Pup Gang

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CUB!!! Don't Like it? Don't READ it!

CUB!!! Don't Like it? Don't READ it!

Little eyes glowed in the dark shadows from the surrounding buildings. The young golden fox smiled as he walked up on a cardboard fort. He walked up to the door and knocked on the cardboard wall. He looked around then moved closer to the door.

"Let me in, let me in, by the hair on your chin."

The door shifted and a little bear poked its head out then the bear opened the door. The fox went in and shut the door behind him. He turned and looked at the bear coyly then shook his head. The bear cub stood there removing its shoes.

The bear looked up and chuckled, it showed its female form well for the age. The fox smiled and slumped down. He knew he was about to be tackled as always, her favorite greeting. He was right, he was slammed to the floor and pinned as she rubbed her muzzle against his.

"Ah, Xaczan, you used the conditioner I bought you."

"Yes I did, Noel, can I get up again."

"No. Did you bring it?"

"The toy I let you play with."


"No, mother was watching me too closely. I still do not know why you would want to play with it. Mother won't tell me what she got it for."

"You don't have it. Gah! Now how am I supposed to go home with a smile?" Noel sat up and kept her weight on Xaczan's waist. "I wonder..."

"Wonder what?"

"How old are you again?"

"Nine, why?"

Noel muttered to herself as Xaczan tried to pull himself free. She stood as he pulled; Xaczan rammed his head into a chair. He whimpered and rubbed his bump; he fought back the tears that threatened to form. Noel sighed then looked at him oddly. Xaczan gulped as he guessed whatever she was planning it involved him.

"I know of a game that would make you smile and leave you wanting more."

"What game?"

"You must promise that you won't tell anyone. Not even that hound friend of yours."

"But what if I want him to play with us?"

Noel thought for a moment and grinned. "Good idea, bring him here."

"Really? You promise you won't start without us?"

"I can't do nothing without you. Go on, get!" Noel, still grinning, almost laughed at her grammar insult that one of her teachers would punish her for.

Xaczan ran out leaving Noel to think about how she would use both of the young boys to her pleasure. Since she found out she was old enough to mate and was forced into mating classes at school, she found ways to simulate the same thing as a mate would. Not long after laying back and scratching her chest, Xaczan peered into the door and smiled.

"You find him like you did the toy?"

"No, he's here. Can we come in?"

"Get your tails in here and block the door."

The boys hurried in and shoved the chair in front of the door, and then Xaczan looked at Noel. "Now what?"

"First, you two must pinky swear you two will not say anything to anybody about this game and only play it here!"

The boys raised their pinkies and wrapped them around hers. They shook and waited for her to speak again. She stepped back, bit her lip, and twisted her shirt a little. She took a deep breath then smiled.

"Alright, this is called 'Please Noel' and these are the rules: Do what I say and keep me happy. Do you understand?"

The floppy-eared beagle raised his paw. "How can Lacron please you?"

"Well, first you two can take off your shirts." Noel bit at a long strand of fur that had wandered to her lips.

The boys looked at each other then took their shirts off. After that, they tossed their shirts aside. Noel could not stop smiling and stepped closer to them. She rubbed Xaczan's chest lightly. She leaned closer to the fox and drew in a deep breath to fill her sense with his scent.

"Now the pants." She rubbed the outer edge of Xaczan's right ear.

"Momma told me never to take my pants off until I am ready for bed." Lacron whimpered as he watched Xaczan do as she asked.

"As long as you keep the promise, you do not have to worry. Now, keep me happy."

Lacron sighed as the bear took hold of his pants and dropped them to the floor. Noel nodded then took a step back and pondered her next move. She grabbed her shirt and pulled it off to reveal two bald spots on her chest, which were her underdeveloped teats. Then she pulled down her pants to stand in her underwear with them.

Xaczan stared while Lacron looked away. Lacron whimpered as he tried to shy away and repeatedly was told the 'rules' of the game. Noel chuckled as the fox asked what was next and the hound howled quietly. She looked between the two nine year olds and decided to work with the shy one.

"Lacron, come here, you will like this next part." She knelt in front of the boy as he moved and removed his briefs.

She rubbed his small sheath with a fingertip then edged closer to lick it. Xaczan moved to where he could watch her do her thing. Noel pulled down the protective flesh then licked the bony flesh that she revealed. Lacron stopped whimpering and started moaning.

Xaczan, in his curiosity, pulled down his briefs then the protective sheath to reveal his shaft. He watched Noel grab his friend's member and began to pull up and down on it, he followed her movements and moaned. Noel turned to the fox and pulled him closer. Then she grabbed their paws and made them grip the other's shaft and start masturbating.

