Psyched up to meet Momma

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokè-Treat

Jason, Champ and Miguel strolled into the town of Fluaton. The Scyther's attitude had changed dramatically since capture. The two free walking Pokèmon looked around and talked amongst themselves as their trainer led them to a PokèCenter. There, Jason recalled Miguel into his Pokèball and handed Nurse Joy the three Balls containing the other Charmeleon and a Riolu, Champ looked over the counter with a smile. The nurse smiled back then asked Jason if he would like to have his free walking Pokèmon checked as well. Jason nodded, and took Champ's Ball and recalled him. The male growled, hating the device, but he had to be in there for the Nurse to safely examine with the computers. The computer buzzed as it went over the Riolu and Champ. Stating the Riolu's malnourishment, which Jason explained quickly, then it stated that Champ had the beginning stages of a chest cold.

Jason sighed, a cold could mean that they would be stuck in town for a while. At least the treatments where free. He pulled out his Trainer's Card that had his international identification and scanned it through the infrared device, the counter computer pinged as he own status opened from the legal records and cleared his treatment processes. Nurse Joy thanked him then asked if she could keep the two for treatment. He moaned and agreed. Without Champ, it would be boring, being that he was the boys first Pokèmon and partner. He took back Clair and Miguel then asked for a room. Nurse Joy pointed out a room on her monitor to him then went on to treating the two Pokèmon, her companion, a Chansey, escorted Jason to his room.

He thanked the female then went in and shed his pack and belt. He slumped on the bed and stared at the plain ceiling, he grumbled as the distinctive pop of a Pokèball sounded from his belt. Clair joined him on the bed and hugged him. He looked at her with care as she embraced him and dared not to let go.

"Another bad dream?" He asked.

She nodded then squeezed him tighter.

"Just remember, they are just dreams. They can't hurt you."


"Get some sleep, after our nap, we'll head out and walk the town."

She sighed and shut her eyes.

An hour later, Chansey waddled into the room and placed Riolu's Ball on the basic writing desk in Jason's temporary room. She left quietly. The door closed via sensor, letting Riolu know that he was now free from the Nurse's care. He popped open his Ball and quietly looked around, he spotted his trainer and Clair asleep on the bed. He cocked his head as he pondered on various things about her.

He longed to find a place to belong, he realized that now. But seeing the Scyther as his surrogate father, that made no sense to him anymore. He needed something, he just could not see what that something was. He released Miguel from his Ball and waited for the bug to come to.

"I think I need answers, but I do not have the questions." He asked quietly in the tongue of his kind to keep the humans from knowing their conversation.

"Then I do not know what to give, if that is what you seek. I am sorry for the way I treated you, truly. But to find what you seek, I believe you must follow your heart. I've accepted my path, finally, have you?" Miguel spoke quietly as he turned to look out onto the streets viewing in the tiny window.

Riolu did not answer.

"I may not be old and wise, but to answer things that even you do not know where to begin is not my expertise. Speak to the Nurse, see if there is a wise elder for you to question while we are here." He heard the young one sigh and open the door. "I suggest you make sure they let our boy know where you are."

"I will..."

Riolu wandered into the halls and found Nurse Joy sitting in front of the main examination computer, he figured Champ was off in another room being stuck taking pills and getting a couple needles shoved into his backside. He quietly walked up to the Nurse and hesitated. He fought his own nerves as he watched her do her computer work.

"Excuse me, Nurse?"

"Yes," She said not looking up, she put on her average smile though.

"Can you help me? I'm wandering if there is an elderly trainer and their Pokèmon I could question for their wisdom."

Nurse Joy finally looked towards the voice and flared her nostrils trying to stay professional. "You should be with your trainer and resting. But let me see, you will need your trainer's permission in any event away from him anyway." She went to typing away at her console and in a few moments, her query came up. "Yes, there is a couple that would suit you. You bring back proof that you have the permission to be visiting someone then I will call them and see if they are willing to have visitors."

"Thank you, Nurse, I will get what I need."

Riolu went back to his room and went to Jason's side and prodded him. Jason stirred and smiled as he woke to see his youngest Pokèmon staring at him. He quickly told his boy what he wanted to do and that he needed proof. He slid from Clair's grasp and went to his get his belt. He then return Clair and the silent Miguel to their Balls and followed Riolu back to the Nurse's station.

