The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Three
#3 of The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon
I'd like to thank everyone for faving or watching me, I appreciate it. I do look forward to comments on how to improve my work and all that...enjoy
The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon
Book Three
Manny woke sore the next morning, the half Mouse half Rat moaned as he turned and winced as thin lines of scabs broke. He saw his close friend and lover laying next to him, the tiger striped Cat muttered quietly in his slumber. Manny started to sit up then realized someone was missing. The black furred Mouse slave that had her way with them both the previous night, was gone. To his relief, his clothes was folded neatly and next to a pack of gear.
He dressed before waking the Cat, Manny walked out the tent and found the slave exercising in the morning light. He watched her closely, for she had killed yesterday and he did not truly trust her, even if the killing was for their benefit. The wolf pack she dominated in just a few moves slept close by with her chosen males watching for trouble. He looked around the group for one Canine in particular, Roland, the Beagle Hound. The Hound was just starting to stir in the tent given to him.
"Good morning, anyone think of starting a cook fire?"
"Master, I already sent out hunters, when they return they will begin to prep the meal including the fire."
"Very well...and you can call me Manny, I don't see it fit for a pack leader to call me master." Manny chuckled then stretched. "Care if I join your morning routine? I could go for some decent muscle work."
Before she could respond, a sharp cry sounded and woke the remaining pack. Manny perked up and his color dropped, he turned and rushed back to his tent. Merrlon stared at the back of the tent with his rifle at ready. Manny sighed, his heart had stopped beating as he swore it was from his lover.
"Manny, a Cat was just slaughtered. I don't think I should be alone at any given second. It was close by."
"It will be alright, Merrlon, come join the rest of us. Remember, we have an entire Wolf pack here to protect you."
"That's what I am afraid of." Merrlon rose and went to get his pants on him allowing Manny to button the tail hole before he put his shirt on. "What if one of those...Canids went and killed one of my kin? Hmm?"
"Don't worry about it, their pack leader already has them under her claw as it is. Come on, before I send one of the wolves after you." Manny chuckled as he turned to leave the enclosure.
Merrlon clung to his rifle like a security blanket and hoped that breakfast was wild game instead of one of the sentient races, he shivered at the thought of that, he had to think of something else. He watched Manny join up with the slave and felt a tad jealous that he went to her to warm up the morning. His tail twitched, a sudden pain pierced his ass, he muttered as he remembered the whipping he received from the girl. Fun though it was, he would gladly forget the taste of male for a moment of fun like that. The three of them romped and whipped each other until they passed out from either the pain or exhaustion. He would rather admit to himself that it was the pain from his ass that made him black out.
He wished he could remember if she forced Manny to do her, but the night was as fuzzy as if he got a hold of Veraxian Axle Rum. The flavor of it was almost better than the dreaded Nip. He smiled as he thought of his first time on the Nip, the hangover was worth the bliss. He was knocked to his senses with the scent of blood coming into the camp. Two wolves dragged in a feral mountain cat while a third brought in a young buck.
"There are many lions in these trees, Mistress." The lead hunter rubbed dirt from his muzzle as it started to dry. "We were forced to defend ourselves."
"All is well, let the ladies prep the meat while we gather wood and start the fire." Manny spoke up as he contorted his body to stretch.
"Go, he speaks right." Mistress beheld no emotion in her face but her voice held a slight tone of pain. She was stretching her legs at the time.
They both straightened then looked at each other. Their fists curled then rose. The slave was the first to act, a mock battle took over with an awed audience. Manny swung out with a right jab and blocked a kick with his left. She stopped his arm, grabbed him and then twisted and pulled him over her shoulder. A solid thump came from Manny, it took only a second for him to retaliate and kick her off her feet so he could right himself.
They both rolled away from each other and stood waiting for more to come. Manny rushed then slid on his back as she twisted with a spin kick. To her surprise, Manny grabbed her and took her down then jumped onto her back and pressed a knee into the middle of her back and pressed his knuckles into the base of her neck. He panted and admitted he was not used to fighting like this. She grunted as she twisted her tail around his ankle and pulled him until he lost balance, he grunted as he fell unexpectedly and tried to roll before she pinned him.
