[QC-057] Daily Routine

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Commissioner/Neera/Rime - Dryftwood62

Saethwr - Saethwr

Artist/Therris - Foxra

Writing - Runa

In this story, Anthro Mare Neera, the owner and operator of the Near and Dear - an adults only establishment that includes a brothel, burlesque club, bar, and restaurant - takes us on a trip through an average, sexually charged day at work thanks in part to the fact that she's in heat.


This is a quickie combo commission, a joint effort between Foxra and myself. The idea is that, for one price, you get both a flat coloured commission plus a short story to go with it.

If you'd like to get this in HD or an e-book rendition, consider pledging over on patreon!https://www.patreon.com/DalonianGodshttps://www.patreon.com/FoxraFluff


Daily Routine

Neera tried to roll over in her bed only to feel a tug on her loins that held her in place. Groggy from the night before, she turned to see that Rimefang - her roommate and intimately close friend - was sharing her bed with her, his knot swollen inside her to ensure the two would not part until it had deflated. The realization that they were both still tied together made her acutely aware of the pressure that had built up inside, his seed inflating her womb and his knot pressing out against her walls.

Her clit winked and she raised one leg to pleasure herself, hand squeezed between her thighs as she rubbed her most sensitive spots. She could feel her vulva stretching and distending to accommodate him while every subtle motion she made had his member shift and rotate inside her. As much as she may have enjoyed his company - especially when that massive cock of his found its way inside her - she needed to get up and go to work. She had an establishment to manage and she couldn't let her morning be spent on dragon sex, regardless of how fun that was.

With that in mind, she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes before pushing down with all her might, loins constricting around his shaft and knot while she rocked her body away from his, forcing his lobes to pop out of her in a glorious squelch followed by an audible pop.

In an effort to keep every drop of his cum inside her, she winked her vulva and clit, sealing off her opening while she rolled off the bed and onto her hooves. This sudden movement woke her dragon friend, coaxing a rumbling growl from deep within his chest.

"Well good morning, Neera." He said as he rolled onto his back, cock beginning to deflate and return to his slit now that it was exposed to the relatively cool air of her bedroom. "You could have warned me that you were going to break up with me beforehand." He wasn't referring to a relationship status, but it had grown into a joke between them that parting ways in such a manner post knotting was akin to breaking up, at least for the day. They were close enough without being romantically linked that sex and intimacy was their substitute for love with each other.

She grabbed a towel and wiped herself clean, catching any errant bits of dragon seed that came from her depths while drying her lips as best she could. The mare was in heat, so her vulva was plump and always secreting a thick, natural lubricant that she had to take care of every hour or so. Some mammals bled, mares dripped lubricants. "Sorry Rime, I still have to get cleaned before I head to work so I'm not sure I have time to be gentle." She started roughly brushing her mane and tail, fighting with the many knots to ensure she looked as good as she could without spending time on a shower.

He stretched out and rolled off her bed and onto all fours, stretching and arching his back with a yawn. "You wanna have another quickie before you get too work-ready?"

Neera gave herself one last brush between her ears and gave him a stank-eye. "Really? You literally had me all night and you want more?" She rolled her eyes and continued to brush. "I'd like to, but your idea of a quickie lasts an hour. We don't have time for that. Go shower and meet me out front; we're heading to get some tea, then we're off to work."

As instructed, Rime left her room and cleaned himself up as she got dressed and cleaned herself in a matter of minutes. She was pretty, but didn't wear makeup or spend hours in the bathroom before work; she didn't need to. Instead, she work a short black skirt and a modest yet subtly sexy shirt without shoulder straps since her breasts could hold it up. Gave her a very professional yet flirty look.

Out front, once they were both dressed and ready, Neera met up with Rimefang and climbed onto his back so that he could fly them to their destination: Saeth's Tea Time.

Their morning tea and deli location of choice was in North Klyneth, the quaint satellite town on the outskirts of Central Klyneth. It was a bit out of her way since the Near and Dear was in Central Klyneth and her home was in the suburbs between Central and North Klyneth, but it was worth it. Saethwr had the best tea, was always experimenting with new flavors, and ran the shop with Ezio - a sandwich maker that helped expand the tea shop to a place people could go for breakfast or lunch.

Upon arrival in North Klyneth, Rimefang had to land gingerly on the roof of a parking garage specifically designed to host flyers like Oaira, dragons, and gryphons. In fact, that top level of any parking garage was dotted with multiple giant blue crosses to indicate that it was a landing zone for his kind. Red crosses were for medical and yellow crosses were for nobles or royalty. The purpose of the parking garage was to ensure a dragon's wings didn't knock people over upon landing or didn't cause problems with traffic.

