Manny and Merrlon Book Four

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#4 of The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon

Adventures of Manny and Merrlon

Book Four

Two days away from the creek, there had been more signs of vehicle travel. Manny suggested hijacking a carrier but then they wanted to be on good terms with the nation, which Merrlon reminded him after seeing some of the drivers at a rest stop. The Cat had spotted a large Labrador that seemed to him to tower over twenty feet tall and had a rough looking coat mixed with scars, he quickly went downwind missing one Cat female that rubbed against the Dog lustfully. The Half Mouse laughed at his lover then joined him with the pack of Wolves they had come to enjoy. They were about an hour's drive from the next town now all they needed was a way to the Capital. Manny was convinced that they could very well get a group transport to there. They needed to move quicker and end these endless battles and death counts. At least as they went on, Manny noticed that this country was very diverse though Cats seemed to be more slaves than citizens.

He sighed and looked at his Cat and drew a false smile to keep him happy. "Merr, come on, we need you to pull together, I won't let them take you from me without a fight."

"I know..." Merrlon's attitude fluxed the last few days driving Manny in circles. "Manny, why are we doing this? I mean, they could just torture us then kills us for anything and our leader will just ignore our missing reports."

"Are you pregnant?" Manny grunted as he moved himself closer jumping over a pup's playful mess.

"You know better than that. And stop trying avoid answering."

"I ain't, you're the one with mood swings, now you know we are trying to end the wars, that's our purpose. We need to get moving, speaking of that, so we can get this half done with, we might even be able to catch a plane back."

"Don't see why we couldn't have done that in the first place, but then we would not have had all the time together or found these...Wolves."

Manny pulled Merrlon down to his eye level then kissed him. "That's right, now move."

"What if I don't want to? Huh? Maybe I would want to stay here."

"Then do that, so you will be left behind and be all alone. With the ferules."

"Hell no, I will not let that happen. Not in this life."

"What about the others?" Manny joked then turned away from him.

"Others? Having nine lives is a lie. I'll be at the back of the pack, join me if you want..." Merrlon walked off.

Manny moaned and went to find Mistress so he could get her to move everyone. Something did not feel right today, like something bad was going to happen. Not that he had just got that feeling, but with the news of the Reptilians landing on the mainland and no major reports were out just meant that they were moving too slowly for anyone to know especially after four years; he knew of reports that entire towns were razed over a single night, but that was no new news. Someone had to know about this in some way, and he was afraid he was going to find out soon.

He jumped as he heard brakes and tires squeal on the road above and beside them the trees would protect them from debris but he still worried about being found. They needed to get to a town soon and find transport, walking was wearing thin on his nerves. He sighed as the black female Mouse came into sight through the Wolves. He approached her and found that one of the few single males had latched onto her.

He cleared his throat then spoke, "We need to get moving again. The sooner we find a town, the sooner we get rides."

"Sure, sounds better than being stuck in these trees." Mistress would barely look at him, he did not care much. "Let's go Pack, we move NOW!"

Manny ears rang, he voice boomed loud enough he was sure she was heard on the road. But then again, they were in Hound country, packs roaming the hillside were not uncommon here. "Thank you."

He moved on and found Roland, the Hound slumped in boredom, he looked close to tears. "What's wrong, beagle?"

"I'm just missing my cats, the cub reminded me of how I used to tolerate tongue baths from all of them," Roland subconsciously wiped his nose then perked up as he smelled Mattew coming his way. "That boy reminds me of one cub I adopted so long ago, but he died of pneumonia. The doctors refused to treat him because he was a Cat. I tried every herbal thing I could get my paws on, but..."

"I understand, if he does not have a family would you take the honor?"

"In a heartbeat. There's the kitten, been playing with the pups?" Roland absently wagged his tail as he saw Matthew covered in mud and who knows what else.

"Yep, I took quite a few away so their parents could relax and do the coupled thing. Can I ask you something?"


"What's ‘tied' mean. Father never explained much when it came to Hounds. Or himself..."

"It' well... When a male mates with his lover, the end of his penis expands to lock him into his mate to prevent him from hurting himself from rapid thrusting."

Matthew just stared for a moment. "How odd, why don't I got that thing on mine?"