She placed a paw right above his groin and pressed as she used the other to hold his neck. She grinned, Manny admitted defeat after trying to struggle free. She released him then rubbed her brow and thanked him for the win of the spar. He shrugged not knowing what he could say. He stood and brushed the dirt off of him.
"You have your fun?" Merrlon asked Manny as the Mouse went for his rifle.
"Yep, I sure did and had my tail handed to me as well. Come on, we need to go for wood, I'm grabbing Roland as well."
"The mutts can't go?"
"Just grab your rifle." Manny scowled and tossed the Cat's weapon at him.
"You want me out of the tent, that it? I left it once already."
"Yeah, and if you don't come out to stay out, I'll drop it on you. Besides, we need your claws."
More climbs, damn. "Very well." Merrlon sighed and went out of the tent and shivered as he forced his instincts aside.
They walked away from the camp allowing Roland to clear his sinuses and find the area's smells. The three of them agreed on the stench of blood was nauseating but a meal was needed even if Manny did not feel like having meat. Manny asked Roland if he could smell anything that could be civilization, Roland shook his head lightly. Only the smells of smog was light on the air and even that was barely noticeable. Merrlon sighed and removed his boots and shouldered his rifle. Manny placed a paw on his shoulder and looked at him. Merrlon shrugged off the paw then climbed up the nearest tree. Roland's tail dropped as he watched the cat climb away from him, he was getting attached, he knew he shouldn't but he was.
Merrlon peered out of the canopy and looked over the other trees, the view was beautiful but did not show anything but a mountain range with the road cut windingly through the trees. He climbed down then to the ground and grudgingly took his boots away from Manny. The Mouse grumbled and stood in front of him, Merrlon looked up and cocked a brow.
"What?" Merrlon half growled at his lover.
"Merrlon, tell me what is bothering you. If it is the slave, yeah she is annoying but she is also needed."
"No," Merrlon stood flexing his digits letting his claws slid in and out of their sheaths. "It is the fact that she took advantage of my plan, she only wanted to watch. She took my night away from me, I was to dominate you, not her."
"So you're mad at me for her choice?"
"No, just mad in general. Besides the fact that all of these... Wolves are surrounding us. Do you know that they are the main ones that my schooling told us to avoid? They have a tendency to go feral. Did you know that?"
"I did. But with the proper control, they stay docile and obedient. Now, can we just avoid danger and try not finding a bear this time."
"That's why you wanted me to join you, sir? Just to be a look out?"
"In part, but it also gives us three a chance to talk. Oh, and Merrlon, I was not going to have you climb trees. Get up and stop moping."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Could always be picked up by one of our Wolves."
"Ass." Merrlon got up and snarled at Manny.
Manny smiled and grabbed the Cat's chin and pulled him down to kiss him. "That's my lovely kitty, let's get some wood before they send search parties. Gods know what they'll find if we go any longer without showing up."
"They would find me pouncing my Mousy."
"Knock it off you guys, we have a scout coming." Roland was sniffing the air as he tried to ignore them.
Manny shrugged and moved away from Merrlon with a smile and a wagging tail. He shifted his rifle as he picked up a clump of limbs. Merrlon hissed as a wolf broke through the bush and looked at them. He ignored the Cat and sniffed at Roland, he sniffed back finishing the Canid greeting between the internal species of the race. He then told the Hound that he was sent to help and to make sure they had enough small logs for travel. Roland nodded and then glanced at Merrlon, his fur still raised, the Hound shook his head then took the Wolf pushing his own fear aside.
Manny whistled and drew their attentions, he showed them his load and asked for assistance. Roland and the Wolf, Bernard, went to load themselves. Manny stopped Merrlon as he started to load up and told him that he would appreciate someone being able to get to their rifle easily. The Cat armed himself and sighed, Manny rose a brow wondering why his lover had such an attitude turn around. It was unlike him, though he could not blame being edgy when he was the only Cat in the group; even he had that slave Mouse his father gave him. It struck him then, he was in control of another of his kind, he wondered why his father gave him a slave in the first place.
