[QC-055] Many Firsts

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Commissioner/Rokanoss - Rokanoss

Thernol - thernol

Artist - Foxra

Writing/Ceylon - Runa

In this story, two mercenaries decide to relax a bit before their first mission together. As it turns out, however, the rider Thernol has never been with another in such an intimate way, this making it his first time in many ways.


This is a quickie combo commission, a joint effort between Foxra and myself. The idea is that, for one price, you get both a flat coloured commission plus a short story to go with it.

There are two tiers of quickie combo at this time. 75 dollars gets you 1-2 hours of her time and 2000-3000 words from me; 125 dollars gets you 2-3 hours of her time and 4000-6000 words from me. If you are a patron, you get an extra hour and 1000 words! This is the $125 option!

Patreon Bonuses involve an extra hour of Foxra's time if you pledge to her page, and 1000 extra words if you pledge to mine! Plus, if you pledge to both of us, you get a discount on all quickie combos! For more details, check our pages out:https://www.patreon.com/DalonianGodshttps://www.patreon.com/FoxraFluff


Many Firsts

Rokanoss knelt down onto his front knees to let Thernol hop off. His rider was on his first mission and the two were prepared to settle down for the night before crossing the great lakes by wing en route to their goal, a castle atop the cliffs. Both of them were mercenaries and had been hired to exploit a weakness in a nearby castle, thus opening it up to attack by land.

Of the two of them, Rokanoss was the more experienced merc, as he had been doing this for years and had long since shed any doubts or worry for his health. He was a rather large drake with near impenetrable scales and had yet to fail a mission. His partner, however, was still relatively new to the world of mercenary work. Thernol may have been a skilled fighter and willing hybrid, but he had never been on a mission before this time with Rokanoss.

The drake had chosen him as his partner because the two were friends and it was Rokanoss who had convinced Thernol to get into the career and had seen first hand the sort of things he was capable of in the heat of the moment. After much deliberation and an impassioned plea to join up, Thernol was finally convinced to leave his old life behind and take that step forth into a life of action, a life of danger, and a life filled with so much coin that he could literally swim in it.

Mercenary life was quite generous to those who could handle it and were willing to stick with it. Within the chapter that Rokanoss worked for, every year an individual remained with the group increased their shares of the work by 25%, meaning someone working for four years got twice the amount of someone working in their first year, and the shares were quite generous on their own even for first year workers. It didn't take much to convince Thernol to finally join given that rate of growth.

Despite the hybrid's skill and tenacity, he remained somewhat nervous about his first mission. Sure, he knew he possessed all the attributes needed to succeed, but the demands from the chapter were quite high and the leaders had made it clear that failure was not an option. When he was initiated into the team, every superior made it clear that they would accept only the best and anything less would result in him being booted to the curb and left to fend for himself. On its own, this didn't sound like it was that big of a deal to Thernol, but he had to impress because he felt that if he failed himself, he would also make Rokanoss look bad, for his dragon friend vouched for him in the first place.

That was one of the reasons why the two of them were taking a break at the south shore of the great lake to fill their bellies and go over the mission details to ensure they were both on the same page and in sync with each other. Thernol was adamant that he would not fail and was willing to do what it took to ensure he did the best he possibly could on his first mission; he wished to not only succeed but make a good impression. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint his dragon companion.

After hopping off Rokanoss, he helped undo the latches on the saddlebags draped over the dragon's haunches to relieve him of the weight. With the both of them fully relaxed and free of their shackles, it was time to revel in those last fading moments of the evening before they stormed the castle just beyond midnight. The sun was beginning to set and would be disappearing soon, leaving the horizon a lovely autumnal shade of orange mixed with the encroaching blues of night.

"Are you nervous?" Thernol asked, trying to make conversation as he rustled about in the satchel to grab some of the jerky they had prepared prior to their departure.

Rokanoss raised an eyebrow at him, glancing sidelong as he stepped up to the top of the cliff overlooking the great lake beyond them. "No reason to be nervous, I don't think. Why? Are you?"

"A little bit, yeah." Thernol confessed. "I know I shouldn't be, but I think I'm getting a pretty bad case of the first time jitters. I know I have what it takes, but on the other side of the coin it only takes one mistake and I could cost us the whole mission. No amount of training can prepare you for the real thing and the dynamic changes when the danger is real."