"I'm back, Ma'am." Riolu chuckled then saw her as a little annoyed with him.

"Do you allow your Pokèmon to visit the elder trainer and his Pokèmon?"

"I shall be with him, so yes I do. Who is this couple anyway?"

"The trainer is a wise man, Dave, along with his partner, Sasha. Give me a moment and I'll see if they are willing to talk to you." Nurse Joy picked up her work VidComm receiver and got a hold of the trainer, she talked to him a moment quietly then thanked him. She then printed something out and checked it. "Directions to his house, and your Charmeleon should be cleared to leave by tonight. It was a little worse than I originally thought, but all is well."

Jason thanked her then followed his directions through town and made it to a rather expensive looking house and a decent yard for town life. Jason thought it might have been one of the founding homes. He went up and knocked on the door then waited. The door flew open and a graying Lucario smiled at them. It greeted them with an elderly feminine voice. They went inside and met Dave, then the humans started talking and split a pitch of iced tea.

"So, little one, why did you want to visit a couple of run down old timers?" Sasha chuckled as she watched her old trainer become so lively with the visitor.

"I really do not know, I feel like I am missing something in my life. I was raised by a Scyther and kept as though he hated me. I do not hate him for it, but... I just want more."

"A Scyther, you say? Hmm well, did your trainer catch him to?"

"Yes, he did."

"Excuse me for a moment," Sasha went over to the trainers and kept her thoughts away from Riolu.

Miguel appeared a moment later those two began to talk. Sasha quickly hugged the Scyther after confirming his identity then rushed to a different room. She returned with a small box and opened it for him then she handed it to Jason for keeping. She then moved with a new bounce back to the young Pokèmon. Without a word she bent down and hugged him then told him to follow her. He did, they went into a dark room of which, Sasha claimed it as her own.

She flicked on the lights and there on her desk sat a photo of a younger self and another Lucario. In her arms rested an egg. That Riolu did not notice, but the wall held his attention, a newspaper was tacked and the headline picture beheld a Scyther stealing an egg resting beside a bench on top of a pack. Riolu looked at his elder in a confused manner.

"This may be strange to most, but three years ago I had an offspring. I knew I could not take care of the young one in my age nor could Dave, I set the egg on my pack every day and let it sit in the sun. I was never far away, I watched the young Scyther whisk you away. At first I could not bare it, then Dave told me it was for the best and that the one who took you would keep you alive easier than what we could. I had to see if it was the same Scyther who took you that day, foul intentions or not, fate brought my baby back to me. I got something for you from your actual father, he was a true fighter. Won fourteen tournaments before his heart gave out on him. I still miss him." She opened a drawer and pulled out a box and handed it to Riolu, he opened it slowly and gawked at the pair of fighting gloves and some other equipment. "They are yours now, he wanted you to have them."

Riolu's tiny ears folded back, he felt odd as he looked at them as though he had held them before. "What was his name?"

"Adrian was his actual name, his fighting name was the Rocking Fist. I so wish you could have met him. Has your trainer given you a name?"

"No, he told me to chose it, I willingly took the Ball after Miguel was taken. It felt right."

"Good for you, you will make a fine father and partner. Choices are what makes us whole. I can see you want more, it's in your eyes. You want to learn about our kind. Stay close to your human, he will guide you better than I ever could have, his friendship with you will empower you, some say that is how we take on our second form. I say it is the trainer's love that makes us grow. If you want to know where we came from exactly, it was this house. My great grand mother was raised here and kept the family here, where she came from, I do not know."

"I guess on my journey with Jason, I will have to learn all I can to know where we come from."

"Look to your dreams, my son, they will guide you. Come, let's get something to eat."

Riolu followed the female quietly, he was hungry and he knew that Jason had very little currency. Would it be wrong for him to ask if the others could join them? He could not make up his mind and just dropped the question all together once he was given a luncheon meat sandwich with tomatoes and lettuce with cheese on Rye. He ate quietly, the taste of the bread was more than he could take, but stayed courteous about it. Once done he thanked Sasha then they returned to the trainers and sat with them.

