[QC-050] Shed Shy

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Commissioner/Xaleru/Nina - OssuaryPariah + His girlfriend!

Artist - Foxra

Writing - Runa

In this story, a pair of virginal teens find themselves in the throes of passion thanks to a particularly powerful heat thanks to the spring season. Things don't go smooth, as it's their first time, but that doesn't stop them from sharing their passion with one another.

Warning: Story includes some blood due to a loss of virginity.

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this story are ages 12/14, but due to the way Dalon's years work (They're about 50% longer than earth years) you can choose to see them as their 12/14 'official' ages or the earth equivalent ages of 18/21. As you can see the maturity level of them can be seen as either.


This is a quickie combo commission, a joint effort between Foxra and myself. The idea is that, for one price, you get both a flat coloured commission plus a short story to go with it.

There are two tiers of quickie combo at this time. 75 dollars gets you 1-2 hours of her time and 2000-3000 words from me; 125 dollars gets you 2-3 hours of her time and 4000-6000 words from me. If you are a patron, you get an extra hour and 1000 words! This is the $125 option!

Patreon Bonuses involve an extra hour of Foxra's time if you pledge to her page, and 1000 extra words if you pledge to mine! Plus, if you pledge to both of us, you get a discount on all quickie combos! For more details, check our pages out:https://www.patreon.com/DalonianGodshttps://www.patreon.com/FoxraFluff


Shed Shy

Spring break. The best time of the year for any avian in the great city of Cottonwood Cove. The winds were growing warmer with each passing day, the grasses growing greener, and the flowers ever so vibrant in color. Xaleru loved the smell of the the rains and the mud and the worms, even if his ability to smell was quite muted. He was an owl, not a canine or feline. His skills lay in quick reflexes, keen vision, and an ability to hear a mouse fart from half a block away.

That's why he loved playing video games. As a teen, his life consisted almost entirely of playing games that required fast reflexes and an analytical mind, eating, sleeping, school, and spending time with his girlfriend Nina. However, since he was a nocturnal creature and his sleep habits were the opposite of most people, he didn't get to spend as much time with her as he wanted.

Nina was a canine, a white wolf a couple years younger than he. She was really the only thing that could get him out of the house during the day, since he hated the sun and wasn't the most outdoorsy type. Sure, he enjoyed a bike ride or a nice flight as much as anyone else, but his place of comfort was in his bean-bag nest in front of the TV, seed-popped chips on one side and a nice drink on the other. His only connections to the outside world were through his game console and his cell phone, both of which were persistently left on in case someone sent a text or a game invite.

For him, his day was just about over. Dawn had just passed, the sun had risen, and he was seriously considering going to bed after a few dozen more rounds when a text message made his phone buzz across the floor. He grabbed it and checked to see who dared disturb him when he was about to go to bed, but then softened his outlook when he saw it was Nina. The only person who could put a smile on that beak of his.

The text was simple. "Mom is out of the house. I'm Dogsitting. Wanna cum over?"

Xaleru loved how she spelled 'come', since she was a blossoming young woman and had been dropping all sorts of hints that she wanted to lose her virginity to him. The problem was on his end, because he loved to masturbate but was too shy to make any moves when the time came. They joked, they made plans about when they might finally make that move, and that they were both very keen on the idea of enjoying each other, but neither had the figurative balls to grab and seize the opportunities when they revealed themselves.

Nina had become increasingly desperate ever since spring break started, begging for Xaleru's company at every opportunity, only to catch him at the worst possible time. Given that her day was just starting around the same time his was ending and that the only times their days tended to overlap was around dawn and dusk, they didn't get as much time together as they wanted. Furthermore, the time they did spend together was rarely alone, as they were often with groups of friends or under the watchful eyes of the opposite's parents.

Xaleru had a bit more of an open minded family, one that had invited Nina over many times in the past. His parents understood that teens - especially young adults like the two of them - were going to eventually get physical, and thus encouraged safe practices and insisted that Xaleru had condoms at the ready just in case. Nina's Mother was a bit more traditional, with her uncle once threatening to hunt Xaleru like a duck using buckshot.

That was not a pleasant family dinner.

Regardless, the two remained nearly inseparable. That was why, even though Xaleru was tired as could be and not sure if he had the energy to trek across the suburbs to her house, he knew he wanted to spend time with her and that spring break wouldn't last forever. In the back of his mind he was certain that this sort of invitation would lead to sex, and his teen mind was absolutely certain that this would be the time they finally got to fool around, past histories and documented bashfulness be damned! At least, that's what he told himself internally as he responded to her text.

