Finding a Purpose

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#6 of Pokè-Treat

The next morning, Jason rose to a Chatot screaming at a Ledyba over some fruit. He groaned and sat up slightly remembering last night. He turned to the tent and wished it was closer. He wobbled to it as he found that his legs were numb from laying on something wrong. He poked his head into the tent and found that the toddler and the female Lucario were talking by Signing. From what he knew, the Plusle was giving one or two word answers.

The Lucario turned and smiled at him before returning her attention to her only known family member. He left them and started to wake everyone, except for Moon. She had taken over the watch and was just starting to lay down herself. He asked her to join him before she went to sleep then him told Champ to keep everyone at camp while he took Moon for a private walk.

After a few minutes of walking away from the others, Jason finally broke the silence. "So I have heard that you are trying to be a matriarch."


"Who else is here?"


"Don't bother. Just explain to me why you need to be dominant? I thought I had made it clear that Champ was my second."

"You have... It's just that I have been so used to being submissive that I must have went to the extreme to make up for that."

"Are you sure? I may not be psychic, but I do sense some other tension behind your voice."

Moon kept silent, she had to look into herself to find out if what he said was true.

"Who is it that has you tail tips in a knot?"

"It's... no one. I just not been checking myself and stopping the rush of freedom you have given me... and my sister."

Jason stopped and sighed. He then knelt down and placed his hand on her back; she flinched slightly and looked at him. "I know there is something missing. Tell me, while we are alone."

She used her power to remove his hand then sighed as she sat before him. She stared at him for the longest time trying to depict her words carefully. Her thoughts failed her as her conscious told her to tell him the truth, or it was the failsafe of the Pokèballs taking over, she could not really tell. She groaned then forced herself into Jason's consciousness.

Relax, I cannot say what ails me, only show you and allow you to feel what I feel...

Her voice seemed distant, Jason felt himself slip away from his body then he watched the day he freed both of the 'eons. He felt the adrenaline and fear as she finally undid the lock of the cage of which she was kept then as she did the same for her twin. Then he felt the rush as Shadow pulled them through the shadows to the outside. Only then did the abusive man realized what they had done as Moon ripped off alarm collars.

The memory shifted ahead in a sickening manner to the moment Adrian came rushing to them to help. He watched as Shadow started to fade from consciousness and could feel anger, lust, and fear overwhelm him. The memory shifted again ahead to a week or so ago to where they had their first day away from human civilization. He felt fear surge through him as he watched himself grab his visage then run into the water. Flashes of memories hit him as she remembered how the man used her body for his own pleasure. Then he felt himself brush against her again and a sudden sense of fear of being raped again flooded him.

He shivered mentally as his senses where overwhelmed, he could feel the pain of being forced to take a male inside of female parts. He gasped as she pulled away from his mind. She looked away as she wiped her face with her one of her bifurcated tips. He could not move he felt as though he was scared stiff.

I am sorry, I had to let you feel what I feel every time I am around a human male. The memories I return to, the fear... That is what holds me back, what makes me now take control. Call it revenge on the gender, I don't know... I just feel better when I take control for a change.

His body was fully released and his senses returned to normal, he drew a silent, long breath. Without thought, he reached for her and picked her up and pulled her to his chest. He hugged her and just held her there, nuzzling her head with his chin as he did so.

"I will do what I can to help you break that fear, but you must want my help." He whispered in her ear.

She relaxed a little and breathed lightly.

"Give me an answer, little one."

She looked up at him then licked his cheek. "Please..."

"We'll start soon, that I promise, but I'll need help from someone special."

They were startled by the sudden appearance of Shadow, a saddened look on her face. Moon looked at her as she read her sister expertly.

"We are needed, we can teleport there."

"Do it."

The three of them seemed to flick out of reality as Moon took them back to camp. There Jason saw as his jaw dropped when he saw Clair strike at Rex. They growled at each other and spat flames at each other. He started to grab their Pokèballs then stopped, he sighed. He sat Moon down then rose and approached the dual.