The last thing anyone needed was a dragon landing in a busy intersection and getting hit by a car. The nation of Saff'Rald was the first to incorporate mandatory aerial landing points on every city block to ensure the various races all felt equally cared for. In other nations, dragons were expected to land outside of cities and walk, or just land wherever and make the terrestrial races deal with it.

Luckily for both of them, the landing pads and parking garage were right next to Saeth's tea time, so upon landing it took only a minute for them to walk to street level and find themselves out front of the deli and shop.

Saethwr the red and purple dragon chirped happily as he saw Neera get in line. There was a service desk at the front window for larger folks such as Rimefang, but Neera always bought them their drinks since Rime was her transportation, so she went inside and patiently waited for each of the other patrons to get their drink and leave before striking up a conversation with the shop owner.

"What can I get ya?" Saethwr asked as he leaned over the counter. To the right of him was a display case with over one hundred various tea flavors and to the left was a litany of baked goods meant to be paired with his teas. "Can never tell with you, since you're different every day."

Neera nodded and swished her tail. "You know me very well. I think today I'm going to go with something a bit simpler. No fruits or spices, just nice gentle herbal tea. Feeling very rural today."

Saeth nodded. "Alright, how about hibiscus and peppermint? Very colorful, very floral. Tart, but still pretty mild overall." He then paused and added, "With just a slight hint of ginger?"

"Perfect!" She confirmed with a pleasant nicker. "And for Rime, he'd like something dark and rich, as usual. Meaty, if that's a way you can describe tea."

"It's not, but I know what you mean. How about some Bolt-flower tea with sage and soy?"

Neera glanced back at Rime, who was patiently sitting outside like a puppy with his tail flicking behind him. He was smiling and bowing at passerby to be polite while trying his best to not obstruct the walking area of the sidewalk. "If it's thick, rich, and hearty, then go for it! That and a half dozen sausage rolls for good measure. He loves those, but only the ones you make here. Elsewhere he's not interested. Don't know why."

"Alright, two custom teas and a half dozen sausage rolls coming up. That'll be thirteen copper."

"Thirteen? Isn't it usually fifteen?" Neera was taken off guard by that.

"I'm trying to find ways to implement discounts or ways to show my appreciation for repeat customers. So for you, it's thirteen." He explained as he rang her up. One of his employees started making the tea and boxing the sausage rolls as he spoke.

Neera shrugged and put fifteen on the counter. "Well repeat customers are the ones who should be tipping. So here ya go." She accepted the box of sausage rolls and moved to the side while she waited for her tea to be finished and Saethwr started handling the next customer. "We still on for tonight?" She asked, trying to not interrupt him too much while he was working while still getting info.

He nodded. "Yep, right between dinner hours and red light hours, right?"

"That's the best time, yes. I'll see you there!" She was handed both of her cups of tea in a container and happily turned to leave. "Have a great work day!" She called out before returning to Rime, offering him his sausage rolls and tea.

The two of them enjoyed their breakfast en route to the parking garage before once again launching into the sky. Just like landing, the blue crosses were also for departures, for those were just as obtrusive as landings or arrivals. They also didn't want to be in the air with tea or breakfast; that would be disastrous for those below and wasteful to them.

Travel from Saeth's Tea Time to The Near and Dear took less than a half hour, and unlike most businesses their establishment had their own landing pad on the roof. Neera's business was doing well enough that she was able to convince the city council to let her host a blue cross on top of her building, mostly for her and Rime to arrive but also for guests and VIPs who were there to eat.

Upon arrival, the door to the roof opened with Therris coming out holding a thick package. "I think we got our quarterly reports." He said, offering the package to Neera. A rather small chimera, Therris had been working with Neera for more than a year up to this point, and though he was only officially a dancer and companion in the more adults-only quadrants of the establishment, he often found himself helping out in many other ways that he wasn't expected to.

Neera hopped off Rime and took the package. "What are you doing here so early?"

"Oh, uh, Vvilfred, Camari, Afearnia and I decided to use my room for a bit of kinky roleplay last night. They all took turns dominating me." He didn't blush; Therris was in no way ashamed of his sexuality and had lived his life up to this point embracing his kinkiness. In fact, he was in a poly relationship with a stallion that worked at The Vore House of Klyneth, a deer hybrid that worked at The Nectar squeeze, and a lovely bitch that worked in the Near and Dear's restaurant quadrant. Four ways.