"Thx! Would love to cum see you. :P" He thought that was the most clever response ever, at least at the time. That was why he didn't even put the phone down before he got another response.

"C U Soon. ;v; Need you now. Can't wait." She then sent a series of emojis that made it clear that she was intending to use this opportunity to let him get certain parts of him wet, even though there also seemed to be an undercurrent that something wasn't completely right. The fake tear emoji gave that away, even though she was just as likely to use it as a goof as she was to actually express distress.

All considered, the very thought of her being alone with him on the way over made his cock hard in his pants, its tapered length poking out of his slit to make a bulge in his pants. He contemplated pleasuring himself before slipping out to visit Nina, but opted against it. He did, however, grab a condom before shutting his game off and hopping out the window to be on his way. Sneaking was something he was forced to do, but it looked odd when the neighbours and other diurnal species were all out getting the paper or mowing the lawn before work. Life for a nocturnal was similar but different.

Once he was away from his front yard and well out of eyesight of his property, he got his phone back out of his pocket and sent her another text. "Luv you bae. B there in 50 mins." When he was done sending his text, he kept his phone out to browse the internet while he made his way to her place.

The two of them texted back and forth the whole time, with her making it increasingly clear what she wanted from him. This was not uncommon for her, as the two had been flirting and making jokes about sex but had never actually done anything. Both were virgins, and despite their sensual sexts and kinky promises over the phone, they had never done so much as touched each other beyond a kiss, a hand hold, or a light massage.

Nina loved it when Xaleru used his retractable claws to tickle her back, and she would nuzzle and massage his wing bases as a thanks, but beyond that the most they had ever done was nervously maintain contact chest to chest and crotch to crotch through clothes after she fell on him accidentally.

With any luck, they would do far more on this glorious morning.

When Xaleru arrived he raised his hand to knock on her door but stopped to cup it over his beak, breathing into his palm to check his breath. He smelled nothing, but then remembered that he rarely smelled anything so he was wasting his time. Once he got over that little bit of silliness, he knocked gently and waited for her to answer.

The door swung open and she dove at him, wrapping her arms around him and pup-nuzzling into his neck. "Hey! Good morning!" She said, a meaning that had two distinct meanings between the two of them. To her, it was a declaration of new beginnings and a positive start to the day; to him, it was a gentle easing into the time of sleep and positive dreams. "How are ya?"

"I'm good! Good! Yeah, a little tired, but otherwise good!" He was still at that age where he thought he was a better speaker with the ladies than he actually was. Xaleru wasn't nervous, as he had been with Nina for long enough that he felt he could act natural, but the tingling and butterflies that came with his desire for physical affection were making him stumble over his words a bit.

Nina held his hands in hers and smiled, maw agape and tongue out in a traditional canine pant. "Well, I figure I have the whole day to myself; it's just me and the dogs and..." she paused to pull him in and shut the door behind him. "...and you, that is. Come on, I made breakfast! Eggs and bacon!"

Xaleru stopped in his tracks and gave her a dry look. "Eggs?" He prodded. As an avian, it was considered to be somewhat offensive to be fed eggs. He liked joking about it, because it wasn't like they were owl eggs, but it was sometimes considered taboo.

"Oh shush you, I've made you eggs before." She grabbed him by the hand and tugged him into the kitchen before forcefully sitting him down at the table and getting him his plate. "Now eat up!"

He could tell she was proud of herself even if the eggs were overcooked and the bacon was a bit crunchier than he normally enjoyed, but he didn't think they were bad enough to toss. "Thanks, sweetie. So what made you so eager to have me over? I was about to go to bed, you know." He mentioned as he put the first bite into his beak, swallowing without chewing aside from the crunch of the bacon.

"I know, I know. I figured you were probably tired, but I could really use your company."

This was it. In Xaleru's mind, she was about to ask him for his cock! He had been preparing for this all month, reading online to find out the best ways to pleasure a female canine. When she asked, he'd have to show confidence by accepting with eagerness! Yet, after his inner monologue that was all about him being ready and eager, his voice still cracked when he answered. "Wh-why so?"

She sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder, pulling his wing around her for a snuggle. "Mom's in the hospital again. She's fine, but I don't think she's going to be around for a few days. That's why I'm here taking care of the dog, and why I couldn't go over to your place."

While that wasn't the demand for his affection that he was hoping for, the news that her mom was back in the hospital was quite unfortunate, but it wasn't uncommon or unexpected. It wasn't serious enough to make either of them worry for her safety, but it was enough to ensure that the two young lovebirds would have the house to themselves for the entire day. Rather than risk saying something foolish or insensitive, Xaleru leaned back into her and trilled with his beak, tensing his wing up to wrap tighter around her body.

After a moment's rest, Nina finished her though and confirmed Xaleru's hopes. "You know, this means I'll have the house to myself all day." She nuzzled into him more and stroked his arm.

"Y-yeah? That's cool." Xaleru said while nervously eating another bite of bacon and egg. "So what did you have planned?"

In response, she scuttled her chair up closer to his, never letting go of his arm. "I'm not sure if you know this, but spring time is the season where my kind are, uh, needy. Moreso than usual. It's breeding season, and I'm in heat, myself." Her hints couldn't possibly have been more straightforward, yet that didn't mean it was enough to get her point across to a still-nervous Xaleru.

"Oh? Yeah, I bet that's a real pain. So what do you plan on doing about it?" He knew what that meant - he wasn't stupid, after all - but his mind didn't allow him to make a move. What if she was just making conversation? What if she was just explaining her biology to him? That didn't make much sense in the context of her invitation, but he didn't have some witty or sexual thing to counter her with so he played dumb, hoping she'd be more forthright with her intent.

He had heard stories of what could happen if he pushed himself on her. He was a gentleman.

Luckily for him, Nina was a bit more clear this time than she normally was. "Well, I was hoping maybe you could help me out. I mean, we've been together for a while now, and we've been talking about losing our virginity to each other for months. I was wondering if, you know, if it was time yet."

Xaleru could only gulp and nod at her; when he tried to speak, his voice came out as a subtle squeak instead of anything intelligible. He felt bad for leaving her hanging, but it appeared that for all his bravado he lacked the confidence to actually make a move. Typical awkward behaviour of a teen.

She seemed to acknowledge and understand this, so she chuckled at him and let loose a gentle whimper - an act of endearment more than any sort of cry for attention. "You're cute, you know that?"

"You too." He responded, perhaps a bit too quickly. "Erm, I mean, uh, thanks? Is that a thing I should thank you for? Is that a compliment? I mean, I'd rather be sexy or powerful, but I guess cute works, too." Once again, he was babbling, trying to sound cool but failing miserably.

Nina slowly shook her head and slipped out from under his wing to enjoy the last few bites of her breakfast meal before hopping off the chair and standing tall next to him. This made him nervous, since that usually meant he did something wrong and she was about to scold him. However, it was the opposite. "Xal, I don't want to be too forward with you, but you've gotta be a bit more active with me if you want to make me happy. Here, hopefully this helps." She gulped heavily and grabbed at the bottom of her shirt, pulling it off and tossing it onto the floor next to her, revealing her plump breasts and pudgy belly. She refused to take her eyes off Xaleru as she waited for a response.

He had never seen this much of her fur in person before, and it had left him entranced. Her nipples were a bit larger than he had expected, which wasn't a bad thing but did make him question the blurry, dark photos she'd taken of herself topless and sent him via text. He struggled with himself as he both wanted to reach out and touch her but also lacked the courage to make the move. All he could do was ball his fist up at his side as he trilled at himself.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" She said, a hint of desperation in her voice. Though it hadn't come up on this fine spring morning, she was a little self-conscious about her weight and had been teased for it in the past. This knowledge painted her words with more insecurity than they might have been given with her inflection, thus saying far more than it sounded.

"Sorry, I just, I wasn't prepared for...that." He continued to stare at her body, not sure what he should do or how he should proceed. She wanted him to touch her, but what was appropriate?

The tension rose between the two of them until she grabbed his hand and pulled it up onto her chest, cupping his palm over her breast, wrapping both her paws around his. "There. Happy now?"

Naturally, Xaleru was spellbound by this. His heart was racing, but he could feel through her breast that hers was as well. That moment was key for both of them, as they both realized with absolute certainty that they were both as nervous as the other and that they both wanted the same thing. That brisk moment where their hearts were metaphorically bound, they understood one another intrinsically. In that very moment, much of their mutual bashfulness washed away, falling off their shoulders to lighten their burdens and unlock the potential in one another.