He told them that if they wanted to fight out their differences then get it over with. Rex glanced at him, he stepped back as she swiped at his chest. Champ squatted down beside Jason and placed a clawed paw on his shoulder. He looked hurt, not physically, but emotionally. Jason patted the paw as he watched. Clair swung again this time making contact, a little bit of flesh and blood was slung from Rex's muzzle.

He roared in pain then struck back with a closed fist knocking her back. She gasped then madly rushed him and gave him a swift kick in the jaw; Jason drew a shocked breath as he watched her jump. He must have said something wrong to piss her off. Rex stumbled back then swung around trying to strike her with his tail; she jumped it then struck him in the kidney making him hiss with pain again. Jason then watched her as she charged up an attack he rarely saw, Metal Claw. She struck home, in the middle of his chest, he gasped as he toppled backwards.

He did not move, she roared angrily then the evolutionary light enveloped her.

Jason watched in awe as she changed, Champ watched with a stone face. Once she was done changing, he moved to check on Rex. He was beyond out, he was critical. Jason had a small amount of revival pills; he rushed to retrieve one from his pack then shoved it under Rex's tongue.

It took a minute to take effect but he opened his eyes and reached for his face, he hissed as he touched the still bleeding claw marks. She just barely missed his right eye. Jason tried to use a potion on him, but Rex grabbed his hand and pushed it away before rolling over and rising to his feet.

"Congrats, cousin, you beat me down without a killing blow. I do not know if I should be grateful or ashamed. I shall renounce my blood ties to you."

Clair growled as she looked at him.

"Enough. Clair, stand down. You beat him, its over. Rex, will you be alright?"

"Good enough. Give me a shout when you are ready to leave, I'm going to go lick my wounds..." He walked away from everyone and sat down on a fallen tree and sulked.

Jason sighed, "Alright, someone tells me what brought this on."

"He bluntly told me that I was not worthy of my flame, choosing to have a set mate and not start a clan in Champ's honor." Clair grumbled deeply.

"Well, you definitely broke his pride and upheld your own. I want no more fighting between you two and if you are wise, you will tell him that you still want him as family. We are here together, that will not change."

Clair growled, but went silent as Champ spoke up in agreement to Jason. She sighed and surrendered. She went after Rex; Champ started to follow but stopped when Jason grabbed his tail.

"Let them talk it out alone. As a mate, a husband, it takes understanding in your other half and equal trust. That much I have learned in my life, and I pass it on. Start breaking down the site, leave the tent for now."

"As you wish..."

An hour of complete silence, Clair returned with silent tears, she leaned against Champ and buried her face into his chest. Jason took notice that she stood a head shorter than her mate now, he smiled though as it seemed that some sort of breakthrough happened. Champ embraced her and just remained quiet as she wept against him. Jason went to the tent and looked in on their guests and found the Lucario grooming the toddler.

"Are you ready to move out?"

"Are we flying?"

"Yes, you two will ride on Champ."

"Then yes, I am more than ready to leave these woods behind, especially the murderers. I am just glad I lost whoever was chasing me last night."

"They most likely smelled me and the others and avoided us. Come, we need to put away the tent."

"Sure." She picked up the toddler and followed Jason out. "Oh, I don't think I ever gave you my name or hers. I'm Lisa, and this is Grace."

"Glad to meet you officially." Jason smiled.

"Jason!" Moon shouted. "I looked away for a moment and Rex vanishes, I can't even hear his thoughts."

"Don't panic, he can't go far. His Pokèball won't let him on his own."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Look up; I'm sure he's just circling trying to clear his mind."

Sure enough, Rex passed overhead. He was grumbling to himself as he looked down upon his family he was sure he was not really accepted into. He sighed as he looked ahead and into the horizon, it was completely clear. Miles and miles of open sky without a cloud in sight, but that also allowed him to see a city to the East.