"You're over-thinking it." Rokanoss assured his partner; his voice was deep yet soft, reassuring while also revealing an intimate care that he wasn't one to often share. "Focus less on the potential errors and more on the rewards. Or, even better, focus on the mission at hand and don't worry about what comes after or how people will respond. The more of your mind you leave back at base the less of it you use on the job laid before you. Trust me, I'd not have vouched for you if I didn't think you could do it." His tail tip slipped into the satchel and pulled out the notepad with many of the notes. "Do some research, forget about the commissioner, and relax a bit. I promise this will go smoother that way."

Thernol took the notepad and nodded as he sidled up next to his dragon mount. "Alright. Sorry, I'm just not used to this sort of thing and the commissioner made it very clear that if I messed up I'd pay the price. Didn't know what he meant by that but it felt ominous and I don't want to test him."

Rokanoss let out a single, chest-heaving huff of laughter. "Ignore that old fool. He's very much stuck in the past and likes to pretend that every mission and every task doled out to you is a potential career maker or breaker. It's not." He curled his tail around Thernol and pulled the blue one in closer so he could get a proper look at the notepad with the mission briefing in it. "Everyone messes up. There's no such thing as a perfect mercenary. The thing that sets our chapter aside is that we never give up and if one team fails another takes its place. When the commissioner says you'll pay dearly for a mistake, he just means that you don't get the shares from that contract. Always another chance to try again."

"That's quite a relief, then." Thernol admitted as he rolled his eyes and started flipping through the notebook to do the necessary research. "The way he said it I thought he meant something like paying with fingers or toes. He used Old Filner as an example of what happens when you fail."

Again, Rokanoss huffed in barely contained, muffled laughter. "Filner lost his fingers when he put his sword away improperly and never got them back for the healer because his dog ate them!"

Thernol's eyes went blank as he recalled the wording of Filner's warning and he realized that it could have been taken as either a warning or as a cautionary tale. "Oh. I suppose that makes more sense, yeah. So If he is just blowing smoke, then what is the risk of such a lifestyle? Seems like it's a whole lot of potential without a whole lot of risk."

"Don't let security fuel complacency." Rokanoss cautioned. "You can't really get fired from mercenary work, but you can still get injured or killed, and like I said, if you don't succeed you won't get paid. The chapter doesn't pay for your travel expenses or provide a per-diem, so everything is bought out of your own pocket. No successful missions means no cash means no chance at followup missions. Your success with depend on your skill and ambition both, so don't ever think you can get away with not giving 100 percent. Failure is inevitable in some cases, but that doesn't mean you should invite it though a lack of concern."

"That's a whole lot of words of wisdom packed into one speech. Were you practicing that in your head while we were flying here?" Thernol joked.

Rokanoss laughed and smiled, showing his teeth. "I did!" He then shifted back to a more serious expression. "But that doesn't mean you should take my advice lightly. I will protect you and aid you in your objectives, but in the end you still need to put forth the effort required to succeed. Without it, you can expect to come back empty handed."

"For sure! I think I've got everything I need, though. I've researched the layout of the clifftop castle's architecture and I know where to sneak and what lever to hit and what chain to destroy while you're causing havoc. There are three points where I might encounter resistance and I have figured out ways to get around them. The only thing I'm still concerned about is just how good of a distraction you will end up being. Given the conflict at hand they might be anticipating a distraction and might know exactly what I'll be targeting."

"Such is the nature of potential failure. If you anticipate it, you should do a much better job adapting. Have you worked out an escape route in the event the whole mission turns into a mess?"

Thernol took a moment to look back through the notebook, flipping to the page with the blueprints. "Yeah, I am pretty sure if I get caught or overwhelmed here, here, or here, I can just take the gill potion and dive back into the water and meet you back here. If I get apprehended here, then I will have to make my way out through the waterway, tossing an ice bomb under the sewer grate to halt them and put some distance between myself and them." He was quite proud of his plans.

Rokanoss was also impressed, but needed to stress some of the dangers. "Good ideas, but are you sure swimming out in the open great lake is a safe idea? There are creatures in the depths beyond even my dominion, and if one sees you and decides you're a tasty looking morsel there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. I would recommend keeping to the shallows." He flipped a few pages in the notebook for Thernol to get to the lakeshore map. "I'd go here, lay low at the port by the escarpment until I come and get you. Do not, under any circumstances, swim out into the middle of the lake."

