna..." He trailed off and twisted both his wrists, getting all of his fingers into her in order to gently pry her open as wide as she could go! He was quite tentative, as he was yanking at her flesh, tugging her apart in the most intense way; part of him expected her to resist or to show discomfort, but she never did. Instead, she leaned down and pressed her chest to the couch and relaxed, allowing him to spread her open so wide that he could see right to her womb with ease.

In that moment, as the light of the living room illuminated her tender, cherry-pink walls from black vulva to peach cervix, his cock stiffened once more to maximum firmness; he may have just finished mere moments before, but the possibilities that lay before him excited him in ways that transcended traditional physical passion. He was prepared for another round, fueled by his desire to try testing Ceylon's limits and pushing her boundaries.

All within her desires, of course. He was still being very courteous of her needs and comfort.

Now that she was fully dilated with her walls tender and stretchy thanks to his rough yet brisk mating mixed with the thrusting of his snout inside her, he felt she was ready for what he wanted to try on her next. He continued to tug on her lips, opening her up as wide as he could before slipping one of his hands into her while balled up in a fist. This was supposed to feel like a knot to her, but her walls were so feeble and shaky that he was able to bury himself right to the elbow with next to no resistance.

Shocked by this, he slowly spread his fingers out and waved his digits inside her, tickling at her cervix as she whimpered and chirped in delight, pushing back against him and stumbling to fall off the side of the couch, caught only by the strength of his arm inside her and the clench of her walls.

Naturally, she whimpered a bit as the pressure of his fist practically punching her cervix was a bit much, but once she adjusted herself once more in her new position with two paws on the ground and two talons on the cushion, she glanced back and grinned at him, trilling in a sense that urged him to continue. She still wanted more, and though he was a little apprehensive given the sudden shift in situation, neither were ready to finish yet.

"Well, aren't you just the most insatiable mare." He commented, mostly to himself, as he started pumping his arm in and out of her as if he were a sexually aggressive stallion. Inside, he balled his fist up tight to grind his knuckles against her walls as his other hand grabbed at her tail for that much-needed leverage. The view he had from above was quite an interesting perspective, one that allowed him to mentally x-ray her body in order to see his forearm and fist sliding in and out of her, imagining what it must have looked and felt like to have something so big inside her. From that angle, it looked like his limb was one third the width of her hips, meaning it was far larger than any gryphon her size would have been. In a way, this concerned him as he worried he may have hurt her, but he persisted.

Not only did he persist, but Ceylon's needy whimpers and cock-hungry motions all told him that she wanted more and had no problem handling all he had to offer.

After a few brisk pumps, he slowly pulled himself out so that his hand was resting at her winking clit, fingers wrapped around that thick, pulsating muscle of hers as she squirted her fluids down his forearm, soaking him to the elbow. When he tried to push back in, he found that the strong muscles of her opening had clenched down, completely halting him from going in past the first few segments of his fingers. Ald're took this as either him going too hard, or her having an orgasm.

When he looked past her body to see her trembling head and splaying neck feathers coupled with the shuddering of her wings, he was pretty sure she was climaxing again. By now she had to have done that at least a half dozen times, all of which he was responsible for! Knowing this, he kept his fingers resting just inside her, sliding up and down her slit while using his thumb to squeeze and cradle her clitoris, tracing circles around its throbbing girth until she relaxed enough to once again let him in.

The very second he felt her lips dilate and stretch against his prodding fingers, he plunged himself back in to the elbow with enough strength to force her chest to the side of the couch, an action that he immediately regretted for how rough he had been. However, despite his remorse, she still opted to push back and arch her back, eager for more! More! So much more! It seemed she was insatiable!

Ald're was growing increasingly wary that he hadn't been prepared for what was laid out before him. While his lust grew and his cock throbbed with desire, his mind was starting to race with concern over the exact nature of what Ithilwen meant when she said that he was to 'give Ceylon everything she wanted.' When he initially accepted her terms, he thought it meant attention, food, and maybe some preening; he didn't consider the possibility that Ceylon was just so ravenous that she'd demand more sexual attention than he could keep up with. Less than an hour alone and she was already exhausting!

Of course, Ald're was still quite the young bloke and had a lot of stamina left in him, so he kept up with her as best he could. With one hand wrapped around her tail and the other buried to the bicep in her cavernous cunt, he flexed has hard as he could and started punching at her as if he were a draft stallion with no care for the mare's comfort. He couldn't puncture her cervix or enter her womb, but he really did feel like he was being taken to the limit!

