Exotic Livestock Testing

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Wemd

Writing/Side Characters - Runa

Axial - JeremySunchild

Storm - StormGryphon

Spike - Shade1

Var'Rex - approachingdark305

Radium - radiumfox

In this story, Ilorek - The Ranch owner - invites a few of his friends over to 'test out' a new felkin he bought by the name of Axial with the intention of using him as a zoo porn star. He just has to make sure Axial is amicable to all sorts of attention and likes to be pleasured before making any commitments.

Storm, the Chief of Police, is also on hand to ensure that all acts are ethical and within the limit of the law in Klyneth.


For $5 a month you can get this and every other story I write post edit and made as an E-book as well as a variety of other rewards! I will never paywall my stuff, which is why I often post to FA/SF/IB first, but that's often the unedited, unrefined, first draft versions - as it's always been.

So if you want a cleaned up version in E-book format, consider pledging! Can't afford it? That's cool, too! I'll always be posting my stuff free of charge on my art galleries as I always have, just not in their refined forms!


Exotic Livestock Testing

The smell of smoke and charred meat billowed out of the grill as Ilorek turned to his guests. The tall hippogryph host stood tall and pointed to everyone as he asked, "How do you like your meat?"

Chief Storm gryphon was first to speak up. "Medium rare, and lots of it!" He declared as he raised a glass of root beer to Ilorek. The largely black gryphon then had a sip of his beverage and patted his service dog, a green-furred fox by the name of Radium. As the chief of police in Central Klyneth, he was expected to sit behind a desk and do his administrative duties rather than be dispatched to investigate disturbances but that wasn't his style. Many years of him doing good for the people of Klyneth gave him a taste for action and he couldn't stand letting others put themselves in danger on his behalf. In his mind, the noblest thing he could do was offer himself to his people.

As such, he was both an active-duty officer and the Chief at the same time. Klyneth bylaws generally didn't allow that, but for Storm they were willing to make an exception. Furthermore, he helped train an active-duty service animal that he had grown fond of in the last days before his promotion, a service animal that worked for five years on the force, proving his worth as a good boy before an unfortunate drug raid resulted in him being injured and retired. Radium was fine but could no longer work in the field, so Storm took him in as a pet and the fox had been with him ever since.

Next to answer was Spike, the orange dragon with black and yellow spikes. He worked at a local grocery store stocking shelves during the day and was a regular at The Ranch at night as one of the occasional workers who came in to volunteer to clean and care for the animals before and after their scenes or their shifts with clients. "I'm all about that medium rare, and you better have put the right spice on it or else you'll ruin it!" He made a finger gun and snapped, faking cool as if he were wearing a pair of dark-tinted shades.

"How about I jizz on it and call it steak and eggs?" Ilorek countered. When everyone gagged, he tried a different approach. "You'll get it with whatever seasoning I give you, and you'll like it! That, or I'll give it to Storm. I'm sure he'd love to take your leftovers."

Storm smirked and nodded, his intense golden eyes staring a hole in Spike.

"Fine, fine, just make it taste delicious. I'm sure it'll be the best steak I've ever had!"

"Damn right it will be. What about you, Var?" Ilorek continued as he went down the line.

Var'Rex was a canine-cervine hybrid with a long past who came to Klyneth years prior and had since settled in, making friends with folks north of town as well as Ilorek and the employees of The Ranch. He worked as a mercenary for much of his life but upon settling down in Klyneth that there were very few jobs for someone of his skill set so he had since settled down doing some bar tending at The Near and Dear, an adults only hotspot for mature themes and all sorts of kinkery. "I like mine medium well, please." He explained, his demeanor a bit less boisterous than the others.

Everyone turned to look at him, aghast at his request for medium well.

"What? I like my meat to be cooked. We're not savages, you know. Honestly, I'd rather just have a beef salad or something. Get some greens in there."

Ilorek pointed to a tall soup pot over top of a flame that was filled with boiling water. "I'm making corn on the cob, if you want some greens. Steak, corn, and potatoes should be enough for any of us, really." Ilorek declared before finally turning to the last of the folks who was waiting for steak. "What about you, Rex?"

"You know what I like." Rex said as he leaned back in his chair. The tall, well-muscled tiger was lounging on the lawn chair, tail flicking out off to the side in the grass with a hat on his face. His voice was muffled but deep enough to overcome that. "So surprise me, I guess." He was usually the primary keeper of the animals on the ranch but was getting a rare day off to relax, spend time with friends, and not worry about the needs of a shape shifting mare who seemed to always be in heat.

Ilorek clicked his beak. "Well then, medium rare it is! And Val, I know you like yours bloody so rare for you and me." He turned and flipped the steaks, deeply inhaling the smoke that billowed up off the grill as he put together the final preparations on each person's meat, with special care to Var's to ensure it cooked through faster than the others by pressing down on it to make the flame engulf it more thoroughly. Once he was sure each of them were done, he had his wife Valencia - a canine-avian hybrid who most resembled a bat and was literally half his height - give him plates one at a time so he could feed each of his guests.

Once all of them were served and the barbecue was shut off, Ilorek grabbed a lawn chair of his own and joined the circle to begin discussing what they had all come for. With a plate on his lap, a drink of root beer on a nearby table, and each of his guests dividing their attention between him and their plates, he started. "Storm, Spike, Var, and Rex, I'm pretty sure you all know why you're here but just in case I'd like to go over the plan so that there's no confusion."

"Can it wait till we're done eating?" Spike joked as he unpeeled his baked potato from its foil. "I mean, kinky smuttery is fun and all, but I gotta eat, ya know?"

Storm flicked his ear in annoyance. "You can listen and chew at the same time, you know." He sliced off some meat from his steak and raised both ears to Ilorek to illustrate. "See?"

"I'd be interested in a recall. I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing here." Var suggested with a meek raising of his paw. He wasn't typically shy or reserved around friends, but he was somewhat awkward around Storm due to the vast differences in their professions so he was trying his best to not be confrontational.

Ilorek snapped and pointed to Var. "This guy gets it." He then sliced off a big chunk of meat and tossed it in his beak before leaning back and patting his lap for Valencia to sit down on it, resting against his chest. Since she was nocturnal, she was already cuddling up to him with her head hidden under her bat-like wings. The instant she seemed relaxed and had stopped moving, Ilorek continued. "So, I'm sure you all know, but I have recently invested in one of those newfangled felkins."