"Got it." Thernol agreed. "What if they follow me to the port?"

"They won't. If you have the gill potion you can go deep enough that they'll never be able to see or find you even if you stay in the shallows. The key is to find balance; if you go too deep, you will be at the mercy of the monsters of the deep, but if you go too shallow you will be within arrow range and can be dive-bombed by their aerial defenses, assuming they're not all focused on me." Rokanoss cautioned. "So keep that in mind and you should be fine. In the end, your survival is the most important thing to consider. The mission comes second; you're no good to me or your friends dead."

With a nod and a loud slap of the notebook shutting, Thernol gave a thumbs up. "Sounds good to me! So what do we do now? Any more prep to work through?"

The larger dragon shook his head and flopped down onto his side, using his tail to wrap around Thernol's waist and pull the smaller hybrid up close to him. "Nope. Now we rest, relax, and sleep. We'll be leaving one hour past midnight to ensure that the castle is at its least active when we arrive. Given the flight speed and distance, I estimate we'll arrive between two and three in the morning."

"Good, if that's the case I'm gonna go for a swim." Thernol declared as he rolled out from next to Rokanoss, getting to his feet and hopping over the dragon's tail. "It's pretty warm and if we don't have any plans then I'm going to refresh myself."

Rokanoss was disappointed that Thernol didn't want to cuddle, but he attributed that to the fact that he must have still been nervous and was clearly hiding it. With that understanding in mind, he nodded. "Sounds good. I'll make up a quick bonfire and make us something nice to eat. When you're back, we can enjoy a meal and get some shuteye."

Thernol waved and jauntily headed away over the sand and grass dunes after gently placing the notebook back in the satchel, leaving Rokanoss alone atop the cliffs overlooking the great lake.

After Thernol left the cliff top to head down to the beaches, Rokanoss turned to do as he had promised by digging a bonfire pit and lighting the flame. Once he finished that, he glanced down over the cliff to see his partner standing still on the sand overlooking the lake, swaying lightly in the breeze. He was nude already, having completely stripped down to nothing with his clothes off to the side.

This seemed rather peculiar to Rokanoss, since Thernol had made it quite clear that he intended to go for a swim to refresh himself. Part of the dragon wanted to simply stay back, to observe his friend and make sure everything was alright from afar, but the longer he watched the more clear it became that something was off. He couldn't place a claw on what felt wrong or why, just that Thernol was acting odd in a way he wasn't used to seeing.

With that in mind, he spread his wings and kicked off the cliff to dive over the dunes, which were lightly peppered with grasses and shrubs almost right up to the lake shore. His flight wasn't silent and drew the attention of Thernol, who turned and seemed to panic for a moment before turning back to the lightly sloshing waves of the lake. "Everything alright?" Rokanoss inquired as he stepped up next to his friend, sure to remain in close as a form of compassion.

Thernol sidestepped away. "Yeah, my drake! Completely fine! Just enjoying the scenery, is all." He assured. "Why? Do I seem to be acting weird or something?"

"A little bit." Rokanoss confessed. "What has got you vexed?"

"Nothing, promise." He glanced sidelong at his clothes and shifted his weight so that he wouldn't expose his sheath. It was clear he wasn't entirely comfortable showing off the goods, not even to his best friend and partner.

Rokanoss picked up on this, sensing that Thernol's discomfort came from his nudity, so he did what most dragons would do by breaking down the barriers between them. He leaned in and placed one of his front talons on his friend's shoulder, sensually giving it a rub while making eye contact with Thernol's groin. "It's alright, I'm sure you just need a bit more to relax than just a dip in the lake. Why don't you let me loosen you up a bit." To Rokanoss, this was natural and normal, not awkward at all.

But to Thernol, it was a whole different story. The hybrid cringed a bit and gently tried to slip out from under Rokanoss's talon, hoping to break contact. "It's fine, I appreciate it and all, but I promise I just need a bit of time to myself." He gulped, worried he might be making his friend uncomfortable in some way. In truth, he just wasn't ready for that sort of attention.

Rather than pull away or take the hint, Rokanoss hopped over so he was directly behind Thernol with both of his talons on either of his friend's shoulders. He gave a proper rub as his juices started to flow and his loins started to swell. "I promise, it'll be fine. Of all the missions I've been on, I've found the best method to a nice relaxing time comes with some sensuality. I know you're a bit smaller than I am, but I promise I'm gentle." He gave a few more rubs and leaned in to nuzzle at Thernol from behind.