With a renewed sense of vigour and confidence, Xaleru stood up and pressed his body to hers, one hand still on her chest while his other wrapped around her waist and pulled her in close. He was a full head taller than she was, so he had to look down at her with a grin as their hearts beat together. "Is this good?" He asked, practically choking out the words.

"Yeah, I think it's good, but..." Nina paused to motion that he should lower his head then whispered in his ear. "But I think I want more." She wrapped her hand around his hips and pulled him in tight, giggling a bit as she felt his erection pressing out against his pants. "You're all hard, too."

For some reason, that declaration brought him back down to reality and he pulled away from her, blushing as he twisted his hips so she couldn't see his bulge. "Sorry, I just-"

"No, it's okay." She assured him. "It means you find me attractive. I was worried that you didn't and maybe that was why you didn't make a move on me. Now I know that you're just shy, like me." She reached out and grabbed his hand once more, pulling him in closer so she could cradle his erection with her other paw, giving it a gentle squeeze.

In response, Xaleru found that his brain was going wild and darting from place to place as he was faced with a thousand possibilities. Did he kiss her? Did he preen her head fur? Could he slip his hands down her pants or was that much too far? He had felt the warmth and softness of her breast and the fur around her nipples, and now he wanted more. The main problem in his mind is that he didn't know where to go next. He was frazzled, and his feathers were standing on end in distress.

All of that was halted when she leaned into him and grabbed the button of his pants and unzipped him, forcing both boxers and trousers down past his knee to expose his soaking wet, tapered member. He was practically dripping with excitement, and the scent of his musk hit her snout hard. "I can see you're pretty excited, Xal." She said with a snicker. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

He remained blushing, barely able to keep eye contact with her as he meekly stepped out of his pants. "Y-you're acting very different today. Is everything alright?" Part of him wondered if maybe something bad - as in worse than her mother ending up in the hospital - had happened to her to coax this behaviour out of her, but then his insecurities were swept aside as he felt the faintest touch of her soft tongue cradling the underside of his erection. "O-ooooh, yeah, that's real nice!" He cooed as a tingle of pleasure built up in his loins.

She looked up at him with those beautiful yellow eyes of hers, hands awkwardly caressing his hips and thighs as she licked at his member. After a few sensual strokes of her tongue, she stopped. "I'm fine, but like I said it's spring and I just really need this. I can't think of a better person to share." She then gave him a wink and wrapped her lips around his pointed tip, cradling it with her tongue.

Nina was barely able to get half of it in her mouth before Xaleru curled his talons against the floor, pleasure building up deep within him and loins about to burst. He wasn't unfamiliar with the sensations that built up inside him - he was a prolific masturbator in between rounds online - but he had never felt the touch of another on his cock before and it was exactly the sort of shock that he had yet to practice for. All the reading about pleasuring girls that he could do online was nothing compared to the actual, physical sensations of a warm, tender tongue working on him.

As such, he was unable to stop himself from bursting down her throat and all over her face or warning her about it beforehand. He wanted to, of course, but it all came too fast for him to react in any meaningful way. Immediately after he came, he sheepishly looked down at her with a flush in his cheeks, embarrassed beyond belief. "I'm so, so sorry!" He apologized as he got down onto his knee next to her and tried to wipe some strands of his mess off her snout.

She just smiled with her tongue poking out. "It's fine, Xal. I was expecting that!"

"You were, but why? I heard it's very rude to-"

"It might be rude, but you're not the only one who does research online, ya silly bird." She bapped him on the beak and giggled at him as she extended her lip to get a taste, wincing at the bitter flavor of it before reaching up onto the table for a napkin. "I'm just glad you didn't get any in my eye. I hear it stings."

Xaleru nodded. "Oh yeah, it does."

Nina couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Wait, you're telling me that you have gotten it in your eye? Jeez, how often do you fap?"

He could have been more embarrassed by this or he could have been somehow offended that she'd be so callous about such a personal thing, but there seemed to be a weight off his wings that allowed him to be more open and honest with her. Their first encounter - brisk as it mat have been - had done wonders for his self confidence. He was always so worried that maybe he was pushing too far or making her uncomfortable with his juvenile flirtations, but her actions had alleviated that. Xaleru could now speak with impunity, without fear of judgement. "Y-eah, I fap a lot. Mostly thinking of you."