She backed away and pulled down her panties then lay down on her side. She stuck a finger in her tail hole and began to make circles to stretch herself. Before she knew it, Lacron had bent down and started licking Xaczan while pulling on his shaft. She smiled and pulled out her finger and whistled. Both stared as she lifted a leg to reveal her femaleness.

"Now you know what it feels like to paw off. Put those to their true purpose. Okay, Xaczan, I want you at my belly, Lacron, my back. Shove it in."

Xaczan lay at her belly and looked at her. She grabbed his shaft, now pink and warm with blood, and pushed him into her womanhood then Lacron lay down and she did the same with him and her tail hole. She had Lacron watch as she got Xaczan started on thrusting. She moaned as they both got the hang of it and then told them to go faster. She felt Lacron's knot first then Xaczan's, she gasped as they both started to swell and fill her insides with the mounds of flesh.

She let out an orgasm and a shout, the boys slowed to a stop and panted heavily, then found that they were stuck inside of her. Lacron struggled a little then stopped as Noel pulled him over her to kiss him. Then she kissed Xaczan more passionately. He broke away from her with a smile and looked at Lacron.

"I think I like this game." Xaczan pulled himself away from her and made her body 'BLOP' as he pulled his shaft free.

"I am tired. Can I get dressed now?" Lacron pulled himself out of her butt and shivered slightly.

"Sure, remember, boys, tell anyone about this game and I will cut off your tails and shove them where the sun don't shine."

The boys whimpered a little then Lacron went to dress. Xaczan wiggled his way back against Noel's chest and shut his eyes. She smiled and hugged him close then looked at Lacron. He yawned and swayed a little.

"Hey, pup, come cuddle up with us and sleep. I can tell you need a nap." Noel patted the floor behind her then rolled onto her back and pulled her fox back to her chest.

"Alright." Lacron went to her side and lay his head on her arm.

She pulled the beagle closer and kissed his brow then she rested as well. Noel woke in a start and looked around, both boys still laid beside her asleep. She sat up, looked for her clothes, and dug in to pull out her watch. Only an hour had passed, she sighed then went back to the boys to wake them. She touched Lacron, he jumped and then rubbed his eyes.

"Go home, your momma must be worried and keep our game secret." Lacron nodded then ran out wagging his tail happily. Noel bent down to wake Xaczan and watched him for a second. "Xaczan, wake up."

He did not stir.

"Xaczan." She smiled as his ears twitched a little.

She grabbed his sheath, pulled the flesh back, and gave him a lick. The sleeping fox moaned, Noel smiled then popped the shaft into her mouth and started rubbing the knot. The shaft started to swell as did the knot, Xaczan woke finally and grabbed her ears. He smiled and rubbed them gently as he sat up.

"Why wake me? I was comfortable."

"Because you need to head home."

"Is it dark yet?"

"No, but I am not going to get you in trou-"

"I don't have ta be home until dark. Mother thinks I am playing at the center."

"That so? Then what do you want to do?"

"You tasted me, I want to taste you and make you squirt again."

"I love you. Have at me." Noel laid back and watched as Xaczan crawled over her and made sure she could suck on him as he pulled up her legs over his head and shoved his muzzle into her and started licking her depths.

She bit her lips and grunted, she grabbed his hips then shoved his shaft into her mouth and sucked it down to its base. He jumped then pulled out of her and started gasping, he moaned then licked at the stretched hole. They lapped at each other until Noel finally let her control go and let loose her fluids and rewarded the pup. Xaczan drank hungrily causing her to squirt more juices over his face.

He swallowed and rolled off her chest while licking what he could off his face. He smiled then turned to kiss her as she had done to him earlier. She closed her eyes and embraced him. She pushed him away then stood, she sighed then went to dress. She turned back to her young lover and grinned.

"As much as I hate to say it, but...you need to get dressed. I'll buy the ice-cream today."

"Ice-cream!" Xaczan rushed around gathering his clothes and pulling them in place.

"Don't forget your shoes and tie them."

"Okay. Think we'll have time for the park?" Xaczan slipped on his shoes and tied them tightly.

"Doubt it, sweetie, come on."

Xaczan started then ran after her as she walked out when she unblocked the door. He grabbed her hand then leaned against her hoping she would scratch his ears. He sighed quietly and let her guide him to the ice-cream pallor. When they arrived, he shivered and whimpered slightly, an older fox sat near the door flipping a coin in the air.

Noel growled quietly for she, too, knew the fox. He is her age and slightly shorter than her, but held a temper that matched a protective mother bear. The boy rose and stepped in their path and blocked the door. He chuckled as he eyed the pup and his female escort.

"Well, well, if it ain't Noel and Xac-butt. Twenty bucks to pass through."

At that time, an adult walrus came through the door and hovered over the bully. "Asgray, this time you're through. I called your father at his office."