In response, Thernol found his legs growing weak and a warm flush of blood welling up in his cheeks as his tail instinctively raised only to have him consciously force it back down. "I-I'm sure you are, but that doesn't mean that this is what we need to properly prepare for tonight."

"Who said anything about being proper?" Rokanoss counted, leaning in and putting more weight on Thernol's shoulders while also arching his back so that his cock poked out of his slit right near Thernol's rump. "I just think it'd be a lot of fun to fool around a bit, relieve some tension in you before we head to bed and depart on our mission. What do you say? Up for some beachfront fun?"

There was an intense sensation of hesitation welling up deep inside Thernol to say no and just to return to camp, but his desire to impress on his first mission overwhelmed him and he found himself reluctantly giving into the pressure exerted on him. He slowly got down onto his knees and bent over, allowing the larger, much heavier drake to pin him to the ground while reaching back and forcing his tail up to expose his pucker. "Okay, but be gentle. You promised."

Rokanoss nodded and leaned in, nibbling at Thernol's ears. "Well, not too gentle, I hope. Would hate to miss out on an opportunity to have some real fun, wouldn't you say? And I bet you're nice and tight! I did say I was gonna loosen you up, didn't I?" He playfully snarled in his friend's ear as he arched his back once more, this time forcing his member to emerge from his slit.

That was when Thernol decided he needed to explain why he was so hesitant and resistant. "No, I said be gentle. I've, uh, never done this before and I'm not sure I'm ready."

"I know, you'll still be able to walk during the mission, it will be fine." Rokanoss assured.

"No, no. I'm not talking about the mission." Thernol clarified.

Rokanoss had to wait a moment to think about that to come to realize what Thernol meant by this. "You mean, are you a virgin?"

With a sigh, Thernol nodded, glancing back with a blush. "Yeah. Never been taken by someone before. You'll be my first, if I don't change my mind and go to bed early."

"That's fine. I guess I'll be gentle, then. I'd rather be rough, but we've all had to struggle to handle our first time and I have no doubt that you'll have a much better memory if I'm careful." He leaned in again and rubbed his cock up against Thernol's rump cheeks, prodding at the base of the hybrid's tail. It wasn't clear if Rokanoss wasn't picking up on Thernol's hints or if he just didn't care, but he opted to keep going and pushing a bit harder the thicker and harder his cock grew.

Sensing there was no getting out of this predicament, Thernol sighed and braced himself against the grass and sand of the dune, wincing as he hoisted up his tail and waited for Rok's eventual entry. What he expected was to have the drake just ram his cock in, caring little for Thernol's comfort; they were friends but that didn't rule out the naturally dominant nature of a dragon. He was surprised to feel that Rokanoss was gently grinding against him, his slick shaft smearing natural lubricant all over his tight little pucker, the tip occasionally prodding at the opening in between motions.

Rokanoss smiled and growled happily, gently nibbling at Thernol's ear before flexing his pelvic muscles and kindly easing just the tip into his friend. He was sure to be careful, to be slow, and to pay extra special attention to his friend's reactions to ensure he didn't go too far or too deep. He gripped at Thernol's shoulders and held him in place as he eased his way forth, tensing his cock as its tip slipped between his cheeks and into his pucker. "That good?" Rokanoss asked, making sure he got a response before making another move.

Much to Thernol's surprise, the parting of his flesh and pop of Rok's cock tip didn't hurt. In fact, it felt quite lovely and made him quiver in delight! Yet another thing he proved talented at! "I think I'm fine, yeah!" He assured his partner. "That's, yeah, that's real nice." Not only did he relax and lift his tail up higher, but he actually pushed back a bit, eager to feel more of that throbbing length slipping inside.

Despite his partner's renewed vigour, Rokanoss opted to still go slow, gently rocking back and forth so that his member popped in and out of Thernol's tail hole, the tip passing through the opening to slowly loosen him and make his flesh tender. He was being very deliberate with his every action while also nuzzling and nipping at Thernol's cheek and neck every few seconds to show passion. Only after a lengthened bit of passion with the two bucking and grinding against one another did Rokanoss push forward, burying much of his length to the bulge of the knot in one go.