It was Var'Rex's ears who went up to show his curiosity. Of the three guests, he was the one who had been given the least information before showing up and only knew that his services were needed on a new creature; he hadn't been told what creature it was. This reveal actually made him squirm a bit, as he had heard about felkins in the past and seen pictures of their cocks before. In order to clarify, he swallowed a bite of meat before speaking. "Where did you get one of those? And at what cost?"

"Got one from North Kerolioa from a breeder up there. Said this guy was a very virile stud but that he was also known to have moods that could impact his viability as a long term breeder. Said he had definite preferences to whom he bred with and sometimes preferred males over females. As such, he was going to be retired and sold off to someone who wanted a riding mount or, in my case, someone who wanted to see if he was useful in front of a camera." Ilorek explained, glancing back over to the nearby gryphon paddock to where the bright blue and yellow felkin was sniffing around. "His name is Axial and I'm glad to have him on set."

Each of the three guests and Rex all shifted in their seats to get a look at the new addition to The Ranch's cast, all with a similarly impressed look upon their faces. Storm figured the beast would be a fine and powerful creature to pair with while Vel was happily imagining being underneath him and taking that powerful cock of his. Spoke was just imagining all the different ways the two of them could pair up regardless of what position they were in. Radium's ears perked, but he was mostly just following the gaze of his master, Storm.

"I see you're all quite enamored with him. Don't worry, that's what you're all here for." Ilorek took another big bite of his steak, careful to not rouse Valencia from her nap on his chest and belly. "The reason I called you each here was to test the guy, see how he acts when in front of a camera or surrounded by folks all clamoring for his cock. Ideally, I'd like for him to be a regular in the videos I produce here and one of the main attractions of the brothel, but if not I'd be fully okay with just having another wonderful creature to care for and have."

Storm offered a knowing nod and a chuckle. "That's exactly what I like to hear." He originally became friends with Ilorek the prior summer when he was summoned to investigate a claim of animal abuse. Some unwary passerby came to visit Ilorek at his estate and saw him unashamedly mating with his renowned gryphon Ceylon - the same gryphon that Axial was expressing interest in. The Ranch - which was the name of the business that Ilorek hosted at his home - was a combination of a feral on anthro porn studio and a place for travelers to come to indulge in their beastly fantasies.

Sex with the ferals on The Ranch was commonplace and highly sought after by sex tourists, but not everyone saw it that way. For that reason, there were calls to the police reporting animal abuse at the hands of Ilorek at least once a month ever since word got out that such things were happening, and Storm was the first one to respond to the call. Of course, Storm was interested in this case in particular because he himself was interested in feral passion, but he was also a strict keeper of the law who could differentiate between affection and abuse. As such, it was his job to investigate and determine if what was going on at The Ranch was within the bounds of the law or if action needed to be taken.

As it turned out, Ilorek was not only not breaking any laws, but he actually proved to Storm that he took better care of the beasts in his possession than most brothels did for their sex workers or any major company treated their employees. The ferals on The Ranch were treated like royalty, with the health and wellness of the horses and gryphons and dragons and ulokar and now even felkins were actually more important to him than his own. He revered his stars and employees, proving that a bond between feral and anthro can be stronger than blood.

That was why Storm was so eager to become friends with Ilorek and why he, as the chief of police, came to form a special camaraderie with someone he was supposedly intended to arrest. Ilorek proved himself to be an upstanding citizen with a taboo line of work, nothing more. Storm not only respected the hippgoryph's carefree attitude towards what people thought of him, but was happy to occasionally indulge in his own feral fantasies and Ilorek's Ranch was the best place to do so.

It was Var'Rex who expressed the strongest uncertainty. "I, uh, I'm not so sure I'm comfortable being on film. I am fine sharing intimacy with you guys, but I think I'd rather not be in a video if that's okay with you. Maybe I'm not the right person for this job."

"Nonsense! You're a perfect person for the job!" Ilorek laughed. "We're not actually going to be recording, just putting the cameras there to see how Axial responds to them. This is a test run, a beta. Not going to be filmed at all, not even for my own archives. You have nothing to worry about."

Spike drank a sip of his drink to wash down some of his steak. "Aww, why not?" He whined after smacking his lips and holding back a belch. "I'd love to be in another video."

"And you will be, at a later date. Today is not a day for filming, today is simply a test run to see how much affection and attention he can handle while still performing well. So, if you're all into that, then we should start after lunch. Anyone who doesn't wish to participate, please tell me now." Nobody responded to his invitation to bail. "Perfect. For now, enjoy your steak, and think about all the kinky things you want to do to him or have him do to you. Obviously, at your own risk. If he doesn't like something you do, expect to be clawed or kicked. Fair?"

Storm nodded. "Seems fair, indeed. Is there anything in particular that you advise against?"

"Yeah, like, can I eat out his ass? You said he liked the company of males, is he a bottom?" Spike added, expressing a very keen interest in exactly that.

Ilorek could only shrug. "I have no idea, if I'm being honest. Each of the beasts here on The Ranch have different preferences and moods. I have not personally prodded about under his tail so I don't know. There's a good chance he'll only want to mount you each one by one and there's a chance he will demand penetration. The key is to read his body language and go from there. Like I said, if you get bitten or clawed or kicked, then that's a clear indication that he doesn't like what you've done."

"That definitely seems fair." Var agreed, a blush forming on his cheeks that he tried to hide by taking another big bite of steak and salad. He was mostly imagining getting his face plastered by felkin cum or having that rump of his ravaged by the many features of a felkin's cock including a flare, knot, and ridges, one right after another. He wasn't doing a great job hiding his blush.

In an effort to lighten the mood, Spike put his plate to the side and pulled off his shirt and pants, kicking them away to fully expose his body from tail tip to snout. "If you need to lighten the tension a bit, I can get naked. Seems you're a little shy about all this, so you might be better if I get nude, first."

"Eat your steak, Spike." Storm instructed as he leaned forward and shoved the entire remaining half of his own slab of meat in his maw, chewing noisily as juices dripped down his beak and into the grass. "Youuuu can'th habbe enny puddin' ith youu don'th eath your meat!" He mumbled before swallowing and patting his belly to make a point. Once his meal was done he placed his plate on the ground underneath his chair and peeled off his button-up shirt, exposing his bulky feathered chest and the white symbol on his shoulder.