"You would have to ask Merrlon that one, I barely know why the races started warring."

"Ah. Then were is he? It's better than being tackled from behind by pups."

"At the back. Just watch your tail, kid, someone may end up following us if we were spotted from the road."

Matthew rolled his eyes mockingly then smirked before running off.

"Teenagers, they're all the same no matter the race... Anyway, let's get to the front, who knows, we may come up to another creek."

"Though it was fun and needed, I rather not do that again. What if we were caught in the middle of a tie? We wouldn't be able to fight if needed."

"You and Merrlon." Manny sighed and straightened a whisker. "Fine, we shall avoid doing anything till dark. Then maybe your worrying can be shoved away."

"I still am not gay, even if it was a spot of weakness, I don't like doing that."

"Sure... whatever you say." Manny chuckled as they picked up pace to move up front.

They spoke very little during the walk, but by nightfall, city lights came into sight through the trees. The Hounds cheered, the Mice fell silent, the Cats still talked about sexual workings. The Pack stopped to where they were still hidden among the trees and the scouts were sent out to find out about the city. When they returned they said they were at the limits of Hastouv, the capital, they made it, Manny sighed. They made it... now only to gain audience with the leaders.

"We camp here. In the morning, the mothers and children are to stay here with a few volunteers to protect them from anything that might come their way. Any weapons we have are to be left here." Manny shouted over the group. The pack had fallen silent from when the scouts returned with the news. "Anyone but Merrlon have anything to say about this?" He could here his lover hiss at him, he did not care.

No one said anything. They started to build the cook fires and lean-to shields to block the light from the town. Manny dropped his pack and sat on it and fell into his thoughts. He had to think of how he would approach with the leaders or whatever their position was called. Democracy or monocracy, he did not know which held here, but from the few places he had seen from the travels they already lived in peace with the races. Now just to get the peace to pass the borders then they would be off to the other side of the land.

Manny sighed, an older pup came up to him his nakedness did not phase him, the pup tugged on Manny's tail. He absently rubbed the pup's head before looking down.

"Yeah, what?"

"The Mistress wishes to speak with you." The pup was slow at his speech, but knowledgeable.

"Thank you." Manny frowned, she was his slave why would she demand his presence? He walked away from the pup and worked his way to the center to where he knew the slave would be at.

He found her and from what he could tell, she did not look happy, actually she looked frightened. The males that protected her did so the tallest watched her like a mate would. He sniffed and smelled the fear from her, rancid almost as if she had leaked down her leg. He came to a conclusion before she even acknowledged him that she had been here before.

"You used to live here... before you were a slave."

She nodded, silenced by her memories.

"I am guessing you remember why you became a slave."

"I lived on the streets, hidden from the commoners, I slipped into the path of a slaver one night... he promised food, clothes, and a better life."

"My father?"

"A Canine, I never did learn his name; only Master, I was nothing but an item to him. He sold me to the Rat... I realize now... I did get his promise... being with you and the others... but..." She fell silent as she remembered the orders from the Rat King, she clinched her fists. "Your father told me, ordered me, to have you sire a child off me. But seeing how you act with the Cat and the mutt... I... I just can't, I must obey my master, that is the slave's life oath, I just don't know what to do. You don't act like any master I have ever seen... and I have seen plenty coming through to buy or sell slaves. Many have tried to buy me off the Rat but he would deny them that pleasure always saying I was meant for someone special."

"The past cannot be changed. So let the future unfurl into a better way. Now get some rest, you and your right-hand are coming with us into that town."

"As you wish... my master."

Manny turned and pushed his way back out of the center, tents made out of furs of both feral and other made the covers, he shivered as he had every time he saw them. Rain must be coming, that was the only time when the males brought them out. He found Merrlon and rubbed his back as he made himself known.

"Hey there, love, how's the sex talk going?"

He received a low growl, but not audible. "Just fine. What's going on rather than sitting and waiting for our deaths?"

"We survived this long, one more night will not matter. Besides living like this, I have learned a lot about Canines. One: don't sneak around them at night; Two: always be prepared to answer sexual questions when first meeting; and Three: a wagging tail does not always mean they are happy. So don't think we are about to be killed just because your inner kitten says fear the big doggy. Just think about me, most of them are twice my height if not taller. Even Roland, being the runt of the pack right now, could sit on me and hurt me if he really wanted to. That is if he caught me off guard. But I digress, this will be for the better."