He rid the heated air up higher. He knew before long, the thin air would affect him negatively and thus leveled off and started to descend. Down below him, Jason started to recall Moon, Shadow, and Adrian. He climbed onto Clair's back ignoring her protest. He told Champ he was carrying their guests. Then they were off to join Rex in the air.

Jason had Clair take him to Rex, since she was struggling to stay aloft. He jumped the open air once they were in range; Rex shook slightly as he did not expect the intrusion. He then told his rider that he saw a city when he was up higher, but it would take them at least two days flight to reach it. Jason told him to lead the way.

That evening after a long day's of flight to the Eastern skies. They landed on a flat lakeshore and rested. Rex stayed silent and refused to look at Clair. Jason hoped everything would return to normal soon. As nightfall drew closer, Jason started to build a fire ring then gathered wood. He left the other three in their balls for now.

The three Charizards sat down around the ring with Lisa and Grace separating Clair and Rex. When Jason returned with a small bit of wood, Champ was trying to converse with the other two. Jason dropped the arm load down noisily making everyone jump. He frowned as the silence remained.

"Okay, this is getting on my nerves. Will you two just knock off the silent treatment and act like a family for a change. Nothing will change the fact that is what you are. Blood is blood; there is no renouncing that even in death. So face reality. I don't give a damn what you believe in at this point, I want my family happy. This silence you two are making is spreading to everyone and it's making me sick."

Clair and Rex stared at the ground, still silent.

Jason's temper rose making his face flush slightly. "Well?"

They remained quiet. Champ rose and walked away taking Lisa and Grace with him down to the water. Jason grounded his teeth.

"Since the day I have met you, I never seen you so mad..." Clair finally spoke not wanting to make eye contact. "I am sorry, for angering you, but this is the only way we can live with each other- "

"No it's not the only way." Jason interrupted. "You two can make up and enjoy the presence of the other."

"If that was possible, it would be done." Rex said quietly, the fresh scabs cracking around his lips. "I disgraced her honor; in all right, I am supposed to be dead."

"You both are disgracing mine. As your trainer, I am telling you to get over this. As a friend, I ask you to make up." Jason clenched his fists subconsciously, he realized this and relaxed. "And as your clan leader, I tell you that you lead by example for the others."

As Jason mentioned being their clan leader, Clair and Rex flinched as though struck.

"What? Do you not consider me as such? Is it because I am human? Or is it because I did not fight for it?"

"Both." Rex said quietly.

"I see. But I still claim the title, so that is that. If there are any problems talk to me, no more fighting, but silence is not an option."

"Very well." Rex answered.

"Fine." Clair added.

"Thank you. Go gather some fruits, Rex, especially healing berries. Clair, I want you gather wood to work on your strength, take Champ." Once the three went off on their tasks, Jason let Adrian out. "Hey, I need to talk to you."

"About the female?"

Jason nodded, "Yes, now that Moon and I have had a break through. I would like you watch over Lisa and Grace. Get to know Lisa most of all, Moon shared some things with me that I doubt she realized it at the time. I watched her memories or rather she forced them on me. I'm sure that you will easily come to like Lisa. Since she'll be able to spar with you freely and all."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt, but what about Shadow?"

"Leave her to me."

Adrian went down to the water to join the other two, while Moon and Shadow was let out. Shadow immediately saw Adrian heading for the female and sighed, she sat and stared at him hoping he would be rejected. Moon went over to Jason and rubbed against him before laying beside him. He relaxed staring blankly over the water stroking her fur absently.

Rex returned with a makeshift basket of a quickly weaved vines full of berries and other fruits. A few minutes later, Champ and Clair joined them with logs in their arms. Then they started to build the tender up. By nightfall, everyone gather to an Oran berry stew. It was not filling, but it was enough.

Champ put out the fire as everyone began to yawn then curled up against Jason allowing his boy to lay his head on him. Clair took his open side while the others spread out a little enjoying the clear night. Tail fires dimmed quickly as they fell asleep, but Jason laid awake listening to the area. His mind spread over many horizons. He began to question his luck. He picked Champ as his first Pokèmon then ran into another rare Char and female at that, then into two more, he looked over his team in his mind. He realized he had more rare types than he ever thought he would. Now with Lisa running into them, what would he do if she wanted to join the team? Would he just leave her with his mother for a life of ease or let one of the others stay in storage for a while?