The image of his buff chest and body made Vel blush even more, as the hybrid canine was now alternating between fantasies of being mounted by Axial and Storm. "I'm not shy." He muttered under his breath. "Just wasn't expecting this all to happen so quickly."

"It's not happening all that quickly." Rex joked while off to the side. "Not if you keep eating your steak so slowly." He then offered a wink to show he was speaking in jest before enjoying another bite to finish off his own meat. "If you're going too slow, you should really just feed the green fox there your leftovers so we can go ahead and get to work."

Ilorek interjected before anyone could respond. "Now, now. No need to jump the gun. I've never had a felkin around since they are so rare around here, so I'm not looking to get the first time with that guy over with too quickly. Gotta savor it, like a good steak." He popped another bite into his beak - his last bite, in fact. "And would you look at that, he and Ceylon seem to be getting along."

Everyone turned to look and see that Axial and Ceylon were prodding at one another through the fence that separated them; since Ceylon could fly, her pasture was lined with a widely thatched metal cage with inward-facing inclines all attached to a net about ten meters up. This ensured that she couldn't get out and the only way in was through an electrically locked door. She was a well-behaved gryphon, though, so Ilorek hopped up and made his way past the felkin to unlock the door, letting Ceylon out into the yard with everyone else.

"Are you sure that's the best idea?" Storm cautioned, eyes narrowing. "Won't she fly away?"

As Ceylon walked past Ilorek, the hippogryph gave her haunches a bit of a pat of encouragement. "Maybe, but if she does she always comes back." He assured his friends. "I only keep her in the paddock with the net to keep others from coming in and tormenting her. She doesn't get along well with the feral dragons but seems to adore everyone else. Don't ya girl?" He leaned in and nuzzled her, beak to beak with Valencia still clinging to his chest until Axial came up and started sniffing at her.

Each of the guests and Rex leaned in to get a better look at the felkin now that he was close and expressing interest in a female. Within seconds of burying his muzzle up near the gryphon's haunches, his member began to unfold and drop between his hind legs to show his many features lining his shaft. He was covered from tip to base in ridges, a median ring, lobes of an unswelled knot, and a flare.

"What do you guys think?" Ilorek asked as he backed away, deliberately giving the two quadrupeds some space to enjoy one another. "Pretty attractive looking equipment, right?"

Rex began to purr as he slowly nodded. He may have been inundated by sex as part of his job by this point, but he never got bored of watching the courtship ritual between two beasts since it was carnal and pure without a hint of anthro fakeness. Watching clients or stars have their way with the horses and dragons and other creatures wasn't anywhere near as fun as participating himself or just seeing what sort of fun Oceras the shape-shifting mare got herself into on a regular basis.

But it was Storm who expressed a bit of concern. "Won't he lose all his interest in physicality if you let him have a go at Ceylon? What will be left for us if he spends all his energy on her?" Around the same time, his pet Radium perked his ears and started sniffing the air, piqued by the scent of the gryphon hen wafting over to him, an aroma that was clearly effective on all species instead of just other avians or felines.

Ilorek kept sidestepping away from the gryphon and felkin before coming to stand next to the barbecue. "Well, no. I don't think it'd be an issue at all. The breeder said he was known to go through a half dozen females in a single day if the opportunity presented itself to him. I'm sure you could each offer him a release in sequence and he'd still have some left over for me when you're done." He paused to watch as the two beasts started chirping and lightly growling at one another, pecking and nipping as if they were old friends or mates. "That said, I do think these two are getting along quite well. Wouldn't dare separate them if they like each other. Get out your phones, though, you might get a good shot."

Storm, Rex, and Spike all got out their phones, anticipating a sexy mounting. Var'Rex did not.

When Ilorek noticed this, he had to inquire. "What's up, Var? Not interested in mating?"

"Oh, it's just, you know, not really interested in hens. Pretty gay over here." He happily smiled and nodded, his gaze focusing mostly on Axial's member more than Ceylon's backside.

Only a few minutes passed with the two playfighting and nipping at each other before Axial made a move. When Ceylon fluttered her wings and reared up with er tail lifted high to expose herself, Axial hopped around to behind her and leapt into her, forcing her front talons back to the ground as he bit down on the back of her neck and wrapped his front legs around her hips. With her held in place and his member alternating between semi-erect and fully aroused, he started bucking into her like a stallion, tip prodding at her rump and cheeks before finding its mark between her glistening ebony lips.

The second he felt her warmth parting around him and swallowing his cock tip, he flexed every muscle in his torso to buck as hard and deep as he could to bury his member all the way to the hilt amidst a light growl and a series of audible squelches. In response to his aggressive penetration, Ceylon arched her back and pushed into him with a visible squirt of slimy, cloudy female ejaculate that ran down the underside of his shaft and splattered in the grass between them.

While together like that, Axial continued to buck, thrusting his cock in and out of her as his cock's knot grew thicker and wider, its berth slapping heartily against her swollen vulva. She winked her clit at every chance, head down and wings lightly spread for protection as she bent her hind legs and eagerly waggled her hindquarters to better take more of him inside her.

Axial remained with his back arched and hips flexed to best grind his knot lobes up against her entrance, his girth teasing her and loosening her up with every shared motion. She continued to grunt and push back, matching his moves with the gyrations of her hips until his knot - still growing outside of her - was forced through her opening with a single lurch and ejection of combined arousal that made a queefing sound followed by a guttural whorl as her depths widened and sucked him in.

Within seconds, she winked to tense up her vulva around the base of his knot, locking them together in a tie as his balls flexed and pulsated to pump his seed deep into her womb. She felt every twitch of his muscles and every jet of semen against her hypersensitive walls, something she showed her appreciation for by winking her clit repeatedly to massage his length from knot to tip.

Still observant but not actively enaging, all three of the bisexual males hired to visit were visibly erect s they watched Axial and Ceylon in their brisk, carnal lust. Storm's member was poking out of his sheath with his own knot still buried deep within the folds of flesh while both Spike and Rex were fully exposed. Radium even seemed interested, as his member was poking out from his sheath and dripping his own silken precum into the grass, yet he remained obedient next to Storm.

