Pier Pleasures

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Ennismore

Writing/Valencia - Runa

Darryl - Psyphix

Well overdue trade for my lucario-lovin' buddy Psyphix!

In this story, Darryl and Valencia go up to the cottage by the lake when Valencia's husband is away for the weekend. Much fun ensues and the pair have a lovely time.


Pier Pleasures

"That's what you're gonna wear?" Valencia asked with her wing-hand on her hip. She half-cocked a grin as she got a closer look at Darryl in his swimming trunks, slowly shaking her head in mock disbelief. "We're out here, alone and hundreds of kilometres away from another person, and you're actually wearing clothes? And here I thought I knew ya."

Darryl stood up tall, flushed. He wasn't embarrassed for himself nor was he surprised, but he hadn't really thought about the circumstances that brought him to this moment in the fifteen seconds it took him to hop into his swim trunks. By this point in their excursion, he had simply been on autopilot as he tried his best to focus on his companion. After composing himself, he rolled his eyes and waved dismissively at her. "Fine, if you want I'll go nude. I'm cool with showing my sheath, I just sort of defaulted to being respectful and not expecting you to do the same. That's all."

"Look at me, Darryl. Am I wearing cute little panties or some bikini bra?" Valencia widened her stance to show off her fully nude body, wings spread and leathery membrane stretched between her wing fingers enough that some of the candlelight danced through her. She had the body of both a bat and a wolf, with the wings and teeth and snout of the avian mammal and the paws, tail, and fur of a canine, her head draped with red braids and her fur a striped pattern of brown, gray, and black. Her plump, triangular vulva was swollen and fully exposed, showing she had no shame about her image while also conveying the fact that she was in season and likely willing to lift tail for him if he asked.

"No, you're not, but I assumed that was because it was too much of a hassle to fit your wings through the sleeves." He countered, making a very good point against her. The shepherd then untied his swimming trunks and pulled them down to expose his sheath and balls. "That and your nipples and pussy are hidden under fur so it's not like you have much to hide. I do, if that was an issue."

She folded up her lengthy fingers to her forearms as a teal mist swirled around her, the glowing magic melting her membranes and fur to absorb every aspect of her wings while shortening her digits to a more manageable length. Before long, she had transformed her arms from wings to more traditional hands. "If it was a problem, I'd just shift. I can do that, you know."

He did know, but it wasn't something he liked to bring up since so few were capable of it and it was considered taboo so it wasn't something that was often brought up. On the contrary, he always felt a little foolish when he tried to be dignified or otherwise reserved around her because he knew she was proudly free of shame and loved to draw out the most fun in any of her partners at any given time. It also often seemed like she was in his head, three steps ahead of him and speaking the words that danced in his mind before he had even solidified his thoughts. Almost like she was psychic, if such things existed. Luckily he wasn't duped by such silly notions.

The two of them had built up a rapport in the time they knew each other and were finally given a week alone to let off some steam by heading up north to the lake without her husband there to make things awkward. She wasn't cheating on him, though, for the two of them were in an open relationship; one that Darryl was happy to participate in from time to time.

Valencia was married to Ilorek, a massive hippogryph who stood a solid half meter taller than an already tall Darryl. Ilorek was a biochemist who had in the past worked at The Klyneth Academy of Science and Magic on potion research. He had since retired from the academic life and now ran a feral brothel and porn studio called The Ranch that specialized in anthro-feral relations. There, he housed dragons, gryphons, ulokar, horses, and all manner of creatures between the pastures, aviaries, and the massive tracks of land of the Vast Emerald Wood; all of which were used in porn videos.

Though the two of them ran The Ranch together, Ilorek occasionally dabbled in science and other studies on the side due to how good he was at it and the fact that he remained friends with the CEO of NoThEn Labs: Ceylon A'Merone. The hippogryph and his gryphon friend would experiment for weeks on end at times, trying out new potions, blending pharmaceuticals, and being creative with the various ways magic could be used to make people's lives better.

Or at least more interesting.

NoThEn Labs was, presumably, the reason that Valencia could transform her body and shift her mass to suit her needs at will. Ceylon remained one of the only people in the world with complete control over their body and presumably had concocted a potion that allowed Valencia to emulate that. In fact, Ceylon was so good at transformation that nobody even knew if they were male or female. There were many things that NoThEn Labs enabled people to enjoy, transformation being one of the rarer and more exotic enchantments.