The sudden and intense addition of pressure made Thernol's eyes go wide and his tail instantly pump downward, his lower body tensing up and clenching hard against Rok's cock. "Okay, okay! That was a bit too much!" He protested as he moaned and writhed in pain, pushing off against the dirt to pull himself off Rok's cock, his loins twitching in discomfort as he felt each ridge of his dragon friend's member pop out of him. He stopped when only the tip remained resting just inside him, its girth throbbing and pumping him full of more silken dragon precum.

"Sorry about that, couldn't help it." Rokanoss apologized as he flopped down onto his side, the strength of his cock tugging on Thernol to join him in a cuddle while he kept his talon on his shoulder.

"I'll be fine, just give me a moment." Thernol explained as he took in a long, deep breath, shifting his body in place to get a proper angle to be comfortable. The two of them eventually came to rest in a position with both on their side, Rokanoss curled around Thernol with just the tip of his cock resting inside his friend. His claw was on Thernol's shoulder, holding him in place as Thernol lifted his leg in an effort to relieve some tension on his tail hole.

Rokanoss could feel the sudden increase in pressure pushing on his member, threatening to force him out. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" He asked, eager to be assured as he cuddled and nuzzled at his smaller friend. "I can give you time to wait, if need be."

After a moment's hesitation and self contemplation, Thernol found himself once again eager to please and impress his partner. "I think I'm good, now. Just, this time please don't go so deep so fast; I wasn't ready for that and I'm sure if you did what you did with the tip with the rest of your length, I'm sure I'll be fine." He shifted again and bent his legs so he was better angled with his rump aimed back towards Rok's tip. "Just be slow and this should be a lot of fun." There was apprehension in his voice, but that didn't stop him from offering himself to his dragon ally.

Of course, Rokanoss just heard the go-ahead and decided it was time to finish what he started. He wasn't cruel or inconsiderate and did make an effort to go at Thernol's pace, but considering his size compared to his companion it became quickly apparent that any speed might have been too much for a relatively tiny bloke like Thernol.

He eased his way forward, shifting his hips until he was able to dig one set of claws into the ground for balance and leverage. From there, he rolled over and pinned Thernol to the ground, arching his back and angling himself in such a way that he was able to gently ease of his cock ridges into his friend's rump, one at a time. He didn't push, but he did grind and rock back and forth, letting Thernol set the pace by deciding when to ease back and take more.

Much to his surprise, Thernol was finding the subtle motions of dragon cock tugging and pushing on his rump flesh to be quite therapeutic. So pleasant, in fact, that he noticed that his own cock had been fully exposed for the past few minutes and was drooling his own precum all over the yellow grasses of the sand dunes. The blue flesh of his member was throbbing and glistening with its own natural lubricants, and he found it to be pulsating with each of its many features growing more pronounced every time Rokanoss pushed forward. There was a deeper, more fulfilling sensation deep within his gut, a pleasure that was so enjoyable it distracted him from understanding what was happening to him.

Little did he know, Rokanoss was at the perfect angle to grind his cock tip up against his prostate, which in turn was milking him for his silken lubricants while also making his cock swell and throb with each beat of his heart. He was reveling in the pleasure that came from the dragon's ridges plucking and pushing through his pucker, but it was that throbbing solidarity between them that really got his blood pumping and his loins excited.

Rokanoss could tell that Thernol was loosening up and starting to enjoy his affections, so he shifted his weight once more and wrapped one of his talons against the smaller hybrid's waist to hold him there as he began a slow, rhythmic thrusting that forced his cock tip up against Thernol's prostate. He was quite experienced as a top and knew exactly what he needed to do in order to ensure his new partner would be eager to lift his tail on every new mission.

What started as a rather tame and gentle session of grinding groins gradually grew in passion and intensity until the sound of flesh on flesh could be heard over the crash of waves sloshing about on shore. Rokanoss started by pushing himself in a bit deeper, grinding against Thernol with both his cock tip and the first ridge were gently passing in and out of him, glans grinding against prostate at the apex of the thrust. Then, after Thernol was comfortable with that he started pushing back in time with each of Rokanoss's motions to swallow up another ridge and intensify the depth and strength of each thrust.

Here, they remained at a steady pace until Thernol once again assured his partner that he could handle more. Once he had made a few subtle yet distinct motions to indicate he wanted more, Rokanoss bit down on his neck and bucked a bit harder and a bit deeper, forcing his member to plunge into his partner's rump all the way to the not-yet-swollen knot lobes, each of which pressed firm against Thernol's rump.