"I'm telling ya, make the youngen's evolution rememberable, take 'im to Mount Goskina and train 'im up there, be sure you're on top of the rock itself. You will see the entire continent there."

"Davy, let the boy decide that on his own. They can't be like us."

"Quite all right, Sasha, in fact I would rather have your opinion for your son."

"If that is the case, I would have him change at his father's grave, on Blooming Hill at the peak looking over the river just south of the Grave Tower, he trained there every week. He would walk there weighted down then he fought his own shadow and Aura there."

"I would like to at least visit him, sir." Riolu said quietly. "And I have chosen my name finally, Adrian, after my father."

"Sure, I'll correct the official logs when we get back to the Center. Then we will make our way to him."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Adrian, just be good and keep your manners in check."

"I will." Adrian reached up and hugged his trainer.

"Dave, think we could make a trip as well? Our old bones could use trip, besides, all that walking for them might wear them out and make them forget where they are heading." She gave a wink towards Jason, he played along.

"It might do both of you some good to see us train, too, never know what rarities you might see on our way."

"Bah, usin' the sad sap story on me. Gets me every time. Fine, pack us a few meals, then we'll go back to the Center to get you checked before we go and so he can pick up his things."

Sasha kissed his forehead then went to go fix a few easy meals to place in a basket.

"I swear she is more like a wife than any woman would be. Well. Come on, time's a wastin'."

"We're coming. Adrian, see if your mother needs help with anything before you join us."

"Okay." Adrian ran off towards the kitchen and helped out.

The trainers went through the house and into a garage that held a jeep, the men got into it and waited for the other two to join them. At this time of privacy, Jason asked Dave if he had any other Pokèmon that he raised. The elder chuckled and answered negatively his last Pokèmon died of a heart attack which turned to be Adrian's father. Jason slumped, he hoped to learn more of this trainer and his ways. The awkward silence broke with laughter as Sasha nudged the boy through the door as he struggled with a basket twice his size. She spoke in her natural tongue as he talked back. Jason refused to ask what they talked about but it seemed Dave understood well enough to laugh with his partner.

"You'll learn the speech the longer you are with Adrian, it took me ten years of being tutored by her to learn. I may not be able to speak it, but I know it. Come on, youngen, use yer hips. Not yer back!" Dave shouted out as a true fighting trainer. "Sorry, old habit, his father did the same stunts."

"It's all right, I just barely listen to that rule myself. Guess I could use some training myself."

Dave chuckled as he watched Sasha take the basket and put it back before picking up her son and lifting him in. She got in herself in a solid jump then latched herself and Adrian in before patting the driver's seat. Dave rose his thumb then turned the key, after that, he hit the garage door opener and waited for the space to drive out. Before fully leaving the garage, he hit the button again to shut it.

Within five minutes, they parked in front of the Center and went in. Joy greeted them, then took Sasha for her exam, as Dave asked. Jason went to his rented room and gathered his belongings then waited at the main counter with the key in hand. Joy soon returned with Sasha's clean bill of health and Champ not far behind. He rushed Jason and tackled him, Jason gasped as he rubbed the Charmeleon's back and greeted him. The Pokèmon muttered something and Sasha translated.

"He thought you abandoned him here."

"I kinda got that through the Tackle. I'd never do that to any of you guys. Get up, I can't breathe."


"Hey, Flame Tail, your human said get up! Don't back talk!" Sasha's paws started to glow bluish purple with her Aura powers.

Champ glanced over his shoulder and immediately rolled off and stood. He refused to fight an elder that knew how to fight any type... and win. "Meleon."

"Better. Do you got everything, Jason?"

"Yes, Ma'am, I do." He said instinctively as he heard the motherly voice. "Champ, you're a worrywart. Your first time away from me and you do this? What would happen if mother requested your visit, hmm?"

Champ remained silent, he reached for his ball and retreated into it.

"That's what I thought. Right, thanks for the treatments, Joy."