Oftentimes, Ilorek would close down The Ranch and take Valencia with him, leaving Rex and Ald'Re to take care of the talent on site until they returned; that was not what had happened this time. Instead, Ilorek chose to go on his own and leave Valencia alone on The Ranch with Rex and Ald're; this gave Darryl time alone with her.

For most people, this would be the introduction to a lawsuit or the first act in a revenge fantasy. However, given the fact that Darryl and Ilorek were friends paired with Ilorek and Valencia's open marriage meant this was less an opportunity for a deviant act and more of an endorsement to indulge.

Ilorek's exact words to Darryl before he left were, "You better make sure she feels loved while I'm away; if I come back and find out Val wasn't taken care of, I'll take it out of you myself." He then winked seductively, offered a salute, and got into the car that took him to the airport. He hadn't even passed through the valley in the cliffs that surrounded the property before Valencia hopped up on Darryl's back and wrapped her arms around his chest, pecking him on the cheek.

Not only did Ilorek know that Darryl had been courting Valencia, but he had often encouraged it and on one occasion straight up insisted that Darryl and Valencia tie up in front of him.

Darryl was not the shy type and he wasn't bashful in any way, but he never felt quite right in situations where he was put on the spot like that. He was happy to fool around with Val and wouldn't mind if Ilorek watched, but he didn't like being expected to perform. He was a shepherd, sure, but he often found himself resentful of anyone who gave him a command even if it was something he already wanted to do. As such, he and Valencia had spend stunningly little time together and their time alone was a perfect opportunity to let their flirtatious side out, unleashing their lust.

That was why the two of them hopped in an ATV and went north over a hundred kilometers away from The Ranch to arrive at the cottage on the shores of Great Sapphire lake. Val shut The Ranch down for the week and let the groundskeepers handle it while she and Darryl were away. This left the two canines alone and without anything limiting their endless flirtation and subtle courtship.

Having made her point, Valencia trotted up close to Darryl with a seductive look in her bright emerald eyes as she smirked and swayed her hips, tail wagging with every motion. She had an innately sensual yet powerful aura around her at all time, which was precisely why Darryl found her irresistible. "So, now that you're naked, think you can handle me." She said as she took her last step towards him, her face at his lower chest's height.

Darryl was quite tall compared to most and Valencia was shorter than most so there was a rather significant size disparity between them, one that was even more evident when she was that close to his.

Before he could say anything, she pressed each of her palms against his belly - one on either side of his sheath - before tugging on his fur and flesh to peel the skin back and reveal the tip of his cock. From that position, she stared up at him with her emerald green eyes and slowly extended her tongue to lightly tease his very tip and sample a taste of him. Once she had her appetizer, she squeezed his sheath with his cock still inside then turned away from him, bounding towards the door. "Alright, time to go. If you want me, you know where to find me!"

Darryl had finally gotten to the point where he was in the proper mood, so he dove after her and caught her just as she was halfway out the door. He grabbed her by the arm and spun her around to pin her against the door frame, his foot acting as a stopper to keep the door itself from closing on them. His taller form dwarfed her but he knew better to assume that meant that he was in control of the situation.

"What now, stud?" She asked, reaching up with her free arm to poke him on the nose.

Without a moment of hesitation, Darryl cradled her cheek and bent down, chomping on her neck as his free hand slid down between the two of them to press tight against her triangular, canine vulva. Her flesh was so soft that the slightest bit of pressure made her lips part and squish, the silken insides dripping in a viscous concoction of arousal down past his fingertips to splash on the ground between them.

She leaned into him and wrapped her hand around his neck, holding him there before hopping up onto him, her feet resting on his hips and her arms wrapped around his neck to ensure she remained more or less at his face height while only being slightly below him while remaining pressed against the door frame. "That's more like it." She hissed at him, long, forked tongue slipping out to tease his nose.

Darryl carried her small frame out from the door to the front porch, where he happily let her rest on the bannister overlooking the front yard that was overgrown with ferns and short trees. A pathway led from the cabin to the beach, where a dock extended out into the water; no boats were docked there, which was fine for him. He was too busy leaning into Valencia and rubbing his sheath against her lips while biting down hard on her neck to hold her in place.