His explanation made perfect sense so Neera shrugged and walked past him, beckoning him to follow as she made her way to her office on the second floor. The building that housed The Near and Dear was two stories tall plus a basement in the shape of a triangle, with the main floor being a combination of a restaurant, a pub, and a strip club. The basement was mostly storage for the restaurant and pub as well as a green room for the dancers, while the second floor was a brothel with hotel-like custom rooms and Neera's office. A spiral staircase was in the middle of the building, connecting to the second floor via a catwalk, but that was mostly for show and for hanging things off.

Once in her office, she sat down in her comfy chair and leaned back, crossing her ankles to keep her legs together. Since she was in heat, she was finding it to close her thighs once she sat down. With her sitting, Therris sat in a chair opposite her on the other side of the desk. After glancing at the first few pages of the report, she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, panties making her feel restricted.

Without warning, she got up and hiked up her short skirt, grabbing her underwear and wiggling them down past her knees before kicking them to the corner under her desk and sitting back down and grabbing the papers again. As she started reading through them, she noticed that Therris was trying his best to remain still while shifting in place, a visible bulge showing in his pants. "You alright?" She asked, knowing quite well exactly what had gotten him all atwitter.

"I'm fine." He assured her while gulping and trying to find a position to hide his erection.

She leaned back and widened her stance a bit, deliberately finding an angle that would allow him to get a look up her skirt even over the table. To tease him, she stayed in this position as she explained herself. "Panties are quite restrictive and only get soaked when I'm in this sort of mood. Plus, the silky fabric of them just rubs against me and it drives me wild. Much more liberating to be nude under the skirt, wouldn't you agree?" She nickered gently and folded her mane over her head, smiling.

Therris nodded. "Makes sense to me. I could tell you were in heat the moment you arrived on the roof. I can practically taste you from across the room." He was part equine, so it made sense that he was particularly sensitive to the estrus scent of a mare.

Neera waited for a moment to make a move or request, but he did no such thing. Disappointed, she leaned back over her desk and got to work reading the reports, checking over the numbers to make sure nothing looked out of order. Every minute or so, she glanced up to see if Therris was paying any attention to her because she wanted him to hoist her skirt up and take her right there, but she wasn't in the sort of mood to just invite him in; he had to work for it. After a short while, she concocted a plan to trick him into making a move. "Could you go to the cabinet in the back of my office? I need a pen."

Always eager to help, he nodded and hopped up, quickly making his way to the back cabinet where all her office equipment was stored. However, when he turned around to return to her, he saw she had pushed her chair to the side and was standing, bent over the desk with her tail hoisted up to expose the glint of her lips beneath her black skirt. He stopped in his tracks. "I got your pen." He said simply, trying to remain professional. He had fooled around with her on many times, and despite being sexually liberated and not shy in the faintest, he always felt a little awkward when she presented herself because she was the boss and he the employee. There was always a feeling like it was a test.

"Well? Are you gonna just stare or are you gonna do something about it?" She asked, slightly swaying her hips and pumping her tail to blow some of her scent at him. Neera couldn't have been more explicit if she tried short of pinning him to the ground and forcing him into her.

"I take it you don't need a pen, do you?" He asked, chuckling to himself as he came to realize how easy it was to trick him into action. Not that it was a problem, his poly relationship also allowed for extracurriculars, and there were few partners he enjoyed as much as Neera. In fact, he'd been low-key trying to get Vvilfred and Neera together ever since he started working at The Near and Dear, eager to clean her out after his boyfriend finished in her! Unfortunately, scheduling never worked out.

Neera brushed her mane to the side and clenched her loins, the sudden squeeze shifting the remaining dragon seed around inside her. Some of Rime's essence had been absorbed, but much of it remained, giving her a bloat that was far more sexual than it was uncomfortable. She shook her head in response to Therris's question. "No, I don't need a pencil, but you said so yourself, you can practically taste me and even though I didn't need you to help me with paperwork you stuck around. So make yourself useful and taste me for real." She offered a wink and spread her legs as she grabbed her skirt to fold it over her back, fully exposing herself to him, her light peach flesh glistening with anticipation.

Not one to deny his boss's any request and entranced by her scent, he happily sidled up next to her and tossed the pen on the table next to her before grabbing the base of her tail and slipping his hand between her thighs, teasing her by tickling her close to her loins without actually touching her plump lips. It wasn't until he felt moisture dripping onto his forearm that he leaned into her and cupped her vulva, fingers pressing against her clit and thumb prodding at her cheek to part her lips. "You know, boss, all you gotta do is ask. If you're in heat, I am a sex worker and would be happy to help."

Her loins clenched and her clit winked in his hand, spurting a strand of her silken fluids and a dollop of Rime's seed into his palm. "But if I demanded it, that'd be an abuse of an employee-employer relationship. If I flirt, then you have the choice to make." She clenched her loins a second time, sealing in the seed and forcing a sputter of fluids to speckle his forearm. "Besides, where's the fun in that?"