They went out and got back into the vehicle. Jason went silent as the old man did, listening only to the two Pokèmon in the back seat talk amongst themselves without worry of the humans. They stopped at nightfall at a rest stop to eat and use the restroom. Jason let his crew out so they could do the same. After that, they all gathered for sandwiches and tea then everyone but Champ and Adrian went into their balls. Champ argued with Jason about taking the front seat, making Sasha and Adrian laugh at the body language they threw at each other. Jason finally gave in and let him have it while he sat the young Riolu on his lap in the back and strapped each other in.

Sasha looked him over now that she got the chance, judging him by both Aura and appearance. Over all, she liked what she saw. A strong, sturdy boy that will grow into a fine man given the chance. His future lay in a single path at which he sought wholeheartedly. She was not psychic, but for her kind, she did see things bluntly where others only saw the surface. He was a father to his growing family and he truly did not want to bite off more than he could chew without help. She needed to give him a push towards the one that could help him. Finding that ‘One' would be difficult, she needed to meditate on it.

Dave pulled over and woke Sasha up from her sleep, he quietly asked her to finish driving through the night. She obliged him and took over, she rarely drove any more, but this was a time it was needed for him. Too much excitement could leave her without a trainer. She sighed once they were moving again and drove on until daylight. She did not stop until other drivers started to appear on the road. Though most taller Pokèmon could learn to drive, most humans felt it unsafe with them driving and would call the authorities to get the Pokèmon off the roads. She hated the prejudice, even if she did have her license, it still bugged her that people were so crude. Either way, she knew Dave could drive the next four hours while she slept.

So he did after a protest or two. They were nearly there when they were stopped by a blocked road, a pair of rutting Stantler fought. Jason mentioned that he could go and fight them but Sasha told him no. He questioned her then realized that off the side of the road stood the watching harem of does and a few fauns. He watched as the bucks fought, then one went down. Defeated by all means, the victor snorted then went to check his prize. Sasha then jumped out of the jeep and causally went to the loser and picked up his body and started to move him aside, Jason tossed a ball and caught the male. Sasha growled at him, he ignored her as he let the buck out beside the jeep then applied a healing salve to him then forced a revive into his mouth. Within moments, he gasped and returned to the world of the living. Adrian whined and covered his ears as the buck cursed himself and the world then Jason for a foul capture.

Jason explained that he was not going to let him die there beside the road were some ignorant driver would purposely swerve to finish him off. This made the buck go silent and wide eyed, he sighed and glanced over to the leaving herd and whined himself. Jason told him not to worry, and that he would return one day stronger then ever and take back the fallen honor. Jason then called him Stan and asked him to return to his Pokèball to rest. Dave moved on again picking up the missed time thanks to no traffic. There they parked and got out stretching from the full day's ride. Jason released everyone but Stan and let them relax in the open air. Champ and Clair went off to sit under the trees while watching everyone else. They still had things to work out between themselves. Miguel just sprawled out on the grass taking in the sun. Jason sat and watched then from a top the hill while Sasha and Dave took Adrian to his father's grave. They soon returned quietly with a new light in Sasha and Dave. She stood between her son and his trainer.

"Son, I want to do something our family has passed down for generations. If you can defeat me in battle, you will have my blessing for what ever you choose in life from here on out."

Adrian went wide-eyed then glanced to Dave and Jason alike. Dave nodded, Jason shrugged, Adrian sighed. "I accept the challenge, on one exception: Trainerless." This took back all three of them. "If it's a battle, then I would like a true battle."

"Very well. I shall take your request. En garde!"

The trainers backed away, Jason whistled and motioned the others to join them. The fight was underway. Sasha growled then swung low with a fist. Adrian dodged and came back with a sweeping kick to her knees. She fell, he went in for the strike to the stomach, she vanished with her Extreme Speed technique. He growled and focused on his surroundings then vanished himself. An explosion of wind came up the hill as the two struck each other. They vanished again and appeared back up top with a similar strike. Sasha smiled, she had the experience of her years, but Adrian had the experience of being a slave. He pulled on his feelings and took hold of them forcing out a Frustration attack, it struck. She slid back and gasped as the blunt force hit her stomach. She retorted with a low kick then backed it up with an uppercut, both missed. Adrian slid down the hill allowing a silhouette of himself fade. She looked at the use of Double Team oddly but that was a mistake, he struck from behind. Full force Tackle, Copy Catted from Champ, she flew headfirst into a tree twenty yards away. She slowly pushed her arms under her and turned over, blood started to drip from her nose.