Sensing that one fist wasn't enough, he let go of her tail and flattened his palm against his forearm and slid his fingertips up through her opening with the rest of his arm. His scales were coated in her arousal, making them soft and slick well beyond what he would normally have expected even from another dragon! With this added help, he was able to slip his second fist into her with ease, plunging himself up past the forearm with both fists interlocked deep within her.

Once again, he found himself shocked at just how well she was able to take him. Her pussy had stretched, dilated, and grew readily to take all that he had to offer, and she seemed to not only be happy to push back and arch her back and thrust against his actions, but seemed to be even more into it than he was and showed no signs of stopping! From that angle, looking down at her distended pussy lips and twisted yet still plump rump hole, he saw that she was stretched well beyond what her body should have been able to handle. Somewhere in there, he could feel her hip bones halting him from going and deeper, yet the more he moved the less he felt them.

What Ald're didn't know what that Ceylon was a master of transformation magic, and that she could adapt to virtually any partner's desires. This was one of the many powerful magics that she brought to Ithilwen's adventures, but that aspect of the gryphon's personality wasn't brought up much when telling the tales. Usually, when recounting Ceylon's many contributions, most of it was just luck and physical intimidation when the time called for it.

Ald're had no way of knowing that she was also able to grow or shrink at will, which is why he didn't immediately pick up on her subtle shift in girth as he kept pumping each of his fists up in her increasingly cavernous pussy. What started as a simple, one handed pump of pleasure turned quickly into two fists, each alternating back and forth so that one was always going in and the other was always coming out, switching back and forth to ensure she always had something grinding and rubbing against her most sensitive areas.

In a ravenous, bombastic act, Ald're clasped all of his fingers into one giant, two-handed fist inside her, clenching his muscles to make his forearms as firm as they could go before roughly bucking into her. He used all of his weight and strength to bury as much of his limbs into her, so much so that he lifted her hind end up off her paws and made her stumble on the couch before regaining her composure and bracing herself for his followup.

She spread her legs and kept her tail up high to remain out of the way as he punched at her depths. He paused in between each few aggressive thrusts to see if she was still okay, and in return she glanced back and chirped with an open beak, smiling and happy at all he offered her. She had squirted so much that the both of them were soaked and he was already starting to get the faintest of wrinkles on his fingertips, an indicator that he probably should have pulled out.

When he finally did do just that, he yanked both fists from her together, exiting her tender yet cavernous pussy with a guttural pop and squelch as her passage remained gaped without any help from him. His fists were covered in flecks of their combined fluids - but mostly hers - as he parted both his palms and dove back into her, this time with his hands facing out and his fingers digging deep into her deep red flesh to keep her lips apart.

His movements were jerky yet intense as he tried to find a position that best worked for what he wanted to try next. His hands when from pulling her apart from side to side to yanking her open from posterior to anterior - rump to clit - in an attempt to best test her limits. Eventually, he settled on that same lovely position from before with his soaking wet and pruney hands on her haunches with each of his thumbs tugging on her vulva to the top right and top left, pulling away from her clit while squeezing her anal pucker up against the underside of her tail.

From that point, he took in one final deep breath as he forced himself to put aside his hesitation and lean into her. Like before, he was able to slide his muzzle into her with ease, snout parting her lips and jaw resting heavily against her g-spot as her perpetual climax squeezed out more of her fluids past his chin and down his neck. Unlike before, however, he was able to open his maw inside her and extend his tongue to lick at her walls, cleaning as much of her arousal from her flesh as he could while feasting on her juices. He didn't do this for long, however, as he came to realize quick that she could flex her muscles and clamp her passage down at any time; this could sever his tongue from his maw.

He figured this would be the final straw, that there was no way he'd be able to go in any deeper or stretch her any farther. He had managed to double-fist her right to the elbow, which was impressive and well beyond his wildest expectations on its own, which in turn led him to test her farther by bobbing his head back and forth like he was sucking a massive cock, only he was using his snout to pleasure her. Her lips distended and slid over his scales, even going so far as to pass over his fangs with relative ease as he closed his eyes and pushed with all his might.