His mind would not rest, but that passed as he saw Adrian and Lisa rise and move away from everyone else. Curiosity got the best of him, Jason rose quietly and followed as stealthily as he could. He followed them to the water where they sat and looked over the moonlit water. Jason eased closer so he could here them.

"It has been a long while since I was with another of my kind." Lisa said quietly. "Longer since I have had anyone actually wanting to learn about me."

"I figured as such, after all, not many would want to learn about those who have spent most of their life with humans."

"Yeah, I guess that's true enough. So... what do you want to know?"

"Anything, everything, I don't know. I guess I'll start with this: What do you like?"

"Moonlit water with a good looking fellow."

"Ah, shucks, I guess I missed that one by a long shot." He chuckled.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say so. If I had to judge, you are one, if not the best male I have seen of our kind. And you have a gentle, caring heart."

"You're going to make me blush."

"I'd say it's too late for that." Lisa leaned against him. "So, what do you see in me?"

"A rough fighter, but gentle with others. Strong, yet soft. A dominant spirit with a submissive urge underneath."

"Interesting. I could say the same about you for the most part." Lisa flipped her tail over Adrian's, Jason heard him gasp uneasily. She chuckled as she crept her paw over his lower back. "You know, I would not mind having you sire me a Riolu or two."

"I-I shouldn't. Not without Jason's blessings... h-he is my trainer and- "

"Then ask the boy, he's silently cheering us on." Lisa chuckled while Jason was doing just as she said.

"Oh?... oh, he is watching... um..."

"What are you waiting for? Either ask him or mate me. Either way, I may not stay with you and your boy for long."

Adrian looked away sheepishly, "I never mated before; Shadow showed me how to please myself but..."

"Lay on your back, I will do the work tonight."

Jason rose and left them alone. Though he listened for them to finish each other off, he continued thinking of his luck. When he heard no more movement down at the shore, he quietly pulled out a cloth then went down to wash away the evidence of the pairing. He found them separated, but cuddling and wet from each other. It was clear they had quickly fallen asleep once Lisa had finished herself off. He hoped his little Adrian had one hell of a lesson. He gently wiped them both off then carried them back up to camp one at a time. Once that was done, he laid back down and fell asleep himself feeling like he himself had succeeded.

As the night went on, Jason kept waking to find that either Lisa or Moon had wound their way to his side. Moon he was happy to snuggle with, but Lisa, he felt a little uncomfortable with being that her past lover had also been her trainer. He tried to go back to sleep feeling far too lazy to move her away. He felt her paw rub his chest and her murmur a name that he thought was her trainer.

He let her dream, but unfortunately, he was fully awake now. With it being an hour and a half till sunrise, with a sigh, he lay there. No watch was set, he realized, but at least they would not have to worry much with three Charizards laying about now. Watching the stars twinkle, his mind fell silent.

All he heard was the gentle breathes of his team, the wake of the water on the shoreline, and his heart. He tried to think of something other than the bleary quietness, but something kept him silent. He sat up slowly looking around as he did so. For some odd reason, he felt as though someone was watching only him.

A chuckle in the back of his mind made him jump as he searched for the telepathic source. Nothing rose suspicion. He shook Lisa trying to wake her, but she did not stir. He caught a glimpse of the tail fires of his team, the flares were still as though they were frozen in time. The chuckle came again, childlike in all manners. Then something splashed from the water; he went chasing after it.

There in front of him a small, pink cat-like creature hovered above the water. He had heard of the Pokèmon, Mew, before but only appearing around wooded areas that Pokèmon steered away from. It chuckled again, its tail flicked happily under it. Jason just stared flabbergasted at the sight.

Did your dam not teach you that it is impolite to stare with your mouth open? The voice echoed within his head.