She then admitted defeat as blackness took over. The young Riolu cheered briefly, then went to raid his trainer's pack for one of the Revive pills and rushed to give it to his mother. Coughing, she rose and wiped the blood from her snout. She congratulated him then slowly sat up. She chuckled then hugged the boy as he began to look at her head for any wounds.

"That was the first time I ever lost to a younger fighter. I'm proud to have you as my son. Your father would be proud too."

"Thanks, come on, let's see if either of them brought some extra potions."

"I'll do well enough with what you gave me, I may be old, but I know how to survive. Come, we need to head to the gravesite, I sense the change is coming."

Adrian cocked his head but followed, the fellows followed as well, silenced by the sheer fact that the young Riolu knew enough of fighting to actually beat a high experience level Pokèmon like his mother. And according to Jason's Pokèdex, he should only be level thirteen now. On top of grave, Adrian stood listening to his mother.

"Good, concentrate your Aura let the energy around you flow into your natural strength. Take it! Pull that energy into your heart!"

Adrian began to glow, a brilliant white, his shape grew and changed. A sharp gasp from him was all that sounded. The sun engulfed his form from behind as it began to set lightening the moment with romantic ease. The evolutionary glow ceased, leaving behind a very skinny Lucario he looked over himself and chuckled, his voice now deep and masculine sounding. His friends cheered, his mother wiped her eyes seeing a reflection of her mate standing before her.

"Jason, do me and my mate a favor. Teach him how to read and write, something his father could never grasp. It will do him good to be able to write his life down so he can pass them on to his children. Please."

"I will do my best. I promise you that. How about dinner? I'm sure you two would like to start heading home soon as it is."

"Not a bad idea, yer young mind has grown beyond yer years." Dave nudged him then made his way to the jeep.

Champ rushed down to help not wanting to get yelled at by Sasha again. Jason waited on the others, he held back Adrian, though, to speak with him. Sasha nodded then went ahead of them leaving the two alone. Jason turned his back towards the others and looked at the sunset.

"I have never taken the time to appreciate the sunset before, a sign that I made it through another day of life. I guess this is what it is like to be a parent. Any way, you will now have more on your plate of life. I will teach you more than just things about fighting others. From here on out, you will have work to do. As soon as we get to the closest town, I am going to get supplies to teach you how to read and write. I'm going to teach Champ and Clair as well. It might seem odd, but your mother requested that I teach you. It will be nice to work on after a hard day's training."

"I do not know what to say, sir, I will try not to disappoint either of you."

"The day you do disappoint me will be a very sad day."

Jason nudged Adrian down to the others, it seemed odd to him to see him at shoulder height, but that was being a trainer was about. He frowned at the thought that any of his little family could disappoint him. But with the evolution here, he had to think of something to celebrate it, he looked at his Pokètch and pulled up the calendar, October 13, he double took the date. He did not realize that it had been that long since starting, five more months and it would be a year since leaving home. That meant he also forgot about his own birthday, he sighed and pushed it aside. He didn't feel like celebrating that anyway. So what if he had turned into a teen, he felt mature enough to ignore it when needed. He turned it to his phone app then dialed his mother.

"Hello, mom?"

"HONEY! Ah, so glad you called, your father came home and brought you a gift are you near a Center yet?"

"It might be sometime tomorrow. I've been visiting people and places that are related to my Pokèmon. Who know one of my Pokèmon was actually related to the founders of Fluaton."

"You have a Riolu? I have to see this."

"Well, I don't have a Riolu anymore... he's kinda grew up today on me. Thanks to his mother."

"Amazing, hope it was rememberable, did you celebrate your birthday?"

"Didn't even realize it had passed to be honest, that was one of the reasons I called. Here I had hoped to be near a Vidtrans at a Center for that day and I missed it."

"It's alright, dear, just call when you get to one and I'll send your present your way then. I'll talk to you later."

"Sure, love you." He hung up and joined the others. He looked over his team in the dying light, with a smile, he sat and gladly to a sandwich. Sasha was a grand sandwich maker, he wandered what other things she has learned to do over the years of her life. "Thanks for the meal and the trip. I know I had fun learning about how these two fight."