"True, true." Therris said as he sniffed the air, the scent of Rime's seed billowing up from under her tail. "Mare and drake? You're out for my heart, Neera. Both of my halves coming together in one." He then licked his hand clean of the puddle of dragon cum and crouched down onto his knees, snout buried between her cheeks and hands on her hips to caress her as his tongue probed her depths.

Though Neera was used to feeling tongues and fingers and cocks in her with relative frequency, her heat was making her more sensitive than usual and she couldn't help but whimper and pump her tail as her loins tensed and her clit winked, letting loose a silken strand of her own ejaculate mixed with Rime's seed directly into Therris's open maw. The warmth of his flesh prodding at her depths and sliding up and down between her lips was quite heavenly and she could have stayed there for hours just getting eaten out even if she knew she wanted something thicker and firmer than a tongue.

Still, she knew that Therris would move at his own pace and he was happy to please her before he took care of himself. With that in mind she relaxed as best she could while pretending to take notes on the financial records. Despite being in heat and having that deep-bodied desire that filled her from groin to chest, she was able to maintain an air of dignity about her, holding strong in place and pushing back against his snout without grunting or whinnying or acting like some barnyard slut.

Of course, Therris wasn't exactly the type to settle for simply being good enough. He was often able to pluck her from her poise and get some noises out of her so he did his best to do just that by leaning into her, wrapping his lips around her clit, and sucking on it in between nuzzles that prodded at her rump and licks that parted her lips and captured as much of her natural lubricant as his appendage could hold. He slid his thumbs around to knead at her flesh between and beside her pucker and vulva both, squeezing to make her hypersensitive as he licked before releasing and parting her wide.

The renewed vigour she felt teasing and rubbing at every bit of her external flesh made her tense up and stomp her hoof, tail flagging as high as it would go as she widened her stance. Dignity or not, she wanted more and wasn't afraid to demand it from her stallion without the need to say a word.

Therris, for all his qualities, focused a bit too much on foreplay for Neera. Most days she loved to be the focus of a stud's attention, to have males fawning over her and eating her out and rubbing her and giving her both internal and external massages, but when she was in heat she just wanted cock. She needed seed and the only way to get and collect it was to take her studs one at a time and not let any out when they were done. She wanted Therris to mount her but he was so focused on nibbling and suckling and nuzzling her flesh that she didn't quite know how to urge him to get to the main course without straight-up telling him so. Needy or not, she loved making her partners intuit her intentions.

Then it hit her! After a few heavenly minutes of them both pushing back against each other in an attempt to see who broke first, she tapped her pencil to the paper and declared, "You have until I'm done filing this paperwork to take care of yourself. If you're not finished by the time I am, then you're out of luck and you'll have to take Afearnia upstairs to your room before her shift starts."

Afearnia was the saucier and sous-chef at the Near and Dear's restaurant, cooking under the head chef Asof Yeun. She was both an employee as well as one of Therris's three partners.

It didn't take much at all for Therris to pick up on what Neera was tring to do and how she was pushing him to shift his tone, but he still hovered under her tail for a bit before slowly getting to his feet and sliding his shorts down to kick them away in a pile with her panties. His cock - mostly equine in nature - was semi-erect and drooling in anticipation before her as he leaned into her, pressing the top of his member between her cheeks and against her plump lips.

"What are you waiting for, Therris? I've got a schedule to keep, you know." Neera winked at him over her shoulder, grinning while still pretending to take notes and pay attention to her papers. Her clit winked as well, spraying a bit of her ejaculate down his shaft and onto her floor. Luckily she'd invested in a carpet that was easy to clean, or else her office would just smell like heat and musk.

Not nervous but still a bit hesitant to just dive in, Therris faked bashfulness by brushing his hand over his cheek and jingling his earring as he bit his lip, licking up the mess from his muzzle. He then grabbed his member and stroked it, smearing her lubricant around the girth of his shaft to soak him from slit to flare all at once. The attention mixed with a few heavy beats of his heart to fill his cock the rest of the way, making him fully hard and ready.

Neera couldn't see this over her thick haunches, but she could practically feel his girth pressing against her lips as she pushed back into him. "There ya go! Best make it quick though, no idea how long it'll take to fill out this paperwork." She teased, winking her clit and angling her hips in such a way that she caressed the underside of his shaft and soaked his flare all at once.