Giving one last thrust, Axial grunted and bit down on Ceylon's neck as he pressed his sheath up against her lips between her rump cheeks, her vulva once again flexing and squeezing tight around the base of his member to lock his knot inside. After this, he let go of her neck and started nuzzling and licking the feathers there before rearing up, propping himself on her haunches with his front legs for maximum height as he remained tied to her. Together, the two ferals remained together amidst a series of grunts and squelches as their flesh rubbed and ground against each other, droplets of arousal trickling out and adding to the pool beneath them that wasn't absorbing into the ground yet.

"Hey, could I get in there and maybe clean her up as he leaks?" Spike asked, one hand on his cock and the other still recording the act. "I bet that tastes great!"

"Probably does." Ilorek agreed. "But as soon as you get in there you all gotta shut the recording off. Remember what I said about that? Only reason I'm letting you record now is...well, I think it's quite obvious, isn't it? Anyway, rules are rules. If you dive in you gotta wait until everyone stops recording."

Spike then turned to the others. "May I? I'd really love to get messy nice and quick."

Rex and Storm both shrugged with Rex shutting his phone off and tossing it into his nearby pile of clothes. Storm soon did the same thing by giving Spike a gentle salute of approval.

"Great!" Spike excitedly chirped as he hopped up to his feet only to be grabbed by the wrist.

It was Storm, cautioning him. "I know this is what we're here for, but don't just dive in, fool." He commanded with a stare only a gryphon could give. "Go slow. Show some restraint. I'm sure they'll both appreciate your attention more if you're decent enough to not spook them. They're not agens."

Agens was the the term for all sentient creatures in the land, from gryphons to equines and everything in between. On the flipside, ferals were called beasts or just ferals, indicating their mental capacity wasn't great enough to be agens - also known as anthros but less formally since anthros often meant that they were also bipedal and there were sentient agens who walked on all fours. Many dragons remained quadruped but sentient, hence the distinction between anthros and agens.

Of course, of all of the guests at the ranch that day the one most concerned with the ethics of how one engages with the beasts was the one who had a duty to uphold the law. Still, he was just as eager to see what Spike and the two beasts had to show and was happy to watch, he just needed to make sure that Spike's reckless and nearly aggressive approach might impact the view.

Taking heed of the gryphon's advice, Spike crouched down and started sneaking up to them, sure to not make any sudden movements that might startle Axial and Ceylon.

"You know, that's not much better." Ilorek pointed out with a hearty chuckle. "Now it looks like you're a hunter stalking prey and look kind of like an idiot as you do so. No, just stand up straight like a normal person, make sure she sees you coming up and that you're not coming from the side so she doesn't have to smack you with her wing. Actually, wait, no, do that. I wanna see you knocked on your ass for approaching her wrong." He then leaned back and took a sip, resting his elbow on the fence.

"Well okay, jeez." Spike grumbled as he stood up straight. "I'm not from the country, you know. I'm not used to the intricacies needed to consider when trying to fuck a gryphon and stuff."

Ilorek tipped his hat (he wasn't wearing a hat, he just made the motion as if he was) and raised his glass in a sort of toast or approval. "Sure! That's why I'm here giving you advice on how to not get kicked by a preoccupied and large gryphon. Be careful and do your best to, I dunno, not spook her?"

Storm got to his feet as well, with Rex joining he and Ilorek. Storm elbowed Ilorek in a playful nudge. "I thought you said this guy was a regular. He doesn't seem all that well versed in your rules."

"Oh, he's a regular and he knows the rules, but most of the time he's fooling around with dragons and other quads that are just with him or with him and other bipeds. Not used to getting involved with mating beasts; this is a whole new adventure for him and I just want him to not get smacked or kicked or bitten or clawed. I wanna test Axial, not spend my time taking him to a hospital or wasting potions on him."

"Hey, I can hear you!" Spike called back as he widely stepped around Axial and Ceylon so that he was in front of them to make his intentions clear.

Ilorek nodded and took another sip. "Good for you, you're doing great. Haven't been kicked yet and that's as good a start as I could hope. Keep up the not getting kicked part and I'm sure you'll have all the fun that can be offered."

Storm, who was a full head shorter than Ilorek - a point of contention for the chief since he was taller and bigger than most agens in the world - looked up at the hippogryph with a raised eyebrow and lowered ear. "You sure this is a good idea?" He asked, half glancing over at Spike. "What if he actually does get kicked? Wouldn't that ruin the afternoon for all of us?"

"Not really. And honestly, it's all part of the test. If he gets kicked or bitten, it tells me that you don't get involved with the felkin when he's busy with another partner. Remember, this is all about coming to better understand the guy and work our schedule and behaviour around his comfort level and respect his comfort zones. You should know that by now."

"I do, I do. Just seems like you're feeding him to the beasts, as the old adage goes."

Ilorek shook his head. "Naw, I'm sure it'll be fine. I have a pretty good feel for their mood and tolerances. I don't think anyone's in danger, I just like making Spike's scales stand on end. Plus, we need to go ahead and put him into every variation of every position and situation we can think of to see if there are any trigger points for him, you know?"

"Again, I do." Storm reconfirmed. "So should we just go ahead? I'm kinda not in the mood to get sloppy seconds If I can avoid it; I'm sure you understand."

"I do." Ilorek said as he grinned and nodded. "Have at it! I'm sure the big guy will love you."

The permission had been given to all the guests as well as Rex, encouraging Spike, Storm, and Var'Rex to engage with the beasts. Of the three, Var was the one who held back the farthest since he had no interest in females and Ceylon's juices were spurting all over the place. Spike was already nearly close enough to touch the beasts and Storm loomed tall over everyone as he waited for a good opening to get involved. He would not allow himself to go after others had gone, for he demanded the tightest of holes and wasn't interested in being on the bottom, at least not this day.

First came Spike, who sidled up next to Ceylon and patted the gryphon on the shoulder as Axial gave him a stern look. It was clear that the felkin wasn't as keen on his presence as he was grunting and huffing, nostrils flaring every few seconds. Ceylon was considerably more amiable to Spike's presence, as she spun her head around and pecked playfully at his rump as she tensed up her hindquarters to squeeze tight around Axial, her lips holding him tight in a tie. Unnerved or not at Spike's presence, Axial would remain knotted to Ceylon regardless.