They began to slowly move through the woods with Merrlon at point. Roland quietly sniffed at the trees every so often. He stopped and growled then turned quickly around. Merrlon looked at him then raised his rifle where the Hound nosed out. They watched for a moment, a young Cat crawled out of the bushes barely alive. It glanced up, its eyes glazed over with pain, the young Cat collapsed. Merrlon rushed over and picked the Cat up and draped it over his shoulder.
"This boy is heavy beaten and undernourished. I don't care what you all think, but I'm helping him." Merrlon placed a protective paw on the adolescent's head.
"Go right ahead, you know more about Feline autonomy then we do. Besides, I am not one to leave him alone. Just be careful, he might be an escaped slave and his owners might be close by." Manny shifted the weight and nudged behind him. "Let's get back on track."
"Fine, but I'm keeping him in our tent."
"Just move...we'll talk about it on the way. Anyway, what makes you think he is not straight?"
"Nothing, it's the race familiarity that I'm going on."
Merrlon passed them by and moved on. They followed slowly without any further incidents, though Bernard and Roland talked quietly about the various scents on the Cat. Neither one could place a few of the smells on him, they both thought of it as a foreign race they rarely had on the inner mainland. But none they recognized off hand. They made it back to the others without further stops. Merrlon immediately went to lay the cub down by the fire and sat beside him.
After the wolves wrapped the wood and placed the bundles next to the provisions, they joined the females around the fire and took a small portion of the meal allowing Mistress to get the first serving. She ate quietly still watching her master as she did so, even after he told her she was fine. She finished her meat quickly not wanting to savor the taste of it then relaxed a little. Manny stood and went over to Merrlon then down on the unconscious Cat.
"Think he'll make it?" Manny asked quietly noticing that the wolves avoided looking towards the new Cat.
"Yeah, pulse is normal, breathing is a little slow, but over all, I think he's just exhausted. Did they leave any meat for him?"
"He can have mine, I just ate the veggies the gals added. We need to make a gurney for him. I, for one, don't want to walk with him on my shoulders."
"I'll do...fine." The Cat shifted and clutched his left side. "Where am I?"
"In the middle of Canine territory, we are traveling to their capital. Can you move?" Merrlon leaned over the cub and tried to keep him from seeing the pack.
"I think so... do I smell food?"
"Yes. Here." Manny handed him his plate and glanced over the pack.
"You're... a Mouse, right? I have never seen one before."
"Really? Where have you been?"
"Running from the Reptilians." The cub took a bite of meat and slowly ate.
"Reptilians... damn, surprised you're alive." Merrlon helped the cub sit up.
"Never heard of ‘em." Manny squatted to look under the cub's torn shirt to see the extent of his injuries. "Look's bruised, can't say more without actually examining you."
"Happened when I fell down a hill. Those guys are vicious hunters, worse than the Canines. I'm just glad I finally ran into something friendly for a change. By the way, I'm Matthew.
"Merrlon and that is Manny." Merrlon looked at the cub's ears as he introduced himself. "Clean here, I bet we just have to worry about fleas. How old are you?"
"Thirteen. Why are you hanging around Wolves? Are they not mindless brutes?"
"Nah, they are our protectors. The black Mouse is their leader." Manny pointed behind him though nowhere close to where she sat at. You sure aren't skittish around all these Canines."
"Grew up with them, just at the Edgelands of the countries. Guess that's where the renegades go. More Rats than Mice though, from what I heard."
"Long way from home. Stay with us, we'll get you home once we are done with our mission."
"If I have a home left, the Reptilians were killing or taking everyone. Father told me to run and so I did. It's been four years. I've been ran out by other Cats and chased by the Canines. I just want to be safe." Matthew rubbed his eyes and held back tears. "I don't even think I have a family left."
"We'll find out when we can, I am sure they are alive and well, Cats don't give up easily neither do Canines, and if you lived in a combine town, they fought hard."
"I hope you're right."
"I'll leave you boys alone, I'll get everyone started on packing." Manny left them talking about the cub's history.