"I guess so, I'll meet you later."

"Okay, be ready though." Manny winked then went off to set their tent up, a little ways away from the others but still acceptable. The military style canvas stuck out. Now he knew if they were spotted, they would be seen as mercenaries, or a scouting expedition. He cursed to himself but still opened it. He would not be left in the rain. Nor was he willing to let his sex play be seen. His horniness would be sated by morning even if he had to paw off to do it or worse, he would settle for the slave again just to get his need dealt with.

"Easy, chap, that's as bad as cursing your own blood..." He whispered to himself. "Not saying it is not temping, but it still against your beliefs. At least your heart. Damn who am I kidding, I would do that night over again, but without that whip. Merrlon and his damn ideas... ah, well, that is why you love him. Always need that opposite of yourself."

"Would Master Manny, like some help?" A young pup just barely able to mate had walked up on his rambling. He could not help but smile at the male as he only had on a shred of pants left, he had torn out his crotch long ago and now it just protected his legs from dirt, he did not even wear a shirt.

"Sure. Why does the pack not make clothing for the pups?"

"We do not leave our mothers, so the elders do not think it was necessary for us to have many clothing when food was needed more. Especially with our last leader. Mother is happy now that papa can be with us all the time, even if we walk around a lot."

"That's good, hold that pole up... that's it. Then what did your papa do before we left town?"

"I don't know, but he always came home with enough for me and my sisters to eat, I always shared with mother even though she said for me to keep it."

"That's kind of you. So, does your mother eat now?"

"Yes, and she does not feel like sleeping all the time either. That's why I came, I wanted to thank you. For helping us. I hope you would say thanks to the Cat too, he's the first one I ever saw. Mother said that they use to live with us in the pack at one point, I am glad they are again. Do you think I could be able to touch him? I want to know what they feel like."

Manny smiled, the tongue hanging out and the wagging tail was too cute to say no to. "You can try, but he is still scared of big bad doggies like yourself. Tell you what, at dinner time, see if your mother will let you eat with us, I am sure you will get your chance then and you might even be able to corner him into telling you a story about his land."

This overjoyed the pup. He only stood around long enough to see the tent finished, which only needed the ropes pull taught, then ran off tripping over his large feet. He would grow to be a strong Wolven warrior.

That evening, at dinner, the pup returned and sat against Merrlon close enough that he might as well sat on the Cat's lap. Manny could not help but chuckle as Merrlon gave him a crossed look. He patted the Cat's shoulder then ate his meal, even the meat, just because he was hungry enough not to care. Matthew had found his way into eating with a family and tried to learn of the pack. The pup, they learned was named Dakota, had a hankering for knowledge from outside his world; he quizzed Merrlon of his homelands then the same for Manny, neither answered truthfully to keep the innocent mind innocent. Then came the question Manny waited for, Dakota asked Merrlon to tell him a story he had learned. He got it but Manny did not believe it, for it was one he had also learned. A couple surrounding Wolves quieted down to listen as well.

"There once was a mighty beast that lived in the mountains. One so fierce that even the gods knew just barely it was. It was not of this land and knew not of our ways. It came down the mountains searching for things unknown. It would hurt all in its path, the ones that survived its wrath left the legacy. The creature known only as Man came here most likely to find a new den, only three of our kind came forward to slay the beast. A vicious Hound, a strong Mouse, and a fearless Cat. Together they slew the beast and chopped off its gross head, which some said snakes lived upon it, others say fur that stopped before its eyes. They took the head and hid it within the land of Cats; then they cut the lower into two pieces, the chest they hid in the land of the Hounds, and the legs among the Mice. The warriors that slew the creature are said to still stand guard today, to prevent the coming of other creatures like it from venturing into our land."

After making sure Merrlon was done, Dakota spoke up. "Do you think that story is real, Master Merrlon?"

"I cannot say for real, that is why I became a warrior. So I can be declared a guardian like they were... but the war amongst our kind has destroy that dream for the most part. Well, you best be heading back to your folks, no telling what they would think if I put any more stories into that head of yours."