This meant that Spike was clear to go ahead and do what he wanted. Normal people would have stayed back, assuming that further action might have resulted in a bite from the felkin, but aroused gents often found themselves at the mercy of their desires, their rational thought taking a backseat to a more carnal lust that guided him. He ducked under her outstretched wing and came to kneel beneath her torso as the top of his head rubbed against her belly; he could feel her muscles clenching every time she grunted and could see a creamy, silken stream of lube escaping her depths from between her legs.

"Come to daddy." He mused to himself as he scuttled forth on his knees, hands on her hind legs for balance and stability. Ceylon had spread all fours out in all directions to brace herself for the weight of Axial, perfectly enabling Spike to end up between her inner thighs with his maw open and tongue out to catch any of their combined mess. Though the view and angle was nice, Spike could clearly see that a few spurts of liquid just missed his tongue tip, so he crept out from under her and turned to face her backside, hands still on her legs and maw still open. This time he was more fortunate.

Axial bucked and grunted, his own hips smacking Spike in the back of the head and forcing the dragon's lips to press against Ceylon's clit, only holding back when he felt horns stabbing his thighs. His front talons remained propped on the gryphon's haunches, but was losing control with the dragon now down underneath her and prodding at his loins by mistake. A potentially bad position for him.

Spike was squished between them and there wasn't much room to move, but that was less important than the glory of tasting their combined essence. He leaned into Ceylon as best he could while also careful to not let his horns prod at the felkin's loins a second time. With lips pursed and tongue out, he lapped around Ceylon's vulva, collecting and cleaning all the arousal sputtering out from between where Axial's flesh met hers. The texture of her lips was slick and taught, as the girth of Axial's member was stretching her wide and tugging on her flesh from within. The plump, black vulva of the gryphon's sex were bulged out and rounded with only her clit pushing away from his shaft, rump squished tight between the penetration and the base of her tail.

He wanted to taste all of it from the silken flesh of her clit to the juices both beasts were secreting to the plump flesh of her pucker. He wanted it all, and he was willing to burrow in between her haunches and Axial's belly to do so, tongue extended to enjoy every bit of it.

Problem was, the more he pressed in between the two beasts, the weaker her vulva grew against the intense tugging of the felkin's bulging knot lobes. Each motion shared between them resulted in another gush of their combined fluids escaping through the sealed barrier between them, the pressure forming a jet of bodily fluids that Spike couldn't help but try his best to collect it in the palm of his hand and lap it up bit by bit. Unfortunately, the disparity between Ceylon's willingness to have multiple partners pleasuring her and Axial's apparent desire to keep the gryphon to himself led to the felkin tugging hard enough to yank his cock free of her depths against the strength of her vaginal winking.

His heavy member burst from her depths with a gush of fluids to smack and splash Spike on the muzzle on the way out. The felkin's tip tip - fully flared and squirting his seed all over - soaked and snagged on the dragon's nostrils before yanking back and falling to the wayside as Axial hopped off Ceylon's haunches. In response, Ceylon arched her back and kept her tail up high, forcing much of his seed out of her in a torrent of creamy, silken ejaculate as her partner's cock drooled.

An intoxicating dilemma overcame Spike, who didn't know if he wanted to take all of the felkin's cock in his maw or dive forth to catch some of that torrential outpouring of arousal and cum that was gushing out of Ceylon. In that brief moment of time, he was able to make up his mind and dive forward out from under Axial, his muzzle catching the last spurt of female ejaculate on his muzzle, a fluid that both cleaned him of the seed left there by Axial and made another mess of her essence.

The dragon literally dove headfirst into her pussy from there, burying his muzzle to the brow between her gaping lips to plug her up and sample every last bit of her flavors while her walls constricted around him and her clit winked against his chin. With all his might he tried to gape his maw in an attempt to have her creamy fluids deposit directly onto his tongue and down his throat, but her pelvic muscles proved to be too strong and kept his muzzle clamped shut.

Spike was determined to not let this slow him down, so instead of parting her lips with his own, he wrapped both hands around her hips and started bobbing his head back and forth to force his snout to slide in and out of her, literally muzzle-fucking the gryphon's sopping wet pussy. Content, he was willing to stay there with her, neck muscles pumping his face in between her hips repeatedly while Storm and Var'Rex finally took the final steps needed to engage with the now-solo Axial.

"I see you're finally out of your discomfort zone." Storm observed as he glanced back at the smaller hybrid canine. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

Var'Rex kept his eyes trained on Axial, smiling with perked ears and a wagging tail. Between he and Storm sat an equally happy-looking Radium. "No hen in the picture." He said simply.

The image of the felkin's member hanging down on the ground covered with remnants of his own seed and precum was enough to coax Var out of his shell, urging the hybrid to get closer and closer. The musky aroma that wafted out from under him every time a slight breeze swept about him brought the scent right to Var's nostrils, which helped him to realize that it was more than just muskiness but also a hint of sweetness! Very equine in nature.

At the same time, Storm was inching closer to Axial with a clear intent of getting near the stud's hindquarters. He and Ilorek had become friends in the prior months so he didn't feel the need to double check or clarify everything he wanted to do or give the felkin. It was clear that Axial was the one in charge and that Storm would have to tread lightly if he didn't want to be bitten or kicked.

Once he got near enough, he stood tall over the Felkin's rump end and patted Axial on the haunches, testing the beast to see how he responded. Axial did pause and tense up to glance back at Storm but took little interest beyond that. The gryphon watched with vested interest as Axial focused more on Var'Rex and Radium, both of which were clearly scuttling in towards his exposed member.

Though the distraction might have been the sort of thing that put Axial on edge, Storm knew that the whole point of this little test was to see what sort of limits the felkin had. Understanding that, he slipped his hand under the beast's tail and started rubbing at the pucker there, slipping his fingers inside and alternating hands to apply some of his own natural lubricant from his cock to apply it to Axial's ebony flesh. Storm didn't even flinch as the felkin swung his head around to focus on him.

Quite the contrary, in fact. Storm stared back at the beast, eyes narrowed and a grin on his face as though he was challenging Axial to respond negatively.

To everyone's surprise, Axial not only didn't rear up or spin around to defend himself but actually widened his stance and lifted his tail while his cock throbbed to full mast once again. He arched his back and flexed his groin to slap his member against his belly, the motion forcing a series of gooey strands of his precum to form a web in the grass below, each glistening tendril of it bridging from flesh to flora.