Therris was able to take a hint but he was still drawing out their fun as long as he could by aiming member with the aid of this thumb, squishing it between her lips, and easing himself into her slowly. Most stallions would offer one buck and be done with it, but not him. He paused and tensed his loins as his flare popped into her, then he paused and did the same after sinking himself into her depths as far as his median ring, then again halfway between that and his slit. Once he was fully hilted with his own belly scales pressing firm against her pucker and his hips squished tight against hers, he gave her haunches a bit of a smack.

If this had been anyone else, Neera might have instinctively kicked. Luckily, the two of them had built up a bit of a rapport in their year working together and both were happy to try out different things that they might not do. The slap was less a show of dominance - since Therris was not the dominant one in this situation - and more of a warning that he was ready to begin.

Now expecting some passion, Neera leaned into him and arched her back, tail flagging and clit winking as she bit her lip and let loose a grunt and a nicker of delight only to catch herself and cover her mouth with her free hand, embarrassed that she had let loose her feral side.

"Cute." Therris joked as he leaned over her, one hand on her tail for leverage and the other wrapped around her hip. "I love it when you can't help yourself."

She huffed at him, snorting as she aggressively made pen-scratches for effect. "I can finish up this paperwork real quick if you'd like!" She was playing it off like she was angry with him and threatening to cut him off, but they both knew she was just being facetious for effect. So instead of apologizing, he gave her another playful smack and slowly pulled out of her, tugging on her lips in the process of coaxing another wink from her clit.

This was where he started to act more like a stallion, bucking into her again and gradually picking up his pace to the point their flesh made a steady sound of slapping and squishing with every movement, spurts of her arousal being heard emanating from between her flesh and his every time she winked. He kept a nice, firm grip at the base of her tail and hit his stride quickly, ensuring that every thrust in and out was exactly the same as the one before except just a little bit faster and harder, keeping this up for a lot longer than he had initially planned, the two of them bucking and pushing against one another for the better part of a quarter hour.

Once he noticed that his flare was expanding in preparation for his climax thanks to how tight she quickly grew, he slowed down a bit and focused a bit more on slow, sensual thrusts. This seemed to upset Neera a bit, as she shot him a glance of disapproval.

"What are you waiting for?" She huffed. "I was almost at my fifth!"

"Didn't want to finish too early." He said, voice ragged and short as he kept a tender pace.

She squeezed as hard as she could as she pulled away from him, tugging on his flare with her depths without letting him pop out. "Well cut it out, you know I don't plan on being here forever." She then glanced up at the clock. "It's been nearly twenty-five minutes, you can go ahead and finish."

He offered her a playful salute with his free hand. "Yes boss." He confirmed as he widened his stance and pushed himself as deep as he could go. Once he was comfortable, he bent over her and wrapped each of his hands around her hips, hugging her rump as he quickly got back to the same speed as before but this time with twice as much vigour, his hips slapping against hers and his cock plunging so deep he could feel her gaping cervix kissing his flare.

She grunted and whinnied at him, this time not worried about her dignity as her clit winked and her depths squeezed with all her might. Bits of Rime's seed seeped out from her womb to fill her pussy, further accentuating the sensations Therris felt as he kept at her, his throbbing cock sliding through her depths with ease and his flare tickling her every sensitive spot.

Before long, she couldn't help but push down on him, whimpering as her loins distended and reached out from between her cheeks to kiss the base of his cock, pucker pushing out from under her tail and quivering in delight. When she felt his cock pulsate in climax, her tail pumped and her pussy squeezed, sensitive to his every throb to the point it was making his orgasm intensify tenfold.

Therris was already shooting a thick stream of his seed deep into her even before she started matching his ejaculations with deep pelvic clenches, forcing a pleasure out of him that drew him to collapse on her back, cock still inside her and leaking every last ounce of seed even as it withered and started to retract into his slit. He gave her haunches a bit of a squeeze and a love bite before falling back and collapsing on her chair, legs spread and semi-firm cock drooping over the side, a thick bridge of white cum and equine arousal connecting his cock tip and her clit.

In response, she winked her sex to disconnect the bridge before standing tall and shimmying her skirt down to a proper position, immediately retaining her look of professionalism as she bent down and cupped his cock tip in her palm, quickly sucking all her juices off him in one kissing motion before licking her lips and patting him on the shoulder. "Thanks. I needed that. Now I have to do paperwork for real this time."

"I'll go retire to my chambers for now, if you'd like." He offered, idly reaching out with his foot to pick up his pants between his toes.

"Up to you, darlin'. I'd be happy to enjoy your company but I'm also pretty sure such a stud would be quite the distraction if I'm trying to get some administrative stuff taken care of. I leave it in your capable hands."

He nodded and hopped up out of the chair. "Seems fair. I'll see you around, okay?"