"Will you tell more stories later?"

"I might... go on now, shoo." He waited for the pup to run off before slugging Manny's shoulder hard. "That's for trapping me like that." He hissed.

"Cry me a river. It does you good, besides, the older ones enjoyed the shortened version just as much as Dakota did." Manny smiled as his lover looked around and saw eyes staring back with hopeful continuation of the true story. "Looks like they want more."

"You tell it."

"Nope, you're the storyteller. I'm heading off to bed, enjoy yourself and try not to forget that you are needed for later." Manny broke off in full laughter as he stood, he left quickly and saw that the Wolves surrounded him and waited patiently for him to continue.

Manny smiled as he plowed into his tent, he hoped his Cat lover would be peeved a little, enough to make him want to dominate his Rouse. The thought of what the Cat could do to him still chills and arousal through him. He quickly closes the flaps and strips to his underclothes then just lays on top of roll. It did not take him long to become drowsy and start to fall asleep. He was in the paralyzed sleep state when Merrlon finally crept in. He was tired but happy, the Wolves actually loved to hear his stories. Then he saw the near nude sleeping form, the Cat grinned and quietly stripped himself down then gently pulled off the briefs of his lover. Once the prize was revealed, Manny stirred a little trying to wake up, Merrlon grinned sheepishly before leaning over and grooming the fur of his lover's groin with his rough tongue. Manny moaned quietly, then woke to a start as wet warmth went over his length.

"‘Bout time you came to bed. I got bored."

Merrlon said nothing as he took the shaft into his mouth and worked it with his tongue to awaken it as well. Once satisfied, he slid his rough tongue down between the furred cheeks to lick the pucker under the naked tail. Manny gasped at the sensation then pushed against the tongue. Merrlon growled lightly and pinned down his Mouse.

He moistened the treasure to his liking then lifted the gray hips then pressed his own against them forcing his erection into the moist hole. He started to thrust hard and fast. The Cat moaned then growled in ecstasy, he quickly drew himself up to an orgasm then let it all out with a grunt. He then leaned over his Mouse and kissed him before withdrawing then sticking his own tail in the air waiting for his half of the loving.

Manny smiled and quickly mounted the Cat and took him in the same manner. He put out twice to the Cat's one orgasm. Manny needed it, he realized. He collapsed over the back in front of him and wrapped his arms around the body, then he closed his eyes.

Morning came far too soon. The team that was to go into the main city gathered and said their short farewells to their loved ones. Merrlon growled out his hates for this mission while the remained silent gawking at the buildings and the civilians staring at them. Most parted or jay-walked to avoid the presence of the Wolves. Segregation hit hard in this country, Manny noted, and he hoped that being able to travel with the Wolven folk would help convince the Hound leaders of the need for a treaty.

The local authorities came and stopped them, still looking like the mercenaries they dressed to be, Manny figured they caused a scene they did not realize. Manny pulled out a card that was issued to him just before they left the Mouse country. Merrlon asked when he had gotten that, Manny just winked. He then stepped up to the cop that still had a weapon pointed at them.

"I am Manuel Yamson of the Mice Army, Ambassador. I request an escort to your leaders so that we may ask for assistance."

The Hound growled but agreed.


"I since a trap, we should execute them..." A black Labrador grunted.

"We should listen, it may prove to be honest truth." A Dane huffed as he shuffled his overweight body to get more comfortable.

Other Hounds muttered quietly in the Chambers, the central House of the Senate, many agreed with the first but most agreed partially to the Dane. A bitch spoke up hushing the crowd, an older Husky of gray and white coloring stood at a podium on the main level below the senators.

"The Mouse is an ambassador, we ourselves have not declared war with his people, execution of him will be considered an act of war on either side, we must let him speak then vote, then we shall send him and the pack of... Wolves he travels with back to his lands."

None spoke against her, she held the dominant seat and would be treated as so, many of the others looked like they wanted to snarl and attack her.

"Bring in the guests." She told the senate pages.

The team walked in with Manny and Merrlon in the lead, growls sounded behind the Husky but were quickly silenced at a glare from her.

"Greetings, Cat and Mouse, to the Senate Chambers."