Her eyes went wide as she clasped her hands over her mouth and raised her ears up high. She was smiling under her palms, but blushing at the same time. "Awww, that is so sweet!" She then tackle-hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hanging off him as she licked and nuzzled him.

"Why does that surprise you? You're my girlfriend." He assured her before preening at her cheek fur, running his beak through the fine hairs there and at the back of her ears. "Remember, I'm a teenage boy, we fantasize a lot."

"Oh, I know that, but I figured if you had the internet you'd fantasize about Arnika or whoever." Arnika was a well known white-furred fox, similar to Nina but without any chub.

With a bit of a laugh, he chuckled at her. "Oh, I do sometimes. She's pretty hot and I've seen her in all sorts of compromising positions before." He then clamped his beak shut and flushed once more. They were pretty open with each other in the past, but it still felt awkward to speak so openly about the porn they watched. She seemed okay with it, but he still wasn't prepared.

Then, in a sudden twist that really shouldn't have seemed sudden at all, Nina leaned in close and whispered in his ear. "But now that you had your fun, it's my turn. I want more of you, I mean, uh, if that's okay with you?" She pulled away and gave him the puppy dog eyes, tail wagging early behind her as she got excited for what comes next.

"I'm not sure I can, but I would be happy to-"

"Not here. I don't want to risk making a mess in the house." She countered him, cutting him off before he could say his piece. "How about we go out back, in the shed. We can have privacy there and if mom comes back early there won't be any chance of her coming in and seeing us."

Xaleru blinked, shaken. "Wait, there's a chance she could come home early? I thought you said she was out for the day and that she might be at the hospital for a while." That nugget of information made him immediately imagine that she could come home at that moment, with his pants around his ankles and bits of his cum still on her snout.

But she alleviated his concerns by shaking her head and patting him on the chest. "Oh no, not likely. I mean, she could, but I highly doubt it. When she left she said she would see me tomorro-" She paused mid sentence and flattened her ears to the back of her skull. "It doesn't matter, she's not coming home but I still want to be careful. Plus, if we make a mess, we can just leave it in the shed; if we do that here we gotta clean it up."

The mention of mess made him rub his cum off her snout with her thumb, which she then sucked off his digits with a wince and a twitch of her eye. He gagged a bit in response. "Uh, if it tastes so bad, quit eating it. I mean, I've tried my own and it's...well, I wouldn't want to do it all that often."

"Honestly, it's not all bad. It's strong, for sure, but I wouldn't call it bad." She licked the roof of her mouth with an audible smack before sticking her tongue out again. "It's like, it tastes all bitter and stuff, but I want more. Does that make any sense?"

Xaleru shook his head before picking up his pants. "No. No it does not. But if you wanna go out to the shed, we should probably do so pretty quick. If there's a chance your mom will come home, I would rather be safe." This wasn't entirely true; in reality, he had gotten a taste of the flesh of another and wished to fast track the follow-up. He wanted it again, and if it meant going back to the shed, then not only was he eager to do so but he wanted to make that happen as soon as he could.

She just playfully slapped him on the chest to make his plumage puff up before grabbing her shirt. "You're cute. Come on, let's go. I'll let the dog out so she can bark if anyone comes to the door."

The both of them collected their stuff and left their plates on the kitchen table, calling the dog to follow them out back. Nina had to put her shirt back on because she had breasts and it still wasn't considered the norm for females to go around nude. Male mammals, either, but Xaleru was an avian so he got away with going from the house to the shed without any pants on. Nobody batted an eye when all one's genitalia were tucked away neatly inside.

Luckily for them both, Nina lived on the outskirts of town and her backyard - though well trimmed and properly cared for - was up tight against the forest that led into the crescent of mountains that circled the city. This would likely be the best place for them to have their fun.

Once in the shed, they shut the door behind them and tossed their clothes to the side. Some light was coming in from outside, giving the entire shed a dim interior, but Xaleru could see everything perfectly, including her naked form in front of her. He was an owl, after all. She let one of her hands down by her side while her other hand was crossed over her chest, forearm covering her breast.

"Hey, you don't need to cover up, hun." Xaleru insisted as he gently tugged on her arm, prying it away from her chest so he could get another look at her breasts. The image made him smile. "It's just you and me now. Nobody's gonna ruin this for us."