To best keep her balance there and avoid falling back over the bannister, she wrapped her legs around him and angled her hips in hopes that she might catch one of his motions and have him slip inside her. "Come on, Darryl, quit with the foreplay." She commanded into his ear, her snout nuzzling into his neck in much the same way his was buried in hers.

"But I like the foreplay." He growled back, still tensing up his hips to prod her, cock tip slipping out of his sheath to barely slip into her before pulling back out. Before she could protest, he crouched down and grabbed her by the hips, fingertips reaching around to cradle her rump and tickle the base of her tail as he buried his muzzle between her legs and started to lick.

He didn't just slap at her lips with his tongue, either. He pushed into her, wagged his nose back and forth to part her lips and expose more of her cherry pink inner flesh, then extended his tongue as deep as it would go to best fill her before curling the tip and pulling it back out. He repeatedly probed at her, tongue slapping her skin and tugging at her depths as he smiled up at her, reveling in the glow of her orgasmic expression as she smiled back at him with her own tongue out. He was determined to ensure she was as relaxed and wet as could be, so he started to nibble by taking the loose skin of her vulva's tip between his teeth and pulling back.

Most others would have cringed or slapped him, but Valencia liked it rough. Instead of pulling back or making a shocked squeak like most bats would, she widened her stance to relax her loins even more while getting a grip at the railing with both hands and gripping at his shoulder fur with her toes. She struggled to maintain her balance as he burrowed between her legs and under her tail, lips and toes and tongue all taking turns with her pussy lips.

Not content to only be on the receiving side of pleasure, she rolled forward and pushed him away with enough force to make him fall back onto the hammock that was set up on the porch next to them. As he landed but before he even got a full swing in, she leapt forth and knelt in front of him and had aggressively spread his legs apart. Val then cradled his balls and leaned up as close as she could with her tongue lolled out as far as it would go, the very tip of it slipping in through the opening of his sheath to coil around his hidden shaft.

The sudden yet subtle sensations of her tendril-like tongue probing his depths made Darryl curl his toes and wag his tail, the pleasure proving to be at just the right level to please him without going too far. "Diving right in, are we?" He joked, leaning back and widening his stance to get comfortable.

Her response was to nod and grin, revealing her sharp teeth as she did so.

Darryl knew that those teeth could puncture flesh if she wanted to - she had the potential to feast on blood like a vampire - but the danger did little to dissuade him from demanding more. In fact, he found that the risks involved with having her so close to his member while still deftly handling it aroused him more; so much so that his cock swelled and forced half of its length out of the sheath.

But Valencia was not the type of woman to let things be or grow complacent. She used both of her hands to grip tightly around his knot while it was still in the sheath in order to aim his cock towards her, slowly sliding her lips down his shaft and extending her tongue to caress his knot from inside the sheath. Every motion her tongue made inside him created a gentle squelch and a squish as her flesh parted his between knot and the soft and supple skin of his sheath.

Though she was ravenous and dexterous, Darryl knew better than to allow himself to grow to full mast and finish. Not only was he not yet prepared for such a release, oral just wasn't what made him happiest. Even if her tongue was dancing around his member like a stripper 'round a pole. It felt good, but it wasn't the type of pleasure that was going to finish him off. Still, he had no desire to stop her from doing what she seemed to love; he let his head hang back over the side of the hammock as he curled his hand around the back of her neck and head, tensing his loins and bucking his hips to help.

Valencia was almost too eager in her counter to him. She pushed down as hard as she could, lips forcing his sheath back far enough to stretch it taut around the growing knot, teeth stabbing at his bulbs as they grew. Despite liking it, Darryl couldn't help but pull away, worried she would draw blood.

"H-hey there, be careful." He warned, pulling her head out of his lap.

As she pulled away, she kept her tongue out to cradle the underside of his shaft for as long as she could before tugging it back into her maw. "Don't be so cautious, Darryl. You know that even if I hurt you I'll patch you right up." She went to return to his cock again only to be stopped by him.

"Maybe so, but I still don't want you stabbing me with those teeth of yours." It was a reasonable request, one he was happy to make and didn't feel bad about having her slow down.

Her eyes narrowed and she got a devious look on her face, ears flattened to the back of her skull and a curl in her lips to show a wicked grin. "Is that so. Are you sure about that?" Before Darryl had time to respond, she ravenously chomped down on him, teeth and muzzle pressed firm against his hips where his torso met his leg. She nibbled and tugged at his flesh, sharp fang-like teeth stabbing him but not drawing blood. She shifted from side to side, teasing and chomping on both thighs while slowly working inward to get dangerously close to his balls and the base of his sheath.