He groaned and clenched his jaw as he threw his head back into Rokanoss's neck, body quivering and hands grasping at the dragon's snout and claws. In that brief moment he felt like maybe Rok had gone too far and too deep, yet as the seconds passed and he felt only the pressure and steady throb of the drake's member inside him he gradually relaxed enough to bask in its glory, relishing the juiciness that got pumped into him as more and more dragon precum flowed through his bowels.

There was a brisk moment of hesitation and contemplation as Rokanoss paused, keeping as much of his length buried in Thernol's tail hole in order to ensure his partner was prepared for more. Then, once he felt Thernol undulating his spine in waves, grinding back against the bulges of his knot, he snarled and matched his every move, bucking in every time Thernol pushed back.

Only then did they gradually reach the passion and fervor f two lovers, for both of them were quite deliberate and controlled at first only to slowly give way to a more carnal, animalistic act of passion. Before long, that familiar sound of flesh slapping against flesh could be heard echoing out from between them as Rokanoss bucked with the sort of fervor that forced his knot lobes to grind and squish against the steadily tenderized flesh of his partner's pucker.

What took Thernol by surprise was just how much he was able to get into everything and how easily his body was able to adapt. Rokanoss was secreting and drooling all sorts of lubricating fluids both from his cock tip and the flesh of his shaft to ensure the both of them were properly slick from one end to the other, with not a drop of the mess wasted on the ground between them. Knowing this, Thernol found himself grunting and pushing back with all his might; if he was going to be properly mated to such a close friend, he certainly wanted the full experience.

However, Rokanoss was not expecting this and hadn't yet prepared for such enthusiastic vigor from his partner. He had gone into the situation expecting to enjoy one another but not tie to each other. Despite his shock at the pleasant turn of events, he was still willing and eager to reciprocate Thernol's passion once he came to realize what was happening.

Thernol himself had started pushing back against the sand dunes with his hind paws, using the grass and shrubbery as leverage every time Rokanoss thrust into him. He could feel the throbbing lobes of the dragon's knot pounding his tender rump flesh and threatening to pop in every time. Once he was able to expertly time his pushes with the drake's thrusts, he eventually found himself in the sweet embrace of his partner, held in place as Rokanoss bit down once more and tensed every muscle in his lower torso to maximize his angle and depth of thrust.

While the knot may have refused to slip in at first, that didn't stop either Thernol nor Rokanoss from giving it their all. Once Rokanoss had pushed in as deep and as hard as his dragon body would allow, he started gyrating his hips to grind his member's knot against Thernol's pucker, rolling each of the lobes in a circle while gradually loosening the hybrid up.

"Are you sure you're ready for that?" Rokanoss asked through gritted teeth. He wanted passion and he loved tying with those who mattered to him, but he wasn't entirely convinced that his partner would be physically capable of handling such a large knot, especially post inflation.

Thernol certainly had to take a moment to really think about such a proposition, as there were many reasons to be apprehensive about the reality of being knotted to a drake dozens of times his size. However, the more he felt that throbbing member rubbing at his prostate while his knot lobes ground against his tail hole, the more he wanted. Despite the rather abrupt start and the little intermission that allowed him to relax and loosen up, he had shown to be progressively needier with each passing moment and found his carnal side taking over in a way that demanded nothing short of a tie. "Yeah. Do it. I want to feel you in me, Rok." He took in one final deep breath and relaxed, waiting for it.

Hearing those words allowed Rokanoss to descend back into a more feral state of mind, one where pleasure and seeding his mate were his only concerns. He wrapped both his hands around Thernol's shoulders to hold him in place as he returned to a position hovering over the hybrid while his partner remained on his side with tail hiked and leg raised; this ensured that the sideways position of both knot lobes would have the least resistance going in.

"Well, alright. As long as you're ready, don't stop me now!" He then started wildly bucking with all his might, each motion sliding the entirety of his member in and out of Thernol's tail hole, the ridges tugging and slapping at flesh only to be accentuated by the juicy squelches and sloshes of knot grinding against pucker. Sure, Thernol grunted and whimpered a bit due to how rough he was being, but that didn't stop a carnal drake's mating habits, ones that demanded no stop until seed had been deposited.

Deep down in side, Thernol had considered requesting yet another break in order to properly prepare his backside for what was to come, but the more he was battered by Rokanoss and his vigorous thrusting, the more clear it had become that he was past the point of no return. Now, the only option he had was to brace himself for the inevitable swell that would be inflating within him.