Good to hear that tone. Now young trainer, I have come to tell you: Your journey has only begun... there are beings who seek to destroy that which the eldest of us all created, those who have no name from your kind. Even most of the young of our kind do not know they exist, they believe in the voices left behind to guide. Seek the ones who control the elements, those of the land; and those of the sky. They are the guardians of the Ones. Show them your strength and they will give you what you need... The Mew bowed then vanished in a bright flash.

Jason gasped and looked around. The sun had risen, the sky brightened with a golden tint. He turned to his team and saw them still sleeping soundly. He smiled then thought about what the Mew told him... He was to become a hero? It did not make sense, finding legendary Pokèmon that many have searched for and only a handful become worthy enough to even see them.

He looked behind him over the waters hoping to see something different. With nothing out of the ordinary, he went to wake everyone. He needed help, and the only help he could think of getting was that of a man on the other side of the world. He had to find Professor Oak.

"Everyone, get up. We need to move quickly."

"What is the rush?" Lisa muttered as she rolled over to find Grace sleeping against Clair.

"We need to get to town so I can get us some transport."

"Why? Can we not fly?" Rex asked with a yawn.

"I don't want to wear you guys thin."


"Come on, if we make it to town we can get to the Center and eat there."

"Blah, dry pellets." Champ stuck out his tongue in disgust.

"Hrmm, well... That may be the only thing we all may get to eat if we don't get some victories soon. Anyway, we need to move."

They grumbled, and reluctantly let Jason recall everyone but Rex. Then Lisa, with Grace in her arms, climbed onto the Charizard's back as Jason followed her. Rex then carried them up above the trees and onward to the city. They flew quietly as the day went on, Jason was constantly contemplating what the Mew had said. Why was he chosen? Yes, there had been those few legendary trainers who have save the world several times over. Was his name to be added to the list of the nameless? He sighed, he wanted to know why.

With any luck, his questions would be answered with the finding of the first guardian. But where to look, his only guess was finding a trainer that was known for finding the unusual. That would have to start at the international trade center, the Global Pokèmon Services. Jason remembered when the original center, when it was called the Global Trade Services, shut down because of a scandal about stealing some rare Pokèmon from a couple of rich kids. Of course it was a false accusation, but the spoiled kids got their wish. With this new place, a trainer can breed their Pokèmon with any other across the globe along with battling, trading, or mingling.

Jason could not wait to see the place and get into the virtual chat rooms, there had to be a way to find the legendary Pokèmon. He fought his own mind as he tried to stay focused. Before he realized it, Rex started shifting his weight below him. Jason sighed and brought out Champ, he then had Lisa jump over before he went, then he recalled Rex to give him a rest. Champ grumbled as the extra weight made his efforts at flying harder.

"Make it as far as you can, Clair is next."

Champ said nothing, the duration of his flight went just as quiet. Night had begun falling as well, but as dangerous flight was at the late hours, Jason pressed them on. At the final flare of sunlight, Jason switched flyers again, he was determined to make it to the town ahead. By midnight, unfortunately, Jason had Clair land so they could rest. They were too exhausted to even lay out the tent, they just huddled together and enjoyed the warmth from the sluggish Charizard. She grumbled but was too worn out to fully protest them climbing under her wings for extra warmth.

Lost in the Woods

Jason and his team moved slowly through the trees in a remote area of the country. By request of Clair, they had gone south to hide completely. Jason had covertly moved Miguel off the team and replaced him with Rex. He told Miguel the night before he...

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The Light, the Dark, and the Righteous

Four weeks of walking after the young Riolu evolved, Jason and his team had gone through two towns and two-thirds of the way to his fifth town. Little did they know that they would change the way two runaways would think of their lives. "Get back...

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Psyched up to meet Momma

Jason, Champ and Miguel strolled into the town of Fluaton. The Scyther's attitude had changed dramatically since capture. The two free walking Pokèmon looked around and talked amongst themselves as their trainer led them to a PokèCenter. There, Jason...

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