"Thank you, Madame." Both of them bowed slightly.

"Speak of what you have to offer."

Manny spoke up after clearing his throat, feeling rather like a feral mouse amongst these large predators. "I came to seek for peace, absolute peace; war has ravished our lands, and from what I have seen on the outer cities of your Country, many of your people already live with Cats and Mice. Refugees of the constant war among the two races hoping to find peace among a common enemy and truly found it. Amongst that, there have also been rumors that the Reptilians have come searching for slaves in the Edgelands. These senseless wars that have raged on for many generations need to end permanently and focus on this new threatâ€"â€"

"Nonsense, there are no reports of such preposterous activities!" A fuzzy Bernard barked.

"Silence, all of you!" The Husky growled making Merrlon shrink a little.

His duty forced him to stay, but instincts to run threatened to kick him hard but the Wolves comforted him.

"Continue, Mister Yamson."

"Thank you. This threat will lead to an all out war if it is not stopped now, I doubt any of you would want to scrubbed clean the scales of a giant lizard much less their housing. I ask of you this: Will you want your pups to grow hating the life of the continent? Or would you have them live together?"

Manny stepped down and Merrlon stepped forward, visibly shaking. "Ehem, I am not used to seeing so many Hounds, so forgive me if I become tongue-tied. I am not a speaker of my kin, but I do speak for myself, I have lived among the pack of Wolves for... three weeks? Yes, three weeks. I have not noticed any hostilities towards me or the other Cat we stumbled across whom was a victim of the Edgeland's attack, he is not with us and is safely guarded by the pack with a Basset we found as well whom we found at the start of our walking journey through your lands. I, myself, have learned more than I thought were possible. I was raised to believe that the Hounds devoured everything in their path, not groom it to life, that you are pure monsters. The only monster I have seen was the insane, previous pack leader that was... dealt with during our journey, the pack has only offered their gratitude since then, now that they are able to live with their mates and pups even if they are traveling as we have so far. I beg you, please help us to gain land-wide peace so my kin can learn what I have learned and that all refugees can go home." Merrlon had not realized that a tear had rolled down his cheek as he thought of the Cats at the day when the slave became the pack Alpha.

The Husky offered him a tissue then took the podium. "Thank you, both, at this time we must vote. All in favor of the treaty?"

Lights lit up on the stadium style sections. Among the two hundred seats, ninety lit green. The Husky asked for the ‘against,' eighty lit. The remainder stood and declared that they proof of what Manny and Merrlon spoke of, Mistress stepped forward along with her second.

"You want proof? I am the new alpha of the pack, I killed the old one for wanting to eat the local Cats, he even forced some of the males to slaughter their own mates and children just to please him. This Wolf is one of those four. I was asked to come with them as a representative of my pack, those remaining pups need proper care, I am responsible for each one that dies of starvation or by the loss of protection due to their fathers being taking from them. We guard these two with our lives and we will fight if necessary." The black Mouse glared over the crowd with such a look that made even the Husky shrink back. "I don't expect kindness, from what I have been told, Wolves are supposed to be mindless fools only out for blood. I have yet to see it, the only hunger I have seen is for peace and a chance of a proper living. I am a warrior myself, I have been through and seen things that would make you die in your seats. I doubt any of you could live through a day after seeing a Rat mutilated for trying to assassinate a Mouse leader, nor could you live seeing a common pup slaughtered for trying to blow up a ring of warriors. I've been there, I seen that, these people are not killers, I am and I refuse to let anyone hurt them or let them hurt others. He can confirm that if you need, I am just saying this once, you do not help them you will have a war far worse than you can imagine at your paws."

Red lights flipped over to green, while all of the unlit lights turned to green. It was unanimous, either by the sheer fact that they believed her tale, or that they feared her, no one could tell. Manny smiled slightly as the Husky took the podium back.

"Wow, um, I will go with them to the Mouse lands and sign a treaty with their leaders. The necessities will be giving to the Wolves and others along with food. One week will be need to set up air transport. Manuel, if you would join me, I will have a secure satellite connection set up for you to contact your leaders."

"Thank you. Merrlon, will you get the pack? I would like to see the pups in clothes."