"For sure." She answered as he hopped into his pants and left her office. This left her alone, sitting in her chair with a distinct sloshing in her lower abdomen made up of a combination of Therris and Rimefang, their seed swirling in her womb until she was ready to let it out.

After Therris left her office, Neera found herself quite bored. Paperwork was not the most engaging thing to focus on, but it was an integral part of operating any business. Normally she'd have the accountant go over the details but she had been taking an interest in the numbers over the past few months and was keen on the idea of one day handling all the finances on her own.

Nothing seemed too out of place as far as the balancing of the budget was concerned. She did see a distinct increase in expenses for the restaurant quadrant about halfway through the month, but then remembered that it was for Var'Rex and his classy night out. Though costs had definitely increased that weekend, the profits increased in even greater measure, showing that she should do themed events more often. Beyond that, everything else seemed to be business as usual.

When she took a closer look at the numbers, she did a quick calculation in her head to see if she could offer some of the brothel workers an alternative method of pay. Right now she was just giving them 75% of their take, but some of the workers weren't pulling in the same numbers as Therris and therefore weren't making as much. However, given her profit margins - which were quite reasonable considering the business types she held - she could give each of those struggling a flat rate and a lower percentage of the profits. This would be the better option until they were more successful, and they could switch to the higher percentage once that would be the most profitable for them.

In Neera's mind, loyalty was more important than pure profits. An employee that learns and gets better and sticks with a brothel serves to make her a whole lot more money in the long run while also making more money themselves. If an employee can't learn and can't bring in the big bucks, then that's another month lost to training their replacement and they might be even less successful.

She put a pin in that thought, and made a note in her cellphone reminding her to work out what rate would be best and which of her workers would benefit from it.

After that she decided it was time to get herself something to eat for brunch so she ordered a bell pepper and mushroom omelette with a side of apple hashbrowns. She considered getting bacon as well - pork went well with apple - but decided against it. Egg was enough protein for a mare who was born herbivore but had adopted some carnivorous traits. Any more than the minimum would not go well with her insides.

While she ate, she noticed that Afearnia was singing and dancing in the kitchen, so she went to see the sous chef to find out why. As it turned out, Therris was still in the mood after finishing with Neera and had done exactly as he'd promised by taking his girlfriend up to his room and having a go with her before her shift started.

Any other boss would have frowned on that, but Neera loved hearing it. A reminder that happy employees tend to do a better job and those who worked at the Near and Dear were friends as well as co-workers; in the case of Therris and Afearnia, lovers.

Neera finished her meal and carried on with her day as the hours ticked by, alternating between scouring the main floor and spending time in her office. Rime was out front tending to his duties as the bouncer for the pub and club despite there being nothing for him to do. In the morning, only the brothel and restaurant were open and it was very rare for the brothel to get any business before lunch.

In fact, every quadrant of the business operated on a cycle, aside from the Brothel which was open all hours of the day. The restaurant was open during lunch and through to dinner before closing up the kitchen, then the bar opens up and goes right until close with the burlesque stage opening just before the kitchen closed and closing about halfway through the bar's operating hours. The brothel upstairs was most active in the morning before folks went to work and late after folks were done work.

While The Near and Dear was open pretty much all hours of the day, much of the morning it was empty. The kitchen wasn't opened, you could get a drink but it wouldn't be anything fancy, and there was almost never any entertainment. Most people who frequented the establishment were too hung over in the morning to think about having some sexy half-equine hybrid grinding on their thighs.

Given the dearth of exciting things to do over the course of the afternoon, Neera took to locking herself away in her office with a rather thick dildo that she kept in a locked chest next to the office supply cabinet. It was called 'the royal pillar' and was said to be modeled after Prince Vaulix Arraidama himself. It had a bulge halfway up its length with a rippled head, ridged underbelly, and dozens of nubs lining its shaft for maximum sensation. Most importantly, it also had a tube and custom cum-like lube that could be injected deep into her to aid in its natural tendency to suck itself up into its target once its thickest part slipped through her opening.

She was about to sit on it when a knock came at her door. It was Therris, informing her that there was a call-in for one of that night's dancers and that Sachiko wouldn't be able to make it to work.

This was somewhat suspect since Sachiko had told Neera that her brother was scheduled to be in town that weekend and Neera had figured the two shared a certain untold intimacy. However, given her own insufferable needs she felt a bit more lenient than she might have been if she wasn't in heat. The two shared a brief conversation over the phone where Neera subtly hinted that she knew exactly what was going on and that she expected Sachiko to be 'better' before the weekend.

Sachiko happily agreed and ended the phone call before additional terms could be negotiated.