"I am glad, you are one fine trainer to have raised fine specimens of the Char family, many cannot handle more than one at a time."

They ate, laughed, told stories, then parted ways. Sasha hugged her boy then jumped into the jeep with her trainer. They drove off into the darkening roadways leaving the young family behind to fend for themselves. Adrian sighed and plopped onto the ground on his back. Not caring that the dew had slowly started to gather, he wiggled to get comfortable. He glanced at his boy and noticed that he looked just as relieved as he did.

He looked into Jason's aura and noticed a small amount of sadness there along with a bit of anger. He sat up and stared deeper into Jason's personal power and tried to see his true self. He cocked an ear back as Champ crept closer and went to hug Jason, the fire tail mirrored the human's aura. He looked at the others, they were not effected as the male was.

"You two match each other, Aura mood wise. Is there something that you are beating yourself up for?"

"Yeah, I missed talking to my mother at my birthday, at the time we were coming into Miguel's old territory."

"I'm sorry, sir. Is there anything I can do to help both of you cheer up?"

"Maybe... is it possible to cover up despair with some other feeling with your abilities?"

"I do not know, without knowing what might happen and without proper help, I do not wish to try to do that."

"I understand. Champ, Adrian, set up camp for the night. I'm going to get the fire going strong again." Jason walked away from them and went to the thin tree line and picked up limbs and other tinder.

The two males went to work silently using the light from Champ's tail to see. They were nearly done when Clair came over and offered them some jerky and a canteen. Miguel sat by the now crackling fire beside Jason, both staring into the flames. The team surrounded the fire and passed around the canteen and bag of jerky, knowing that once again, they were on their own. Jason looked up at the hill by chance and saw a Lucario stare back at him. He prodded Adrian and told him to look back, but by the time he did, the Lucario vanished in a small dirt cloud. Jason swore he had heard a voice telling to take care of his family then. He shrugged it off then went into the tent, Clair stood and ushered everyone else off toward the tent, it was her turn for watch, she would tend to the fire as needed.

The night was silent, the wind had a slight chill, the fire crackled its song. The night was bliss for one female that held her secrets to herself, someday she knew she would have to talk to the Lucario and trainer. But until then, she held herself as her own master and would keep everything bottled in, they were off track finding the Clan of her own birth. That was all that mattered to her now. She did not want to know what became of the one she claimed mother, the males most likely have killed her by now. Clair was in a better situation, she knew that, but why did she feel like she was alone? She had one of her own kind with her, a loving human to watch over her, and friends that were growing closer by the day.

She sighed as the light dimmed the wood finally giving up and turning to ash, that at least, remained the constant in the world. Fires always die quietly. That is what she feared of becoming, a dying fire going out without a sound. She looked around now that the light was to a point of succumbing to the darkness of night, nothing stirred. It was as though the nocturnal avoided this hill for a reason, she felt a paw on her shoulder. She felt calm relaxed with it.

"Do not worry, I will watch over my son and his family. You may see me from time to time, but until he finds what he needs to, I cannot rest in peace. I will guide the family when lost. You may go rest for the new day nears."

Clair looked up at a tall, handsomely strong Lucario as he smiled upon her before vanishing in the wind. Unlike the ghost Pokèmon she was used to, this did not bring fear with it. She nodded then went into the tent and retreated into her waiting Pokèball. This ‘new day' seemed like it was starting great so far, she wandered what would happen to them now...

Scy-zing up the Differences

Three weeks have gone by, many battles have too. Jason, a young trainer walked side by side with his to Pokèmon Champ and Clair, both being Charmeleons. He found that the male/female attitudes definitely showed differences from the two genders. Champ...

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A New Adventure

A young boy, whom had just come of age, traveled the lands in search for adventures. His first stop was to the Professor's to get his travel companion and guardian. His young, energetic brown eyes scoped the lands as he traveled to avoid potential...

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Manny and Merrlon Book Four

Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Four Two days away from the creek, there had been more signs of vehicle travel. Manny suggested hijacking a carrier but then they wanted to be on good terms with the nation, which Merrlon reminded him...

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