"Sure, um, where will we be staying?"

"I will arrange a hotel for your entire pack." The Husky said almost with ease. She still hated the thought of the Wolves in the city and it showed. She looked at the Wolf standing next to his alpha and saw his tail wagging quickly and his eyes glazed over. "Are happy for you pack?"

"Indeed I am, mostly for my nephews, they have not had proper clothing since they were two, and now they get to dress up and be like everyone else. I would give my paws just to see that they got a decent set."

"It won't go that far, but everyone will get what they need.

The night came quick, the video conference with the Mice went well along with the cheers of those in the room eavesdropping on the General. They had given up on the two and were surprised that they lived little on living among the Wolves with a regular Hound and a young Cat. The General even smiled before they ended the link. Then Manny took a transport to a grand hotel where the Domitrace, the leader of the Senate and Country, had set up for the entire pack to rest at for the week while she set up the plane needed for the entire group, her guards, and herself.

Manny grinned when he heard that each family had their own room, got the chance to have a proper bath, ate a full meal, and properly clothed. He did not expect that much from the Country. He praised them all especially the workers of the hotel for putting their prejudice aside while the pack was there. Most of them grumbled but otherwise returned the thanks to him. He eventually found his own mate surrounded by all of the pups as he spun a tale of his own even adding sound effects getting the younger ones attentions to stay on him. He saw Dakota sitting close sporting an all blue getup: t-shirt, jeans, and shoes. He could not help but join the cubs as they laughed at one of the corny jokes and the way the Cat acted it out. In the corner of the room Matthew watched with a grin with the Domitrace beside him, they talked quietly as they watched Merrlon. He joined them being curious.

"I'm told that Cat and you are together." She flat out said as Manny walked up though in a hushed tone.

"Yes, and we could not be happier. We are no different from any other couple though, and this journey proved that to us."

"I can tell. I see he is a good father figure too." She chuckled as Merrlon bent down in an act to scare a young pup but mewed like a kitten instead.

"That is possible, he got caught by the pup in all blue last night and begged a story out of him. I never knew he was a storyteller nor did he from the outcome. I think he's enjoying it quite well."

"That he is... oh my, it's late, I need to go. I will see to it that they be treated fairly in this city."

"Thank you, but I doubt anyone but the males will leave without Mistress leading out."


"She was a slave, given to me as a present by... an acquaintance, I rather not go into it, but she will obey the laws here, that I guarantee."

"Very well, but do know thatâ€"

"I do not take claim over her, I told her that she was free once we got back to the Mouse lands but until then she still has to listen to me."

"I will accept that, just do not let others know she is a slave, international laws forbid same race slaves you know that, I'm sure."

"Of course, even our lands don't fully see eye-to-eye, there are still joined laws that has kept us from ripping each other apart. I disapprove of slavery all together, but that is something I cannot change on my own and too many want it to stay."

With that said, the Domitrace left quietly leaving the Mouse sighing and waiting to be sent out of the Country with haste. A howl of fear struck him, looking around the room, he saw a pup running for cover as Merrlon ended his story in a feral roar. He smiled then went to go pull the pup from under the chair he had crawled under. The pup fussed as he was pulled into the open and cradled by the Mouse, he was young and most likely not used to hearing such things, his peers chuckled and begged for more. He quieted the pup's whining and took him back to the puppysitter then left the group to Merrlon's storytelling. He headed upstairs to his assigned room and unlocked it with the key given to him, the room was small but that was fine to him, he laid on the bed and closed his eyes praying for a truce to take over the two Countries quickly.

The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Three

I'd like to thank everyone for faving or watching me, I appreciate it. I do look forward to comments on how to improve my work and all that...enjoy The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Three Manny woke sore the next morning,...

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Pup Gang

CUB!!! Don't Like it? Don't READ it! Little eyes glowed in the dark shadows from the surrounding buildings. The young golden fox smiled as he walked up on a cardboard fort. He walked up to the door and knocked on the cardboard wall....

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Lizard of the Night

Laughter broke the dark night, the rain poured heavily on thatch roofs. A dark figure ran from sword-baring guards, the guards shouted at the figure as it threw down a bloodied sword and tripped one of the followers. The figured lifted a hand, and with...

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