This sudden burst of his pre-ejaculate was like a trigger to Var'Rex and Radium, both of which practically dove forward to catch a taste before the earthiness of the soil beneath them absorbed the sweetness that was concocted by Axial's arousal. Radium was a beast, a feral, so he had an excuse to just dive in when he saw or smelled something that likely tasted good. Var'Rex was a half-step behind since he was working hard to keep a keen eye on Axial's responses and wanted to make sure the stud was comfortable with Storm's fingers prodding under his tail before he made a move.

Ilorek, now sitting comfortably in a lawn chair next to his barbecue, took notes on what was going on. "I see, I see." He said to himself, jotting down some information about the felkin's attitude at each stage of the encounter. "Amiable to a female gryphon, amiable to anal prodding, amiable to sudden movements nearby. Seems good to me." He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, but Valencia did nuzzle into his chest and moan at him, still clinging to his torso with her legs wrapped around him.

Rex took a moment to sidle up next to him, still naked but not actively participating in what the others were doing. "Things seem to be going well." He observed. "So I think I'll relax and have some fun later when I'm alone. I'd honestly much rather have him to myself or with me and Oceras."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. These guys will drain him dry within half an hour at the rate they're going; and while I'm certainly still waiting to see his reaction to actual anal penetration, I get the impression he's going to perform well. I no longer have any concerns." Ilorek jotted a few more notes down and laid the clipboard on his crotch to cover his semi-erect equine member, squishing it down between his thighs with the tip leaking his own precum.

The image of his boss's thick cock in front of him mixed with the sweet scent of equine, avian, felkin, and canine arousal in the air nearly made Rex pounce someone. However, he was able to quickly remind himself that he wasn't here to fool around with other agens but was here to care for the beasts and the ferals. For that reason, he abstained from making a move or doing anything other than rolling over onto the nearest lawn chair and joining Ilorek in observing. That was his job, after all.

Storm caught a sidelong glance at both Ilorek and Rex casually watching him and it made him want to perform even better. There was a certain air of pride that bubbled up any time he was in a position to show his prowess and he felt like if he didn't show off he might give off the wrong image of himself. He was a stud drake, a dominant gryphon chief, and a power top; he wouldn't be mounting the felkin by any half measures. If he was going to have his way with the beast, he'd not only do so but do so in a way that made him sore but begging for more.

Once he was absolutely sure that Axial was receptive to his touch and the prod of his fingers, he sidled up behind the felkin and started grinding his hips up against the beast's. Storm was quite a bit larger than any of the others outside of Ilorek, and while neither spike nor Var'Rex would be tall enough to penetrate from a standing position without the aid of a bucket or bale of hay, Storm was just barely able to reach with the tip of his cock to prod and poke at the plump, ebony-fleshed pucker. His own member was glistening with arousal and throbbing with a purple tone as the spines lining the edge of his cock head splayed out, tickling the inner rump cheeks of the felkin's hindquarters without entering.

Axial grunted and rumbled gently, his gaze flirting back and forth between Storm and Var. He seemed to be happy with what was going on under his tail and borderline excited for the attention that both Var'Rex and Radium were offering his cock. His member was dripping as he lightly padded from one set of paws to the next, anxiously adjusting his pose and stance to better show how eager he was. Beneath him, Var was alternating between nuzzling his length and suckling on his tip, a tip that was hard to keep a hold of thanks to how often Axial was clenching his loins and slapping his belly with it.

At the same time, Radium was constantly hopping about, eager to get a taste of any mess that Var'Rex missed by letting it splash on his snout or trickle onto his tongue and down his open maw. He was wagging his tail while angling his body in each and every direction to ensure that there was no Var between him and the felkin's thick, soaking wet member. This resulted in him being on one side, Var being on the other, and Storm being behind while Axial kept his gaze trained in front of him where Spike remained, servicing Ceylon as the gryphoness arched her back and pushed down on him.

Everything came together at nearly the same time, with each of the four participants making a significant step forward to please their partner, all while Ilorek and Rex watched and took notes.

Storm was the first to make his move by grabbing the base of Axial's tail with one hand and his cock with the other, sliding his member from tip to knot into the felkin's rump in one fluid motion. Inside, his spines splayed out and tugged on the rippled flesh that lined Axial's bowels, tickling him just right while the gryphon's throbbing knot swelled and pressed tight against his plump, ebony pucker.

Soon thereafter, Var'Rex spun in place and lifted his tail while slipping one of his hands between his legs to collect as much of Axial's arousal in the palm of his hand before smearing the natural lube all over his own tail hole, fingers prodding into himself to better coat his own flesh in silken precum. Then, the first chance he got, he reached back and wrapped his other hand around the neck of the beast's cock tip and guided it right against his flesh, forcing it to pop into him as he leaned back into it.

Shockingly, Axial remained stoic as he was both penetrated by Storm and penetrating Var'Rex. It was like he knew that if he bucked he'd pull away from one just to get at the other and it was clear he wanted both so he stayed still and even aided Storm in his endeavours by arching his back to swallow up as much of the gryphon's knot as physically possible from that angle.

While all of this was going on, Radium continued to get as involved as he could by rearing up and nuzzling the base of Axial's cock, licking the shaft and sheath while burrowing his snout deep into the heavy twin orbs dangling between the beast's hind legs. He even nibbled and nipped at the felkin's flesh but Axial remained resistant and happy for such attention despite it being a bit aggressive!

Storm could see clearly that there wasn't much he could do to Axial to hurt him or even make him uncomfortable, so he got a firmer grip upon the base of the beasts tail and pushed in with all his might, grinding and gyrating his hips to roll each of his knot lobes against the felkin's rump flesh, each of his cycles resulting in the beast's backside growing a bit looser and slightly more dilated. He could feel Axial's flesh gradually widen and grow tender enough to take him fully which was why he started to hold back in order to assure he didn't pop in all at once. Normally he'd have just thrust and buried himself in the felkin's tail hole, but he had something else in mind.

Eager to control his penetration, Storm pushed just hard enough so that Axial's pucker quivered and slid over his knot, barely clenching around the neck of his member before he pulled back out with a glorious squelching sound to once again come to rest with his knot pressed tight against the pucker. Before Axial could turn and look back at him, he bucked a second time to sink his knot inside the beast once more, this time his knot popping in with slightly less resistance. Again and again he gyrated his hips to plunge his member in and tug it out, loosening up the felkin's tail hole a little bit more each time until Storm was able to pump in and out with such ease it was like a uniformly tight pussy to him.