Darryl considered pushing her away but tried his best to withstand her toothy assault on his loins as his heart raced and adrenaline flowed through his torso and towards his groin. His toes curled again and his legs stiffened as he tried his best to hold back a squeak of concern; one wrong move from her and he could have found himself bleeding profusely on the local wildlife.

Ever the tease, Valencia gave a few final pecks at his groin before gently kissing the tip of his cock and kneading his sheath with her free digits, wing fingers wrapped around his legs. Just as she looked ready to swallow him to the knot, she hopped up onto her feet and pushed away to leap up onto the railing and perch there like a bird. "Not yet." She said with a wink, emphasizing 'not' as if it were a euphemism. "Come on, we have a whole beach to explore!" She then turned and hopped off the railing and spread her wings to glide to the pathway, leaving Darryl alone on the hammock with his cock out.

"H-hey! Don't leave me like this!" He protested, hurriedly pulling on his sheath to make it envelop his length from knot to tip once more. However, given his level of arousal some of it was poking out the end, a traditional 'lipstick' reveal. "Get back here, you!"

"Catch me and I'm yours!" She called back, gleefully skipping down the stone pathway. It was only at that point that Darryl came to realize that she'd grown her wings back for that quick glide to the pathway only to have them shrivel and retract again, their membranes disintegrating into the digits before she assumed a sultry, rump-wagging gait.

Darryl didn't much care for being left on the porch with his cock resting on his belly, but he did enjoy a bit of a chase so he had no problems massaging his sheath until it had completely enveloped the rest of his shaft before getting to his feet. There, he cracked his neck and darted off down the steps to pursue Valencia down the pathway. He was a rather tall and athletic canine so he caught up to her quite quickly. When he went to tackle her, however, she daintily stepped to the side and let him stumble.

"Oh come on, you're such a guy." She joked. "I'm a lady, you don't tackle me."

"Says who? I know you like it rough." He countered and reached out to pull her into him.

She was still playing hard to get, though. The moment his hand touched her shoulder she spun around and kicked away from him, nearly stumbling on a bush that lined the path before jauntily skipping away towards the docks. "You really gotta put in a bit more effort than that!" Her intentions weren't to get away from him, but to escort him to the shores of the lake.

Knowing this, Darryl happily followed her, his long strides keeping up to her even though she was skipping away. "You know, I wasn't exactly expecting to have to work for my pussy today." He confessed, rubbing himself as he kept pace behind her. "You're not gonna throw me in the lake and run away or something, are you?"

"Skies above, no. I want your cock as much as you want my cunt. Just, I like to play a bit first. You should know this by now." The two of them emerged from the partially wooded area lining the path to end up on the docks overlooking the beach that spread out wide on either side of them. "And let's be honest, it's way prettier out here, isn't it?"

"Anywhere is pretty if you're there." He joked, his tone sounding a bit too sincere for her.

Valencia stopped in her tracks so abruptly that Darryl nearly bowled her over. When she turned back to him she growled a bit. "You're not courting me, doggo. You don't need to fuel my ego or try any of that stupid mushy romance shit. I like you for your brain and your cock." She pointed to his forehead and groin, then slapped him on his chest with enough force to push him back. "Not your heart. That flowery nonsense won't get you a one way ticket under my tail or nothin'."

"I was joking." He explained. "Clearly my tone wasn't clear about that."

"Clearly." Val then took him by the hand and nibbled on his fingertip. "I also happen to be a fan of your hands. Ever since you started working for us as a massage therapist I've wanted to feel what it was like to have your fingertips caressing me from within. Can you help me out with a pulled muscle in my groin? I can't imagine anyone else being suited for such a task." She gave him a seductive wink.

Such a clear invitation was hard to resist, so Darryl reached down between her legs and slid a couple of fingers into her to part her lips and caress her inner walls just beyond the tight ring near her opening. He was quite happy to feel how wet and hungry she'd grown for his flesh, but was quickly pulled out when she grabbed his wrist and stepped away from him.