By this point, Ald're's desire to test her limits went well beyond what most would consider reasonable. In his hormone-fueled assault on her backside, he had slowly lost that sliver of rationale that told him to hold off, to calm down, and to let her rest. Instead, that morality was replaced with an insatiable curiosity to see just how far she could take it and how much of him she could fit.

What started as a simple fingering had escalated beyond what he expected, even considering the tall tales told to him by Jay and subtly implied by his emails with Ithilwen. From finger to cock to knot, all made perfect sense, however, when he fit that first fist into her, he knew he was in for something special. When he eased that second fist in and used both arms as one, he sensed that she may have been hiding something within her that he couldn't have dreamed. Now, with his snout pressed to the crest between his eyes all smothered within her ravenous lips, he wondered if there was a limit.

Had he seen her from any other angle than the one wherein all his eyes could catch was the throbbing, pulsating flesh of her rump and the lube-soaked fur of her haunches, he'd have noticed that his aggressive punching had triggered a growth spell within her. She had multiplied from the size of a large dog to the size of a pony and still had a lot of room to keep going; the only reason he didn't notice this was that his eyes were closed and she was squatting down so she was always at head height.

It wasn't until she arched her back, pushed against him, and lowered her tail to press against the back of his skull that he noticed something had drastically changed! He tried to pull out, to eject his pussy-smothered face from her depths, but the strength of her tail kept him in place and continued to apply pressure as her vulva dilated and slid past his cheeks, flattening his ears to his skull as her ravenous cunt extended and swallowed his head right to the neck, lips clenching around his throat as if to use his skull as a knot.

He would not be escaping any time soon.

There was a hint of panic building up in him, but he figured he could hold his breath for the minutes needed to pleasure her and have her force him out. His plan was to keep his wits about him, use his head to pleasure her as deeply and as thoroughly as he could, and hope she squatted and let him out alongside her next orgasm. He tugged, he twisted, and he thrust into her in a pecking motion as he felt her tender walls constrict him from all sides at once, the soft flesh secreting a thick fluid that filled in all the gaps between his scales and her.

She wasn't letting him go. No matter how vigorously he rubbed his chin against her g-spot and how nicely he used his free hands to caress her clit as it winked against his neck, she seemed to lack any desire to let him go.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he recalled a fact he read in a textbook when he was young saying that gryphons were known to tie together overnight, not parting ways until the sun rose the following day. Given her absolute control over him and the utter strength of her muscles keeping him in place, he feared he may very well have been stuck with her until morning. That is, if he could breathe.

This source of panic made him gasp, accidentally inhaling some of her fluids deep into his lungs, causing him to hack and spasm in place. To his mind, this may have been his end. Mere moments earlier he was pleasantly enjoying the company of a rather insatiable gryph, but now he may have doomed himself to suffocate in her pussy as her fluids filled his chest and more were secreted to take their place.

He flailed and used all his might to push on her thighs in an attempt to escape her, but found that the more he struggled the tighter she got, like one of those trick traps for your finger. It wasn't until he relaxed and tried to formulate a plan that he realized he wasn't suffocating, but was subconsciously breathing even while his entire head remained lodged deep within the gryphon's loins. His chest was heaving slowly, percolating her fluids in and out of his lungs with every motion; he should have been drowning, but was quite alright. Part of him worried this was an hallucination, but the more he focused his mind the more clear it became. He was breathing her vaginal fluids, and he was completely fine.

While this was a source of great comfort for him, the pressing of her walls against his ears ensured he heard only the gurgle of the fluids filling her womb, the beating of her heart, and the subtle churning of blood passing through her vessels all around him. Had he not been inundated with those sounds so completely blocking out any sensations from beyond her depths, he may have heard the door open then close on the main floor.

Ithilwen had come home early to pick something up that she forgot before her departure and had brought Jaikonran up to the house with her, figuring she'd get some time in with Ald're to better warn him of the sort of things that Ceylon might expect of her. Jay and her had discussed what Ceylon could do, and warned that an eager partner like Ald're might trigger her most decadent of desires. Knowing that, the two turned around to talk to the pet-sitter while also packing another bag just in case they remained on the airship a few days longer.

They were not prepared for the image that met them as they entered the rec-room, one of a horse-sized Ceylon bent over the couch with her tail up and pussy swallowing the head of the dragon tasked with caring for her.

[QC-052] Food Coma Consequences

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