He hadn't prepared for the intensity that came with the initial popping of the knot. In his inexperienced mind, he was focused solely on the gradual increase in pressure that would come with the knot's tying expansion, he had put nearly no thought into the sharp increase in pressure that would happen seconds earlier.

Prepared or not, he was pleasantly surprised to feel that familiar lurch and sharp expansion of his flesh as Rokanoss gave his final, full-bodied thrust! In a split second, he distinctly felt both knot lobes shift and roll and pass through his opening one by one to twist and lock inside him. That pleasure alone was far beyond what he was expecting and instantly spread a tingle throughout his loins that culminated in a gooey strand of his own cum shooting across the grasses of the dunes, forming a silken web of seed branching from one leaf to the other.

But that wasn't all for him. Mere seconds after that intense burst of pleasure swirled in his lower body, the pleasure was further accentuated by the growing pressure that was building up in his tail hole in the form of a knot tying itself to him. The pleasure and the pressure were both moderate at first but quickly escalated as both of the lobes widened to three times the girth of the rest of the shaft, each one like a fist clenched and grinding against the tender, taut walls of his rump. In a moment of panic and desperation, he kicked at Rok's legs to try and pull himself off the knot before it locked its tie into him only to find out perhaps five seconds too late that there was absolutely no escaping this.

"Careful!" Rokanoss rumbled in his ear, claws wrapped tight around his shoulder to keep him in place. "You don't want to accidentally-" He was cut off in the middle of his cautionary tale when Thernol gave a proper tug and a squeeze that clenched tight around the base of his knot and milked the first of many climaxes from him, resulting in a body-shaking orgasm that ended with a hot stream of seed being deposited directly into his partner's backside. The sheer volume of fluid that was coaxed from his depths gave Thernol the faintest of bulges and a pleasant feel of bloat inside accented by the sloshing around as his bowels swelled.

Thernol could feel every bit of what was happening inside him, from the grinding of the knot lobes just inside his tailhole to the tickling sensations of one jet of dragon seed after another being shot against his tender flesh. The shifting and sloshing of precum and seed made him groan, only to have him whimper and hold his belly as yet another throb and ejaculation came from Rok's length.

This may have been his first time, but he knew what sort of time he was expecting to remain locked with his partner. Hopefully he could last that long.

Rokanoss shifted until he was on all fours, his knot tugging at Thernol's rump while the smaller hybrid did all he could to perk up on all fours as well, limiting the pressure of dragon knot on his tail hole. From there, Rok wrapped one of his front talons around Thernol's chest, lifting him up off the ground to press him tight against his chest. "We should get back to camp." The dragon said in between pleasured grunts. It was clear from his vocalizations and the throbbing mass of flesh that had locked into Thernol that he was experiencing a series of orgasmic climaxes one after another - one of the perks of being a creature with a knot.

With that in mind, Thernol winced and gritted his teeth as he nodded, careful to not squeeze or push too hard on the dragon's massive knot for fear of forcing its girth to shift in a way that would be too much for him to handle. As it stood, he remained hard as a rock himself, with each shift in weight and mass between the two of them milking his prostate a bit more. He was well beyond pleasured and wasn't going to struggle if it meant potentially making his rump sore or uncomfortable.

Once the two of them had agreed to a system to ensure the minimum amount of shifting and unwanted tugging, Rokanoss crawled back up the pass to the cliffs to return to their camp site with Thernol tightly held to his chest by his one talon. The fire remained crackling and the sun had finally disappeared beyond the horizon, leaving the sky a darkened blue and orange fade. No words were spoken between them as they remained curled up next to one another, for they knew that the night's task was still ahead of them and they needed to be at their best to succeed.

During a brief nap spent tied together, Rok's knot deflated just enough to pop out of Thernol with a gushing flow of seed soaking the grass between them. However, both were too tired and comfortable to be woken from their much needed slumber and were greeted past midnight to the gooey mass of dragon cum soaking fur and scales. A mess that needed to be cleaned off before they could depart.

Finally, they got to go for a swim before gearing up and soaring the skies beyond the lake and towards their destination, where both performed with unrivaled skill and confidence.

[QC-054] Diving in the Muff

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[QC-053] The Other Talon

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[QC-052] Food Coma Consequences

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