"Not yet. Need a better angle. Come on." She turned and grabbed his hand - the one now partially wet with her arousal - and led him down the pier to overlook the lake with her tail up and rump deliberately angled so he could see her triangular vulva from behind. The sun had begun to set and its warm reflections bounced on the lightly rippling surface of the lake, illuminating the both of them as they stared into the distance. It wasn't until Darryl sidled up next to her that she turned to him and smiled. "So what are you waiting for?" She prodded, winking and turning to nestle herself in the corner of the pier, one arm on either side of the bannister as she hopped up with her feet on the bottom rungs, a pose that spread her legs and exposed her pussy.

"That's a much better improvement to the view." Darryl joked as he slid into place on one knee beneath her, his head right at the same height as her raised loins. Without missing a beat he leaned into her and started lapping at her folds, his soft tongue parting her fortune-cookie lips and exposing the pink of her depths with every lick. He was surprised at how sweet and tangy she tasted but was taken aback by how much lubricant her body was producing! As he pulled away, a thick and gooey bridge of her arousal connected her vulva and his lips, more oozing out of her like she'd been injected by it!

She wagged her tail and arched her back to push her crotch closer to his face, a tension in her loins squeezing out more of the mess from inside her. "So what are you waiting for? Fill me like you do Ceylon." Despite being the type who was often in charge and didn't have a bashful bone in her body, she couldn't help but bite her lip and blush as she clarified. "Past the wrist."

Her request made Darryl pause and shake his head in disbelief. "What? Are you sure about that? I mean, I barely got two fingers in you." He brought his hand up to rest it on her belly. "There's no way I'm going to get my whole hand inside you. Especially not without more lube." While he was there, he turned his wrist so he was palm down and his thumb could lightly tug and rub at her clit.

Without pausing, she grabbed his hand and forced his fingertips into one converged point. "Try anyway. You've seen Ilorek, you know how big he is even before that horse cock of his flares out. Trust me on this one, I know my body."

The image of her husband's hippgryph cock - mostly equine with barbs and a knot like a gryphon - certainly did remind Darryl the difference in size between himself and her lover. For a moment he had completely disregarded that fact and was going solely on what he felt moments prior and as far as that experience had informed him, there was no way she'd be able to take a fist. "Look, I'm really not so sure that's a good idea. Maybe after you take a knot or something, but-"

She cut him off by grabbing the fur around his neck and pulling him in close. "What did I tell you about doubting me? I know my body, and I know you're skilled. If I say our safe word - Chilis - then stop. Otherwise, force yourself in me; no excuses, got it?"

As a well-educated physical therapist, Darryl objected to this demand at first but couldn't help himself when it came to the fantasy of actually doing it. While everything he knew about anatomy told him that forcing himself in a partner couldn't be safe, he also knew that Valencia was used to being rough and therefore her body must have adapted well enough to handle horses, her husband, gryphons, ulokar, and all manner of other beasts on The Ranch. With that in mind, he shrugged and took in a deep breath before leaning into her and forcing his fingers to slide into her against the resistance of her flesh.

He didn't go too rough at first, opting instead to tease her and pump lightly to gently loosen her a bit more every time. She seemed to love it and push back so he applied a bit more force, pausing only periodically to let more of her copious lubricant coat his hand and palm right to the wrist. Though it seemed more than a little absurd, he felt like had he put a cup below them she could have filled it, which was good for him since this sort of act required thorough lubrication and he hadn't brought any.

Well, he brought some to the cabin, not to the pier.

Yet still he felt that deep rooted sense of pride well up inside him. Not only did he want to show off his skills and prove to her that his hands were as deft as his reputation had indicated, but he also wished to show her he was willing to be rough if the situation called for it. Given her enthusiasm, this was definitely a situation that called for the right amount of roughness.

When he looked up he saw her emerald green eyes staring down at him, teeth bared and tongue out to show just how much she wanted it; this intense gaze carved away the last of his reluctance, urging him to wrap his free hand around her waist to hold her in place as he forced his hand into her. To his astonishment, her tight cookie reluctantly parted and the rim of muscle just inside her loosened just barely enough to dilate and wrap around his knuckles, swallowing him up and sucking him in once he managed to get the thickest part of his hand past the tightest part of her opening.

This left her plump, once-triangular vulva distended and stretched around his wrist as her arousal trickled down his forearm, her inner walls holding him snug but not squeezing. Past that opening, her passage opened up like a cavern - the knot reservoir - and then got tighter the deeper his fingers went. Curious, he balled his hand up into a fist and found that not only did the curling of his fingers make her whimper and whine in pleasure, but once his hand was in the shape of a knot it fit perfectly inside her. When he looked up, he saw she was grinning and growling at him.