A moment later, a squad car slid around the block and screeched to a stop in front of the shop. The officer stepped out and stood; a fox with a red coloring and a gray stripe down the center of his head. He was already undoing his belt. Asgray whimpered and tried to run but the walrus dug his flipper hand into his shoulder.

"Asgray, how many pups have you stopped today?" The fox smacked the belt across his open palm.

Asgray stammered, "I...I..."

"Asgray Lin Ramson! Answer me when I ask you a question!"

"Thir...thirteen, father."

"And how much did you take?"

Asgray looked down and ground his toes.


"Almost two hundred."

"Asgray, you are to give the money back. ALL of it. Now, come here!"

Asgray whimpered then went to his father and bent over. Four loud cracks came from a leather belt then one solid cry of pain. The father pulled his son to the squad car and pushed him into the back seat. He then came up to the walrus.

"Mr. Longtusk, I am sorry my son has hindered today's business."

"Bob, I think I know a good punishment, clean up duty."

"Six months?"

"Sure. I will report everything to you daily and make him wear the full uniform."

"Sounds like you're a better father." Officer Bob's ears drooped as he sighed.

"Nonsense, you both miss Lin Ann and it shows. I'd take your boss's advice and leave town with the boy for a week, after all, her death was only a month ago."

Bob reached up and patted Mr. Longtusk's shoulder. "See you in the morning."

"Later. Come in children and sorry for the wait."

Noel pulled Xaczan in, they both smiled as they sat at the bar and looked at the menu board. Xaczan pointed to the chocolate single scoop then Noel chose the strawberry sundae. The walrus made up their orders then Noel paid him. They ate quietly until Noel chuckled to herself.

"Lin? Asgray's middle name is Lin? I see less trouble in the future. Hurry up, I need to get you home."

"I wonder if Mother and Father are heading out tonight?" Xaczan rubbed his temples after swallowing a large, frozen bite.


"They let me choose my babysitter. I want you tonight." Xaczan's tail wagged as he gulped down another bite.

"Really? I hope so, you are fun to play with."

"Mother says that's because I'm so darn cute. I'm done!"

Noel cleaned out her little bowl then pushed it back away from the edge. She stood and waited for Xaczan to follow. They both thanked Mr. Lontusk then left for Xaczan's home which, Noel deemed thankful for, was a block and a half away.

Noel listened to her thoughts as Xaczan pulled her up the stoop to his door. He opened it and pulled her in. She jumped as he howled then again as a deeper howl responded. A muscular male came out of the kitchen and hugged him.

"Xac, how's my big boy? I noticed you left for the F.U.N. Center before I got up."

"I'm fine, dad. Are you and Mother heading out tonight?"

"Yeah why?"

"I brought Noel from the center to baby-sit tonight."

"Oh? Oh! So this is the fun filled soul we've heard so much about? I do not care but ask you mother though, you know how she is."

"Okay." Xaczan ran off knowing where she would be at.

After a moment Xaczan's father looked down at the preteen cub. "So, Noel, do you two do much together outside the center?"

"We sometimes go out for ice-cream, I go cheap when he buys, if you're wondering."

"Ah, so that's why he's been asking for a bigger allowance; sounds like my pup has a crush on you."

"Really? I would never have guessed. If Mrs. Redtail approves of me, I'm going to need to call home."

"The phone is in the kitchen, Hun, go ahead and call. She usually goes by what I say."

After Mr. Redtail showed Noel the phone, Xaczan came back with tail wiggling sporadically and mother trailing. She had donned her new evening dress and shook her finger at her husband. His tail dropped then he went to change into his formal wear.

"Good to see you, Noel. The rules are no one over, make sure he has his bath, and bed by the time we get home." Xaczan's mother said as she caught up with Noel. "And may I talk to your father?"

Noel handed over the phone then stepped back and listened.

"Ah, Rick, this is Becky. Would you object her staying with us if we are out too late? I rather have her safe then out when kidnappers are about... I am glad to hear that. Talk to you later."

"Thank you, Mrs. Redtail, and to be honest, I'd rather have you be late."

"Mother pregnant again?"

Noel nodded then watched Becky smile then the two joined the males. "Good news, I am good to stay."

Xaczan clapped his hands and hoped his parents would leave soon. To his surprise his father actually pulled his mother to the door for once then turned to them. He told them where the emergency numbers were and where to go in case a freak storm was to hit. Then they left the children there. Both of them were silent until they heard the family vehicle rev up and leave.

The pup chuckled then ran around the small room. He only stopped when Noel grabbed him and got him to calm down. She spun him around and asked him to lead her to the bathroom. His tail wagged as he slowly took her upstairs, which he told her was all his except for one room which was his father's. Noel giggled as Xaczan pointed out the bathroom and headed for it.

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