The dancer's absence could have caused a problem in the evening's burlesque schedule, but the mare herself was a talented dancer and figured it might be in her best interest to see if she still had what it took to do such an intense job on the pole. She then spent much of the rest of the afternoon between her failed attempt at self pleasure and her scheduled appearance practicing, stretching, and asking her employees for advice on what to do and how best to do it. She also took some time to plan some choreography and ask for input on how the others do it and what the balance of plan vs improv was.

She may have been the most experienced dancer in the establishment, but it had been months since she last spent time on the stage and she trusted her dancers enough to ask their advice rather than assume her own superiority and make a fool of herself. In the end, the reputation of The Near and Dear was on the line and it mattered more to her that the business look good than she look good.

When the time came for her to get on stage, she endured only a moment of dread before the lights shone on her and her instincts kicked in. She twirled, she bent over, she showed the goods in short bursts, and she even winked for the crowd - not her eye, either - and she performed all sorts of acrobatic feats with the aid of the pole that no mare was expected to accomplish. Some of the poses she got into - most notably one where she hung upside down with one leg wrapped around the pole and the other straight in front of her with her dress flipped upside down over her torso - was the sort of position expected of her feline crew and not that of a thick bodied mare.

The cheers and claps were enough to bolster her ego and it made her think that maybe a bigger girl - one that was athletic or just large in general - might be a boon to the business. All burlesque locales had thin, scrawny dancers for the big buff men, but it wasn't common to see a dragon dancer or equines of any sort outside of stallions. Big girls were beautiful, too, and her performance reminded her that there was an audience for just about everything.

Of course, a large part of that was her business oriented mind always calculating and adjusting with the arrival of new data.

At the apex of her performance, she invited one of her more enthusiastic audience members on stage - a small red gryphon with an orange beak and black flesh - and teased him until he came on her thigh in front of everyone. At the same time, she relaxed her loins to let out a steady flow from inside to make it look like he'd blasted her with a dozen loads all at once. She then finished the performance by telling the audience members that this red gryphon was one heavy producer and that anyone would be lucky to feel what he has to offer deep inside them.

She soaked up the tips, as dozens of silver and even a few gold coins were tossed her way as she exited the stage. Therris was the one to collect the tips and bring them to her, but Neera insisted the tips go to Sachiko since that was supposed to be her slot, and as far as everyone else knew she was sick and couldn't make it into work. Nobody but Neera knew she was ditching to fool around with her brother.

Eventful as her dance may have been she really only had one thing left to do before her duties were complete, and that was to have a meeting with Saethwr after the kitchen closed up for the night and the pub quadrant took over. She was internally conflicted about her self image during this meeting because she wanted to be professional and dignified but also was very against cleaning up if it meant she could no longer bask in the musk of Therris, Rime, and the red gryphon that had squirted over her.

However, as much as she wished to bask in the glory of her partners for the day, she felt it made the most sense to put her most professional hoof forward when dealing with a potential business partner regardless of whether or not he was willing to accept and embrace her casual, flirty demeanor. So she opted instead to have a shower in the green room before meeting with her tea-loving dragon partner.

Within minutes of the kitchen closing and the pub taking over most of the focus for the establishment, Neera slid up into one of the restaurant booths and cradled a drink of her own while waiting for the red and purple dragon to show up. Luckily, he was quite punctual and arrived soon after.

Given that the Near and Dear was darker at this time of day compared to what it was like during the day - the ambient light was better for drinking and watching erotic shows - it took him a moment to find her and he didn't do so until she lightly waved at him to get his attention. He then smiled and nodded as he hopped over towards her, ignoring the few folks on the pub side that were drinking and acting somewhat disorderly. He sidled up next to her in the booth, hands crossed on the table.

"So, what have you got for me?" He asked as he rubbed his hands together.

"Coin." Neera responded, nodding as she leaned in. "Hopefully a lot of it."

"Glad to hear it. I do like coin, but I am referring more to exposure, noteriety, and brand recognition. I'm dong well in terms of profits, but if I'm to partner with you my primary concern is that people associate the product with Saeth's tea time. So what do you have to offer?" He was trying his best to be stern, a powerful negotiator, but it was easy to see that he was uncomfortable in that role.

Neera quickly picked up on this and leaned back, opting not to exacerbate his discomfort. "I'm not sure if you know this, but The Near and Dear operates basically from lunch until closing time a few hours after midnight. We get a small bit of pre-work business but mostly just in the brothel and none of the other quadrants of our business model are active between sunrise and noon. I am willing to put up a 'Saeth's Tea Time' logo on the front of the building and exclusively sell your products in our restaurant up until we start our lunch prep when Asof and Afearnia show up. That means I'd need you to provide an employee or two, I would pay them well, and they would have control in exchange for a cut."