The mood shifted between them as they stared at each other, neither of them fully willing to make that next move. It was Nina who spoke next.

"It's really going to happen, isn't it?" She said in a hushed tone, unable to look him in the eye. "I mean, I know we both want it and that's why I called you over today, but now that we can go ahead and just do it, I almost don't want to."

Hearing that was a bit upsetting, but Xaleru knew what to say. "We don't have to if you don't want to." He didn't mean it, but he wasn't the type to push if she wasn't willing to reciprocate. He wanted this to be enjoyable for them both, since he knew that if it was bad she might not want to again.

But she seemed insistent on going forward with it; determined, even. "No, no I can't do that. I invited you over, I've come this far, and I'm in heat so now is the best time. It would be rude to block you out, now; I've heard blue balls are real and they're not fun."

Xaleru snorted at that. "Oh, they're real, but that's what jerkin' off is for." He got down onto his knee in front of her and eased her up so she was sitting on the workbench in front of him. "How about this, I'll try something I've always wanted to do with you, and if you don't like it then we can go back to the house. If you like it, well, I just hope you like it."

"What have you got in mind?" She asked, meekly wagging her tail behind her and biting her lip.

He didn't tell her, but instead showed her by resting both hands on her knees and gently spreading her legs. His heart was beating and his breaths were ragged, but he knew what he wanted to do and he knew how important it was to pleasure her before he took care of himself, even if he did already blow one load on her.

The two of them had to struggle a bit to shift her weight and body just right, but after a moment of him hoisting her knees up and revealing her plump pussy lips under her belly chub, he wrapped both arms around each of her legs and started gently rubbing her clit with the tips of his thumb and fingers. Based on his research, that's where the clit was, and he didn't take long to find the rather firm nub of flesh that was sticking out by the anterior point where her lips met.

She didn't seem to respond at first, even as he struggled to rub up and down, then back and forth while trying it all from different angles. She just kept staring at him, like she was waiting for him to hit the right spot or something.

"Is this nice?" He asked, still idly rubbing and trying her best to make all sorts of patterns, just like the online instructions had suggested. Once again, he was realizing that all the preparation and reading in the world couldn't prepare him for actually having his girlfriend naked in front of him.

"Y-yeah, that's nice, but here, try this." She grabbed his hand and pinched his single finger, moving it in circled around the circumference of her clitoris, applying a bit more pressure at the top part of it every time. After a few laps around her, she released his finger and let him take over.

He took to these instructions well, maintaining pace in a circle while trying his best to not push too hard but also not to wuss out and get too light on the pressure. After a few seconds of steady hand motions, she responded by leaning her head back and gaping her maw open, lower jaw quivering and spine moving in waves to grind against his fingertip. This was exactly the right kind of enthusiasm he was hoping for, so he kept at it with a bit more pressure and speed every few thrusts.

Before long, he found himself moving at a blistering pace with is digits sliding back and forth over her nub with swift, jerking motions until she started letting out an audible whimper followed by a yelp and a sudden spurt of her fluids from between her plump folds to splatter all over his chest feathers and the iron grip of her hand wrapped around his wrist to pull him away.

As she panted, she shook her head. "Too much." She said, tongue lolling out and pussy throbbing in delight. "I don't want, you know, uh, just slow down a bit; starting to get sore."

"Sore? I didn't know, sorry." He cocked his head to the side and leaned into her, rubbing his beak up against her inner thighs. He was trying his best to be affectionate while also holding things off a bit to maintain a sense of romance. While it seemed to work in his mind, it was mostly just making things awkward by filling up time with uncomfortable silences and inactivity.

However, just as she was about to answer and explain more, he cut her off by boldly leaning in and using his tongue on her clit, gently caressing it as best he could while also lapping at her folds to take in as much of her flavor as he could. What he wasn't expecting was how strong her essence was compared to his own. He didn't know if maybe all girls were like that or if it was just because she was in heat, but it was so intense that he had to recoil and gag a bit.

"W-what's wrong?" She asked, instinctively clamping her legs shut in a defense pose, convinced of her own shortcomings in feminine hygiene. In reality, she had actually cleaned herself in the shower before Xaleru had arrived and was completely clean inside and out, it was just the sweetly pungent nature of her estrus flavors that were overwhelming for her boyfriend, who had never tasted a girl before. This was all new to him but she hadn't really factored that in, she was just being self-consious.