Manny went over to Mistress and asked her to get her pack to start tearing the camp down. She stood and went to her second and told him what needed to be done. She then started to break down the tents. Manny went to break down his own as the Wolves started moving. Matthew and Merrlon stood slowly and stretched, the cub still had to recover and would be willing to lean on someone, just not carried. They moved to Roland so the boy could meet him, hoping things would hit off.
Manny had quickly rolled the tent and shouldered his pack and picked up Merrlon's. He took it over to the Cats and grunted as he sat both packs down. The scabs broke open again, but only slightly. He rubbed his shoulders then leaned against Merrlon, hoping to get a smile from him. He succeeded and was reward with a tail groping, Manny moaned and stood on his toes and gave Merrlon a peck.
"Damn, that feels good. Anyway, I brought your pack and we need to get moving soon."
"Do we really? Fine, we'll be ready when you are."
Manny smiled happy with the upturned attitude. "I'll be giving the call in five."
"Sure, we'll go for a call of our own first, I know I need it."
"Don't spray the kid, he may not like it."
"I would never do that to a cub, have a heart."
"I've known you long enough to know what perversion you are thinking up. No pissing on him. He is not yours, I am and the Dogs know it by now."
"Duh, I'm going before I start leaking. Don't leave without me."
Merrlon rushed behind a tree just out of the camp and unzipped his pants.
"Is he always this odd?" Matthew asked Manny as he slowly limped towards the trees.
"Not usually. Be careful, kid, he might try to slip something in on you." Manny chuckled then hefted his pack.
Manny walked through the pack rubbing pup heads as he went, a few families had little ones but that did not bother him. What did, though, was that the pups had very little clothing to none. He sighed trying to push the depressed thoughts out as he caught up to Mistress. He placed his hand on her shoulder and looked at her guards then grunted.
"I hope they have currency with them, the pups need clothes when we hit the next town."
"That issue was mentioned already by the mothers. We will find a way. Are you ready to leave, Master?"
"I am. Give the shout out to your pack and head out."
"As you wish." She gave a shrill whistle that made Manny's ears curl back.
He pushed his way through to the front and armed his rifle not really expecting trouble but his life had taught him to expect the unexpected. Merrlon and Roland caught up to him holstering their weapons as well. Manny eyed Roland, the past few days had sculpted the Hound into the look of a killer. Not necessarily a bad thing, but he hoped that the Hound would not need to do more than intimidate. He turned back as Roland glanced at him.
He apologized and told him that he was grading the situation. Roland just cocked a brow and remained silent, he was busy listening behind him anyway. The females had been talking about him and he was interested though he did not plan to pursue the matter. Merrlon quietly mentioned that the females were more than willing to take care of Matthew while they were moving since they stuck to the middle of the pack while on the move.
The Mouse fell into deep thought as they moved, he just wanted the mission he pulled himself into to be over so he could jump on top of his Cat and ride until he collapsed then do over. He sighed as the first night together came back to him, the thought of it made him rise and grow. He wanted to pound the Cat hard, but had to wait until they could ditch the Wolves and others for some alone time. He was shaken to reality when Roland Howled out that he smelled a water source. The other Canines confirmed this a few hundred feet later. Manny looked into the sky to check for the sun, the trees had begun to thin but still looked like fresh, uninhabited land. The sky was darkening already, Manny sighed, it felt like only an hour had passed.
He stopped and looked back. He asked if anyone wanted to continue or stop at the water for the night. He heard muffled talking then a solid ‘Stop' he nodded and turned to continue on. He looked over at Merrlon with a smirk.
"You are going to join me in a swim, got that?"
"What if it's only ankle deep?"
"You're still going, don't try to get out of it. I am quite needy and I am going to take what I need."
Merrlon perked as he saw the lust in the Mouse's eyes, he could see the Rat coming out of him as well. Nice and plumped. "Okay. Can I be on top this time?"
"Will you two stow it? Not everyone likes to hear your sex talk." Roland growled at them shocking them both.
"Sorry, did not mean to offend... or is it because you haven't had any for a while?"