This enthusiastic, carnal lust coming from Storm made Axial growl and shudder in delight, pushing back and lightly thrusting his hips to match not only Storm's aggressive motions but also to give himself a bit deeper to Var'Rex and Radium each beneath him. He could feel the tight canine's flesh constricting his member and the longer his cock tip remained inside Var's tail hole the harder it was for him to hold back or maintain his composure.

Var could feel this to be true as well, as he was tight enough that he could feel every throb, every swell, and every beat of Axial's heart through the felkin's shaft pressing out against his walls. The pressure was so intense that he felt like if he backed up at all he'd feel the swell of the creature's flare making a visible bulge through his abdominal wall; Part of him thought this would be kinky and fun while the rest of him was worried if it was too much. Luckily for both he and Axial, Ilorek had been sneaky in slipping a potion into his drink that made him just barely durable enough to handle anything.

So no matter how rough the felkin got with him, he was not in danger and would only feel pleasure. Of course this came with its own set of risks, but the more adventurous and trustworthy side of Vel urged him to go wild with Axial to the best of his abilities. He cradled his own belly with one hand to feel Axial inside him while bracing himself with his other hand, bending his knees and shuffling back to take more of the felkin's length one ridge and bump at a time. He had to waggle his hips, but his flesh was lubricated well enough that the feral's shaft slid with ease into his depths.

The pleasure building up inside him was astronomical, as he felt nothing but warmth and the right kind of friction caressing his bowels while alternating between tugging and pushing in against his insides. He couldn't help but whimper and wag his tail as he felt the silken heat of Axial's pre-seed bloating his belly from inside, a sensation that reminded him of his old friend Mjingar. A different breed of felkin that he had known for many years.

While Var's mind drifted to thoughts of his old friend and feral lover and Storm's thoughts were laser-focused on the rump at hand, Radium found himself desperate for attention. He kept nuzzling at Axial's orbs and the base of his member but it wasn't enough. He then shifted his focus to Var'Rex's rump to lick and clean up any mess that Axial leaked from between his shaft and the hybrid's rump flesh. Unfortunately, the beast was so much bigger and thicker than Var's tail hole so nothing came out and Var didn't seem all too keen on having the fox prodding at his rump end and kept pushing him away with his foot and free hand.

This urged Radium to whimper and dart between Axial's hind legs only to end up beneath one of the many spurts of Storm's cum as it sprayed out of the felkin's tailhole. He promptly licked it up and looked up at his master, eager and needy for more.

"Alright then." Storm said with a uncharacteristically soft voice. He then patted Axial's haunches to summon his pet up onto him, a summons that Radium happily obliged. "Good boy." Though he was eager to have his companion up there with him, there wasn't much to do since his cock was still pumping in and out of the felkin's tail hole, knot popping and fluids squirting out every time.

This meant that Radium didn't stay engaged for very long. He sat there with his member poking out and dripping onto the small of Axial's back but he didn't have much to do aside from leaning over the beast's backside to try to get a taste of tailhole and cock. Problem with that came in the form of Storm's muscular belly constantly moving back and forth to slam against the felkin's hips, ensuring the fox had no room to stick his head down for more than half a second. Sensing this, he shook his head and hopped off Axial's back to land on the ground, once again joining up with Var'Rex beneath the felkin's torso and chest.

Var barely even noticed the fox's presence thanks to the fact that he was stuffed with half the length of Axial's cock, which was pumping and shifting ever so lightly in the same rhythm as Storm's steady bucking and thrusts behind the both of them. He clenched and relaxed, muscles quivering in delight as he savoured every sensation that filled his lower belly, the pressure forcing his cock to be fully erect and leaking his own precum into the grass. Almost against his will and under pure instinctual reaction, he started gyrating and bucking backwards into Axial, hungry to swallow more of his member.

By the time his steady motions had eased him back to have his tail hole swallow up more than three quarters of the felkin's multi-featured cock - his rump and lower back now pressed tight against the beast's belly - he felt a sudden increase in fluid production bloating his belly as each and every one of Axial's nubs and ridges and flare exploded inside him, the intense ejaculation spurting into him so quickly and powerfully that he couldn't help but lose his balance and fall forward onto his chest, rump in the air and tail up high as it would go.

As he flopped down, his bowels clenched in an attempt to keep the cock inside him but failed thanks to the combination of pressure and his own body falling forward. He could feel every ridge, every nub, and every bulge along the length of the felkin's shaft tugging out of him one bit at a time, each one accompanied by a small spurt of cum and natural body lubrication escaping his bowels. This left him prone on the ground between Axial's front legs, chest pressed to the grass and rump propped up by his parted knees and clenching loins. His own member was steadily leaking a glistening web of precum, his own climax on the verge of explosion.

And that was when Radium saw his moment. Instead of diving in under the hybrid's tail muzzle first - like most feral foxes would - he leapt forth and mounted Var'Rex then and there, his own member slipping into the tender and loose hole with ease aided in no small part by the copious cum that was leaking out of him and soaking his inner thighs.

Var couldn't help but grunt and whimper as he struggled to prop himself back up on all fours only to find himself too weak and exhausted to resist or really do much of anything to control the situation. Axial had left him loose and sloppy, not gaping but tender and leaking felkin cum; this ensured that he was at the mercy of yet another male pumping him full of his own seed to mix with the semen that had already filled him. He could feel the knot pumping in and out of him and even swelling up to the point where it locked in for a moment before popping out, releasing another torrent of cum.

Radium seemed pleased, of course. Not only did he have a nice warm bottom to bury his bone but he also got to nuzzle and snuggle at Var's neck and spine every step of the way. With his front paws wrapped around the hybrid's waist, he was able to slam his hips repeatedly against Var's to the point he was just as tender and beaten as Axial was thanks to Storm's never-ending assault on his tail hole.

Concurrently, Storm also found himself on the cusp of orgasm at the same time that Axial finished by filling Var. The extra clenching, the sudden pressure, and the perfect timing of the felkin's ejaculation caught Storm by surprise and tied the two together as the beast's tail whole wrapped tight around the base of the gryphon's knot. Storm tried to pull out but quickly found that his own massive balls were tensing up and his cock was throbbing in anticipation of an extremely powerful release.