Saethwr narrowed his eyes, concerned that this all sounded a bit too good to be true. "What sort of cut?" He wasn't concerned about the money, but was testing her to see what she said.

"Fifty percent. Basically enough to pay the employees and cover food costs. I'm not looking to make a lot of profit off this deal, since we're doing well and having the establishment open early in the morning almost acts as marketing. People come in before work, enjoy your baked goods and hot beverages, see how nice the place is and get curious for what we can offer later. And if we've got dancers or brothel workers walking around, maybe enticing the customers further! The main take away is that I've got a few hours every morning where nothing is going on aside from me coming in to do paperwork and making sure the place is clean. I'd like to fill that with something useful; productive."

"Is that really it? I mean, what control would I have over the proceedings?" The dragon's wings ruffled a bit in excitement before adding, "And what cost would there be for me to start up?"

Neera shrugged. "No need for start up fees. Aside from a potential drive-through window around the side there wouldn't need to be any costs. I already have a rather nice kitchen with most all things you could need. Maybe you need to buy an espresso machine or a cappuccino maker or something, but that's all your domain. I don't have that stuff and don't know the cost so that's up to you. Do what you need to make your vision come to life. Oh, and you'd have full control between opening and when our kitchen takes over for the lunch rush. That's really the only caveat. I'm sure if you can operate on the side during lunch, then Asof will be happy to let you. Basically an added location that you don't have to pay ridiculous amounts to set up."

Saethwr took a moment to think about everything before extending his hand across the table. "I think we've got ourselves a deal! I can't see any immediate issued with this plan and I'd be more than happy to collaborate with you on this one. It definitely sounds like we both have nothing but profit to make off it."

Neera took his hand in hers and shook it as she leaned over the table. "I've already got deals in place with The Vore House of Klyneth to do weekly vore-themed shows with their preds and some of my performers, so it makes sense that I make partners with another lover of vore." She winked and grinned, as though she'd uncovered a truth about him.

He did blush and look away, not ashamed but somewhat bashful about discussing it in public with what basically amounted to a stranger. He and Neera had known each other for many months up to this point so they weren't total strangers, but their relationship to this point consisted of shop owner and customer so their friendship was only on the cusp of blooming with the advent of their partnership. His discomfort was both heightened and alleviated when he felt her hoof sliding up his inner thigh, parting his legs and rubbing his slit.

As a dragon he didn't often wear clothes unless he was at work since his bits were safely hidden inside, and even then it was just an apron to put a barrier between his belly scales and the food. So when she started flirting with him and rubbing his groin with her hoof, he had no idea what to think but could barely keep himself from allowing his member to poke out.

"Why so uncomfortable?" Neera asked as she sensually shifted her body so that her hoof was closer to him and her head was resting on the heel of her palm. "You do know what kind of business I run here, right? I mean, between the 'adults only' warning, the erotic dancers, and the brothel upstairs-"

"Y-yeah I know, I just wasn't-" He grunted and tensed his loins as more of his member slipped from his depths, its length glistening in the light and drooling precum over her hoof. "Wasn't prepared for you to be so forward."

She gently slid the side of her hoof up his shaft, feeling him out and caressing him between every ridge to judge just how big he was. "I hope that doesn't upset you. I imagine you and I could find ourselves in similar situations quite often if you ever found yourself at my door. Plus, with equipment like yours I can't see myself saying no if you asked." She gently slid her hoof over his tip and down the other side as she winked under her dress. Her heat was taking control of her once more due to the fact that her business had concluded and she now only had pleasure to fill out the remaining hours of the day.

Saethwr remained uncomfortable but quickly was warming to her touch, finding the caress of her hoof to be a lot more pleasant than he expected. Such a hard body part could have been coarse and ragged, but she had spent time and effort to keep her hooves well cared for so they were always soft compared to work horses.

"I'll take that as a yes. If you would like, join me in my office. I'd hate to make a mess here in the restaurant; erotic locale or not, there are still regulations I have to abide by as a food service." She winked at him and stood next to him, tail flagged high to flip up her skirt and reveal her lack of panties as she walked away.

As expected, the dragon couldn't help but follow her up the spiral staircase to the second floor, hands cupping his groin to maintain some semblance of dignity as he passed by Nantangitan and Rimefang en route to the boss's office.

Neera happily escorted him in and closed the door behind them both, giving them privacy for the next hour or so. To Saethwr, this was a pleasant surprise and a nice exclamation point put on the end of his contract, but to Neera it was just another example of her daily routine.

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