He had to work hard to assure her that he wasn't grossed out, just taken by surprise. "N-no! Nothing's wrong, hun, I just wasn't expecting you to taste like that."

"I'm gross, I knew it! It's okay, you don't have to-"

"It's fine, I promise, I just need some time to adjust. Let's try again, mmkay?" He once again pried her legs apart to give himself another go at her plump pussy lips in all their glistening, soaked glory. After licking his beak, he dove back in and tried his best to have another go at her depths by using his tongue to prod inside her like a hummingbird sucking at nectar.

The taste was still a bit more than he could handle but he felt the need to make it up to her. Xaleru knew that she was self-conscious about her body, and his recoiling must have been the purest form of an insult she could imagine, even though he didn't immediately love the flavor. He assumed it was an acquired taste, one he insisted he'd one day gain. For now, though, he just had to deal with it and suck it up; he may not have been prepared but it was important for him to show to her that he was willing to pleasure her before he took care of himself.

He remained with his beak buried between her legs and tongue lapping at her folds for mere minutes before she pulled him away, smiling down at him.

"If you don't want to, I understand." She said with a cracked smile.

But Xaleru was absolutely certain he was going to make sure she got taken care of before he was. Sure, it was meant to be mutual, but everything he read said that it was pertinent to pleasure your girl before letting her pleasure you. Not only would it make him a gentleman, but it would be better for him because she'd be wet and throbbing for him. As such, he kept at her, licking and nuzzling and preening her inner thighs until she forced him to stop.

"Seriously, hun, you don't have to if you don't want to. I really do understand."

"I want to, though. I want our first time to be special, and-"

"It's already special because it's with you." She cradled his beak and did her best to pull him up into a standing position. "And we've been here like an hour now, it seems. You've done plenty to keep me happy and warm me up; it's time for the main event."

He paused to contemplate that as he gulped, flushing his plumage once more as he thought about how much of a stud that must have made him. "Has it been an hour already?" It had certainly not been anywhere near an hour, even if it felt like that. "Well, I guess if you insist, we can carry on. I brought a condom just in case."

"No condoms." She quickly interjected, stopping him from reaching into his pants pocket.

This made him hesitate, as that sounded wrong. "Why not?" He demanded an answer, as he knew that she was most fertile while in heat and he had absolutely no interest in being a father.

She pulled him in close, forcing his groin and erect cock to press up against her tender lips. "You can't impregnate me. I'm a mammal, you're an avian. We can fool around all we want without any worries. Plus, for my first time I really want to feel you; the real you, not some rubber version of you."

Once again, his breathing quickened and his heart started beating hard in his chest. "Are you sure?" He asked through a quivering voice. "I mean, how can you be sure? I don't know if we should risk it." He was ecstatic at the thought of being able to feel her without a condom since everything he heard told him it was more fun that way, but he wasn't willing to risk it, no matter how much control his cock had commanded over him.

His concerns were quickly alleviated, however.

"Trust me, Xal. I did a lot of reading and research - it's basically all I've done all spring break so far - and I can assure you that there is a zero percent chance that you'll impregnate me. If you were feline or something, sure, but something something chromosomes. I don't remember all the details, but the fact that you're avian and I'm a mammal makes us non-compatible. One hundred percent." She grabbed at his fluffed up tuft of chest plumage, holding him in place while his glistening shaft teased at her opening. "So please don't make me wait any more."

There was an intense inner conflict within him, but he did trust her completely. If she put her mind to discovering the secrets and truths of interspecies compatibility t make sure they weren't at risk, then he trusted her. Still, it took him a minute to really let it sink in and for his mind to convince itself that it was okay. The mentality that told him he could only have sex if he used a condom was hard to overcome, but his hormones were pumping hard through his body and it didn't take long to indulge.

"Alright, I trust you. So what, I just, go right ahead? Is there some sort of thing I should be doing to prepare you or something? This is your first time, right?"

She shook her head and bit her lip as the reality of what was coming washed over her. "Go ahead, nothing left to consider, just....Dammit, just do it!" She grabbed his member and tried her bestto help him aim at her slit, his tapered tip prodding at her lips.

He took the guidance and eased his way into her, moaning lightly as he felt his shaft slip into her depths and he gave a few mild thrusts. Or at least, that's what he thought happened. When he looked down, he saw that he'd actually missed her entirely and his shaft was squeezed up between her vulva and inner thighs. There was a flush of embarrassment before he tried again, this time with his body leaning back and eyes trained on the both of them to ensure he didn't miss.