The very second he felt orgasmic pleasure welling up in his loins, he bucked one final time and slammed his hips to Axial's, knot exploding in girth and balls pumping a torrent of seed deep into the felkin's bowels. HE could feel his silken essence swirling around his length, coating his own member in gryphon cum before being sucked in deeper thanks to Axial's inward wave-lik tail hole constrictions.

Most often, Storm would have kept himself knotted and tied to Axial's backside for hours, constantly filling him with more and more seed, but he knew that wasn't an option. So, still with his orgasmic bliss clouding his mind, he pulled out with an audible pop before giving Axial a bit of a pat on the rump and stepping away, his member squirting bits of cum all over. He then reached down and grabbed at Radium's tail, hoisting it up and forcing himself to go knot deep in his pet while the fox remained tied to Var.

This sudden chain of events and the pressure weighing down on him made Var panic a bit, his legs tensing up to pull out from under both the fox and gryphon and flop on his belly with two blends of cum seeping out of his tail hole. Though he felt sore and used - in all the right ways - he was greeted with yet another opportunity that was placed within inches from his face as he looked up and saw that Axial's cock was dangling just beyond tongue's reach. Hungry for more with his desires refueled once again, he crawled forth and cradled the felkin's cock with one hand and his own cock with the other, pleasuring both while cleaning the beast of his own seed.

Before long, he had gulped down a significant portion of the beast's cock in his muzzle as he wrapped his hand around his knot and began to squeeze as hard as he could go, offering himself shallow strokes to coax his own seed to soak the grass before him.

While all of this was happening, Spike had finished up with Ceylon - the gryphon now walking with a wide gait thanks to how rough he'd gotten with his muzzle and fists - and had returned with a bale of hay which he flopped down behind Axial. He hopped right up on it and buried his tongue in Axial's tail hole, liking up much of Storm's cum before converging all fingers and his thumb together in one point to roughly slide his fist into the felkin's tail hole.

This extra pleasure made Axial clench up, further aiding in the pressure put on his prostate thanks to Spike curling his wrist and grinding his knuckles downward, an internal massage that coaxed even more of the beast's precum and various other fluids into Var's maw. This brisk fisting didn't last long, however, as Spike quickly found his own needs growing to be a bit too much to handle; he then hopped up and imitated Storm by grabbing at the base of Axial's tail and slipping his own cock deep into the felkin's depths - a penetration that required very little in terms of pressure thanks to how loose he'd been made by his prior partner.

It was then that Ilorek decided the point had been made and that Axial was clearly amicable to all sorts of stimulation in virtually every way. With Storm knot-deep in Radium, Axial cock-deep in Var's maw, and Spike cock deep in Axial's rump all at once. Each of them had enjoyed at least one explosive climax - many of them able to enjoy ongoing, repetitive climaxes - so Ilorek didn't feel too bad about interrupting. "Alright guys, I think we got the data we need."

All three participants spun around with a glare at Ilorek, each in various stages of unwillingness to part with their partner. Only Axial and Radium seemed too distracted by the pleasure vested upon them. However, this unified glare was not enough to dissuade Ilorek from staying true.

"Come on, you three. Axial has already had enough for such a brief while; if we keep him pumping you each full of a load one after another he'll be exhausted and drained for a week. If he's this eager of a lover then I'd like to have him joining the ranks sooner rather than later. He already dropped a load in my girl Ceylon and one in you, Var, so yeah. Don't be greedy."

Storm kept bucking into Radium, his knot kneading at the fox's tail hole and gradually dilating the feral until it popped into him and locked them both together. He then rolled over onto his back, cock pulling his pet along with him. Radium was happy in this position and happily turned to lay, belly down, on Storm's chest with his hind legs parted over the gryphon's sides to ensure his tail hole remained at a comfortable angle. Once the two of them were comfortable, Storm petted his companion on the head, content. "Do what you will, I'm good for a little while, anyway."

It was mostly spike and Var who weren't prepared to let Axial go. However, Var was more willing to accept this than Spike. His rump was pretty sore and tender, so it wasn't like he could handle another round. "Alright, I guess that makes sense." He concurred after spitting the cock out and licking up some of the mess from the shaft.

"Come on, just give me a few minutes." Spike protested as he pulled his cock out and slid his fist back inside Axial's tail hole, rotating his wrist once more to demonstrate how much pleasure he was giving the felkin, who happily pushed back and kept his tail hoisted up over his back. "See? He's not done with me and I'm not done with him."

Ilorek's eyes narrowed as Valencia woke and hopped off his chest, sensing he was about to get serious. "Spike, you've already gotten involved in his mating with Ceylon, then dove into my gryphon girl then fisted her then fisted him then fucked him and fucked her and ate them both out and....you're good. Contain yourself or go see if Var wants to fool around. I have to properly care for my creatures first and foremost. As long as you've worked here, has that ever not been the case?"

Spike sighed and slumped over, cock still hard and pressed between Axial's cheeks. "I guess not." He begrudgingly agreed.

"Good." Ilorek chirped before motioning to Rex, Axial, and Ceylon to follow him. As he took the two beasts and his employee to Oceras's pasture, he glanced back to Storm, Spike, Var, and Radium. "You four can have your way with the dragons or each other or any of the horses if you want, I trust you all to abide by my rules. Rex and I have some grooming to tend to before this guy gets prepped for his new life on The Ranch." And with that said, the two beasts and two workers made their way down the path towards the farthest of the barns - Rex's apartment and Oceras's stall.

There, he was sure to guide both Ceylon and Axial into the stalls with Oceras, which happened to be the washing station as well as a stable and Rex's on site apartment. Though Ilorek had planned to stay there and help out his new star, he was shocked to notice that Ceylon and Axial were chirping and grunting at each other, eyes showing signs of intelligence as the two beasts locked eyes.

"You noticing this?" Ilorek asked, pointing to the two of them and elbowing Rex in the side.

"Yeah, seems like...are they communicating? They're not even the same species!" Rex noted.

This intrigued Ilorek, so he focused on them, noticing that their chirps and trills and growls reminded him of an old language he studied back when working at the Klyneth Academy of Science and Magic. With that thought in mind, he told Rex to do and quickly left to do some research. "Watch them. I'll be back in a bit. And, uh, watch Oceras, too." Then he was gone, leaving Rex with a gryphon, a felkin, and a shapeshifting mare who was always in heat.

A lot was going on at The Ranch that day.

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