Before he could do anything like twist his wrist or grind his knuckles against her g-spot on the roof of the knot reservoir inside her, she started pushing down on him as she clenched and released, vaginal muscles massaging him from wrist to fingertips. "See?" She grunted as she felt his fist practically punching at her depths thanks to her eager responses. "Told you I could take it!"

Darryl couldn't help but be impressed. He really shouldn't have been surprised, but it was still impressive how easily and readily her body adapted to his hand slipping into her, the tight rim of muscle dilating just barely wide enough to take him and then clenching down so tight on his wrist he was unsure if he'd be able to pull out with the same level of ease if she chose to not let go. Furthermore, his cock was already hard in its sheath and swelling up against the inside, forming a distinct bulge.

He knew he had to show his skills and did so by spinning his hand around inside her to use his fingertips against her walls, teasing and prodding every step of the way to see what muscles she most needed to tenderize. "Stop squeezing for a bit, dear." He said, hand on her rump to hold her in place.

She did as commanded, which not only surprised Darryl but also nearly let his hand slip out of her before he'd realized she'd relaxed. As it turned out, the tightness was almost entirely borne of her conscious muscle contractions holding it like that. This was immensely hot and once again coerced his cock to swell in his sheath after the brief distraction that was his more analytical side. "Better?"

"Much." He agreed. "Tell me what feels best." He then started curling his fingers upward, his thumb grinding on her g-spot as his every digit danced inside her, tickling her flesh at every angle. In response, she pushed back down and started bounding on his hand, the pressure making his wrist slightly uncomfortable as her walls started leaking copious amounts of lube that trickled out of her and splashed on the wood of the deck, forming a puddle that dripped into the water beneath them. Darryl could actually feel the liquid arousal that was being secreted by her velvety walls before it flooded her depths and escaped past his wrist and her vulva, another show of excitement that tickled his loins.

Though he wanted to pump his fist in and out of her to better tenderize her and loosen her up, he also wanted to be compassionate with her and save some of her for his cock! He loved being rough if the time was right but still wanted to feel that soft, silken flesh of hers smothering his knot and he worried that if he kept going as he was he might end up cumming in his sheath before getting a proper release! Still, he dared not pull out before getting at least one orgasm from her. As a gentleman, he loved giving his partners pleasure before taking some for himself.

Luckily for both he and his cock, his fist did a number on her depths and she was shaking and quivering in delight within minutes. The pressure of his knuckles pressed against her walls and the dancing of his fingertips against her passage - the very ends of which were prodding at her cervix - coaxed gush after gush out of her, each sloppy ejaculation accentuated and enhanced by a vaginal contraction that nearly forced his fist from her depths.

Given the fact that he was eager to make her growl in delight, he balled his fist up and started slowly pumping it in and out of her deep enough to caress her cervix but never far enough out to pass by her opening, thus never fully leaving her. His pace began slow - as any lover should start - before gaining in frequency and intensity to the point he was thrusting his entire forearm into her with the sort of vigour usually reserved for that of a rutting stallion.

Then, just as he was getting to the point he was worried he was going to hurt her by getting too intense, she threw her head back over the balcony of the pier and audibly growled, arching her back and clenching down with every muscle inside her to force his fist out in a guttural squelch followed by a spattering of fluids following him and leaking out.

From his perspective at her groin's height, he could see her vulva orgasmically twitching and struggling to keep her from pushing out, her walls collapsing and forcing all the fluid out of her in a slimy trail that coated her tail and formed a puddle beneath her. When she finally got over the lingering pleasure of climax she relaxed and her walls opened up, dilating from vulva to cervix in a full-bodied gape that made Darryl want to bury his snout in her.

He didn't, but he did feel that now was the best time to take one last taste before finally filling her with his seed. He grabbed at her lips with both hands - one soaked in natural lubricant and the other only lightly moistened by the gentle caressing he'd offered his own shaft - and spread her apart with his fingers, licking and nibbling her clit as he did so. She leaned into him and twitched as she felt his teeth on her most sensitive bits, pussy still gaping and collapsing in on itself every few seconds.