Luck was on his side, and he was able to find her hole, but quickly found that she was shockingly tight even for the rather narrow tip of his tapered length. He tensed his loins to remain hard as he tried to ease himself into her, but felt nothing but resistance. "H-hey, I know it's our first time, but you really gotta relax if-" He paused mid sentence to look up and see that she had a look of anguish on her face, twisting her features and squeezing her eyes shut. "Whoa, hold up! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, please don't stop!" She grunted through gritted teeth. "I need this."

"But I'm hurtin-"

"No you're not, we just gotta get past this. Promise, once you start, you won't be able to stop. Tear the hymen and then I'm all yours." She instructed, still wincing and breathing heavily.

He wasn't sure about that, but when she mentioned the hymen it made him remember his sex-ed classes, knowing that she was right and that the first time often did result in some discomfort. What she was expressing wasn't pain, but discomfort. He could handle that, so he readied himself and quickly forced every inch of his cock into her with one fluid motion, a sudden thrust that elicited a squeak of shock out of her that she quickly muffled by wrapping both hands around her muzzle.

That was cute to him, so he smiled and was about to assure her that she was doing great when he looked down and saw through the shroud or darkness that his cock was smeared with red. She was bleeding. He may have taken it too far. He was about to open his mouth to say something, to ask again if she was alright - an ongoing theme for their first time - but was cut off by her assurance.

"Go on, it's fine." She urged, shuffling her rump on the desk to feel more of him inside her. "I can handle it, I think. If not, I don't want to take this from you." She then wrapped both her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug while wrapping her legs around his waist, encouraging him back into her.

He grunted and chirped at her as he felt her tight depths squeezing at his length, her opening growing increasingly snug the closer to the base she got. Her flesh was hot and moist, more so than he expected and even better than he had hoped. So good, in fact, that he could almost instantly feel his climax building a second time.

Xaleru managed only a few dozen shallow but awkward thrusts before he could no longer hold himself back. The pleasure was so good that, rather than pull out and cool off, he picked up his pace and grew increasingly vigorous with her. Before long, he threw his head back and spread his wings to knock some tools off the shed wall, his member tensing and shooting jet after jet into her soaking wet depths to splash against her walls and ooze out next to his member.

In an attempt to keep himself inside her, he pressed his hips to hers and kept grinding, a motion that sloshed his essence about within Nina's depths. His arms remained wrapped around her torso in a tight hug and she did the same to him, her fingers digging into his flesh under his wings to show the depths of her passion.

Together, the two shared breaths and heartbeats as their privates crossed paths for the first time. It was a significant time in both of their relatively young lives, but it would not be the last time they enjoyed each others' company. In fact, once the stigma of their first time had been shattered, they would be nigh-inseparable.

"Th-that was....wow." He chirped into her ear, idly preening at her fur while he was there.

"Hngph, yeah." She concurred while cradling his head and keeping him inside her while she tried her best to ensure he didn't slip out. However, she wasn't all that successful, as he was growing soft in the wake of his ejaculation.

This was to be expected, but he still felt like he should make it up to her for not lasting long. He was about to articulate this idea to her - both a promise of future commitment and another excuse to repeat his performance and try again - but she cut him off before he could say a word.

"Shh. Just enjoy the glow. We can talk about the sequel later, ya goof. Nobody is perfect their first time." She was right, even if she was just quoting something she read on a forum.

Xaleru understood this and hugged her even tighter before finally allowing himself to part ways with his girlfriend. In the shed, the two of them stared at each other with goofy grins on their faces until she hopped down off the work bench to let the dog in and clean her up in the wake of the mess that Xaleru had left inside her.

Now bonded to one another, they shared an unspoken understanding. However, Xaleru was super exhausted by this point and really needed to return home and get a good day's sleep. He didn't want to leave her under any circumstances, since he wanted to have a second round, but she practically pushed him out the front door, knowing and understanding his nocturnal needs.

Once the door closed behind him, he practically kicked up his heels in joy while she turned and leaned against the door frame, grinning ear to ear while her tail wagged behind her. The shed would now always be associated with that special first time, and their shyness had been dissolved.

They were virgins no more.

[COM-29] For His Foxi

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[QC-049] Meal; Interrupted

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[QC-059] What Washed Ashore

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