"Is that any of your... what are you doing?" Merrlon groped Roland's groin and started purring.
"Come on, it would be fun to see what's hiding down there."
"Can't you control your Cat?" Roland's knees trembled as he walked.
"Not at this point. In fact, I was thinking the same thing. Join us, it might relieve some of that stress I've been noticing on you."
"Oh Gods forgive me. I'll do it, just don't pull me into every romp, I like my Cats but..."
"Not male." Manny smiled as they got their way.
Roland nodded and sighed as the groping continued. "Please stop that, you're going to make me pop."
"My knot."
"Oh. You didn't tell me they had knots,"
"It was dark when I snuck a peek, I just barely saw his hole."
"Not fair. You should not go looking into somebody's clothes when their sleeping!" Roland protested.
"If there were clothes at the time."
"Oh come on, vines do count."
"Talk to the tail, woofer, for that is the place you are going to start."
"Wait... what?"
"I want to be in the middle, I want you first. Just be glad I can restrain myself, otherwise your ass would've been mine a while ago."
Roland growled and nudged Merrlon into Manny then dashed ahead as the creek came into sight. The pack stopped and dropped their gear while the scouts went with Manny and Merrlon to the water. They cautiously looked around and froze as they looked across the bank. A highway with signs of heavy traffic. Roland joined them telling them that this was the main road and he knew the way from here.
Manny gulped, this part of his mission was nearing completion. Then he had to face the Cats. He shivered then ripped off his shirt then pulled off his boots and pants with a grin before childishly challenging the others to race for the water. Roland panted as he rushed to beat the Cat, Merrlon took his time and tried not to think of the water. He went to the edge and gulped and slowly back away.
Manny beached himself then looked at his mate sheepishly for a moment then charged the Cat and pushed him in getting awarded with scratched arms. Merrlon sank to the shallow bottom and sat there with his chin resting on the surface. He growled and hissed, without a chance for Manny to react, he pounced the Mouse and dunked him. Manny pulled away and tugged Merrlon's briefs off, he chuckled as he waved them above his head showing off his trophy. Roland chuckled then added his own to the battle and snuck up on Manny.
The Hound pull on Manny's briefs making him squeal before he was flipped and had them removed. Roland gave a barking laugh as he ran as fast as he could and hid behind Merrlon.
Manny stormed over to both of them with an evil smile, Merrlon gave one back and waited until the Mouse came closer then they turned on Roland and pinned him down as Merrlon pulled off the Hound's briefs. He gathered the other two pair and tossed them to the shore. Manny was beginning to work Roland's shaft impressed that he actually responded quickly enough to position himself over the shaft and slowly push it into his tail hole. He moaned and allowed himself to stretch before leaning over and allowing Merrlon access to his ass as well.
Merrlon pushed himself into the occupied hole and waited. Then he looked at the Dog and gave a wink as he slowly started humping. The action made them both moan so Roland began to thrust to the Cat's off beat. He knew that would not last, but it would increase the pleasure for himself.
Manny had closed his eyes in bliss and bit his lip trying not to shout out, he had some pain but it was the pleasure that kept him going. His erection grew and thumped on Roland's stomach, the underwater play drove the sensation to a new level. Slowly beating the plump shaft with a slight chill then striking warm fur, Manny did all he could to hold on.
Merrlon growled as his climax started to peak, Roland's knot had formed and locked inside the Mouse trapping the Cat with him. The Hound was finally doing all the work as the Cat lost control and sprayed the innards of his mate, Roland finally let loose and joined the Cat a few seconds later making him grunt as he tried to keep quiet. The constant torment on Manny's prostate finally did it's job, he moaned loudly and shot his load into the water.
They laid there tied, unaware of their audience, Mistress had snuck on them and clenched her fists. Jealously ran deep, she would break him and carry his child as promised to her first master. All she had to do was find the time to pin him down and get him aroused without the Cat being in the way. She had to think of a way to do that. With a ‘Harrumph' she stormed back to the pack to lustfully rubbed against one of the single males, she was determined to get her pleasure one way or another. She convinced one young male to join her in the cover of trees and do her the works.