Eventually, she grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and forced him to look up at her again, stealing his attention from her loins. "It's time. No more foreplay." She commanded him before kicking him away and assuming her position with her tail up and her legs spread.

Darryl was already partially hard but knew that she would still be able to fit him based on how rough he'd been with her and how easily her body adapted to his invasive fisting.

"Finally! Was beginning to wonder when it was my time!" He joked, licking his fingers clean and stepping up to her. He was clearly being facetious and she knew it, given their rapport. Darryl wasted no time pressing his hips to hers, rubbing his sheath between her cheeks and bucking his hips to slip more of his member out, prodding at her soft flesh and fur between the base of her tail and vulva.

A part of him considered maybe going for her tail hole - he knew she was into it and he also knew her pussy had been loosened up quite a bit - but opted not to due to how curious he was about how that would feel. That, and he was a gentleman who never snuck around back without asking.

To his shock, when he went to aim his cock tip at her opening he was met with a bit of a blockage. Her muscles had contracted so tight again it was like he was trying to fuck a virgin for the first time! After a few subtle grunts and a nibble on her ear from behind, he was able to just barely slip his shaft into her. "Damn you're tight." He complimented, arching his back to get a slightly better angle and peel more of his sheath back to expose the entirety of his member to the top of the knot.

Valencia was so tight that the ring of muscle practically forced the lubricant off his member, forming a seal that collected his natural fluids between her vulva and the tip of his sheath. Luckily for both of them, her depths produced enough for both of them. Knowing this, she pushed back and started swaying from side to side to grind her lips against the swelling bulges of his knot, slowly expanding to take him while remaining tight all the while.

The pleasure of having her body slowly envelop his cock from tip to knot made him push against her, bucking his hips and flagging his tail to tense up his balls in preparation of depositing his seed in her. As expected, it wasn't long before their combined thrusting and pushing back combined with her uncanny control of her pelvic region to loosen her up just barely enough for her vulva to dilate and swallow his knot, clenching back up once she felt him fill her up and get locked in a tie. At least, that was before he offered a few shallow thrusts that forced his growing knot to lurch in and out of her before finally getting too big to tug out again, resulting in her lips dilating outward as he attempted to.

Behind them, the sun was finally disappearing over the horizon to illuminate the scene in a pale orange glow. Darryl leaned into her and bit her neck with both hands wrapped around her body to keep her in place and better optimize the angle of penetration to ensure he didn't get bent or otherwise tested.

Inside her, he felt his knot swell to full girth as the tight ring of her flesh locked him into place, ensuring he had nowhere to go. The pressure at the base of his knot was exactly what he needed to trigger his extended, never-ending climax, so he barely needed to tug or shift his weight to feel that pleasure build up and eventually coax the first shot of his pre-seed into her.

Valencia turned and looked back at him, still bent over the pier's balcony as she clenched her loins to tug on his knot and milk him for all the seed he could offer her. "Someone's a big boy. A good boy." She said with a jovial patronizing tone. "You'd best believe that you'll be cleaning up your mess when you're done, though." She stuck her tongue out to start panting happily, body involuntarily twitching as the pressure, heat, and subtle friction of his knot shifted and caressed her depths, tugging on her opening and threatening to pop out if she relaxed for even a second.

Darryl smiled and started panting as well, his chest pressed tight to her back as he nuzzled into her neck and cheek. His knot remained solid as could be and he barely was able to muster the strength or self-control to speak back to her. "Heh, you're just tight, for some inexplicable reason." Even as he forced his words out through a grunt, he couldn't help but tense up his lower half and offer the subtlest of thrusts into her, even the slight motions shifting his member about inside her all anchored by the knot just beyond her lips.

She quivered in delight and he tried his best to remain subtle as his climax drove him to a series of dozens of subtle ejaculations that slowly filled her passage and womb with his seed. The extra heat of his bodily fluids mixed with hers made his flesh tingle in a never-ending orgasm even as he tried his best to not let any of their combined mess out onto the deck of the pier, quickly finding it growing difficult with each throb of his balls.

When the first drip escaped her cookie to dribble down his sheath, he knew he was in for a hell of a snack once they parted ways. A snack he eagerly anticipated even as he was focusing entirely on grinding up against her and tugging on her flesh.

Though his climax had finally arrived, the two still have plenty of time together before any more activities could be enjoyed; as is the nature of a proper tie between two canines.

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